• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 13,803 Views, 791 Comments

The nature of the beast. - Kintra

The adventures of a sarcastic pessimist who visits a world full of creatures who love and tolerate.

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Scroll Twelve: Patience

Alright! To those of you that skipped the emo chapter, good luck. Really. I'm going to talk about shit that will make NO SENSE. I mean, at all. But you can follow along anyway.

"Relax" relax... Dammit! I don't want to relax! I want to walk or....Something. I don't even know... I was yelling at myself all the way back to my room, in my head of course. When I got to the room I quickly stepped inside. Turned. And left. "Why... Why, WHY MY bed?"

I honestly wasn’t too broken up about it. If thorn and Be wanted each other, I wouldn't get in the way. That’s their business. I sigh as I begin the trek back out to the garden "Lake" and see Luna is already there.

"Well hello Luna, so, do you like only sleep when it’s uncomfortable for others?" I smiled as she laughed, she was getting used to me. No good at all. "Yes. That about sums me up. Most inconvenient sleeper ever. And you?"

I walked and sat down beside her to the point that I was actually leaning on her. She didn't mind though. "Uh, the girls claimed my bed for recreational activities." I didn't mean too but I got quieter through the sentence. "I'm sorry, I missed that last part."
"Uh. Sex."
"They are having sex Luna! Come on!" She laughed as I lost my cool... Not fun. But what was fun, was the two of us sitting. We just talked, about everything, nothing, a little this, a little that. Just talked. Until I made a pretty big mistake.

"How long was I out?" She looked at me and sighed. "How did you know?" I laughed. "You mean to tell me that Be and Thorn suddenly started slapping flanks, you felt I hated you, and I got a neat chest implant over the course of a day?" She did laugh a bit.

This made me feel better about her answer. Not by much though. "It’s been almost two weeks. We kept you in a magically induced coma... You’re very hard to keep under... I'm... I’m almost positive you weren't all the time. Do you remember anything?" I shivered at the thought. "Pain...” Was all I needed to say.

"I thought you woke...” The conversations were then suddenly cut short as some books and pencils appeared in front of me. "What the?" Luna laughed. "Start with G, we are on G right?" Sneaky pony...

I honestly did work on my reading and writing. Until I fell asleep on Luna, she is quite warm. And her being almost as big as me made it all the less awkward in the morning. When she was walking...With me on her back... She was holding my legs up by magic.

I had woken up but figured why not; let’s see where this is going. After a short (Not short at all, more like, Forty minutes.) while we were in town, in front of the bath house. "And why are we here?" I asked my carrier. She dropped me. "OW Luna!" I said as I hit the ground. "How long have you been awake?!" I laughed "Uhh... hmm, we had just passed the kitchens..." She gawked.

"What? The kitchens!? You mean you were awake before we left the castle?" I smiled, that's it, just smiled. "OOhhh! Sometimes eclipse you make me so!" She stomped her hoof on the cobble stone. "What? You’re the one who carried me...” She stopped. And just stared.

"Oh man, you didn't even think about not bringing me did you?" She blushed and turned to go into the spa. "Oh that's priceless.

" I laughed and clapped my hands at her. I still followed of course. `Ol bubbly was behind the counter again, and asked if I wanted a private room. "No ma`am, I'm taking a risk. Go ahead and give me a towel, and I’ll follow Luna." She smiled. "Young buck getting more comfortable with his body eh?" I looked at her like she was senile.

"No, I just choose not to be embarrassed in front of creatures that aren't of my species; I didn't say I was going in the nude anyway." (She hasn’t talked to me since that.) The smile faded and she gave us our towels. "Thank you." She grunted as I followed Luna into the main bathing area.

Surprisingly few ponies here. Although to my surprise thorn and bulls eye were both here, so I took the opportunity to wave at them. They blushed. And waved back.

Oh yea, they knew I knew. I stripped to my boxers and stepped into the hot water by Luna. She was immediately set upon by ravenous cleaners. When they came to me I just told them to leave the soap.
Luna seemed very relaxed by the whole "Other ponies bathing her" Thing. I couldn't do it...Just makes me feel useless. I waded into the center where a large (Enchanted) waterfall constantly cascaded from nowhere and turned to Luna.

"See this is what I wanted. A shower!" She gave me a questioning look as I waded back to the soap bottle, dunked my head came back up and began lathering "Eclipse? What are you doing?" I laughed. "Taking a Human shower. Something I missed. A lot!”

I waded back to the water fall and set myself in the center of it, washing as quickly as I could before stepping back out. "Ah yea! Clean!" I then went back to where Luna was and pulled myself out of the water, sitting on the edge I waited. "Why are you sitting there?" Luna asked me.

"Ah, simple my dear, when you bathe like that, you’re pretty much just washing yourself in your own filth, so I took a shower, and got out of the dirty water. Now I’m waiting to dry." She thought about that a moment and began wading to the waterfall herself. "Yup."

We met thorn and Be on the way out of the bath house, and Luna and I invited them to our regular coffee stop.

Thankfully they accepted, and the four of us, sat for a good lunch. Well, tried Luna kept getting pestered. "Hold up I got this." I took off my shirt and suddenly everypony was really busy. one of the servers walked out and saw me, a young filly named Brew, unfortunately, It was about this time she brought our drinks, after setting them down on the table

(She was a unicorn. charcoal-black fur and a dark green mane, It was cut short, kinda cute. cutie mark of a ghost or something.) She just. Stared at me. I was starting to get uncomfortable but the other three girls at the table just laughed at me, all the while Brew just stared. I mean, I wouldn't have been so freaked out if she just said something!

I ended up going the entire coffee trip with her staring at me. It was really creepy! "Uh oh eclipse. I think you have a new friend." I face-palmed as Be said that. Turning my head I could see the charcoal mare following us. Was she obsessed with me or something!? What the hell!? The girls pretty much antagonized me till we got to the castle. (It was nice seeing Luna so carefree.)

But I waited outside the gates for the filly to catch up, she really was a filly, I couldn't imagine this girl was much older than sweetie belle in the cartoon. I kneeled down to her. And stared. "What." I didn't hide the Irritation. Not that it would have helped. She smiled. "I'm cursed too!"

I fell on my ass it caught me off guard. This little girl stalked me to tell me she was cursed? Seriously!? "Don't you have a family to go too?" She laughed "I don't need a family. I'm older then I look!"

This wasn’t going anywhere fast, "Oh. Cool, so why are you stalking me!" "I'm not stalking you!" She pouted "I'm just, shadowing you." I snickered. "Yea, obsessively. Why?" She frowned. "I thought us cursed ones should stick together."
She turned to show me her right flank, and in place of a cutie mark was a yellow veined leechwood.

I had her welcomed into the castle. "SO how long has it been feeding on your soul?" I asked as we walked. "Oh... Roughly fifteen years I think." I laughed." There is no way your over eight." She frowned as we walked.

"I’ll have you know that leechwood has different effects on everypony! Mine, stunted my growth, but I can learn and teach very fast!" Teach? Fate you sly dog. "So how do you tell what your effects are?" She laughed at me, like I was ignorant.

I was but, shit still hurts. "The color of your soul, mine was yellow. Forever youthful, Wonderful teaching skills and can learn quickly. Yours is silver. It’s a Physical root. Start some body exercise and you'll see progress VERY quickly.

Silver roots are very rare. You’re lucky for an alien." Alien... “Just call me Eclipse. Brew right? You started yesterday didn’t you?" she nodded "they kept me in the kitchen; Otherwise I’m sure I would have stalk...Shadowed you." I just laughed. She blushed.

So your body becomes eternally locked in a youthful state, what do you do? Become a barista.

This leechwood was becoming interesting though. Different colors had different effects. Like what? Eventually I got brew settled into my room specifically my bed. Thorn and Be could take care of her, so I wasn’t too worried. Time for another bout of Q&A with Luna.

I headed out to the garden again, and lo and behold who was waiting. "Luna." "Eclipse." We stared a moment then bust out laughing, there wasn’t even a reason for it, we just, did. Eventually when we calmed down I sat against her like last night.

"So, question time?" She smiled at me "Very well, but only a few, I want you getting your sleep." I settled against her some more, so soft. "Let’s see. First things first. Leechwood, there is more than one type?" She nodded at this.

"There are dozens of types of soul, and so there are dozens of types of leechwood. The process of binding to a soul is very dangerous. And to be honest. The filly in there? She should be dead." That was genuinely upsetting. "Should be dead?" I repeated.

"Yes. She has her root bound directly to her soul, nopony can survive that for more than two years, yet you say she is at least 18. It is not, or should not be possible. You are the only exception, the spark provides the energy, and your soul is just a backup for the wood." I thought about that a moment.

My "Spark" it was feeding the thing keeping me alive, but if I access it then the wood begins to eat my soul... This is... Depressing. "So I won’t die in these few years?" She laughed

"Not unless you use your spark. Very few ponies possess one. They are very rare, how one ended up in you is beyond me. Sparks are energy that is present from the day you are born. No matter what a spark is with you. Though most won’t even realize they have one. “So I was born lucky, and magical. No wonder I liked the show...

"Okay okay, wait. If she shouldn’t be alive, then how is she?" Luna thought for a moment. "Soul transfer perhaps?" Oh...

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