• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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September 3 [Eastbound Trains]

September 3

It felt like I'd hardly fallen asleep when the telephone ringing woke me up and at first I couldn't figure out what it was. Then I remembered and I stuck my head up and jumped out of the chair to answer the telephone and got the blanket stuck around a hind hoof and had to shake it loose.

The clock said it was two, which was a really dumb time to be awake after being awake all day long. I don't know why the train didn't run at a more convenient time. Maybe nobody in Kansas ever used it.

I answered the telephone and Mister Salvatore was too cheerful. He said that Miss Cherilyn was already up and that she was ready to leave and that they were just waiting on me, so I grabbed my saddlebags and trotted down the hall to their room.

Miss Cherilyn was awake but not much more than I was. She had an old t-shirt on that said Montclair College Prep, and a pair of lounging pants. Mister Salvatore looked like he was wide awake, though, and he was wearing nice clothes.

The movement of the truck and the soft swishing noise of its tires on the road were too much for both me and Miss Cherilyn and we fell asleep again until we got to the train station, and he had to wake us up and get us out of the truck.

We sat on a bench on the platform and she put on his jacket because it was a little bit chilly for her, and I dozed off until I heard the train horn, then I sat up and watched for it.

There wasn't anybody else on the platform waiting for the train, and when it stopped the open door on the railcar was lined right up with us. I think that the conductor told the engineer where to stop, so we wouldn't have to go as far.

We got aboard and as soon as all our bags were inside, the train started moving again. I guess they didn't want to spend any extra time waiting at the station.

After he'd closed the door, the conductor led us upstairs to our rooms. Because we'd gotten on the train partway through its journey, we didn't have rooms that were beside each other, but instead we were at opposite ends of the car.

My bed had already been folded down by the conductor, and I was more than ready to be in it, so I dropped my saddlebags on the floor and snuggled up under the covers and it didn't take me very long to fall back asleep.

It was light outside my window when I woke up, and I looked out the window and tried to guess where the train was. Wherever we were was kinda big, because we kept passing houses and buildings and we were going kind of slowly, and then we crept through a big railroad yard.

There was a long train made up of flat cars that had fingers on them to hold rails, and I also saw some strange flat car pairs. One end had an octagonal piece of steel on it, and then the next car behind it had a little shed with and angled roof, and they were all coupled together in pairs like that.

The conductor announced that we were stopping in Kansas City, so I guess that's where we were. The train went over a wide river, and then it slowed down some more until it finally stopped.

We had twenty minutes at the station so we could get out and stretch, and so I did. I trotted up and down the platform and then flew up a little bit to exercise my wings a little bit.

I didn't see Mister Salvatore or Miss Cherilyn on the platform, so I guess that they were still sleeping. I could have flown to the other side of the train and looked through their window but I didn't think I was supposed to fly over the tracks; besides, I couldn't remember what room was theirs. I hadn't been all the way awake when he told me.

When the conductor said that it was time for the train to leave, I flew back and landed on the platform at the back of the line of people boarding, and hopped aboard and once the train went out of the station I went to the dining car to get breakfast. I didn't think that Mister Salvatore or Miss Cherilyn would mind if I ate breakfast without them.

I had a biscuit with a crab cake on it for breakfast, and then I went to the Viewliner car and watched the scenery go by. It was starting to be kind of familiar to me, since this was the third time I'd taken this train.

Miss Cherilyn came by after a while and watched out the windows with me. We were in Missouri and it was not as flat as Kansas and had more trees.

We had an early lunch which for Mister Salvatore was breakfast, and as we were finishing the train was running alongside the Mississippi river on its way to Fort Madison. Mister Salvatore said that when he was a boy he'd read Tom Sawyer and he'd always wanted to float down the Mississippi on a raft and I thought that might be fun, too. I guess you'd have to be careful, though, because there were a lot of big barges that we saw and at night I don't know if you'd be able to see them at all.

It was kind of sad to leave the river behind because after we left Fort Madison it wasn't too long before we were back in farmland.

When we got to the edge of Chicago, he told me that I'd better get to my room and pack my bags, but I didn't think I needed to because I hadn't unpacked them and besides the train made its last stop there, so we wouldn't have to be in a hurry to get off of it.

He said that we were going to have to get on another train when we arrived in Chicago but that it would be a few hours before it came so we could do a little bit of sightseeing in Chicago. He told me that if I wanted to drive anywhere that wasn't too far from the station to let him know and he could have a car waiting for us.

Well, I couldn't think of anything in particular that I wanted to do in Chicago, so we decided we'd just go walk around the park for a little bit and then go back to the station.

Mister Salvatore and Miss Cherilyn put all their luggage in special lockers and then we walked over to the lakefront. I saw the peninsula that I'd flown to and asked if I could fly there again and he said I could and it was too bad that I didn't have my airplane radio, so he told me to stay low and not spend too much time out there, so I flew off and over all the boats, then flew around the whole perimeter of the island before coming back.

We walked around and looked at the flowers and there was a little courtyard where a man was doing magic tricks even though humans don't have magic at all and so I thought that maybe he was using enchanted props but Mister Salvatore said it was all sleight of hand. He said that a lot of it was pretty simple tricks and maybe they were but I couldn't figure out how he was doing them.

Since it was a nice day, we got ice cream from a man with a cart and sat at a bench to eat it, and then we had to go back to the station to get our next train.

Our luggage was still in the locker, and it took Mister Salvatore's key when he'd gotten our baggage. Then we went to the train platforms and found our new train, which was called the Capitol Limited. It was a two-story train just like the Southwest Chief had been, but it didn't have as many cars on it.

This time we got two rooms that were right next to each other and had a little door between them. Mister Salvatore said it was so that he could keep an eye on me and I said that I could make sure he got up for breakfast.

I'd gotten settled in and unpacked my saddlebags so that I could recharge my airplane radio and my GoPro, because even if I wasn't using them they lost their charge, and I was hoping that tomorrow I'd be able to fly some.

We left Chicago on time and I got an occasional look at the downtown and all the skyscratchers as we left town. And the first part of the trip was the same as if we were going back to Kalamazoo, but then the train took a different track and went almost due east.

We ate a late dinner and then went forward to the Viewliner car but all the seats were taken, so then we went back to our rooms.

I watched Indiana go by outside my window, and it was pretty flat and mostly fields. When the conductor announced that our next stop was South Bend, I saw the flashing beacon of an airport off in the distance and that was the South Bend airport which is the one I talked to when I was flying to Sunny Haven.

There were a couple of college-age people on the platform at South Bend and I wondered if they were on their way back to college. I would be, soon—it started next week. And it was going to be kind of sad that I wouldn't have as much free time, but it was going to be nice to see everyone again. And maybe meet some new people, too.

It was starting to get dark after we left South Bend and I was getting a little bit bored of watching farms go by, so I wrote in my journal for a while (which was kind of challenging, since the train would bump around) and then I got out my Bible and read more of Ezekiel.

God kept telling Ezekiel how bad all of the Israelites had become, and He told Ezekiel about two prostitutes and one of them liked having her breasts fondled and lusted after men who had donkey dicks and ejaculated like horses and I thought that was strangely specific. But I guess if there was a company which sold toys like that maybe lots of people liked them.

I wondered if Meghan would like having sex with an actual stallion. Or maybe she preferred girls and mares and just had the toy for fun.

God told Ezekiel that his wife was going to die, and told Ezekiel not to mourn her, and I thought about how many bad things had happened to Job and I hoped that wouldn't happen to Ezekiel. And then God started telling Ezekiel about all the bad things that were going to happen to all the other nations to punish them for being wicked, even though He said that He took no pleasure in the deaths of the wicked, and that He wanted them to turn from their evil ways and become good. He said that if they turned from their evil ways and became good, then their past deeds would not count against them.

He told Ezekiel to warn the shepherds that He was mad at them for losing all of His sheep, and said He was going to take them back and herd them into a safe pasture, which was wise of him. Sheep aren't too smart and can't really be trusted on their own.

He promised Ezekiel that He was going to bring back all the people and wash them clean and then rebuild their houses and cities and never let them go hungry again, and He said that when He did they were going to be ashamed of how bad they'd been.

That made me happy that He was bringing them back like He'd promised, and hopefully now everyone would have learned their lesson and they would follow God's rules like they were supposed to.

I put away my Bible and pushed the button so that the attendant would come and make my bed for me—I could have done it myself but he might be mad if I did.

He asked me if I wanted the top bunk or the bottom and I thought that the bottom would be better because I could see out the window and it didn't look like there was much of a view from the top one. So he folded it out and put on the sheets and blankets and pillows for me, and I thanked him and then curled up in my bed.

It would have been nice if Aric or Meghan could have come along with me. It was kind of lonely in the train car all by myself.

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