• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 13,802 Views, 791 Comments

The nature of the beast. - Kintra

The adventures of a sarcastic pessimist who visits a world full of creatures who love and tolerate.

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(56) Thoughts: 3


I didn’t pass! Every other test I finished with flying colors! But I don’t know very much about Equestria! Give me some practical science, or even math! I’m good at math! UGGHHHHH.
It’s okay. I act sad but really I’m happy about it. Because of my bad scores they are putting me into the same class as the crusaders! They said that my scores were amazing on everything else; But that they can’t pass me until I learn “Proper equestrian history” It’s cool because they also just got a new teacher in class! Oh man… there’s the door. Okay... Deep breaths.

“Also class today we have a new student joining us, one who also happens to be a good friend of mine, and a very smart cookie. I would like you to welcome Light to the class everypony.” The charcoal filly stared at me as I entered the room. Her gaze was filled with laughter as she stood on top of the desk. I stared a moment…

“BREW!?” Was all I could say as she began laughing at me. My teacher is BREW!? Oh sweet Celestia where did I go wrong!
“Take a seat next to Apple Bloom, Light You and I will be seeing a lot more of each other the next few weeks.” WHYYYYYYYYY

“ARGH!! DUMB FABRIC!” Was all I could say as I ripped it again

“Eclipse its fine! It’s supposed to be like that. Just sew it back together. I swear you act like you’ve never worked with rip wool.” I hadn’t even heard of the shit.
I started rubbing my face. This whole day has just been weird. I got here just fine but she’s had me working with “Magic fabric” Things like rip-wool, a type of wool, surprise, that you can rip and stack. I saw no purpose behind it. At all. But the bad thing is, is that every time it ripped. There was MORE of it.
It just endlessly spat out wool. Forever. The only way to eliminate the excess wool was to sew it back into the main bundle. It was stupid!

“I gotta be honest Rarity, this stuff is Irritating.” She just laughed at me.

“Oh I know dear, but in order to work with me Rip wool is very important to be able to work with! I use rip wool in almost all of my creations! It can be ripped to feel like anything! From silk to cotton, rip wool is without a doubt the most useful piece of equipment in here!” then why, may I ask does it SUCK.

“Alright… Just… Ughhhhh.” I set to work sewing the fabric back into itself. This is gonna be a long day.

-----Moon Mist----
It was an extremely boring morning. My eclipse had left long before I had woken. Darn my heavy sleeping. By the time I had gotten to the store I was late for opening so a few apologies and an unlocked door later everypony was nagging me for charges on items. Eclipse is an absolute sweet heart. And I love that he brought my shop back to life. I just wish it could have been done with less effort! Oh…I am so lazy… I want to hug eclipse…. *Sigh*

“Long day Moon mist?” Oh it’s…What’s her name... Oh
“Yes, it has been rather… Long, today. Not bad just drawn out.” Darn it! Purple purple….Violet? No... Magic obsessed! I SHOULD KNOW THIS!

“You’ve forgotten my name haven’t you?” *Sigh…*

“Yes, I am so sorry. I’ve just been a little exhausted lately.”

“My name is twilight sparkle, Star pupil of Princess Celestia. And I would like to by something!” So get it…Oh gosh I’m turning into a pessimist.

“Yes, feel free to look around; I have all sorts of magical goodies. And again, I am so sorry for forgetting your name Twilight Sparkle. As I said my mind hasn’t been quite right. All this charging and thinking has really slowed me down! Not used to all this action in my shop.” Twilight laughed as she started walking and talking.

“It’s no big deal, you are under a lot of stress I tend to forget things too when I’m stressed. Is this real poison joke root?” Oh well at least I’m not the only one who gets absent minded at times.

“Yes, everything in my shop is 100% authentic.” If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t buy it. Oh I need a hug.

My hooves hit the tree with a satisfying *Crack* my legs tensed and I felt the familiar jolt of adrenalin. As the wood splintered and apples rained about me.

“See? There ya go! Did a bit a damage to the tree as well. But aint nothing it won’t grow out of! You’re getting good at this be!” The orange pony stepped into my view. And dear Luna does she look delicious!
Only real reason I took this job was so I could beat things up and stare at her. Without this stupid job I would still be wandering into the ever free behind the house still. I just can’t help it. I need to be out. I needed something. And bucking with Aj was certainly something.

“Yea, okay… but I chipped the trees bark. That’s not good enough.” Apple jack just laughed at me. I’m used to that. I’ll just screw with her ear later.
“Be ya don’t need to go pushin yerself! We got plenty of trees left to harvest. Take yer time!” She just doesn’t understand…Nopony understands what that rush is like when your hunting a manticore. That RUSH. The only time I feel I can be calm are when I’m hitting a tree or jumping my mare friends. Both mare friends preferably.
“Nope. Won’t work. I need a good Buck right now. And I mean that in both the sexual and non-sexual sense.” This world just isn’t the same without me scouting. But I’m gonna be happy. I’m going to make every pony happy. I don’t need the blood and sweat to make me happy. I just need some good friends and a tough job.
I moved to another tree and tensed my front legs on the ground. I may be small, but I pack a punch.
My back hooves collided with the tree causing apples to shower. “Gettin better!” Better isn’t good enough.

Oh…Maybe that café? No… I was there yesterday…Hmm… Oh…Geez this is so BORING. Maybe I could start teaching? No no... I’m a maid at heart. I love cleaning. It just makes me feel so useful.
“Miss?” Hmm? Oh look at that a stallion.
“Hello sir. Can I help you?” Oh I need to get used to being out of the house. I can’t talk to ponies normal anymore!

“You live with the hum….Eclipse right?” I nod. Maybe he has a message?

“Okay. Good… Can you tell him something from me and my two friends?” Oh messages are nice.

Fucking AMAZING. That is all this job can be described as. I’m finally teaching! HAH Look at me now! My faithful students all with their heads buried in the book studying the lesson I’ve given them! Amazing! Thank you princess Celestia. I am forever in your debt!

“Okay everypony, time to put your pencils down. Light? Please gather the papers and bring them up.” Aha! Look at the grumpy face!
“Alright, now if you could all turn to page eighteen we can get started on history of Equestria BNM. Thank you Light” Was all I needed to say as he slid the papers onto my desk.
I’m a teacher now. And I can’t believe I owe it all to that stupid human…Why am I smiling?

Oh dear… Watching poor eclipse deal with the rip wool…It’s sad really. The poor dear acts like he’s never even heard of it! Which he may not have… At least he’s getting better with it. Oh my… This design is simply hideous! What was I thinking! To the bin with you demon paper!
“Rarity?” Oh dear...

“Yes eclipse?”

“I hate rip wool. Just saying. Good news is I figured it out now, I just have to apply different pressure with my fingers while ripping.” Oh thank goodness…

“Oh very good! Well then the next step is your choice I suppose, you may work on your sewing patterns some more, or if you wish, you could try your hands at designing, while I work on some of my completed designs.” He laughed. His laugh is always so heartfelt. How DOES he do it?

“I think, I’m gonna stick with sewing. Most experience I had in designing was…Shit. Never, I drew stick figures.” I have no idea what those are…

“Well that’s a shame, But if you wish the designs are over on the other table, Take a look try your best!”
Poor dear. He is good at this, he just needs more practice.

Finally relieved of duty by my sister and I immediately go to the garden. That silly human was a horrible influence. I hope he visits soon… “Why is it so quiet without him…?” Bah. I’m sure he is happy, that Is all that matters. I suppose I can read his scrolls in the meantime. Perhaps they will contain some important feelings. Or insane ramblings of a stir-crazy humanoid. Perhaps both if I am lucky!
“Oh it’s so difficult trying to cheer myself up…”

OH MY GOD… Seriously. FUCK SEWING. I’ve lost more blood from my thumb in the past two days then I have in the past two months. SERIOUSLY.

“Okay….Rarity, I’ll be back tomorrow. I’m…Getting seriously pissed at this... I’ll just end up breaking it if I continue.” She just gave me a sad smile as I stood. Jesus. Sewing is irritating.

“Okay darling. Don’t be too upset, I understand getting into the swing of things is hard.” She walked over and laid her head against my leg.
“Rarity, Permission to pick up and squeeze you?” She looked up and smiled.

“Oh I suppose.” Yay. I picked up the fasonista and gave her a hug. We had been sewing all day. I wanted to go home. Maybe fiddle with mists horn till she starts squirming again and then go to bed.
“Thanks rarity. For putting up with me.” I put her down and she just smiled.

“Darling, Trust me, I have had many more people come in and try to work here. None of them have even almost made the cut. And now YOU can work with rip wool? I dare say I may hire you anyway.” I just laughed.

“Your compliments please me, pretty pony. However I will not accept your money, you know that.” She just laughed as I left.
If there is one thing I’m going to do tonight…

I will have hugs.

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