• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 21,676 Views, 3,441 Comments

The Thousand Year Change - Darthvalgaav

After seeing what happened when she accidently changed her friends destinies, Twilight is curious about about the 'what if'. Like, for example, what if Luna had ponies a thousand years ago who noticed her.

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The Mad Mare

The Royal Guard was on the scene within a few minutes of Twilight’s call. Lightning arrived first to comfort her friend, as well as take statements from all the other mares. By the time Shadow, Shining, and the rest of the guards arrived, Lightning was able to fully brief them.

“I want all security cameras checked,” barked Shadow as he arrived on the scene. “And I want them three minutes ago!” He was furious. He did his best to hide it, but some of it was slipping through the cracks.

He had come here prepared to hunt down an escaped pony, but foalnapping opened up a whole new set of problems. Given Sunset’s mindset, it felt like there was an invisible clock above his head that could go off at any minute. And, when it did, the foals would die.

“Twilight said that she contacted the LBI,” said Lightning. “They already began checking the cameras and we should be hearing from them soon. Since Sunset dropped her disguise, it should be easier to find her.”

“Yeah, it should,” said Shining darkly, casting a quick glance at his sister. Right now, Twilight was with Rarity and Applejack, all three mare were being comforted by their friends. “If she hurts Scootaloo, I’ll-”

“Bring her to justice,” snapped Shadow before Shining could finish his sentence.

Shining stared at the bat stallion for a moment before leaning in close. “Don’t you care?” he hissed. “Scootaloo is going to be your daughter soon. Don’t you want to-”

“What I want is to stay on this case,” interrupted Shadow again as his wings tightened to an uncomfortable level. “And I want you to stay on it as well. For both Twilight’s and Scootaloo’s sake. However, if you keep talking like that, I will have no choice but to have you removed from this.”

“You can’t do that!” exclaimed Shining as he took a step back.

“Can’t I?” asked Shadow. “The Shield Corp isn’t suited for this situation. I can have you removed from this anytime I want.”

Shadow then let out a sigh. “Look, I want you here to help contain Sunset. But, I need to know I can trust you to do the right thing. You know what the law is for vigilance justice. At your rank, you’ll be lucky to get out of a prison pod in fifty years. And, think about how Twilight will feel if her brother took another ponies life.”

Shining opened his mouth to say something, but stopped when he noticed just how tightly Shadow was pressing his membrane wings to his body. It looked so tight that Shadow had to be in some amount of pain. ‘It must hurt him,’ thought Shining. ‘He must want to break every bone in Sunset’s body, but he is using every fiber in his being to keep himself under control.’ With a sigh, Shining knew what he had to do.

“You’re right,” conceded Shining before looking around. “I’ll get it together and make sure we nail this crazy mare before she hurts anypony.”

“Good,” said Shadow with a nod. He started to walk away, but was stopped as Shining put a hoof on his shoulder.

“I’ll take care of things for a bit, so why don’t you go and see how Twily is doing,” Shining suggested as he motioned to his sister. Shadow opened his mouth to object, to say now wasn’t the time, but Shining interrupted him. “She needs you, now more than ever.”

Shadow said nothing. He looked over to see Twilight sitting next to the preview wall, surrounded by the others from Equestria. Even from this distance, he could see that the poor mare was on the verge of tears. He then quickly looked at his soldiers, all of whom were working right now. Some were checking the area for clues; others were searching the area, in case Sunset was hiding nearby, and so on. He then looked at Shining who nodded, letting him know that if something happened, he would handle it.

Slowly, Shadow walked over to Twilight, while at the same time taking off his helmet, hoping that it would help her feel more at ease. As he got closer, he noticed his fiancé quickly wipe her eyes and take a couple deep breaths. She was trying to stay in control of herself for Scootaloo’s sake. Holding back her own fears and worries until the crisis was over.

Before he reached Twilight, both Applejack and Rarity approached him. Like Twilight, they were both on the verge of tears.

“Have ya found anything?” asked Applejack. “Please tell me ya have some clue where mah sister is.”

“And Sweetie Belle,” added Rarity. “I’m terribly worried about her. If anything happened, I don’t know what I’d tell my parents.”

“Right now, we’re doing all we can,” said Shadow in an attempt to calm them down a bit. “There are only two ways out of this Dome and they are being heavily guarded. If Sunset manages to get out by shuttle, I have fighters standing by, with the skills necessary to disable her engines, and then board her craft before she knows what hit her. All of the platforms have been removed from the platform station, so if she tries to get out that way it will be a very long walk.

“So, trust us, we are working hard to find her. I got some of my best guards on this, while the LBI is checking every security camera. Also, a radio broadcast went out, telling everypony within Dome Nine about what has happened and asking to keep their eyes open. With any luck, we’ll locate Sunset as well as the others.”

“Is that all?” demanded Trixie as she walked up towards Shadow.

The Captain of the Royal Guard tilted his head. “I’m afraid I don’t understand,” he said.

“We are members of a delegation from Equestria,” stated Trixie, sitting her plot on the ground. “Trixie is also Princess Celestia’s faithful student. On our first day here, we are attacked by a student of Princess Luna, blinded by an escaped criminal, and then had several members of our party abducted. So, Trixie wants to know why more isn’t being done, as well as how you will make this up to us.”

Shadow bristled a bit. How dare she bring something like this up now of all times?! It’s not like they allowed Sunset to escape. But, judging by the tone in her voice, it sounded like she thought they did!

“I, um, think you’re being a little harsh,” defended Fluttershy as she lightly flew over to them. “I mean, it’s not like they wanted this to happen. And they seem to be doing everything they can do to fix this.”

“She’s right,” said Applejack, turning to glare at Trixie. “Besides, it’s not just us who got hurt by this. Twi over there is in the same position.”

“All Trixie is saying is that this incident could have an impact on the relations between our two nations,” noted Trixie. “So, it only seems right that, given everything that has happened thus far, that the Republic makes it up to us in some fashion.”

Shadow felt his left eye twitch as he fought a losing battle to stay in control. “Well, right now, I don’t give a damn about ‘making it up to you’,” snapped the bat stallion as Trixie’s eyes widened in shock. “Right now, I am less concerned with political plot than finding those foals. They are my top priority right now! If you have a problem with that, then take it up with Princess Luna or Princess Celestia.”

As Trixie began to say that she would, Shadow noticed something coming towards them from all directions. Looking around, there were at least a couple hundred ponies all walking towards them. As they got closer, Shadow’s guards moved to stop them before they contaminated the crime scene.

Raising an eyebrow, Shadow motioned one of his guards to come over to him. Once the guard had complied, Shadow ordered him to find out why there were here. With a nod and a salute, the guard took off. When he returned a few minutes later, there was a large smile on his face.

“You won’t believe this, sir,” declared the guard. “It seems they all heard the news about the foalnapping, dropped what they were doing, and came over here to see if they could help!”

“All of them?” asked Applejack in amazement.

“All of them,” repeated the guard with a nod and a grin. “And, I bet more are coming right now. With this many ponies helping us, searching the Dome will go by much faster.”

“Sir,” said another member of the guard as she approached the group. “We have already gotten several messages from ponies who claim they saw Sunset Shimmer.”

“Good,” said Shadow as he felt a little of the pressure leave him. This was the first bit of good news he had heard in a while. “I want you to get a map and pinpoint the areas where she has been spotted.”

“Already on it, sir,” said the guard as she saluted.

Shadow then turned to look at the other guard. “While they are doing that, I want you to organize everypony. Civilians can help us look, but I want you to make it clear to them that it will be us that handle Sunset.”

“Yes, sir,” he replied with a salute.

“And what are you going to do?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“I’m going to do what I should have done in the first place,” replied Shadow. “I’m going to inform the Princess.”


Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Spike found themselves trapped in a large box that could easily hold several more foals inside what appeared to be an old warehouse. From what she had seen of the outside, it was a large rectangular three story building, with windows only at the top floor. When they got inside, they saw row upon row of steel boxes as far as the eye could see. The one particular box they were in was sitting next to a workbench, covered with odd looking tools.

After being tossed in, the lid was shut and a loud ‘click’ noise could be heard. Once it was shut, the only light came from a small hole. Licking her lips, Scootaloo peaked out and found herself looking at Sunset as she levitated some odd looking tools. As she did, Scootaloo noticed that the magic aura surrounding the tools was flicking, and that Sunset herself looked like she was about to pass out.

“What to do, what to do,” said Sunset, picking up a different tool. “Well, of course I’m going to kill them, but the real question is how. I need something that will cause Twilight to have nightmares for the rest of her life. Nightmares that even Princess Luna won’t be able to help her get over.”

She then set down the device she had been holding and picked up another different one. This new device looked like a potato peeler. “This…now this gives me an idea.”

As Sunset ran off out of Scootaloo’s line of sight, the poor filly gulped in fear. Presently, she was trapped, and at any moment, Sunset would kill her as well as her friends. Desperate to escape, Scootaloo began to flap her wings with all her might and shot straight up. However, the lid of the box didn’t budge, and the orange filly bounced right off of it, landing on her friends. Yet, despite this, Scootaloo got right back up and tried again two more times with the same results.

“Knock it off,” shouted Sunset. Scootaloo complied, but only so she could peek out the hole again. Sunset was back near the workbench with four identical objects. They about the same size as Scootaloo and her friends, all of them resembled silver earth ponies with no manes, tails, wings, or horns. The space where their eyes should have been, looked like the black lens of a camera.

“I’m glad I kept these things,” said Sunset with a sadistic grin. She then reached behind it one of them. “I wonder if they still work.” When Sunset pulled her hoof back, a pair of green eyes appeared in the back lens as it repeated what she had just said in her voice. Satisfied, Sunset reached behind it again and turned it off.

“Yes,” said Sunset, taking a few steps back, so she could better envision everything. “This is going to be prefect. First, I record them begging and pleading for somepony to save them. Maybe I can get Twilight’s filly to call out her name. Then, I’ll peel the skins off those little brats one at a time, and then attach them to the droids. When Twilight gets here, she’ll go insane!”

The foals in the box didn’t take this news well. Sweetie Belle looked like she was about to empty her stomach, with Apple Bloom right behind her. Spike’s coat turned a shade lighter as he began to tell himself to wake up, like this was all a dream. As for Scootaloo, her entire body froze in terror. Here she was, helpless, with no chance to escape.

Scootaloo watched in horror as Sunset turned to walk towards the box holding them. But, after taking only a step or two, Sunset stumbled.

“Guess I used too much magic,” Sunset admitted to herself as she yawned. “I’d better get an energy boost before I fall asleep or something.” She then tilted her head, thinking of another thing she might need. “A camera. Yes, I’ll need one of those as well, so I can record everything for Twilight and her batty coltfriend. I’m sure they’ll love to see every little detail.” With that said, Sunset Shimmer walked away.

As she did, Scootaloo took a few steps back, accidently stepping on Spike’s tail. Due to the panicked state he was in, he felt Scootaloo’s hoof and tried to run. With his tail being held down on the ground, there was a slight tug, which caused green flames to shoot out of his horn until his tail escaped the hold of Scootaloo’s hoof. Now all eyes were on Spike.

“How the hay did ya do that?” asked Apple Bloom as she poked Spike’s horn.

“I-I don’t know,” admitted Spike.

“Try doing it again,” requested Sweetie Belle.

With a shrug, Spike closed his eyes and did his best to consecrate on shooting flames out of his horn again. But, his thoughts kept returning to Sunset and her plans for all of them. Slowly, he opened his eyes and sighed.

“It’s not working,” said Spike in defeat.

“Let’s try this then,” said Apple Bloom, before pulling on Spike’s tail. As soon as she did, the green flames began to shot out of Spike’s horn once again.

“Ok, he can make fire,” stated an unimpressed Scootaloo. “So what?”

“It gives me an idea,” said Apple Bloom with a smile. She then turned Spike, so that he was facing a wall, and then pulled on his tail. Once more, Spike began to produce the green flames.

At first, none of the fillies noticed anything different. But soon, the wall of the box began to glow bright red. Instantly, both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle realized what Apple Bloom was trying to do: melt a hole in the box.

For a few fleeting moments, their fear was replaced with hope. But, that ended when the rest of the box began to get hotter and hotter, with no visible sign that a hole was being formed. Eventually, Apple Bloom stopped, due to the heat.

“Well,” said Sweetie Belle with a sniff, “it was worth a try.”

As the other two lowered their heads in defeat, Scootaloo was staring at the wall and then at Spike. ‘Ok, that didn’t work,’ thought the orange filly as an idea popped into her head. ‘But, maybe we can still use it to escape.’


It had been going so well. That thought ran through Luna’s head more than once, as she watched her sister and Eagle Eye go back and forth.

After the griffons had been given some time to recover from the revelation that they were in space, Luna had invited them to join both her and Celestia for a light lunch. Much to their surprise, when they arrived, they found a delicious fish dinner waiting for them while the two alicorns had a vegetable soup. When asked about it, Luna said that she had order Crescent Hope to swing by the ocean on the way down and pick up some foods, courtesy of Queen Oceana.

It was after that that things began to spiral downwards. It started as a comment by one of the griffon guards about how the ponies in Equestria were never this considerate. Celestia replied that her ponies don’t like to kill living beings in order to survive, and thus were unable to provide for them their usual dish. Somehow, a few minutes later, the conversation turned into Eagle Eyes and Celestia going at each other, over the last major conflict between the two nations.

“As I have said in the past,” said Celestia as her plate was being taken away by one of Luna’s wait staff. “I looked into the claim brought to me by your father and found no evidence that Lord Big Wig had dug any tunnel into your territory.”

“Do you expect us to believe that?” snapped Eagle Eyes. “Coal from our mines went missing and we found hoofprints all over the place. My father personally went to examine the mine and found a tunnel that led right into land ruled by you ponies. Lord Big Wig was our prime suspect, since his lands are next to the border. When my father brought this to your attention, the tunnel ‘just happened’ to collapse, killing fifteen griffons.”

“Enough!” roared Luna. When she spoke next, her voice was calmer, yet still held a great amount of power. “We are not here for you two to bicker about the past. We are here about a current situation. Namely the allegation that the griffons ordered the assassination of Hard Shell, who was acting as Captain of the Equestria Royal Guard. Possibly as a prelude to war.”

“There is no honor in attacking the enemy in such a fashion,” declared Eagle Eyes. “If we were going to attack, I would have issued a declaration of war before sending an assassin, or anything of that nature. Not that I have any intention on declaring war at this point. Things within the Griffon Empire are…complicated enough without adding war preparations into the mix.”

Celestia was about to comment when the desert cart came in with some pumpkin cookies. Eagle Eyes were served first and Celestia was shocked by what she saw. His cookie was cut in half and spaced about an inch apart from each other.

Normally, this wouldn’t have meant anything to anypony else. However, this reminded Celestia of something her mother used to do when both she and Luna were foals. Whenever Oceana wanted them to tell her something, she would set the two of them down and give each of them a cookie that was cut in two.

If they told the truth, then they could have the cookie, however (depending on what she wanted to know) there was a chance one or both of them would be punished. If they lied to her, then one of the halves would be taken away before she asked again. When there was no more of the cookie left on the plate, then whatever punishment they would have had become doubled. Was Luna doing something similar?

“I believe you,” said Luna after quickly looking at his plate. “And I’m sure that Princess Celestia believes you as well.”

Celestia hesitated for a moment. “I do,” she said finally. “But, the fact still remains that a griffon killed a high ranking member of my guard. My nobles might claim that someone under your employment might have ordered the hit without your knowledge.”

Eagle Eyes snorted. “So, does that mean that every time a griffon kills a pony that your nobles will believe that there is some big conspiracy? Perhaps I should do the same. Perhaps every time a pony assaults or kills a griffon, it will be treated like a national threat.”

“Emperor, this isn’t a small matter,” scolded Luna. “I’m sure that if a griffon killed any common pony, the Equestrian government would never consider the idea that your nation was planning something. However, that isn’t the case. Somegriffon snuck past Celestia’s guards and killed a captain. I’m sure that if the roles were reversed, you would do the same.”

Eagle Eyes slowly nodded. “You are right, Princess Luna,” he said before turning his attention back to Celestia. “I would act the same, which is why I agreed to this. And, I would also like to apologize for my earlier rude comment. Right now, we should be trying to handle this situation, before this spiral out of control. Tell me, do you have any leads, Princess?”

Celestia shook her head. “I’m afraid all my side was able to find was a single feather,” she said sadly. “Not much we can go on.”

“Actually, it might be more helpful than you think,” said Eagle Eyes. “You see, recently my griffons discovered that our feathers differ from griffon to griffon. There are tiny lines on the calamus that can help us tell who that feather belongs to. That is if he or she has a criminal record, or has ever been a member of our military.” Then his expression darkened. “Or, at least we used to.”

“What do you mean?” asked Celestia.

“This has to do with the issue I mentioned earlier,” said Eagle Eyes. “Normally, the griffon who examines the feathers and such stays at my palace. Recently, the Diamond Dogs have been raiding several of my towns and abducting my citizens to be used as slaves for their mines. One of these towns was home to family members of my specialist, who flew off to see if they were alright. The night he got there, a raid was underway and he was captured. He has been missing for three weeks now.”

“That is awful,” replied Luna. “And I can imagine since this is still a new field, that there isn’t another griffon who can do his job.”

“There are,” said Eagle Eyes with a sigh. “But, they are still beginners. Not experienced enough for me to give them a challenge of this level.”

“Then, we will have to find him,” said Princess Luna.

With that, Princess Luna began to describe several pieces of technology that she had that could be used to help. But, Princess Celestia was only barely paying attention. Instead, she was thinking about a simpler solution to this problem. One that might benefit multiple ponies.

“I have an idea,” said Celestia as she interrupted Luna. “My niece and I have some new soldiers that would be perfect for this situation.” Luna’s eyes widened as she realized who Celestia was talking about. However, Eagle Eyes did not look convinced.

“I’m sure you think highly of your troops,” he said calmly. “However, my soldiers have some of the finest steel, as well as years of hard training, yet we still are having trouble with these dogs. Their caves and tunnels are almost pitch black, making it hard to see. Not to mention narrow.”

“I am aware of how skilled your soldiers are,” acknowledged Celestia. “I will admit that if it wasn’t for our vast numbers, not to mention magic, you would have defeated us in every conflict. However, my niece recently formed a guard containing bat ponies.”

As Eagle Eyes began to think about this, Celestia did her best to hide her smile. This was a brilliant plan. The bat ponies would not only be helping out Equestria, but themselves as well. Using them, she would solve a problem that the emperor had been having, and thus gaining some of his favor. Once that happened, she would make sure that Equestria knew that bat ponies had played a part in a search and rescue mission, in addition of helping to prevent all-out war.

“I don’t know,” uttered Eagle Eyes with uncertainty. “Are they skilled?”

“They are still going through basic training,” admitted Celestia. “But, I am sure they are up to the task.”

“Perhaps-” began Luna, but before she could get a few words in, she was cut off.

“Princess Luna,” came Captain Starway’s voice on the PA system. “There is an urgent message for you from Captain Shadow Blade.”

Author's Note:

As I said, this got a little dark. Also, I felt a bit iffy with the scene with Eagle Eye's so if anyone had any problems with it let me know and I'll explain what was going through my head.

Has anyone noticed that in the intro that Discord is in Fluttershy's window?

Well, these last two episodes felt like they were sister based. With the one with Applejack and Apple Bloom, I thought it was really good. I laughed several times like when the CMC cut their song short. Also, wicked looking monster! But the one with Maude, well, wasn't as good. It wasn't bad, I mean Maude was boring until she saved Pinkie in the most kick ass way. But I due wished she could have raised her voice a bit after she did that. Also I felt the moral was off. It could have been something like you can't force a friendship or something like that. But that's just me.

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