• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 13,802 Views, 791 Comments

The nature of the beast. - Kintra

The adventures of a sarcastic pessimist who visits a world full of creatures who love and tolerate.

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(55) Life: Sewing cramps

I am some sort of sewing prodigy. At least according to rarity, In truth I think she’s just being nice, I’ve ruined the seams so many times now, I offered to do something else but she insist I keep practicing. I’ve stabbed myself a few times with the needles as is, it’s all just a bit…Awkward to me. I knew that this world was pretty girly, and to be honest I knew I was too, I enjoy visiting the spa with a few of my lady friends, I mean really. I’m freaking girly. Would I change it? Nope. In fact, I’m happy right where I am, fuck being manly. I would rather hang with friends.

“Oh dear, no no, you’ve broken the stitch again, Like this dear.” After her eighteenth correction on the same piece of cloth I finally got it.

“This is a lot harder than it looks. You do this for a living?” She laughed.

“Yes dear, it’s a good living as well, not many ponies can say they are as renowned as me. I happen to be one of the top dress makers in Equestria. But I am not yet, THE top. So I must work hard to keep up. After all it’s only me here, and offering my dresses at affordable prices is quite difficult.” Is it really…

“So, Okay. That’s cool then, you’re really intent on being the best of the best huh?” She smiled at me…Rarity is strangely pretty.

“Oh yes dear, I intend to be the very best! Like no one ever was!” I laughed.

“Is catching them your real test? And training them your cause?” She gave me a stupid look. I didn’t care. So worth it.

“You know rarity, I hope you don’t mind me saying, and I’m not saying this as showing interest, I’m currently taken, but you are extremely pretty.” She beamed at me. A few of her hairs were out of place from stress, but still.

“Thank you eclipse! I do try rather hard to look my best at all times. And you are getting very good at this; you’ve almost sealed it with no mistakes.” Yea… I dunno… Still looks fucked to me.

“You sure?” I asked holding up the cloth I was working on, the stitch work looked like a child’s crayon drawing.

“Well, it can use some work to be sure! But you are certainly one of the best workers I’ve had yet!” That’s depressing.

“Seriously? It looks like ass.” She laughed

“They always do the first time darling, but you certainly have the finest ass yet.” She blushed.

“I mean the finest stitch yet.” I just smiled.

“Check you out rarity; I never took you for the human type. But hey, you like my ass it’s cool. Anyway, I need to practice more, should I just cut the seams and do it again?” She nodded and went to work on her dresses.

We spent the next few hours talking about…Pretty much nothing really. We were just talking, conversations would jump between weather and friends, and then it would go to job and jokes. We just talked. Eventually I managed to get the damn thing right and she patted me on the back with a hoof while levitating me another pattern. And I got to work again, by the end of the day my hands were cramped as all get out. I had managed to perfect three different sewing styles though. So that’s cool.

It was roughly seven when she said I should go home, a quick hug and a goodbye and I was out the door, My back hurt from sitting like that but hey, I was helping so It didn’t bother me much. I ended up reaching town in little under eight minutes, I of course went to check if misty as home, her door was closed and there was a note on the door

“Eclipse, at home. Don’t be long” Sweet. I took the note down and started the trek back to the house, it only takes so long. So I got there and went in to find a few friends in my home! Namely just Twi and Rainbow Dash. They were all sitting talking with misty and light. I came in and hugged and kissed both misty and light before heading up stairs to take off my coat and shoes. I headed back downstairs and plopped on the couch next to misty, she literally fell on top of my lap. I just stroked her mane and stared at the ceiling listening to everypony talk about their day. Eventually I couldn’t hold back

“Twilight what do you know of the magic half of my spark?” She looked at me like I had just interrupted a conversation with Applejack about confectionaries. Which I had.

“Uh… Well, It’s the part of your spark that you can manipulate on will alone, no activator is needed like your physical part. But I don’t know what exactly it does.” I just laid my head back down. Freaking sucks. I now have a piece of my spark which I didn’t understand. Light doesn’t know how to use it so how do I… Blargh. Thinking sucks.

“Eclipse… You’re making faces.” Dimmit mist…

“Yea…I do that.” She just laughs and pushes herself further up on my lap.

“Well stop it, it’s silly.” Well….

“Nah, it’s all I’m good at.”

“Light fell asleep.” I looked over and sure enough the squirt was passed out.

“Alright, I’ll take him into bed. Then I think I’m heading there myself, Sewing for a full day hurts like a bitch.” She just laughed and got off my lap as Twi and dash got up to leave.

“I’ll see you guys later, also, Tomorrow is gonna be sunny, were caught up on our rain quota for this season.” Now that there’s a few days left.

“Alright dash thanks for visiting, you too Twi, It’s nice seeing you girls.” I was telling the truth, it is nice seeing them. Even if we don’t have much to say.

“Good night eclipse, Good night Moon mist, I will stop by your magic shop tomorrow! I didn’t know we even had one!” Twilight was giddy as she left, followed by dash.

“She didn’t know there was a magic shop?” I laughed

“Twilight doesn’t get out much.” She just nodded as I scooped up light and we headed upstairs. She opened the door so I could deposit him in bed. Then we went back to my room and started cuddling on the bed. Have I mentioned how much I love cuddling with her? She’s soft, she smells nice. What can go wrong?
I squeezed her a little and pulled her close. “How was your day?” She just laughed at that.

“It was a day, Now that the initial rush is over people are just coming in for charges and the occasional new item. Normal business now. You know.” I smiled at her. She smiled back. And I hugged her some more. DAMN THE CUTE.

“How about you Eclipse? I hadn’t seen you all day, you said something about sewing?” I laughed

“Yea, unfortunately I went to rarity’s, Uh. Carousel boutique and she was really stressing out over some dresses, so I offered to help. She accepted but I have to learn to actually SEW first. Who knew?” She giggled a little and pulled herself closer. We were trading body heat. This is nice. She yawned.

“Oh, well I guess tomorrow is the same thing huh? Gonna learn to do sewing and all that? It’s nice that you’re helping her.” I just smiled at that. It is nice.

“Maybe I can’t apple buck, but at least I can help someponies ya know?” She just nodded. Her eyes were drooping. To be honest mine were too. Learning to sew and all the different patterns and shit really drained me. Crazy how hard that stuff is.
“Goodnight mist.”

“Mm…Night…” I just smiled. This was an amazing girl. I don’t care how many times I have to say it. I will make her feel as loved as possible. Forever.
And there she goes. Look at her. Dawww!

“Love you misty…” I said as I stroked her mane and passed into sleep.

“Time to get up kiddo!” Ughh… go away….Sleeepiinggg…

“Light… Get up…” Noooooo...

“Don’t make me poke you some more.” UGH FINE!

I slowly stood up and shook off. Dad patted me on the head and laughed as he walked out the door. I hate mornings. Why can’t I just sleep forever! That would be awesome. Sure, my mind is telling me “Too much sleep is unhealthy” But what does it know. It’s just a mind.

I jumped from my bed and dragged myself into the shower. The hot water really does help wake a pony up. Even though it tends to put me to sleep later. I like to try and take showers as quick as I can like Eclipse does, But I have to do so much more. He can be in and out in less than ten minutes. I have to sit in here for like a half an hour using this stupid brush to reach my back. *Sigh* Oh well. At least I don’t have to worry about clothes.

After I got out of the shower and went into the kitchen I already saw a sandwich waiting for me, as well as one for lunch. Eclipse was so cool. He always made me breakfast. I loved it. And the sandwiches he made were supposed to be my favorite before I popped, and they were really good too! Sometimes I wonder what I was like before the mind...popping stuff. I like to think I was super smart, and brave and stuff. Ow… My leg still hurts. Eclipse said that the spark would heal it, and it has. It’s just… Sore.

I finished eating and grabbed my bags, a note on the side said that eclipse was at rarity’s. Maybe I should visit later? Only if apple bloom doesn’t want me to play with her I think. She’s a ton of fun to be around. I started the walk to school just like every other morning. It had only been a few days but I like to think most of the school at least accepted me. Two ponies in specific were very mean though. They kept calling me a “Blank Flank” and other names. It doesn’t bother me though. Everypony has something they do to make themselves feel better about their insecurities. Mine just so happens to be talking to the crusaders and hanging out with my dad!

“Hay there light! Mind if ah walk with ya?” Apple Bloom!

“Of course bloom, you are always welcome to join me!” She laughed and walked up next to me. I sure hope no more ponies try and attack us again. I didn’t like hurting them, but they went after apple bloom. That’s not acceptable.

“Whatcha thinkin about?” I laughed. I had that same stupid face dad did whenever he was thinking too hard.

“Oh, just about stuff.”

“About them ponies who tried ta hurt me?” I just nodded.

“Dontchu worry none about it. Ya saved me from them bad ponies and ah heard your dad went and talked to`em. Ah don’t think we will be seeing them fer a right long time.” I wish I knew for certain…

When those ponies were hitting me, it was okay. I could take it. But when they started talking about apple bloom I lost it. I know the one who was walking toward her can no longer walk, his legs bent in ways they shouldn’t have when I bucked him. It didn’t matter though. I can take it, if they go after my friends so help me.

“Apple bloom. You took me hurting those ponies really well. You’re not even mad at me… How come?” She laughed… I like it when she laughs. Her accent makes it sound funny. But cute.

“Well, ah suppose ah just don’t mind too much so long as yall are okay. Ah mean, look at ya. When that big scuffle was over you took down three full grown ponies. Ya were limpin around on three legs and bleeding from pretty much everywhere. Now yer all better. Ah just don’t really get it ah guess. It’s like there’s no way it coulda happened. Yer just fine! And it happened two days ago!” So she isn’t mad because I heal quickly? Weird.

When we got to school I was escorted to another room to finish the last part of my pretest. Tomorrow I join normal classes. So far I had earned perfect scores on everything. Today is geography and history, I don’t know if I can pass these ones with good scores. I don’t know much about Equestria…

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