• Published 30th Jan 2012
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The nature of the beast. - Kintra

The adventures of a sarcastic pessimist who visits a world full of creatures who love and tolerate.

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(82) Our life: Dreams

------Eclipse (7:21) ------
My cloud chair was getting uncomfortably over stuffed. So I stood and kicked it. Sure enough the entire thing disappeared. I sighed and grabbed little Luna from her cloud. I could almost swear she squeaked in protest as I broke her cloud too. I placed her into my pocket and started walking into the jungle. There’s two people I can ask who have little to no emotional connection to me. Zecora and Ull. Ill visit zecora first. She is easier on the eyes.

The walk through the forest was, uninteresting to say the least. The path to zecora’s hut never seemed to have any monsters. Freaking weird.

I approached the dreary little tree-hut and knocked.

“Yes come in please.” No rhyme? Or maybe she’s thinking of one.

“Eclipse get in here, you know I don’t care to rhyme with you.” Damnit. I keep forgetting this is zecora.

I entered the hut to find Zecora meditating on top of her stick. It’s pretty cool to see. That’s for sure.

“Okay… Gotta say that’s cool.” I walked around her until I was in front, then I sat down. Begin taller than her while she is upside down… Hm.

“Good afternoon eclipse. Have you come to taste my lips?” WHATTTT!

“Di…Did you just make a kissing joke in the form of a rhyme?” She smiled at me and laughed.

“Well gaw`damn. Although if you are offering, I may have to accept.” She blushed and lifted herself off the pole by her fore hooves, somehow keeping it straight as she lowered herself to the ground.

“It was simply a joke. What brings you out here?” Damnit… I was sorta hoping.

"Well… Ya know, just need somepony to talk too who isn’t biased because she may or may not have had to fight my previous life.” She walked to the far corner of her hut, leaning the bamboo chute against the wall; she walked back to me and sat.

“Is this a form of human comedy? If not you may need to explain.” I nodded.

“You want the whole story, or just the general facts?” She thought a moment.

“Everything please, it will be easier.” Right…

“You realize the long version is going to take a while yes?” She just nodded. I sighed.

“All right… Well, I suppose it started when I first came to Equestria. Looking back on it like this, nothing is coincidence. I’ve been guided damn near every step of the way.”

-----Luna (7:48) -----

It’s very depressing. I had been avoiding eclipse ever since I discovered what he thought of himself. He believes HE is discord! And of course my dear sister can’t keep his secret from me, I am her sister! All I needed to do was ask and she spilled the beans, so to speak. It is truly a frightening concept. But it certainly makes sense. Discord… He loves chaos, and perhaps the spark loves Equestria? That could be why it altered the human world to produce the show eclipse had become so fond of… No that is silly. The spark does not feel… But perhaps it remembers? It maybe knows its home? Eclipse is truly a unique being; discord was a draconequus so he was also unique amongst ponies… Of course that’s simply what he called himself, we really didn’t know much about where he came from. He never told us how old he was either. He would always just say “Old… Very old.” Whenever the subject was brought up! The spark he had made it so he never required sleep. He never needed to eat, though he enjoyed it.

I entered my bedroom and laid on my bed pulling out a small scroll and quill.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle. This is Princess Luna; I understand that eclipse may be depressed about something. I would like you to perhaps attempt to get him to open up. I feel that there may be something much larger behind all of this. And I wish you the best of luck. Pleas report any findings as to his current mental state to me immediately, if he becomes erratic and confusing, more so than usual mind you. Then I would like for you to message me or my sister immediately. Thank you for your time dear and good health to you.” I looked over the note and nodded to myself. I don’t have time to rewrite it for clarity, so I wrapped it in my magic and watched as it burst into flame. She would receive the note soon… For now…
Discord… Why am I so worried about all of this…Even if eclipse does turn out to be some reincarnation of discord…? It shouldn’t affect anything. He is still eclipse. Right?

-----Eclipse (9:27) -----
“And so now that I’ve potentially scarred my best friend for life because it may or may not be true that I’m one of her worst enemies, I decided the best course of action would be to come out here and see you. Get some of it off my chest and hope that you may or may not have an answer or at least some way to learn to control my magic. So, any ideas?” I looked at zecora; she was now slipping her little golden rings from her forelegs. I had no clue why.

“About you being this…Discord? No, I have no clue. It’s possible you are mad.” Yea. Insane in the membrane.

“Crazy in the coconut, ill lie down on the couch while you find a psychiatrist. Just stop me if I start making false teeth and stealing violins.” She looked at me like I was crazy. I didn’t care. She doesn’t have golden eyes! Though that blue is very soothing.

“Yes well, I was going to offer an alternate method for your magic. A dreamscape if you will. I have a potion that I use to meditate; when I have trouble sleeping I use it then as well. If you wish, a bit of it and you can search your own soul for the answers you seek. Do you wish to use it?” Soul seeking potion. Puts me into a deep sleep. She’s removing her wrist rings, making her essentially naked. While I’m passed out on her couch… What could be BAD about this situation?

“You know what, yea. Who knows what the hell I will see. But either way. Let’s do it.” She nodded and picked up a small blue liquid filled vial, she then carried it over and dropped it in my lap.

“This is it?” She laughed.

“Yes, now get comfortable on the couch, and then drink the entire bottle. Make sure to lie on your back.” OH GOD YES. Wait! Fuck! No!

“You’re not planning on doing anything while I’m asleep are you?” She eyed me for a moment.

“I was planning to steal your seed to research its alchemical properties.” …

“No you foal, I was not. Now stop being a baby. Go lay down.” AWWW seriously fucking mixed feelings!

“Yea, Okay sorry.” I stood and walked to her little green couch. I then laid down and popped the cork on the bottle, the one thing I’ve always found true about medicine? Try not to taste it.
I downed to bottle in 10 milliseconds flat. And I don’t remember hitting the bed.

-----Twilight (9:28) -----
I had just come home from walking around town thinking about everything that happened. The moment I entered spike handed me a letter, it was closed of course so I opened it and read it. Then I read it again just to confirm what it said.

“What is it twilight? Especially at this late of night, Celestia unleash some horrible evil and needs the elements of harmony again?” I gave in an angry stare; he shrugged and walked over to the writing podium.

“No spike, it’s a letter from Princess Luna…” He perked up and looked at the letter.

“Princess Luna sent you a letter? What does it say?” I stared at it.

“It says to do the exact opposite of what princess Celestia said. She wants me to study eclipse and try to figure out what’s wrong with him.” He looked at me a moment more and then shrugged.

“Most likely she’s just worried about him, I wouldn’t take it too seriously Twi.” I nodded. But still, for Princess Luna herself to ask me to keep an eye on eclipse… Something bad must have happened.

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