• Published 30th Jan 2012
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The nature of the beast. - Kintra

The adventures of a sarcastic pessimist who visits a world full of creatures who love and tolerate.

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(70) Our life: Pain

((Warning, You know that Dark tag? Yea... You've been warned, its nothing too bad, but still. warnings given.))

-----Eclipse (10:07) ------
Common sense says the things I do are impossible. Common sense also says that pastel ponies don’t exist, so I haven’t relied too much on that source of information especially after learning that lightning, Does indeed, Jump.

The pompous ass hat was now circling overhead. He never said anything, he just laughed. Just a subtle “Oh I’m better then you are” antagonizing laugh… I HATE people like him. So much better, So much more refined they feel they can treat the weaker as insignificant. As dirt, I could tell, just by looking at him. He was SCUM. One hundred percent “dirt bag” I let the charge build in my hands. I could hear the electricity in my head, just a steady rumble. I could FEEL the pulses of it. There was a rush holding it like this, a power, a… SOMETHING about it. It made you feel invincible. It made you feel GOOD. I focused on my eye, a magical film appearing over it. I didn’t know if I could connect, but I was going to find out. I locked the film onto this pony. Watching as my eye fixated the magic to him. Now I could see his ass clearly. And he IRRITATED ME. His presence alone was enough to piss me off.

“OKAY! One more chance fly boy, run or I clip your wings!” Hmm… No taste. I can do this. I WILL do this.

-----Rainbow dash (10:07) -----
I’m panicking, my boss is taunting eclipse! I flew out the back of my cloud house, quickly repairing the wall, I fly under it a ways and see eclipse standing just a ways from the house, his hands are loose, his fingers spread and there are lights on them… I don’t know what any of this means!!! He looks at his hands then back up at storm.

“OKAY! One more chance fly boy, run or I clip your wings!” OH nononono please tell me he’s joking!

“I have yet to find anything you say relitivl…” He cut off half way through his sentence. Eclipse raised a hand in his general direction and a bright light flashed from his fingers it barely missed storm whatever it was.

“Well? You going to keep talking shit? Or should I try aiming?” Eclipse had a smug look of satisfaction as storm developed a scowl.

“Fine! You wish to fight! I will put you in your place peasant!” Oh no!

Storm barreled at full speed down to eclipse impacting him at full speed
“NO! Eclipse! Storm!” I heard myself cream as they were knocked into the trees I tried flying over but the brush was too thick!

----Eclipse (10:08) ----
Finally. Fight me!
The white Pegasus was large as far as pegasi go, I mean large as in fat. He was heavy, and slow. I jumped into him as he flew at me top speed, the impact was barely noticeable, but it did knock us into the brush. If this power is as strong as I think, maybe I can get creative…
“No! Eclipse! Storm!” I heard rainbow yell over the brush, she most likely can’t see us, good.
I placed a hand on a nearby tree using it to draw myself up. Storm was on his feet as well. His pompous look replaced with one of rage. The trees and bushes between us seemed less like obstacles and more like annoyances as I began building electricity in my hand.

“Your name is storm!?”

“Yes! Silent storm! I am very powerful! I suggest you flee!”

“One last chance, to run!” My words were in vain, He charged at me wings spread wide. He didn’t get the opportunity, I simply looked at a nearby tree and focused my energy, I could see the electricity building on its surface I smiled.

“You sure you want to come at me big man?” He tried picking up speed, but as he passed the tree a bolt of lightning struck out from it forcing him into the brush.

“OH! My bad, guess electrical proximity mines might be too much!” I wasn’t even mad.
I picked through the brush. I found the poor bastard laying in a bush his body had seized Just muscle spasms from the electricity. I changed the filter over my eye causing him to glow a bright green. I looked at myself, I glowed as well. “I am a pony.” I tasted vinegar, and my body turned dark red in my vision. “I am human.” the taste faded and my body color returned to normal. Lie detector…

“Guess you’re not so high and mighty now are you?” I kneeled down next to him brushing leaves and branches off of his convulsing body.

“I normally am not one for hatred. I don’t enjoy being angry. But I admit, I’m not free of certain types of peeves. One of which, is you.” I picked up his head so he could look at me.

“You. Are a disgrace. A horrible excuse. You don’t deserve to even live. But I know better than to kill you. I won’t kill you. But frankly, I’ve heard of you before. Silent storm right? The big shot from Cloudsdale?” I could see in his eyes the recognition of his name. That’s all I needed.

“I’ve heard that you tend to abuse your workers. In fact one Pegasus I had the honor of over hearing said that her daughter worked for you. I believe she’s in the hospital now. Something about being assaulted in her home? Unfortunately she has yet to regain consciousness. Was this your doing?” His body had calmed enough he had rough control.

“And, before you answer. Think very carefully how lying will affect your chances of survival. My eye is currently enchanted to tell me if you’re lying.” He looked at me. And spit in my eye. I backed up a step and he tried charging me. I took the opportunity to wipe my eye. It was pathetic attempt really; He ended up springing from the bush and falling flat on his face as his muscles locked again. I picked up his head by his mane.

“Fine, answer me this, have you committed any thing which can be considered a crime to another pony?” After his body settled again.
“No.” His body flared red. I smiled.

“Should have told the truth. You may want to bite a stick or something. I don’t know if this will hurt.”

-----Rainbow dash (10:13) -----
I didn’t know what to do. I lost them both; I can’t see them in the trees… I’ve been sitting here crying, the last thing I heard was a scream. It was loud… very loud… Tears were streaming down my face as I finally saw eclipse dragging an unconscious storm into the open by his mane. I flew down as fast as I could but stopped when I looked at storm and eclipse. Eclipses hands were covered in ice, and he was holding a large bunch of feathers from storms wing. I recognized the white. I looked at eclipse; he looked back at me and smiled.

“Sorry about all that. Hope you’re not mad at me about last night, I really hadn’t intended to break your heart. I just never thought that you really loved me that much.” He turned back to storm and dropped him on the grass. I could see his wings now, half of one of his wings feathers were missing, leaving the fleshy film underneath clearly visible. I felt sick.

“He lied. I don’t like it when ponies lie. Good news though. The unconscious pony Strawberry breeze? I got an answer out. He had raped her. So, I took out both his wings, if you wouldn’t mind rainbow, before you throw up. Can you please retrieve spike and twilight? You’re much faster than I am.” I felt disgusted. Was this really eclipsed? Was this really the man I thought I loved? I took off; I had to get out of there.

------Eclipse (10:15) -----
Pompous asshole? Check. Total prick? Check. Rapist? Check. Thinks he’s better than everypony and above the law? Check.
I knew I would be inciting the wrath of the princesses with this little stunt. I didn’t care. At first it was just me taking him down a peg. But when rainbow had said his name. I recognized it. Silent storm.
Working in a place like the mayor’s office, you see a lot of paper work. One of which was a hospitalization form and police charge. One “Silent storm” Was suspected of raping one of his employees. A young filly, barely fourteen years old. Once I heard his name, I took him down to question him.
It was fun. His first answer, “No” wasn’t acceptable. So I took a few feathers. His tongue loosened after that. He had been responsible for over fourteen different cases! Was it going to matter? No. Will everypony hate me after I do what I’m going to do next?

Most likely.

I bent down stretching out one of his wings.
“Silent storm. I find you guilty of many a thing I find shouldn’t exist in this world. While simply rotting in a cell may be enough for some. I want you to remember those you wounded.” He couldn’t hear me. He was unconscious. I reached to the base of his wing and watched as it froze over.

“Sorry old boy, Not good enough.” I listened to him scream as his wing cracked and shattered.

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