• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 21,676 Views, 3,441 Comments

The Thousand Year Change - Darthvalgaav

After seeing what happened when she accidently changed her friends destinies, Twilight is curious about about the 'what if'. Like, for example, what if Luna had ponies a thousand years ago who noticed her.

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Dawn of Truth

“Auntie, are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?” asked Cadence. She as well as her two aunts were currently in Cadence’s bed chambers. Midnight was sleeping peacefully on the bed. The poor dear had been afraid to go to sleep believing that if she did and woke up she would find that this had all been a dream.

Celestia nodded. “I am sorry, but I feel it is for the best. In the morning the news that you adopted a bat pony will be at the doorsteps of everypony in Equestria. I am sure that there will be reporters here to question you, as well as many of our citizens.” Cadence opened her mouth to protest, but Luna stepped in.

“I know you want to go and show your support towards Celestia,” said Luna calmly. “To be honest, it would be best if you went if only to show that, for the most part, the royal family is all for this union. But if you go you might put Midnight in harm’s way. She is still scared of most ponies. Who knows how she will react when suddenly placed in such a large crowd. If she is left here by herself, however, I fear that some of the guards might want to take advantage of your absence. Or some reporter could somehow sneak in. On the other hoof, if you stay here you will be able to answer questions in relative safety as well as keeping Midnight safe.”

Cadence slowly nodded, understanding what Princess Luna was saying. While Captain Iron Wall and the guards who had hurt Midnight were being detained, they were only the ones they had caught. She worried that there might be other guards who might feel the same way they did and attack her daughter. Taking Midnight with them might scare the filly or put her in harms way. Who knew how the ponies in Ponyville might react when they saw her? At least here she could keep an eye on her while staying in an environment that she was getting used to.

“I understand,” said Cadence. “But perhaps Shining Armor could stay? For added protection?”

“I’m sorry, but I feel that he and the other ponies from the Republic should head to Ponyville,” said Celestia. “They are representatives of their nation after all.”

“I agree,” said Luna. She then smiled slightly. “But don’t worry, once this is over we will return to the castle.”


As Twilight led the group to the library, her thoughts were flooded with questions. What had happened at the party was somehow different from what had been going on with Shadow. They all seemed so certain that ponies from the Lunar Republic were evil. Not to mention that they referred to Princess Luna as Nightmare Moon. What was that about anyways? Why did the ponies here think that they were cannibals?

When the trio reached the library, Twilight used the key she had gotten from Trixie earlier to open the door. For being inside of a tree, the building was somewhat cozy. It was smaller than her home back on the moon, but it had more books which was a plus for the young unicorn. Had she come here on different circumstances, Twilight was sure that she would have enjoyed her visit here.

“Now to see what is going on here,” muttered Twilight to herself. As she used her magic to pull several history books out, Shadow noticed that Scootaloo was beginning to look like she could fall asleep at any moment. Not wanting to interrupt Twilight as she her research he took Scootaloo over to a couch so that she could get some shut eye.

For the next few hours, Twilight scanned over a dozen books. Each book was harder to stomach than the last. Some books seemed to treat the Lunar ponies like criminals while others depicted them as non-pony like creatures. As Twilight read them she took notes and sited each source so that her Princess could see the proof for herself if she so wished.

The first book she found was a children’s history book. According to the author, the events in Hoofshire were caused by supporters of Celestia’s younger sister. How they lurked through the dark, set fire to the homes of innocent ponies before running away into the night. The book continued by informing the reader that there had been an attempt to investigate what had happened, but that it went nowhere. Yet after the supporters of the younger princess left for the moon there were no more fires. So, in the author’s ‘expert’ opinion, the culprits most likely fled to the moon to avoid punishment.

There were also several other books like this one, who saw fit to note several other ‘criminal behavior’ that vanished when Luna and her ponies left the planet. Most of these examples seemed to be rather vague like questioning authority or suspicious behavior. Another thing that Twilight also noted was that all of these books simply referred to Princess Luna as Celestia’s younger sister. It was almost like they were trying to avoid mentioning her as much as possible, perhaps even trying to forget about her.

Twilight, feeling her blood boil as she read these history books, decided to check up on what this Nightmare Moon thing was all about. She found the answer in what appeared to be a children’s story book. The story went that there was were two sisters, one who raised the sun while the younger raised the moon. All ponies were happy, except for the younger sister who became jealous of her older sister. Desperately wanting to feel loved, she reached out to the wicked ones of Equestria who, over time, corrupted her. Twilight’s eyes narrowed as the story continued to insult her princess saying that she wished to create a kingdom of darkness for her and her new subjects. She even went as far as to call herself Nightmare Moon, the Queen of the Night! They were then defeated by Celestia and ran away like cowards to the moon. For the first time in her life, Twilight threw a book against the wall.

Taking a few deep breaths, Twilight reached over for another book. This one talked more about Nightmare Night. She had suspected that there was a connection between Nightmare Night and Nightmare Moon. To her horror, she was right. The stories told around this holiday seemed to be a continuation of the one she had read about in the last book. The wicked ponies had changed their shapes to better survive on the moon and soon spent their nights doing horrible things. One night a year they came down to Equestria to snatch up foals. They could be fooled, however, by wearing costumes. It was also recommended that foals offer them up treats unless they wanted to be eaten instead.

Twilight had no words to describe what she was feeling. These books were full of outright lies! It was one thing if they were rumors, but having them published in books was an entirely different matter! Ponies would believe that these were facts!

Slowly, the gears in Twilight's head began to turn as she began to write down her report to Princess Luna.


Town Hall was full of ponies. In the past, they would be talking with each other as they waited for Princess Celestia to make her appearance. However news of the Lunar Republic had caused a bit of unease. They waited quietly for their princess in hopes that it was a joke or the delusion of a drunk pony.

On the stage were both the mayor and Trixie. As the mayor began to speak to the townsfolk Trixie rubbed her head. Right now she had a hangover that could kill an immortal. Pity there was no magic that could cure something like this so she had to settle for a pain relief spell that she knew by heart. There was also something nagging at her. Last night was a blur and she was sure that something had happened. She didn’t know what, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that she had done something that she shouldn’t have. Maybe she kissed that red farm stallion or something.

A moment later the sun began to rise, getting a light cheer from the crowd. Once the sun was up, Princess Celestia appeared on the stage as well along with a couple of others.

“Ya think that’s her?” asked Applejack in a low tone as she looked at the blue alicorn.

“She’s pretty,” said Fluttershy.

“Doesn’t look that tough,” commented Rainbow.

“Her dress is… interesting,” said Rarity. “Of course if I had been the one to make it-”

“Fillies and gentlecolts,” said Celestia as she cut into Rarity’s fashion dialog. “As the sun rises, a new day in Equestria has begun. But not just for those living in Equestria, but also to our distant cousins on the moon. A thousand years ago they left us, but now both sides are ready to work together again in the spirit of love and harmony. Allow me to introduce to you the leader of the Lunar Republic, as well as my younger sister, Princess Luna.”

As Princess Luna stepped forward she was met with silence as well as looks of confusion. From most of them anyways. In the back, Snips and Snails were standing next to a small pile of rocks that they had collected during the night. Once Luna stepped forwards the two began to pick some of the rocks up, preparing to throw them. Luckily, a certain orange pony noticed what they were about to do, quickly moved over to the two without being noticed, and knocked the rocks out of their hooves.

“Hey, what do you think you are doing?” Snips almost yelled.

“Keepin’ ya from doing something that might start a war,” hissed Applejack.

“But Trixie said that-” began Snails until Applejack covered his mouth with her hoof.

“Ah don’t care what she said,” said Applejack. “She was drunk! Now if ah see ya both doing something like this again ah’ll tell yer folks about this.”

“Citizens of Ponyville,” began Princess Luna. “For so long our two-” She stopped speaking as the doors in the back opened suddenly to reveal Twilight. The purple unicorn as well as her colt friend made their way up to the stage. All eyes were glued on Twilight as she walked up to the stage and bowed before Princess Luna.

“Hey, what’s going on?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“I have no idea,” said Rarity. “But it looks like…oh no.” Realization hit the white unicorn first and soon the others began to realize it as well. Twilight was from the Lunar Republic as well as Shadow Blade. That’s why they didn’t seem to know about things in Equestria.

“My prized student,” addressed Luna. “What is the meaning of this?”

“Forgive me Princess Luna,” said Twilight Sparkle as she lifted her head to look her mentor in the eyes. “But I feel I must give you my report before you go any further.”

“I have already talked to Luna about the many-” began Celestia, but Twilight cut her off.

“As my princess commanded, I was tasked with the order of finding out if the ponies of Equestria would accept us,” said Twilight in a loud voice. “They will not. This merger of our nations will only end up hurting the ponies under your care princess.” As Twilight said this, Gigawatt gave her a triumphant smile. If there was anypony who would talk the princess out of this mess it would be her.

“Let me see your findings,” said Luna quietly. Twilight simply pulled out a few scrolls with her magic and then gave them to Luna. The night princess read them swiftly, gritting her teeth as she went from page to page. The words on the pages stung her heart. She was angry, but not at her student.

“Sister may I please-” began Celestia but was cut off as Luna punched her sister to the ground. The crowd gasped in horror as they saw their monarchs spit out blood as Luna stood above her with a glare that could melt ice.

“Say nothing, ‘sister’,” said Luna as she stomped a hoof to the ground causing lighting to shoot across the sky. “Never again speak to me again. I want nothing to do with you or your Equestria. You can all rot for all I care.” Out of the corner of her eye she noticed an object flying towards her. However, before it could hit her Shining Armor had already cast a barrier spell to protect them from the rock.

This was it for Princess Luna. She gathered her magic to create a white hole next to the stage. It was a portal that would take them right to the palace on the moon. One by one the senators walked into it, followed by Shadow Blade. Twilight hesitated for a moment before her horn glowed for some reason. It lasted for just a moment and once it faded she too walked through the portal. Once she had, Luna flung the papers Twilight had given her at Celestia before she too walked through the portal with Shining Armor.

Author's Note:

So how many of you were expecting something different? LOL

Well, this ends the first arc. Next chapter will be on the moon!

Also, starting next chapter I will be going over the mane six in order from my least favorite to most favorite. If you don't want to read it, then don't!

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