• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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April 29 [Leaving for Madison]

April 29

When I woke up the first thing that came to mind was Meghan walking back to her dorm and I was still thinking that I should have followed her and not sat on the bench like a useless lump. And I didn't take the same joy in flying that I usually would have, because she was still on my mind and I was kind of mad at Peggy and Christine for making me tell her because I thought that she was happier not knowing.

But then I thought that it was probably best to have told her because if she was upset now she would have been really mad if she had found out from someone else.

I was just taking off my flight gear when Peggy came in and I told her while she was getting dressed about how our conversation had gone and she told me that I was better off having told her and then she said that if Meghan really liked me she would forgive me but maybe it would take her a little bit of time and I hoped that was true. Even if we couldn't sleep together or take showers together anymore I still liked her.

Then when I was in the shower I decided that either this would destroy our relationship or else it would grow back stronger than it had been before, and I really hoped it would be stronger.

The nurse was waiting outside our room when I got out of the shower and I'd kind of forgotten that she was coming over to examine me again. I told her that I felt pretty good today; I was still a bit stuffy but not too much and I didn't have a fever any more. I was sort of grooming myself while she talked and I tugged out a couple more loose feathers and she wanted to look at one so I gave her the biggest one. She was a little worried that maybe I was losing them because I was sick, so I told her that I was just moulting and that had started right about the same time as I hit my first estrus and it would be over by the time the next one was done although there would probably be a few stragglers that came out late just to prove me wrong.

I went to breakfast after she was done and I was a bit later than usual and maybe a bit grumpy because of how things had gone last night but everyone was so happy and cheerful that helped to make me in a good mood at least until breakfast was over.

Then I got sort of gloomy again in math class and didn't pay as much attention as I ought to have and when class was over and I realized that I didn't have any idea what we'd learned I felt really bad.

So I told myself that I needed to focus in Anthropology and I sort of did, but it didn't help that she was talking about sex which made me think about Aric especially since I was back in estrus and I hadn't gotten any since Sunday. And this weekend I wasn't gonna, either, since we were supposed to leave for Madison tonight, after Aquamarine got here.

Well I was going to be restless and antsy the whole time I was there I was sure so when class was over I stuck my notebook in my saddlebags and went right over to Aric's house in the hopes that he was there and he was out in the driveway working on Winston. He had the hood open but he was on his back on the floor in front of the seat and so I flew in and sat on the seat and asked him what he was doing and he said that he was putting in a new CB radio which was like my airplane radio but talked to trucks instead.

I asked if I could help and he said that he didn't think hooves would be very good at wiring, and I said he was probably right. Then he wanted to know why I had come over so early and I told him that I was going to Madison after dinner tonight to see a play and I missed him because I hadn't seen him since Sunday and he said that he missed me too and reached up and ran his hand along my hind leg and asked what time it was and I said that I didn't know exactly but I knew what time I had left class, and he said that maybe he would wait to finish the wiring until later because the radio wasn't going to go anywhere.

So he slid out from under the dashboard and closed the door and the hood and we went up to his bedroom and spent more time than I had planned to, so I didn't get to eat dinner at all but that was all right. Probably if I asked nicely I could get Mister Salvatore to stop at Taco Bell.

I got back to my dorm room before Aquamarine arrived, but not by too much. I had just finished packing my saddlebags—which I should have done sooner—when she and Mister Barrow and Miss Parker all arrived together and Peggy was really excited to meet Aquamarine.

We all went down to the lounge to wait for Mister Salvatore and Miss Cherilyn, 'cause it was pretty crowded with all of us together in the room.

Aquamarine was really happy to see Peggy again and they both got to talking right away. And Miss Parker said that she'd heard that I'd been sick and I told her I was better now; the nurse had said so.

It wasn't too long after that that Mister Barrow's pocket telephone rang and he looked at it and said that Mister Salvatore and Miss Cherilyn were ready for us, and we all walked down to the back parking lot where their van was right by the door and got inside and Miss Parker told us to have a good trip and to say hi to Gusty and Cayenne and we promised we would, and then she closed the sliding door and we started off on our trip.

It had been a lot nicer to go by train because it was roomier and we could walk around but Sienna was nice enough.

We stopped at every rest area so that we could stretch our legs, and I also got them to drive through a Taco Bell so I could have dinner. And when we were in Michigan it was nice and scenic along the highway but once we got to Indiana it started to get more built-up, and even though we weren't taking the same path as the train had I was pretty sure that I would see mostly the same things, and I was right.

Off in the distance we could see the Chicago skyscratchers and they were all lighted up for the night and very pretty. But I didn't like the road so much; we had to keep on stopping to give money to the road guards so that we could keep on traveling and there were so many cars that it was dizzying trying to keep track of them all. I don't know how Mister Salvatore could do it; he even was able to talk to us while maneuvering among them all.

It took a couple of hours until we were all the way out of it and back into the countryside, which was now very dark and pretty soon it was hard to stay awake so I stretched out on the seat and fell asleep until I felt Sienna's motion start to change, and I saw we were in a city again and it was Madison.

We were going to have to stay in a hotel because Gusty's dorm room wasn't big enough for all of us, and Mister Salvatore got two rooms—one for us ponies and one for him and Miss Cherilyn and I said that it would be cheaper if we shared; we were only going to use one bed and they could have the other.

Miss Cherilyn said that there were rules about fraternization and I didn't know what that was but guessed it was another dumb human rule about sleeping with people.

Our two rooms were right next to each other and there was even a door between them that we could use if we wanted to and Mister Salvatore told us if we needed anything to just knock on that door or call their room but right now he was tired from all the driving and wanted to go to sleep, and me and Aquamarine were pretty tired, too, so we snuggled up together in bed.

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