• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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December 18 [Hollywood Studios]

December 18

I wasn't the first one awake in the morning. Gusty was already up, and she'd already taken a shower and brushed her coat and was brushing her mane when I got out of bed. She had a towel draped over her since she wasn't wearing any clothes yet. And Miss Russi had gotten up, too, but Miss Parker was still asleep in the bed they'd shared.

She said that she was going to order us some coffee and then take a shower unless I wanted to go first and I thought I'd wait until after she had, 'cause since she'd got up first it ought to be her turn.

As soon as Gusty was groomed she opened up one of her bags and got out her clothes and she retreated back into the little room by the bathroom to put her clothes on and she asked me to guard the entrance for her. And while she was getting dressed I asked her if she was going to keep on wearing clothes when she was back in Equestria and she said that she thought she would, at least at first, because it was going to be really strange to go around naked.

And that seemed really weird to me. I was going to be happy to not have to wear my flight gear, wasn't I? Or would I feel like I needed it when I went flying? I hadn't even planned to take most of it back with me, but now I was thinking that maybe I should.

Our coffee arrived before Miss Russi got out of the shower, and Gusty brought it in and set it on the little tables for us and then took a cup and sat in the armchair that was by the window and looked out over the park.

Aquamarine and Miss Parker got up at about the same time and we let Miss Parker take the next shower while we woke up Cayenne. She hadn't gone to bed any later than the rest of us and she hadn't had anything to drink either unless she'd woke up in the middle of the night and gotten a bottle out of her bag, which I suppose was possible, but she was still sleeping like a log until Gusty levitated a cup of coffee in front of her muzzle and that persuaded her to open her eyes. And for a moment there were two fields around the cup and then Cayenne took it and sort of sat up in bed and took a sip of the coffee.

We got breakfast at Chef Mickey's, which was a buffet so we got to pick whatever we wanted to eat. And we had to keep reminding Gusty to eat, 'cause Mickey was walking around to the different tables and greeting people and she kept watching him instead of paying attention to her food and we had to tell her a couple of times that he was going to come over and see us and so she'd eat a bite or two and then look around to see where he was now, and a couple of times she didn't even get the food to her mouth before she got distracted 'cause she'd seen him move out of the corner of her eye and so she just left her fork hanging in the air with a little bit of food on it. And Cayenne decided to teach her a lesson and got some jalapenos from the buffet and when Gusty was distracted put them on her fork, and she didn't notice that they were there until she was chewing her food, and then she had to drink a whole glass of water but after that she paid a little bit better attention to eating.

Mickey did come over and greet us and he was really happy to see ponies in his restaurant. Gusty hugged him and then she used her portable telephone to take a selfie with him and then we all posed with him for another selfie and gave him hoof-bumps, and she got out a little autograph book she had and asked him to sign it.

I wasn't fooled by him; he wasn't a real mouse but a person wearing a costume. And Gusty must have known that, too, but she was still really excited that she'd seen Mickey.

When we were done eating, we got in the Suburban and Jeep so that we could go to the Hollywood Studios, and on our way Mister Salvatore told us that they were going to try launching the rocket again today and if we wanted to go look we could see it.

Well, I knew that Gusty wasn't going to want to, but I did. And Aquamarine asked if it was okay if she stayed at the park and he said that that was fine. That was why most of the helpers were here, in case we all wanted to do something different.

I said that I wasn't gonna be mad if she preferred the park—yesterday had been lots of fun and I was sure that there were going to be all kinds of fun things to do here and I kind of didn't want to miss any of it, but then I didn't think I'd ever have a chance to see a rocket getting launched if I didn't take this opportunity. So Aquamarine nuzzled me and said that she'd stay at the park with everyone else.

It was overcast and I'd thought that maybe the weather had been bad before and that was why they didn't launch but it looked worse today than it did then. And I guess that once the rocket got above the clouds it didn't matter what the weather was like, and it was going to go outside the atmosphere anyways where there wouldn't be any weather at all.

We parked in about the middle of the parking lot, 'cause the front part had filled up already. And then we walked in and had to use our magic bands to get into the park and there was an attendant there who was looking at a big portable telephone as we went in and he made sure that our bands matched our cutie marks. He was a little upset that he couldn’t see Gusty's 'cause of her skirt, but Mister Wayne said that she was legit and showed the man his wallet and so he nodded and let us continue on.

The first thing that we went to was the Jedi training, which was from Star Wars and that was really exciting. We had to wait in line before we could go in and there were a couple of Stormtroopers who were patrolling the line and asking people questions and they made some people get out of line and talked to them before they could go back in line. And when they got to us one of them crouched down and asked Cayenne if she'd seen any droids and she said that she hadn't and I told her that she should have said that we weren't the droids that they were looking for. I guess she hadn't seen Star Wars, so she didn't know that.

I wonder if Christine has been here? It's not too far from New Orleans. I bet she has, 'cause it seemed like the kind of place she'd like to visit.

When we were inside we got trained in how to use lightsabers and they even had ones that were hoof-friendly for us to use. Gusty and Cayenne got to choose which kind they wanted, since they could also hold the human ones in their auras.

If they had a longer handle like a glaive I thought I could use a normal one but the handle was too short. And we could touch the light part because they were fake, but if they had been real light sabers we wouldn't have been able to.

It was a good thing that we'd gotten to train some, 'cause Darth Vader came in and we chased him off before he could do anything bad.

Then we got to go to the great movie ride, and there were a bunch of costumes on display in the waiting area and a rope maze that we had to go through to get to it. We could all fit under the ropes but that was cheating. And they had some movies playing on a big screen so we could watch them while we were walking along.

We had to wait in a short line and then we got into a little car that was going to take us on the ride, and we had a tour guide who was named Rima. She got to stand up but we all had to sit down.

She was really enthusiastic, and she told us what the movies were about as we went through their scenes, which had people acting them out. Gusty said that they were actually robots, but they looked real to me.

We had to wait for a red light and then a bad man in a suit told Rima to get out of our wagon and she wasn't supposed to but she did and then he stole ours and said that he was going to hurt us if we weren't good but he was really a new tour guide and he took us to see John Wayne, who was riding a fake horse.

And we got in the middle of another gunfight, and then went into a spaceship with Sigourney Weaver, and there were lots of alarms going off and we got chased by an alien into a temple full of snakes that looked like something out of a Daring Do novel. And our ride thief got out of the car and tried to steal the temple's jewel and Rima outsmarted him and got our car back.

We went into a little jungle and Tarzan went swinging by, then we saw an airplane and Humphrey Bogart and then it was dark for a little bit and we got to see Mickey Mouse who was making water come up, and that was from the movie Fantasia.

Then we went to Oz and there were lots of funny people called Munchkins singing about him, and a witch came out and said that Rima had killed her sister, but she really hadn't, and the witch let us go on and see Dorothy and her friends, and then our little wagon came back to the entrance, and Rima thanked us for going on the tour with her.

Then we went to see Muppet Vision. I didn't know what Muppets were but there were pictures of them all around and it, and Gusty said it was made up to look like an old-fashioned production studio, which was where they made movies.

We went into a room that was full of props and there were televisions all over showing different things which were part of the production, and a big box that belonged to Sam the Eagle, and we got to look around there until it was time to go into the theatre and see the actual show.

We had to wear special glasses that let us see in 3D (which I thought was odd because I saw in 3D all the time but maybe humans didn't). And they had special ones for us ponies to wear that fit comfortably unlike the earmuffs we'd had to wear on the airboat.

Kermit the Frog showed us around their 3D studio in the movie, and it was strange because sometimes things seemed to pop out of the screen and made us jerk back, and Fonzie got in a fight with two grumpy muppets who were up in the balcony. And he threw some water at them and I got splashed with a little bit of it, which I wasn't expecting.

The show was a little bit confusing because it didn't seem like they really knew what they were doing but I think that must have been intentional. It was pretty chaotic though and I thought that maybe the Muppets shouldn't make movies, especially after someone blew up the screen with a cannon and there were actual muppets who had gotten out of it walking around in the theatre.

We had to give our glasses back so that the next ponies could use them, and everyone went off to the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular except for me and Mister Salvatore, 'cause we were going to see a rocket launch instead.

The weather had cleared up a lot and there were only scattered clouds, so we'd be able to see the rocket on its journey into space. And I bet the rocket pilots had been hoping for that.

I helped him fold the top down on the Jeep and then I got to ride in the front and we left the park and drove back to the coast. We stopped on the way to get some food to eat, and he let me stop at Taco Bell 'cause the Jeep didn't have a top so it was okay if the burritos gave me gas.

We went all the way back to the Kennedy Space Center, and then got to take the bus to a place where we could watch the launch. It was still pretty far away and so I couldn't see too much, but Mister Salvatore had gotten two pairs of binoculars that we could watch through.

I could see some big towers with white tops and behind that was the rocket, and it just sat there not doing anything. There was someone who had a radio that could listen to their communications, though, and everyone got quiet and focused on the rocket when they started the countdown to launch. And then a whole bunch of smoke came up around it and the ground started shaking and I thought something had gone wrong, but then the rocket started climbing and it took off into the sky a lot faster than I thought it would be able to. And it curved off which seemed silly to me—they'd get to space faster if they went straight—but I was sure that they knew what they were doing.

We watched it until its trail disappeared on the horizon, and then when we got back to the Space Center, they told us that it had successfully gotten into orbit and was unloading its satellite, and they had movies that they showed us which were taken from a lot closer to it. There was even a camera on the rocket that looked back, and so we could the whole liftoff from that view, and even when it dropped its boosters behind it and then the first stage, and that was really neat to see.

You could see a lot more in the movie, but it wasn't the same as seeing it with my own eyes and I was really glad that I'd decided to come.

Mister Salvatore had left the top on the Jeep folded down because it was nice, so we just got right back in and went back to Orlando, and I kept looking back 'cause you could still see the rocket trail up in the air. I was kind of curious what it was like, if it was a cloud or if it was something else, but I was sure that I wouldn’t be allowed to fly out there and play with it so I didn't ask.

When we got back to Hollywood Studios, we had to park in the very back 'cause the parking lots were full. Mister Salvatore said that we could drive around some and maybe find a closer spot but I thought that it would be just as fast to walk back to the entrance from here. And I helped him put the top back up before we went into the park, just in case it rained. Mister Salvatore said that back in the old days, Jeeps had insides that could get wet, like a boat, so you never had to put the top up if you didn't want to. And he said that the first Jeeps didn't even have tops at all. They were designed for soldiers, who just rode around in the open.

He used his portable telephone to call Miss Cherilyn and find out where everyone was, and we met up at the Voyage of the Little Mermaid, which they had skipped so that I could see it with them, 'cause it was about the ocean and they thought I'd like it. So we went inside and got seats and it started out with a ship coming and mermaids swimming around, and then a weird red crab started singing, and he had some other fish-friends who sang with him.

And then a real mermaid came out (sort of real, 'cause I figured out that her fish-tail was fake) and she didn’t know what you were supposed to use utensils for, and she sang about wanting to be where people were. And there were some bad morays who told a big octopus-woman what she wanted and she offered the mermaid legs in exchange for her voice.

None of us thought that we'd want to give up anything to become another kind of pony, 'cause we were all happy with what we were. Sometimes I wished that I could use casting magic, and Aquamarine said that there were times when she wished she could fly off into the sky but not enough to sacrifice part of her.

In the end, though, her father turned her into a human 'cause that was what she really wanted, and she went off with her man.

I wasn't sure what I thought about it. Maybe next time I saw a seapony I'd ask her if she'd rather have four hooves so she could walk on land. I bet that they liked it in the ocean, though.

Gusty told me that while I was gone they'd seen the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular and she'd gotten picked to be on stage which was really fun, and it was just like being in a Daring Do book but it was real. And Cayenne had taken a movie of it which she said that we could watch tonight once we were back at the hotel, 'cause there was still a lot of stuff to see here. And they'd gone on a roller coaster ride with Aerosmith, which was a band, and had lunch at a restaurant called Hollywood and Vine.

Cayenne said that we should go to the Tower of Terror and I wasn't so sure, 'cause the building didn't look very safe, but it had been made that way on purpose, so it was okay. And there was a fancy bellhop that let us in and then then we saw a little movie where a man told us that we were going into the Twilight Zone, and it told us about how the hotel got hit by lightning and we had to experience it ourselves, so we walked through a bunch of rooms that were kind of creepy and rundown and looked like they'd been abandoned.

Then when it was our turn, we crowded on the freight elevator—which I didn't like too much—and we had to wear special harnesses that attached to the seat belts and I didn't like that too much either, 'cause they pinned my wings down. Our attendants helped us get settled and then the doors closed and we started going up the shaft.

It was a little bit nicer than a normal elevator, 'cause you could see the walls moving as it went up, and then we saw a hallway and there were people in it who got hit by lightning and then disappeared and the lights went out and then when they came back on we went around a dark room that was filled with sparks of electricity and stars and then we were in the dark for a bit and then the elevator went up and it plunged back down again and lots of people were shrieking and I was, too, 'cause I couldn't get my wings out and fly to safety.

I was a little shaky when I got off of it and I think I might have pulled a wing muscle trying to fly. So after we got out of our harnesses I stretched out my wings and my left wing was a little bit stiff but still worked.

On our way to the next ride which was called Star Tours, we met some ponies who were just visiting Earth. They were crystal ponies, named Golden Wheat and Arctic Lily, and they'd both decided to spend a week here. She said that they were part of a tour group that took them from the portal to Walt Disney World, but when they were here they could go around and do whatever they wanted to.

Golden Wheat said that everypony had kind of stuck together the first couple of days but after they'd gotten used to all the people they'd decided to split up some and do what they thought was the most fun. And we all agreed that it was good to stick together but sometimes it was also fun to be on your own.

They hadn't been on the Star Tour yet, so we invited them to join us.

On our way in, we saw C-3P0 looking over the crowd as they came in, and there was a little robot who was trying to get someone to claim some underwear. And there were lots of signs on the wall telling us about the spaceship that we were about to get into and there was a line so we had plenty of time to look at it.

When we got to the front, we had to take on 3D glasses again, and then we all got into the spaceship together, and we got instructions from a robot who told us how to put on the seat belts and these had special fittings for ponies and separate instructions. And we found out that C-3P0 was our pilot even though he didn't know how to fly and Darth Vader tried to get us but we made it out of the launch bay before he could and then went into hyperspace and wound up on the Wookie planet and hit a Wookie but he was okay.

Yoda told us that we'd joined the Rebel alliance and there was a lot of cheering at that. And then we had to fight our way through an asteroid belt and flew through a space station and got chased by a bounty hunter and landed on a rebel ship and everyone said that we were heroes even though we hadn't really done anything.

We were all pretty hungry 'cause it was dinnertime, so we went to the Backlot Express and had sandwiches. Gusty wanted the peanut butter sandwich even though it was on the kid's menu, and they let her have it. And me and Cayenne each got a Sea Dog Sunfish Ale with our Caprese sandwiches. And we didn't have to use our money cards, 'cause our magic bracelets let us get food.

All of us went together to the Toy Story Midway Mania, and everything there was really big so it made us feel small. Gusty said that was because toys were small, so everything else looked big to them. And there was a talking potato who talked to us as we waited in line, and then we got in little cars that sat two abreast on both sides and we had little cannons that we were supposed to shoot at targets as we moved around and we got points for the more that we hit, and our ride attendant gave us little hooks that we could put on a forehoof so that we could use it, and that was really fun. I was riding with Arctic Lily and she'd trained a lot in archery, so she had really good hoof and eye coordination and after she figured out how to work the cannon she was very accurate. I wasn't so good at it, 'cause it wasn't something I'd practiced very much. I was a lot better at dropping things where I wanted to but that didn't help much on the ride.

We got our scores when we came back out and we'd done the best out of all the pony teams. Cayenne and Gusty had been second-best, 'cause they'd both used their magic to aim, but I guess Gusty wasn't very accurate—she was worse than even me.

Then we wanted to go see Beauty and the Beast, and Arctic Lily and Golden Wheat had already seen it, and they said that they were going to ride the movie ride so we all nuzzled and said that we hoped we'd meet up again.

It was a musical which was really nice and we saw how a Prince had been cursed 'cause he was selfish and thought too much of himself, and I heard Cayenne mutter that that sounded like Prince Blueblood. And then later Belle found herself in his castle, where a lot of the furniture was alive because of the curse, and Gaston who wanted Belle for himself told the villagers to kill the Beast. And when he was mortally wounded, Belle confessed her love for him and then he turned back into a Prince and then when the show was over, Belle and the Prince came out in the audience and gave a rose to a couple in the middle of the theatre. I thought that that was a much better play than The Little Mermaid, and Gusty must have, too, 'cause she had tears on her cheeks at the end of it even though she also had a really big smile on her face

We'd wanted to see Fantasmic, but it was canceled because of rain, even though it wasn't raining yet. I could feel it in the air, though, and I thought it was gonna get here pretty soon. I was looking forward to it, 'cause it had been a hot day, and I was getting kind of tired out even though it was still pretty early, 'cause the day had been really intense. So we split up, 'cause Gusty wanted to see a little museum about Walt Disney that she said had historical things, and I just wanted to spend some time outside where I could find a little bit of quiet. There wasn't really anyplace for that here, though, so I did the next best thing and there was a little pond and I sat beside that. Miss Cherilyn came with me and she sat with me until it started raining and then she went back to the tables that were by Min and Bill's Dockside Diner.

And the rain cleared everybody out, 'cause at first it came down gentle and then it started downpouring and so people ran off to buildings and stores and that was nice, 'cause for a little bit it was just me by the little pond with the rain and all the water on the sidewalks reflected the Christmas lights that were all over everything and it was very pretty and relaxing, and I held out my wings and let the rain spray off them and cool me down. And when it finally passed I felt reinvigorated, and I shook off most of the water and tucked my wings back in and then went over and sat with Miss Cherilyn. The seat had some water on it, 'cause the umbrella hadn't protected it, but I was wet enough that it didn't matter.

We met back up and went to see Olaf, who was a dancing snowman, and then we went to the Frozen Sing-Along and that was a lot of fun. There were words up where you could see them but most of the people there seemed to know them already, even the ones who weren't very good singers. Mister Wayne said that he'd spotted our crystal pony friends up in the front, but there were too many people for us to get to them.

And when that was over, we went back out to the parking lot and went to the Suburban first and all our helpers but Mister Salvatore got in and us ponies had decided that we'd all ride back in the Jeep. We told Gusty she could sit in the front and the three of us would crowd into the back and he liked that idea.

Cayenne was a little mad that it was parked so far away, but we couldn't help that. And so our helpers had gotten back and changed into their sleeping clothes before we got there, and they were already relaxing in bed. Gusty had to find her sleeping clothes and then she went into the bathroom to get dressed and Cayenne had already fallen asleep by the time she joined us in bed. It had been a really good day.

Author's Note:

And once again, the chapter is up for an hour before I remember to thank ClosetBrony for his invaluable help!

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