• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 21,676 Views, 3,441 Comments

The Thousand Year Change - Darthvalgaav

After seeing what happened when she accidently changed her friends destinies, Twilight is curious about about the 'what if'. Like, for example, what if Luna had ponies a thousand years ago who noticed her.

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Celestia's Mistake

Celestia looked around in confusion. She had attempted to teleport close to where she had sensed Luna. Yet looking around she did not see her younger sister. In fact, she was the only pony in the room. All she could see were smooth, white walls that seemed to give off a soft glow.

‘I guess my aim is off,’ thought Celestia as she began to power up her teleportation spell. To her surprise her magic seemed to fail her. There was no glow coming from her horn or any other sign that her magic was working. She could feel her magic still inside her but she just couldn’t reach it. Like a jar of pickles with the lid on too tight.

To her right came a hissing sound that caused the sun princess to turn her head. A door seemed to have appeared in the wall which opened up to allow three ponies to enter the room. Two of them were heavily armored while the third was completely bare. Celestia raised an eyebrow as she remembered that she had seen this pony before. He was the one who had accompanied Twilight at the Summer Sun Festival. The two armored guards took their place in front of the doorway while the bat pony walked towards Celestia.

“I am Captain Shadow Blade of Princess Luna’s Royal Guard,” stated the bat pony as he stopped. “You attempted to teleport into a restricted area. We caught your spell and redirected it into this room. Here your magic has been neutralized until your fate has been decided. Now, why have you come here?”

“I am Princess Celestia,” said the princess in a kind but firm tone. “Sister of Princess Luna. I was only trying to talk to her face to face. May I see her?” She saw Shadow hesitate for a moment, as if he were having an internal debate with himself.

“My Princess has made it clear that she does not wish to have any contact with you,” said Shadow after a moment.

“Please,” said Celestia as she took a step towards Shadow. “I need a chance to explain. That’s all I’m here for.”

Shadow tilted his head to the side before letting out a sigh. “I will tell her you’re here. If she still does not wish to speak to you then there is nothing I can do. But until then you are to remain in this room. Any hostile actions will be met with force and you shall be detained in a prison pod. Do you understand?” Not having any other option, Celestia nodded. Shadow did not return the nod nor did he say anything else. Silently he turned around and walked out the door.


“Noob,” gloated Luna as she held her controller in the air with her magic. In front of her was a large monitor at least three times her size. On the screen was a pony in black armor with a shotgun. Next to them was a similarly clad pony, except her armor was pink.

Some ponies thought that being a princess was all fun and games. Well, in Luna’s mind, they could go buck themselves. From the moment she left her private chambers it was usually work, work, and work. She had to make decisions on water usage, listen to reports from research and development, work with the senate to make sure everything was fine within the Domes, and million other things. And when she went to sleep another part of her job was to check on her subjects dreams. So whenever she got a few free moments Luna would unwind with video games. Right now she was in the middle of a multi-player gamed called Modern Pony Warfare.

Looking at the top right hoof corner of her screen she saw a player heading towards. Grinning, Luna began to look for an ambush spot while thanking her good fortune that she saved up the points needed to get the motion tracker option for her helmet. After a few seconds of looking around she found a couple of large boulders that she could hide behind and wait. Luna waited in her hiding stop for a moment or two before her latest victim arrived. The moon princess grinned when she saw who it was, a red armored stallion named Sarge. Luna knew him well as being a loud annoying pony with little to no skills.

Luna aimed her characters shotgun at him. He kept walking, not knowing that Luna had him in her sights. She concentrated her magic on the fire button, ready to press it when the time came. She could easily smell her easy kill. Her target then realized she was there, but it was too late.

“PRINCESS LUNA!” shouted somepony outside her door causing Luna’s head to turn. Letting out a curse she quickly turned her head back towards the screen to find herself dead with Sarge holding her shotgun.

“You just got Sarged,” said Sarge on the screen. Groaning, Luna turned off her game station as she stood up. ‘This better be important,’ she thought to herself as she walked towards the door. Opening it she saw Shadow Blade looking a bit nervous.

“Shadow, has something happened?” asked Luna as her anger was replaced with fear. Shadow had never come to her like this. Usually he would try not to bother her during her time of rest.

“I, uh, that is we captured an intruder that tried to teleport into the castle,” he said while trying not to look at her. “Right now we have her in an anti-magic cell.”

“Is that all?” asked Luna as she raised an eyebrow. “Well I guess it has been awhile since some poor fool tried that. Tell me, was it an accident or intentional.”

“Intentional,” said Shadow Blade with a nod. “Definitely intentional.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Then if you have this foolish pony I see no reason why you should bother me,” she replied. “Just place her in a prison pod and be done with it. Now, if you'll excuse me.” Luna began to shut the door when Shadow stuck out a hoof to stop it.

“It is a bit more complicated than that,” said Shadow. “You see, the pony in the anti-magic cell is your sister. She wishes to speak with you.”


Twenty five minutes later, Luna found herself standing at the door to the prison cell. When she had heard that they had captured Celestia her first response was to have her sent back to Equestria. However, Shadow suggested that Luna should at least speak with her before that. If she didn’t, there would be a good chance that Celestia would just try again and again. Perhaps if they spoke for just a little bit then Celestia would get the message that Luna wanted nothing more to do with her. Deciding to trust her Captain of the Royal Guard, Luna agreed.

As Luna took a deep breath, she pressed a button on the wall to open the door. Once open she saw her sister standing in the middle of the room. At first she had a dejected look on her face, but when she saw her sister entering the room it quickly became much brighter.

“Sister,” said Celestia as she took a step forward. “I am glad you came.”

“You shouldn’t,” said Luna coldly. “When I said that I never wanted to speak to you again, it didn’t mean until later tonight! I am here now to inform you that you going to be sent back to Equestria and never to return again.” Luna then turned and began to leave the room.

“Please wait,” cried Celestia. “I know I messed up. But we must put all this behind us and move forward. We were meant to rule together.” When Luna heard this she stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes narrowed in rage as she turned to face her sister once more.

“Rule together?!” she yelled as she pointed a hoof at Celestia. “When did we ever do that?! Everything always went your way. It was always ‘Trust me little sister’ or ‘Please wait and see sister’. You never thought I could do anything on my own nor did you value any of my ideas!” Luna then began to slowly walk towards Celestia who had a shocked look on her face. “And it was always you in the spotlight. You were always the one to host those grand parties. Always you who were invited to those big events like the Best Young Flyers Competition. Did you ever bring me along? No.” Now they were face to face, barely an inch apart. “Don’t pretend that it wasn’t like that. I was always in your shadow. I was falling into despair when I finally found ponies who noticed me and what I was trying to do. They saved me from myself and for that I will always protect them.”

Celestia looked away, unable to look at Luna as she made her accusations. Luna was panting from her long speech.

“Luna, please know that I never meant for things to get this out of hoof,” said Celestia as she slowly turned her head to look at Luna again.

“Then what did you mean?” demanded Luna. “Did you mean allow bat ponies to become outcasts barely able to survive? Did you mean to turn my ponies into monsters for foal’s bedtime stories?”

“Luna I-”

“Did you mean to turn me, your sister, into a monster that ate children?”

“No, I just-”

“What did you mean?”

“I was angry!” shouted Celestia. Luna took a step back in shock before narrowing her eyes at her older sister. Celestia lowered her head in shame. “Sister, when you left I was hurt. You did say anything to me, not even a goodbye. I had to hear about it from one of the nobles. It…hurt so much. You were always the one constant in my life. The one I knew who would always be there when everypony else left us. Having you around was what made immortality bearable.” Tears began to fall down Celestia’s face. “After that, I decreed that your name was never to be spoken again. I turned my back on all of the things that reminded me of you.

“Then one day I woke up on Dreamers Eve. It had been two hundred years since you left. I decided to go into town to partake in the celebration only to find that it had been changed to Nightmare Night. The stories they told about you were like a stab into my heart. I tried to talk to the historians, but it didn’t work. They wanted to know, if what I said was true, why didn’t I correct it sooner? Where was my proof that they were wrong? It hasn’t been easy to fix this without looking like a dictator.”

“Do you think it was easy for me?” growled Luna. “I did what I had to do back then. That day, when I met my subjects to discuss what we were going to do, they were so afraid. I had a mother telling me nopony would sell her anything at the market because she stayed up during the night. I had an earth pony inventor telling me how his lab was burned down along with all his notes. And after what happened Hoofshire they were all afraid they were next! I tried to calm them down, reassuring them that everything would be alright. That the two of us were working hard to stop this before any more lives were lost.” Luna then looked away. “Some began to talk about getting revenge. Hurting them the same way they hurt us. They wanted blood Celestia!”

“Then why didn’t you come to me about this?” demanded Celestia.

“Because I knew it would be like all the other times I came to you,” said Luna with a sad laugh. “You’d think up some grand plan, manipulating ponies as if they were pieces on a chessboard. I would then be cut out of it while you took a gamble on whatever plan you had in mind.” Luna then shook her head. “I was not willing to take a gamble with their lives. I also knew that if I did come to you then you would do everything in your power to change my mind. I had already prepared myself for this. I knew what needed to be done no matter how much it pained me inside.”

“Luna,” said Celestia as she reached out a hoof. “Please, we can still make this work. If Twilight had not-”

“Do NOT blame Twilight for this!” screamed Luna as she knocked away Celestia’s hoof. “If you thought that I would be too stupid to figure out that things were still that bad then you really are a fool!”

“No Luna I just-”

“Guards,” called Luna as she kept eye eyes glued on Celestia. “Bring out the prison pod. And prepare the cannon.”


“We have you surrounded,” called out a guard. “Come out with your hooves in the air.” He, along with many of his fellow guards, had surrounded the Royal Archives. Pegasi ponies flew around the tower as the kept an eye out for the intruders while unicorns prepared their spells in cause they needed to attack.

Within the building Applejack, her friends, and Trixie were beginning to panic. They didn’t know how they had been discovered. At first they thought that Trixie might have been able to smooth things over, but one look at the blue mare showed them that she would join them in the dungeons as well.

“Well girls, no sense in waitin’ any longer,” said Applejack with a sigh.

“I do hope that whatever cell we are put in is at least clean,” said Rarity. “It is the least they can do after all.”

As they stepped out, all of them had their heads down. Even Rainbow Dash who had the book she had been reading earilier tucked under her wing. As the girls walked out a star began to sparkle in the night sky. A moment later it began to glow red and seemed to be getting closer. Eye’s wide, everypony began to run away from the tower as the prison pod smashed into the Royal Archives.

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter was so late. My PC got a nasty case of maleware. Also, I wanted to take more time with this chapter. It still seems a bit off.

I wanted to talk about my favorite background pony, but to be honest I don't have one. Unless they include ponies like Lightning Dust or the Flim Flam Brothers. Do they?

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