• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 21,683 Views, 3,441 Comments

The Thousand Year Change - Darthvalgaav

After seeing what happened when she accidently changed her friends destinies, Twilight is curious about about the 'what if'. Like, for example, what if Luna had ponies a thousand years ago who noticed her.

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Lunch With a Senator

Once again, Twilight and her group exited the platform station of Dome Three. After they had found Pinkie Pie, Twilight had quickly gone home to get some more bits while bringing the other with her. After that, she made sure to get them back to the Dome One platform station as quickly as she could.

During the whole process, however, Rarity barely noticed something off with Pinkie. She looked around to see if anypony else had noticed as well, but they was too consumed with the surroundings to notice. She stopped her for a moment and asked her if everything is okay, but Pinkie just simply smiled and nodded before continue onward. She didn’t prod any further and shrugged it off, since Pinkie did seem reasonably happy, but there was a nagging feeling that something was still not right. It might have been her mane, she figured as she stared at Pinkie a moment more, since it does look slightly less puffy than normal.

When they got back to the platform station of Dome One, they saw Bronze and Boarding were still watching television, causing Twilight to roll her eyes. But, despite this distraction, they still did their job and searched everypony. They did, however, try to start up a conversation with Twilight. Apparently, they had gotten into a conversation on which was the worst season. Bronze believed that it was Turbo, while Boarding insisted it was Wild Force. Twilight simply said she didn’t care, so that they could just get moving.

Unlike Dome One, Dome Three was simply field upon field of farmland as far as the eye could see. For the ponies from Ponyville, this was a welcome change from what they had seen so far. To them, it looked a bit more like home. Being in Dome One felt more like being in a giant egg carton.

“So, ah, why are we here again?” asked Rainbow Dash, hovering above the group.

“We’re going to see Senator Land Share who has invited us for lunch,” disclosed Twilight.

“Why, that’s mighty kind of him,” said Applejack. “But, ah got ta ask, what’s a ‘senator’?”

Scootaloo let out an excited gasp. “I was just reading about this,” she exclaimed. “They’re elected officials that represent each Dome and carry out Princess Luna’s orders. They’re like the nobles back in Equestria, except that they have a six-year term and can only stay in office…four times?”

“Three times,” Twilight corrected gently as she patted Scootaloo on the head. “Other than that, you did a very good job. Right now, there are thirteen senators, but that will be changing soon with the new Domes that are being built.”

“So, we’re going to be having lunch with a very important pony and I left my bags at the palace?!” exclaimed Rarity in horror. When Twilight had first mentioned the lunch, she had wondered what a senator was, but before she could ask, she heard the word shopping and it was completely forgotten.

“Um, I’m sure it’ll be fine, Rarity,” noted Fluttershy as she saw her friend’s distress.

“Fluttershy, darling, you simply don’t understand,” said Rarity. “We are going to be dining with one of the higher ups of Lunar Republic society. If it is anything like having dinner with Canterlot nobility, the slightest mistake could be THE…WORST…THING…EVER!”

“Oh,” was the only thing that Fluttershy could say.

“Chill out, Rarity,” stated an annoyed Rainbow. “I’m sure you’re making it out worse than what it really is.”

Rarity narrowed her eyes at her flying friend to give her a dirty look. “Rainbow Dash, please try to understand that I know a bit more about how the upper crust of society acts. They are in the public eye and must always act refined. I am sure that this senator will have a huge mansion to show off not only his considerable wealth, but also the importance of his position. There will be dozens of servants there to make sure that the table looks like it should be in a painting.”

As Rarity continued on her little rant, Applejack moved up a bit, so that she was next to Twilight. She was still a bit ashamed about how she had acted back in Ponyville, and while she had done a bit to make up with Shadow, she never got the chance to apologize to Twilight about how they had behaved when the Republic had been first brought up. However, she was a bit nervous and unsure as how proceed. So, she decided she would try starting up a conversation.

“So, ah, ah was curious about how the domes were set up,” said Applejack awkwardly. “I mean, why not have farmland in each dome?”

“Well, the Domes are separated so in order to maximize space, as well as to keep things organized,” explained Twilight. “Each Dome is separated so that it can focus on producing something that the Republic needs. Take, for example, Dome One where I live. While that is a residential Dome, it also has some of the best schools in the entire Republic.

“Dome Nine, which is also a residential Dome, is well known for their theaters, art galleries, and music programs. Dome Four is where we have all of our trees and forest land. It’s there that wood is harvested to make paper and other things that can be made from wood. Of course, we can’t take too much.”

Twilight then stopped for a moment, which caused the entire group to halt as well. In front of them was a very simple looking two story farm house. It, like Twilight’s, looked like a metallic egg, but it did have another building next to it, which looked a bit more like a normal barn. Behind both building were several silos.

But, what surprised the group, as well as shock Rarity, was that in front were several park benches that were put together in a straight line. On top of the table was a collection of simple looking meals containing oats, apples, and flowers. Sitting at the table were three ponies that only Twilight recognized as Senators Land Share, Stock Market, and Gigawatt. The three were talking together in very hushed tones, but stopped when Land Share began to stare in the direction of Twilight and her party.

Gigawatt, who had his back turned towards the group, turned around and glared at the Equestria ponies for a good minute before getting up from the table. Personally, he wanted to avoid these ponies if at all possible, but sadly he was out of luck. The only way towards the platform station was in their direction.

For a moment, Twilight watched as Gigawatt seemed to hesitate for a moment before walking towards the group. The ponies behind her were beginning to wonder what the holdup was. Little did they know that Twilight was doing her best to try and prevent another poor run in with another senator. It didn’t help that Trixie had pushed herself up front and was now standing next to Twilight.

“Could we please keep moving,” said Trixie in her usual tone. “The Great and Powerful Trixie is beginning to get hungry and would like to eat as soon as possible.”

“Well, the ‘Great and Powerful Trixie’ should take a refresher course in manners,” said Gigawatt, stopping in front of the group. He stared at Trixie from a moment, his dislike of her clearly showing.

“Senator Gigawatt, I didn’t know you’d be here,” said Twilight quickly.

“I had to talk to Senator Land Share for a moment,” noted Gigawatt as he turned his attention towards Twilight, his expression softening as he did. “Needless to say, that it went longer than I intended it to.”

“What about, if you don’t mind me asking?” asked Twilight.

“Normally, I would tell you,” replied Gigawatt. “But, with your current…company, I think it would be unwise.” He then turned his attention to Scootaloo. “And, how are you adjusting to life in the Lunar Republic?”

“Ah, pretty good, I think,” replied Scootaloo honestly. “There’s a lot I still don’t know, but there are a lot of ponies helping me learn.”

Gigawatt nodded. “That is good,” he replied. “I have heard through my connections that you wish to become a member of the Lunar Royal Guard. If the rumors are true about your victories during that laser tag match are true, you will make an excellent addition. I wish you the best of luck.”

“Thanks,” said Scootaloo as she tried to hide her embarrassment.

Gigawatt then leaned his head closer to Scootaloo and began to whisper in her ear. “If you think that you’re up to it, I got an assignment for you,” he said softly. “Can you watch after your younger friends? Twilight has her hooves full watching after the older ones, so it would help her out tremendously. Just do your best to keep them out of trouble.”

“I-I think I can do that,” whispered Scootaloo back.

Little did Scootaloo, or many other ponies, know that Gigawatt had a bit of a soft spot for foals. He himself had three colts of his own and loved them dearly. Even the foals from Equestria he found he just couldn’t hate as much as the adults.

The reason for this was actually very simple: they didn’t know any better. Foals were supposed to listen to their parents, older brothers, and so on. But, once a foal reaches adulthood, that was when they should begin to think for themselves and draw their own conclusions. Also, it was easier for a foal to learn and accept a new idea than it was for an adult.

Satisfied with Scootaloo’s answer, Gigawatt walked past the group, while giving the adults from Equestria one last unkind glare before he headed off.

“Sorry about him,” said Land Share, walking over to the group.

“It’s no problem, Uncle,” replied Twilight as she shook her head.

“U-Uncle?” gasped Rarity in surprise. “You never told us you were related to him?”

“Never pegged ya for a pony with some farmin’ root in ya,” said Applejack.

“Ah, we’re not really blood related,” replied Twilight, who was a little embarrassed.

“But, it feels like it at times,” said Land Share as he gestured the group towards the table. “Both my family and Twilight’s have been close since the founding of the Republic. Some ponies even think of us as the two founding families, because of our roles in helping build the Republic. Just a bunch of talk though, that’s all it is.”

As the ponies got to the table and sat down, they realized that there wasn’t a great selection of choices. Apple slices, applesauce, daisy salad, oat bread, just plain oats, and so on. Everything there looked very basic and simple. And, as Pinkie sadly noticed, there were no sugary treats. Also, in the middle of the table, trapped under magical glass box was a burnt piece of word.

“I think you overcooked the wood,” said Pinkie when she noticed what it was.

Land Share laughed as he sat down. “Oh no, that’s not for lunch. That there is a family heirloom that has been passed down from generation from generation. It was brought here by my ancestor Stone Plow, when he left Equestria.”

“Greetings,” said Stock Market who could no longer keep quiet. “I’m Senator Stock Market of Dome Five and it’s a pleasure to meet you all. I’m so glad to have this chance to sit down, so we might talk about future trade.”

“Business at the table?” asked Applejack. “Well, why don’t you take a sip of this.” With that, Applejack pulled out some of her family’s apple cider and passed it to both of the senators, who both took a sip.

“Impressive,” said Land Share as he put down the bottle.

“Good quality,” agreed Stock Market. “But, I was hoping for something more. I mean, we have plenty of apples and apple related treats. We need something…different.”

“Well how about some Zap Apple Jam?” Applejack suggested.

“Zap Apple Jam?” said Stock Market slowly. “Hmm, never heard of it. Might be interesting to try. But still, we are in the market for something…different. I heard that when Shadow Blade visited Equestria, he brought back a bag of kiwi seeds. Don’t know what they taste like, but there are ponies here who are desperate just to try something new. After all, we’ve been eating the same food for a thousand years!”

“Well, that’s a little outside my department,” admitted Applejack.

“But, are you sure, darling, that you just want food?” asked Rarity. “I’m sure I could send up some of my dress designs.”

“I, ah, heard that you don’t have any animals,” mumbled Fluttershy. “Perhaps you would be interested in some cute baby bunnies, kitties, or puppies?”

Stock Market asked them to elaborate and the two mares were happy to tell them everything they knew about their fields of interest. What they soon noticed was how different both the two senators sitting before them were, from the nobles they knew as well as Gigawatt. They seemed to take an interest with what they were hearing, never told them to hurry up, and were down right pleasant to talk to! It was little wonder that these two had been voted into office.

“Well, your dresses sound nice,” said Stock Market when they were done. “But, we have plenty of dress makers in Dome Five. But, perhaps you might be interested in setting up your own shop around here, once the alliance has gotten a bit further along. You might, however, find yourself with a lot of competition.”

“And, to you, Miss Fluttershy,” began Land Share, “your animals sound wonderful. But, I don’t think it would work out.”

“But-” Fluttershy barely tried to counter, however Land Share held up a hoof to silence her.

“Please, don’t think that we wouldn’t love to have them around,” reasoned Land Share. “I’m sure there are plenty of fillies and colts who would love to have one of these creatures you talk so fondly of. But, it just wouldn’t be fair to these animals if they came here. You see, space is limited in most of the Domes. The only reason farmers like me have so much land is because we need it to grow our crops. But, in residential areas, there just isn’t enough room for them to run around as much as they are used to in Equestria.”

“Not to mention our overall ability to care for them,” Stock Market added with a sigh. “I’m sure our nanotechnology will be able to help keep them healthy, but what about food? We are having a hard enough time right now feeding ourselves. And water? More creatures living up here mean more thirsty mouths. The both problems can be fixed in time, but right now, I’m not so sure bringing these animals to the Republic is in our best interest.”

“Oh,” disappointedly and somewhat quietly declare Fluttershy, lowering her head. “I see.”

“But, that doesn’t mean that we would try to get them sooner or later,” said Land Share. Fluttershy looked up to see that the older stallion was smiling. “Right now, it would be a bad idea. But, once this trading alliance gets underway, perhaps we can get some smaller animals that won’t take up so much space.”

“Indeed,” said Stock Market as he pulled out a piece of paper. “I just hope that they will accept what we are willing to trade. Miss Rarity, I heard from Twilight’s report that you helped change some gold into the local currency while she was planet side. Right now, we have a surplus of various metals and gems that we have farmed from space. Would you take a look and give me your best estimate?”

“Why, of course,” said Rarity as she took the paper with her magic. She glanced at the paper and her eyes nearly popped right out. They had how many tons of gold? And, the amount of diamonds, surely that number had to be a mistake. Before she could get halfway down the list, the poor mare fainted due to shock.

As everypony rushed to see what was wrong with Rarity, no pony noticed the small creature flying out of Fluttershy’s mane.


“It is good to see you again, Emperor Eagle Eye,” said Celestia with a bow as she stood before the griffon’s throne. She was dressed in her finest pink and red dress, which she had spent the last few hours picking out before teleporting to the Talon Palace. Around her, the griffons stared at her with an icy look in their eyes.

“As do you,” said the emperor, out of courtesy. He himself wore golden colored robes with a mail shirt underneath, in case something happened. “I wish this meeting was under better circumstances. As I said in my letter, I insist on bringing with me my own guards for protection.”

“You will have to run that by Princess Luna, since it will be her country where these talks will take place,” replied Princess Celestia. “But, I am sure she will agree.”

“I-” began Eagle Eye when the doors to his audience chambers opened. Looking up, he saw one of his guards leading another alicorn into the room. All noise was silenced as she walked in. The only motion was from Celestia as she face-hoofed from the sight of how her little sister had decided to make her entrance.

Princess Luna looked like she was ready for war. She had on four metal boots that looked like they were made out of silver. Her chest plate was also made of the same metal, while having her cutie mark displace right in the middle.

On both her sides were weapons. On her right was a crescent moon shaped glaive; while on her left was an oddly shaped blade that looked like a snowflake. Both weapons blades glowed blue. Finally, on Luna’s head was a helmet that also had a blue glowing blade in front of her horn.

As soon as Luna was in front of the throne she used her magic to levitate both her weapons. The guards reached for their own, but stopped as Luna’s pierced only the ground. Then Luna bowed, her wings touching the ground as her faced looked directly at the ground.

Author's Note:

So sorry for the long wait. Hope you all had happy holidays.

The list is up for my future works on my profile page. Now before any of freak out or whatever, let me tell you that this story has about twenty or so more chapters left to go. Why did I put up the list then? Because I need time to plot out the next story once I decide what I'm going to do. I want to read about your reactions to the list and let them sink in before I do anything.

Well I just read the Luna comic. Now, I really liked how Luna gets to run the day shift for a day and by noon she realizes that it might have been more than she can handle. I also didn't mind Celestia going to a spa while she has the day off. I liked all the nods to past characters in both the movie (Flash Sentry) and the show (Flim and Flam) and other comics (those hippy ponies). I also liked how Luna snapped at the end but then began to do things her own way and at her own pace rather than her sisters. All that was great. BUT THE ENDING PISSED ME OFF! Why, because Luna who had just done her shift as well as her sisters has do her shift again without any sleep! And what is Celestia doing after a full day trip to her secret spa? She's going to bed. Not even an offer to cover the night shift for an hour or two so her little sister could get a nap in. And people wonder why I don't like Celestia.

Poor Fluttershy. In the last two episodes she had had a few transformations. In the Power Ponies episode, we got to see them as super heroes with special powers and everything. I will say that I was less than impressed by Twilight's. I mean, she's an alicorn so shooting different energy beams should have been a breeze for her. Also, why didn't she try something other than ice? But I laughed pretty hard when I realized that Fluttershy was the Hulk!

The focus on this episode was Spike because he was feeling useless, like a sidekick character. Little did he know how helpful he truly was and has been. He knew about all their powers, how to use them, knew about one really cool villain that I hope we get to see again, and not to mention that before all this he saved Applejack from a timberwolf and AN ENTIRE EMPIRE! I just wanted to say 'Spike, WAKE UP ALREADY!'

In the Bats episode, I was glad to see that we weren't seeing how bat ponies came into existence or anything like that. Just a spell that went wrong that turned Fluttershy into a fruit vampire. All I have to say is that I was on Applejacks side. They can't leave the vampire fruit bats alone because every moment they do another tree gets attacked. And while they might help with future trees like Fluttershy said by spitting out the seeds, that will still take years. Yes, they need food for them and their families, but what about Ponyville's citizens? If the vampire fruit bats aren't stopped soon, that is produce that Applejack can't sell and if she loses too much trying to do things the peaceful way then her family will lose the farm. And if they eat too much then there will be little for the rest of the town and they might starve. Even if she idea of giving the vampires a portion of the orchard worked at first, what was keeping them from going into the rest of the orchard? Fluttershy haven't you heard that the good of the many outweighs the good of the few?

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