• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 3,802 Views, 535 Comments

A Dream of Sunny Days - Roranicus

When Princess Celestia dies, a new ruler must take up the throne, but the princess is not easily replaced. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

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The Moon had risen over Equestria. Princess Luna took a deep, exhausted breath after the ordeal. Most ponies did not realize the effort that went into moving an object the size of Equestria's moon, or its sun for that matter. The princess walked back inside her quarters. She stood in the doorway and looked for an empty cup so she could make herself some cocoa: her own little reward for performing her duty.

Luna took a moment to look around her room. Varied trinkets were lying around on tables and other pieces of furniture — a hoof-made flower pot, a doll missing an eye, an old diary, some letters, even a few thoughtful foal drawings. She smiled as she was reminded of the various ponies whose nightmares she helped vanquish. She eventually picked a cup with a child's drawing of a scooter on it, using it for the warm chocolaty reward.

The princess only took a few sips of her cocoa before impatiently setting the cup on a small table. "I better check on sister," she quietly said to herself with a sigh.

As she left her quarters, Luna found Captain Silvermane, Shining Armor's replacement as captain of the royal guard, waiting for her. The brown-coated mare grunted as she turned her gaze in the princess's direction.

“Good evening, Captain.” the princess offered in a colder tone then she had intended.

Silvermane soberly nodded as they walked toward Celestia's quarters, Luna leading the way.

“How is my sister doing?” the princess asked. For a few months now, Celestia had been gravely ill, forcing Luna to secretly move the sun as well as the moon. Very few ponies were privy to the truth.

“Her condition remains unchanged, although she does seem especially tired from the day's activities.” the unicorn replied, her expression unchanging. “Would it not be wise to call for Princess Twilight, Your Highness? Princess Celestia obviously needs rest, and I trust you would welcome the assistance.”

Luna considered the captain's suggestion for a moment. “I will talk to my sister about this,” the princess firmly answered as she kept walking. “While I would welcome the help, I do not believe it is my decision to make.”

Silvermane only grunted as a response.

The two of them trotted through the castle's large hallways in silence. Luna took a few glances at her companion, taking notice of her watchtower cutie mark. The captain's constant presence around Luna certainly seemed to validate her talent for constant vigilance.

They shortly arrived in Celestia's chambers. It was a scene that was becoming all too familiar to Luna. Celestia's mane was disheveled, seemingly losing its coloration and ethereal aspect. Her crown and the rest of her regalia were left on a nearby table as Councilor Kibitz and Prince Blueblood stood near her lavish bed, deep in discussion.

"Your Highness, I urge you to stop this charade!" Kibitz argued, adjusting his monocle before it could fall off. "You should not hold court tomorrow. Dedicate what energy you have to the griffon ambassador instead!"

"Nonsense!" Blueblood replied, pushing the smaller, balding unicorn with his hoof. "You should show a strong presence for the royal family in court, dear aunt. I will be more than happy to meet with Antoine in your stead."

“Enough!” the Princess of the Night bellowed in the once traditional royal Canterlot voice. Luna quickly lowered the volume of her voice as Celestia winced in pain. “Kibitz, please let me have a moment with my sister. I will meet with you afterwards and see what I can do. You are not, however, to disturb her as she rests. Do I make myself clear?”

Kibitz bowed as he left the room, giving Celestia a quick look of worry.

Blueblood grinned as he bowed. "Thank you, Your Highness. It will be my pleasure to take over some of Celestia's duties as well as your own if you'd like, so you can spend more time with her."

Luna gazed angrily at the prince. “As for you, get out of my sight! My sister is sick and in need of rest, and all you care about is securing more power for yourself. If I ever catch you disturbing my sister again, I will make you forever regret it!” The prince stared blankly at Luna and slowly backed away, a hint of fear in his eyes as he left the room. She might have been a bit hard on him, but his pathetic attempt at taking over Celestia's duties was not something she was in the mood for. Finally, she turned toward Silvermane. “Captain, wait outside. I wish to speak to my sister alone.”

The guard captain bowed and left the room, closing the doors behind her after Blueblood took his exit.

Luna let go of a breath she had not realized she had been holding. “How are you feeling, sister?” she asked, forcing a smile on her trembling lips.

Celestia winced with pain as she replied, “Not so well, I admit. I've been keeping appearances for the sake of our subjects, but I'm not sure how long I can keep it up. Blueblood is now aware of my condition and wants to help, perhaps I should accept his offer...”

Luna's eyebrows locked in a frown. "I know he's your nephew, but I don't trust him. He's vain, opportunistic, and a spoiled brat."

“Don't be so hard on him, or the rest of the nobility for that matter.” Celestia replied with a heavy sigh. “They are the product of Canterlot society, but are still our subjects. I will not be here forever, Luna, and one day you will need to rule these ponies. In order to do that, they need to love you.”

“I'm not sure that's something I can do alone. I... I once wanted this more than anything, but I've accepted now that the masses will never love me. I'm not like you, sister. I reach individual ponies in their dreams, but when it comes to facing the masses, I do not have your gift."

Celestia averted her eyes. "You're right. As much as I love you, Luna, I have no right to ask this much of you. I think it's time for Twilight to come to Canterlot and rule by your side."

"I'm sure it's not necessary," Luna pleaded, "You'll get better soon — you just need a bit more rest, that's all."

The white-coated alicorn coughed before shaking her head. "No, Luna, I may not. I know it's hard, but it's a possibility we both have to face."

Luna stared at her sister with her mouth gaping wide. "It can't be! I've hardly come back from my banishment! I won't let you die, Celestia. There must be something we can do!"

"Yes there is. Bring Twilight here and accept her help. I've been grooming her for this," Celestia replied. She tried getting up from her bed but the effort proved too much. "You will have to go on without me, Luna. I know it won't be easy; I've been in your situation after your banishment, and I know the pain you're about to go through." The princess coughed a few more times as she talked.

Luna took a deep breath but could not keep a few tears from falling. "We will call for her, sister, but not so she can take your place. There is still so much we do not understand about her 'magic of friendship'. Perhaps she can help us find a cure."

Celestia tried to speak but instead started coughing uncontrollably, prompting Luna to immediately rise. The darker alicorn turned toward the door in panic as bright red blood spattered across the white bed sheets.

The Princess of the Sun raised a hoof. “Please,” she weakly said between coughs, “we barely get any moments together, and we still have a lot to talk about.”

Luna took another deep breath in an attempt to compose herself before returning her focus to her weakened older sister. Celestia's eyes were foggy, and her mane was losing its color. “Sister, what is happening to you?” Tears were now streaming down the Princess of the Night's cheeks, and she made no attempt to hide them.

“Do you remember the first thing I told you when we were reunited, back at the Castle of the Pony Sisters?” Celestia weakly asked once her coughing had finally ceased.

Celestia did not wait for a reply. “I told you we were meant to rule together, side by side. There was more truth to that than I had let on. One pony cannot control both the sun and the moon for very long. I'm sure you're starting to feel the sun's toll. I... I was too proud to admit it openly, but I will never be able to move the sun again. A thousand years of carrying all of our kingdom's burden, the magical toll of raising both the sun and the moon... They're too much even for me.”

Luna's heart dropped into her stomach. “I did this to you? Are you saying this is it?”

Celestia slowly nodded. She was about to say something but started coughing more blood.

That was too much for Luna. She immediately rushed to the exit and busted open the large double doors. As she expected, Celestia's previous entourage was still waiting on the other side of the door. “Get Doctor Shimmerheart, now!” she yelled.

Captain Silvermane and Kibitz hurried to wake the undoubtedly sleeping doctor. Blueblood tried going inside the room, but Luna blocked his way, staring at him with daggers in her eyes. To Kibitz’ credit, it did not take him long to return with Doctor Shimmerheart, Silvermane trailing behind them.

Luna started explaining the situation to the small pink-coated earth pony mare, “We were talking when she started coughing blood. She grows extremely weak.”

Shimmerheart nodded as she moved strands of curly purple hair away from her face. She approached the bed. Celestia was struggling to breathe and didn't seem to register anypony's presence. The doctor listened to her breathing and took her heartbeat before speaking up. “I will keep her under observation for the rest of the night. All of you, return to your quarters. Princess Luna, I'm afraid this charade cannot continue. I cannot let Princess Celestia hold court tomorrow in her current condition.” Her tone brooked no arguments.

Luna nodded to the doctor. “Take good care of her.” She then took a deep breath and turned toward Kibitz. “Please have a letter sent to Ponyville tomorrow morning. I mean to have Twilight Sparkle summoned here to assume royal duties.”

While Luna usually spent the night awake and slept during the day, she knew she would have heavy responsibilities waiting for her the following day, so she opted to get some rest. Sleep did not come easily to her. Doctor Shimmerheart had not seemed confident in her tone of voice, and while she would welcome Twilight Sparkle's assistance and company, the young princess was inexperienced and prone to make mistakes.

No, it would have to be Luna who ruled. The Canterlot elite might object, but she wouldn't rule for them. She would do it for the common ponies. After all, how many dreams had she witnessed? The ponies who would welcome her into their dreams allowed her to see their desires, their fears. She would make use of that as ruler of Equestria. She knew these ponies better than anypony else.

Between considering the possibility of ruling and her worries of Celestia's failing health, Luna never managed to get any rest. She stared at the ceiling wide awake until it was time to raise the sun.

She walked outside on her balcony and brought forth the day before leaving to check on her sister. No escort was waiting for her today. In fact, not as many ponies as usual were walking the palace halls. If word had gotten around of Celestia's condition, it might explain how quiet the castle was this morning. Doubtlessly, the guards would have informed the population that the princess would not be holding court.

When Luna arrived at Celestia's chamber, the two guards at the entrance shared a nervous look before letting her pass. The room was filled with ponies, most of them Canterlot nobles. The Princess of the Night cleared her throat loudly, making everypony get out of the way as she walked toward Doctor Shimmerheart. Immediately, she knew something was wrong. Celestia was pale, her eyes were closed, and she lay unmoving.

The doctor had trouble meeting the princess' troubled glare as she spoke in a low voice. “I'm sorry, she passed away peacefully during the night.”

Luna could not hold away the tears, but somehow managed to keep her composure. She wanted more than anything to throw all of these ponies out. Instead, she quietly asked, “Why I was not informed at once?” She surprised even herself with the calmness of her voice.

The Canterlot nobles looked nervously at each others. It was Blueblood who spoke for them. “We had to discuss first, about matters of succession."

Luna gasped in shock. “Discuss it? There is nothing to discuss," she spat. "I understand my duty. And while none of you may keep me from grieving for my sister, I will assume responsibility and summon Princess Twilight Sparkle to rule by my side.”

“Perhaps Princess Twilight may rule, Your Highness, but you will not.” Blueblood firmly replied. “You see, we've all kept an eye on you. We know you've been keeping to yourself, secretly taking over ponies’ minds through their dreams."

Luna stared dumbfounded at the prince. "Taking over? You would dare accuse me of such a crime? I help ponies overcome their nightmares, you ignorant mule!" The princess turned towards the crowd, screaming. "As for all of you, how dare you follow him. This is obviously a plot!"

Silence fell over the room. A few noble ponies shared whispers, some of them shaking at the sight of the enraged alicorn. Doctor Shimmerheart looked down at her hooves as she took a few steps backwards. It was Captain Silvermane who stepped forward. "Evidence has been brought forward against you, Your Highness. The royal guards stand with Prince Blueblood on this."

"Evidence? What kind of evidence?" Luna angrily demanded, releasing a loud, forceful stomp on the floor.

Blueblood locked eyes with the princess as he continued. "You are the only pony who was consistently alone with the princess. It is obvious to all of us that we're now looking at the guilty party. You tried to take over Equestria a thousand years ago, and made another attempt right after your banishment ended. My dear aunt showed you nothing but compassion, regardless of your past crimes, and this is how you repay her?"

Prince Blueblood straightened himself and stared menacingly at Luna. "Princess Luna, in the name of Equestria, I hereby place you under arrest for the murder of Princess Celestia. Captain Silvermane, take this traitor to the dungeon!”