• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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June 26 [Goodwill]

June 26

I accidentally woke up Meghan when I tried to use the corner of the blanket to wipe a little bit of drool off her breast. She hit me in the chin with her hand and then we both said that we were sorry at the same time and then we started laughing and then she took the blanket out of my mouth and wiped it off herself. Then she said that horse drool wasn't very romantic and I told her that she'd drooled in my mane last night, and then we both started to giggle again.

It's hard to go back to sleep when you're giggly. And for the rest of the time we were in bed, we'd sort of calm down a little bit and then start again.

I had a little bit of a hangover from the beer last night, and she said that she did too, and I said that waffles would be the perfect thing to eat for breakfast. She told me that I had an unhealthy obsession with waffles, but then she came into the kitchen and showed me how to make the batter.

At first, she tried to crouch down so that I could see what she was doing, but that looked kind of awkward for her so I flew up and sat on the counter next to the sink, and she let me help even. She measured out the water by guessing 'cause I still didn't have a measuring cup, then put an egg in and the batter and said that it had to be stirred with the spoon, so I did that while she held the bowl. And we got some little bits of batter on us and she started giggling again when I licked it off.

Once all the lumps were gone, which she had to help with, she plugged the wafflemaker into the wall and we waited until it got hot and then I knew what to do after that.

She said that since I was in charge of the waffles, she was going to make scrambled eggs, and she put a pan on the stove and I warned her that it would try and burn her, but she was tall enough that her arm could easily reach across the top and not be in any danger from the flames, and I was kind of jealous of that.

It looked like scrambled eggs were pretty easy to make; she just cracked some eggs open in the pan and then moved them around with a spatula, and she put some chedder cheese chunks in it, too.

When it was done she piled them all on a plate which kind of crowded out the waffles and she laughed and said that I was the only apartment-dweller she knew of that only had one of each utensil and I guess I should have thought to get more but I hadn't seen the reason to have more than one plate or bowl or cup.

Meghan told me that there was a store called Goodwill that sold used plates and bowls and cups and silverware and that it was very cheap and maybe we should go there. I thought that was a good idea, and would be something that we could do today after breakfast and maybe a shower.

I kinda wanted to fly today, too, but I'd feel bad leaving Meghan behind.

We ate breakfast together in the papasan and watched as the birds ate their breakfast (and the squirrel, too). There wasn't a really good way to sit so that we could both use the plate so we took turns, and she tried to balance the plate on my head and feed me, too, but that didn't work out as well as she'd wanted it to 'cause the waffle fell off and landed on her lap and she almost got me in the eye with the fork when I leaned down to get the waffle back.

Once we were done eating, I said that I really wanted to fly today 'cause the weather was pretty nice and I hadn't flown hardly at all yesterday, and Meghan said that was okay, as long as I wasn't planning to stay away all day. I wasn't, and I said that when I got back we could take a shower together and then go to the Goodwill store to get plates.

So I put on my flight gear and she helped me strap on my radio and altimeter and then I went out to the balcony and got permission to fly and took off.

I stayed low at first, 'cause I wanted to check on Aric's bird feeder and make sure that it was still full, so I just flew along the street and then when I got to his house I flew up the driveway and over not-Winston and there were enough seeds in it to last for a couple more days, so I went up into the sky.

It had been clear, but now there were clouds coming in and I could feel a little breeze and the temperature dropping some so I thought it would probably rain but it didn't look like it was going to be all that much.

I didn't really have any place in mind to fly to, so I made a lazy loop of the triangle, all the way up to the 131 Highway and then across to Stadium Drive and back home again. I did a few dive exercises and then just for fun some wing rolls and I was a little bit sloppy at them. It's weird how something that I used to do all the time without thinking now was a little bit of effort, 'cause I wasn't spending nearly as much time in the air as I would back in Equestria.

When I landed on my balcony and looked inside I saw that Meghan was sitting on the papasan reading one of my poetry books, and she'd put her shirt on, but when she got up out of the chair I saw that was all.

We didn't try to start with a bath today; just took a shower and she made me rinse off first 'cause of all the lather on my coat. I'd kind of pushed myself a little bit on the last part of my flight but not as much as I could have.

She thought it was funny that I tilted my head back and drank some of the shower-water, which I guess was something that she never did.

Once we were done drying off and she was dressed, she said that she wanted to go to her apartment and change into clean clothes 'cause she hadn't planned to spend the whole weekend with me and her clothes were getting kind of grungy. I didn't say anything, but I was thinking that if people didn't wear clothes so much maybe they wouldn't have to worry about keeping them clean. I had to wash my flight vest every now and then 'cause I got it all sweaty when I was flying, and also my bedding, but otherwise when I was dirty I could just take a shower and be ready to go out again.

So we walked over to her apartment and went upstairs and she got undressed and then redressed and then called for an Uber-car.

Goodwill was near the Maple Hill Mall and if I had realized that I could have stopped there on my flight, but I hadn't known. Still, it was more fun to shop with both of us, and after we'd found some plates and bowls and cups and silverware and put them in the cart, she looked around the clothes for a while and picked out a nice-looking sweater for the fall, and also a pretty white blouse that she said was made by Tommy Hilfiger and was normally pretty expensive.

They also had some furniture and radios and TVs and books (none of them were poetry) and pretty much everything that you'd need to furnish a house, and I also added a painting of the ocean with a ship on it that I liked.

Then she also found some towels and said it wouldn't hurt for me to have some more, and I thought she was right, because with both of us showering my towels were pretty wet by the time we'd dried off. And she found a happy yellow duck that she said was for the bath, and something I needed, especially since it was only a quarter.

So when we left we had two big bags of stuff, and I guess there weren't any Uber-cars that were close, so we had to wait around outside and there was a little island of grass with a small tree on it where we sat until the Uber-car came and picked us up.

Meghan wasn't too happy with the all-vegetable lunch (although now I had plates for both of us), which made me feel kind of bad, although she said that at least I wasn't only eating hay because humans couldn't digest it. I suppose that's why with all the vegetables that Meijer has they don't sell any pasture grasses.

Well, she got curious after lunch and it turned out that I could order small amounts of hay on the computer which was pretty exciting. I hadn't had any alfalfa in months, and even though she wasn't convinced that it was all that good, I decided I was going to order some. There were still some dandelions in the backyard and making an alfalfa and dandelion sandwich would be a pretty good lunch.

We decided to go downtown and visit some stores until it was dinnertime, which was a lot of fun. Humans have so many things that they sell, and it was a great way to spend the afternoon looking at all of it. There were things that were not much different than what a craftspony might make, and then there were things she had to explain to me like a little squishy tube that was supposed to protect your wrists while you were using a keyboard.

There was even a place called Climb Kalamazoo that had a wall you could pay to climb. I would have just flown to the top but humans had to use the little grips and there were different colors depending on how difficult you wanted your climb to be.

Probably we could have gone to a restaurant for dinner, but Meghan was kind of determined to teach me more about cooking so we went back to her apartment when the stores had started to close and she made a lasagna which is layers of really wide noodles with stuff like cheese and spinach and alfredo sauce between them and I wasn't a whole lot of help but she let me pour the jar of alfredo sauce over the noodles and gave me all the spinach stems to snack on, too.

Her stove had electric fire, which meant that there weren't any actual flames coming out, just coils of metal that glowed.

It took a while to cook, and while we were waiting we sat in her bedroom and snuggled and she un-braided my tail and brushed it out smooth again.

My stomach was growling at me after she took the lasagna out of the oven but she said we had to wait for it to cool down before we could eat it so while we waited she helped me use her computer to order a box of alfalfa that would be shipped to my apartment. And she said it might be cheaper to get it by the bale but she wasn't sure where, so she looked around and said that maybe we could find a horse stable that had it.

So that made me think about how I wanted to ride a horse and she did some more looking (which she called Googling) and found a riding stable called Lou-Don which wasn't that far away and said that we could make an appointment for next weekend, which I thought was a great idea.

While we were eating, she said that it was probably going to freak them out, and I kind of thought it might, too, but I felt like it was something that I needed to do to really understand how humans got along with horses, especially because a lot of children like Trinity or the girl at Val Day had really wanted to ride on me which didn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

There was more lasagna than we could eat, so when we'd both had our share Meghan put what was left in little boxes and put them in her electric icebox and said that would be her lunch for the rest of the week.

After I begged, she let me clean the dishes, which turned out to be not much fun 'cause there was a lot of stuff stuck to the lasagna tray, and it didn't really want to come off. My electric kettle didn't need much cleaning since there was only water in it, and when I was done eating vegetables I only really needed to rinse out the bowl but her meal had left lots of dirty dishes that were hard to clean.

Then we went back to her room and watched the sixth Harry Potter movie and by the very end I was crying 'cause I'd really liked Dumbledore. Meghan hugged me and turned off the TV, and laid down on her bed and I curled up against her and she ran her hand through my mane and promised me that it would turn out okay in the end, and she said it was too bad that it was so late that we couldn’t watch the last two movies but I trusted her that it would all be okay in the end.

Author's Note:

Tomorrow's chapter will be late, and then I ought to be back on my regular schedule. I spent all weekend at the family pan-birthday celebration, and (this is true) among other gifts got a bird feeder.

If it winds up attracting pegasi, I will be sure to let y'all know.

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