• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 13,802 Views, 791 Comments

The nature of the beast. - Kintra

The adventures of a sarcastic pessimist who visits a world full of creatures who love and tolerate.

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(44) Life: Misty conversation

Moon mist… Yea, I liked her, not quite the way I liked the mane six. But she was cool. She and I talked. About everything. About nothing, and pretty much everything in between. I could tell her about my relationship troubles and she understood, she could tell me about her failing business and I would cheer her up. I went over her paperwork a few times and caught a few mistakes here or there, offered her ideas on how to boost business, which mostly included stop being picky and carry stuff for all races. She would then proceed to explain how, this was a magic shop not a feather emporium, then I would go on to explain that enchantments could easily boost business and provide a lasting means of income, from all the races.

We just went back and forth, never once during our arguing did that light leave her eyes. And I was proud of that. This poor girl needed someone to be there for her, and I needed something to do during daylight hours. So it was pretty cool.

During most of the conversations I would pick up random objects and ask about it, most of the time she just smiled at me and explained. One of the coolest things in my opinion was a “color changer” It could temporarily shift the shade of your coat to a different color. Only lasted about twenty minutes but hey!

It was still neat!

“You know eclipse; you came in here this morning to browse why are you still here?” I laughed

“Technically I’m still browsing, what’s this?” I held up a small glass orb.

“It’s a memory orb. You focus on a memory and it shows in the orb, But really. Why are you spending your day here? Way I hear it your pretty important to the town.” Important? *Sigh*

“Honestly I’m not that important, I go to work once a week fill out some forms and I’m done. The town benefits from it sure, but I still feel like I’m getting paid for pretty much nothing.” I put down the orb; it had begun showing the day I was hired. When I put it down it clouded over again.

“Well that seems pretty important to me, at least you aren’t running a failing magic shop.” She adjusted herself in her seat so she could rest her chin on her hooves.

“I don’t know, if I was a unicorn I would use a lot of this stuff. Since I don’t have magic it would be impossible.” She laughed

“Right, yea, human and all that… Hey eclipse...” I looked at her. “Yea?”

“Would you like to…I dunno, get some lunch or something?” wait.

“You mean like a date?” she turned red quicker than rainbow, that’s impressive.

“Well, um…I…Yes…” Ah. Okay, couldn’t hurt to get to know her in a non-formal setting. I can always use new friends.

“Well alrighty then. When can you go on break?” she laughed.

“I’ve been on break since you entered. I own the store, no one is gonna miss me if I’m gone a few hours.” Hours?

“Or, minutes I mean.” Aww.

She hopped from behind the counter and I noticed she was almost as small as Bulls-eye. Which is impressive, Bulls-eye is very small for a full grown filly… Filly. I can’t believe I’m still getting used to this stuff after being here so long…

“Well alrighty then. Lead the way miss mist.” She chuckled and led me to a small (And familiar) café right around the corner of her shop.

“Oh convenient.” She smiled as we took our seats, meaning I sat on the ground... *Sigh*

“Something wrong?” Dammit.

“Nah, just hate sitting on the floor, it’s cool for you guys, I mean. Yea, but...” she smiled.

“You know they carry chairs right?” I looked at her a moment.

“Uh...” What could I say?

When the waitress…Bus lady? Whatever made it around moon mist asked her for a chair. A few minutes later she had a unicorn levitating a chair from the back. I took it and sat with a thank you.

“I…Can’t believe I never even asked.” The chair was just the right size to be comfortable but still make it so I wasn’t towering over the table.

“Still getting used to everything here I take it? I’ll admit when I first saw you in town I was curious as to what you were. Then word spread about you being a human and how you’re just trying to fit in. It’s cute actually; you’re the talk of the town at most points.” Oh great.

“Nothing bad I hope?” she laughed and we gave the waitress out orders.

“Nothing too bad, I think the biggest rumor is that you have a leechwood implant. Other than that there’s the rumors that you single handedly killed a manticore.” I didn’t know how to react, it was like she wanted it to be a joke, so I tried to laugh…I just couldn’t.

“Wait, you’re kidding. You have a leechwood?” I shook my head.

“Not any more, Long story short my tree gained a mind of its own and is now renting a room.” She looked at me like I was crazy. Which I suppose in a way, that may be correct.

“What about the manticore rumor?” At that I laughed.

“That one’s also true; one of the ponies I saved is living with me.” She looked a little down after that.

“Living? With you?” I nodded

“Yea, I have a sort of…Family, already. None of them are really related aside from my leechwood in a weird way. But… Yea. They live with me.” As if some crazy coincidence wasn’t enough Be happened to be walking nearby.

“HEY! Eclipse! Already moving past vinyl? Dang boy! You move quick!” she laughed and sat at the table.

I couldn’t help but smile a bit. Be just had that effect.

“Bulls-eye, Moon mist, Moon mist, Bulls-eye.” Introductions out of the way.

“So has he hit on you yet?”
“Aw come on Be!”
“What?! You know you never take charge! I’m just helping out!”
“Be! I take charge when I need to!”
“Uh, I don’t mind.” Sorry Mist…
“Eclipse I swear man, Your never gonna find a good girl at this rate!”
“Excuse me.” Sorry Mist!
“Be, come on you know I’m just fine on my own, besides I was just telling her about how we met.”
“The manticore?’
“You really weren’t lying?” I really want to talk to you hang on!
“Sweet, you tell her how you took it on with nothing but your hooves?!”
“What?!” I didn’t tell you that?
“Be, go hit on thorn!”
“HAH! I’m down, later Eclipse!”
“Bye Be…” I sighed, that whole conversation was awkward thankfully Be is easy enough to distract with thorn being nearby… Where is Thorn?
I watched as be walked away in sort of a happy-drunk walk, I had never seen a pony lean side to side while walking, so I ended up watching a while. It was funny.
“She seems rather nice.” I turned to face mist who was now enjoying a daffodil and daisy sandwich. I’m all for grass eating but wow. That’s hard core.
“So, do you ever like, choke on pollen while eating those?” She smiled.

“Would you like to try?” I shook my head and started eating my pie. It’s weird, I’ve only eaten sugary deserts and fruits yet my teeth were healthier then the day I came through. I mean, I still brush, but it’s just weird. No cavities and stuff.

“Honestly…Not really. Most everything I have seen here can be summed up with the word ‘Magic’ and to be honest I like it that way. A little bit of mystery in your day can only make it brighter.” She laughed.

“That’s an interesting way to think of life! But I must admit that it does sound appealing. A little bit of what can’t be understood by you in the morning. Give you something to think about.” I nodded and watched as little Luna crawled out of my pocket and onto the table. Once in the center of the sunlight she curled up and laid down.
“That certainly is an interesting doll.” I nodded.

“I thought maybe you could make more like her, could help your business. But then again, maybe that wouldn’t be the best idea. One living doll I think is pretty much enough.”
She just giggled as she stroked little Luna.

“It doesn’t feel like a toy at all! It feels like a pony!” I looked at Mist; this pony was laughing and having a good time even though she knows her store is on the chopping block. How can I help her? What could I do to encourage business…?
“Yea, the mane doesn’t flow like the real Luna though. The rest of the doll is pretty much spot on. Just a few little differences here and there.” She started staring at me. Okay, wasn’t really staring, it was more like thinking.
“Have you REALLY met the princess? You keep talking about her like she is a good friend, you don’t even say Princess Luna, you just say Luna.” Oh this question?

“Yea, I’ve met both Celestia and Luna, the three of us are pretty good friends, Luna and I especially. When I first came here she was like, my caretaker. She taught me how to read and write, as well as how to speak equestrian.” Suddenly Mist looked very sad. I didn’t know why. I answered her question.

“You really care for Princess Luna don’t you?” I nodded and finished the last of my pie.

“It must be nice, having someone care for you like that.” Eh, she was kinda overbearing at times but…Yea. It was nice feeling cared for.
“Yea, it was pretty cool I guess. But we agreed to just be friends forever, It would be weird, Human and princess….Ya know?” And the brights back, Make up your mind.

“So, that’s nice. Are you…Doing anything tomorrow... I mean, if you’re not busy or whatever, you can come and help me fix up my shop for non-unicorn customers!” I thought about that a moment.

“Sure, but only if you don’t pay me.” The look on her face was full of ‘whut’

“I’m sorry, you said as long as I DON’T pay you?” I nodded.

“Yup, don’t pay me, I will work in your shop and help you make it accessible, but I’m going to need to bring a friend, and neither of us wants payment. Speaking of.” I took the bits for the meal as well as a tip to the waitress out paying for the meal I put my money away.

“But as I said earlier, I’m earning way too much for way too little, so I’m doing volunteer work, consider what little craftsmen experience I have on the house.” She just smiled at me.

“Thanks eclipse.” I could like this pony. But I won’t speed through it. I will get to know her first. Or so help me Celestia.

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