• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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March 16 [Final Exams are Done]

March 16

I still wasn't used to the dumb Daylight Saving Time, so I slept in a touch later than I meant to. But at least I didn't have any Wednesday morning classes to go to.

I decided that today I'd just work my legs and let my wings rest, so I trotted around the neighborhood. There were a few robins who had already returned, and they were busy poking at the bare patches of ground, looking for food. Some of the smarter ones had set up their territory near houses with bird feeders. Probably when the alpha birds were gone, the other robins would fly over and get something to eat, too.

It was kind of sad seeing winter dribble away as meltwater, but it was time for it to go. Time for the flowers to poke their heads above the ground and farmers to plant their crops.

The English helpers were in a classroom, and all of them had folding computers that they could use. My computer doesn't fold, and I was told it would be very difficult for me to take it with me, because there were lots of cables that all needed to go in the right places or else it wouldn't work.

I found my helper—rather, he found me—and he got my essay out of the internet and onto his computer. Humans call where it's stored 'the cloud,' even though it isn't really a cloud but just a giant room full of really big computers. They have a room like that in Dewing Hall, and I got to look through the window at it but wasn't allowed inside.

It looked a lot like a library, but instead of shelves of books it was shelves of computers.

He went through and showed me how to correct a bunch of things that he found wrong with my language. He showed me how to make the margins all line up, which made it look a lot neater, and how to add page numbers to the bottom of the page.

He also wound up making most of the changes, because he said that it was painful to watch me type one letter at a time with a pencil held in my mouth. It's not my fault that his computer won't let me talk to it.

When all the corrections he'd suggested had been made, he sent it to a printer which was a whole lot bigger than the one Peggy had. It was faster, too. Hers slowly feeds the paper out as it prints; this one spit out entire complete pages one right after another.

I stapled it all together with a sense of satisfaction, then went down to the classroom to turn it in.

After that I was a free mare.

The feeling of all that free time stretching in front of me made me giddy. I wanted to go out and play in what was left of the snow, or fly around, but I didn't, because then I'd have to take another shower before going to the salon.

But I did have a piece of pie and a brownie for dessert.

I met up with Meghan after lunch. Instead of an Uber car, a beat-up yellow taxi came to get us. It looked newer and sleeker than Winston, but smelled bad inside and was really bouncy. Just the same, it got us to the salon.

When we went inside, Maura was waiting for me. She showed me to a private room. I wasn't sure why the salon had a private room, and Maura said it was for when they did Brazilian waxing. Meghan's face got kind of red when she said that, so I guess it was something private. Maybe I'd ask Peggy about it later.

Maura put a long shirt over her nice clothes and opened her bag, bringing out a shedding blade. She asked me if we used them, and I told her we did, so she started scraping it through my coat, getting out the loose underhair.

Maura took her time and did a really good job. She had to ask me for guidance around my wings; she said that wasn't something she had to worry about when she groomed her horses.

Meghan just looked at the growing piles of loose hair in amazement. It gets a lot fluffier when it comes out, though, so it looks like there's more than there is.

I laid on my back so that she could get my belly—which was something else that her horses wouldn't do for her, she said.

She went over my legs with a coarse curry comb, then used a finer curry comb to get my coat back in order. She had clippers, too, and asked if I wanted to thin out my coat any more than she already had, but I thought it was good the way it was. There was still a bit of winter coat that would be working its way out over the next couple of weeks, so I set up an appointment for after I got back from Spring Break. By then, I'd be ready to have the rest of my winter coat groomed out.

Then it was my turn to wait as Meghan had her hair trimmed. I probably could have had my mane and tail done, but I decided that I might as well wait until my next appointment. It wasn't going to grow enough to be an inconvenience before then.

I felt a lot lighter and sleeker when we stepped outside, although I was also a bit chiller. That was the drawback to taking shortcuts; rather than a gradual lightening of the coat as the weather warmed, it was sudden.

She had the taxi take us back to her dorm, and we went to her room. She wanted me to stay and watch another Harry Potter movie, but then we decided that there wasn't enough time before dinner, and after dinner I had to go say goodbye to Peggy for a week and a half, and then I was going to spend the night with Aric.

Meghan was disappointed in that, but then suggested that we could watch something short instead. She thought I might like Over the Hedge, but before we started to watch it she made good on her promise to teach me to microwave popcorn.

We went off to the little lounge together and she took the bag out of its outer wrap and showed me how to set it right-side-up on the glass dish. She said that the microwave had a button for popcorn and that was the smartest thing to use.

The buttons weren't very hoof friendly and it took me a couple of tries before I got it, and then the microwave started making an unpleasant hum and a light came on inside so I could watch the bag of popcorn turning around and around inside.

At first it didn't do anything, and then it made one pop, then another and another and pretty soon it was a continuous popping that was almost louder than the microwave hum.

The microwave made a beeping noise when it was done cooking, and then to spite it, a couple of more kernels popped.

I had to fumble around to get the release to work, and Meghan insisted that she ought to be the one to pick it up because there would be a lot of steam coming out of the vent in the bag.

She shook it up to get all the popcorn seasoning mixed around, and then we went back to her room and she dumped it out into a bowl so that we could share it.

I wasn't sure how I was going to eat it without sticking my whole muzzle in the bowl, until she offered to scoop some out and let me eat it out of her hand.

The movie was about a bunch of wild animals that all lived near a human settlement and tried to get food for the winter from the humans and in the end they all worked together to defeat the mean humans and bear and get all the food that they needed.

It was a really good movie, and not too long. After the popcorn was all gone, Meghan put the bowl away and I stretched out on my belly by her leg, and she petted my mane and back. She said that I felt a lot sleeker now that my winter coat had mostly been combed out.

I promised her that we'd go watch Zootopia together after Spring Break was over, and we walked to dinner together.

I probably should have eaten dinner with Christine and Sean and Joe, but I stayed with Meghan instead and the two of us ate together in the front room. I waved at Cedric, who was sitting across the room from me, and he gave me a friendly nod.

We said goodbye for the week on the sidewalk in front of DeWaters, and I stood up and hugged her, and she leaned down and kissed me on the forehead and told me to be safe and have a good time.

There was a little party going on in my room when I got there: Ruth and Rebekka and Kat who is Rebekka's roommate were all there, playing a game of euchre and drinking to celebrate the end of the quarter. Peggy poured me a drink and I sat down and watched them play until Rebekka and Kat lost, then Rebekka said that she'd sit out the next game so I could play, and I got partnered up with Kat.

We played a couple of games and I had a few more drinks than I ought to have had, then I hugged everyone and told them that I was going to miss them over the next week, and went out into the streets to Aric's house.

I was a little bit unsteady on my hooves, which meant that I really shouldn't be flying, or at least not too high.

I came pretty close to clipping a lamppost, but avoided it at the last second, and made it the rest of the way without any trouble at all besides falling into one snowbank by mistake. Then when I got to Aric's I kept trying to pick up the key for the front door that he kept in a desk on the porch but I couldn't manage to get my lips around it, so I had to knock on the door until he opened it.

He wanted to know if I was drunk, and I nodded and told him that I was because Peggy had introduced me to White Russians and they were really good. Then he shook his head and let me in which was good because I really had to pee.

I really wasn’t in the mood to do anything other than cuddle (and that made me feel guilty and sad) but Aric said that was okay, and he said that we could watch a movie and snuggle on the couch like we had after watching the Super Bowl.

So that’s what we did. He played The Perfect Storm, and I brought down a blanket from his bedroom. I leaned up against him and he put his arm around my withers, and then when I got really sleepy I finally laid down on his lap and tried to stay awake for the movie but wound up falling asleep instead.

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