• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 13,802 Views, 791 Comments

The nature of the beast. - Kintra

The adventures of a sarcastic pessimist who visits a world full of creatures who love and tolerate.

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(72) Our life: playful princess

------Eclipse (11:02) ------
I sat on strawberry’s bed. Celestia and Luna were near the door standing next to each other, staring at me. I gave them a warm smile, which was only returned with a glare. Luna was the first to snap.

“WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!? YOU HAVE ASSULTED A PONY!?” Strawberry and I were both trying to cover our ears as Luna’s ‘royal’ voice was not for indoor use. Celestia placed a hoof on her sister’s side and Luna calmed down. Then Celestia took the torch.

“Eclipse, explain your actions or face immediate banishment.” Ouch. Banishment.

“Well, I uh… What do you guys know?” Celestia gave me the evil eye.

“We know you assaulted a pony, and removed his wing.” I smiled as she said that. Yes… I did remove his wing.

“Well! Hate to say it but that about sums up what happened. The only thing your letter obviously didn’t explain is why I did it.” I stood and brushed off my pants. They were dusty, I have no idea why.

“Well? Explain, I would rather not banish the only human subject I have.” I nodded. And then pointed to strawberry. She of course looked at me and shrank under her sheets.

“Yes, it’s a filly, why is this important?” I offered strawberry a hand and coaxed her from under the blanket.

“Strawberry, I need you to tell the princesses why it is your in this bed, don’t be afraid, nothings gonna happen while I’m here.” She looked at me and smiled. I wanted to D’aww. But I had to settle with just smiling back.

“Okay… um. Princess...es? I’m uh...Here… Because a bad colt…” She started to tear up. I knew his wouldn’t be easy. Luna automatically walked over to her and started nuzzling the kid. Amazing how Luna is more motherly then Celestia.

It took a solid 45 minutes, but eventually she got out the whole story. She had a job as a weather pony for two weeks, she fell behind on her work a little, he came to her home, explained how she could make it up, she refused, he took advantage, then he beat her into a coma. According to reports, she’s been in this bed for almost a month. I was seething by the time she finished. I needed to kill him.

“Is what she says true? Can a pony really do that to another pony?” Twilight…So sheltered.

“Yes my faithful student, not all of my little ponies are good eggs. There is a rare pony out there capable of such atrocities. And it appears the one human in our life may have stopped something that may have continued for a very long time.” I NEED to kill this fuck.

“He will be executed in the morning.” WHAT!?

“Whoa! Princess, did you just say execute?!” I couldn’t help it, I stood and stared at her, I’m sure my jaw was hanging open.

“Of course I did. Execution may be too nice for a pony like him, however I do not wish for his influence to corrupt anymore.” I… I think I’m crying… Oh god.

“I… Wow… Uh… Celestia?” She looked at me, she still had an angry look, but it was no longer at me.

“I gotta ask…Can I have a hug?” She smiled and her eyes brightened.

“Of course eclipse…May I ask why?” I laughed as I hugged her.

“Because here I thought you would take the imprisonment path.” She shook her head.

“Prison is for those who can be forgiven, a thief, perhaps. Murder, rape, these are unforgivable crimes, and are sentenced immediately.” I fucking love Equestria. With a system like that in place, there’s bound to be much less crime. But those that do get away…

“And what’s to happen to me?” I asked as I backed from the now amazing Celestia. (Not that she wasn’t before.) I could feel my stomach tightening. It felt like it was trying to do flips.

“To you? Hmm. I believe a suitable punishment would be that you must stay in Ponyville for the next…Two minutes.” …

“You’re trolling.”

“Yes dear, now really, go hug twilight, she needs it.” I smiled and went to the teary Twi. She was now sitting on her bed next to spike; the icepack was on the small table next to her. She watched as I approached.



“Want a hug? I’m extra warm, I just came from Celestia.” She smiled at that and nodded. So I hugged her. Poor girl, she really was unfamiliar in the game of life.

“Hey, Dragon here! Break it up!” Spike started pushing Twi and myself apart. So I just picked him up and hugged him too.

“Fine, just put me down when you’re done.” He loves it.

I set spike back down and stepped away from twilight. She looked sad but she was smiling. I felt like I had ripped away her innocence though. I turned back to Luna who was still cuddling strawberry.

“Luna?” She broke her nuzzles and looked at me. I just leaned over the bed between us and kissed her on the nose.

“Thanks for being here.” She just smiled and went back to cuddling the kid. I turned to Celestia and waved as I headed out the door. The moment the door shut I let out a huge sigh of relief. I didn’t realize I was holding my breath!

“Well… I don’t think that could have gone better…” I mumbled to myself as I stood. I headed out of the hospital. I needed to find dash. I needed… To apologize, for… Something! I just know I need to!

-----Moon mist (11:56) -----
“Ughh…So uncomfortable…” I adjusted in the little seat in front of the counter. The thing was extremely uncomfortable! It managed to be comfortable in all the wrong ways! I had to sit on my tail so my bits weren’t touching it. I don’t understand how a pillow can do this! I watched the door in aggravation, trying to take my mind off of matters best left to eclipse… Eventually somepony came through the door. A young filly, charcoal… It was brew!

“Hello Moon mist.” She said in her usual deadpanned tone as she hopped up onto the counter. Which was impressive, it’s not a small counter.

“Hello brew. How are you?” She shrugged her shoulders and sat a moment.

“I’m assuming he talked to you about what he did?” I just nodded.

“So you know what’s going to happen?” Again I nodded.

“So you know he’s going to get away scott free?” I was going to nod but I ended up just staring at her.

“You’re kidding; did you do any research on law at all? At this point he’s being considered a hero for stopping something like this, word spread fast enough around town after they discovered it was silent storm that ponies have actually began stacking evidence against him. Luna and Celestia themselves reviewed it. Although they most likely acted clueless, just to scare the bajeezus out of eclipse.” I stared.

“Stacked evidence?” she looked at me.

“I’m not supposed to tell anypony, especially since I had to take the day off a quarter through school, but I suppose I’m kind of an advisor to Celestia, she called me in to help her sort through some evidence. There are fourteen reported cases of silent storm being… Bad, but there are over sixty cases which can now be connected to him. And that was just within the first half hour.” My jaw dropped. Over sixty cases?

“All rape?” She shook her head.

“Embezzlement, bribery, rape, murder, two counts of murder by the way. Over 12 cases of theft. All of various degrees, the least valuable stolen object is a BNMM era vase that sells for over ten thousand bits.” I was awe struck. This pony wasn’t just bad, he was BAD!

“So eclipse won’t be in trouble?” She laughed at that.

“Trouble? He’s likely to get a medal! That boy has some of the weirdest luck I’ve ever seen! Everything falls in his favor! Chances are he just felt particularly violent and picked a fight with storm!” He certainly does have the strangest luck.

“Yea, sometimes it’s like the world just shifts in his favor when he’s around.” Brew and I ended up staring into space a moment before she coughed, breaking us out of our trance.

“So, yes. Aside from, you know. Eclipse being himself, I would like some horn polish. I have a date.” Date?

“Wait…Date?” She nodded and smiled.

“I’m sorry brew, is your body even…?” She tried breaking me with stares. But she sighed and smiled at me.

“No. It’s not, it never will be. I’m frozen as a 12 year old. Two years from puberty. My body will never be able to procreate, nor will I be able to… enjoy a stallion without extreme damage.” I suddenly felt very sorry for brew.

“That’s okay though. I’m a filly fooler, only stallion I ever felt for was the dumb oaf you’re dating.” I smiled. That’s okay then. I levitated a can of the strange wax substance onto the counter. I never understood why ponies used it. Nasty stuff.

“So what’s her name?” She frowned.

“Uh, I don’t really know if it’s… you know, I don’t know if I should talk about her. She sorta likes her ‘straight’ image. Even though she only ever hits on guys she knows she won’t ever get.” Let’s see… That narrows it down to about eight ponies…

“Okay, is she pretty?”

“Yes.” Okay, seven.

“Does she like kids?”

“That’s a stupid question.” Okay, so yes… That’s…Two?

“So… is her favorite color brown or yellow?”

“Yellow why? What are you up too?” HA! Oh dear!

“You’re really dating Cheerilee?” Her face turned a deep red, good thing her coat was dark!

“I don’t know how you did that… have you been following me?” I laughed.

“No no, I just love solving mysteries! And I know most every pony in town; you could say I tend to study them. Behavior analyst. You can learn a lot about a pony by the way they move.” It’s one of my favorite pass-times!

“Have you done me?”

“Yes, I have. And no, you shouldn’t beat yourself up. Just because your body is small doesn’t mean your heart is.” It’s cheesy, but she needed to hear it. She beamed at me. First real smile I’ve ever seen brew have.

“That was… Something eclipse would say.” Yes… He did have a knack.

“Thanks mist. I’ll see you at home?” I nodded as she floated out a few bits, I just gave her the can, I won’t charge her.

------Eclipse (12:08) ------
I was sitting underneath rainbow dash’s house. Staring at the bottom. I had been here for a bit now. I saw her fly up. She hasn’t left.

“Rainbow!! Talk to me!” No response.

“Come on! Even the princesses aren’t mad! They thanked me!” Still no response.

“RAINBOW! I swear in Celestia’s name, I will cuddle you if you come out!” Damn…She’s good!

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