• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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April 28 [Edna St. Vincent Millay]

April 28

I felt a lot better when I woke up Thursday morning. I was still stuffy but not as feverish.

I wanted to get up and go flying but Peggy said that I should wait until the nurse saw me, and even though I didn't want to wait she was probably right. It's important when you've been sick or injured to wait until you're better before you go out and do stuff that might make you worse.

It was frustrating to have to wait, though. I took a shower because my coat and mane were still all matted from being sweaty, and that helped a lot. It was like I was rinsing off the last remainders of the sickness.

Miss Cherilyn stopped by first just to see how I was and she had brought breakfast which was from McDonald's and it was called a Big Breakfast. It had some scrambled eggs and pancakes and a biscuit and a terrible fried potato patty which she said was a hash brown. And she also had some coffee too and I would have asked her for some but then I remembered I still had some tea left and I was sure that Mister Salvatore had gone to a lot of trouble to get it so I should drink that instead. I let Miss Cherilyn make the tea, though. She was better at using the microwave than I was. The buttons were too small and I kept pushing the wrong ones by mistake, and the handle of the cup got really hot and if I wasn't careful, I'd burn myself when I held it.

I had just finished eating when the nurse came back and went through her whole examination again. She said that everything looked good and I asked her if that meant I could go back to class again and she said I would have to wait for the results of the blood test but if it came back okay than I could. I wanted to know how long that would take and she said it wouldn't be until afternoon, and that made my ears fall because that meant I would probably miss poetry class.

She said that it took time to do the tests right and they wanted to make sure that everything was okay, and I told her that I understood but why couldn't they do them faster? Poetry was important!

The nurse petted me on the head and said that she knew it was frustrating and that I was looking a lot healthier and all my vital signs had been good and the best thing for me to do would be rest up until they got the all-clear, then she packed up her bag and went.

Well, I didn't rest up. I paced the room like a caged animal and I tried to write a letter to my parents but I kept getting distracted by the birds flying around outside or the occasional bits of conversation from people coming in and out of the dorm and I knew that I was mostly better but the nurse hadn't been convinced.

Peggy came back and she saw how restless I was and so she tried to distract me with funny videos on the internet mostly about people falling down when they were snowboarding and she happened to find one that we hadn't seen before of me snowboarding and doing the jump where I kept on flying and that was pretty funny to see.

That distraction worked pretty well, too, because the thing that broke our concentration on the YouTube was my telephone ringing and it was Miss Cherilyn and she said that she had just gotten the all-clear from the doctor.

She said that it was provisional and I would still have to have daily samples taken until all the virus was gone but that didn't matter to me at all. I would put up with being poked every day if that was what it took to go back to class and go to Madison to see Gusty in her play.

I told Peggy the good news and then I galloped out of the room and had to kind of sheepishly walk back and get my saddlebag for class because I could still eat lunch and go to poetry.

I sat down with Cedric and Leon and Trevor and Trevor asked where I'd been on Tuesday and I told him that I was sick. Leon asked if it was rabies, and Cedric punched him in the shoulder. Then he asked what I'd had and I said it was just a cold and a little bit of a fever.

Leon asked if ponies puked rainbows, and I said that only unicorns did. Then I sneezed and Cedric said that it sounded like I was allergic to bullshit, and I told him if that was true then I'd be sneezing a lot more often around the two of them. Leon and Cedric just looked at each other and Trevor was laughing so hard he almost fell out of his chair. He pointed to the two of them and said that they had just been owned by a little pony.

It was a little odd for him to talk so much at lunch: usually he just sat there and ate his food and occasionally laughed or talked when he was addressed, but otherwise he was pretty quiet, so I asked him why, and he said it was because it was more fun to listen to Cedric and Leon argue about who had the most street cred and he didn't want to get involved in that because he was an English Major.

Cedric said that being an English Major was a white man's gig, and so I asked him what he was majoring in and he said biology. And Leon said that he was going to go to law school once he graduated and made me promise that I would never tell anyone else that because he said if word got out nobody would respect him any more.

Cedric told him that it was too late; nobody respected him now.

I said that I respected him and he gave me a big smile and Cedric said that nobody could argue with the SG.

On the way to class, I thought about asking Trevor who we were studying in poetry but then I thought it was better to be surprised.

Humans have mostly reserved emotions. If I'd been sick in Equestria then everypony would have wanted to hug and nuzzle me when I came back but here nobody moved out of their seats to greet me, which was kind of sad.

Conrad came in and sat down at his desk and looked over the class and gave me a little smile so I knew that he had missed me. He started off with a lovely little poem: “Safe upon the solid rock the ugly houses stand: Come and see my shining palace built upon the sand!” Then he said that was by Edna St. Vincent Millay, and he told us a little about her, and then he said that I could read the first poem of the day, which was called Afternoon on a Hill.

It made me long for springtime which surely would be along soon. The grass was green and there were fresh shoots poking through the ground that wanted to be flowers and the birds were back but the trees still weren't leafy even though it was a month after springtime.

And we read through a bunch more of her poems and some of them were happy and some were sad and some were whimsical and I thought that maybe if she were a pony she would have been a pegasus pony because she reminded me a little bit of myself.

When class got over I went right up into the sky and I wish I had brought my flight equipment with me because I didn't want to spend another minute grounded if I could help it. So I kept low and over campus where it was safe for me to fly without having permission and sort of hopped from building to building and then tree to tree across the quad.

Then when I'd gotten that out of my system I went back to my room and traded my saddlebags for my vest and had a proper flight.

I was still not all the way back to health, so I didn't push myself too hard. Just a nice easy flight in the wide open sky.

I came back down in time for dinner and I had to decide if I should eat with my friends or try and talk to Meghan over dinner and I was kind of afraid to talk to Meghan because what if she was mad and decided she didn't want to spend time with me any more.

But I had to; Peggy said so.

I probably spent a little more time than usual putting away my flight gear and I thought about taking a shower before going to dinner but I didn't because I wasn't very sweaty and I did send a telegram to Liz telling her that I had been sick and I was going to have to miss our weekly meeting this week and then it was time to go to dinner.

Well she was happy to see me and asked how I was feeling and if I was better and I said that I was and then I said that I needed to talk to her after dinner because I didn't think that she would want to talk about it with her friends there so we finished up our meal and then the two of us walked outside and there were a couple of benches next to Stetson chapel so we sat there and I told her about Aric and I could see that that made her unhappy and then I told her how it was for me, and that I hadn't known that it was wrong to be sleeping with her and showering with her at the same time as I was having sex with Aric.

She said a lot of stuff and I could tell some of it wasn't for me but was her being mad at herself and then she started crying and I put my head against her chest and said that I wanted to continue hanging out with her because she was a lot of fun and a really nice person and I just hadn't understood what rules humans had.

Meghan wiped off her eyes on her sleeve and said that they hadn't even said in any of the Equestrian classes anything about what kind of relationships we had and I said that nobody had told us about how it worked for humans either and we both agreed that that was something that they ought to have told us about.

Then she told me it would take some getting used to and she asked if I was bi, and I didn't know what that meant so she said it was where I liked boys and girls the same. Well, I didn't think I was because boys and girls were different so how could you like them the same?

She said that it must be nice to have such a simple worldview.

We kind of both got quiet for a while and just sat on the bench together looking down at people walking across the quad. I was sitting so that I was up against her side and she had her hands together in her lap and she finally put her arm around my back and hugged me to her and said that since we were being honest with each other it was going to be hard for her and maybe she would have been better off not knowing and that I'd put a whole lot on her all at once and she wasn't sure where we should go from here.

Then she ran her hand through my mane and said that she had to go do homework now but she was glad that I was feeling better and got up and walked towards her dorm and I just sat there on the bench and thought for a while.

Author's Note:

Afternoon on a Hill

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