• Published 30th Jan 2012
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The nature of the beast. - Kintra

The adventures of a sarcastic pessimist who visits a world full of creatures who love and tolerate.

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(89) Our life: Choices.

-----Eclipse (5:02) ------

“Oh don’t look so DOWN! You are supposed to be ME after all! No reason to frown when I am around!” Discord flipped through the air floating just above the table.

“You don’t seem to realize, I know for a fact you’re not here. In fact, I refuse to acknowledge the fact that you’re here. You are, for all intents and purposes. A figment of my imagination, I don’t know if it was you I met when I was out at zecora’s, or if you’re some other figment, but you aren’t here.” He laughed and started twirling his beard with his talon.

“I am very much here eclipse. You just never bothered to accept that fact until your friends came and let you cry on their shoulders, ya big baby! I swear! If it was me? I would have sucked it up, and then made something EXPLODE! Explosions are ALWAYS fun!” He circled around me while I just sighed. I knew this was going to happen, I knew his happy ass would eventually torture me.

“So here’s a question discord. If you’re here to bug me because I killed you or whatever. HOW are you bugging me?” He laughed and sat in the fire.

“Simple my dear boy! You are seeing me through the spark! Think of me as sort of a memory that the spark has! All of my favorite things are stored in that baby. Just a shame you’re having an effect on it! It used to be so chaotic while it was mine! Now it’s just calm and boring!” Good, glad I could flip him off in one way.

“So were you the one who got me my watch?” He looked at my ear and snickered.

“No you dolt, you did that yourself. I just showed you how. I only stayed in Equestria because they are more or less peaceful, how was I supposed to know that they had the elements of harmony and could turn me to stone! Even the spark became stone! At least until it sensed chaos near me, then it revived me, I got to go on a little chaos spree and then your…Ugh, friends, turned me to stone AGAIN. But thankfully you came along and CUT OFF MY HEAD! Allowing the spark to transfer itself into a new body, yours to be exact. But it was mine in the first place, so I do have quite a bit of control.” I watched him as he stood and walked over to one of the couches. Plopping down on it and resting his head on the arm rest.

“So was it because of you that my spark is whole?” He laughed again.

“You sure are slow little boy. I had lived for millennia. But now it’s you who is in control of the spark. I may be able to shift things here and there, but nothing NEAR what I want. I can float some things, maybe turn a cloud into tar or two, but you’re the only one who could have moved your spark. The elements of harmony could certainly TRY, but after a few days the spark would realize what happened, and BAM fixes itself. Just a shame the kid didn’t explode! It’s like the spark actually liked him, damn shame... Oh jeez, I’m talking like YOU now!” Discord getting cynical. That’s…Not good I think.

“There a way for me to get rid of you? Or block your control over the spark?” It’s worth a shot right?

“Oh dear, hate me already? I’m getting good. Yes, you could for all intents and purposes, wipe the memory of your spark. I would cease to exist and you would regain full control. Or you could purge it.” Umm...Right.

“And the catch is?” There’s ALWAYS a catch.

“Oh the catch? Oh my dear boy, there is always a catch, it’s true. In this case?” He sat up on the couch and glared at me.

“The catch, if you decide to attempt either of those, is that I will have a very good chance at regaining my body. A very good chance at KILLING you and taking back what is rightfully mine.” I stared at him a few more minutes before nodding.

“Then that’s what I’m gonna have to do. I’ll just make sure to apologize and tell everypony I’m leaving for a bit. If necessary, I will gather everyone together, and purge your ass. Even if I need to get encased in stone, I WILL get rid of you discord.” I looked him in the eyes, he was seething at me. He despised everything I was.

“Very well. We will settle this. And when I get your body? I won’t simply plan misery for these ponies you love. Eclipse, I WILL kill them.” His voice was dripping with venom, and you know what? I didn’t give a shit. I wouldn’t let him win. I have too much to live for here. I have far too many people who love and care for me. I wasn’t going to let some stupid lizard...goat, thing take over my life. Not like this. I stood and wandered upstairs to my room, trotting over to the passed out moon mist I quickly pecked her on the cheek. Then I shifted myself into Canterlot castle.
Of course, that may not have been the best idea. The moment I faded into existence in the center of the hall between the princess’s rooms, I had about seven guards with locked spears poking at me.

“Where did you come from?! State your name!” I laughed. I forgot I was a pony.

“Its eclipse guys, really, I know I look different but shit. You act like it’s new that I’m weird.” A few of the guards accepted that answer and I watched as the spears raised themselves back up. I had never seen that before...

“Eclipse, the human creature?” Only about three guards were still on me, the rest went back to their business.

“Well, pony creature now; you know where Celestia and Luna are?” I’m pretty sure they just wanted to attack me right then and there, but they ended up raising their spears and gesturing to Celestia’s room.

“Don’t come back all ponied up eclipse, you were big as a human, but this is ridiculous.” I don’t know, I think it’s ridiculous that they trust me so easy. Then again they don’t know I’m discord! YAY!

I shifted to Celestia’s door and waited a moment. I heard yelling, who could resist? I immediately recognized Luna’s voice.

“He turned into a pony Celestia! A pony! How was I supposed to react? Just fall on the ground and tell him I’m fiendishly attracted to him now just because his body is different?! If we knew what we know about the spark now, back when eclipse and I had just started it may have been different! But I can’t let him know I hold those feelings for him just because he is a pony now! I would be… I would be shallow! Like some mare simply dating a man for his looks!” Damn… is time travel still out of the question? Celestia’s responses were as always even and well thought out.

“Luna dear, if there is one thing we can determine it is that you are not shallow, you were willing to sacrifice your feelings in order to be his caretaker. I simply enjoyed his company. I was never physically attracted and still wouldn’t be. You are more than capable of stealing eclipse if you wanted too.” OH man… I’ve never wanted to hate Celestia. This was definitely a new feeling.

“No no, I had my chance. He is happy with his mate; I will not steal his chance at happiness.” I smiled and sighed in relief. I loved Luna and moon mist, and frankly, If forced to choose, I’m going to go get eaten by a dragon.

I rapped on the door with my hoof. Which was really weird.

“Yes, please come in.” Celestia always the calm one. I pushed open the door and walked in. Luna saw me and immediately blushed. And Celestia did something I never thought her capable of.

“Luna dear please close the door on your way out, this stallion has earned a special favor.” WOAH!

“Celestia, its eclipse.” She looked at me.

“You mean Luna and Moon mist’s eclipse? Darn it! I really need something…” She laid her head on the bed. If not for the importance of the situation, I would have taken up the offer. I mean, shit. It’s Celestia!

“Yes well. I’ve come to you girls today because I need your assistance. Greatly…I need you to gather the elements, and the girls. Meet me in your workshop Celestia… And… I’m sorry if it seems a bit rash. But if there is going to be any chance at my happiness I need to eradicate discord from my spark. And the only way to do that is in the spark… So, yes. I need them prepared to stone me in the event he wins.” They both looked at me like I was stupid, I just turned and left. I really didn’t want to have to explain more than once. And any questions should be answered right away.

I knew that if discord won, he wouldn’t be in the game for lulzies anymore. He would want to kill. My indifference to violence alongside his blatant disregard of anything normal… I don’t even want to know what he would do.

----two hours later.

The girls had all gathered. I was sitting on the ground having a stare down with discord. He knew what was coming.

“Eclipse, now, ah know we all said we love an forgive ya, but what the hay are we doing in Canterlot, and what are you starin at!” I broke the contest with discord to look over the six gathered elements. Luna and Celestia were here too… The consequences if I lost…

“Girls, I’m only going to say this one time, I’ll answer any questions once it’s done, do not interrupt me once I’ve started okay?” They all nodded at me. Thank god for small favors.

“Discord has become a part of me. Since earlier today I have been able to speak to him. I’ve been able to converse with him, and he is dangerous. I want to purge him, get him out of my system, but there is a chance, a very small chance, that he can win… And I don’t know what he will do to you. So, if I do this and begin acting funny, I want you to stone me, just like you did with discord. Otherwise… It will be bad. Very bad, and since I can’t guarantee how this will work out… Just promise me that you will all continue your lives if I lose okay?” They all just stared at me in silence. What else could I do? Ask them not to be scared or pissed at me? This was going to happen…

Kyle… That was my name. Now im here, in equestria, A place which, anyway I look at it. I was destined to come too. Standing in front of 8 girls I wanted to meet, and expected to only be able to do so in my dreams. Now I have to fight a god over control of my own body. How fucked is that.

I looked at the faces of all of my little ponies. If I was going to do this, I was going to do it how I normally would. I focused and felt my body shift, hands forming at the base of my hooves, my mane and tail quickly reforming into my regular shirt and pants. I stood and looked at my wrist. My watch moved, that’s good. I felt in my pocket and grabbed my headphones. I looked at them a moment and sighed before plugging them in. At least, If I was going to be frozen in rock for an eternity. I would have music.

Would it even work once I was stoned? Doubt it.

“Eclipse, this is your last chance. RUN, suffer with me, don’t take this chance! You could kill yourself!” Discord flashed in front of me. He was frowning. I knew he was trying to save himself. But he was right, I could live with him.

“Not like my mind could potentially shatter and have us merge and become half psychos.” He frowned again. Fluttershy started to cry… I guess Im not the only one freaking out. I looked over and nodded my head at rainbow dash who was helping her friend. I smiled at them. Those who weren’t crying or forcing there eyes close smiled back.

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