• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 13,803 Views, 791 Comments

The nature of the beast. - Kintra

The adventures of a sarcastic pessimist who visits a world full of creatures who love and tolerate.

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(35) Life: Split?

When I came too I was sitting at the desk in the master bedroom of my house. The spell evidently lasted longer than expected as it was dusk out. My body felt…Odd. Not really a bad odd, but it felt stressed. I stood and stretched. The chair pushed out from under me and I walked to the bathroom. Nothing like a full weeks nap to get your mind to feel like it’s dead.

My clothes were already folded and placed on the sink. I was happy about that. I stripped and got in the shower, once the hot water was going I sort of just fell forward till my head was resting on the wall.

I felt dead. And not in the good way, if there is even a good dead to be had. After my shower and business, I put on my clothes, it was the black set that rarity had made, I guess lights leaving me alone for now...Wait…Something’s wrong… Something about the shower? I walked back in and looked at it.

Same shower, nothing….Weird. There was something...Wrong, I just couldn’t place my finger on it.I shrugged it off and wandered out into the hallway. No one appeared to be home, so I went downstairs to the kitchen, I was starving! I grabbed some stuff to make a cheese sandwich. That’s something I miss. Meat for sandwiches… *Sigh*. After eating and cleaning I went back out to the living room. But there’s that feeling again…what is it… It’s just…Right there, but it’s so far…Like something was missing… But everything was there… I went and stepped outside the house so I could look over Ponyville one more time. I loved that little town. Everypony there was always nice. And the markets smelled amazing, and…Yes. I liked it.

The town was slowing closing, coming to a crawl at the end of the day. That’s always nice. Seeing the ponies again cheered me up. Seven days in…Well... Nothing. Is tough. I was so bored I had ended up singing most of the songs from my music library at home. For my techno I ended up going “Wub wub woooooo ducka ducka” And now I can’t get Still Alive out of my head. But it fit strangely well.

I rubbed my head and leaned against the side of the doorway sliding down till I was sitting.
I was…Exhausted. I couldn’t figure it out. Why am I so tired all the sudden…*Sigh* there’s still that weird feeling…Something is just…Missing. But what?

I woke feeling a little better, and wet. The weather patrol had a scheduled rainstorm and I was outside napping when it started. Worst part is, they skipped the drizzle and went straight to “doozy”... I still hadn’t seen any pony, which to be honest worried me more than it should. What happened to them? They visiting the princess? I don’t know. I went and laid on the couch. My naps not over dammit.

Again I woke. I wasn’t super wet anymore, and nor was I cold.

Night had fallen completely and the only noticeable difference to the entire room was the white pony sleeping on my chest. I had no idea how Vinyl had gotten up on me without waking me up. But it didn’t matter. I leaned my head back and started stroking her mane.

Funny thing is after a while it flattened out till it looked a little like dashes. She was kinda cute without super spikey mane-fuzz. I really enjoyed this. Just laying here, Vinyl asleep on me. Petting her, or whatever it would be called. It was…Simple, but it was nice. And I wouldn’t have traded this moment for the world.

For right now, and right now only. Vinyl was mine. And mine alone. And I was damn proud of that fact. At least as proud as one could be while being drooled on by their mare friend. But that only counts if you’re not passing out from her body heat.

I woke to vinyl humming a tune to herself. It was simple, but sweet. I hugged her to my chest, but I think I moved to quick because she squeaked and then giggled at me. After a moment of laughing and cuddles she eventually said

“Welcome home.” I just smiled…But something still felt missing.

“Did…Something happen?” I had taken far too long to ask. She smiled.

“He was…Good.” Good…good? Wait, Oh... No he better not have.

“Did you guys...” she laughed and socked me.

“No you jerk. I mean he was a good kid. He listened and followed instructions; He spent a lot of time with those three girls. The…Cutie mark captains?” I just hugged her some more.

“Crusaders. “She nodded.

“Yea. Them. I told you he was just a kid. Though you may experience some… interesting feelings for the next few days.” Interesting…. Pardon?

“Oh god, He got me aids didn’t he?” She looked at me funny a moment.

“No, what are? Never mind, I mean you’re going to get some interesting feelings emotionally as well as physically. It’s only been four days by the way. But I want you to meet someone.” Oh god...I’m being replaced?! FUCKKKKKK

“After you were out Luna did some research... And we found something you may like.” I may…Oh god, if Luna is involved…

”I’m doomed. I am going to die, that’s it. It’s over. I know it. She’s going to murder me. But she wanted me awake!” Whyyy lunaaa

“What in Celestia’s name are you talking about? Have you been brooding over how much we hate you over the past few days? Get over yourself; you’re too hard to kill.” I suppose that’s true. Manticores have the worst luck.

“Okay…Okay…”I took a deep breath, Vinyl giggled as she rose and then fell It was freaking adorable. Have I said she’s adorable yet? Because, she so is.

“Let’s. Meet whoever it is...” She jumped down off of me and I sat up scratching my head.

“So, how long was he actually walking around in those four days?” I asked as I stood to follow her up the stairs.

“Uh, about….three days.” Oh okay, so that’s three days of NOT suck. That’s something.

“And….Were in front of my door because?” She laughed.

“Go in stupid. I’ll wait here. Men!” she laughed and stared at me. I couldn’t help myself. I hugged her she was just adorable. And her eyes were like….HNNGG. Anyway. I opened the door and walked into my room. To find a large silver earth stallion pushing my little Luna doll and watching her walk back. I did it too. He looked up at me with some measure of fear. Respect. And admiration? He smiled.

“Good morning Eclipse. At least this time we both have bodies.” I stared a moment. Then pulled up my shirt. There was no leechwood. Just. Flesh. Figured out what was missing.

“I’m not there…You got to keep the spark as well. It’s my little sacrifice to you.” Sacrifice? Awahoo?

“Light?” he nodded. His mane was jet-black with silver streaks, it was pretty cool.

“So, wait….What?” He laughed.

“You know, I played this conversation in my head dozens, no Hundreds of times in my head. And in none of them did you take it this well…” I walked closer. He was almost as big as big Macintosh. No…he was bigger. The only pony id seen bigger than him was Celestia herself.

“I am…So confused right now. What happened? What?” He was just sitting there. In the flesh. I poked him a few times to make sure it was real.

“Well, let’s just say that Luna found a spell to separate and heal bodies. It ended up needing a lot of power, so the elements of harmony were called out. They were eager to help the princess and they were all very kind to me. I should be able to walk in a few days. Turns out when growing a body the last thing to kick in is your back legs.” What….the…

“Fuck?” he laughed.

“That about sums it up. They were very eager to have you separate, not sure why. Something about you needing privacy now, or whatever. I know you’ve only been talking too me a few days Eclipse. But, I hope you’ll continue to be my friend even though I now have a body... oh, more bad news. You won’t live forever anymore, and, don’t go and like. Eat a bunch cuz you’re gonna get fat. Oh! And also, you’re gonna be kinda….Blah? For a few days. I’m no longer force feeding you energy so…” Aha….Okay. Ill handle this when I wake up.

The world moved on its own. And suddenly the floor is THAT much more comfortable.

I watched as Eclipse toppled backwards. The one thing I never expected was for him to be THAT concerned. I knew he would be wierded out, even angry because HE couldn’t be a pony too. But this was…Not bad either.

“Um vinyl, He fainted." Vinyl trotted into the room shortly after. Looked at eclipse then at me and sighed. She jumped onto the bed next to me

“How did he take it, aside from ya know, the drama.” I always liked her. It’s a shame she’s so loyal! Oh who am I kidding I wouldn’t even try, Eclipse would murder me! Or maybe he would help given how most of my expectations have proven wrong recently.

“Um…Well. Not bad actually. I think he compared me to other ponies to see if he can beat me in a fight. “I really like her mane. How does it do that? Is she talking?

“So that’s not horrible, you tell him you can’t use your legs?” I nodded at her and she looked at me a moment.

“So has it started?” she looked concerned.

“Has what?” She looked at Eclipses enchanted Luna doll. It was pretty cool. I really liked it.

“The regression.” Regression. I know that word… It was…Oh shoot...


“Have you started growing younger?” OH!

“Oh, uh no. At least not yet. It will take a few weeks till my body realizes how young my mind is. Thankfully because of everything in eclipses head I shouldn’t end up as a baby, Maybe a Colt. I hate being an earth pony though. I miss all my different eye toys I made with Eclipses body.” She’s laughing again. It’s a really sweet sound.

“Well, don’t tell him about you being able to switch eyes like that. Because then he would do it. And don’t get me wrong your ‘vision modes’ were pretty cool but I like eclipse being just what he is. Maybe show him the tracking one you kept using to find me, but nothing else.” I nodded I understood.

She didn’t want him to see the problems how I did. I’m a good pony now, but there are things I don’t want... Why do I feel younger? It’s like. My mind is slipping.

“Vinyl? Do I still seem like a child to you?” she laughed why is she laughing.

“More so than ever kid. You’re just a really big young buck. Give it a few weeks and the big part should be gone too.”

With that she left the room. Carrying Eclipse in her magic must have been difficult. I wish I could have helped. Being left with my thoughts is never fun…I want to see Twilight…

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