• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 13,802 Views, 791 Comments

The nature of the beast. - Kintra

The adventures of a sarcastic pessimist who visits a world full of creatures who love and tolerate.

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(33) Life: Drama

MY coffee was cold. It wasn’t that I didn’t want it warm, Just sitting here thinking and trying not to hear the girls asking Light questions was a lot harder than one would think. At least until they started laughing. I could have sworn it was supposed to be a somber affair full of guilt and gut-wrenching sorrow. So why in Celestia’s name are they laughing? I took brew into my arms and walked down the stairs till I could see them again.

“And then, Eclipse and I we went back to the coffee shop and he told the waitress ‘If there were two bunnies in my coffee I would have paid extra.’!” I remember that. But why is Luna telling stories?

“WOW, I’m sorry ladies, I didn’t realize Eclipse was so….” Twilight couldn’t finish, Be Rainbow and Vinyl? All at the same time said.

“He’s kind of a drama queen!” I wanted to be really offended.
I mean, really offended. I wanted to chuck my coffee cup and throw a tantrum. It may prove their points…But dammit.

“He’s nice though. When he’s not angry.” Fluttershy. Why you so cute?

“I don’t think I could ever love him as more than a friend I think… To be honest I had thought about dating him, but I simply must find a good stallion.” Rarity…She’s met blueblood right? Yea… Yea she has.

“`ahll be honest with yall. I never once thought`a Eclipse as nuthin more than a good friend. So if one a yall want`im? Have at it!” Seriously? I mean, I knew AJ didn’t love me but ouch hun…

“Well if were throwing Eclipse to the wind or tucking him under our wings, I cast my vote for Yay.” Be? Seriously?

“Oh, Bulls-eye what about us? Or do you think a three person relation could really work…” Dammit Thorn stop reading my mind!

“Oh right… Shit. I guess I’m throwing it then; I love thorn way too much to risk her like that. What about you Twilight? Still thinking about that night?” I wanted to say I could see her nod. But I just assumed. Stupid cowpony hat….

“I uh…Yea, I’m thinking about it. I don’t think I would be ready like YOU are for a very long time… Though, as fluttershy said. He is not a bad guy when he isn’t angry. Only stallion I met as good as Eclipse is would be Big Macintosh. And well… Neither are hard to talk to about anything. I am a scholar so I like to talk about books, and I know eclipse reads. But I don’t” And everypony cut her off.

“It’s a yes or no question Twi; we don’t need justification as to why he puts a twitch in your neathers.” Oh my god! Please tell me I did not just hear me say that!

“Well. I guess yes. What about you light?” I heard him laugh uneasily.

“Well. I think that would be like... There’s an English word for it but, tree loving? All sorts of wrong. Plus, I don’t have feelings like that for any pony. I am just a root after all.” Thank god. I would pat him on the back and give him the manliest thumbs up ever if I could.

“I’m saying hell yes. My votes in, he’s way too much fun, even when he does have his girly moments!” Vinyl, Love ya too.

“Well, I guess yes. I mean, I knew I liked him already so…” Rainbow dash…Why is it that she always falls in love with everypony…Ever. *Sigh*

“I’m…No... I like him…And his hugs are nice… And I like when he picks me up…But no…” Fluttershy? No love… sad face!
“He already knows I cannot have a relationship. But our love is there’s a human word for this, one moment... Platonic? We love each other in the, familial sense.” Oh good… Wait, Fuck…No…Good, Wait. SHIT

“I think I understand everything that’s happened but I don’t think I could love Eclipse the way he wants. I’ve got too many parties for that!” Oh thank god!

“And let’s see, I’m just going over the checklist once more, just when I say your name say yay or neigh….Oh god… Now I know why he doesn’t like horse puns…What is that unnatural taste...” That my good sir, Is dignity. You just lost some.

“Anyway, Vinyl”



“..No thanks.”






“No sir. He`s mighty nice. But no.”


“Uh...No thank you dear, you’re both nice but I need something…More.” WOW, Does she mean she likes them BIG or am I
just dirty?




“Uh… Im a filly-fooler.”

“Right, Forgot.”


“Nope, I don’t want to hurt thorn, and I’m damn sure that he will be okay with this.”

“Yea, he will. Anyway, Vinyl, Twilight, Rainbow. You’re all yes-sirs. The rest of you are no’s?”
There was a group agreement.

“Well alrighty. Now we just need to figure out which of you he wants more, and we are in agreement that no matter who he chooses, you three won’t be angry or sad?” They looked at each other a moment.

“I don’t honestly think being sad is an option around him.” Vinyl started

“Whenever he saw a pony that was sad he would always do everything to make it…Better, He once tried buying a toy shop in Canterlot to get a toy that was on reserve for a filly. It was a silly thing to do, and the shop owner eventually gave in and gave the kid the toy. But still, most unhealthy two hours of my life.” Vinyl started laughing. “He is…Too kind.”

“Yea, if he saw one of us sad he would try to fix it any way possible. Even if that meant sacrificing his own relationships.” Rainbow knew me pretty well…

“I think I’m going to withdraw my name, if it’s all the same. I know Eclipse will find time for me, even if we aren’t in a relationship.” Twilight… God. I still remember holding you when you thought I was dying! Was only a few days ago, but still...

“I think I’m going to as well. Eclipse is cool, no. Eclipse is ALMOST as awesome as me, but he’s got no wings. So I think, no... I know, I’m giving him to you Vinyl.” They realize they just gave me up to the one girl who’s just as likely to torture me as I am her right? Wait. Why am I agreeing to them voting about my relationships? This is freaking awkward.

“Finally caught up eclipse?”

“Shhh brew, I’m listening to them confess their un-dying love to me in the form of a vote.”
Suddenly I realized that everypony in the room was now eyeing me.

“Are you going to come down and cast your vote or should I just come upstairs now?”…Is it warm in here?

“Aha! That’s right, farm pony called it! Ten bits dash, His nose is bleeding.” “Man...” They bet on my nosebleed? How does that even work?

“Why the hell is my nose bleeding anyway?” I walked down the stairs and set brew down wiping my nose.

“It’s not like I blushed THAT hard…” They all looked at me like I was stupid.

“Yea, yea you did.” Screw you light.

“Fine, spill the beans, tell me your fears and worries so I can go lock them in a chest until I’m doing something important and need a distraction.” Asshole….

“He’s beating himself up about that, but he was being honest. That’s how he works.” Light I swear.

“Now since I said that he’s most likely threatening me mentally or something.” *Sigh...*

“And now he’s resigned to his fate, go beat him up if you want.”
The first to stand was fluttershy. She took off of the couch landing next to me. Then she nuzzled my leg and left.

“I feel…Strangely worse now.” I said as she left. No words. Just, gone. Next was applejack, she did the same. Then rarity.

“Don’t beat yourself, or light, up. He is not a bad…Tree. So be good.” I just nodded as she left. Pinkie bounded past and beat me in the head with her tail. Most likely not on purpose, but the way she breaks the rules of LIFE, who knows.
After that, Thorn and be returned to their room upstairs, brew followed them back up. Twilight and rainbow left after hugging me. This did make me feel better. Hugs are amazing things, but I’m sure everyone knows that. Eventually it was just me, Vinyl, Luna, Light, and a statue of Celestia. Well, it’s a fleshy statue but still.

“Well come on in now. Pop a squat. I’ll let you three talk it out, Eclipse…I’m sorry, I mean, about all the things I did. I know that they would have cost you everything, and I’m glad I was able to fix it.” I raised a hand; interrupting light midsentence.

“Just, fade man. We are… for the most part good for right now.” He just nodded and disappeared.

“Should you tell Celestia?” I asked Luna gesturing at my new piece of furniture.

“No… She is fine.” Well alright. I walked around and sat in the center between two ponies I loved. One on my left, a princess, a gorgeous princess that understands nearly everything about me, and on the right.

“I swear to Celestia Eclipse if you compare me to the Princess of the night I will hurt you.”

“*Sigh* Stop being so good at reading me.” She laughed I just started rubbing my face.

“Eclipse, this is a rather big deal. Vinyl has confessed and everything, why are you upset?” I shook my head at the sadness in her voice. I looked to Vinyl. She was giving me the sweetest melt you heart smile I could ever think possible...

“Want the truth? Or should I just keel over now.” Bad choice of words perhaps. But I had to know...

The smile dropped. I felt like shit. “I guess... I would like the truth then Eclipse. I suppose I just assumed you love me.” I laughed at that.

“I guess I’m not the only one who’s no good with this stuff, No vinyl, the truth is I was going to say I’m still kind of freaking out over how….This. Would work.” I did a general wave over myself. “I mean, you said you wanted a stallion, and I can respect that, to be honest it’s more the…Physical part of the relationship that’s still…Off. For me.” Vinyl jumped off her couch and onto mine, she leaned against me and just sat while I stared at the floor.

“You really think I’m going to worry about that when I’m near my favorite mutant?” I laughed a little.

“No vinyl, I just… Argh. Ya know?” She nodded.

“Why not ask light?” Ask light? Seriously?

“I understand the phrase ‘getting wood’ has recently taken a whole new meaning in this conversation.” Vinyl laughed. I smiled. Luna blushed and coughed.

“Go to bed eclipse. Think on everything okay? Come poke me in the flank tomorrow if you think we can work. At all.” I just nodded. Vinyl got up bowed to the princess and went upstairs.

“Luna.” “Eclipse.” “Me.” Light stood in the center again.

“Yes, you light. I have some questions between you and Eclipse.” I stopped her.

“I have a question first Luna.” She nodded as I looked at Light.

“Do you trust me?”

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