• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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July 17 [New Explorations]

July 17

Meghan woke me up when she got up to pee, and she went to the kitchen and got another glass of water, too.

It was a little early, and I guess she didn't want to get up for the day, 'cause she got back in bed and put her head back down on the pillow and I asked if she felt okay. She said she had a little bit of a headache but it wasn't much.

I told her I still had some more aspirins, and she said she'd be fine with a little bit more sleep and maybe a shower right after she woke up.

I nuzzled her cheek and she turned her head so I could kiss her, then she rolled away from me to get the light out of her eyes, and I tried to reach my hooves around her so that I could snuggle up to her back but that didn't work all that well.

So I put my hooves on her side and pulled myself over, which ended in my falling face-first into the futon and she snickered at me, so I hit her with my tail and then burrowed my way between her arms until my head was just under her chin.

Meghan started petting my belly and my flank until she fell asleep again, and then I kinda drifted back off to sleep, too.

When I woke back up, I heard a couple of birds arguing at the feeder, and I stuck my head up as far as I could to see who it was. It sounded like a couple of cardinals, but I couldn't see them, and I didn't really feel like getting up to help them deal with their territorial issues.

Me moving around had woken Meghan back up again, and she wiped a bit of drool off my mane and then kissed my ear, and I asked her if she felt better now.

She said she did but she still didn't want to get out of bed because she'd rather snuggle with me. So I kissed her and she put her head on my shoulder and started tracing my cutie mark with her finger and said it was weird that it didn't feel any different than any other part of my coat.

I told her that after I'd gotten it, for a few months it kept surprising me when I looked back and it was there—that every time I'd preened my wings, it had been strange to see—but after a while I'd gotten used to it and now it was hard to imagine what it had been like when my flank was blank.

She said that she thought that cutie marks were an erogenous zone, and I asked her why she thought that. I'd never heard of it. And she told me that some of the early things that people had learned about ponies wasn't true at all, because they'd also thought that cutie marks were brands.

I told her that we'd first learned that humans were related to minotaurs and it was only later on that we learned that they were actually related to monkeys. And the first ponies had thought that humans were practically deaf with their fixed ears.

That was something that when I thought back on it was a really dumb thing to have believed. Owls have fixed ears, too, and they've got better hearing than ponies do.

She said that it must feel weird to have a tail, too. I guess it wasn't something that I really thought about all that much, 'cause I'd always had one and I said that I thought fingers were kind of odd, too. They looked so small and fragile, and it was hard to imagine how they could do all the things that they did.

She ran her finger along the crest of my rump and my dock, and I swished my tail just a bit, brushing it against her leg, and she put her hand around my dock and then ran it down the length of my tail, and I let her play with it until she decided to let it go. Then she rolled off me and slid over a little bit until she could take one of my hooves in her hand, and she felt around the bottom of my hoof, touching me lightly on the frog.

Meghan seemed a little disappointed when I told her that my frogs weren't ticklish, 'cause the bottoms of human feet were. I told her I thought that was because humans wore shoes all the time and if they always went around barefooted the bottoms of their feet wouldn't be so sensitive. Then I told her that my frogs had been a little bit less calloused before I got to Earth, 'cause I didn't spend as much time on the ground back in Equestria.

Then she traced up my leg to my belly and ran her finger along my ruff, down to my belly button and back up again, kinda going against the grain of my coat, so I reached out with my wing and brushed it down the center of her belly.

She reached over and pulled me against her and kissed me and then I felt her tongue pushing at my lips and things kind of progressed from there.

I'd never had sex with another mare but I knew what made me feel good, and I figured it would make her feel good, too.

We snuggled up in bed for a while afterwards even though I felt like I was ready to fly around the world, and then we decided that we'd ought to take a shower to get cleaned up. And I took advantage of my height in the shower, and it was a good thing that I had the mat down, otherwise Meghan probably would have fallen down.

When we were drying off she told me that I had the most amazing tongue and I said that I thought she really liked my butt. She said that she could like two things, so I wiggled my butt at her then stuck out my tongue.

Breakfast was just leftover waffles from yesterday which got warmed up in the oven. And I had some daylilies and Meghan had one too and said that it was kind of perfumy, and she only ate a little bit of the stem 'cause she said that was pretty bitter.

We ate the waffles on the papasan and when I dribbled a bit of syrup on her leg I just licked it off, and when we were done instead of taking the plate back to the kitchen, she set it on the floor next to the chair and petted me for a little bit, while we decided what we wanted to do for the afternoon.

She said that she really didn't want to get dressed at all, but that meant we'd have to stay in my apartment, and I kinda wanted to go out and get some exercise, ‘cause it was a really nice day. So we decided to walk around the neighborhood and I told her that maybe we'd run into Caleb and Lindy and Trinity while we were out, if they were hunting Pokemons again.

So she got dressed and we walked around for a couple of hours. We stopped by Aric's house so that I could make sure his birdfeeder was full, and then we went back to Kalamazoo College and she said it was odd to see it with no one there, and I thought so, too. I wonder if the dorms felt lonely and purposeless with nobody in them?

Meghan's portable telephone didn't show her where the Pokemons were—she said it was an app that you had to download and she wasn't too interested in it. And we didn't see my neighbors, either. There were a few other people who were out and about, though: an older woman who was walking her dog, and there was one man who was jogging that I'd seen before but I didn't know his name. When he went by, I asked Meghan if he was a serious jogger, 'cause he had on tight pants and no shirt and she said that he was.

Meghan decided that we'd go over to Tiffany's before we went to the apartment and she said that we ought to buy wine instead of beer, 'cause that would go better with our dinner. There were just as many wine choices as there were beer choices, and Meghan had to use her portable telephone to help her pick, but she finally decided on two bottles from St. Julien's winery—one of them was cherry, and the other one was called Founder's Red.

She said that the winery wasn't that far away and maybe one weekend we could go there and drink wine. Apparently human winemakers also let you sample their wine so you can decide what you like the best.

She told me that they grew a lot of grapes near Kalamazoo, and I said I'd seen fields of grapevines near Paw Paw, plus some bushes that were maybe blueberry bushes (I wouldn't have thought of that but they also had a blueberry wine).

Then we went to the kitchen and Meghan started getting out the things for dinner. She'd brought some of her own dishes, since I didn't have too many, and then she put a saucepan on the stove and measured out milk and water in it, and I just stayed back and out of her way.

Pretty soon she had a couple of pans on the stove and the oven heating up and I'd had to retreat to the corner of the counter to give her room to work. I got to help chopping up the chard, but I wasn't too good at it.

She kept going back and forth between the pans, adding polenta to one of them and mushrooms to the other and I don't know how she kept track of all of it. She had to keep looking at her portable telephone, too, 'cause that's where the instructions were.

It all smelled really good, and by the time she'd finally put all the ingredients into a baking dish, I was getting pretty hungry.

Meghan told me that while we waited for it to cook, we could have a little bit of wine and relax. And she said that once it was cooked it had to cool before we could eat it, and she was going to make a cake while we waited.

So she opened the red wine and we sat on the papasan and sipped it out of the bottle until her telephone beeped, and she went back in the kitchen and got out the casserole and set it the counter to cool, and then she got out a plastic tub that had cake powder in it. She told me she'd mixed it all up before and made her own cake mix which was going to be lots better than what came in boxes at the store.

Once she'd stirred it up a little bit, she let me finish mixing it while she checked on the casserole, and then she sprayed butter on the cake pan and put it in the oven. She said that it would probably be done by the time we'd finished dinner, and then we'd have to wait for it to cool before we could put frosting on it.

Well, my tummy was pretty growly from smelling all the food for so long and I was ready to dive into my plate as soon as she put a big slice of casserole on it.

She pushed my computer screen out of the way so that we could sit at my desk and eat, even though it wasn't really the best place for it. I said that maybe I could get a table and a couple of chairs and put them in the room that I wasn't using, and she thought that was a good idea. She said that I might as well get something cheap, 'cause I wouldn’t be needing it once I went back to the dorms.

Her casserole was really good and there was some left over for meals later. She told me that I could keep her casserole pan until it was empty, and reminded me that I needed to keep it in the electric icebox so that it wouldn't go bad.

When we got the cake out of the oven, she put the lid on the casserole pan and put it away for me. Then she set out the cake on a little cooling rack and I wanted to put the frosting on right away but she said it had to cool down first or else the frosting would melt, and besides it was important to let our dinner settle a little bit before we ate cake.

That had never been a problem at the dining hall.

She said that we might as well wash the dishes while we were waiting for the cake, so we went back to the kitchen and got everything cleaned up, and when we were done she felt the cake and decided that it was cool enough to put the frosting on.

The frosting was in a little jar and she said that she'd bought it because she hadn't felt like making her own. And she let me spread it on the cake and when I was done I got to lick the knife and then she said that she got to lick the extra frosting off my muzzle, which I thought was fair.

She opened up the other bottle of wine so that we could have it with dessert, and then she cut the cake into eighths and rather than take it out of the kitchen, we ate it right there with me sitting on the counter and her standing next to it.

When we were done eating, she washed the dessert dishes and took the bottle of dessert wine to the futon and then turned my computer screen so we could both see it and we started to watch a movie called Kung Fu Panda. We hadn't gotten very far into the movie or the wine bottle before we started kissing, and then after that we stopped paying any attention to the movie at all.

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