• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 21,676 Views, 3,441 Comments

The Thousand Year Change - Darthvalgaav

After seeing what happened when she accidently changed her friends destinies, Twilight is curious about about the 'what if'. Like, for example, what if Luna had ponies a thousand years ago who noticed her.

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Search for the Truth part 2

Stareye smiled into the full length mirror before him. Around him were several mares who were busy combing his mane, cleaning his ears, polishing his horn, and other such things that a pony of lesser standings would have to do him/herself. Each one of them worked quickly to make sure he looked perfect for he expected nothing less. Epically with the party tonight in his honor.

‘Tonight the ponies of Canterlot will toast to High Commander Stareye,’ thought the noble with glee.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

“Enter,” said Stareye, not bothering to motion to his servants to stop in their actions. The door opened and two figures walked in causing Stareye to turn up his nose altering one of his servants to spritz him wish perfume. Stareye could see who they were thanks to the reflection in the mirror. One was Captain Spitfire of the Wonder bolts, dressed in her formal military attire fitting her rank.

The other was a bald donkey named Hard Ass, Captain of the Canterlot Reserve Forces, wearing the traditional armor of the Guard. The Reserve Forces were an odd group. A collection of various non-pony races that, under normal circumstances, would not be allowed to join up with Equestria’s main military agencies. Instead they were given a backup position as well as a base at the foot of the mountain.

“Captain Spitfire reporting,” said the pegasus as she saluted.

“Captain Hard Ass reporting for duty,” said the donkey, saluting just a bit slower. “We were told upon arriving that you wished to see all current Captains.”

“I do,” said Stareye, still not bothering to look at them. “Since I don’t have much time I will make this quick. You are both here so that can inform you both personally that you have been stripped of your ranks and your units will be placed under the command of my lieutenants.”

As the two’s jaws dropped, Stareye used his magic to remove all of their metals from their uniforms without so much as looking at them. They then watched as he flung their metals into a nearby trash can, causing the pair to glare at him.

“You can’t do that!” raged Spitfire. “The Wonderbolts are-” Before she could say anything else, Stareye’s magic began to press her lips together. She tried her best to continue to speak, but nopony in the room could make out what she was going to say.

“Being dismantled,” said Stareye uncaringly. “Now if this bothers either of you, you could speak to Prince Blueblood or leave. Now away with the two of you. I have a party to prepare for.” And with that, Stareye’s horn began to glow as the two former Captains were lifted into the air and then thrown out of the room. As them landed on the floor, the door loudly slammed shut.

As the two of them slowly got back up, still trying to process what was happening, three unicorns approached them. The one in front, a mare with a kind face, gave them a small smile before saluting them.

“Captains,” she said in a low voice. “I am Lieutenant Hot Pants. And I think we need to talk.”


‘It hurts,’ thought Celestia with a small groan, her eyes slowly opening as she did. The room she was in was dark so she tried to use her magic to get some light…only to find herself unable to do so. Her eyes widened as she tried again and again with no luck. Fearing the worse, she raised a hoof to her forehead to check and see if her horn was still there. And despite the pain she felt as she did this, she let out a sigh of relief to find it still intact. This feeling, however, lasted only a moment as she realized where she had to be: in the holding cell of the Lunar Republic!

So for several minutes she laid there, in the dark, waiting for somepony to approach her. Then, without any warning, light filled the room blinding the sun princess for a moment. Once her eyes adjusted to the light, Celestia saw that she was indeed in the same holding cell she had been held in when she had teleported to the Republic. Yet this time the room wasn’t as bare. There were several shelves of books occupying one corner as well as a vanity mirror. Looking down, she realized that she was one a real bed with admittedly the softest sheets she had ever been on.

It was then that she noticed the condition her body was in. Most of it was covered in blood stained bandages which seemed odd considering the advantaged medical technology she knew the Republic had.

For several minutes, Celestia sat there wondering what was going to happen to her. Before she had lost consciousness, Luna had been in a state of rage that she had never seen her in. Part of her feared that Luna might still be angry at her, but the state of the room suggested that she had calmed down a bit to make Celestia a bit more comfortable.

‘What is Luna’s game here?’ wondered Celestia. ‘Did she bring me up here as a prisoner or to heal me?’ Right now both options seemed possible.

Before Celestia could ponder any longer, a door opened to reveal Luna and a strange disk shaped device hovering next to her. As she walked in, Celestia noted that Luna at first seemed relieved. But as soon as she saw the bandages on her, a frown appeared on the moon princess’s face.

“Sister, how do you feel?” asked Luna once she was standing in front of Celestia.

“Not so good,” replied Celestia, her voice sounding a little hoarse. This reply seemed to deepen Luna’s frown.

Luna said nothing as she picked up something from the floating disk with her teeth. It was a long, pen like device identical to the one Celestia had seen the day before the Summer Sun Festival. Slowly Luna brought it down towards Celestia’s neck and pressed against it. The effect was almost immediate as the pain began to fade until she barely felt any.

“Thank you,” said Celestia.

“Don’t worry about it,” said Luna as a ghost of a smile appeared on her face before it faded again. “I told my doctors to take care of you. Sadly, from the looks of it, they barely followed that order. Because of this, I will have to adjust my plans. Don’t worry, I will make sure they are punished for this.”

“Plans?” asked Celestia. “Luna, w-what’s going on? What happened after our fight? Why am I here?”

Luna let out a sigh. “I…am sorry sister,” said Luna as she looked away. “Right now our countries are at war.”

“WHAT!?” yelled Celestia as she tried to get up and failed. “Sister, you have to let me go! I’ll talk to my subjects and stop this.”

Luna looked at her and gave a short, humorless laugh. “Sister, your own soldiers didn’t listen to you when you told them to stand down. It’s time to face facts: you have lost control of your government to Blueblood. If I sent you down now, in your current condition it would be easy for him to lock you up. Or worse.”

“T-This can’t be,” stammered Celestia.

“I’m afraid it is,” said Luna as she shook her head. But then she seemed to brighten slightly. “But don’t worry. After the battle tomorrow, things will be different. I will make sure that buffoon gets what is coming to him and then ensure that Cadence gets her rightful place on the throne.”

“Cadence?” said a shocked Celestia. “But what about-”

“Oh don’t worry,” interrupted Luna happily. “While Cadence is helping Equestria see the errors of its ways, you and me are going to be spending some quality time together. See, I know that Cadence won’t live forever and I can’t keep you here forever. But if I just sent you back as you are now then the same problems would most likely repeat themselves. So instead I will be doing what I should have done long ago and teach you! Oh won’t this be fun? You’ll get to learn how we in the Republic do things so you can take that back with you when you return. I can even help you with your inaction problem. And we can spend time together like we used to!”

Celestia jaw dropped when she heard this. ‘Has Luna lost her mind?’ thought Celestia. ‘How can she think that any of this is a good idea? If I am here, who will reinforce the entrapment spell on Discord? He could be freed at any moment! I need to make her understand.’

“Sister, please don’t do this,” begged Celestia. “If war occurs now then Discord might be freed early. And without the Elements then-”

“We don’t need to worry about Discord or the Elements,” replied Luna looking very proud at that moment. “My little ponies have been working long and hard over the centuries to find a way to end his threat once and for all. And, recently, we had a major breakthrough!”

With that, Luna went into a detailed explanation of Operation: Umbrella. Throughout her lecture, Luna’s face was full of pride. Celestia, on the other hoof, looked more and more horrified as she listened. She couldn’t believe that Luna would ever consider this a good idea.

“Sister, please tell me you’re joking,” begged Celestia once Luna had finished causing the other princess to frown.

“I most certainly am not,” replied Luna. “We have run-”

“Ponies will die!” yelled Celestia interrupting Luna. “I can’t believe this! How could you overlook the major flaw in your plan? How it will effect everypony in Equestria even if it was only active for a moment? The Elements-”

“Won’t work,” interrupted Luna, her eyes narrowing in frustration. “Not now after everything has happened! Discord is coming sooner than expected and we need to have a plan ready now!”

“Not this one,” said Celestia. “I forbid it!”

Luna’s eyes widened in shock at this. “You forbid…me?” asked Luna before her eyes narrowed and began to grit her teeth. “What right do you have to do that? After everything that has happened you still insist that you know everything? That your way is the only way?!”

“Luna,” said Celestia, however stopped when her sister spun around and headed towards the door with the disk following her.

“I was going to allow you some freedom to move around the castle once you had healed,” snarled Luna. “But now I’ve changed my mind. You can stay in here and think about the mess you made. Next time you see me I’ll have Discord’s head on a platter!”

With that, Luna left the room leaving Celestia as she called out to her sister.


Shadow let out a sigh as he looked underneath Twilight’s bed for what felt like the hundredth time. The area had been roped off so that nothing would have disturbed the area. Not that there was much to disturb. Besides the messy bed and the dried blood on the floor the room was clue. Shadow had already looked at every possible spot in a desperate attempt to find some clue that the LBI might have missed. Something that might prove that Applejack was innocent. Something that would suggest that somepony else was behind everything that had been going on. But so far he had nothing.

“Hey boss,” said a voice from behind him. Shadow spun around and saw Lightning Dust standing behind him with a half-smile on her face. Her coat seemed a little off color, which wasn’t much of a surprise seeing that she had just lost both her wings. With this thought, Shadow’s eyes moved towards the new addition to her body, the latest cyber-wings that the Republic had to offer folded against her body like normal wings. They were made of a shiny chrome like metal that looked almost like a normal pegasus wing, except for the tips of the wings which were razor sharp.

“Like them?” asked Lightning as soon as she noticed what Shadow’s eyes were focused on. “Neat uh. Top of the line. I can get them color customized later if I want. They also said that I could one day fly as fast as I could with my…old wings. Um, I could even fly faster.”

“Are you ok?” asked Shadow with concern.

“Doctors wanted me to stay in bed,” said Lightning as she looked around. “But that seemed boring. So right now I’m off active duty until I go through all kinds of therapy. Not even allowed to fly. Not like I want to right now.”

“If you want to talk-” began Shadow, but Lightning whipped her head around at him and glared.

“NO!” she screamed. For a moment, she just stared at him before blinking and then shook her head before looking down. “I mean no thanks. I…just don’t feel like talking about…what happened on the planet. At least not now.”

“Well, if you even need to get something off your chest you know you can always talk to me,” replied Shadow.

“Thanks,” said Lightning, a small smile appearing on her face. “Soooooo, what’s going on?”

“I’m…not sure,” said Shadow as he turned to focus on the room. “During the trail I thought I noticed a few things were off. And now today I saw that Twilight’s medicine had been changed. I think something is going on. That we made a mistake.”

“I think it’s just a coincidence,” said Lightning as she walked over to the bed. “I mean, accidents happen. They are rare, especially with medicine. But something like that could have happened. You’re probably just tired with everything that’s going on. Try relaxing.” With that, the mare jumped onto the bed and began to bounce up and down on the bed.

“Stop that!” snapped Shadow as he glared at the mare. “You are disrupting a crime scene.”

“Shadow the case is closed,” said Lightning as she continued to jump up and down. “Think about it. They all testified underneath the Truth Light. The LBI has video proof that Applejack came to Twilight’s room twice that day. The weapon that was used came from her as well. Do you really think that you are going to find the piece of evidence that the entire LBI missed?”

“Not if you keep making a mess,” said Shadow. Suddenly his eyes widened as a realization struck him. He began to look around the room with extra attention towards the floor. Lightning watched this, her bouncing becoming slower with each passing minute.


“I don’t believe it!” exclaimed Shadow. “Lightning, you’re a genius!”

“It’s about time you noticed,” said Lightning as she jumped off the bed. “But, just so we’re clear, why am I a genius?”

“Take a look at this room,” said Shadow, not answering the question as he gestured around the room. “What do you see?”

“Ah,” said Lightning Dust as she looked around the room. “Nothing really. Just a blood stain that somepony should really clean up soon.”

“Exactly!” said Shadow.

“I don’t get it,” said Lightning as she shook her head.

“Nothing else is out of place,” said Shadow excitedly. “There are no marks on the walls that could have been caused by Twilight fighting back. No hoof marks on the floor which would usually indicate a scuffle. And don’t you think it’s odd that the LBI didn’t find any mane samples or any other form of DNA from Applejack considering they believe that she hid the weapon underneath her hat?”

Lightning Dust lifted her hoof to her chin and thought about it. “Well maybe Applejack covered her tracks?”

Shadow shook his head. “If that was true then she would have also taken the apple peeler,” he said before walking over to the wall. “No, this is really starting to look like a set up.”

“But what about all the evidence that the LBI found?” demanded Lightning as she stomped a hoof on the ground. “You can’t just dismiss it!”

Shadow didn’t reply right away. Instead he touched a part of the wall and a computer screen came to life. The desktop image on it was of him and Twilight back when they were still in school. Twilight was smiling brightly, showing off her braces with Shadow’s leathery wing wrapped around her. Around both of their eyes were dark circles indicating that they hadn’t had much sleep for a few days. Seeing this made the stallion smile as he remembered when it was taken and how happy they both were that exams were over.

“Computer,” said Shadow after staring at the image for another moment. “I request access to security footage from-”

“I’m sorry,” interrupted the computer. “The information you are requesting is for authorized ponies and are password protected. If you wish to continue, please say your password.”

Shadow’s eyes widened when he heard this. He quickly looked behind him at Lighting who had her head cocked to the side, with a look that said that she wanted to know what was going on. Slowly, Shadow’s head dropped as it turned back towards the screen.

“Nummy muffin,” he said as his cheeks darkened.

“Password and voice print accepted,” replied the computer while Lightning began to giggle uncontrollably.

“‘Nummy muffin’,” she managed to say. “You could have picked any password and that’s what you went with? I’d expect that from Derpy!”

“I-It’s what Twilight calls me sometimes when it’s just the two of us,” stammered Shadow. “And I thought that no one would ever think that that’s my password.”

“Hehe,” laughed Lightning as tears began to appear around her eyes. “I am so telling everypony about this!”

‘When this is over I am changing my password,’ thought Shadow as he tuned out Lightning while requesting the various files he needed. Once the footage was on the screen, Shadow began to watch it once more focusing on the bits with Applejack. From when she first visited Twilight when Gigawatt was there all the way till the mare returned to her room. With each passing scene, Shadow’s sense of unease grew. Something was wrong with these images. Every instinct in his body told him so.

And then, as he started on the second viewing, he realized what was wrong. ‘She looks completely normal,’ thought Shadow as his eyes widened. ‘When Applejack went to Twilight’s room the second time she didn’t check the hallway for any other pony or anything that a pony would normally do if she was planning on attacking another in cold blood. And when she left she looks exactly the same! Her mane isn’t a mess, she isn’t breathing hard, or showing any other sign that she was just in a fight! Buck, she’s not even galloping away from the crime scene!’

As he continued to watch, a frown appeared on his face. There had to be something more, something else that he had missed. Something that would prove that something was going on that he could bring to Princess Luna because right the evidence he had wasn’t definitive. It was something, but other ponies would react the same way that Lightning had earlier and say he was seeing things.

‘But there’s nothing else here,’ thought Shadow angrily as the footage looped back again. ‘I have been studying every move Applejack makes and it’s the same…’ It was then that Shadow noticed something. An extremely brief flicker that one wouldn’t normally notice that appeared right before seeing Applejack coming down to Twilight’s room. Puzzled by this, Shadow decided to rewind the footage and watch it again, thinking that it might have been his eyes playing tricks on him. And, after he watched the same scene again, he saw the same flicker in the same spot.

Now Shadow was curious. The watched the security footage with every more intensity several times in a row, ignoring the yawns and the complaints from the pegasus mare behind him. Straining his eyes Shadow looked for anything like what he had seen before. Eventually he noticed another flicker right before the bit where Applejack returned to her room. But, what could this mean? Flickers like that usually meant...

“Computer pause,” commanded Shadow. Immediately the image of Applejack walking down a hallway to her room after the attack froze. “Bring up a separate window and begin playing the same footage as the first.”

The computer complied with his request. Now, next to each other where two films. Shadow let the newer window play until it reached the point with Applejack heading towards Twilight’s room the second time. He the paused it and the order the first to be rewound by a few seconds. ‘No, not there yet,’ thought Shadow as he ordered the second to be rewound a bit as well.

“Boss, what’re you doing?” asked Lightning, her ears flat against her skull.

“Proving that Applejack never went to Twilight’s room a second time,” said Shadow. “Play both.” With that, both windows began to play. And, much to Lightning’s shock, Applejack moved exactly the same in both window’s. Even the way her tale moved side to side with each step was perfectly timed to the millisecond.

“T-This is impossible,” stammered Lightning as she fell on her plot, her mouth hanging open as she watched. “Document himself checked the footage! He would have noticed something like this! No, this can’t be happening.”

“But it is,” said Shadow, his tone having an edge to it as he saved everything into a personal file of his. “Somepony must have copied Applejack from another piece of security footage and pasted onto this one.”

“Then what about the Truth Light?!” demanded Lightning as she stood up. “Applejack herself confessed!”

“That’s what we need to take a look at next,” said Shadow as he began to move towards the door, gritting his teeth as he did.


“Out of the way!” yelled Stareye as he walked down the castle grounds. As we did so, many of the guards who were being forced to camp and train outside did their best to move out of the way. “I have an appointment with a masseuse if twenty minutes. If I’m late it’ll be your heads!”

“You heard him lads. MOVE IT!” yelled a small brown unicorn stallion named Boot Licker as he walked besides the High Commander. He felt lucky to be promoted to the High Commander’s personal assistant and hoped it would lead to a more lucrative position in the future.

“Honestly, you would think these uncivilized buffoons would be able to follow a simple order like that,” whined Stareye as he paused so that a pony could move himself and his supplies out of his way.

“Right you are your greatness,” said Boot Licker with a nod of his head.

“And when will-” began Stareye, but stopped as an arrow zoomed past his head. Stareye screamed in horror, almost wetting himself much to the amusement of all those present. Hearing this caused Stareye to shift from fear to anger. “Who shot that arrow?!”

“Sorry sir, I’m doing my best,” came a voice off to the side. Stareye turned around to look and saw a cross eyed donkey hold a bow in his teeth.

“Who made that donkey an archer?” demanded Stareye.

“I did sir,” said another donkey, also cross eyed. “He’s my cousin.”

“Who is he?” demanded Stareye as he looked at Boot Licker.

“He’s an Ass, sir,” replied Boot Licker.

“I know what he is,” sneered Stareye. “But what’s his name?”

“That is his name,” said Boot Licker. “Ass, Major Smart Ass.”

“And his cousin?” asked Stareye.

“He’s an Ass to sir,” replied Boot Licker. “Archer First Class Private Dumb Ass.”

“How many Ass’s are in this army anyways?” demanded Stareye. At that moment, a hundred or so hooves raised into the air all around the High Commander. “Perfect I’m surround by Ass.”


“We’ll be in Ponyville in just a minute.” Majesty’s only response to her chariot driver was a short nod as she continued to stare down at the ground below them. It had been like this since she had gotten on the flying chariot. The driver had several times tried to start a conversation, however she ignored him. She barely paid any attention to his name. The only words she had spoken to him thus far was where they were going and to be as quick as possible.

It wasn’t her intention to be rude or that he was a pony that was beneath her notice. It was just that she had a lot on her mind. She knew what she was going to do would more than likely destroy her marriage and make her a social outcast within Canterlot nobility. The only way she could possibly save her marriage would be to say that she adopted Scootaloo on a whim or something like that. And the only way she could save face with the other nobles would be to keep Scootaloo locked up.

And she wasn’t doing either of those things.

After she got back Scootaloo, Majesty was going to come clean. She would tell Bit Pincher all about her affairs and if he wanted to leave her then he could take his bits with him. She would then sell off her mansion and whatever she had left after the divorce so that the two of them could start a new life together. Then she could raise the filly the way Scooter would have wanted.

But she knew it wouldn’t be easy. The biggest obstacle would be Scootaloo. Majesty had thought about not telling her the full truth. To hide the fact that she was the filly’s mother so that it would be easier for her. That thought lasted only for a second. No, she was going to do the right thing even if her daughter hated her for leaving her in an orphanage while Majesty went back to her mansion. It was no more than she deserved.

Slowly the chariot came closer to the ground until it touched the dirt road and stopped in front of a two story building that Majesty had once visited years ago: Ponyville Orphanage. Outside several colts and fillies who had been playing games, but the sight of the chariot drew their attention causing them to walk over to it.

“Wait here,” Majesty order the driver as she jumped out of the chariot. As she landed on her hooves, she looked around at the small town. Last time she had been here she had considered the town beneath her notice like any member of Canterlot high society. Now, however, she saw that it seemed…charmingly rustic. While it lacked the tall, grand buildings that Canterlot had, this place had something else. A feeling of community that she could tell just by seeing ponies walking down the street and talking to each other. It almost seemed warm and inviting.

‘Maybe we’ll move here,’ thought Majesty as she walked towards the orphanage. ‘I think Scootaloo would like that. This way she won’t have to leave her friends. I bet I could even get a job here! If memory serves me correctly there is an open librarian job. I’m sure I could do that!’

Just before Majesty reached the door, a mare opened it. A mare that Majesty met several years ago named Miss Foster.

“Hello,” said Miss Foster as she looked at Majesty. “Can I help you?”

“Yes,” replied Majesty with a nod. “I would like to adopt a filly.”

Miss Foster’s eyes went wide with delight. “Wonderful,” she exclaimed. “Come in, come in.” Nodding, Majesty complied and walked into the building and found herself in a slightly run down hallway. The wallpaper looked like it was slightly turning yellow and several spots had crayon drawing that were half washed away. Other than that the place looked well kept.

“Now then, what kind of filly were you looking for?” asked Miss Foster. “There are several wonderful fillies under my care that I am sure-”

“Actually, I already know who I would like,” instructed Majesty. “I left her here several years ago and…I want her back.”

“Oh,” said Miss Foster blinking slightly. “Well, I can do that. After all, the rights of the mother take priority. And if she’s been adopted then I can help you walk through the court process in order to get her back. What’s her name?”

“Scootaloo.” As soon as Majesty said that, Miss Foster’s mouth opened and her pupils became the size of pin needles.

“S-Scootaloo?” repeated Miss Foster.

“That’s what I said,” said Majesty, a bit or worry appearing in her voice.

“I’m sorry but I don’t think I can help you,” said Miss Foster. “See, she’s been adopted and taken out of Equestria.”

“Oh,” said Majesty. “That’s fine then. Just tell me where she went and I will go there.”

“It won’t be that simple,” said Miss Foster as she shook her head. “See, she’s in the Lunar Republic.”

The world seemed to freeze when Majesty heard this. ‘Th-The Republic?’ thought Majesty in a panic. ‘But that’s where Blueblood sent the parasprite! And the damage that was done because of it…By the sun! I could have helped kill my own daughter!’

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you,” said Miss Foster as she read Majesty’s expression. “I know it sounds bad with all the stories that are told about it, but you have nothing to worry about it. Princess Cadence herself went to check up on the dear and the couple that adopted her. I believe their names are Twilight Sparkle and Shadow Blade. At first I found it hard to believe that ponies from that place could be so nice but they do seem to care for her. They even helped fix her wings! But don’t worry. If you really want her back, I can send a letter to the Princess and maybe she can we can make an appeal.”

Majesty weakly nodded before turning to leave. Once more she felt her body going into zombie mode as she got into her chariot and ordered the driver to take her back to Canterlot.

‘This can’t be happening,’ she thought. ‘Twilight Sparkle. That’s the mare that was nearly killed, most likely on Blueblood’s orders. What if Scootaloo got hurt in the process as well? And next he’s going after Princess Cadence!’ Majesty’s eyes suddenly began to focus right before they narrowed. ‘And that’s not all he’s planning. He’ll do whatever it takes to take the Republic. Well now things won’t go according to plan Blueblood! I will see to it that all of your scheme’s fail right before your eyes. And then, in order to protect Scootaloo and revenge for Scooter, I will kill you!’

Author's Note:

Once again, thanks to Golden Sax for the editing

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