• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 13,802 Views, 791 Comments

The nature of the beast. - Kintra

The adventures of a sarcastic pessimist who visits a world full of creatures who love and tolerate.

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(39) Life: Short break?

I got off of the bed and stood. I tuned to look at vinyl. She had curled up into a ball. She was crying into her tail, I wanted to hug her. Help her, do anything for her. But what could I do? Start cheering Vinyl every time she said something? There’s no way I could do what she needed. So I understood. I stretched, grabbed my familiar Combination clothes from the nearby mannequin and took a shower. The entire time I was in there I just felt dead. Not physically or mentally like it was when I woke up, No... Emotionally. I didn’t care. About anything. It hurt knowing the first pony I chose to trust with my love and affection turned out to be wrong. I would always love her. But she couldn’t stay. Even rainbow would have stayed. She wanted to join the wonder bolts but they have like, twenty members at all times. The few times she would have been selected for a show would have been a few days away then BAM she’s back. But vinyl? That’s not the case at all….

“God damn me…” was all I could say. I stepped out of the shower and pulled on my clothes. Leaving the bathroom I saw vinyl was asleep... her bags were still packed in her room, wasn’t like she brought much.
I left the master bedroom and found her bags; I hoisted them onto her bed and opened the small bit bag inside. “Wow…You really made it here on forty copper bits?” I was impressed. But I quickly emptied the contents of my own bag (Which I always held in my back pocket) which amounted to somewhere near sixty gold. I was gonna make DAMN sure she had enough to get by on, not just get by, get by happily. Not Like I needed the money. Being pampered by the princesses of Equestria is a slightly spoiling feeling...

“What are you doing in vinyl’s room?” I heard light say from the open door. I looked at him, and dear god I have never wanted to hug him so bad. His legs were wobbling and twitching and he looked frightened, it was adorable. Just a shame he’s so big.

“Making sure she’s happy.” I sealed the bag and placed it back into her satchel. Sliding it along the other side of the bed I headed out of the room.

“Good to see you up and about.” He nodded. “Don’t lock your legs, Try to keep them a little loose.” He looked at me like I was stupid.

“Dude, I’ve been watching these ponies a lot longer then you.” He nodded and gave a little “Yea...”

“Now really, don’t bend your legs so far in hold them still while not relying on the extent of your knees flexibility.” After a little while he fixed his legs so they weren’t almost painfully shaking.

“See?” He smiled. “I can’t believe your better at this then brew, and she is a pony!” I just laughed.

“No man, I’m not that good about it, you already knew you were doing it wrong, you just didn’t know how. So I pointed it out. It’s what I would do in the situation.” He laughed and we headed downstairs.
I ended up actually carrying him most of the way because he slipped near the top. Thankfully he was big but not super heavy. After we got downstairs and he was able to walk a little better he thanked me and we both went into the kitchen.
After making a sandwich for myself, Just cheese, and him, Cheese tomatoes lettuce and apple slices. (EW.) We sat and he tried to figure out how to eat it without hands.

“Wait, you mean you ate…THAT, while you were in my body?” He just nodded.

“Umm… Wow. Gross. You know I hate tomatoes?” He nodded again while finally working a corner of the sandwich into his mouth.

“So you ate tomatoes, because it’s fun?” He just nodded…Again.

“I’m leaving.” Nod.

“You suck.” Nod

“I hate you.” Nod.

“You were adopted.” He looked at me for a moment and then nodded.

*Sigh* “Alright, I’m off to work, Vinyl most likely won’t be coming into town, so….Tell her good bye for me would you?” Light looked at me like he finally understood. And just nodded.

“Thanks man. You’re a pretty good….Whatever we are to each other.”

“Well, I’m glad just wait till I start calling you dad. That’s gonna be fun.” Suddenly I had way too much on my mind.
I left the kitchen and headed to the door Opening it I looked over Ponyville. It was roughly 8 am; so many ponies were up and about. I trudged my way into town. And I honestly tried to avoid everypony.

But there is one pony in particular. No matter how down I’m feeling or unsurprised about something I am. Can screw EVERYTHING up.

“Hey Eclipse!” Rainbow dash.

“Hey Dashie, Out for a morning fly?” Why am I smiling…? I just got metaphorically dumped AND paid for the plane ticket. Son of a bitch.

“Yea, just... Keeping the sky clear and all.” The sky was overcast. I stopped walking and looked at her. She landed and we stared at each other a moment before I squatted down to her level.
“What’s going on?” I asked her sincerely, but her eyes just wouldn’t meet mine.

“I...uh… Don’t know… there’s…I mean, Um.” Oh good god. Spill the beans woman!

“It’s alright, take your time, It’s not raining so,” It started raining. I pulled my jacket off and picked up dash, I wrapped her in my coat and ran for the mayor’s office. Which was thankfully only a small distance.

When I got inside I saw the Mayor perk up, Maybe because I was here, Or maybe because I was carrying a bundle the size of a large dog, Or small pony, in my arms.

“Eclipse...” I heard a muffled rainbow through the coat. “I’m a Pegasus.” ….Heh…Oh…

“Right, Shit... Sorry.” I put her on the ground and put my jacket back on as she shook her coat. You ever seen a Pegasus do that? The things their wings do are pretty cool.

“Oh good morning Rainbow dash! You did get the afternoon report right?” She laughed.

“Uh...yea, Mayor. It’s raining now.” So the keeping sky clear thing was a lie…

“Oh good, I hope you don’t mind eclipse, But I do love a good rain storm! I’m going to go watch from my window! You two have fun!” Why is she always so cheery? I watched as the mayor trotted up the stairs, eventually she got up there and I went behind her desk sitting down I started to sort through everything. Dashie just walked over to the counters opposite side and sat down.

“So….Yea, Take your time on figuring out what it was you wanted to say. Looks like a few shipments got glanced over, I’ll be here when you’re ready.” I turned back to the papers, leaving dash with that little tidbit.
I was about three fourths done with everything before she said anything.

“Umm. Eclipse?”

“Yea dash?” Is that a zero or a G? Who wrote these…?

“I uh...”

“Yes?” twelve? It’s thirteen…

“I would like to date you if you ever finish with vinyl.” …. You’ve got my attention.

I put down the quill I was using and rubbed my face. I know I had asked about it earlier but….Fuck. Vinyl just ended it…

“Rainbow…Vinyl and I are no longer a couple.” I have never seen her glow brighter than she did right there.

“But I still love her.” She took it in stride, her glow didn’t stop, and she walked around the desk and hopped on my lap. I was…Admittedly uncomfortable at first.

“I know you do Eclipse, and that’s one of the reasons I want to love you!” Dur?

“Rainbow, I mean, I’m flattered…But didn’t you say me not having wings was a no no?” She laughed and leaned against my chest. I reallllly wanted to hug her.

“No… I said that so twilight wouldn’t be sad. She gave you up for me, I know she did. And I gave you up for vinyl." But…

“Why?” she started rubbing her head into my chest. I through most of this was having a slight allergic reaction to all the HNNNNGGGG in my system from trying not to hug, love and cuddle the shit out of this pony.

“I just thought… You deserved a chance at happiness that wouldn’t mean having to pick your friends. I know vinyl was important to you and you’ve known her a lot longer than me. But if there’s any chance that I can make things easier on you, I want to do it. You’re all I can think about, I haven’t even been able to do any decent tricks lately! Every time I start I think that maybe you’re watching and I mess up…” I laughed and broke down, I hugged her till she squeed and giggled.

“Why would you mess up if I’m watching? What makes me so much harder to perform with then in a cloudiseum?” I heard her gasp.

“You know about that?” Her eyes widened and got huge and suddenly her cute factor raised a notch.

“Of course I do, when I first met you I said you were Cloudsdales best flier, you think I was just buttering you up? I was living with Celestia, and she had a lot to say about you six.” She really did too.

Rainbow got this cheesy smile and started nuzzling me, I had to pick her up with one arm so she could nuzzle my neck while I finished work…And oh dear god was it hard.
Not because rainbow was curled into my left arm, looking cute as hell, Or because my arm started falling asleep. But because her nuzzling had a really unfortunate side effect of making me tweak out every time she hit the right spot, I don’t know how she did it. My neck has never been sensitive. But through half that damn paperwork, my eyes were in the back of my head.

Vinyl never did say goodbye.

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