• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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November 12 [Catching a fish]

November 12

I had a sore head and dry mouth when I woke up, and I was too hot and I thought my bladder was gonna burst, so I untangled myself from Aric and Meghan and the sheets as quick as I could and went down the hall to the bathroom, and I thought I might wind up peeing forever, and wondered if you could pee so much that the toilet overflowed. I hoped not.

Then I had a drink of water out of the bathtub faucet, 'cause I couldn't get my muzzle under the one in the sink and there weren't any cups. Humans can make a cup out of their hands, but that didn't work with hooves at all.

While I was drinking, I heard Meghan in the hall and she came in and sat down on the toilet and rested her head on her hands and muttered that she probably should have quit two beers earlier last night. And I told her that I felt the same way, and we both agreed that the next time we'd be smarter and remember to drink some water, too, so that way we wouldn't be dried out.

She got up and opened the mirror and there was a secret cabinet behind it that had a bunch of bottles of pills and tubes and hair ties and other little boxes in it, and she found one that was full of aspirin. She looked at it and said that it had expired a year ago but she was going to risk it, and she asked me if I wanted any.

I thought it was probably smarter to not take a chance, and I thought the water would make me feel better anyway, so I shook my head and had one last drink of water.

When Meghan opened the door, Aric was waiting outside, and me and Meghan went back to the bedroom while he was peeing.

Meghan said that she was cold and I was still a little bit too hot, so I stayed by the edge of the bed and let her have the middle spot. And when Aric came back, he got in by the wall and put his arms around Meghan to hold her close to him.

And then all three of us fell back asleep, and then when we woke up again, we snuggled for a little bit and then we had sex.

All three of us took a shower together, even though his bathtub was a little bit too small for it. He had some decent shampoo and conditioner now, and I asked if he'd bought it special for us, and he said that Meghan had brought it over one time that she had her duffel bag and had just left it for when we needed it next. And I thought that was really nice of her to think of.

Meghan was feeling pretty bold, 'cause after we were done showering she walked back to his room without putting on any clothes or even wrapping a towel around herself.

They took their time getting dressed, and then Meghan sat on the bed with me and preened my wings and she managed to tease that stubborn primary loose, and then the three of us went downstairs and had a little snack, and we didn't want to have too much, 'cause we were all going to have brunch together in the dining hall.

We left a little bit early, 'cause Meghan wanted to put clean clothes on—she hadn't brought any with her to Aric's, since we'd all left together after the football game. And Aric said that we could meet her in the dining hall.

He had to drive around a bit until he finally found a parking spot for Winston that wasn't on too much of a hill, because the parking brake didn't work and he said that Winston would roll away if it was on a hill. I asked him if he was going to fix it, and he said that when he'd replaced the back brakes he'd left the equalizer bar out so even if he put new cables on, it still wouldn't work unless he also rebuilt the rear brakes again.

So by the time we'd gotten Winston parked and walked back to the dining hall, Meghan had gotten dressed, and she'd beat us there.

Since it was a weekend, they still had breakfast even though it was lunchtime, and they had the cook making omelets, and when I sat down I found out that they had had chocolate eclairs, too, but they didn't anymore because they'd all gotten eaten.

They'd had to get an extra table so that we had enough room for Cedric, Leon, Aric, and Aquamarine, and they'd pulled that up along with the rest of them, but it wasn't quite as good as one table, since the extra one they'd gotten had a top that was slightly lower than the rest.

We all took our time eating, and Sean kept getting up to see if there were any more chocolate eclairs, but there never were.

It was nice, too, that it was the first time since the election that we'd all gotten together and nobody was griping about Donald Trump and everyone seemed happy.

Outside, it was another beautiful clear day, so when we were done eating we went outside and sat on the quad and talked some more. Everybody was trying to figure out what they wanted to do for the weekend, 'cause the weather was so nice and even though everyone should have been thinking about how the finals were after next week, it was the kind of day where it's really hard to think about anything other than having fun.

Meghan said that if the weather was going to stay like this than we ought to go horseback riding tomorrow, and I said that that would be fun. I wouldn't mind if it was a little bit colder, even.

Aquamarine had to go back tomorrow morning, though, so she couldn't. And Anna said that instead we could go to Meijer, because they had a mechanical horse called Sandy and it only cost a penny to ride. That wasn't the same as riding a real horse, though, and I thought that it was supposed to be for children anyways, but Anna said anyone that wanted to ride Sandy counted as a child.

Then Peggy said that I'd claimed that I was going to ride Aquamarine but I never had, and we looked at each other and then I got up on her back and she took off across the quad at a slow trot, and it wasn't so easy to stay on her back, 'cause it was a lot smaller than Hoshi's. Plus Aquamarine had short legs and so her gait was shorter, and I had to shift around a lot to keep my balance.

And it seemed like everyone wanted to make a movie of it, so we went around a little bit at the same pace and then when we were both used to how it felt, Aquamarine picked up the pace a little bit to a fast trot and then she switched to a canter. And then when we came around by the sidewalk again, she went to a gallop, and I almost lost my balance and really had to work my wings to steady myself.

Once we got done showing off, I flew up and off her back and then the two of us just collapsed on the grass and started giggling like a couple of schoolfillies.

Then Cedric had to prove that he was strong enough to carry Leon, and the two of them went tearing off across the quad together. And Aric said that since we were doing piggyback rides, he'd give one to Meghan, but she said that she didn't want to right after she'd eaten.

Cedric wanted to show Aquamarine around town, and Aric said that me and Meghan could visit Fort Custer again. Although it wasn't 'again' for Meghan, 'cause she'd never been there before.

I wanted to go get my flight gear in case I wanted to fly some while I was out there and Meghan wanted to get a sweatshirt in case she got cold, so Aric said that he'd go get Winston and then meet us in the parking lot of Trowbridge. And before everyone went off, we agreed that we'd meet again for dinner at six.

I walked with Peggy and Meghan back to our dorm, and then when we got up to my room Peggy opened the door, and I could smell a familiar scent in the room, and I was about to ask Peggy if her boy spent the night but it wasn't his scent; it was one that I knew better but I couldn't quite remember who it belonged to. So then I didn't say anything but Peggy noticed how I had my nostrils wide and my ears perked, and she said it was my fault because I'd been the one who suggested she sit on his lap.

So I guess that's why they were both in a cheery mood this morning.

I got my flight gear and filled up my camelback, and then went out to the parking lot. Meghan had beaten me there and when I got to Winston, she opened the door and got out so I could sit in the middle.

While we were on the way to Fort Custer, Meghan used her portable telephone to look at the weather prediction and then she called Deanne to find out if we could ride the horses tomorrow, and Deanne said that we could. And then Aric told Meghan to find out if we could ride them at Fort Custer, and she did, and then she told Aric that Deanne had said that it would cost extra but I thought it was worth it. Maybe that mean lady would be out on the trail again and this time she wouldn’t be able to say anything because I would be on an Earth-horse.

So we decided that that was what we were going to do tomorrow. And Aric said that maybe we should go somewhere else today, just so that we didn’t get bored of the same place two days in a row, but I thought that there was a lot of Fort Custer and we hadn’t seen all of it, so seeing it two days in a row was okay.

And then I told him that when we were riding the horses we probably shouldn’t sneak off into the woods like last time.

Aric drove us around past the antenna farm and then he asked if we wanted to go hiking through the woods or just relax by one of the lakes or in a picnic area, and I thought that either would be okay, so I said that Meghan could decide. And she said that we should walk around first and then we could relax, so we took a trail that went around the lakes at the south end of the park, which was close to the horse trail.

And there was an intersection and we could choose if we wanted to go around the second lake or if we just wanted to go around the first one we’d started going around, and since it was a nice day we decided that we’d go around both.

We were almost all the way back when we came to where the path crossed the outlet of Jackson Hole Lake, and I went to the very edge and looked in the water and I saw a fish swim by and I decided that I wanted to catch one since we were here.

The lake was really murky and had lots of seaweed and cattails and lily pads growing, so when I flew over it low I couldn’t really see much of anything and I’d have to have a fish practically jump up at me before I’d be able to catch it. But the first lake we’d gone around, which was Whitford Lake, was a lot clearer and so I flew off that way.

I was circling around hoping to spot one that was shallow enough that I had a chance to get it, and I got lucky—there was a T-shaped dock that stuck out into the water and there were a lot of fish swimming around it, and I was sure that I’d catch one of them, especially since they were right up at the surface and sometimes even coming above it.

So I dove down and I was really out of practice and the fish were strong and slippery, but I got one by the tail and he was flopping around and struggling and I wasn’t sure that I could keep hold of him for very long ‘cause ponies don’t have good gripping talons like hawky birds, so I tossed him ashore ‘cause he couldn’t get away when he was on land.

And he was bigger than I’d thought. Aric came running over with Meghan following him, and I put my hoof on his tail so that he couldn’t flop too far away.

A bunch more people started to come over, too, ‘cause they’d seen me catch my fish, and I was really proud of myself for having caught him, but I actually wasn’t very hungry ‘cause it hadn’t been that long since we ate breakfast, so after Aric and Meghan got to admire him, I took my hoof off his tail and Aric picked him up and carried him back to the water and threw him back in.

Aric said that he hadn’t believed me when I told him that I could catch fish, but I guess that he did, now.

While we were walking the rest of the way around the path, Meghan asked me if that was how we caught fish in Equestria, and I said that most ponies just bought them from fish markets but it was still good to know that you could if you had to. And I said that it was a lot easier to catch smaller fish in streams, ‘cause if the water was shallow enough you could just stomp on them, and then eat them.

I’d also learned from a fisherpony in Chonamare that if you were going to have to live near a stream for a while, there were lots of ways you could trap the fish and then let them stay in the water where they’d be easy to catch until you were hungry.

It had taken us a bit longer to walk around the trail than we’d thought, especially since I’d gone fishing, and we didn’t have enough time to walk any more trails, so we went back by Lawler Lake and walked through the trees until we were close enough that the ground was getting squishy, and we sat on a log there and just looked over the lake. And after we’d watched for a while, Aric saw a cormorant diving down towards the lake and he came up with a fish, and he was much better at catching them than I was.

When we were driving back, Meghan asked me what I would have done with the fish if I had been hungry, and I said that I would eat the good parts and then leave the rest for other scavengers, who would be happy for the meal. And she said that fish were supposed to be cooked, but there were sushi restaurants that sold raw fish, so I couldn’t see what the difference was.

We paced a freight train on our way back to Kalamazoo— we had to wait for the very tail end to pass before we could turn on the 96 Road, and then we’d caught up to the front but weren’t far enough ahead by the time we had to cross the tracks again, so we had to wait for the whole train to go by again before we could go through Galesburg, and we got caught up a second time but then had to wait where the road crossed the tracks near Comstock, and it was slowing down then, so we caught up to the front one more time before we got downtown, and beat it under the bridge, but then we had to wait at a traffic light over the Kalamazoo River, and I saw the train coming onto the river bridge before we got moving again.

This time when Aric didn't see any spots that were open right away, he parked in the theatre parking lot, even though he wasn't supposed to. He said that campus security saw the truck there so often they probably wouldn't give him a ticket.

When we got to the dining hall, we found out that they had moved the extra table away so we had to move it back, and then everyone sat down and it was really nice to have Cedric and Leon at the table with us but I thought that Trevor might be lonely, and so I got up and went over to their table. He was reading a book of haikus and I didn't know what those were, so he explained how it was a type of poetry that had a very specific meter, and they were all really short. And he told me that before people had Twitter they had haikus, and then he closed his book and got his tray of food and followed me over to our table.

Sean was trying to convince everyone to watch the Star Trek movie with him tonight, and I said that I would and Aquamarine was interested in it, too, and then Aric said that maybe before we watched the movie we could watch real stars instead, because it was not very far out of town where you were clear of a lot of the lights and could see a lot, and everyone wanted to do that.

There wasn't enough seats for all of us to fit in Winston and Cobalt, unless Anna and Reese and Trevor stayed behind, but then I thought that if me and Aquamarine rode in the back of Winston and maybe someone else who wouldn't mind if it was a little cold, we'd probably all fit. And Cedric said that he could ride in the back, too.

It was already getting dark by the time we got out of the dining hall, and Aric told Peggy where Winston was parked, and me and Aquamarine and Cedric and Anna and Reese walked to Winston, while everyone else went to Cobalt with Peggy.

Cedric helped Aquamarine up onto the tailgate, even though she could have made it on her own with a little bit of a running start, and I just flew in.

And I told Cedric and Aquamarine about what I'd learned from riding in a railroad car and I thought the principle would be the same in the back of Winston.

Then me and her stood with our forelegs on the side rail of Winston, until Peggy arrived with Cobalt, and then we moved to the front so that any sudden stops wouldn't send us flying, and Aric drove out of the parking lot with Peggy following.

And it was a little bit disorienting to be looking at where we'd been rather than where we were going, and if I didn't know Kalamazoo really well, I think I would have gotten lost.

I thought maybe we'd go to a park like the Nature Center, but instead he drove northwest out of Kalamazoo until we got to a spot that was between two big fields and just stopped on the side of the road, and we all got out and walked into the field and looked up at the stars.

I pointed out all the constellations and stars that I'd learned last Thursday, and Aquamarine thought it was unfair that there was a pegasus but not an earth pony constellation. And Sean said that wasn't true, that there was one called Equuleus which was right by Pegasus, and he pointed it out to us, and it was very faint. And he said that there was one for unicorns, too, which was called Monoceros, and he showed us where it was, too.

Sean actually knew a lot about the stars, and he was happy to help people find things in the sky. And some of my friends who had always lived in cities were really amazed by how many stars they could see this close to Kalamazoo.

We stayed out there until people started to get chilly, and then we all got back in Winston and Cobalt.

On the way back, Aric went through the drive-through at Tim Horton's, and it was really funny when the woman at the window passed the coffee cups into Winston and Aric passed them right out the back window for us. And she must not have seen that we were there at first, 'cause she looked really surprised when he pulled ahead and I waved at her.

Aric parked Winston up at the theatre again and we all walked down the hill to Christine's dorm. Aquamarine was really impressed by the size of her room, because she'd never seen one like that at Michigan State.

It was a bit crowded with all of us, though, and a bunch of us had to sit on the floor, either leaning up against the couch or stretched out on the floor.

The movie was a little strange, since it was also set before most of the other ones I'd seen, so when Captain Kirk said that he was going to quit and let Spock be captain, I already knew that he wouldn't, because he'd been captain in the past movies, which were in the future. And then Krall broke the Enterprise with his swarm of little spaceships, and they had to find a way to get off the planet without their ship and they had to rescue their crew, too. And both me and Aquamarine saw South Pole who was one of the crew members who had been captured and we thought that they should have given him a bigger role. Leon said that he was the token pony, and he was kind of out of place because most of their aliens looked a lot like humans.

And in the end the crew of the Enterprise won, although they were on the Franklin now, and Kirk decided to stay as Captain after they built him a new spaceship, and Spock started dating Uhura again, so it kind of ended where it had started.

I thought it was pretty good, and Aquamarine liked it, too. And I was glad that I got to watch it.

Christine told me that there was another Star Wars movie coming out near Christmas, and she said that no matter where I was, I had to promise her to watch it, and I said that I would try. She told me that she would haunt me forever if I didn't and Sean told her that she wasn't a ghost so she couldn't haunt me, and she said that she'd find a way.

The three of us walked back to the theatre parking lot and got in Winston, and we had to wait a little bit for it to warm up, ‘cause the temperature had dropped and made all the windows foggy. And while we were waiting for the windows to clear, Aric said that we could stop at Tiffany’s and get some beer, but me and Meghan both thought that we’d had too much last night and maybe tonight we’d skip having anything to drink.

When he got to the end of Academy Street, Aric asked me if I wanted to drive, and I said that I would, which kind of disappointed Meghan, ‘cause she’d had her hand under my tail. So I nuzzled Meghan and then sat on his lap and put my hooves on the wheel and he ran the pedals while I used the shifter and steering wheel, and I got us into the driveway without running into anything.

We went inside the side door, and when I went up the stairs to the kitchen, Meghan got her hand on my rump again and I slowed down a little bit to make it easier for her.

The nice thing about not wearing clothes was that I didn’t have to get undressed, and as soon as I got in bed, Meghan pounced on me, and Aric was kind of left out until he got his pants off, and I slid over a little bit on the bed so that I could reach him.

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