• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 21,676 Views, 3,441 Comments

The Thousand Year Change - Darthvalgaav

After seeing what happened when she accidently changed her friends destinies, Twilight is curious about about the 'what if'. Like, for example, what if Luna had ponies a thousand years ago who noticed her.

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Lord Stareye

“Sheriff, I’m worried about that new pony,” said one of the deputies as he walked up to Silver Star. The Sheriff sighed, turning away from supervising the defense of the town. So far, there were over a dozen anvils hidden in hay barrels, and every citizen was armed with apple pies. It might not be much, but it was all they had for the moment, and Silver Star was going to use everything he could get his hooves on, in order to save Appleloosa.

“Thunder Shot is helping us,” stated Silver Star simply.

“Well, maybe he is,” replied the deputy as he took a step back. “But…”

“But?” pressed the sheriff.

“Well, I was going over to him to tell him where he could get some water, when I saw him unpacking,” continued the deputy as his voice became quieter. “Some of the things he had on him were…weird. I saw a wooden hammer, a wooden stake, garlic, and rubber rope. Sheriff, I think Thunder Shot might be a bat pony hunter!”’

Silver Star could not hide the surprise and shock of this declaration. Bat pony hunters were, by far, the most extreme group that hated bat ponies. While Silver Star had never met one before, he had read stories from other law officers, who had witnessed their hoof work. The method was always the same. A bat pony would be found dead, tied to a wall with a wooden stake right through the heart.

Despite the general public’s feelings towards bat ponies, bat pony hunters tended to keep their identities a secret. What many ponies didn’t know (including Silver Star) was that back during the time when King Molten Fury and Queen Oceana ruled, the queen had put a stop to an old pegasus tradition of throwing new born bat ponies to the timber wolves below. However, not all pegasi agreed with this decision. For some reason that was now long forgotten, these pegasi could not stand the thought of bat ponies walking around like the rest of them.

Thus, the first bat pony hunters were born. At first, the group consisted of just pegasus ponies, yet as time marched on, earth and unicorn ponies joined their ranked.

During the first few years, they operated openly. They proudly committed their acts of murder to the crowds as they showed them a new way of dealing with bat ponies. Word spread and soon the queen heard about what was going on. Enraged at the deeds being done, Queen Oceana decreed that anypony who was caught being a hunter was to be sentenced to life in the dungeons. Thus, bat pony hunters began to keep their identities a secret.

While other ponies believed that Princess Celestia only kept this law in practice because her mother put it there, Silver Star once heard a story that dated back to Princess Celestia’s first years as ruler that supported her reasons for keeping it. At least, in Silver Star’s mind. According to what he was told, a bat pony hunter had gone to a small town called Trotmoore, where a bat pony had been seen several times. The pony had been captured and killed, but the hunter stayed to deal with a loose end.

Living at the edge of the town lived a single young mare whom the town thought was an oddball. Before the death of the bat pony, she had been caught trying to rescue him, claiming to be in love with him. The hunter, under the assumption that she was under some kind of spell cast by the bat pony, tied her up and did everything in his power to break the spell. His treatment was savage and painful, lasting well over three weeks. But, no matter what he did, the mare refused to admit that her feelings were false. Seeing no other solution, the hunter killed her in the same fashion as the bat pony.

Within days, word had reached Canterlot about what had happened, and warrant was placed on the bat pony hunter. It took ten years, but eventually he found himself behind bars. From that time on, the hunters became more secretive. They hid in the shadows of society as they killed bat ponies and those that tried to hide or protect them.

To Silver Star, the bat pony hunters were the lowest of the low. It wasn’t because they killed bat ponies, oh no. His belief was that bat ponies were born criminals and should be either placed behind bars or eliminated as soon as possible. But, he would never consider hurting one of the misguided ponies who thought that bat ponies could be trusted. They were just confused, under a spell, or something else under those lines. They needed help, not to be killed in the same barbaric nature as bat ponies. The best way to do that was to get them away from the bat pony, or ponies whose influence they were under, and then give them time.

It is also important to note that Silver Star believed his actions towards the buffalo were different than those of the bat pony hunters. The ponies of Appleloosa were having trouble with the buffalo before they even knew bat ponies were living here. He had even gone to try and talk reason with them, but it was no use. Not to mention that it was the buffalo who declared war on them first. So, in order to keep their apple trees, as well as the town they had spent so much time building, they needed to fight in order to survive.

“Right now, we need everypony we can get our hooves on,” said a determined Silver Star. “If Thunder really is a bat pony hunter, then we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

The deputy look like he was about to say something when the two of them heard another pony shouting their names. The both of them looked in the direction of the shouting and saw a pony with a spyglass around him neck, galloping towards them at an alarming pace. The ponies face was pale, as if he had just come face to face with the grim reaper. Whatever he was going to tell them, it wasn’t good news.


The city of Canterlot was home to many thriving, high class businesses. From boutiques, spas, bakeries, and so on, all of them catered to the high end of society. This went double for restaurants, for they only served the most expensive meals to the finest of Canterlot elite. In one such place, The Prancing Unicorn, sat Blueblood and another unicorn.

The two were sitting in the outside patio which was roped off from the rest of the street to keep unwanted ponies from wandering in. Normally, Blueblood would have been served in his usual seat, but the place was packed for lunch. At least they provided the finest silk cushions for the two to sit on as they ate.

“So, let me ask, Stareye, how are things in the Royal Guard?” asked Blueblood, taking a bite out of his salad.

Stareye let out a groan. The unicorn was as white as Blueblood, but with a silver mane that was slicked backs with eyes the color of lavender. His cutie mark was a large, red throne. Before he answered, a dirty looking foal walked up to the rope, eyeing their meal. Before either could say anything, the foal’s mother quickly pulled her child away. Sniffing the air with distain, Stareye pulled out a sack from his hip, took out a hoof full of white powder, and inhaled it.

“Dreadful,” said Stareye in a sophisticated tone. “Truly, my father must be mad to send me to sweat and mingle with those commoner brutes. I must really thank you for the lunch invite. Without it, I would have been forced to eat that commoner food they serve in the mess hall.”

Blueblood could only nod in response. Stareye’s father, Lord North Star, was what the common pony referred to as ‘one of the good nobles’. He was always trying to lower taxes in order to ease the burdens of the lower classes, as well as working with Celestia in order to help create new laws to protect them. Stareye, on the other hoof, couldn’t care less about what happened to those beneath him. Seeing his son as rotten and spoiled, North Star had him sent to the Royal Guard while also restricting his access to his bank account.

“I don’t know how you have managed so far,” stated Blueblood. “I would have died if I had to go one day without a spa treatment. But, perhaps I can offer you something to make this little nightmare worth it.”

“Oh,” said Stareye with a raised eyebrow. “What could you possibly offer?”

“A promotion to Captain of the Royal Guard,” presented Blueblood simply.

“Interesting,” said Stareye without batting an eye as he took another bite of his food. “I would at least get a decent amount of bits, as well as my own, personal quarters. But, I have to ask, what’s in it for you? Please tell me you aren’t planning on overthrowing Princess Celestia.”

“Perish the thought,” said Blueblood honestly. “I accepted that I will never be this country’s ruler long ago. She can’t die, and if I used brute force to try and remove her, then those commoners would never give me any rest. Then, there is Cadence who is next in line. It would take a miracle in order for me to properly assume the throne.

“The truth is that right now, I have big plans in the works to improve my own personal wealth and power. Having you become the next Captain of the Guard will aid in my endeavors. With everything going on, my aunt has yet to appoint a new captain. Since I am the only member of the royal line who is in Equestria right now, I have the power to do so. Hopefully, it will help me look better in Aunty Celestia’s eyes.”

“So, I am just a means to an end,” said Stareye as he set down his fork.

“Not at all,” replied Blueblood. “Did you know that during the time of the three tribes, it was unicorn nobility that held ranks within the military? Well, it’s true and that’s one of the things I want to bring back. More privileges and power for the noble class.”

“Won’t Princess Celestia just demote me and then promote somepony else, once she gets back?” asked Stareye.

“Not without a good reason she can’t,” stated Blueblood. “And, as long as you do your job, and don’t give her a reason, you’ll be fine.”

“I see,” said Stareye before he pulled out more white powder to sniff. “I guess then I’ll take you up on your offer.” Stareye knew there was more to it. He knew he’d be asked to do favors for Blueblood.

But, Stareye was tired of living like a commoner. Tired of running, doing drills, sleeping on hard mattresses. He wanted to have his bits back! So, going along with Blueblood would be fine, for now at least.


The entire court room was silent. Neither griffon nor pony moved as Princess Luna continued to bow before the emperor. The griffons had never seen a pony act like this before. They usually came in, dressed in rich gowns or suits, while giving the briefest of bows to their emperor. Instead, Princess Luna had bowed in such a manner that placed her at the complete mercy of her host. It would be very easy for one of the guards to cripple one or both wings or even slash at her throat.

As for Princess Celestia, she could not believe her sister would do something like this. She had assumed that Luna would come dressed in a similar fashion as she had back when she had first come to Canterlot. Instead, she looked like she was dressed to start a war. Where was her head at when she was getting dressed?

As for Eagle Eye, he could not stop staring at the figure bowing before him. She had to be the most beautiful creature he had seen since his wife passed away. To him, she looked like a goddess of war! Her starry night style mane was both exotic and enchanting. The way she walked in, so confident and powerful, took his breath away.

Just then, Celestia coughed which pulled Eagle Eye from his thoughts. It was then that he realized that Luna was still bowing.

“You may rise,” said Eagle Eye. Luna rose up, allowing the two to lock eyes for a moment.

As they stared at each other, Celestia moved to stand next to her sister. “Luna,” hissed the sun princess under her breath. “What do you think you’re doing? Dressing like that and coming in armed? You might start a war!”

“But, this is the traditional method of meeting with griffon royalty,” replied Luna a bit louder. “When our parents met with Emperor Valiant, they approached him as so.”

“That was a thousand years ago,” said Celestia quickly, still keeping her voice low. “Why couldn’t you have come here in that lovely dress you were wearing before?”

“I’m sorry for trying to make a good impression,” growled Luna loudly. “And it’s not like you told me that things had changed. I mean, how hard would it have been to say: ‘Luna, I know you have been away for a thousand years, so here are a few things that have changed’. How hard would that have been?”

“I could say the same to you,” stated Celestia as she felt her anger rising. “Why couldn’t you say: ‘Celestia, it’s been a thousand years since I had any interaction with the griffon empire, and I was wondering if there is anything I should know in advance’?”

“Oh, don’t you dare-” began Luna, but was silenced when she heard someone cough. Both princesses realized now that every griffon was now watching them.

Celestia felt like she was ready to die of embarrassment. After all these years of keeping up her royal composure and image, it was quickly destroyed in one argument with her sister. How could she come back from this?

“If I may say,” began Eagle Eye. “It is wonderful to seem that there are those who remember my countries old traditions. Princess Luna, you have honored us all with your entrance.”

“Thank you, Emperor,” replied Luna.

“Now then, the day is half done and there is much we need to do,” said Eagle Eye as he stood. “But, before we depart, I must make the request that I bring with me my guards for some protection. Not that I don’t trust you princess, but-”

“You would be a fool not to bring them,” interrupted Luna with a nod. “You are going into a strange land which you know nothing about. While I can assure you that they are not needed, I would do the same if our places were reversed.”

Celestia looked at the two with a raised eyebrow. She had to be missing something. Eagle Eye had never talked to her like that. Did Luna really make that good of a first impression? And, what was that look in Luna’s eyes? Was it…respect?

“I am glad you understand,” said Eagle Eye as he signaled to his soldiers. As one, they all rose and got into a flanking formation next to their ruler. “Now then, how will we be getting to your Lunar Republic? Magic?”

“Not this time,” replied Luna as she motioned the rest to follow her out the door. “I had thought about that, of course, but since I am going to be entertaining the rulers of two nations, I thought I should pull out something special. So, I went to my Research and Development Department and asked if one of my personal favorite projects could get me here and back.”

“Princess Luna,” began Celestia, “what in the world did you…” Celestia’s voice trailed off as they all exited the Talon Palace. Looking up, nearly everyone was shocked at what they saw. Several soldiers dropped their weapons and began to shake in fear. And, they weren’t the only one to notice what was in the air. Looking out were members of the Talon Palace’s staff, as well as other members of the government.

Hovering up in the air was a giant crescent moon shaped objects that looked like it could hold a thousand ponies in, with room to spare. It was hard for anyone there to guess how tall it was, perhaps twenty stories high, give-or-take a few. What was keeping it in the air was a mystery. No flames came out of it nor were there any wings. It just sat there in the air while making a slight humming sound.

“W-what is that?” asked the emperor.

“That is Crescent Hope,” replied Luna proudly. “And it will be our ride this day.”

Looking out from a window, Tundra gulped loudly. He watched as a beam of light picked up his ruler, the guards, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna, before flying into the sky. When he could no longer see them he realized that making an enemy of the Lunar Republic was the last thing he wanted to do.


On the hills overlooking Appleloosa, Chief Thunderhooves stood ready. Behind him was a sea of brown fur, ready to destroy the offending town before them. In the air were the bat ponies who were all wearing the same face paint as their buffalo friends. Today, they would all fight as one.

Today, they would end Appleloosa.

Author's Note:

Well, hope you all enjoyed this chapter. The next one will be about the fate of Appleloosa!

I have started a blog about my next stories. I would really like it if some of you would look at it and just tell me what you think or ask some questions because I am really torn on what I should do when this story is done.

The last two episodes were ok. I'll be honest, Rarity's episode wasn't for me. I just wish that Suri had gotten what was coming to her in the end. Like, for example, she did win the contest and had dozens of orders for desses made out of a fabric that she DIDN'T know how to make. And, with her assistant leaving her, she is left with nothing. All in all, however, the episode was so-so.

Pinkie Apple Pie was a bit better. It was just funny and I can't say anymore than that.

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