• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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August 19 [Friday Fun]

August 19

I was a little bit sore from fighting when I woke up, but after a few stretches I felt pretty good, so I walked over to the balcony door and watched the birds through the glass for a bit. Some of the little chickadees saw me coming and flew into a tree but they came right back when I didn't open the door.

It was a nice day out, and I wanted to get in a morning flight so that I would be all loosened up for my trip tomorrow, so I ate a light breakfast of mostly hay and a can of anchovies for quick energy and then put on my flight gear. I called the airplane directors on the radio before I went outside, just so that the talking from the radio wouldn't scare the birds off. They didn't seem to mind too much when I flew off the balcony, I guess 'cause they'd figured out that I was a big, harmless bird.

Dori said I could fly as long as I stayed low before I got to the 131 Highway, so I was just about to open the door when I remembered that I needed more shampoo and conditioner and it would also be nice to get some beer for Jeff's party. Beer was a little cheaper at Meijer than it was at Tiffany's, although it wasn’t as convenient to get there.

So I had to get all the way out of my flight gear to put my saddlebags on, which was kind of annoying. I considered for a moment just strapping them loosely on top, but I knew that if I did that they were going to shift around when I flew and I wouldn’t' like where they wound up.

After I got my gear back on, I went out the door and scattered the birds, then dove off the balcony and by the time I'd climbed to treetop level, I could hear them chirping happily behind me like they do when they're eating.

I decided that instead of following Main Street, I'd parallel it, and just make the final adjustments to get me to Meijer after I'd crossed the 131 Highway, so I was flying over a bunch of houses, and then after that a medium-sized flat-roofed industrial building that smelled oddly spicy. Maybe it was a big kitchen of some sort—there were lots of foods you could buy at Meijer that were already made and put in boxes—or I suppose it could have been a spice cannery.

Then it was back to houses for a while until I started getting close to Drake Road, where there were lots of business buildings. I think it would be fun sometime to just land and go in each one and see what they were, because a lot of their names didn't really tell me much.

I flew past the Taco Bell and made a real shallow turn to line me up with Meijer, and then I decided that I was going to have a little bit of fun before I went shopping, so I made a steeper turn to go out to the Kal-Haven trailhead, 'cause I hadn't been along that way in a while.

The trail was pretty busy this morning. I guess people must like it more than the Nature Center, maybe because it goes somewhere instead of around and back on itself.

I flew along the trail above the trees for about a kilometer, and then I went down through a thin spot in the trees and followed about ten feet above the path, which was taller than any person.

Right after I came down through the trees I saw a couple of people riding bicycles in my direction, and they slowed down as soon as they saw me, and even more when they got close. I waved at them as I passed overhead and I thought by the way the woman was looking at me as I got close meant that she was probably staring as I went past.

A little ways further down the path I saw a cluster of joggers that were all dressed identically in black shorts and maroon shirts. They were going northwest like I was, and I was flying faster then them.

It was hard to be sure but from the back they looked like they were teenagers and when I got close I saw that the backs of their shirts all said Kalamazoo Central Cross Country.

I didn't catch up to them until the trail got to F Ave and then they had to stop and look for traffic. A lot of times joggers will keep on jogging in place while they're waiting to cross a road which looks kind of silly. I never flapped my wings while I was waiting to fly.

All of them were across the road when I got there and I didn't have to slow down because I wasn't on the ground. And I ought to have been paying more attention to how high I was flying, since although it was higher than humans were tall it was not higher than trucks and buses.

Luckily, none of them were coming. I climbed anyways just to be safe, even though I couldn’t see any of them off in the distance. I went over the wires and then dove back down along the trail until I caught up with the joggers and I greeted them as I flew over and on.

I flew until the path got to 8th Street, then I turned around and followed that back to Meijer.

I got my shampoo and conditioner and then I went to look at the beer and I decided that I would get some Angry Orchard cider and as I was going to pay for my beer and shampoo I started thinking that maybe cider would taste really good with maple pancakes. I'd have to have them for dinner, 'cause I didn't want to start out the day drinking.

The woman who tallied up my supplies was really nice and put them in my saddlebags for me, although she wouldn't take the cider out of its cardboard carrier, so that left me a little bit unbalanced with all the beer on one side and the shampoo on the other, and I was glad that I'd taken the time to put my saddlebags on right, or else they'd have slid over and probably dumped all my cider out on the ground.

On my way back, I flew a little bit more north than Main Street, behind the Maple Hill Mall and over the neighborhoods there and I wound up a little bit further north than I'd meant to, 'cause Main Street angles towards downtown. I might not have noticed, except that I remembered where the strange circle of houses is, and knew I had to turn when I saw it.

I was thinking about what I wanted for lunch and I put the cider in the electric icebox and there were still lots of pancakes there and I didn't think that Jeff would mind if one beer was missing when I came over so I lit the oven and put a couple of pancakes in to warm them up then I got out of my flight gear and took a quick shower.

After I'd dried off I ate my pancakes and drank the cider and I'd been right; it was a really good combination of flavors. Maybe I'd suggest it to Zucche and she could tell her mom.

I cleaned off my plate and then I went and got all my flight gear ready for tomorrow. All of my equipment needed to be recharged and I also put new batteries in my blinking light so that I would be ready, and then I turned on the computer and Aric had sent me a message telling me where the resort was.

I looked on the map until I found Granger, but the map wasn't detailed enough to show me exactly where I was going to go. I knew that there were maps on my computer, too, and so I tried to figure out how to find them.
I got interrupted when the doorbell rang and when I went downstairs the mailwoman was there with a long cardboard tube for me. I took it and at first I couldn't figure out why I had a long tube then I realized that the airplane maps must be rolled up inside it.

They were tricky to get out. I bet it would be easier with fingers, but I had to bang it on the floor until the maps slid right up to the very edge and then I had to bite on the very edge and pull the tube away with my hooves before they came out.

Granger wasn't on that map at all, so I went back to the computer to look.

When I found one and went back to see what the address actually was I saw that Aric had sent the address as a link, and when I clicked on it it took me to the map and I could make it bigger or smaller to orient myself.

It looked like it would be pretty easy to get to; I could either fly along the railroad tracks to Dowagiac and then go almost due south, or I could go to Schoolcraft and follow those tracks all the way to Granger. And after that it would be pretty easy to spot from the air; it was just south of a curve in the main road in a big square block of trees.

And the route back would be even easier, because my watch could tell me how to get to the Kalamazoo Airport, and when my route took me over the 131 Highway, I'd just stop following its directions and go back to my apartment the usual way.

And then I set the airplane map on my desk and it was a little bit hard to read but there were instructions that said what all the symbols were, and I found about where Granger must be which was inside of South Bend's circle, so I was either going to have to go under them or else announce myself on the radio and get permission to fly in at altitude.

I was still puzzling over the map when Meghan came in, and she was wearing the pretty dress that I'd laid out for her. I asked if she was worried about it riding up and she said that she wanted to live dangerously.

We snuggled a little bit in the papasan before we went to Jeff's, and she noticed that there were only five Angry Orchards in the electric icebox and said that it wasn't fair that I'd gotten started without her, and I said that I didn't think that Jeff would mind if another one was missing, but she said that she'd rather not start drinking until later, so we took the five beers over to Jeff's.

Angela and David came kinda late, but they had a bean casserole that they called seven layer dip and she told me that it was vegetarian, and that turned out to be really popular. By the time we were done eating and talking, there wasn't any of it left at all.

The only sour note was when Jeff and one of his friends who was called Steve started talking about the presidential candidates and pretty soon they were arguing about how Hillary was a lying cheating crook and how Donald Trump was less qualified than a retarded five year old and they got a little bit loud before someone started talking about the Detroit Tigers and how they might make the World Series this year, and pretty soon everyone was talking about baseball and it was a lot more friendly.

Me and Meghan went back to my apartment and I reminded her to keep the bird feeders full while I was gone and I told her where the seeds were for Aric's. And I said that she could leave a little bit for the mouse but she said that I shouldn't feed mice because that only encouraged them. And then she sat in my computer chair and put the movies from the GoPro on the computer. I sat on her lap for a while but it wasn't very comfortable and I was kind of in her way. She said that maybe if she used the papasan chair that would be better, but she wouldn't be too much longer. She said that tomorrow she'd put the videos on YouTube, rather than spend the time tonight.

And when she pivoted the chair back around I saw what she'd meant about her skirt 'cause it had slid up enough that I would have seen her panties if she'd been wearing any and she saw where I was looking and said that she was almost done then turned back to the computer.

Well, I could be teasing too, so I went around to the other side of the desk and then went under it and stuck my muzzle up against her knees and sort of pushed forward and I didn't think she was going to let me but she did.

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