• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 21,677 Views, 3,441 Comments

The Thousand Year Change - Darthvalgaav

After seeing what happened when she accidently changed her friends destinies, Twilight is curious about about the 'what if'. Like, for example, what if Luna had ponies a thousand years ago who noticed her.

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Prince Blueblood walked down the halls of the castle, a neutral look on his face as he made his way to its lowest levels. It was there that the top magical minds in Canterlot toiled with their experiments. Personally, Blueblood despised having to go to them to check up on their progress. He was a prince and his subjects should come to him to report their findings, not the other way around. Yet he knew that every second counted while trying to understand Lunar technology. He also knew that if anypony saw one of these unicorns then their curiosity might get the better of them. That was something that Blueblood didn’t want at this moment.

Once the prince had reached his destination, he opened the door with his magic and walked inside. Once there, he took in his surroundings for a moment. There were several chalk boards around the room with various magical circles on them. Along the walls were beakers full of odd chemicals that seemed to coat the room in an odd odor as well as several shelves holding thick books on magic. Tied to the ceiling by string were many oddly shaped objects that confused the prince.

On the opposite side of the room were several ponies gathered around a long, wooden workbench. And on said workbench was the Lunar tech. One of the armors looked like it had been opened up so that a few of the unicorns could examine the inside. The other unicorns were levitating several objects like teeth and diamonds around the second armor while taking notes.

As Blueblood approached then, the lead unicorn turned around with a frown on his face. When he saw it was Blueblood his eyes widened and he hurried over to greet him in the middle of the room. Blueblood knew that this was Spell Matrix, a light blue unicorn stallion with a red and black mane, who kept things running smoothly down here. He had seen this stallion talk to Celestia several times in the past about various magical improvements that, at the time, he cared little for.

“My prince,” said Matrix as he bowed low to the ground. “It is an honor to see you this day. How may I help you?”

Blueblood displayed his trademark smile, pleased by this display. “I would like a progress report, if you wouldn’t mind.”

“Of course sir,” replied Matrix as he righted himself up. “We have had to work slowly since we don’t want to damage the armors that you obtained, but we just finished opening one up and are running several scanning spells on it. The other we have been doing scratch tests to see how hard it is. So far nothing we have has scratched it, not even dragon’s teeth and those are powerful enough to cut through diamonds. Whatever this metal is, I doubt it exists naturally. That creates a huge problem if you wish to recreate it.”

“Naturally,” said Blueblood with a sigh. “I will admit that I am…disappointed with that. However I am sure you can find a decent substitute if you can’t recreate it yourself. I have the utmost confidence in your abilities after all. Now, with this in mind, will it affect the deadline that I set?”

“The end the of the week?” asked Matrix to which Blueblood nodded. “Well, to be perfectly honest, we will need more time. As I said we have to work slowly while examining the armors and if we rush we risk losing both of them before we can come to any firm conclusions on how they work. Something I know would most likely upset somepony like yourself.”

“Well spoken,” said Blueblood with a light chuckle. “So, how much more time will you need? Two weeks? A month?”

“Longer, I’m afraid,” replied Matrix who suddenly looked nervous. “As it stands right now, I’d say anywhere between the next fifty to a hundred years. Give or take a decade.”

Blueblood’s jaw dropped, nearly touching the ground as he did so. Several of the finely combed hairs in his mane came undone as he shook his head back and forth. ‘This can’t be right,’ he thought to himself, trying to calm the rising panic in his chest.

“I-I must of misheard you,” said Blueblood as he used his magic to wipe away the cold sweat on his brow. “I could have sworn you said fifty to a hundred years.”

“I’m afraid you heard correct,” said Matrix calmly.

“IMPOSSIBLE!” roared Blueblood, losing his cool as he stomped on the ground in rage while more stands from his mane became undone. This surprised the other unicorn, causing him to take a step back while his associates turned to watch as Blueblood pointed a hoof at them. “You are all some of the greatest magical minds in Equestria! Surely minds who understand the ways of magic can figure out something so mundane.”

For a moment, Matrix stood there while Blueblood began to pant. Despite his anger, Blueblood could still read the other pony very well. From the way he shifted and the look in his eyes, the prince could tell that Matrix was thinking about how to phrase his next few sentences so as not to anger him further.

“I am honored that you think so highly of our skills,” said Matrix after a while, his words were slow and peaceful in order to invoke a calming presence. “However, while magic and science are somewhat linked, I’m afraid that this simply goes beyond what any of us have ever seen before. I’m going to be completely honest here: we don’t have any idea what we are looking at. We have no idea what powers these armors nor how any of the parts inside work or what they even do. I dare say that we don’t even know how to turn one of these things on. The science on display here so just so much more advanced than anything anypony has ever seen before that we will need decades just to figure these things out and understand what we are dealing with. And even then, we still might never be able to make armors like these because we don’t know how they made everything so small in order to fit it in. Now, if we had a scientist from the Republic or even one of the ponies who owned one of these armors to explain what does what then maybe, maybe, we could speed this up. But as it stands, my good prince, we are doing the best we can do right now.”

“There has to be some way of speeding things up!” yelled Blueblood. “What about a duplication spell or one of the time based spells in the Star Swirl the Bearded wing? Or bits! Yes, I’ll give you all the bits you need to make sure the work gets done faster!”

Spell Matrix raised a hoof to stop him. “I’m afraid none of those are a real option,” he said. “In order for a duplication spell to work properly, the more difficult the object you wish to duplicate the more magic will be needed as well as very high level of magical proficiency. There is also the matter of knowing exactly what you want to copy and how every part of it works. For those reasons we haven’t even tried to make a copy of one of these armors to increase their number for study. As for time spells, they are also very tricky to use and consume an insane amount of magic. If we could find a spell that would allow us to slow down time in a fixed area, it would most likely take all of us working together to keep it running with no time for rest. And even if it were possible to keep it running we would need a constant supply of food coming to us as well as various other ‘personal items’. As for the money…well let’s just say that you could throw all the bits you have at this project and it won’t get done any faster.”

Blueblood stood there, listening to all of this. One part of his mind took all of this in and understood what they were saying. That there were limits to what they could do and there would be no quick fix. However, there was another part of his mind that was not so understanding. This part reminded him of the mess they were now in due to all the promises he had made. If the other nobles found out about this then his reign would be short lived.

And that was something he could not have right now.

“I see,” snarled Blueblood as he lost his composure. “Well then, perhaps a little motivation might help. Either have your work done by the end of the week or else I’ll have your families become ‘guests’ of the castle.”

“But my prince,” began Matrix. However, Blueblood was no longer listening. He stormed his way out of the room, cursing as he did. He knew this was very undignified, but right now he was in such a rage that he did not care. He walked up several flights of stairs, stomping his hooves like a spoiled colt throwing a temper tantrum.

He then spotted a single guard standing idly in the hallway, causing his mood to darken further. ‘Where the buck are all the guards?!’ thought Blueblood savagely as he moved towards the other pony. ‘Stareye, you have one bucking job! I am getting tired of your constant failures. I need some good news and soon or else I might do something that I’ll regret!”

“You there!” yelled Blueblood at the guard. Said guard jumped a little, startled by his prince’s tone before saluting him. “I want you to inform as many guards as possible to bring me Trixie at once!”

“Yes sir,” said the guard as he ran off to do as he was requested. As he did, he passed by Majesty as she walked towards Blueblood with a look of concern on her face.

“Prince Blueblood, what seems to be the matter?” she asked.

Blueblood looked like he was about to yell at her, but stopped himself. Right now, Majesty was his top supporter. Taking out his anger on somepony like her might feel good right now, but he might lose her trust as well as support which could spell doom for him. So instead he took a deep breath as he slicked back his mane with his magic.

“There has been a…problem with our plans,” he said as he did his best to remain calm.

“Oh dear,” said Majesty as she moved to his side. “Why don’t you tell me all about it and perhaps I can help make it all better.”


Elsewhere, Stareye laid in a large tub full of hot water and bubbles. His eyes were closed, still savoring the massage he had just received. Next to the tub was a tray of the freshest, ripest fruits as well as a bottle of champagne. A feeling of complete relaxation and bliss filled him. ‘I deserve this,’ he thought. ‘And the best part is that the military is picking up the bill.’

“Excuse me, High Commander sir,” said Boot Licker, causing Stareye to groan as he opened an eye.

“This had better be important,” said Stareye as he used to magic to pick up a strawberry and bring it to his mouth.

“I am so sorry to interrupt your bath, truly I am sir,” said Boot Licker quickly. “But Bitsworth is here and claims that he needs to speak to you.”

Stareye let out an exasperated sigh before he ate his fruit. “Very well,” he moaned. “Let’s just get this over with. I have enough stress as it is.”

“Of course you do High Commander,” said Boot as he quickly walked over to the door and opened it. As soon as he did, Bitsworth entered the room while holding a large stack of papers.

“High Commander, I have reports from almost every unit in the Guard saying that they are heading for the capital as we speak,” he said as his eyes scanned through the papers. “The only one that has yet to be accounted for belongs to a Major Blazing Glory. Apparently, from what we have gathered, Princess Celestia sent his unit somewhere before we sent the Equestrian delegation on some top secret mission. I’m afraid we won’t be able to get in contact with them until they are finished.”

Stareye let out a whining noise. “Do I really need to hear all of this?” he asked.

Bitsworth did his best not to roll his eyes. “I am sorry sir,” he said calmly. “But I would hate it if something like this were to come up in court and you would be unable to answer like before.”

For a moment, Stareye remained silent while feeling a slight surge of rage. The humiliation he had received thanks to Hot Pants still stung. That mare had made him look like a fool and then tried to publicly challenge his decisions. If it were up to him he would have her whipped and thrown in a cell for the rest of her life. It was only because of Blueblood, something about her being Fancy Pants niece and that doing that to her wouldn’t help bring him to their side, that he was unable to.

“Very well,” said Stareye as he waved a hoof. “Continue.”

“Yes High Commander,” said Bitsworth as his focus returned to the papers. “Recently, we received word that Prince Blueblood wishes that the mare Trixie be brought to him. I need your permission to use several of the guards in the Canterlot grounds to find her.”

“Fine,” sighed Stareye, not really caring all that much. “Is there anything else tedious that you need to tell me?”

“Just several other minor details for the battle tomorrow,” replied Bitsworth in a deadpanned tone to which Stareye responded with a groan. “We need your permission to get-”

“You have it,” said Stareye impatiently. “Do whatever you have to do so that we are ready and don’t bother me anymore. Gah! I feel like I need another massage from all of this stress!”

Bitsworth did his best to hide a smile as he bowed. “I am sorry sir,” he said. “And I will endeavor to ensure that you are not interrupted for the rest of the night.” With that, Bitsworth turned and left the room without another word.

‘I told Hot Pants he would do something like this,’ thought Bitsworth as he exited the building, heading towards the castle. ‘Now we can carry out our plans and that fool will be none the wiser.’


“Do you see anypony?” hissed Trixie.

“No,” whispered Sunset. The older mare let out a relieved sigh as she walked in front of Sunset and turned the corner towards the castle gardens.

Shortly after Majesty had told her about what Blueblood was planning, Trixie had made a beeline for the back exit of the castle not even bothering to go back to her room for more helpful items instead of the several bottle of alcohol, magical compass, and the dozen bits in her saddle bags. However she had to move slowly, using the filly as her scout to make sure there were no guards. Trixie knew she had to be careful. She didn’t know how far reaching Bluebloods influence was nor did she want to risk being seen.

Slowly the two made it to the doorway leading out of the castle and into the garden. As they walked out, they beheld a true wonder that caused the filly to gap. Various swept walkway allowed easy access to flower beds contains blooming plants of every flower known to pony. Large trees provided shade during the hot days with cute benches for sitting. And beyond that was a large hedge maze that seemed to go on forever. And, at the end of that maze, was a way out of the castle that avoided nearly all of the guards. After that it would be a short five minute trot down a trail that circled back into the city.

Trixie nudged Sunset with some slight force to get her attention before motioning her to follow her into the maze. Luckily for Trixie she knew it by heart, having walked in it many times with the Princess during their lessons. At the time she had believed it to have been nothing but a waste of energy, pointlessly wandering around the maze when they could have been more comfortable inside the castle. Now, however, she was grateful.

‘I wonder if she thought a day like this might happen,’ thought Trixie as the two neared the end of the maze. The light blue unicorn the paused and held up a hoof to stop Sunset in her tracks.

“Check and see if there are any guards,” whispered Trixie as she pointed at an opening that led to the end of the maze. Sunset muttered something to herself about pushy, older unicorns but still did as she was told. Staying low to the ground, the smaller of the two peeked around the edge before quickly pulling her head back.

“There’s a guard there,” she whispered to Trixie.

“Just one?” asked Trixie.

Sunset quickly checked again and nodded. “Looks like he’s reading something,” she added.

Trixie nodded and began to think of what she should do next. One option was that she could try teleporting the two of them past the guard. However, that ran the risk of him seeing the flash and going to investigate. And if she was caught doing that then he might get suspicious. Another possibility was that she could try walking past him and hoping he’d let them pass. However she didn’t like that option any much better than the first. Nor did she think she could take a guard down in a fight. At least not a fair one.

Then, Trixie’s eyes widened as she got an idea. She quickly reached into her saddlebag and pulled out a bottle of brandy. She opened it, took a large gulp, but didn’t drink it. Instead she began to swish it back and forth in her mouth like it was mouthwash before spitting it back into the bottle.

“What are you doing?” asked Sunset as Trixie used her magic to start pulled several leaves and twigs from the hedge next to her. Trixie ‘shhhed’ her as she began to put what she had gathered in various spots in her mane and tale. Once that was done, she began to walk over to the opening while swaying back and forth while wearing a stupid looking grin on her face.

Eyes widening in horror, Sunset raced to the opening, stuck her head out a bit, and watched as Trixie stumbled towards the guard. And it didn’t take long for the guard to hear her coming.

“Miss Trixie,” he said in surprise. “What are you doing here? And what happened to you?”

“Hehe,” Trixie giggled while waving around the bottle brandy with her magic. “Trixie was just out and *hic* about, having a good time. Now *hic* where is Trixie?” Trixie was now close enough to the guard to get up on her hind legs and throw herself onto him, wrapping her hooves around his neck in the process. Trixie let out a loud laugh as she did this, breathing heavily on the guard who scrunched up his nose in disgust.

“Great, she’s drunk again,” muttered the guard as he rolled his eyes. “Ma’am, you need to come with me. Prince Blueblood would like to see you. I’m sure he’s waiting for you back at the castle.”

Trixie giggled. “No,” she cooed. “I don’t wanna. I’d *hic* rather stay here with you.”

At this the guard blushed. “I-I can’t,” he stammered. “You’re drunk. I can’t take advantage of you when you’re in this state! Besides, I’m on duty and I have my orders.”

Trixie threw back her head and laughed. “You’re so *hic* silly,” she said as she brought her face closer to his. “Come on and have *hic* a drink with Trixie. Nopony has to know. It’ll *hic* be our little *hic* secret.”

“Ma’am I-” began the guard but was interrupted as Trixie slashed him in the face with the brandy, laughing all the way. Angered by this the guard threw her off him. “Damn drunk!” he swore as he tried to wipe the liquor from his face. However, his helmet proved to make that difficult so he took it off. Once that happened, Trixie’s eyes narrowed as he got up, turned around, and bucked him in the head. The poor guard fell to the ground with a thud.

“Well that wasn’t too difficult for the Great and Powerful Trixie,” said Trixie as she began to remove items from her mane and tail. As she did this, she noticed Sunset looking at her with an expression that had never been directed at her before.

“That was amazing!” cried the small filly as she raced towards Trixie with a grin on her face. “You totally fooled that guy! And then it was wham!” As she said this, Sunset made a bucking motion.

“I-It was nothing,” stammered Trixie as a blush appeared on her face.

“Where’d ya learn how to do all that?” asked Sunset as she looked up at Trixie.

“Well, to be honest, Princess Celestia taught Trixie,” said Trixie. “She gave Trixie a book about deception and misdirection saying it would be-” A sudden groan interrupted Trixie, her head turning to look at the guard she had just knocked out. “Perhaps Trixie shall explain in detail later.”

With that the two took off in a light trot. As they went down the trail, Trixie felt a rush of excitement. She knew it wasn’t from taking down that guard (well maybe a little), but instead from the performance she gave and the delight she saw Sunset give her after words. Never before had anypony looked at her like that or thought she was amazing. Usually she got snide remarks from ponies asking if that was the best a student of Celestia’s could do. It had been so long since she had heard genuine praise from anypony other that Princess Celestia.

Eventually the trail led the two into a dirty alleyway that nopony in Canterlot would ever be caught putting a single hoof in. All around the pair they saw chunks of half-eaten food that had been thrown away, parts of furniture, and needles. The worst of it was the smell, like somepony had died in here which wouldn’t have surprised Trixie in the slightest. Seeing all of this caused the two to exit the alley quickly and walk onto one of the business streets of Canterlot.

Normally a street like this one would have many of the Canterlot elite strolling down it while carrying their expensive purchases with their noses in the air. However, despite the lateness of the day, the streets were almost empty and devoid of life. Trixie could see that the shops were still open, but nopony seemed to be in them making it feel very lonely. The most likely reason for this was that many of the ponies who lived in this city no longer felt safe after the Lunar Republic took Princess Celestia. This also proved to be a problem for Trixie. While the streets being this empty would make their departure from Canterlot go faster, it also made it more likely that they would be spotted since there was no crowd for them to blend into.

As the two began to walk down the street, Trixie realized that she now had to decide how they were going to get out of Canterlot. As far as she knew, there were only five ways for a unicorn like herself to get out. Around the city there were three roads and near each of there were carriages that a pony could hire to take them to nearby cities and towns. There was also a flying chariot service, however that was extremely expensive. And then, finally, there was a hot air balloon service in the middle of Canterlot. Thinking about her options, Trixie knew that their best option was to get a carriage since the hot air balloon would move too slowly and they would be easily spotted.

Next, Trixie had to decide which road they would be using. To help her decide, she pulled out the magical compass and looked to see which direction the needle was pointing. She then began to walk in that direction, realizing that it was taking them to the eastern part of Canterlot. Here the shops began to get less pricey, there were apartment buildings instead of fancy mansions, and they saw more ‘normal’ unicorns walking down the streets. Not many, but there was a few. Most likely they were returning home from a long day’s work. And, luckily for them, Trixie knew this area since it had the least expensive alcohol in Canterlot!

“Ok,” said Trixie as they neared a cross section. “All we have to do is turn right here and at the end of the road is a carriage station that will take us out of Canterlot.”

“Looks like we’re home free,” said Sunset happily as they turned a corner. And saw that, down the street were three guards walking in their direction, their eyes locking onto them.

“You just had to say it didn’t you,” sighed Trixie as she turned around…and spotted two more guards heading towards them.

“Freeze!” yelled one of them. “In the name of Prince Blueblood you will come with use! If you don’t we will be forced to use magic and bring you in!” As the guard said this, they began spread out a bit to form a perimeter around them.

As they did this, Trixie looked down the street they needed to go. There was a furniture store, then an ink store, an accountant, a book store, a jewelry store, and then finally a store that nopony should ever bring a filly to. Trixie then began to take several deep breaths as she went over the spells she knew, quickly thinking of the best combinations she could use. A smirk then graced her face as she got up on her hind legs, her forelegs reaching for the sky.

“You think you can catch the Great and Powerful Trixie?!” she yelled with all the flare she could muster while her horn glowed from underneath her hat. “Behold as the Great and Powerful Trixie dazzles you with the greatest magic shown to her by the Princess herself!” She then began to talk in a lower voice so only Sunset could hear. “Whatever you do, stick close to me.”

“This is your last warning,” said one of the guards, not intimidated in the slightest. “Use any kind of magic and we’ll-” He never got to finish his sentence as Trixie took off her hat as smoke filled the street and overcoming the guards before they could react. Luckily for them, one of the guards knew a wind spell and quickly blew away the spoke. But when it cleared Trixie and Sunset weren’t where they had been. They looked around and saw the two running down the street behind the three guards.

Silently the guards headed after them in full gallop. As they did, they passed the bookstore where two familiar ponies had their faces hidden behind thick books.

“Looks like they took my bait,” whispered Trixie as she glanced up from the book she was holding with her magic. “They should realize that it’s an illusion soon.”

“Then shouldn’t we have gone the other way?” asked Sunset nervously.

Trixie opened her mouth, but before she could say anything they heard a guard yell “It was an illusion! They must have gone the other way!” The two then watched as all five guards ran past the book store in a fast gallop.

“It’s all about misdirection,” said Trixie as she softly closed the book and walked over to the counter to pay for the two. While she had no interest in ‘The Life and Times of Clover the Clever’, Trixie knew that this book store had a strict you read it you buy it policy. Reaching into her saddlebag, Trixie pulled out the bits for her book as well as the tome Sunset had picked up entitled ‘Advanced Magic for the Young Mind’ and hoped she had enough for the carriage ride.

The two then exited the building and made their way to their final destination. While Trixie knew the guards would be focusing their efforts everywhere else, she didn’t want to linger here for too long. Once they got to the carriage station, Trixie had to do a lot of haggling offering up all of her remaining bits and most of her alcohol. And after all that, the farthest that they could go was Ponyville in one of the cheapest rides they had.

Trixie knew that their ride would be poor quality, however despite that when she saw the condition of their carriage she could not hide her embarrassment. The thing had several holes in its sides and the roof had been patched up with several clothes. The wheels were all different sizes making it look lopsided. When they got in the two of them found their seats looked stained and in desperate need of repair. In short, it was the kind of ride that would make any normal pony say that they would rather walk. However, Trixie knew that despite the poor equality, it would get them to their destination quickly.

As soon as they closed the door, they began to move as four stallions began to gallop down the mountain side. As they did, Sunset pulled out her book and began to read it with great interest. As for Trixie, she pulled out her last bottle of whisky.

She was about to open it when she saw her reflection on the bottle and paused. For the first in what seemed like forever, she questioned herself on if she should be drinking like this. She didn’t feel at all depressed like she normally was. In fact, her heart was still racing from excitement thanks to her accomplishments. She knew she should be proud of herself for fooling the guards twice and doing what Princess Celestia asked her to do.

At the thought of the Princess, Trixie’s ears flattened. ‘Trixie gets it,’ she thought as she stared at the bottle. ‘She always believed in Trixie. Teaching Trixie things that she knew Trixie could do well. Showing Trixie things even when Trixie was too stupid to understand. She took Trixie in and look how Trixie has repaid her, by acting like a drunk. Trixie almost messed up the last task she entrusted Trixie with. Well no more!’ And with that, Trixie threw out the bottle without a second look.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” said Sunset.

“Yes Trixie should,” said the blue unicorn confidently. “Trixie is going sober from now on!”

“What I mean is that the seal on the bottle was still intact,” said Sunset. “You could have gotten a refund on the bottle.” For a moment, Trixie stared at the filly with her mouth hanging open and then face hoofed.


The Equestrians stood there, staring wide eyed at the Lunar soldiers. The three of them stood there apparently staring back. At least, that’s what Applejack and company believed due to the armor they were wearing. It looked similar to the normal armor they had seen other Lunar Guards wearing, but there were clear differences. First of all it looked thicker by at least two to three inches and seemed to be ‘boxier’ compared to the smooth, slim fitting armor they had seen other Guards wearing. The armor also covered their entire bodies, making it impossible for anypony to tell what tribe they belonged to nor their gender. The part of their helmets that should have shown their faces only showed a black void. Behind the three, the ponies in the prison pods watched with great interest as if this was the most exciting thing they had seen in a long time.

Finally, Rainbow could take no more of this staring contest. “Hey!” she barked while slamming a hoof against the bars of their cell. “If you guys are here to do something then do it! If not then get out of here!”

“R-Rainbow, maybe you s-shouldn’t antagonize them,” stammered Fluttershy.

“We need no witnesses,” said the Lunar pony in the middle, shocking almost everypony there. It was the voice. It didn’t sound male or female. An artificial a noise that could never of come from anypony’s mouth. Hearing that voice and not being able to see their faces sent a chill down everypony’s spine, including Rainbow Dash.

“Understood,” said the one on the right in the same false voice. The Guard turned around and moved to the wall. The ponies in the cell held their breaths, watching as the pony pressed her hoof against the wall before a hissing noise was heard. The heart rates of the Equestrians went through the roof as their eyes searched the room for the source of the noise, not realizing that it was coming from the prison pods as the eyes of their captives slowly closed.

“It’s done,” said the Guard after the hissing noise ended. “They’re in VR therapy for the next hour or so.”

“Good,” said the leader as his head turned to focus on Applejack. Said mare felt a twinge of unease, feeling as though the unseen eyes of the pony bore into her core. This didn’t go unnoticed by her friends who moved in front of her with Rainbow Dash in the front of the pack.

Rainbow leaned forward a bit, her wings extended looking like she was getting ready to pounce. Her eyes narrowed a bit signaling to all before her that she was ready for a fight should they enter the cell. The rainbow maned mare knew her speed would be her greatest advantage and hoped they didn’t know about it.

Oddly, the leader seemed to keep his gaze on Applejack, despite all the ponies trying to block his view. The Guard then took a step forward closer to the cell.

“Did you attack Twilight Sparkle?” asked the leader.

Applejack blinked. “No, ah didn’t,” she responded.

“That’s all I wanted to hear,” said the leader while his/her hooves reach up to the helmet. The five watched as the helmet was removed revealing Shadow Blade. Behind him the other two did the same revealing them to be Lightning Dust and Derpy.

“What the…” began Rainbow as her voice trailed off as Shadow pressed a button on his oversized armor causing the door to their cell to open.

“Kind of a boring reveal,” said Pinkie as they began to file out. “I totally saw that coming.”

“Darling, I don’t mean to be rude but what is going on?” asked Rarity.

“We’re busting you guys out of here,” said Lightning as she put her helmet back on. “Now come with us if you want to live.”

“But why-” began Applejack.

“We don’t have time to explain,” said Derpy quickly. “We have to go NOW!”

Wordlessly, the Equestrians followed the three as they headed out of the cell room. Each time they came to a door, one of the three would halt the group and check to see if anypony was down one of the long, seemingly unending hallways before they would then race down them until they had to turn. A few times Rainbow tried to move ahead of them only to have her tail grabbed by Shadow and yanked back. Anytime one of them made a noise the three Guards ‘shhhed’ them.

Eventually, they came to an odd looking hallway. Unlike the others, this one wasn’t as well lit and was covered with dust. It was as if no pony had been down here in a long, long time and had forgotten all about it. The three Lunar ponies also became more relaxed in this area as if they knew they were safe here.

“Here we are,” said Shadow as he stopped in front of an actual door. His hooves moved towards the keypad and pressed in the combination causing the door to slowly open revealing a stairway. He then motioned the girls to head down with him taking up the rear. Not really seeing much of a choice, the mares did as he requested.

Once again, they seemed to walk for hours. As they did, they all noticed that the walls on either side of them were not made of same metal as the hallway but of grey rock instead. They also noted that the lighting in here was even worse, having to squint just to see a few feet in front of them.

“This feels…spooky,” said Fluttershy, shivering slightly.

“Where in tarnation are ya takin’ us?” asked Applejack.

“You’ll see in a moment,” said Lightning. “And once we get there I can take off this damned Gen 3 armor. Seriously, I have no idea how ponies used to wear this oversized piece of junk.”

Soon they came to the bottom of the stairs and beheld an impressive sight. It was a cavern underneath the moon’s surface. Looking around, they could see at least two hundred ponies being able to fit comfortably in here. And with the ceiling being so high up and flat, pegasi and bat ponies could fly around with ease.

Seeing this, Rainbow stretched out her wings and took off, grateful for the chance to fly again after being cooped up. It was just a once around the cave but it gave her a bird's eye view of the place and allowed her to spot something that she hadn’t noticed on the ground. Yes, the place was big, but the spot where she had been standing on was a peninsular outcrop, big enough to support maybe a hundred ponies. The rest of the space was like a deep pit that seemed to have no bottom. Looking down into it sent a shiver down the spine of the Rainbow pegasus and caused her to fly a bit closer to where she could see ground.

As she did this, she also noticed that they weren’t the only ponies down here. Rainbow squinted for a moment as she tried to make out the other two down here as she flew closer. Her eyes then widened as she realized who one of them was.

“Girls!” Rainbow shouted excitedly. “It’s Twilight! She’s here!”

The effect was immediate. Pinkie Pie’s mane, which had been flat, returned to its normal bouncy state. Fluttershy stopped her crying and looked in the direction Rainbow was heading. Both Applejack and Rarity felt their excitement rise as they lead the charge towards the pony who had defended them in the past while calling out her name happily.

Once they caught up to Rainbow, they saw that Twilight was asleep on an old looking cot. A blanket covered most of her body. Around the cot were several bags of emergency food rations, first aid kits, and lanterns. And standing next to the cot, checking to make sure Twilight was alright, was Land Share who didn’t bother to look up as the others came closer.

“I-Is she alright?” asked Fluttershy.

“And why is she here instead of in a hospital?” asked Rarity.

“It’s complicated,” said Shadow from behind them. They turned around to see that he was no longer in the heavy armor. Behind him, the other two mares were struggling to take off the heavy looking pieces of metal. “You see-”

At that moment, Pinkie Pie jumped in front of her friends. “You thought that Twilight was attacked by Applejack, but after an emotional conversation with Scootaloo you began thinking that something was wrong. You then saw that Twilight wasn’t getting better quick enough because she was getting a different type of medicine. So you decided to check on the evidence finding out that some mean pony had altered it and then that same mean pony took it all away leaving you with nothing.”

Shadow stood there, his mouth hanging slightly. “That’s…right,” he said slowly. “Pinkie, how did you know all of that?”

“Lucky guess,” she said with a big smile as she bounced up and down.

“That’s some guess,” the bat pony replied.

At that moment, Land Share cleared his throat. “Well, I’d better get going. I still have another job to do after all.” As he said this, Shadow couldn’t help but notice how tired and drained the senator sounded nor how slowly he seemed to move. He was almost dragging his hooves against the rocky floor.

“Senator,” said Shadow before Land Share had gotten halfway to the stairs. Said stallion turned his head to look at Shadow. “Thank you of all your help. I know it would mean a lot to Twilight.”

A small smile appeared on Land Share’s face. “I know,” he said as he looked forwards again. “Just make sure she’s safe.” And with that he headed towards the stairs and began to ascend them.

“Ok, I can’t wait any longer,” shouted Rainbow, who looked very annoyed. “I want to know right now what’s going on! I mean, why’d you break us out and bring Twilight here?”

“Because she isn’t safe in the hospital,” said Shadow calmly as he looked at the girls as the huddled together. “As Pinkie Pie…guessed, Twilight was getting the wrong medicine on purpose. When we found out we changed it only for the nurse who did so to disappear and the medicine to be changed back to the incorrect one. I can only assume that whoever is doing all this is trying to get rid of all the witnesses in one blow. Twilight is the only pony to see her attacker and prove that none of you laid a hoof on her while also exposing the biggest conspiracy in the Republic’s history. Should she die, then the five of you will die and any proof that could be pointed back to the culprit would go right out the airlock. That’s why we broke you all out as well as Twilight. To keep you all safe until she wakes up and can clear this whole mess up.”

“But don’t you think that you should have, I don’t know, TOLD YOUR PRINCESS WHAT’S GOING ON!” yelled Rarity, her angry voice echoing through the cavern.

“Like we hadn’t thought of that,” said Lightning as she walked over to the group. Everypony’s eyes focused on her and Rainbow noticed, much to her shock and horror, that Lightning’s old wings were gone and replaced with metal ones. Seeing this caused the rainbow maned mare to pale slightly as her wings hugged her body tightly.

“I can just image how that conversation would go,” continued Lightning Dust as her voice began to drip with sarcasm. “Hey Princess Luna. We believe that one or more senators have teamed up with the LBI to frame the Equestrians for the attack on Twilight Sparkle and are poisoning her. We had proof but it’s gone now, but you can trust us.” When she finished, Lightning gave the mares a deadpanned expression. “Yeah, can you see how well that would go?”

“But can ya just get Princess Luna ta see Twilight?” asked Applejack as she stepped forward. “Then ya could show her that she’s not gettin’ the right medicine.”

“I thought about that after talking to Land Share,” said Shadow. “However, it appears that we are a little too late to do that.”

“W-What do you mean?” asked Fluttershy as she gulped nervously.

Shadow gave them an uncomfortable look. “Well, it appears that Princess Luna has already left the Republic. Right now she’s on Crescent Hope heading for Equestria.”


At that moment, Crescent Hope was in-between the planet and moon. They had been moving for a few hours due to the fact of their extra cargo. It wasn’t the extra three hundred on board the ship or any of the extra weapons they brought along for the battle. It wasn’t all of the extra shuttle crafts that were in the landing bay. No, it was because they were transporting something more important than either of those. Floating around Crescent Hope were hundreds of raindrop shaped crystals, each one of them about the size of a two story building.

On the bridge, Captain Starway sat in her chair as her eyes focused on the screen ahead of her. On it was a display of these crystals, floating in space as they slowly carried them towards the planet to begin Operation: Umbrella. She watched them, keeping an eye out to make sure that they didn’t crash into each other. If even one got damaged then it would be game over.

‘If only we could have fit them all into the ship,’ thought Starway as she quickly rubbed an eye. ‘Then maybe we wouldn’t have to divert so much power from the engines to the tractor beam.’

“Captain,” said a member of her crew, causing Starway to glance in the pony’s direction. “Captain Shining Armor is requesting permission for his shuttle to depart so he can begin his mission. Shall I give him the go ahead?”

Starway let out a sigh. “Might as well,” said Starway. “Nothing else to do right now. While you’re at it, contact the other shuttles and give them clearance as well.”

“Yes Captain!”

A few moments later two dozen shuttle crafts exited Crescent Hope and headed towards the planet. At first they seemed to stick together, flying through space life a pack of wolves. But as they moved closer towards the planet, they began to splinter off in different directions. Heading for different cities in Equestria. The plan had been Princess Luna’s, brought up just before they left. While Crescent Hope set up Operation: Umbrella, the shuttles would go to various cities and towns in Equestria, stealing various foods from farms and warehouses during the cover of night. Then, after dropped their forces off, Crescent Hope would return to the Republic to unload all the food they had gather.

Just then, Starway head the door open behind her. She turned around and, when she saw who it was, she scrambled out of her chair.

“Princess on the bridge,” she said as she bowed.

“There is no need for that,” said Princess Luna before the others could stop what they were doing to pay her respect. “There are far more important matters that must be dealt with.” She then looked at Starway. “Is everything going according to plan?”

“Yes Princess,” said Starway as she righted herself. She then turned to a member of her crew. “Pull up the hologram.”

A second later, a hologram of the planet appeared in the middle of the bridge. Next to it was the Crescent Hope and all of the objects it was pulling. Soon, all across the planet in a grid formation, were red raindrops that were blinking constantly.

“As you can see we have already mapped out where to place the crystals,” said Starway as Luna looked at the images, a smile appearing on her face. “Working around the clock, we should be done before morning. Assuming that there will be a morning.”

“Of course there will,” scoffed Luna. “I will not punish the rest of the planet because of Equestria. Soon I will begin to lower the sun and raise the moon. However…I will admit that I have never done this. I fear that it might tax me greatly. After I am done I will need to rest in my room for several hours.”

“I will make sure not to wake you unless it is an emergency of the highest level,” said Starway.

“Very good,” said Luna with a nod.


“Oh, this is bad,” said Fluttershy as she did her best to hide her face with her mane.

“B-But you have all this fancy technology stuff,” said Rainbow as she threw her hooves in the air. “I mean, we all saw that thingy that lets you talk to ponies from far away.”

“We do but-” began Shadow.

“Then why don’t you just call up Princess Luna and explain what’s going on?” interrupted Rainbow.

“I-” began Shadow once more.

“A simple call and it over,” ranted Rainbow as she began to pace in the air, not noticing the irritation on Shadow’s face. “Just tell her that something is wrong and she needs to see it in pony. Then take her to see Twilight and boom! Everything is exposed and that way you’re not risking Twilight’s life like a-”

“I DON’T KNOW WHO TO TRUST!” roared Shadow, causing everypony there to take a step back. “You think I don’t know what technology we have? You think that I didn’t consider calling her as soon as I found out she left? Well I did! But here’s the thing, a call like that could be intercepted or blocked. And once that happened the pony who is behind all of this might try something more drastic!”

Shadow let out a sigh, calming down slightly. “Right now, I don’t know who to trust other than the ponies in this room. And until I can get something, anything that could prove that something is up before Twilight wakes up it’ll be my word against the evidence that was provided. And I don’t think anypony will believe me without it, especially after breaking all of you out of jail. So right now, I am trusting the five of you to watch Twilight while I try and get to LBI headquarters and get the evidence that we need. Once I get my hooves on it, I’ll get on a shuttle and head straight to Princess Luna myself.”

“You think they’ll have it there?” asked Rarity.

For a moment, Shadow said nothing. “I’ll do whatever it takes to find it,” he said with a slightly more dangerous tone as his eyes narrowed.

“But what about Scootaloo?” asked Rainbow. “Won’t they go after her?”

At that, Shadow seemed to relax a bit as a smile appeared on his face. “Don’t worry about her,” he said confidently. “Senator Land Share promised me he’ll be keeping an eye on her.”

“Ah, ya sure we can trust him?” asked Applejack, looking a little worried. “Ah don’t want ta bring this up, but that parasprite that Fluttershy brought with her damaged his home pretty bad. For all ya know he might be helpin’ them.”

Shadow opened his mouth, but Lightning’s snickering stopped him. Everypony turned to look at the pegasus and her friend standing next to her. Lightning looked like she was doing her best to keep her laughter at bay while Derpy was smiling calmly.

“I don’t think we have to worry about him,” said Derpy in a reassuring voice. “I’ve known him almost as long as I’ve known Twilight so I know for a fact that he loves her like a daughter.”

“Besides he’s helping us,” said Lightning as she calmed down and then gestured to their surroundings. “He’s the one who helped take down security for a while so we could break you guys out and he smuggled Twilight out as well. All this stuff down here? It’s his emergency supplies. He’s even the one who showed us this place. It’s an old, outdated emergency cave in case a meteor hit the Dome. One of several around Dome Zero that hasn’t been used in eight hundred years. Stars, Shadow grew up in the castle and even he didn’t know about this place until Land Share showed it to him. So I seriously doubt that he’s a bad guy.”

“Lightning’s right,” said Shadow. “Senator Land Share is doing a lot for us. Besides, if he was against us, he could have set a trap while I was break you all out or something like that. Now, I’d better get going. The next part of the plan is about to begin.”


“SHE’S WHAT?!” screamed Gigawatt, his voice echoing down the halls of the medical wing causing many ponies to stick their heads out of the various rooms to see what was going on. Seeing this, Gigawatt narrowed his eyes before whispering to the LBI pony in front of him. “How can she be gone? Twilight was in critical condition!”

“W-We don’t know?” gulped the LBI pony. “Believe me, we are as confused as you are. We…” His voice trailed off as he put a hoof into his ear, listening in on his communication device. As the moments passed, he paled considerably as a look of utter horror befell him.

“S-Senator,” he said after a while. “It seems that the Equestrians have g-gone m-m-missing.”

For a moment, Gigawatt’s face betrayed no emotion. He just stared at the LBI agent as his words echoed in his head. Then, as fast as lightning, anger filled him. His face contorted in rage as his horn began to glow and lift the agent into the air by his suit.


“Senator Gigawatt, control yourself,” said a voice from behind him. Gigawatt turned around, lowering the LBI agent as he did, and saw Land Share slowly walking towards him.

Gigawatt glared at the other senator. “What are you doing here?” he demanded.

“I just came down to check on Twilight and Scootaloo,” replied Land Share, his eyes half closed. “Now, what has you all riled up?”

“Riled up?” repeated Gigawatt. “I’ll tell you what has me all ‘riled up’. Those filthy Equestrians are no longer in their cell and Twilight is missing from her room. I’m willing to bet my seat that she’s been fillynapped by those savages!”

Land Share’s eyes widened slightly. “What are you going to do?”

Gigawatt snorted. “What I have to,” he said with a growl. “I must inform Princess Luna of the situation and sound the alarm. I’ll have this entire Dome searched from top to bottom a thousand times if I have to. And then, once they are found, I’ll throw them out the nearest airlock myself.”

“D-Do you really think that’s wise?” asked Land Share.

At this, Gigawatt narrowed his eyes at Land Share. ‘That’s odd,’ he thought. ‘I would assume that he would want to do everything possible to find Twilight. Shouldn’t he at least be more worried?’

“It’s what I have to do,” said Gigawatt after a while in an even tone. “That is, if we want to make sure Twilight is safe.”

“That’s what I want as well,” said Land Share quickly. He then lowered his voice so that only Gigawatt could hear. “It’s just that I’m afraid that if we sound the alarms then the Equestrians might panic and get desperate. And in the state Twilight is in, it’ll be impossible for her to defend herself. Don’t you think it might be better to let them think we haven’t noticed that they are missing while searching for them?”

Gigawatt blinked before scratching his chin. “You do have a point,” he said.

“And we’d better not tell Princess Luna,” continued Land Share in a low tone. Gigawatt opened his mouth to object, but Land Share continued to talk. “If she came back now, she’ll go on the war path looking for them. She’ll search this Dome until there is nothing left personally and then, if she finds nothing, she’ll go to the next and then the next. She’s stressed enough as it is with the war and coming back here to look for them might divide her attention too much. Or she might put everything else on hold until Twilight is found.”

Gigawatt’s eyes widened. ‘He…has a good point. If we tell the Princess that Twilight is gone then she might put the war on hold until she is found. And that’s the last thing we need right now!’

“I guess we could keep this quiet,” said Gigawatt, trying his best to say it as naturally as he could. He then looked over at the LBI agent he had assaulted. “I want you to get every agent in this Dome involved, but no further. Every room is to be triple checked and I want the anti-teleportation field on at all times. When you find them, report to one of us. Is that understood?”

“Yes Senator,” said the LBI pony as he saluted. Then, as soon as he lowered his hoof, he ran straight out of the room.

“Well it looks like I’ll have to check on Scootaloo in a little bit,” said Land Share with a sad sigh. “I’ll talk with the ponies in charge of our security systems to see how they could have gotten out without being detected immediately.”

As Land Share walked away, Gigawatt began to think. How did the Equestrians break out of their cell without tripping the alarm? And how did they get from their cell all the way to the medical wing without being spotted? The rainbow maned one alone stood out like a sore hoof. Surely somepony should have seen something. And with everypony running down the halls of the castle, getting ready for the war, that should have increased their chances of being spotted. So how did they do it?

A very unpleasant answer came to Gigawatt: somepony within the Republic was helping them.

Gigawatt was about to call out to Land Share to share his thoughts when he noticed something on the ground. Right where Land Share had been standing was a small patch of grey dirt. His eyes darted towards the retreating senator and could see that the bottom of Land Share’s hooves were also grey.

And while Gigawatt began to think about what this could mean, he failed to notice the orange filly who had stuck her head out to see what was going on right behind him.


It was getting late as Lord North Star began to dress himself for his son’s party. Personally, he would rather spend the evening alone than attend. Not only did Stareye not deserve this promotion, but it felt wrong on so many levels to hold a party like this in the castle while Princess Celestia was being held hostage. The only positive for something like this was that it gave the illusion to the public that everything was running smoothly within the government and thus put their minds at ease. For that reason alone, North Star would attend this little charade.

‘I guess it’ll also help me keep an eye on Blueblood,’ thought North Star as he put on his suit. ‘From what I’ve heard, he’s sending messages to the Griffon Empire and the United Donkey Nation. I wonder what he wants with them.’

Just then there was a knock on the door.

“You may enter,” said North Star. The door then opened to reveal one of his butlers holding a scroll with his magic.

“Sir, a letter just arrived for you,” said the butler as the scroll floated towards his master who took it with his own magic.

“Thank you,” said North Star as he began to read the scroll. After reading the first few lines, however, he nearly dropped it. Whoever this was from was telling him that Blueblood would be unable to duplicate the Republic’s armors within their lifetime. Not only that, he was threatening the families of Spell Matrix as well as the other unicorns who were working on them if they didn’t do the impossible. At the end of the scroll, it told him that the compass was being delayed because Trixie had escaped from Canterlot.

Gulping, North Star lowered the parchment as he took in everything. He hadn’t heard anything about Trixie since earlier this afternoon. Why did the scroll say that she escaped? Did she find something out or was she being held against her will? And who wrote this? There was no name on it that he saw.

‘Something more must be going on in the castle,’ thought North Star as he set down the scroll. ‘And I am going to find out what!’


At the same time, Cadence and her party had finally landed at the edge of the Everfree Forest. They were all tired from their long flight, their coating damp with sweat. And now that they we on the ground they would finally give their tired wings a well-deserved break. The only one who didn’t look exhausted was Midnight who was sleeping peacefully on her mother’s back.

“My Lady,” said Darkwing. “Our destination is somewhere within this forest. Would you like to wait till morning?”

Cadence shook her head. “No,” she said. “I wish to speak to Lone Wolf as soon as possible. But perhaps we could take a small break. Maybe even head over to that apple farm we spotted coming in and purchase something to eat.” At the promise of fresh apples, her guard began to drool and lip their lips in anticipation.

“If you wanted something to eat you should have done that sooner,” said a cold voice from the tree line. All the ponies there turned and saw Jackal as he emerged from behind a tree, a crud but dangerous wooden spear tucked beneath his wing. And he wasn’t the only one. Four more bat ponies with similar weapons also emerged from the forest looking ready from blood. Quickly they surrounded the tired alicorn and her guards.

“I don’t give my enemies a last meal,” continued Jackal as he pointed his spear at Cadence’s throat.

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