• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 21,676 Views, 3,441 Comments

The Thousand Year Change - Darthvalgaav

After seeing what happened when she accidently changed her friends destinies, Twilight is curious about about the 'what if'. Like, for example, what if Luna had ponies a thousand years ago who noticed her.

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Bat in the Kitchen

Shining Armor let out a sigh of boredom as he stood guarding a large wooden door. The hallway was completely deserted. He didn’t even see one of the castle servants since he got here. If he had to guess, he’d say they were avoiding this area. The only time something had happened was when the pink alicorn had left to go to the restroom a few minutes ago.

Part of him wanted to be in the same room as Princess Luna and the senators. After all, he was brought down here to guard them. However, Celestia’s nobles had refused to allow Luna’s bodyguard into the conference room. One said that he might attack them on some silent command given by the night princess. Others simply believed that he had no place within those halls. Princess Luna, on the other hoof, said that she would not continue if she were to do so in a room that was full of Canterlot guards and she wasn't allowed to have one of her own to protect her. In order to please the pig headed nobles, Celestia ordered all guards to leave the room.

Even though he wasn't in the room, that didn't mean that Shining couldn't hear anything. From the moment they began their talks it had been one argument after another. The first point that they wanted to discuss was how the two sisters would divide their power. Prince Blueblood had several options for Princess Luna. One of them being in change of waste management. For Princess Celestia he had suggested thing like power over the courts, military, and various other high powered positions. Needless to say that Luna’s party wasn’t thrilled by this. It took awhile, but eventually both sides were able to come to an agreement.

The next big issue was the sharing of government secrets. The nobles wanted all high calcified documents handed over to them as soon as the deal was done. In turn, the senators asked for the exact same thing. Not a problem right? Wrong! The nobles responded by asking why they should give members of the ‘former’ Lunar Republic anything when they would no longer have any position of political power. This soon turned into a large debate that had been going on for several hours.

As for Shining Armor, he had to wonder if this was really worth it. He understood what Princess Luna was saying. They needed water, and if Discord or any other villains like him ever showed up again, having two alicorns working together might be their safest bet. That being said, they could easily just take the water. Heck, they didn’t even need to get it from Equestria! They could simply get it from one of the oceans on this planet, remove the salt, and be done with it. Also he doubted that anything could really threaten them.

Shining then heard a commotion going on. He looked down a hallway and saw several guards running towards the main entrance of the castle. The white unicorn frowned, wondering what was going on. He wanted to dismiss it at nothing at first, but as the number of guards going to the entrance kept increasing a feeling of dread began to grow within him. Were they under attack? No, if they were then the guards should have gone to the princesses to protect them. Perhaps an intruder?

The captain of the Shield Corps frowned. What should he do? His duty was to be nearby in case something goes wrong. Yet something was going wrong in the castle. He hesitated for a moment or two before his curiosity got the better of him. All he would do was see what was going on and, if it was something serious, offer a helping hoof. Spirit of cooperation and all that.

Quickly Shining galloped down the hallway in the direction he had seen the soldiers go. As he did, he began to hear a ruckus. Several times he paused as he tried his best to remember which way he should be heading. All these hallways looked the same to him. It almost made him feel like the first time he was at Luna’s castle.

After awhile he finally found where the noise was coming from. There weren't as many guards as he thought there should have been. The ones that were there were circled around something small on the ground. There was also what looked like a chief with a big, long moustache who was speaking very loudly.

“When will you start doing your jobs?!” the chief demanded angrily. “I found this…this rat in my kitchen! Now I will have to get the whole place sterilized!” The chief then kicked what was in the middle.

“Hey, how do you think we feel,” said one of the guards as he also gave the object a kick as well. “We don’t like pests like these in the castle.”

“Let’s just put it out of its misery,” said the voice of Iron Wall. “And we should be quick about it. If Princess Celestia found out then-”

“Found out about what?” demanded Shining Armor as he made his presence know. All the ponies stopped what they were doing and looked at him. Some even jumped, like they were caught doing something that they knew they shouldn’t. Yet they kept their circle as Iron Wall moved over to the white stallion.

“This isn’t any of your concerns,” said Iron Wall as he did his best to look intimidating. “Now, walk away and I won’t tell your princess that you left your post.” Shining looked at Iron dead in the eye, not flinching in the slightest.

“Move aside,” said Shining Armor. “Or else I will tell your princess about what I saw here. Whatever it is, I can tell that she wouldn’t be happy.”

Iron Wall wasn’t a stupid pony in the slightest. He was usually able to see sixteen moves ahead of his opponent as well as several different outcomes. Threatening him seemed to have little affect and violence wasn’t an option. Should anything happen to him, then Princess Celestia and Princess Luna would be pissed. Iron Wall knew that Shining was a captain of some kind. Having him sent to the hospital by their hooves could end up in an all out war. If Shining Armor really did follow through with his threat, there was a very good chance that the Princess might decide to investigate. All it would take was one pair of loose lips or a truth revealing spell for her to find out. Yet, if he showed him what was going on, the Lunar unicorn would understand and the matter would be kept quiet.

Or so he hoped.

“Very well,” said Iron Wall as he gestured to his troops to stand aside. They hesitated for a moment but then did as commanded. And what Shining saw nearly caused his heart to stop.

Lying there on the floor was an unconscious little filly no more than four or five. She was a bat pony with a midnight purple coat and a cream colored mane. He could see that she had several large bruises all over her tiny body. But that wasn’t the worst of it. She was thin, nearly skin and bones. Never before had he seen anypony looking like that. It was almost enough to cause him to vomit.

“Found this little rat in the kitchen stealing my food,” said the chief. “Knocked it out and called the guards to help me throw it into the trash were it belongs. But not before we make sure that it’ll never sneak its way back in.”

“No,” said Shining Armor.

“Excuse me?” asked the chief.

“No,” said Shining with more force. “I will not allow you to hurt this child anymore that it already has been! You are all disgraces to your uniforms!”

“Who are you to judge us?” demanded one guard. “We are simply taking care of a serious threat.”

“Yes,” said Iron Wall. “This thing snuck into the castle. Now, I don’t know how you moon ponies deal with dangerous intruders but around here we-” The captain got no further as he was slapped by Princess Cadence. She had just teleported in front of him and slapped him with her right hoof, nearly knocking him to the ground. “P-Princess Cadence?”

“I heard the noise and saw that Shining Armor wasn’t where I had last seen him,” said Cadence as she glared at Iron Wall. “So I got curious. Now imagine my surprise when I saw several grown stallions beating a clearly starving child!”

“But,” began Iron right before he was slapped again. This time, however, he hit the floor. As he looked up he saw the child being magically lifted onto Cadence’s back.

“Believe me,” said Cadence as she looked down upon Iron Wall. “Princess Celestia will be told about all of this. And action will be taken” She then looked at Shining Armor. “Will you please escort me to my room?” Shining Armor nodded.


“You want to look at what?” asked Dr. Blue Cross. He was right now in Cadence’s room which was nice and cozy. There was a large bed, a dresser, beauty station, desk, and a closet. But the room didn’t matter to him right now. He had apparently been summoned to tend to a bat pony child.

“I want you to treat this poor child and do all you can to help her,” said Cadence. The doctor grunted and while moving over to the bed he muttered that they should have just taken it to a vet. But he was the royal doctor. If the princesses asked him to treat somepony it was his duty to do so.

Yet as he worked, Shining Armor kept a close eye on him.

Blue Cross went to work right away. He first scanned her body with his magic to see if she had any broken bones. Luckily for her she had none. He then pulled a few pills out of his saddlebag and almost shoved them down her throat. After a few more minutes of treating her bruises he returned to the princess and Shining Armor.

“I gave…her, some nutrient pills,” he said with some hesitation. “She’ll live, but only if she starts to eat regularly again. I also used some of my magic to soothe her pain and heal some of her bruises.”

Cadence was about to say thank you when they heard a slight groan from the bed. Three heads turned to see that the little filly was slowly opening her eyes. At first she looked a bit confused, yet soon became afraid. She had no idea where she was or how she got there. Not only that there were three strangers in front of her. The poor girl cringed as she feared for the worst.

“Don’t be afraid,” said Cadence as she reached out a hoof to the girl. The bat filly whimpered and began to shake. “I promise we won’t hurt you. Would you please tell me your name?”

“It,” whispered the bat pony. “That’s what everypony calls me.” She then began to cough and Blue Cross used his magic to put her to sleep.

“She needs her rest,” said the doctor as he moved towards the door. “I’ll write you up a list of foods to feed…her, and an eating regimen.” As the doctor exited the room, two more ponies came in. Two alicorns.

“Shining Armor, why were you not at your post?” asked Princess Luna with a slight frown. She then noticed the other two occupants in the room. And when she noticed the condition of the child, her eyes went wide in horror. Shining Armor began to tell her the whole story, being as brutally honest as he could. Yet as he spoke, memories of a thousand years ago began to wash over Luna as she stared at the sleeping child. She could smell fire and soot all around her. She could hear the cries of ponies calling for the death of the monsters. The cries of foals who had lost their parents.

“This is just awful,” said Celestia once Shining Armor had finished his story. “I never thought that things were getting this bad.”

“I was a fool,” said Luna softly.

“Sister?” asked Celestia. Luna turned to face her older sister and glared at her with a look of utter hate.

“I was a fool to think that you and your ponies had changed! A thousand years and you are making the same mistakes! The only difference is that you have found a new target. And what are you doing to fix it? The same as before: nothing!” Luna then turned her back on a flabbergasted Celestia.

“Sister wait,” Celestia managed to say. Luna paused for a moment. She wanted to leave right then and there. However, Twilight and Shadow were still in Ponyville. If she acted too rashly then it would make things more difficult to get them in the long run.

“We shall remain here until the morning as we had promised,” said Luna without looking at Celestia. “We shall both make the announcement that there will be no merger between our nations and then we will leave. After that, dear sister, you shall never contact me again. I hope that is clear.” And with that, Princess Luna left the room.

Author's Note:

Well, here is the latest chapter. I hope you all enjoy it.

Now, I have been getting a lot of comments asking me where the original mare six are. Shouldn't they be ghosts in this world? Well, I ask you all to remember that the spell Twilight is using for all of this is new. One she created herself. This is the first time she is using it. So it stands to reason that something might not be working the way she hoped. Also, this story is called the Thousand Year Change and it isn't a collection of what if situations. I'm sorry if the title of the first chapter confused anyone out there.

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