• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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March 10 [spring is soon]

March 10

Sara gave me a dirty look again this morning. Maybe she isn't a morning person, or maybe she doesn't like it when I use the bathroom before her. I liked her better when she smiled at me and petted my mane.

I just gave her a syrupy sweet smile and went back to Aric's room to get my gear.

Today was absolutely gorgeous, but a touch chilly. A very light sprinkling of snow had fallen overnight and it made everything glittery. I knew it was going to be gone soon; the weather was supposed to be kinda warm and with the sun out, a lot of the snow would melt.

I took a pretty broad flight over Kalamazoo, sort of a big triangle loop all the way up to the Maple Hill Mall and the 131 Highway, and then along Drake Road to Stadium, then followed that back towards campus.

I was pretty sweaty by the time I got back, and when I was in the shower I noticed that I was starting to shed my winter coat. It was time to make an appointment with Maura.

I had to use my hoof to scrape the matted hair out of the drain grate so I didn't flood the bathroom, and then I used my wings to direct the water from the showerhead to get as much of it off the floor as I could.

Then I had to apologize to Brianna for taking longer than normal in the shower. She wasn't mad, though.

Since I was in a good mood and had gotten lots of exercise this morning, I had an omelet and a waffle.

I checked my computer mail before I went to poetry and had gotten a message from Miss Cherilyn saying that they'd meet me to chat and take me (and Peggy if she wanted to go) to dinner after my last final, and then the next day they could get me a train ticket to Lansing, or they could give me a ride all the way there in their van.

Taking the train would be more practical, but I was a bit reluctant to ride it by myself. Plus I hadn't spent as much time talking with them as I ought to have, so I wrote back that I would appreciate a ride if it wasn't any trouble.

Conrad started with a simple short poem called Sailor. Humans don't get cutie marks, so sailors tattoo themselves. I think it's so that they remember who they are, because the ocean makes you forget.

I thought about the ships I'd seen come into port, and the sailorponies step off and stagger onto land like they can't remember what it feels like to have unmoving ground under their hooves. Their coats are full of dried salt, creaking and cracking when they move just like the ship creaks and cracks when it's rolling in the gentle wavelets in the harbor.

Some of the oldest mariners refuse to set their hooves on dry land. They don't trust ground.

Next we read The Negro Speaks of Rivers. I didn't know any of the rivers he mentioned, but he mentioned Abraham Lincoln, who must have been a very important person. I thought I could ask Trevor about him, or maybe Cedric. Cedric really likes me, and he tries not to show it. And Leon likes me too, but he also likes to make fun of Cedric for liking me. Also sometimes Leon likes to talk like he's really dumb, but he isn't.

He had Melissa, who is a really shy, pale girl, read Red Roses. It was a shame she hardly ever read aloud; her voice was beautiful, and fit the poem very well. She read it with a quiet intensity that raised the hair on my back.

Then Conrad had me read a poem called Dust Bowl, about the land being dry and dead and wanting me to come back. I was sad when I got to the end of it, because I knew it was the last poem I was going to read for his class.

He ended with Trevor reading God. Better to be human, the poem said, and I thought that was true. According to the Bible, God had created humans in His own image, and then they just kept messing up, not following His rules at all and He sat in Heaven watching them, perfect—and lonely.

I wonder if Princess Celestia is lonely? I heard that she meets everypony who goes on the exchange when they come back; maybe I ought to give her a big hug.

I met up with Trevor and his friends after class and we went to the dining hall together. Cedric made a big deal about carrying my food for me, and then we sat down and I asked them why Abraham Lincoln was so important that Walt Whitman and Langston Hughes had written about him in poems.

That turned into quite the lunchtime conversation, and filled my head with a lot of not very nice history.

Well, I couldn't change the past, but I could do something in the present, so I wrapped my hooves around Cedric and gave him a big hug—he was sitting right next to me—and then hugged everyone else at the table.

Leon got all embarrassed and said that I was hurting his street cred, and I stuck my tongue out at him.

I spent the afternoon reviewing my notes for philosophy class. Our final exam was to write an essay on a philosopher, and I was trying to think of who I ought to choose, and I had to refresh myself on a lot of what they'd said.

Only Meghan watched the movie with me. Lisa was in the library studying, and Becky said that she had to do homework, too.

It was okay, though, because I got to stretch out on Meghan's lap and she petted me for a little bit and then noticed that I was shedding, so she brought over a wastebasket and one of her brushes and ran it through my coat during the whole movie.

I'd thought I'd figured out that there was a cockatrice on the loose, but it turned out to be a basilisk at the end. I should have known because the people weren't actually turned to stone—but it did make me wonder if maybe it wouldn't be as bad to look at a cockatrice in a mirror.

I didn't think I'd be the one to try it, though. Not with a cockatrice and not with a basilisk either.

When I told Meghan that there were phoenixes in Equestria, she wanted to know if they could really rejuvenate by burning themselves to ash, and I told her that they could. I did my best to mimic their call (the movie got it wrong), and tried to describe how beautiful they are. They're also kinda mean and territorial except when they're migrating and wintering, so they're best appreciated from a distance.

We sat and talked after the movie was over—she used a remote to turn the television off so that she didn't have to disturb me. I told her I wanted to brush her hair, and at first she refused, but then she said that I could. I put my front legs on her shoulders for balance and the brush in my mouth. Meghan thought it was really weird that I could still talk even when I was holding onto the brush.

Meghan slid back on the bed and put her back to the wall after I’d finished brushing her, and I curled up with my head on her lap. I thanked her again for brushing my coat, and asked her if she needed to go to the salon anytime soon, because I had to make an appointment with Maura to groom out some of my winter coat before spring break.

She said maybe we could do it Monday afternoon, and she’d call in the morning and find out.

My head was getting heavy, so I told her it was probably time for me to go back to my dorm room, and then she sighed and said that it probably was, unless I wanted to spend the night in her room.

So she went to the bathroom and put her sleeping clothes on and brushed her teeth and then asked if I wanted the inside or outside side of the bed. I thought that the outside would be more practical, since I like to wake up early.

When we were both under the covers she wrapped her arm around me and kissed me on the ear and then tucked her head against mine.

Author's Note:



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