• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 13,803 Views, 791 Comments

The nature of the beast. - Kintra

The adventures of a sarcastic pessimist who visits a world full of creatures who love and tolerate.

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(61) Our life: Q n A

(((For those of you unsure as to what is happening, I am merging “Life” and “Thought” chapters, meaning, of course that the main focus will still be on eclipse, moon mist and light. However, in downtimes, I will do my normal little -----Name here (Time) ----- As you may have noticed, there is now a time! Yay! Now there is no wondering when something happens! I’m merging the two types of chapter, because quite frankly, the way I have the days set up. There is only so much eclipse does that even registers on a “Could be interesting” level, Lights a kid, so there isn’t much there, and moon mist spends most of her time with eclipse. So I figure, This way I can incorporate more “Be” time, as well as other sub-characters. Maybe even check in on vinyl every once in a while. Though I doubt that! Alright, if you’ve read this far, kudos. You either give a shit, or you like reading…Or both. Either way, kudos! Enjoy the story.)))

-------Eclipse (7:59 AM) --------
It’s amazing… The first time, I mean. To be honest, neither of us had any real clue what we were doing, and it was over way too fast. But… Not bad. Though now I wonder if anyone even cares about my thoughts on that subject. So let’s change it!

I woke slowly. My head still hurt a little from yesterdays “My heads gonna `splode” episode, there were no tacos involved, Sorry gir. But it was all in all a pretty good morning. Today’s list is…let’s see… Saturday… well shit. I got nothing. Maybe a spa visit with misty, make her feel pretty. Some shopping for school stuff… Maybe visit rarity…Then I think I’ll go explore the woods. That should be fun. Noodles… Do they have noodles? They have the stuff to make noodles… I’ll see if they have noodles. Maybe I can make spaghetti! Oh man… No meat though….PFFT you don’t need meat. And I’m a damn good cook! I can improvise! Sometimes…

“Your making faces again.” I smiled and looked at misty. Just gotta say it guys… Her mane was still messy and bed headed, she looked tired still, AND she was smiling. Overall result?

“You are one sexy lady.” I smiled as she laughed.

-----Light (8:07 AM) ------

-------Bulls-eye (8:07 AM) ---------
God… Sleeping in the barn sucks... I looked over to aj and found her still cuddling thorns flank. She was asleep. But they are just adorable. Today is….Saturday… Feels like early morning… At least, if that what early morning is supposed to feel like… This felt more like some diabolical presence was watching me with an omniscient eye. Dictating my movements with a precise hoof on a whim.

“I need to stop reading ponthulu…” I just rolled over and out of the bale of hay we had been sleeping in. I got shit ta do… Maybe a quick woods jaunt later as well. I know for a fact AJ won’t let me work the farm today. Sometimes you just gotta take risks… I just hope they don’t feel too bad if something does happen…

------Twilight (9:18 am) ------
This book? Is Fascinating! It has all sorts of useless information!

“UGH!” My head dropped on top of the leather tome. It was crazy. It talked about things like copper wire, and computers. Things like “Internet” this pony was crazy. There is no doubt about it. This…
“Emcee hammer?” Stupid name. He was crazy! CRAZY!
I stood and closed the book, levitating it on to my newly dubbed “Don’t touch this is crazy” shelf. Never again Emcee hammer. I will never touch you. Again. I promptly huffed and walked upstairs falling on my bed with a thump and a sigh.
“Crazy ponies…” Staying up all night studying is difficult…nap time…

“Morning twilight!” URGHHH.

-----Eclipse (9:47 am) -----
After another good time and a lot of laughter Mist and myself were down stairs, we had taken a shower together to save time. No reason not to anymore. After all, we were now an official couple… Now to plan the wedding…
“You’re making some joke about weddings or sinister plans aren’t you.” Mist was just looking at me with one eyebrow cocked.

“You need to get some new faces. Yours are way too easy to read. Heck, I’m starting to pick up on lights now. I know where he got that.” She smiled warmly at me and started to laugh. I joined her as we giggled over breakfast. Eventually light came down because we were “Too loud.” But I made him food and suddenly he was all chipper again. Not hard to read at all. I sat down and started chatting with him; at least until he decided he wanted to hang out with the cutie mark crusaders again. I really needed to talk with them individually. Having the three of them at once is impossible.

“Well, He’s going to play with his friends. What about you and I?” She said that almost seductively. I just laughed and stared.

“You know, if you keep hinting like that I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to keep you. You might break me.” She laughed and switched seats so she could lean on me. I just hugged her while we stared into nothing.

“Eclipse… I think we should visit rarity… And, I’m not saying that because I feel you’re cheating on me… I know you won’t. I just feel I should know your friends… I’ve met rarity once; she came in for horn polish… That’s about it though.” I laughed. Horn polish… Oh man.

“I gotta ask, what is the purpose of horn polish?” She just laughed.

“It’s used as a type of lubricant for magical energies. It also has the added effects of making your horn shiny. But it’s normally used to increase the abilities of unicorns, not much. But enough.” Yea, lube up your rod, it makes it better.

“That sounds like a horrible joke…I gotta be honest.” She smiled and poked me with her horn. Thank god it’s dull.

“It’s not meant as a joke, some unicorns can’t do any magic without it. Otherwise they need to get this... pole, in their horn, and just…*Shudder* It’s not right.” Right… That sounds... Wrong indeed.

“Wanna head to rarity’s? I’m eager to drop this conversation.”

------Light (10:24 am) ------
I found all of the crusaders already gathered at the club house. We all had begun talking about ways to get our cutie marks when apple bloom decided we should split up and go find new stuff to try. We decided to go in two teams of two, I was stuck with sweetie belle, I didn’t mind though. Sweetie belle is nice, she’s smart too, but she doesn’t talk much. Makes it so I have too much time to think about things. And then she always says.

“Light, you’re making that funny thinking face again.” Just like that, and I always say.

“Yea, I’m just thinking about stuff. Hey have you guys tried cutie mark crusader carpenters?” she nodded sadly. Well darn it! There is so much stuff we could do! Why can’t we find it!

“Maybe our cutie marks aren’t supposed to be found. Maybe we really do need to wait.” Sweetie belle looked at me. She was all sad, so I did what dad and I do best.

“Can’t we wait while also looking for them?” Make a stupid but true statement! TWO POINTS!
She laughed and we kept walking… Today is boring…

------Rarity (10: 28 am) -----
“Finally! It is complete! My new designs are done! And with plenty of time left in the day!” Oh now what do do though… With everything done… I suppose I can visit the spa again…
A familiar ring sounded through the shop as eclipse and his new mare friend stepped into my store I was of course there to welcome them immediately Eclipse knew I welcomed every customer, so he simply waited. The mare by his side however was positively glowing while looking over all of my dresses!
“Are you by any chance into fashion as well my dear?” the mare looked at me and smiled.

“Well, Yes. But I have never really had a reason to pursue a dress for any reason, I’m sorry we never have been formally introduced. Hello, I am Moon Mist.” She offered a hoof, I took it gingerly. She seems educated and fashionable! Perhaps we could become good friends!

“Yea, I can see you two are gonna hit it off. I think, I’m gonna go to the spa. You coming rarity? We met fluttershy on the way. She’s coming too.” Oh eclipse, He is always such a dear!

“Oh of course! I have just finished my new dress so I have plenty of time for friends and family!” The smile he gave was quite welcoming. The moon mist mare however was giving me funny looks, I didn’t get it.

-----Rainbow dash (10:56) -------
You would think weather control is easy… It is, really. But is takes so LONG. I have been working with this one bunch of clouds for over an hour now! Thank Celestia it was all that needed to be done today. A quick kick to the center mass and I watched as the clouds split and disappeared. Now that those are done, I have the full day. To do WHAT? Saturdays are so boring! I started flying closer to the ground. Maybe I can spot somepony to hang out with.

“Hey rainbow!” YES! Who called? Sounded like Eclipse?
I looked around on the street I was on. He wasn’t here.
“Eclipse? Where are you?” I heard him laugh, I also heard rarity snicker. I don’t get it; all that’s nearby is the spa…Spa?
I looked over to the spa door and found eclipse with his head poking out the door.
“Hi! You wanna join us for a round of spa fun? I’m thinking of letting you girls have a bout of Q and A.” He was smiling warmly at me. I felt my heart pound in my chest. But I ignored it.

“Spa? That sounds kind of girly…” I landed and walked over to him. He just rubbed my head.

“Is it girly if you don’t get your hooves polished? I quite like the spa. More specifically. The steam bath is nice.” I just shrugged and accepted the offer. Couldn’t hurt. Plus I get to be near eclipse. So that’s cool.

-----Eclipse (11:19) ------
Rarity, fluttershy, Moon mist, Rainbow Dash, and myself. All in a single sauna booth together. I couldn’t stop smiling as misty and rarity started discussing fashion of previous generations. It was nice seeing them hit it off. Rainbow kept trying to steal looks at me; I would smile at her every time. Fluttershy had fallen asleep above my shoulders again. I didn’t care. She makes an excellent head rest.

“So uh, Eclipse, you had said something about a Q and A? What’s that?” rainbow was looking at me, she managed to for more than a few seconds, so that’s nice.

“A Q and A, You ask questions, I provide answers. Anything you wanna ask. Well, almost anything. There are some things I need to keep hidden, you know.” She just nodded and rarity and misty dropped the conversation they were having to stare at me.

“ANY question?” Rarity asked me with a lot of emphasis on any.

“Any question, about anything, at all?” mist was trying to wrap her head around this I think.

“Any question, at all, starting with rainbow, then we go clock wise.” They nodded. Rainbow got really close.

“Do you… Do you still…have that really cool necklace?” Woo, Wow. Okay. I saw that going elsewhere.

“Yes, it is on my desk in the house…I really need to get that to light. Anyway, fluttershys asleep, next up rarity.” I patted fluttershy. She wiggled a little. Cute as hell.

“Very well, have you and mist here taken the next step in your relationship?” Wow… I stared at rarity and mist just giggled.

“Which step are you referring to?” She had a funny little smile.

“Well SEX of course!” Thank god I had my pants on, seriously this is embarrassing enough.

“Seriously rarity. You need to cool your heels there hun, In this case I’m not ashamed of the answer being yes. We have had sex. No I won’t tell you about it.” Rarity beamed and bumped mist with her hooves.

“Good job dear! Very well played.” Great, Sex the board game! Roll a sixty-nine for a good time!

“I suppose it’s my turn isn’t it Eclipse.” Thank god.

“Yup. Your turn misty. Fire away.” She tapped her hoof a moment.

“If you were a pony, what kind would you be, and would you want kids?” Ouch…

“Harsh there Hun. I guess… If I was a pony, most likely a unicorn. I mean, I haven’t told many people but I’m actually kind of afraid of heights past a certain point. Two stories’ I’m fine, any past that I start getting ill… Anyway, Kids… That’s…Difficult to say the least, It’s obvious they mature much faster here than in my world. But… I don’t really know. I think, in all honesty if my wife wanted kids. Then yes. I would gladly assist.” All three of the girls had stupid smiles.

“If your wife? Like…Marriage?” I just laughed at mist. She’s just teasing me now.

“Yes, If my wife. Yes like marriage. You know that’s what I have in mind. Holy matrimony and all that jazz. Plus, Princess Celestia herself could be the priest.” They all took in what I said a minute, and all their jaws dropped at the same time.

“Oh my stars! Eclipse is right! Celestia would love to marry you two off! They are great friends! Oh dear! I would need to make dresses that are…worthy of a goddess! Oh my!”
“That’s what you’re worried about?! What about the fact that Celestia herself will be marrying off your friend!”
“I’m not entirely objected to the idea, she was rather nice…”
I just sat and listened as they went on arguing about this or that, how to impress Celestia and otherwise. It was fun until they all noticed me smiling. Mist was the first to connect the dots.

“You said that so we would forget about your questions didn’t you.” I smiled wider at her.

“No! Of course not. After all, you are all my greatest of friends.” The all gave me the stink eye for a moment before rainbow chipped in.

“Okay, it’s my turn, so…Hmm… Oh here’s one. You ever have dirty thoughts about Luna?” I didn’t even hesitate.

“Yes, next?” Mist looked hurt.

“You have had dirty feelings to Princess Luna?” Ah man.

“Of course I did. They were of course thoughts of getting the dirt off of her. We used to bathe together, so yea, dirty thoughts everywhere.” They all smiled at that before mist just shook her head.

“Um...I have a question.” Oh look, my pillow is talking.

“What’s up Fluttershy?” I felt her get hot.

“Have you…Ever had thoughts…About us?” Shit…No bath escape here…

“*Sigh*… Yes, all of you except pinkie.” They all stared at me, Fluttershy tried to hug my head.

“All of us darling? At the same time?” I laughed.

“No not at the same time. Separately? Definitely.” Moon mist took a few moments for her next question.

“How much?” God dammit!

“You sure you wanna know?” She nodded.

“All right, before I came here? A lot. Now that I’m here, I’d be lying if I said less.” I’m a pervert. I am.

“A lot? Who was your favorite?” DASH! FUCK!

“Hmm… Depends, Most of the time, fluttershy or twilight.” I felt my pillow get really hot.

“M…Me?” I just nodded.

“Yup. The fact that you were both socially awkward and cute as hell made me love you to a pretty ridiculous extent. Plus I loved your hair fluttershy. Aside from that, Twilight was my second favorite, followed by you dash, then rarity, then apple jack. As I said, I never thought about pinkie that way.” They just nodded. Rarity’s turn.

“So, I was one of your least favorites?” Shit...

“Well, out of you five, yes you were pretty low, mostly because you always came across as extremely pompous. Now that I know you it’s different, but still.” Rarity tried to look offended but only managed a smile. Mist walked over and leaned against my side. I just wrapped an arm around her.

“Are you going to cheat on me?” I laughed, most likely not the best decision. But I did. Then I picked her up, sat her on my lap and gave her the best kiss I could manage.

“I will never cheat on you. My thoughts are thoughts for a reason, and if the question had involved your sexual misadventures in my mind, you’re at the top of that list. And I’ve only known you a few days.” She smiled and laid her head on my chest. Sometimes being honest can be a bitch and a blessing.

”I love you eclipse…” I started to stroke her mane.

“I love you too mist, now don’t go doubting my loyalty again. It hurts, plus you know I don’t lie. Ever if possible.” She just nodded and kept leaning.

“Now, I believe… Dashes turn again? Can we get off the sexy thoughts though? I’m pretty sure if we continue I’m gonna end up poking mist.” Mist chuckled, it went over everypony else’s head.

“Okay, okay, no more sex questions, let’s see… What do you think of Ponyville?” She was hovering over the seat now.

“Ponyville? Hmmm. Tough question…” I hung there and everypony started getting really nervous.

“I mean… It’s the best place I’ve ever lived for sure. Just it’s so small that I’m surprised I don’t know everypony.” They all smiled as I said that. Dash touched down.

“What do you think of my animals?” oh.

“Fluttershy, I’m gonna be nice right now, you may want to ask a different question.” She was silent a moment.

“I…Want to hear what you have to say…That is…If you don’t mind.” I sighed and shook my head.

“Alright, I warned you though. I find little birds extremely annoying the chirping is so high pitched it just irritates me, I love bunnies but frankly the ones here are way too brave to be cute, squirrels aren’t so bad, beavers I haven’t even seen yet. Owls are freaking awesome. Hawks, and falcons, are the shit. I still am not even sure how you got a seal, I love otters, flamingos are pretty cool too, I’m not much of a cat person, but I’m sure you don’t have wolves, or big dogs, most of your animals hate me. And that’s all I can think of right now, again personal opinions, I don’t mean any offense, and I certainly don’t want you to stop what you do fluttershy because it is truly and amazing job for you.” I took a breath. Rainbow mist and rarity were all staring at me wide eyed. Then I felt a hoof on the back of my head.

“That not nice.” I just laughed.

“I told you girls, I don’t like to lie, you ask my opinions, I’m gonna tell you. I don’t tend to hold back, even to preserve feelings. So again fluttershy I’m sorry if I offended you.” I heard her do her soft little laugh and she squeezed my head in her laying-hug fashion

“It’s okay. You warned me. And it’s nice to know what my friends think of animals. Maybe someday you could get a pet…”
“Yea! I just got a turtle!” “Tortoise.” “Whatever.”
I just smiled.

“Maybe I could get a pet, but if I did, I’m not sure what I would want, and even then pets and I have never really… been good together, let’s just put it that way. Now, I believe it is rarity’s turn for a question.”

“Yes of course… Hmm… If given the opportunity, would you return to…Where ever it is you’re from?” I laughed at that.

“Nope, I would try to find a way to get my MP3 player though. I miss my music.” She smiled. Mist continued to rub her head on my chest. By the way? Her rubbing like that? HNNNGGG.

“So you miss your music? That’s it?” Mist did ask some decent questions.

“I might say good bye to my mom, aside from that? Yea, I just want my music. I miss all my techno, and all my rock… I really miss disturbed. They had a song called “Soldier side” which I really liked. Chances are ponies would find most of my music offensive though.” She just nodded and started rubbing her horn on my arm.

“So, Dash now yes?”

“Oh right right… Uh… Anything else you’re afraid of? I mean, I’m rainbow dash. I’m not afraid of anything!” I looked at her a moment and she blushed.

“Yea, my two greatest fears are losing my friends and family, and falling… Definitely falling.” Dash just smiled at me as I said falling. I think it’s funny to her.

“What are your two happiest thoughts?” Sappy much.

“Being with friends and family, and…Hmm. I think mist and light pretty much are my top slots unfortunately.” I heard what sounded like a laugh from mist. I knew it was cheesy.

“Okay darling… Let me see... Oh… I can’t think of any more… This is no good at all. Uh… What do you think of my latest designs?” Uh…

“Well… To be honest I’ve never been big on the fact that you use gems on your dresses, I know that ponies enjoy that, I don’t though. Aside from that, most of your dresses are pretty nice.” I wasn’t sure if she was trying to smile, or scream…Why is my leg wet? I looked down to find mists face was buried in my chest while she rubbed the side of her horn on my arm. I lifted her head and kissed her. “Stop that.” She gave an embarrassed smile and a nod before returning to my chest. Thankfully the girls didn’t catch it. They were too busy thinking of questions.

My mare friends a horn dog…heh…Horn dog.

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