• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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April 14 [রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর]

April 14

I took another morning flight 'cause I had all my gear with me, but it wasn't as far as yesterday's. I stayed over town, going west to the Maple Hill Mall. On a whim, I flew down to the Taco Bell, and it was open. I thought about going in and having breakfast there, but then decided that it would be more fun if I was with my friends. So I flew off and back to campus.

It's kind of weird not having anything to do in the morning. I guess a lot of students sleep in; that's what Peggy likes to do when she can.

Since I had all sorts of free time until lunch, I got my sheets off my bed and took them down to the laundry room and put them in the washing machine, and then while they were being cleaned I decided that I would go to the bookstore and see if they had any good calculators.

They did; and I got a nice one like Keith had. There was a pretty girl working at the counter named Angel who I had seen around campus occasionally and she had curly blonde hair that I just wanted to push and see if it was as springy as it looked.

When I got back to my room, I tried to open my calculator but it was in a pegasus-proof package and I had to go to Rebekka's room and have her cut it open for me.

I not only got a calculator, but I got a whole book of instructions, and I spent the rest of the morning sitting out on the quad (it was too nice a day to be inside) reading through the instruction booklet and working the calculator on the sample equations. There were a lot of them where I didn't even know what I was calculating, because the symbols were totally different than ours. When they came up in class, though, I'd know.

Before lunch, I took my sheets out of the dryer and made my bed again, then wanted to get right in it because fresh-washed sheets are the most wonderful feeling in the world. It wasn't until I started going to university that I even had sheets at all. Having them made me feel like a princess when I got in bed.

I probably should have sat with Trevor and Cedric and Leon, but I hadn't sat at Meghan's table in a while, and so I sat there and four of us decided that we'd try to talk to each other only in Equestrian. Amy was kind of left out, though, 'cause she couldn't speak it.

And when we named foods, that was kind of fun. There was stuff that we didn't have, so there wasn't a proper word for, and I had to think on my hooves to come up with something. I had to ask them what the meat was and what it came from, 'cause I didn't know. Sometimes they didn’t know either and had to guess.

That was kind of interesting, because of course there was a lot of stuff that there was an English word for but not an Equestrian word, and it went the other way, too. I'm not all that smart with languages, but I bet that if hot dogs become popular in Equestria, that's what they'll be called, rather than 'cooked carrion tubes,' which is what I called them.

Conrad started out by reading us selections of really short poems from a book called Stray Birds. Erica said that they sounded like proverbs, which is a name for a small bit of wisdom. (There is also a book in the Bible called Proverbs and I am looking forward to reading it.) Sometimes we called them old mare's tales, 'cause they were the kind of thing your granddam might say to you.

It's a different kind of thought to appreciate them. They don't really describe a moment or a feeling like the poems I like best, but they make you think in a different way.

He read one that said the sky's language was eternal silence, and before I could think about it I raised my hoof and said that was not so, the sky was always talking, and it was just that humans were often deaf to it. Then I thought that Conrad might be mad at me for disagreeing, but he wasn't. He just smiled and said that perhaps I ought to think of a way to describe the language of the sky so that humans could understand it.

Conrad finished off class by reading one of his favorite poems called Sonar Tori, or The Golden Boat. It was about a man who loaded all his treasure on a boat and then it was full and the boat sailed off without him, leaving him alone on the shore.

When he was finished with the poem he told us that we were free to go and just stayed sitting at his desk as the class left, and it wasn't until I was in the hallway that I realized that I was one of Conrad's golden boats, so I turned around and went back into the class and hugged him.

I sat in a tree branch and listened to the voice of the sky. Tagore said that trees put roots into the ground and roots into the sky, and I think he is right about that. That's why earth ponies and pegasus ponies were meant to be together: we're the two halves of the tree.

I wrote my observations down in my class notebook and decided that I needed to learn more English words for the sky because I had written down a lot of Equestrian words since I didn't know how to say it in English.

Also it is hard to balance a notebook on a tree branch and write in it.

After dinner, I went over to see Liz, and we talked about all the fighting the Isrealites were doing some more. She explained some history of the region and how all the different tribes were constantly fighting, and said how archaeologists had found the Moabite Stone, which gave the Moabite perspective on some of the stuff in the Bible. So I was really curious about that and she found it on her computer and we compared what they had written to what the Bible had said.

Then I went over to Meghan's to watch Harry Potter. Amy was studying and she said that she could put headphones on and try to ignore us, but I thought that would be kind of rude. So Meghan said that we could go to the lounge because her folding computer could show the movie, too. Then I said that we could watch it in my room because Peggy wasn't there, so we wouldn't distract anybody, and Meghan thought that was a good idea, so she got her computer and the movie and a bag of popcorn and back in Trowbridge we made the popcorn and set the computer on my desk and watched it from my bed.

When it was over, Meghan asked if she could stay and I told her she could so she brushed a few stray pieces of popcorn off the bed and then I could see that she was thinking about what she was going to wear to bed because her sleeping clothes that she normally wore were back in her room.

But I guess she was getting more comfortable without them, because she pretty quickly took off everything but her panties and then joined me in bed. I curled up with my head on her chest and she put her arm around me and we fell asleep together.

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