• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 21,676 Views, 3,441 Comments

The Thousand Year Change - Darthvalgaav

After seeing what happened when she accidently changed her friends destinies, Twilight is curious about about the 'what if'. Like, for example, what if Luna had ponies a thousand years ago who noticed her.

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The Biggest Question

Canterlot was in an uproar like never before. Nobles had actually gotten out of their beds in the middle of the night to appear in court. Not only had Princess Celestia’s private student snuck into the Royal Archives along with five other ponies, but the tower itself had been destroyed. Normally, one or both these things wouldn’t have angered the nobility so much to get them out of the comforts of their homes at this hour. However, it seemed that the object that had crashed into the Royal Archives had been carrying Princess Celestia inside.

“This is an outrage!” yelled Blueblood. “Those Lunar ponies have gone too far. This is a direct attack on our fair and just land. We must act now with the same amount of brutality!”

“And how should we go about that?” demanded another noble. “They are on the moon! No normal unicorn can just teleport up there. We would need the magical powers of an alicorn!”

“We also don’t know the terrain,” said Vice Captain Hard Shell, who was filling in for the imprisoned Iron Wall. “Even if we could go there we have no idea what we are walking into. Attacking them blind will cost us dearly. Not to mention that our other enemies might take advantage of the situation.”

“So you are saying that we let this assault slide?” accused Blueblood as he pointed a hoof at Hard Shell.

“Is this what court is usually like?” whispered Applejack to Trixie. Trixie let out a sigh before nodding. The six mares were currently in the middle of the royal audience chambers, surrounded on all sides by guards wielding spears. After the destruction of the Archives, the girls had been shackled and escorted into the castle. Next to them was the Lunar pod with still held Celestia.

“This is a sight that Trixie is used to,” said the blue mare. “They will continue to argue like this until one side loses or Celestia is set free.” She shook her head only to notice the book that was still hidden under Rainbow’s wing. “What do you think you are doing with that?! That belongs in the Archive!”

Rainbow shrugged. “It’s not like I can take it back,” she said. Rainbow then looked down at the book for a moment. “Besides, I need to ask Celestia about it.”

“Ah reckon we all need some answers,” muttered Applejack. She then raised an eyebrow as Pinkie Pie seemed to be dancing where she stood. “And what in tarnation is wrong with ya?”

“I really, really, REALLY need to pee,” said Pinkie Pie

“Silence all of you,” shouted a noble in a powdered wig. Everypony in the room became quiet except for Pinkie Pie. Within the silent room the sound effects caused by her jumping up and down were more easily heard. “Before we decide to go to war or not there is a matter we must attend to first. The fate of these six terrorists!” All eyes turned towards the six mares who gasped in surprise. The only one who had a different reaction was Fluttershy who fell on her back and fainted.

“This is outrageous,” yelled Rarity. “How can you accuse us of terrorism without any proof?”

“You all broke into the Royal Archives,” said Iron Shell as he pointed at the white mare. “Then, after you were found out, the building was destroyed. The timing seems almost too perfect to be a coincidence.”

“What were you doing in there?” demanded another noble. “Were you gathering information for the Republic? How far does this treason go?”

“You dare to accuse the Great and Powerful Trixie of treason?” yelled Trixie as she took a step forward. However, as soon as she did she found several more spears pointed in her direction. “Trixie would never betray Princess Celestia. Nor would anypony in her Great company.”

“Silence,” shouted the pony in the wig again. “We shall now hold trial for-”

“What is going on here?” said Cadence as the doors to the chambers opened. On her back was Midnight while Ruby and her two fellow bat ponies walked behind her. All three of them were wearing bright pink armor with their princess’s cutie mark on their chest piece. “I was in the armory seeing that my new guards were fitted properly when I heard there was an emergency meeting.”

Cadence continued to walk forward until she stood next to the six mares who stared at her in amazement. As the pony in the powdered wig began to talk, she turned her head to look at the six accused. For the most part they looked either scared that they would be found guilty or angry that they were being accused. The pink one looked like she had to use the bathroom. Finally, Cadence gaze became frozen on her aunt. Celestia looked utterly helpless within the confides of the pod. The only thing she seemed to be able to move was her eyes.

“As you can see,” said Blueblood once the other noble had finished speaking, “we are in a state of emergency. We have no time for-”

“For a member of the Royal Family who spends her time with bat ponies,” finished Cadence calmly. Blueblood, who had momentarily lost his composure, looked flabbergasted. “I am well aware that most of you see my actions of late as, putting it lightly, ‘untasteful’. That is, however, not an acceptable reason to keep me out of something of this magnitude. Before we talk of war or any such thing I believe there is something far more pressing.”

“And what may that be?” asked Blueblood with a sneer. Cadence simply pointed at the pod.

“I believe that getting Princess Celestia out of this device should take top priority,” she said calmly. All the nobles looked like they had been smack upside the head. Some began to look embarrassed while others looked shameful. But there were those who looked angry at Cadence for one reason or another.

“And how do you propose we do that?” demanded Blueblood. “Should we just begin to randomly press buttons and hope for the best?”

“Buttons?!” cried out one of the guards. He was a blue earth pony with a yellow mane. He dropped his spear before instantly appearing in front of the pod. “Oh Celestia, I love buttons! Beep bup bup boop beep bup boop.” The blue stallion began to randomly press against the pod until his hoof touched a blinking red light. When he did the pod opened up, launching Celestia into the air. She then landed a few feet in front of her prison looking a little light headed but otherwise fine.

“I can’t hold it anymore!” shouted Pinkie as she dashed into the pod. As it began to close with her inside it everypony could hear her sigh of relief.


Twilight and Scootaloo were currently enjoying a nice breakfast of oats and water. It might not have been the fanciest meal, but it would fill them up until lunch. Normally her breakfast table was quiet, but that was to be expected since it was usually just her. Yet for some reason the quiet seemed eerie. As the unicorn looked at the filly who seemed to be glued to her meal, eating it rather slowly.

‘Am I failing her already’, thought a worried Twilight. ‘Yesterday she seemed so happy. I wonder what has her looking so down.’ This was a situation Twilight wasn’t very familiar with. She had gone over a couple books last night and, sadly, none of them had given her any information that she could use in this situation. So she did what she had done when there was a quiet breakfast with Shining Armor: turning on the radio.

“And that is how a cannon saved the Lunar Republic last night,” came Vinyl’s voice with a laugh. “In other news, a stallion was found trying to blow up a section of the dome in Dome Six this morning. The explosion went off leaving several large growing cracks. Luckily for residents, members of the Shield Corps were able to get there in time to reinforce the Dome as well as apprehend the stallion who they believe to be suffering for Space Madness. He will be detained until a proper diagnosis can be performed. But enough this depressing news! Let’s jam!”

“Twilight, what’s Space Madness?” asked Scootaloo over the music.

“I’ll tell you as we get ready,” said Twilight as she looked at the clock. It was almost time for them to leave. With a nod, Scootaloo picked up her bowl while Twilight used her magic to put stuff away. “Space Madness is one of the most common occurrences here in the Republic. It’s basically a mental breakdown, feeling trapped within the Domes. I have heard that most often it is caused when ponies stare into the empty vacuum of space for too long. It doesn’t happen as much as it used to, but somepony does get it from time to time.”

“But they get better, right?’ asked Scootaloo. “I mean, you have stuff that helped fix me.”

“That’s a bit different,” said Twilight with a sigh. “Fixing the body is much easier than fixing the mind.” She then noticed that Scootaloo seemed to look frightened. “It just takes a bit longer. A couple weeks or even months. So, if you are ever feeling trapped, just let me know so we can talk about it.”

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. As Scootaloo ran to get her stuff for today Twilight went to see who it was. She opened the door to see Shadow standing before her with a confident smile.

“I thought I’d walk you to the palace,” said Shadow before kissing his marefriend on the cheek. Twilight blush and nodded as Scootaloo came down the stairs on her new scooter. While she now had the ability to fly she still had a habit of crashing into things. So, until she got some flying lessons, she was still ground bound.

As the three made their way to the platform station, Scootaloo’s silence was becoming deafening. Yesterday she had seemed so happy about everything. That was until after they returned from school. Did something happen there that Scootaloo didn’t want to talk about? Was she scared of something? Finally, Twilight couldn’t take it anymore.

“Scootaloo, is something wrong?” asked Twilight.

“Ah, no,” answered the filly in an unconvincing manner. Both adults gave her a ‘yeah right’ look that caused her to sigh. She didn’t want to tell Twilight the truth, that she was afraid of letting her down. There was no way she could get into the Royal Academy or do any of the things Twilight or Shadow did when they were younger. They were so awesome and she wasn’t. But she didn’t want to come out and tell them that. So she decided to tell them something else. “I’m just wondering if joining the Troop is such a good idea. Can’t I just stay with you?”

“I see,” said Twilight as a look of understanding appeared on her face. “You’re worried that you won’t make any friends.”

“A little,” admitted Scootaloo.

“I was the same way when I joined,” said Twilight.


A young filly Twilight stood next to Princess Luna. Before them were at least a dozen or so fillies and colts, running around while a mare tried her best to get them at attention. One of them looked at Twilight for just a moment causing her to hide behind the Princess.

“Do I really have to go?” asked Twilight in a quiet voice.

“Yes,” said Luna as her horn began to glow. Her magic surrounded Twilight and lifted her off the ground in order to move her back to the princess’s side. “It will be good for you to interact with other ponies your own age. After all, you can’t spend every day just reading books.”

“But books don’t hurt you,” said Twilight sadly. “Books don’t leave you.”

Luna said nothing at first. It had been a year and a half since Twilight had lost her parents. She still refused to talk about what had happened and what she had seen. The Moon Princess couldn’t imagine what she was going through. But, one thing she did know was that it wasn’t healthy for Twilight to retreat into her own little world. She needed to spend some time with ponies other than herself, Shadow Blade, and Shining Armor. She needed to make some friends and to enjoy life.

“Twilight, can I tell you something?” asked Luna in a low voice. The filly nodded. “When I was small, I didn’t think I needed friends either. I just wanted to read my books or play in my lab all by myself. At first I thought that I was fine. But, as I got older, I realized that I missed out on so much fun that can only be found with your friends. I just don’t want you to make that same mistake. Do you understand?”

Whatever Twilight was about to say was suddenly interrupted as a Pegasus with a turquoise coat and an amber mane crashed into her. The two rolled forwards until they both came to a stop in front of the Troop leader. Both looked very dizzy as they tried to stand.

“Well it looks like your on time for once Lightning,” said the Troop leader. “And it seems like you ‘bumped’ into our latest addition.” Lightning let out a light laugh as she turned to face the pony she had crashed into. The purple filly growled in response, not looking amused at the situation.

-End Flashback-

“So is that how you met Lightning Dust?” asked Scootaloo as the three of them neared the platform station.

Twilight nodded. “I was sore at her for a while,” she admitted. “But Princess Luna was right, getting out of the palace and making friends was just what I needed. I don’t think I’d be the mare I am today without meeting them.”

“Hey Scootaloo,” yelled Dinky. The group looked up to see the little unicorn running towards them with a big smile on her face. “We’re going to have so much fun today! Come on, I want you to meet everypony.” With that she began to drag the Pegasus pony towards a larger group of fillies and colts.

Twilight let out a giggle as she watched as Scootaloo was surrounded by ponies her age. She then looked over to the platform station to see that Shadow was already talking to Boarding Time and Bronze Shield. Deciding that it was time to go, Twilight began to walk towards the three stallions who suddenly became silent as she neared. The body search went quicker than usual which was odd. Normally Bronze was very meticulous with his searches, taking his time to make certain he didn’t miss a thing. But today it seemed like he was in a hurry to get them going. Before she knew it the two of them were on the platform heading for Dome Zero.

As the platform moved, Twilight began to silently ponder what had happened. Then the platform just stopped causing her to break out of her thoughts. Looking around she saw that the two of them were in-between the two Domes. All around was white rock that reflected the light of the sun. Twilight gulped. She knew that her teleportation spells limit and there was no way she could teleport the two of them to the castle in one go. They could make it if they did it in jumps, but if a platform came this way they would be sitting ducks.

Then an important question entered her head. Why had this happened? The platform wasn’t broken. Each night and morning they were inspected to make sure every function was working perfectly. Even if it did suddenly happen the platform should have fallen to the ground by now.

“Hey Twilight,” said Shadow, breaking the purple mare out of her thoughts. She turned to look at him and found that he was staring out into the wasteland. “Do you remember how we first met?”

Twilight blinked. “Yeah, of course I do,” she answered. “I remember that I was sitting in the living room, reading the first ever Boldly Go book. I was so fascinated with it I didn’t even hear you or your mom come in. One moment I was alone and then when I looked up you were standing right in front of me.”

“And then you screamed,” said Shadow with a laugh which caused Twilight’s cheeks to turn red.

“Hey, you startled me,” said Twilight as she tried to defend herself. Shadow smiled as he walked over to her until they were standing face to face. For some reason, this was causing Twilight’s heart to race. She took a deep breath while silently counting to ten.

“I remember that day as well,” said Shadow. “When I first saw you, I thought that you were just a little bookworm.” Twilight gave him an annoyed look. “But then I got to know you better. I got to know the real Twilight Sparkle. And that’s what you do, you sparkle in the darkness. You have been my light when I needed it the most. Somepony who has always been there for me when I was afraid and scared. And I want to be there for you as well. To protect the light you give out. I know this all sounds a bit corny, stars help me, but its how I feel.” With that, Shadow reached behind him and pulled out a small black box. He opened it, causing Twilight to gasp when she saw what was inside it. “Twilight Sparkle, will you marry me?”

Twilight said nothing. She just stared at him for a moment with her eyes wide as dish plates. Shadow began to get nervous as the waiting continued. He began to fear that she would say no, that they weren’t ready for something like this. Then with no mercy she tackled him to the ground while laughing. She began to kiss him deeply as her magic placed the engagement ring on her horn.


“Well they seem happy,” said Luna as she watched the scene unfold. In front of her was large holo screen that was floating in mid air, displaying the happy couple. Next to her was Shining Armor who was crying.

“Goodbye Virgin Alarm,” cried Shining Armor.

Author's Note:

Once again I feel a little iffy about this chapter. But I did my best and I hope you can all enjoy it.

Well I just saw the trailer for Equestrian Girls so I thought I would give my two cents. Mainly what I have been hearing from other bronies is that it is going to suck. Me, I'm going to have a bit more faith in the writing staff. So far they have produced alot of good episodes and I am looking forward to seeing this on the big scene. Also keeping my figures crossed to see Luna as a human. Hopefully it will be better than the first MLP movie that was done in the 80's.

Another thing I saw was a top five list of the most powerful beings in Equestria. Sadly, I can't agrue with it. Starting at number five is Starswirl, Luna, Celestia, Discord, and Twilight. While I had a problem with where Luna is on the list, it makes sense where she is because we have hardly seen any of her powers. Mainly because she is so rarely seen! I saw the video on Equestria Daily so i suggest you check it out.

Now for my favorite background pony. I watched the episodes again and I am going with Flitter and Cloudchaser. The reason is I just like their design. I wish I could go into more detail, but that's all I got. They're background characters. Next time I will share my thoughts with the fillies and colts.

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