• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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September 25 [Waldo's]

September 25

I got up a little bit late, 'cause I was comfortable in bed and it was nice to just not have to get up at all. But after a while I started to feel really lazy, and even though Peggy was still in bed and might not be up for a while I didn't want to spend all morning being lazy, so I got up and went over and nuzzled her then I started thinking about our meeting and getting nervous again.

So I decided that I'd go on a long flight, and I went to the bathroom and filled up my camelback and got the rest of my flight gear on. My GoPro was still in Cobalt because Peggy had forgotten to bring it back in but that was okay, I didn't think I'd really need it for today. The sky was clear so there wouldn't be any cloud-wrangling, so it would be a pretty boring flight, not anything worth making a movie out of.

It still kind of nagged at my mind that I should have it, and I guess I could have woken Peggy up or looked for her keys, but I thought she'd be mad if I did, so I didn't.

I called the airplane directors to tell them what I was going to do, and Dori asked if I could keep clear of downtown for a little bit because there was a big airplane coming and she didn't want me to get in its way, and I said that I would go west.

So I went back to our room and got my saddlebags because I did need to get some groceries and more shampoo, and if I was going west I'd be right by Meijer. And then I went back out to the boardwalk and took off.

I kept low until I got to the 131 Highway, and I'd decided as I was flying that way that I would go north again, just kind of following the highway, but I wouldn't fly as far as Grand Rapids so that I wouldn't get in the way of their airplanes. And she said that was okay, so I turned across the highway and started climbing.

There wasn't anything new to see at first—the cars were different but everything else was the same as I'd seen before along the road and I kind of wished I'd gone off a different way. It would be fun to fly to East Lansing and see Aquamarine some weekend, and I think I could do it. I don't think it was farther than Chicago, but I guess I'd have to look at a map to be sure. She'd probably be happy if I flew there, and I could just follow the railroad tracks all the way to her dorm.

When I got close to the car runway that was by the highway, I could see that there were cars on it and cars parked near it, so I dropped down some so that I could get a closer look and see what they were doing. And when I got nearer I saw that they were doing sprints. The cars were lined up on the taxiway and then two of them would go side-by-side on the runway, and at a signal, they'd rush off to the other end and stop before they got to the end of the pavement, then they'd turn back on the taxiway and get back in line. And some of them were sitting in the grass between the taxiways with their hoods open, and people working inside, so I guess those were the ones that had to be fixed before they could race.

There were grandstands up at the front of the runway, but not at the end, and that was kind of strange because I thought that people would want to watch who finished first. Every race I'd ever seen the winner was the first one to cross under the finish banner, and nobody cared how you started unless you cheated and started too early.

So I circled over and watched that for a little bit, and then after I'd seen a bunch of cars get to the end and either go back in line or go sit on the grass, I straightened up and kept going north.

I went almost all the way to Moline, which was inside the Grand Rapids airplane director’s territory, and then I crossed over the highway as I turned around. I thought that I'd come back on the inside of it, at least until I got close to Kalamazoo, then I'd cross back over and go to Meijer.

There was a little town below me called Wayland, and it had a big oval train track south of it and I couldn't figure out why. It just went in a big loop, and then back where it started. I'd seen one that was kind of like that on our trip out west, but there were big silos where the train got loaded, and there weren't any here. There were a couple of big blue silos nearby, but a different track went to them.

Maybe people raced trains around in circles, although I thought if they were racing they'd want to have more than one track, unless the trains took turns. And there weren't any grandstands where people could watch a train-race anyway. Just a big field in the center that didn't look like anything too special.

Since there weren't any trains there right now, I couldn't even guess what it was for. But I could see enough of the main tracks that I was sure that this went to Kalamazoo and by the Nature Center, so maybe if I saw a train going by I could get a good look at the cars and figure it out.

Just a little bit south of the train oval was the casino where we'd had lunch after I learned how to use my weather radio, and I thought that I could land there and go inside, but I think Miss Cherilyn would be mad if I didn't go with Mister Salvatore at least. Or maybe her; maybe she thought it was something that I shouldn't do with him, but it would be okay with her.

When I got close enough to Kalamazoo that I could clearly see cars on the 131 bus Highway, I angled back across the highway and towards Meijer, and I had to change my course a little bit as I got close enough that I could actually see the building, and I came around the side where the truck trailers were backed up against doors, and then landed right near the front after making sure that there weren't any cars that were going to run into me.

It didn't take me too long to get some cans of anchovies and a box of waffle mix for my waffle maker and two cartons of unshelled eggs, and some shampoo and conditioner. I got one bottle of the kind that Peggy used, because I liked how it smelled. I wasn't sure if it would work right on me but if it didn't I could give it to her.

I shouldn't have gone shopping right after flying because the inside of the store was too cold. I guess humans don't like it too hot, but it was making me too chilly 'cause my coat was all damp.

I paid for my food and shampoo and then went outside and put away the cart and put everything in my saddlebags, and then I called Dori just to let her know that I was in the air again, and went back along Main Street all the way back to campus.

I detoured off the road to fly over Aric's house and I thought that I could go see him but maybe it was better to wait until after we had our talk, so I flew down to Grove Street and by my old apartment. There were new curtains in the windows so I guess that somebody else was living there now.

I landed on the sidewalk and after a few minutes the birds that I'd scared off came back to the feeder and I watched them for a few minutes but I couldn't watch for too long because unshelled eggs had to be kept cold or else they would go bad.

Peggy had a little electric icebox that she kept beer in and I was sure she wouldn't mind if my eggs went in there, too.

Instead of flying, I trotted the rest of the way back to campus, and I went in through the front door of Trowbridge. There was a corkboard there that had advertisements on it and sometimes told you things that were going to happen soon and I noticed that there was one for a cuddle party today and that sounded like something that would be fun and I wish I'd noticed it sooner.

I went upstairs to our room and put away my food and shampoo. Peggy was sitting at her computer and she asked if I'd had a good flight, and I said I had, and she said it was okay to put my unshelled eggs in her electric icebox.

I actually had to wait a little bit for the shower, which was kind of annoying, just 'cause I'd gotten used to nobody using it when I wanted to on the weekend, and when it eventually opened it was Rebekka, and she leaned down and petted my head before going out and back to her room.

Me and Peggy went to breakfast after I was done showering and grooming, and I didn't eat too much because I was nervous and she said that she could come with me if I wanted, but I told her that I'd promised that nobody else would be there, so she said she'd wait outside instead, and if I needed her I could just call her portable telephone and she would come to save me.

So that made me more nervous because I didn't expect that I would need saving, and she said that was just a figure of speech.

And I said that I wished I'd done it earlier so it would be done already, or maybe later, and there was still time to call both of them and change the time, and she crossed her arms and said that if I was going to do it I should do it when I said I was and if I was going to wimp out I didn't deserve to be sleeping with either of them, and she was right, so I sat back down in my seat and glared at her and she threw a shredded wheat at my nose, and then I ate it off my tray. It was one of the ones that had sugar on it and it was pretty tasty.

It was kind of frustrating to have an hour after lunch before our meeting. I thought I could walk there with Meghan but Peggy said it would be better to show up by myself because that way Aric wouldn't get jealous right away, and she said that I should sit at a round table and not a booth so that they could both sit next to me and they'd also have to sit next to each other, and it all sounded really complicated and I asked Peggy if this was the kind of thing that humans had to do often enough that there were social rules for it. She said that maybe there was something in a book of etiquette but she thought it was just common sense.

We sat outside on the quad and watched the squirrels run around and watched the fat ones by the stairs to the dining hall beg for food as people came out, and every now and then somebody tossed them something.

I kind of wanted to sit up in the tree but since Peggy couldn't get up there with me it would be kind of rude, so I stayed where I was until she said that it was probably time for me to get going so that I would be the first one there.

So I flew over the dining hall and then went down the hill in back of it, and over the top of the little stretch of buildings that was right next to Western's campus, and landed in the parking lot of Waldo's. There were only a couple of cars there and Winston wasn't one of them.

I went inside and found a round table that was near enough to the door that they'd see me but far enough away that we wouldn't be interrupted by lots of people, and a waitress came over and asked if I wanted an appetizer or a drink and I did want a drink but I knew I shouldn't have one.

I got one anyway, and it was called Founders Breakfast Ale. I didn't like the name Founders, but the waitress said it was really good and I looked like I needed a drink. And it gave me something to do with my hooves while I waited, but my stomach wasn't too happy with it. Maybe I should have eaten more for breakfast.

I was halfway done when I saw Aric come in the front door and so I waved him over and then when he sat down I leaned over and kissed him and he asked if he could have a sip of my beer because it looked really good so I let him and he ordered one, and we kinda didn't say much until Meghan arrived, and so I kissed her too. She didn't order a beer; she just had a glass of water.

So at first nobody really wanted to talk. Meghan was sticking her finger in her water and twirling around the ice cubes, and Aric was sipping his beer and both of them were looking more at the table than each other or me. So there wasn't much point in just flying around the sky and not getting anything done, even though I wasn't exactly sure what the best way to start the conversation was. And so I asked if either of them thought that there wasn't any way that we could keep this working, 'cause if there wasn't than there wasn't a lot of point in having the rest of the conversation. And they they both said that they thought we could make it work if we tried, which made me happy.

I wasn't really sure what to ask next. I should have thought of some questions before I came over, like I had to do in Anthropology, 'cause this was kind of the same thing. But I hadn't done that so I asked if it bothered either of them that I was sometimes sleeping with the other one, and both of them said that it kind of did, but for different reasons. Aric said that he'd be more upset if it was another guy, but since it was a girl it didn't bother him all that much, except that he felt like I was spending a lot more time with her than I was with him. He said that over the summer, he'd kind of expected that when he got back to Kalamazoo he expected that I'd be spending half my nights with him, and I wasn't.

But he said that the other thing that bothered him was that since school had started, I'd just come over to spend the night and have sex and then I left again, and it almost felt like I was using him and that made my ears drop 'cause it was true. The only other thing that we'd done together was play Durak, and that was with a lot of other friends so it wasn't the same. He thought that we should spend some more time with just us together, doing something that was fun for both of us.

And Meghan said that I hadn't spent a lot of time with her since school started, either, and she thought that I was doing all the fun things that I'd used to do with her with Aric now, and she said she felt kind of guilty for thinking that now that she knew it wasn't true. I wasn't doing anything fun with either of them any more.

Some of it was school, we all agreed with that. We all had new schedules and were still kind of figuring them out, but it was almost three weeks into the year, so we knew what our classes were and when we had free time.

So the first thing I thought was that I could also see Aric on Wednesday nights, 'cause I could go over after my classes were done, and then I had Thursday mornings free, too. And so I told him that, and he said he liked that idea, and he didn't think that there would be anything to interfere on Wednesdays until it was tech week for the play, when he'd probably be at the theatre late, but that wasn't for a while yet.

And Monday was going to be a short night anyway, because we had Durak and then my lab in the morning, but we could keep that the same.

For Meghan, Friday nights and Saturday nights were the best because Amy was gone a lot, but not always. So we'd just have to hope that it worked out sometimes, but then Aric didn't like the idea that she got weekends and he didn't, and I wasn't sure what would be fairer, unless I wanted to do things on Saturday with Meghan and on Sunday with Aric, but then there were lots of times that there were other things happening on the weekends like the airshow next weekend that neither of them knew about yet, so that wouldn't work out.

Aric said that it was starting to sound like we were debating custody of a kid, so Meghan said that we all ought to get another drink before we said something that we'd regret and she got one, too. And we drank a little bit before we started talking again, and I said that I thought the fact that we were trying to figure out what was fair was good, and Meghan asked if that was something that we did in Equestria, too.

I said that a lot of mares shared stallions 'cause there weren't enough for everymare to have one of her own, but usually it was more spontaneous, if you wanted to have some fun or get pregnant and so Aric thought that meant that we just picked up strangers in pubs and took them home but it wasn't like that. Most ponies wouldn't be interested in a stallion that they weren't friends with, and had known at least for a while, although there were some mares that found the best stallion that they could when they wanted a foal, even if it was somepony that they didn't know very well. And there was almost always one mare that got pregnant during Winter Wrap-Up, 'cause there were a lot of migrating stallions that came up the coast to help out.

Meghan thought that was really weird, but I thought it was a good way to get new blood in town, 'cause everypony knew that if you kept having sex with the same ponies pretty soon you got bad foals. I was surprised that she didn't know that. I guess a city like Kalamazoo is big enough that it isn't a problem, and people at college came from all over the world, too.

So we still hadn't figured out a good schedule, and I had to tell them before we got to arguing again about the air show that was next weekend, and I said that Mister Salvatore was getting us a hotel room and Meghan and Aric looked at each other and Meghan got kind of mad and said that I was making a pretty big assumption and I said that I thought they'd like to see it and even if they didn't, I did, so I was going to go and so was Peggy and Christine and Sean and I guess if they wanted to go too we'd need to get a bigger room, or one that had a door to another room with more beds.

And then Meghan said that she'd thought I'd meant something else, like I was trying to get a threesome and be sneaky about it and I said that I hadn't thought about it because I didn't know if that was something that I would like but if they both wanted to I'd try it. And so Meghan asked Aric what he thought and he said that she should answer first.

She said that she'd kind of been wondering if I would bring it up but she'd never figured out an answer, and she said that she had always kind of liked him when they were in bell choir together but not enough to want to have sex with him but maybe it was different now because of me, and he crossed his arms and asked if she could be any more flattering and she said she was sorry but it was true.

So when we'd finished our drinks Aric paid for everyone even though I said that I would, 'cause I'd been the one who'd wanted to meet here, and we agreed that for this week, I'd stay with Aric on Monday and Wednesday, and Meghan on Tuesday only and we'd take some more time to think about what the most fair thing was. And I don't think that anybody was totally happy with that, especially since it felt wrong to be planning out a schedule for who got to spend time with who.

I didn't feel like going to the dining hall to eat, 'cause I thought I'd probably be in a gloomy mood and spoil everyone's dinner, so when we left, I hugged and kissed both of them, and then I went to Jimmy John's because it was close and got a sandwich, then I flew back and sat in a tree and then I remembered that Peggy said she was going to be near Waldo's in case I needed her so I called her and told her that we had had our meeting and it was over now and I had gotten dinner because I didn't feel like eating with everyone but I was fine and I would see her in our room later.

Then I ate my sandwich and just people-watched for a while. I don't think that anybody knew I was up in the tree, because humans don't think to look up very much unless something is moving or making noise above them.

I think the thing that I liked the least about a set schedule was that it would make us all feel like we had to have sex or else we'd wasted our turn, and sometimes you didn't want to. And that was going to be harder for Meghan, I thought, because she had to share her room and so we couldn't always count on there being an opportunity, and I didn't think that Aric really understood that because he didn't have to share a room.

And maybe there were other things that they hadn't wanted to talk about in public, either, but would it be fair to kind of go behind their backs and ask? I didn't know.

So I sat in the tree until the lights started coming on, and then I flew back to our room. I hadn't come up with any more smart ideas while I was in my tree, so it wasn't much of a thinking tree. I should have picked the one that was in front of our dorm.

Peggy wanted to know what we'd decided, and so I told her that it still wasn't all certain, but that we wanted to try and make it work and for now we had a schedule so that no one got jealous but I kinda didn't think that would work out in the long run. And she said that at least we'd had this talk, and that was something that we could build on later, because we'd dealt with it before things were too broken to fix, and I guess that was true.

But it didn't feel the same as it had before, and maybe that was just because of the stress of thinking about it and all sitting around talking about it and then thinking about it some more afterwards. And I wanted to go to Meghan's room and snuggle but that would be against the rules we'd just decided on, so I hugged Peggy instead and then I got in bed and she said it was kind of early and I said I knew it was but I didn't have anything else to do, and maybe Princess Luna would send me a happy dream.

And then I remembered that she'd said she wanted some more exercise and asked her if she still wanted to go trotting in the morning and she said she'd forgotten but she would as long as I promised to wake her up nicely.

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