• Published 19th Feb 2013
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The Thousand Year Change - Darthvalgaav

After seeing what happened when she accidently changed her friends destinies, Twilight is curious about about the 'what if'. Like, for example, what if Luna had ponies a thousand years ago who noticed her.

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Sunset Shimmer stood on a before the entire Lunar Senate. On both her sides was a member of the Royal Guard. Of course that wasn’t the only thing that kept her from trying to make an escape. All four of her legs had been cuffed and chained to the ground while an anti-magic ring had been placed on her horn so that she couldn’t use any magic. The only thing missing here was Princess Luna who had chosen not to be here at all. Whatever the Senate decided on, Luna would honor.

So far her trial had gone by at a snails pace. One by one the Senate spoke to her former Troopers as they recounted what she had ordered them to do. They then spoke to experts in the LBI about the alterations she had done to the stun guns.

“Sunset Shimmer,” said Senator Land Share after the last witness had finished speaking. “We have now heard and seen all of the evidence. In a moment you shall be returned to your cell while we decide on your fate. However, before we do so, we will allow you to speak your mind.” Suddenly, a light began to shine down upon the mare. As it did, she began to feel a bit light headed. “Now, is there anything you would like to say?”

“Yes,” came an automatic response from Sunset. “I think you’re all fools.” Sunset’s eyes widened when she said this. It was true that this was how she felt, but she didn’t want to say it out loud. It then clicked in her brain: she was under a truth light. As long as it shined on her she would be forced to tell the truth to anything she was asked.

“How so?” asked Senator Scorpio with a raised eyebrow.

“Because you all think that Twilight Sparkle is so great!” yelled Sunset. “She’s the one who should be here instead of me! She stole what should have been mine! I should have been made Princess Luna’s Prized Student! I should be the Assistant Director of the Department of Science and Research! Everything she has should have been mine by right!”

“And you believe that gives you the right to hurt foals?” asked Peaceful Meadows.

“If it will hurt Twilight then of course,” said Sunset. “If it will hurt her friends. If it will hurt whatever project she’s working on. As long as she suffers even just a little it will be worth it.” Suddenly the light on Sunset was turned off. The mare fell on her flank as reality came crashing down upon her. She had just confessed how she really felt to the Senate. Any hope she had of getting off light had now vanished.

“I believe we have heard enough,” said Gigawatt. “Guards, take her away.”


“Is everything alright Princess?” asked Pumpkin in a worried tone. Luna sighed as she looked over to the plate of cookies sitting next to her throne. The pumpkin cookies, her favorite, laid their untouched. Normally Luna would have had at least one before the plate touched the table. Today, however, it seemed that her appetite was gone.

This was not much of a surprise for the Moon Princess. Ever since Sunset had been placed under arrest, all of Luna’s joy from this morning had vanished. She wanted to help Sunset, give her another chance. But sadly, she had already done that once already and look where things ended up.

Perhaps it was because she had gone so easy on Sunset the first time that things ended up like this. As a filly, Sunset had done horrible things at Princess Luna’s school which some believed deserved a much harsher punishment than being expelled. However, Luna had seen a bit of herself in Sunset. She had hoped that, if she showed mercy, in time Sunset would realize that what she had done was wrong. Heck, the only reason Luna had allowed Sunset to be a Trooper’s leader was because she believed that Sunset was starting to change. Oh how wrong she was.

“I guess I’m-” began Luna when a scroll appeared in front of her. Growling, Luna grabbed it with her magic and, thinking it was from Celestia, was about to tear it up. She was in no mood for her sisters meddling right now. As she began to cast a spell that would shred the scroll into thousands of tiny pieces, Luna noticed the pink crest on the scroll. It resembled a crystal heart making it not Celestia’s.

Slowly, Luna began to mull over what she should do. It could be a trick of Celestia’s in order for Luna to read what was inside. However, last she checked, placing a false seal on a scroll was a serious crime in Equestria. While Celestia may bend the laws from time to time, she would never break them. Deciding to take the chance, Luna opened the scroll and began to read.

‘Dear Princess Luna,

Today, it was brought to my attention that a filly named Scootaloo has gone missing in Ponyville. Miss Foster, the mare who runs the orphanage, is deeply worried about her. According to several eye witnesses, they claim that the filly was seen in the presence of Twilight Sparkle and Shadow Blade for the majority of the evening before she went missing.

I hope you can understand the severity of this implication. There are already many stories of how Nightmare Moon and those who follow her stealing foals out of their homes before eating them. If news of this ever got to the public’s attention it would only serve to make those stories true. More importantly, two of your subjects foalnapped a foal of the state which I am sure you know is a very serious offence. You are very lucky that I heard about this before it reached Princess Celestia. You know how much she wants you back and might have used this to her advantage.

First off, I don’t think that you knew anything about this before hoof. I know that before you left Canterlot you were ready to merge our two countries. I doubt that you would allow any pony under you to take a filly during such a critical time. Also, I don’t think that your subjects did it to be cruel. I know that Twilight is Shining Armor’s little sister and, if she is anything like her brother, had her heart in the right place. She most likely thought that she was helping the poor filly somehow.

But that beings said, I can not just let this slide. I am requesting an audience with you at your earliest connivance so that I may find out the condition of Scootaloo as well as find out how well she is being taken care of. If everything looks good then I will smooth things over with Miss Foster. If not, I’m afraid I will have to ask that she be returned to Equestria. I hope you can understand. Who knows, if all goes well then maybe we can also get to know each other a bit better.

Your friend in Canterlot, Princess Cadence’

A smile appeared on Luna’s face as she finished reading the letter. Truly, she did have a friend in the capital of Equestria if she was willing to help her out like this. Not only was she saving her subjects from more bad publicity, but also keeping Celestia in the dark about all of this.

As Luna used her magic to reach for a cookie, she read the last sentence once more. ‘She wants something,’ thought Luna while she took a bite out of her cookie. ‘But I don’t think that she’s the type who would blackmail another pony to get what she wants. From what I’ve seen from her, she’ll put the needs and safety of the foal before her own desires.’

For a moment, Luna considered her options. The first one would be to simply ignore the letter and go about her life like nothing happened. If Cadence ever attempted to enter the Republic, she would be detained just like Celestia was. She also doubted that the fools in Canterlot would go to war with them over the life of one orphan. Still, Luna could not bring herself to do this. Cadence was one of the few decent pony’s she had met in Equestria. She wasn’t like Celestia, not willing to just ignore the suffering around her. Plus it wouldn’t hurt to hear what she wanted to talk about.

Hoping that she wouldn’t regret this later, Luna used her magic to summon a scroll and quill.


“I say we should put her in a prison pod and be done with her,” said Gigawatt as he slammed his hoof on the table. The Senate had been in deep discussion since Sunset had been taken out of the room. So far no pony could agree on the right course. Some, like Gigawatt, felt that she should be punished harshly. Others felt that what she had done didn’t deserve such drastic actions.

“She cheated at a silly game,” said April Showers calmly. “I will agree that she didn’t need to harm the poor foals, but putting her in one of those pods just seems like a little much.”

“Don’t forget that she was forced to eat the special at Diner 51,” added Stock Market with a laugh. “I’d say that she got what she deserved. A simple fine and maybe some community service should be enough.”

“I agree eating that stuff is a punishment,” said Scorpio with a small grin. However it was short lived. “However, Sunset has clear issues that have been going on for far too long. It wasn’t that she cheated that concerns me, but why she did so. She wanted to hurt those foals so Lightning Dust would be hurt and finally Twilight Sparkle. She doesn’t care what happens to another pony as long as she gets what she wants.”

“Does that remind any of you of somepony else?” demanded Gigawatt. “She’s just like Genetic Code!” Several members on the Senate gasped at this declaration. To compare this mare, or anypony for that matter, to a monster like Genetic Code was uncalled for.

“I think that’s going a bit too far,” said Peaceful Meadows. “Genetic Code was a monster that Princess Luna trusted. He did many great things for the Republic, but they are over shadowed by his crimes. Sunset’s crimes pale in comparison.”

“That is true” admitted Gigawatt. “The things Genetic Code did are unforgivable. But I was not comparing their actions, but their mind frames. The both of them share this: they would do anything to get what they wanted regardless of the lives they hurt along the way.” Gigawatt then looked over to Land Share, their eyes meeting briefly. “And this isn’t the first time she has been made to answer for her misdeeds. Isn’t that right Senator Land Share?”

“Yes,” said Land Share after a moment. “It was several years ago, back when she was still a student at the academy. She was one of six students who were competing for the position of Princess Luna’s Prized Student.” All the members of the Senate nodded. They all knew that, when it came time to pick a new Prized Student, she would gather foals whose grades and abilities shinned above the rest. She would then grade them for a period of time before making her final decision. Those that weren’t chosen still went on to do great things and were usually given high end jobs.

“At the time,” continued Land Share, “it looked like Sunset was going to win. Her grades were well above the rest and had strong magical abilities. Then, one day, a seventh student was added to the mix. Twilight was the youngest by two years causing Sunset to think she wasn’t a threat to her future position. When their next test results were posted she found out she had been dead wrong as Twilight had gotten a hundred and twenty percent.

“Now, this was after Twilight had lost her parents. Not only was she staying with Princess Luna, but the princess was paying their tuition out of her own pocket. Rumors were quickly spread claiming that Twilight hadn’t earned the right to be a student at Princess Luna’s School for Gifted Ponies, let alone to be a candidate to earn the right to be the princess’s Prized Student. Sunset herself lead these rumors claiming that the test must have been dumbed down for her. She, as well as the rest of the students, soon found out that Princess Luna wasn’t going easy on her at all. In fact, it was just the opposite. Twilight received three times the amount of work than any other student there and never once complained.

“As time went on trouble began to follow right behind Twilight’s hoofsteps. The school’s lab was found smashed one day and that afternoon the dean found a disk containing footage of Twilight using her magic to smash everything in there. It was examined in great detail only to find that it was false. A few weeks after that drugs were found in the filly’s locker and after that she began to receive threatening letters.”

“Let me take a wild guess,” said Scorpio with a frown. “Sunset was behind all of these.”

“It is possible,” said Land Share with a shrug. “Whoever did all this was good at covering their hoofprints. Things, however, reached a boiling point when lewd pictures where placed all over the school with Twilight’s face plastered on them. Up until this point, the princess had done her best to keep out of these affairs and let the school handle them. But when Twilight returned to the castle in tears she had lost her patience. An assemble was called and Princess Luna threatened the entire school body that if one more incident like that happened she would send the LBI in to investigate.

“After that, the incidents stopped. The Lunar Assessment Tests were coming up and every student was studying like mad. I’m sure you all remember what those were like.” Indeed, every member on the Senate cringed a little in their seats as they recalled the days and nights studying for this one test. For most ponies, a poor grade could ruin their futures.

“The day came and went,” continued Land Share. “Yet when the grades were posted the next day, many ponies received very low grades. In fact, out of all the candidates that were trying to become Princess Luna’s Prized Student, only Sunset Shimmer got an A while everypony else received a zero. Several teachers believed that they had simply buckled under the pressure while some others believed that the grading machine malfunctioned. It wasn’t until one colt came forward saying that he had seen Sunset leaving the school late at night while he had been taking a walk. Security camera’s were checked and scanning spells were done on the papers revealing that Sunset had been behind this sabotage. With clear evidence against her, Sunset was brought before the princess to pay for her wrong doings. Princess Luna, who had known Sunset since she was a filly, found this to be very difficult. In the end, she did not place her in a prison pod like she normally would have. Instead she was expelled from her school and barred for life from applying to any high government job. She hoped that, in time, Sunset would see the error of her ways and apologize.”

“Clearly, that isn’t going to happen,” said Gigawatt. “If we let her off easy then something like this will just happen again.”

“Yes,” agreed Scorpio. “We can not just send her on her way. The lesson needs to sink in and she needs to be placed in an area where we can keep watch over her. Placing her in a prison pod might do the trick, but I still feel that her crime doesn’t warrant such an action. Her position within the Republic is far too low after all. I think I have an idea that might be for the best.”


Meanwhile, Celestia gazed at her work. Since she had left Cadence practically in charge, the sun princess had been at work drawing a magical circle in her room. In it’s center was Luna’s cutie mark while around it were various words written in a long forgotten language. Four candles had been lit around it facing north, south, east, and west.

‘It’s finally done,’ thought Celestia with a small, sad smile. ‘Now all I have to do is wait until nightfall. Then I can start my plan. No matter what happens, I know for a fact that Luna will return.’ For a moment, Celestia felt slightly guilty for what she was about to do. She was going to open some of her sister’s oldest wounds in order to get her to return to her. Wounds that had been the starting place of her anger towards Celestia. But she had to do it. The reason for all of this was the statue sitting idly in the castle gardens.

Walking onto the balcony, Celestia looked down at the statue of Discord. All over its deformed body were cracks that had started to appear several decades ago. Celestia was sure this meant that the creature inside was trying to get out. Luckily for her, she had been in the garden the day the first cracks began to appear. Using her magic she was able to patch up them up as best she could yet it would only delay his return. Without the Elements of Harmony or her sisters help, Celestia knew that Equestria would be doomed.


“Ah, Captain Hard Shell,” said Blue Blood as he walked down the halls. Hard Shell turned his head to look at Blue Blood and bowed in respect. “You seem to be in a hurry. Has something happened?”

“Yes,” said the temporary captain of the Royal Guard. “We received a letter from a newly formed town called Appleloosa. Apparently there is a bat pony colony that has been hiding there for years. The ponies down there didn’t even know about them until one was seen chatting with the buffalo. The townsfolk are afraid of an alliance between the two groups and have asked for troops to be sent down to wipe the two groups out.”

“Interesting,” said Blue Blood. “Are you going to do it?”

“No,” said Hard Shell instantly. “Princess Cadence forbade any action of the Royal Guard against bat ponies without her or Princess Celestia approving it. There are also new laws in place that forbid law enforcement from taking action against bat ponies for simply being bat ponies. Even if that law wasn’t in affect I wouldn’t send our forces down there. We are spread too thin to be trying to commit genocide. All it would take was for one of our enemies to notice this and there will be an invading force at our borders.”

“We do seem to have a lot of enemies,” admitted Blue Blood. “But hopefully we will be able to do something about that. You see, my dear captain, I have been talking to several of the more open minded lord and ladies of the court over the whole ‘Lunar Republic’ thing. We all agree that if we had pressed our advantage a bit more than they would have folded.”

“With all due respect sir, it would never happen in our life times,” said Hard Shell. “The current situation is simply a mess. It will take years for both sides to get over what has happened.”

“But what if something happened that would force the pony’s of the Lunar Republic to return to the table,” said Blue Blood calmly. “What if they suddenly had a shortage of food and water? Why, they would submit to all of our demands. Their troops, their technology, their land would be all ours!”

Hard Shell narrowed his eyes. “I hope you are not suggesting what I think you are. Now, I am going to forget this little conversation and bid you good day.” With that, Hard Shell walked as did Blue Blood. However, the temporary captain had made a powerful enemy at that moment. One that would deal with his rejection soon.


“Sunset Shimmer, we have decided on your punishment,” said Scorpio. Around him sat the Lunar Senate as they stared at the mare who sat before them. “For the next ten years you shall work as a mining pony on one of the TOM’s. During this time your magic will be sealed away and a tracking chip will be placed in your skull. Also you shall receive counseling three times a week. After a period of three years, if no progress has made, we shall reconvene to decide on a more potent punishment. If you are suspected of any wrong doings during this time, there shall be no mercy from us and you will receive the maximum punishment. That is all.

Author's Note:

Well I'm back for a while. I finally got done with the next chapter of ”The Legendary Nightsong and I won't be starting on the next one for a few more weeks.

I finally saw Equestria girls. Tell you all what i thought about it next chapter

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