• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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October 23 [Gilmore Car Museum]

October 23

All of us woke up kinda early, and at first we were just snuggling but it didn't take too long for it to turn into fondling, and then everyone was moving around trying to find a good position again, and I got to be in the middle for a little while, which was the funnest place to be but it was also kind of overwhelming because you didn't know what to focus on.

And then we dozed off for a little while—I was on top of Aric, and Meghan had her arms around both of us—and when I woke up again, I leaned over and kissed Meghan, 'cause she was petting my mane, and me moving around woke up Aric, and pretty soon we were trying a new position that we hadn't thought of last night.

The three of us snuggled up and this time Aric was in the middle, and the whole room smelled of sex and sweat and Meghan said that if we were getting up we'd ought to take a shower. I wanted to take a shower together but Aric wasn't sure if we'd all fit, and he reminded me that it had been crowded with just the two of us.

I said that the bed was crowded with just the two of us, too, and that hadn't stopped us from making it work for three, and he said that that was true, and asked Meghan what she thought. She said that she was willing to try it, and then she asked if David or Angela were home.

Aric didn't think that they were, but he said that he'd check, so he put on his underwear and went downstairs to look. And when he came back he said that they were gone and he said that it wasn't fair for the two of us to be kissing when he wasn't there, and Meghan held up her middle finger, which is a human gesture that's sometimes funny and sometimes mean. Aric said that if she was offering, he would, and she said that she thought we were all going to take a cold shower together and calm things down while we were still capable of walking.

So he went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, and I got off Meghan and followed him in and took off his underwear for him, and then Meghan joined us, and she said that maybe we should get clothes just in case David and Angela did come back while we were in the shower, and Aric said not to worry about it, that they weren't morning people and so if Angela's car was gone, that meant that they went somewhere overnight, because there's no way they would have left this early in the morning.

Meghan reminded him that it was almost eleven, and Aric said that that was technically still in the morning.

Well, it was super-crowded in the shower. I think that both of them together would have fit a lot better than I did with anybody, and I wasn't sure how we were going to get clean. And then Aric took hold of my forehooves and picked me up so that I was standing on my hind legs and it was something that I didn't like to do in his bathtub or Meghan's because it was so slippery underhoof, but with him holding on to me, I could balance just fine, and that left Meghan free to wash me.

It took too long for the three of us to wash, although we weren't completely focused on getting clean, and when the water started to get colder, Aric said that the unlimited hot water was one thing that he missed from living in the dorm. Meghan said that it was really nice, except when Becky had had a bad day and took a two-hour long shower, and nobody else could use the bathroom.

They should have washed me last, 'cause I didn't mind the cold water as much as they did.

Aric let Meghan rinse the shampoo out of her hair before he finished washing his own, and he missed a little soap, 'cause he was hurrying to finish while there was still a little heat in the water. And then the two of them got out of the shower and started to dry off, and I rinsed off last and shook myself off behind the curtain before I got out.

Meghan kept her towel wrapped around her until after Aric had opened the bathroom door and she could see that there was nobody in the hallway. And then Aric went down the hall to the bedroom and he walked really slow and sort of blocked her way and I think she would have been flicking her tail if she had one.

The two of them started to get dressed and I sat on the bed and started preening my wings, and then Meghan sat down next to me even though she'd only put on her bra and shirt so far. She stretched my wing out over her leg and said that my wing would cover everything else and keep her warm. It would have done a better job of keeping her warm if it had been dry, but she didn't complain.

She gently worked a couple of loose feathers out, and tickled Aric's arm with one of them, then she put on her underwear and pants and I brushed her hair and she brushed my mane and Aric brushed my tail because he was feeling left out. He wasn't as good at that as Meghan was, and he got caught in a couple of tangles and pulled some of my tail-hair out, which was kind of annoying. But he just needed more practice, and he'd get better at it.

We all went downstairs and Aric made us coffee, and then he opened the kitchen windows because it was really nice outside. I stuck my nose right up to the screen so that I could get the best smell of the outside.

Aric started looking through the kitchen for food, but there wasn't much there. Meghan said that it proved that men were really terrible at shopping, and that she'd never been lacking for food in her electric icebox over the summer. Aric said it was important to have lots of empty space in there for beer, because nobody liked warm beer, and Meghan told him that he could fit about thirty bottles in each of the vegetable crispers and probably another forty on the door and that left the main part available for food, and Aric said that if you had a really good party that wasn't enough, and she rolled her eyes and asked him if he'd ever had a party at this house that required a hundred beers.

He said he hadn't yet, but it might happen, and it was best to be prepared.

She said that it was too bad that nobody delivered breakfast food, because that would be really convenient. And then she said that we could got to Nina's again since it was so close, and so they put their shoes on and we walked over to Nina's and got a booth.

I didn't need to look at the menu, 'cause I knew what I wanted, but then I thought that maybe I'd try something a little bit different, so instead of getting raisin toast with my omelet, I asked for rye. That was a fun bread, 'cause it had swirls in it.

We sipped at our coffee and tried to decide what we were going to do today. Aric said that just going back home and staying in bed all day was an option, and it would have been a fun option, but I wasn't sure that I really wanted to spend all day in bed, and Meghan told Aric she didn't think he could keep going for that long anyways.

He said that she was probably right, but he wasn't against trying. And then he had to be quiet because the waitress came over and it wasn't polite to talk about sex at a restaurant.

So we all had a couple of suggestions while we were eating, and Aric checked his portable telephone to see what kinds of events were happening in Kalamazoo today, and he said that we'd missed the Holeween Cornhole tournament. And when he said that Meghan spit out some coffee and then she didn't believe it was a real thing until he showed it to her on his portable telephone.

Aric said that it was nice enough that we could go to Sunny Haven, but Meghan said that she didn't think she could deal with a nudist resort, and we wouldn't get there until kind of late in the day, anyways, so it would hardly be worth the trip. I said that it was a lot of fun, and it would be nice to see Natalie again if she was there, but I had to agree that we'd probably get there so late we wouldn't be able to spend all that much time there.

We kept on thinking about it while we were eating and finally Aric said that he thought it might be nice to go to the Gilmore Car Museum, because he'd never been there before. Meghan admitted that that wouldn't have been her first choice, but it might be interesting, and if we didn't like it we could go somewhere else. And I thought I'd like it, because even though I saw lots of them on the road all the time, I didn't really know that much about cars, and there would probably be signs that told you things about them.

Meghan paid for breakfast for all of us, which was really nice of her, and then we went back to Aric's house. It was a pretty nice day out, and I wanted to get a chance to fly today, even though I'd already taken a shower. But I didn't know when I would get a chance—I didn't want to leave them behind.

We all got in Winston, and Aric drove through town and out on Gull Road, which was also the 43 Road. And even though I'd flown that way a couple of times, I didn't really recognize it until we passed by the Meijer, and then I remembered that we would be going out by Gull Lake.

I'd seen the museum before, too, from the air. But everything looked a little bit different from the ground, so I didn't make the connection until we turned down the road to the museum, and I kind of imagined how it would look from above.

It was kind of like the airplane museum in Washington, DC, except that all the cars had their wheels on the ground. And there were some special displays that they changed every now and then, and we saw a display of sports cars. Aric said that the one he liked the most was a gull-winged Mercedes, and he said that when he was a boy he imagined that if they folded out the doors the car could fly. The wings didn't look to me like they were too short for it to be possible, although without magic it would be very difficult, and I guess I didn't know how much cars weighed, which would make a difference.

Then we went to another section, and we got to see the first car ever sold in Kalamazoo, which was over a hundred years old and looked a lot like a wagon that didn't have any shafts on it. The helpful signs said that the first cars were built by coach-builders and wagonwrights, and that they were basically wagons that had an engine to make them go, and they used to be called 'horseless carriages,' which made sense.

Newer cars that were still very old were partially metal and partially wood, and then after a while they were all metal, and they didn't use wood in cars at all. And you could see how over the years the cars had gotten bigger and sleeker, and a lot of them had all sorts of shiny brightwork, which was something that the cars I was used to seeing didn't have. I guess it had gone out of style because it would have been a lot of work to keep polishing it.

There were more displays outside, and we got to see a store for the Franklin, which was a kind of car that wasn't made any more. And there was also a diner called the Blue Moon, which was where we had a late lunch. There weren't a lot of choices and I didn't think that it was that good, but Aric said that this used to be a common kind of restaurant but almost all of them had gotten replaced with fast food restaurants.

We went back inside and looked at more of their cars, and Aric pointed out a race car called an Indy Car, and he said that they raced at the track in Indianapolis where the Red Bull air race had been. It had wings on it, but they weren't supposed to make it fly; they helped hold it down to the race track because sometimes when they got going fast enough they could come off the race track and then they'd crash.

It was a lot different from the Studebaker race car that they had nearby, which had big spoked wheels and a flat front and no wings at all.

The museum closed before we could see all the exhibits, which was too bad. Meghan said that lots of places had short hours on Sundays, and probably even if we begged they wouldn't stay open any longer.

So we went back out to Winston and Aric asked if there was anything else we wanted to do for the evening, since we were already out and about.

Meghan asked me if I'd come to a decision about a costume yet and I said that it was too soon; we'd only looked at them yesterday and then after that I'd gotten distracted and hadn't really thought about it at all. And Meghan said that she wouldn't mind having a real meal, since she'd only eaten French Fries at the diner, and of course when she said something my stomach started to tell me it wanted food, too.

I wouldn't have minded Taco Bell again, but Meghan and Aric both wanted real food, so we went to Olde Peninsula and had dinner there, and Aric got two growlers, which was what they called bottles of beer. He said that it was cheaper and better than anything else we could buy in town, and that between them and the beer we had at home it was more than enough for tonight, especially since we had school in the morning.

He hadn't had too much to drink, because he had to drive us home, but me and Meghan had both had three beers and I started complaining that I had to pee before we were even all the way through downtown. Meghan said that I should have gone at the restaurant and I said that I hadn't thought that we were going to sit around talking for so long after we'd finished eating our food, and then it had taken the waitress a little while to get our growlers.

But she'd distracted me and we were turning into the driveway, and when Aric stopped Winston I'd kind of forgotten about it until we got inside, and then I went to the little bathroom off the kitchen.

When I came out, Meghan and Aric were both sitting on the couch together and he had his arm around her back and she had her hand on his thigh, and I didn't really want to break them up by trying to sit in the middle, so I stretched out on the couch and put my head down in Meghan's lap, and Aric drank most of one of the growlers by himself, but we helped him with the second.

Me and Meghan wanted to go to bed a little bit early, and at first Aric protested because he said that the night was still young, and Meghan reminded him that we wouldn't actually get to sleep for a while, and he thought that was a good point but we ought to finish the beer first because he thought it might go bad if we left it overnight.

So we passed the second bottle back and forth, and he finally emptied it and he was a little bit unsteady on his feet, and me and Meghan got up, too, and she said that we should go upstairs, and that we'd meet him up there. And so we went to his room and Meghan said that we ought to put on new sheets if he had them, but we had to wait until he got upstairs because I didn't know where they were and Meghan didn't want to go through his drawers.

She started to get undressed and I stopped her and said that she should let Aric do it, so we waited for him to get upstairs.

He had a little bit of trouble with her bra, and I was about to offer to help when he finally got it unfastened. And she took her turn undressing him before he'd gotten all her clothes off, and then she let him undress her the rest of the way, and the two of them were hugging and kissing and I felt kinda left out, so I tickled them with my wing and nuzzled their hips and then Aric reached down and scratched my ears, and he said that we'd better get in bed before I got too impatient, and then he asked us what time we wanted to leave next morning, and if we wanted a ride.

I thought I'd rather walk or fly back to campus, and Meghan agreed, even though that meant that we had to set the alarm a little bit earlier and probably we wouldn't have any time for sex unless we all woke up before the alarm went off.

The three of us got in bed, and we let Aric be in the middle first, and we finished with me in the middle, and me and Meghan were still kind of giggly when we snuggled up for the night, and I felt kind of bad for Aric, 'cause he only had a pillow to sleep on, and I had enough room to sleep on Meghan.

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