• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 3,802 Views, 535 Comments

A Dream of Sunny Days - Roranicus

When Princess Celestia dies, a new ruler must take up the throne, but the princess is not easily replaced. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

  • ...

XXXIX Rarity

Rarity almost fainted when she saw Canterlot's shield collapse. She stared with her mouth agape as the city crumbled down. First the towers fell, then the entire structure shook from the unchecked storm the Cloudsdale army had unleashed upon the capital. Rarity could only watch helplessly as the large cup holding the city cracked and tumbled down the mountain. Silence fell within the carriage.

Legerity's quick thinking saved their lives. Rarity's bodyguard had the reflex to order the ponies pulling the carriage to stop staring at the disaster and fly away, preventing them from being enveloped in the dust cloud created by the falling city.

Once safely away, the soldiers landed the carriage on a lone cloud. Rarity stared blankly at the falling wreckage. A large amount of snow and dust spread as far as the eye could see. Pegasi flew away in panic. Just how many ponies had died in front of their eyes? What could have caused the city to fall? Was the support structure sabotaged? Did the Cloudsdale army underestimate the strength of their storm?

"Soarin will pay for this," Rainbow quietly said, rage barely contained in her voice.

Tears welled up in Rarity's eyes. "Enough ponies have suffered, Rainbow. No more."

Rainbow grunted loudly. "So, what do we do? They just destroyed Canterlot, Rarity! I was part of that army, and it killed more ponies than I can count."

Octavia's eyes remained fixated on the horrible spectacle. She mumbled something under her breath.

Rarity took a deep breath. She gently massaged her belly before returning her attention to her friend. "We stick to the plan. Nothing's changed. If we don't convince Soarin to put an end to this madness, who knows how many more horrors we'll see? Let's not forget that we still have the griffons to worry about."

"Yeah, alright," Rainbow said. She took off her officer's helmet and stared at it. She'd opted to wear her uniform, and now looked down at it with a scowl of disgust.

"You first put that on to defend Equestria," Rarity gently said.

Rainbow threw the helmet down to the carriage floor. "I don't get it, Rarity. How can you forgive me? How can you forgive them?" She pointed at the destroyed city.

Rarity took another deep breath. "You want to know the truth? I can't afford to linger on hatred right now. Once this is all over, there will have to be a reckoning. Guilty parties will have to be punished, you and I will not be exceptions. For now, we have a job to do. We both sacrificed everything to try and save Equestria. Let us see it through, shall we?"

Octavia slowly returned her attention to the group. "Rarity's right." She spoke in a raspy voice. "We all got swept by ideas of revenge and glory. I blame myself just as much as you do, Rainbow, but there's more work to be done." She placed a gray hoof on Rainbow's shoulder." We both believed in the Cloudsdale army in the past. Let's see if we can return it to its true purpose?" She grabbed the helmet from the floor and handed it to Rainbow.

Rainbow smiled weakly. "You're right. The griffons are the true monsters. Let's teach them a lesson." She nodded at Octavia, accepting the helmet and putting it back on.

Rarity turned to Legerity. "Give the order to the soldiers pulling the carriage, Sergeant. We press on. The mission hasn't changed."

Legerity saluted, hints of a satisfied grin on her muzzle. "As you command, Your Highness."

The mood in the makeshift Cloudsdale camp was as somber as Rarity expected. It had proven surprisingly easy for Rainbow and Octavia to convince their former comrades to let the carriage land. Even after Rarity stepped off, few soldiers reacted. Most kept to themselves, silently staring down at their hooves. They're ashamed, Rarity realized. They didn't expect the city to fall, and they only now realize what they've done.

Soldiers whispered in hushed tones as Rainbow walked by. "I thought she was dead," a stallion said.

"They say she fought off an entire griffon legion in High Roost," another one added.

Rarity eyed Rainbow, who scoffed at the comments. Whatever she had gone through during her captivity, it was clear from her downtrodden expression that Rainbow Dash didn't feel like a hero. Octavia, meanwhile, avoided the soldiers' gaze. She kept whispering to herself, but Rarity couldn't make out the words.

Legerity remained close to her charge. For once, Rarity didn't mind her bodyguard's over-protectiveness. Regardless of circumstances, these were soldiers who hours ago were calling for her head. She had no intention of losing her life, and had her unborn foal to consider as well. Legerity eyed a few soldiers severely, silently warning them that trying anything would not be a good idea.

A mare walked in front of their path and spat onto the cloud surface. "Here's your royal carpet," she mockingly scoffed at Rarity. Three more soldiers guffawed.

"Watch it!" Rainbow barked as she grabbed the mare and pushed her away.

"You should celebrate with us, Commander" a dark blue stallion from the same group shouted as he raised a glass bottle. "We took out their city."

A particularly large unicorn sergeant stormed from outside a nearby tent. "Get back in line, Swifty. None of you should be celebrating."

"Lighten up, Sergeant," the mare said with a grin. "We won! Blueblood is dead."

"That's it!" the large sergeant snapped. "All of you, back to your tents. I'll deal with you all later."

The group moved away, grumbling in discontent as the sergeant stood at attention in front of Rainbow. "Sergeant Sunsparks at your orders, Wing Commander, Lady Octavia. It's an honor to have you both back."

"Thank you, Sergeant," Octavia said with a polite bow.

Rainbow nodded. "Thanks for dealing with your troops, Sergeant. I wouldn't have been as gentle."

"Of course," the sergeant replied. "If I may ask, everypony thought you were dead, and now you return with Canterlot's princess. Are you at liberty to tell me anything?"

"We're here to see Soarin," Rainbow said. "As to why Rarity's here, that's between us and the general for now. Could you arrange for safe passage through the camp?"

"As you command," Sunsparks said. He motioned for a group of soldiers to come forward. "You heard the commander. Escort these ponies to the general's tent."

The air chilled Rarity's bones as she and the rest of her group were lead through the camp. More layers of clouds floated higher in the sky, and snowflakes fell over the installations. The soldiers stayed in groups, most inside their tents, but quite a few were drinking or shivering under blankets outside. Rarity winced as they passed the infirmary. A mare screamed in pain as what passed for a doctor amputated her torn up wing.

Rarity, Legerity, Octavia, and Rainbow were escorted all the way toward a large blue pavilion. A pale gray pegasus stallion with a messy long white mane rushed out toward them. "I... I can't believe it," he blurted out as he stopped in front of Rainbow. "You really did survive."

Rainbow nodded. "I have, Rapidfire." She looked him up and down. "I see they made you a Wing Commander." Her voice remained flat and expressionless.

"Soarin promoted me shortly after the battle of Ponyville," Rapidfire said. "I imagine that if you're here with Canterlot's princess, you want to see him and discuss terms of surrender?"

Rarity scoffed and almost gave this pony a piece of her mind. Luckily, Rainbow spoke first. "After what you lot did to Canterlot, I think we're beyond surrender. Princess Twilight is back, and it's only a matter of time before the griffons attack Ponyville to try and take her out. It's time we put an end to this civil war and unite against them."

"Call it what you want," Rapidfire said. "Still, the griffons are a threat, and we need to deal with them sooner rather than later."

"Which is why we're here," Octavia said as she stepped forward. "Hopefully we can still salvage the situation."

"Indeed," Rarity added. "Now, Commander, if you wouldn't mind escorting us to your superior?"

Rapidfire grunted. "Right, follow me." He nodded at the two soldiers guarding the command tent as he stepped inside.

Rainbow followed close behind, with Octavia, Rarity, and Legerity behind her. The command tent didn't have much in terms of decoration. A makeshift cloud desk was covered in plans and various notes. Apart from a few wooden chairs and a small cupboard in a corner, the only other item was a framed picture of Princess Luna on the desk.

General Soarin's emerald green eyes rose to meet Rarity's. He was holding a glass of liquor in his hoof, and didn't bother to get up. "I suppose you're here to discuss terms?" There was no passion in his voice.

Rainbow stepped forward "Cut the act, Soarin. What the hay did you do?"

"What we planned all along," Soarin said, his voice flat and raspy. "I attacked Canterlot."

"You destroyed Canterlot," Rainbow snapped as she leaned on the desk. "I didn't see much of a victory parade when I walked through your camp."

Soarin sighed. "We couldn't predict what would happen. I had to strike, and I did. Yes, I do regret the outcome, but if I had to make the same choice again, I would."

Octavia motioned to step forward, but Rarity gently blocked her path. "We better let Rainbow handle this her way for now," she whispered.

"You're a disgrace!" Rainbow spat. "How can you possibly justify this?"

Soarin rose and threw his glass in a corner. "Look here, Commander. I'm glad you're still alive, but you didn't see what happened. You went down in the first battle, and didn't see the griffons encroaching themselves in Equestria. You didn't see Princess Luna getting murdered."

Rainbow met Soarin's gaze. "I saw plenty, trust me. You know where I was the whole time? Getting tortured in High Roost. Don't think for a moment I don't know who the enemy is, Soarin." Even through her injuries and pitiful frame, Rainbow stood with the same pride and strength she'd once been known for.

Rarity took a deep breath and stepped forward. She forced herself to remain calm. "General Soarin, what happened to Canterlot was a tragedy. I honestly don't know if I could ever forgive you for what you did, but for now, it doesn't change anything. We need your help."

Soarin walked around his desk. "You need our help?"

"Princess Twilight does, actually," Rarity continued. "She's back, and in Ponyville. No doubt the griffons will come for her. Your own Commander Tinkerboom has already sworn her forces to her cause. We need you to do the same."

"And what about your own forces?" Soarin asked.

Rarity stared straight into Soarin's eyes. "Every single pony has to unite and end this ridiculous war. Do you really think I want the throne? As far as I'm concerned, it was always Twilight's, and I was keeping it warm for her. My husband is dead, so is Princess Luna. Tell me, General Soarin, what are you fighting for?"

Soarin turned around. He produced a new glass from a small cupboard in the back and filled it with brown liquor. "I don't know anymore. I just want to make Princess Luna's killers pay."

Rainbow and Rarity shared a nod. Rainbow limped toward Soarin. "Honestly Soarin, we're the ones who killed Princess Luna. If we hadn't jumped into this frenzy of battles and military glory, it wouldn't have come to this. It got me maimed and tortured, and it turned you into a vengeful warmonger. Hay, it even made Rarity here marry Blueblood, a stallion I know she hated."

Soarin took a sip of his drink and turned to face the two friends again. "So, you two want me to order my troops back to Ponyville? Unite with what remains of the Canterlot army against the griffons?"

"Precisely," Rarity said with a satisfied nod. "Hopefully we can make a show of force and end this without bloodshed."

"Isn't that what we wanted from the start?" Octavia said as she placed a hoof on Soarin's shoulder. She smiled tentatively. "We may finally have a chance to help rebuild Equestria."

"And then Princess Twilight takes the throne," Soarin completed in a raspy voice.

"Yes," Rainbow said. "And we all face the music."

Soarin looked down at his glass, and downed it in one gulp. "I suppose there's no escaping it."

Rarity shook her head. "After what you did, I'm afraid not. It'll be better for all of Equestria if you own up to what you did. You won't be executed, I can promise you as much."

"It's what Princess Luna would have wanted," Octavia continued. "You knew her better than anypony."

Soarin sighed and nodded. "Very well, one last fight. I will defend Princess Twilight, and hopefully be remembered as something more than the pony who destroyed Canterlot."

Preparations in the camp went swiftly. While Octavia spoke to individual officers, Soarin and Rainbow addressed the troops together, vowing that defending Ponyville would be the first step in making up for the horrors they all caused in Canterlot. Rarity joined them, promising that the civil war was indeed over. While her presence had been met with mixed reactions, the soldiers at least seemed to appreciate her honesty.

The moment the speeches were over, Rarity moved aside with Legerity. It had been the bodyguard's idea to find the Canterlot prisoners who surrendered to the invading army. Many had been outside of Canterlot, either in the prison-factory, airborne over the city, or manning some of the scouting posts Silvermane had ordered built around the mountain.

Rarity was escorted by Legerity alongside a full unit of eight Cloudsdale pegasus soldiers assigned by Soarin as her personal protection. At their head was a short pegasus mare by the name of Stormsweeper. They took her to the area where the prisoners were kept. Most were pegasi, but the occasional earth pony or unicorn sat within the group. Rarity thought about approaching them, but knew better than to argue with her escort.

There wasn't even a proper fence surrounding the prisoners. They all sat on the cloud, surrounded by armed guards. They looked too defeated to even attempt escape. A lot of these ponies had probably just seen everything they knew and loved destroyed. Just getting them to consider fighting alongside the Cloudsdale troops would prove a challenge.

She scanned the crowd with her eyes. Every face looked the same: a mix of fear and disgust radiating helplessness. One particular pony caught Rarity's attention. "Sapphire?" she blurted in surprise as she saw the pink-coated mare sitting at the edge of the group.

Sapphire Blitz's head rose. She gasped as she saw Rarity. "Your... Your Highness?"

Rarity nodded. "I would like to speak to this prisoner," she told Stormsweeper, who motioned for Sapphire to rise and walk forward.

"You freed Fluttershy," Rarity said once her former assistant was away from the crowd.

"I did, Milady," Sapphire said, keeping her head low. "I know it doesn't make up for betraying you, but you deserved at least that much."

Rarity smiled. "I do appreciate it, and thank you."

"It means a lot to hear it from you, Milady."

Rarity tapped her hoof to her chin. "Hmm, perhaps there is something more you could do for me."

Sapphire's head rose as she met Rarity's gaze. "Anything."

"I need these soldiers to help us defend Princess Twilight in Ponyville. Soarin and I already made peace. The griffons, however, are still coming. If we are to have any hope of defending ourselves, we all must stand together."

Sapphire gulped. "I'm not sure anything can be done, Your Highness. We all saw Canterlot fall. Nopony here wants to fight alongside the aggressors who destroyed our homes."

Rarity nodded. "I understand. It's a lot to ask of anypony. To be perfectly honest, I had a hard time standing next to Soarin myself. We have to do it though. If we don't, then it'll escalate until nothing is left of Equestria but a smoldering ruin."

"I'll stand with you," Sapphire said with a hesitant nod. "I can try to convince the more stubborn soldiers to give peace a chance after you're gone."

"It's all I ask," Rarity replied with a smile. She turned to Sergeant Stormsweeper. "I don't think anypony here will listen to me if I appear to be your prisoner. You have to let me approach them."

"I don't recommend it," the sergeant warned.

"I agree," Legerity added. "Some of these ponies could see you as a traitor."

"Then stay close to me." Rarity told Legerity as she took a few steps toward the assembled prisoners.

A few heads rose toward Rarity, and prisoners whispered to each other in hushed tones. Rarity cleared her throat, getting everypony's attention. "I know how you all feel right now," she began. "But we still have something to fight for. Some of you might have heard by now, but the griffons were never our friends. Even now, they conspire to attack Princess Twilight, who returned to us and is now in Ponyville."

"Convenient that she comes out of hiding just now that Prince Blueblood is dead," a stallion spat.

Rarity nodded. "If only she had arrived sooner, perhaps this tragedy could have been averted. Like all of you, I grieve for our friends and family in Canterlot. I grieve for my husband. Still, we can make sure that nothing like that happens again."

"You want us to fight the griffons," an earth pony mare completed.

"Hopefully it won't come to that," Rarity said as she walked between the prisoners. "The truth is, we've all been victims of a terrible ploy. The griffons conspired to turn us against one another from the start. They were the ones who murdered Princess Celestia. They orchestrated for Princess Luna to be accused of the murder. If we fight each other, they gain the upper hoof."

"It's a bit late to make peace," the same stallion who had spoken earlier replied. "My home is destroyed, my family dead. Why should I care about Princess Twilight?"

Sapphire stepped next to Rarity. "So other families don't suffer the same loss. My family died, too. I lost everything, including my horn." She moved her mane aside as an added gesture. "Princess Rarity is right. We still have a part to play. I'm willing to put the hatred aside for now, and trust that the guilty parties will face justice afterwards. Besides, if we don't stop the griffons now, Canterlot's destruction will have been meaningless."

Rarity smiled at her friend and placed a hoof on her shoulder. "General Soarin already promised me that he would willingly pay the price for his crimes. So, what do you all say? Will you accompany me to Ponyville and show these invaders that we ponies stand united?"

A few prisoners rose to show their support. The Cloudsdale guards motioned to stop them, but Stormsweeper raised a hoof, holding them back. More Canterlot captives whispered to each other as Rarity took a deep breath. She had expected her request wouldn't be met with widespread enthusiasm.

A pegasus wearing light Cloudsdale armor flew toward Rarity with haste. He landed and saluted her. "Message from General Soarin," he said.

"Let's hear it," Rarity replied.

The messenger took a deep breath. "The griffons are in Ponyville. They came out of a hidden network of Diamond Dog caves. Commander Tinkerboom barely had time to react. She created a defensive perimeter around the Palace of Harmony. We have to move in now!"

Rarity gulped as she nodded. She turned toward the prisoners. "This is it. Are you going to sit back and do nothing, or stand with us?"

More prisoners rose, hardened determination returning to their faces. Sapphire Blitz nodded at Rarity. "We await your orders, Your Highness."

The snowstorm had fully reached Ponyville, covering everything in white. Rarity watched over the battle from her vantage point on one of the command clouds. Tinkerboom's forces had retreated to the castle. Many Ponyville residents had taken up arms as well, helping to defend their town. As for the griffons, some were assaulting the defenders in melee combat, but the bulk of the army was circling around Ponyville.

"This is bad," Rainbow told Rarity. "They're creating a hurricane. The griffon soldiers in the middle are just cannon fodder. The real danger is the hurricane. It's going to raze the town." She gulped and spoke in a quieter voice. "Like it did at the first battle of Ponyville."

Rarity placed a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder, the two of them sharing a concerned look.

"I'll be fine," Rainbow said. "As you said, we'll all have to face the music later." She turned to Soarin, who was giving orders to some of his officers further back. "General, they're creating a hurricane. We have to counter it."

Soarin frowned. "You of all ponies should know what happened the last time we tried that against the griffons."

"I almost died," Rainbow said. "Trust me, I know. We have to do it though. If we don't, we lose the town."

Rarity stepped forward. "What about the hostage? Can't Twilight use Alicia Bouvier as leverage?"

"You'd need to ask her," Soarin said. "For now, I'm ordering my troops to fly in tandem with the griffons and strike them from behind."

Rainbow gasped. "You'll make the hurricane even worse! Ponyville will be destroyed."

Soarin pointed to the battle. "Look at what they're doing, Commander. They're flying in the same direction as the snowstorm, using its strength as a base. If we try to counter them, we'd be fighting both the griffons and the storm. You have to stop thinking like a hero and more like a general. We outnumber them, so we can beat them. Let's not waste this advantage."

"What we have to do is get to Twilight," Rarity said.

"Not before we contain the griffons," Soarin said, a harsh severity in his tone. He turned to a captain behind him. "Send in the first six waves, then the next two once they're in position."

Rainbow's remaining ear perked up. "I think I have an idea," she said.

Soarin grunted. "Let's hear it."

"Keep sending in your forces," Rainbow explained. "The griffons need to stay focused on them. At the same time, Rarity and I can sneak to the ground with a small force, just enough to keep us safe. The storm will give us cover, and we can make our way to the castle."

"It's worth a try," Rarity said.

"There's only one problem," Soarin said. "This hurricane will only grow in intensity. How do you suggest sneaking through it? You'll be tossed into the sky."

Legerity, ever at Rarity's side, stepped forward. "If I may, Your Highness? I think I can help."

"Oh?" Rarity asked.

"With all this talk of weaponized weather, I've been learning a protection spell. It's a shield that should protect us against the wind. It won't block it completely, but it should get us to the castle relatively safely."

Soarin nodded. "That could work. Have you tested this spell before?"

Legerity sighed and shook her head. "Not in the field. This will be the first time." She turned her attention to Rarity and stood upright. "I understand that this is risky, Your Highness, but I also know you well enough. You'll want to be with your friends no matter what, and I'm more than willing to help you get there."

Rarity smiled. "Good enough for me. Let's do it."

"Very well, I won't keep you," Soarin said with a sigh. "Just understand that I still have a job to do. I can't hold back the storm just to guarantee your safety."

"Fair enough," Rainbow said. "I just need one unit, preferably ponies with infiltration training, and a dropcloud to carry Rarity and her bodyguard down to the ground."

"You'll have it," Soarin said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a battle to fight." He turned to another group of pegasus soldiers. "Send in the first wave of thunderclouds."

The plan worked flawlessly. Between the griffons being locked in combat and the growing storm, Legerity, Rarity, and Rainbow easily reached the ground undetected using a small dropcloud. They all wore thick white winter cloaks, making them difficult to spot in the snow.

After a long debate, they had decided to land south of the town. While the castle was all the way north, the northern field was too open; the griffons would see them immediately. Going through the town had its risks, but they all agreed that Legerity's shield would give them a chance against falling debris, but not against an entire griffon legion.

Rarity often felt the glares of the soldiers escorting them. Being pregnant, she couldn't match their speed. Rainbow kept encouraging her, remaining airborne herself so she didn't have to rely on her crooked hind leg.

Seeing the hurricane up close made Rarity shudder in terror. She felt her unborn foal struggling in her belly as she held it close. "It'll be alright, little one. Legerity and Rainbow will protect us."

Legerity took that as a cue to light up her horn, forming an orange bubble around the group. It flickered and then became invisible. The effects of the shield, however, could be felt immediately. While the wind was still making a mess out of Rarity's mane, its cold bite was mostly gone.

"Let's hope this shield holds," Rainbow said with a gulp as they neared the snow cloud at the edge of the twister.

The group stuck together around Legerity as they penetrated the hurricane. Rarity's bodyguard ground her teeth as the strong winds pushed against her shield. Pieces of wood, hay, and other debris flew over their heads.

Rarity forced her eyes to remain trained on the ground. Both the scale of the destruction and the size of the hurricane itself were too much for her to bear. Is this what it was like at the first battle of Ponyville? she wondered. She wanted to ask Rainbow, but her friend was surely struggling with enough bad memories.

One of the soldiers broke Rarity's reverie. "Watch out!" he yelled, prompting the entire group to duck. A large cart wheel flew in their direction, colliding with one of the pegasus soldiers.

"We need to hurry up!" Rainbow yelled. She pointed at one of the soldiers. "You, help Rarity along. The sooner we get to the eye of the storm, the fewer soldiers we'll lose."

Rarity tried her hardest to redouble her pace as the pegasus mare helped her move forward. "Thank you," she weakly whispered.

"Come on, Rare! You can do it." Rainbow said. They kept moving forward, tears falling off Rarity's cheeks as she fought the wind. Even through Legerity's shield, its force was considerable.

Rarity opened her eyes. She cried in joy as she saw the edge of the storm. A purple glowing wall came into view. Of course, she thought. Twilight or her brother would create a protective shield. The soldiers obviously all saw it as well, as they all hurried their pace.

"How will we get through the shield?" a mare asked.

"I bet it's only meant to keep the storm out," Rainbow said. "We can probably walk through it."

"Let's hope so," Rarity added.

Rarity gritted her teeth as the entire group gave it one last push, reaching the glowing surface. Rainbow flew in first, rushing through the purple bubble. Rarity and the soldiers followed close behind. What they found on the other side made Rarity gasp in shock. Both griffon soldiers and pony traitors had also gotten through the shield, and were locked in combat with Tinkerboom's troops, both in the sky and on the streets.

Three griffon soldiers turned their gaze toward Rarity's group. Rainbow screamed a maddening war cry as she rammed one of them. Four soldiers separated themselves from the group to handle the other two. Rarity averted her eyes, not wanting to see any more blood than necessary.

Rarity turned to Legerity, who was loudly panting as she was finally allowed to stop maintaining her shield. "We need to get to Twilight. Any ideas?"

Legerity looked around. "We'll have to fight our way through, Your Highness. Hopefully Princess Twilight's forces can help clear a path for us. Remain close to me at all times."

Rainbow, who had just returned to them, pointed toward the castle. "She's probably in there. We have to hurry up; you're a target out here, Rarity."

"So are you," Rarity said with a grim nod.

"Guards, form a perimeter!" Legerity ordered. "We do not let anything get to the VIPs. Our mission has not changed; we have to reach the Palace of Harmony."

"Yes ma'am," one of the pegasi replied. The soldiers circled Rarity, with four pegasi flying over her. Rainbow joined them. She picked up a spear from a fallen soldier and held it in a defensive posture, ready to fight off any griffons coming their way.

The group charged forward. Rarity tried her best to keep up, but the soldiers still had to slow their pace so she wouldn't be left behind. A few encouraging glances from Rainbow prompted her to keep going.

On a few occasions, they had to fight off incoming enemy soldiers. Rarity kept her head low. Ponyville's defenders soon recognized them and helped clear a path. A griffon impaled one of the pegasus soldiers defending Rarity, but by luck, part of a straw roof was blown off from outside the shield and collided with him. An earth pony wearing the Cloudsdale uniform proceeded to finish him off as he fell to the ground.

They kept going on what was left of Coltington street. Tinkerboom seemed to have sent reinforcements, as her forces managed to slowly retake control of the street, forcing the griffons to retreat. Once they turned onto Harmony Avenue, things turned grim. While they could see the castle in the distance, a large force of Canterlot soldiers were pushing the Ponyville defenders back toward their defenses. Rarity saw none other than Captain Boulderhoof at their head. "I knew he was rotten from the start," she spat.

"We need to get through," Rainbow said. "Maybe we can sneak around their attack force?"

"Too late," Legerity said as she pointed at Boulderhoof. "He's seen us. Defensive positions."

Rarity hid behind her bodyguard as two dozen soldiers formed rank in front of her. Her heartbeat raced as she looked up and found eight pegasi flying from within the hurricane. She recognized the one at the head as Sergeant Sunsparks, the same pony who'd escorted them to Soarin's tent when they first arrived at the Cloudsdale camp. He winked at Rarity and gave her a cocky salute as his unit dropped small objects onto Boulderhoof's forces. Rarity soon realized what they were as they exploded, killing enemy soldiers. She winced at the violent display.

"Charge!" a familiar voice ordered from the castle's direction. Rarity looked up and beamed as she saw Applejack wearing spiked charger armor. She led a large group of ponies into the now disorganized enemy ranks. They wore both Cloudsdale and Canterlot armor, although they each had a purple strip of fabric tied around one of their legs.

"Now's our chance," Rainbow ordered. "Go, go go!"

They all rushed toward the enemy. Rarity stayed behind, silently cursing herself for never learning any battle magic. She remained close to Legerity, holding her belly as a reflex. Her bodyguard nodded at her. "I'll keep you safe, Your Highness."

Boulderhoof yelled as he pointed toward Rarity. "A griffon nobility title to whoever brings me Rarity's head!" A group of unicorn and earth pony soldiers grinned and charged at Rarity's defenders.

"Hold the line!" Rainbow ordered. Both groups clashed into each other. Spears met spears, and unsuspecting soldiers were being impaled left and right. Rarity vomited as blood spattered onto her face.

Three enemy unicorns managed to break through after part of the defensive line faltered. "Watch out!" Rainbow yelled as she parried a blow from a griffon attacker.

Legerity pushed Rarity back and fired a magical bolt from her horn, knocking out the first attacker. A second one charged her while his companion fired bolts from her own horn. Legerity attempted to raise a shield, blocking most of the bolts. She reacted too late, however, as two of them managed to singe her face, making her scream in pain. "Run, Your Highness!" she yelled just before the other unicorn levitated a spear and pierced her jugular.

Rarity shrieked as her bodyguard's body fell lifelessly onto the ground. She had all but given up when Sunsparks' large frame landed in front of her. The rest of his unit soon joined him, fighting off the attackers. Rarity crawled toward Legerity, but her eyes were already devoid of life as she lay within a pool of her own blood.

"Come on, Rare," Rainbow said as she landed next to her. She forced Rarity back to her hooves. "Applejack is breaking through. We can make it! We'll grieve later."

Rarity dried her tears and nodded at Rainbow. Applejack motioned for them to follow as her troops fended off a wave of earth pony chargers. Rainbow and Rarity rushed to their friend's side. "Terrible fashion sense, as usual," Rarity weakly joked at Applejack's spiked armor.

"For once, I agree with you," Applejack said as she bucked an enemy unicorn trying to sneak up behind her.

"We need to get to Twilight," Rainbow said.

"She's in the castle," Applejack replied. "She's leading the defense as best she can. Shining Armor's helping her out while maintaining the shield."

"Just lead the way," Rarity said.

Applejack rushed ahead. "Chestnut, guard our flank," she told a unicorn soldier. She rammed into an enemy earth pony with her heavy spiked shoulder pads, throwing him out of the way. "Get out of my town!"

The path to the castle was almost clear. Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity rushed forward, but Boulderhoof left the melee and blocked their path. "I've waited a long time to teach you a lesson, Madam Mayor."

Applejack nodded at her companions before moving forward. "The feeling's mutual." She charged Boulderhoof, who rose to his hind legs in an attempt to crush her with his weight while Rarity hid behind one of her legs as a reflex. Applejack proved the most agile fighter, as she jumped to Boulderhoof's side, dodging his attack. She head-butted him, disorienting him long enough to turn around and solidly buck him. The overgrown brute fell to the ground as Applejack's hind legs collided with his head.

"That was satisfying," she said before spitting on Boulderhoof's unconscious body. "Come on."

The Ponyville defenders managed to form a barrier behind Rarity's group as they made their way toward the Palace of Harmony. Once they passed the barricade, Applejack turned to a white and brown spotted colt no older than Sweetie Belle. "Go tell Tinkerboom that Rarity and Rainbow are back. I'm taking them to see Twilight." The young earth pony nodded and galloped away.

The area around the castle was in chaos. Soldiers rushed out to reinforce the defense as unicorns erected shields around the wounded. Rarity even saw a mare fight with a pitchfork. Twilight was in the middle of it all, giving orders to officers and encouraging her troops. She wore golden plate armor, complete with a crown. Rarity had to nod in appreciation. The wardrobe choice made her friend look radiant and completely in place in the middle of all the action.

Shining Armor stood next to her, visibly struggling as his horn flashed brightly. Fluttershy offered him a drink of water. He's the one powering the shield, Rarity realized, remembering his unique talent.

Applejack led Rarity and Rainbow to their friend. Twilight turned her attention toward them. "Applejack! You made it." She rushed toward the group and warmly embraced Rarity, then Rainbow. "I'm so glad you're both alright. As you can see, things aren't looking good."

"Soarin already sent in his forces," Rainbow said. "But it's not good. He won't be able to counter this hurricane. In fact, he's having his flyers power it even further, trying to trap the griffons inside."

"Isn't that the same strategy the griffons used against your forces?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow winced. "That's irony for you."

Rarity frowned. "Alright, Twilight. We need a plan."

"I tried to send in a message to Bouvier," Twilight explained. "We have his wife, I was hoping that would be enough to at least start a parley. They have Pinkie Pie though, which isn't helping."

"What?" Rarity and Rainbow blurted out at once.

Fluttershy stepped forward. "It's all my fault. We overheard Boulderhoof say he'd betray Ponyville, and she stayed behind, holding one of his soldiers back so I could warn Twilight." She hid behind her mane.

Twilight shook her head. "I told you, Fluttershy. Don't blame yourself."

Shining, who ground his teeth as he concentrated to keep the shield up, took a deep breath. "Soarin's forces can allow us to negotiate from a position of strength," he managed to say.

Rainbow flew up, her remaining ear perking up as she grinned. "Shining's right. By now, Bouvier has to realize that this won't be an easy victory. Fire up that spell of yours where everypony hears your voice."

"And what about Pinkie?" Fluttershy asked.

"We offer an exchange," Rarity suggested. "He gives us Pinkie, we give him Alicia. Then we negotiate a cease-fire."

Twilight sighed. "I hope they're willing to talk." She took a deep breath and lit up her horn as she flew upward. Her voice resonated as she spoke. "Bouvier! It's time to stop this. We have your wife, Alicia. With the Cloudsdale forces on our side, we outnumber you. Pull back your forces. I wish to parley."

As her horn returned to normal, Twilight landed next to Rarity. While the battle still raged in the distance, the soldiers near the castle fell silent. "What now?" Applejack asked.

"Now, we wait for Bouvier to give the order," Twilight said, her voice slightly shaking. "If he doesn't, then I don't know what to do."

They all stared at the storm in silence. Rarity's eyes traveled toward Twilight, who was breathing erratically. A few minutes passed before the storm lessened in intensity.

Shining Armor panted as he took a step forward. "It's working," he said. "The storm is weakening."

Rarity gulped. "Now let's hope we can resolve this peacefully once and for all."

Twilight led the way as an impressive force walked outside of Ponyville and onto the snow-covered fields west of town. She walked next to Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy. Rainbow flew over them, wearing her officer's uniform. Soarin, Tinkerboom, Octavia, and Kibitz followed behind.

Rarity barely had time to fix her mane and put on one of her dresses. Applejack had questioned her and rolled her eyes, forcing Rarity to explain that negotiations such as these were a show of strength. Coming in with a good appearance showed they were in control. This was the same reason why she'd insisted Twilight still wear her crown and golden armor, and Rainbow her uniform.

Soarin had joined them in Ponyville. He had spent a moment in private with Octavia and Commander Tinkerboom before gruffly promising his loyalty to Twilight. As for Shining Armor, he remained close to Twilight at all times. His loyalty reminded Rarity of Legerity. She almost cried as she thought of the pony who gave up her life to save her. There would be time to mourn after peace was achieved.

The griffons were waiting for them in the middle of the field. Centurion Ignacio Bouvier stood perfectly straight, only once adjusting his glasses. His polished golden chest plate had obviously not seen any combat. He gazed calmly at the Ponyville army. If he was in any way worried, his demeanor didn't betray it.

Ambassador Antoine, on the other hoof, seemed to barely contain his rage as he pushed Pinkie forward. Her mane was in shambles, and her hooves manacled. Bruises all over her body and a black eye hinted at her mistreatment.

Twilight ordered the army to stop once they were about a hundred meters in front of the griffons. Two soldiers escorted Alicia Bouvier to the front. The griffon duchess kept her head high, even with her wings bound.

"At least you didn't mistreat my wife," Bouvier began.

"I wish I could say the same about the way you treated my friend," Twilight replied.

Bouvier remained stoic. "The unpleasantness of war, I'm afraid."

Twilight and Rarity shared a nod before the alicorn stepped forward, closely followed by her brother. "I think it's time to put this unpleasantness to a stop. I suggest a fair exchange. I release your wife, you release my friend. Then you leave Equestria and promise never to interfere with our affairs again."

"Never!" Antoine yelled. "Duchess Bouvier, like any of us, is willing to sacrifice her life for the Griffingard cause." Ignacio turned toward the ambassador and glared at him, a gesture Antoine didn't seem to notice.

Rarity stepped forward. She waited for Twilight to give her the nod before speaking. "Face it, Ambassador. Your ploy failed. My husband is dead, so is General Silvermane. All your secrets are out for the entire world to see. Princess Twilight is offering you a more generous offer than you deserve."

"Rarity's right, it's a good deal," Pinkie added, smiling through her injuries.

Antoine turned and slapped her hard across the cheek. "What have I told you about talking back?"

Twilight flew up. "You better not strike my friend again, Ambassador." She lowered her head a moment and took a deep breath before turning her attention toward Bouvier. "Centurion Bouvier, is watching both our armies destroying each other more important than your wife? Your machine in High Roost has been destroyed. I also burned Valerak's notes. Face it, it's over."

Bouvier took off his glasses and cleaned them with his handkerchief. He sighed before facing Twilight with tired hazel eyes. "You would forgive us, just like that?"

"Centurion, you can't possibly consider this," Antoine snapped. "We swore an oath."

"We will expect reparations," Rarity said. "Every single pony in your prisons will have to be released, and you will contribute to the reconstruction of Equestria."

Bouvier turned to Antoine. "The entire world knows, Ambassador. Furthermore, even if we were to kill the princess here and now, who would raise the sun and moon?"

Antoine took a deep breath. "I've spent a lot of time in Equestria. Ponies are great at promising peace and harmony for all, but we would be fools to believe them." He took a small dagger from his belt and studied it. "You ponies are just as savage as the rest of us. You used your mastery of magic to bully the rest of the world for generations, keeping Griffingard as nothing more than your obedient lapdog." His head rose and he stared at Twilight and Rarity. "Let me show you just how devoted to peace you really are, Twilight Sparkle." Without warning, he rose his dagger and turned toward Pinkie. Rarity barely had time to scream as Antoine buried the blade into Pinkie Pie's neck. Her blue eyes filled with tears as blood poured out of her muzzle. More blood oozed from her opened throat as she fell in the snow.

"You monster!" Rainbow yelled, just as Twilight's horn glowed brightly. Fluttershy screamed as she held on to Applejack tightly.

Twilight screamed in rage as a bright beam left her horn and collided with Antoine. Rarity was blinded. When she opened her eyes, she saw nothing but a pile of ashes where Antoine used to stand, surrounded by snow reddened by Pinkie's blood. "You want to see what we ponies do when we're angry?" Twilight spat. "You think I'm not capable of incinerating every single last one of you?"

Centurion Bouvier recoiled in shock. "Form ranks!" he ordered.

"Wait!" Fluttershy yelled as she let go of Applejack and rushed to Twilight's side. "Don't do it, Twilight!"

"They killed Pinkie, Fluttershy!" Rainbow yelled.

"And I don't want anypony else to die!" Fluttershy yelled even louder.

Soldiers on both sides pointed their weapons at the enemy. Soarin and Tinkerboom were already ordering their flyers up in the sky, just as Bouvier's troops formed a circle around him, protecting him from more attacks. This isn't happening! I'm not losing peace again! Rarity did the only thing she could think of. She fired a strong flash of light from her horn. "Stand down!" she ordered.

Her actions made both sides hesitate just long enough for Fluttershy to run in the middle of the field. "Please, nopony else needs to die!" she pleaded.

Every weapon remained trained toward the other side, but Bouvier rose one of his claws. Twilight mirrored the gesture, landing in front of Fluttershy.

Applejack moved next to Fluttershy. "You know Pinkie would want us to at least give peace a chance," Applejack told Twilight.

"Don't listen to them!" Alicia yelled from behind the lines. "The plan must succeed."

Bouvier stepped forward and sighed. "It cannot, my love," he said.

Twilight took a deep breath. "I cannot excuse the death of my friend," she said, rage barely contained in her voice. "Maybe you're willing to chance peace, Centurion, but clearly others in Griffingard feel differently."

"What do you propose?" the centurion asked.

"I had a lot of time to think after my friends freed me from your prison," Twilight said, again flying upwards. "You wanted to know about alicorn magic? I believe I should give you a demonstration." Her horn lit up, and a bright purple beam fired into the sky, separating the thick clouds and revealing the night sky.

Everyone stared at the spectacle, a few scratching their heads. Rarity remembered her friends mentioning Twilight had worked on a secret spell on the ship returning her to Equestria. Was this it?

"As some of you may be aware," Twilight said. "The Horseus Comet is due to travel close to the planet about a year from now."

Bouvier gasped. "You can't mean..."

Twilight nodded firmly. "I adjusted its course. It took a lot of precise calculations, but it will collide directly with High Roost, unless I choose to reverse the spell. You may have your astronomers verify my claim if you wish."

"This is your definition of peace?" Alicia spat.

"This is insurance," Twilight said, her tone harsh and severe. "As said earlier, you will free every Equestrian prisoner you have. You will offer what resources are needed to rebuild Equestria. You will disband the Lodge and demolish King's End tower. Finally, you will free the arimaspi you have trapped under the tower. Once this is all done, I will spare your capital. Perhaps, one day, we may even learn to forgive one another."

Centurion Bouvier adjusted his glasses once more. He gazed downward before facing his wife. "Even if we fight today, nothing we do here will bring Griffingard any glory." He turned toward Twilight. "May my wife return with me to Griffingard?"

Twilight turned to Rarity, who nodded and stepped forward. "She will, once a proper peace treaty has been signed. We need insurance from King Aurélien himself that no more hostilities between our two nations will take place."

"You were always a hard negotiator, Princess Rarity," Bouvier said with a respectful bow.

"I'm not a princess anymore," Rarity said as she turned toward Twilight. "I merely advise one."

Rarity stood in silence with Shining, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Twilight in the Palace of Harmony's central throne room. A simple wooden coffin had been placed on the table, with Pinkie's body laying inside. A single cupcake from sugarcube corner was placed on her chest. Even in death, Pinkie's muzzle seemed to hint at a smile.

"If only she didn't sacrifice herself for me," Fluttershy mumbled between sobs.

Rainbow sighed. "I should have listened to her when she told me not to fight in this war. She knew what would happen from the start."

"She was always such a beacon of joy and wisdom for us all," Rarity said with a weak smile, trying to remember the good times. "When I married Blueblood, do you know what she did? She didn't feel sorry for me; she tried to make it fun. She wanted me to enjoy my wedding, nothing more."

"I learned a lot from her," Shining said. "I understand why you were all so close to her. She never stopped believing that we'd have peace. I don't think I could have kept on going without her."

"I still remember her last party," Applejack added with a weak titter. "She tried to cheer the town up after you were gone, Twilight. All she ever wanted was for everypony to be happy."

Twilight levitated a box from a corner table. "I got some of her favorite strawberry cupcakes from Sugarcube Corner. I figured we should all have one in her memory." She passed the box around, letting each of them pick a cupcake. "Pinkie Pie gave her life so that Equestria could survive. For her, we have to keep on going. We shouldn't blame ourselves for what happened. She always lived without regrets, and we'll have to follow her example in the coming years."

"To Pinkie," Rarity saluted as she raised her cupcake.

"To Pinkie," the others added, mirroring the gesture.

They ate in silence, then all bowed their heads respectfully. After a minute of silence, Twilight spoke up. "Alright, let's put an end to this conflict once and for all. Rarity, are you ready?"

"I've been ready since I heard of your return," Rarity said.

Twilight put on her crown and they all walked outside the room. They left the castle and found a large crowd of ponies waiting for them. Councilor Kibitz stood next to the entrance alongside General Soarin. Rarity and the rest of her friends joined them, except Twilight who stood on the front porch by herself. The clouds had started clearing, and they could see the stars shining.

Once they were all in position, Rarity stepped forward and bowed in front of Twilight. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, I hereby officially abdicate the throne to you," she loudly declared. "I relinquish any claim to the Equestrian crown."

Rarity couldn't see him, but she heard Soarin speak. "I hereby swear the allegiance of the Cloudsdale army to Princess Twilight Sparkle and all of Equestria. I also surrender myself to whatever justice she deems suitable."

"You may both rise," Twilight said, prompting both Rarity and Soarin to do as much.

Twilight smiled at Rarity before taking a step forward. "I accept the burden of the Equestrian throne. With the council's blessing, I swear to uphold the principles of freedom, harmony, and friendship that always made our nation great. Councilor Kibitz?"

Kibitz stepped forward and bowed deeply. "The council approves of Princess Twilight's ascension to the throne, as well as whatever heir she chooses."

Twilight smiled at Kibitz before she addressed the crowd. "I know the past few months haven't been easy. Some of you have grown to distrust, even hate one another. I now ask all of you to put it all behind you. You were lied to, and the guilty parties will have to face justice. In the meantime, we have to rebuild. We lost our friends, our homes. Equestria might never be the same within our lifespan. Still, we have to be better. I may not be Princess Celestia, but I will rule the way she taught me to."

A wave of cheers resonated alongside the area. Rarity found Sapphire Blitz within the crowd and smiled at her, relieved that her former assistant had survived the battle. She then looked around. Many of the Ponyville houses were completely destroyed. The fallen city of Canterlot loomed on the horizon, now nothing more than a ruin. Still, Rarity felt relief. For once, they would know peace.

"So what do we do now, Your Highness?" Kibitz asked.

"I gave my friends specific instructions," Twilight said. "We'll need to rebuild Ponyville together, as well as fix the weather and start growing food again. I also promise you a formal peace treaty with Griffingard. As for me, I have a lot of studying to do. I will not rest until I figure out a way to bring back the sun. Finally, let us grieve and bury the dead. Their sacrifice will be remembered."

Rarity lowered her head, thinking about Legerity. As Twilight had said, it was now time to mourn.

For two days, Twilight locked herself in the castle library. She took her meals with her friends, but spent most of her time locked up, trying to figure out a way to move the sun. Rarity tried on multiple occasions to join her, but Twilight wouldn't budge. Only Spike was allowed inside. She consulted with Professor Starflare on a few occasions, but nothing seemed to come of it.

Rarity tried to remember the initial attempt at moving the sun. It felt like ages ago, back before everything fell to pieces. While she could remember the feeling of having her magic drained, her understanding of magic was too limited to make anything of it.

She was sitting in the hallway near Twilight's study, eating a raw cucumber. She'd been craving them lately. She saw Spike walk out of the study, and motioned for him to come over. "How is she doing in there, Spikey?"

"Right now? She's beating her head against the desk," Spike said with an exasperated sigh. "She sent me out to get more coffee."

"I think she needs a break." Rarity said.

Spike chuckled. "Oh, I agree. Believe me."

"I think she'll forgive you if you let me in the room," Rarity continued, winking at the baby dragon.

"She made me promise," Spike hesitantly said. "But this has gone on long enough."

Rarity stood and nuzzled the baby dragon. "Thank you, Spike."

Spike unlocked the door, and Rarity walked in. She heard Twilight groan from the library's central table. "Finally. I need that coffee, Spike."

"Sorry darling, no coffee," Rarity replied sheepishly. "Only some company, and a break."

"Sorry Twilight, but it's for the best," Spike said from outside the door. "I'll get your coffee now."

Twilight turned around. "I can't take breaks, Rarity. The longer I wait, the longer Equestria remains in darkness. We can't grow food without the sun."

"You're not helping anypony if you're exhausted, Twilight. I've seen you obsess over problems enough times to know that at some point, you need to step away. Do something else, and the answer will come to you."

Twilight hovered to a couch underneath one of the tall windows. "It's just too much, Rarity. I've gone through Starflare's notes more times than I can count. His formula should work. Somehow, there's a missing variable in there. Something is keeping the spell from working."

"Maybe you're approaching it from the wrong angle?" Rarity suggested as she sat next to her friend. "I don't know if magic is anything like dressmaking, but in my experience, it's often worthwhile to forget about the rules. Look at it from a different perspective?"

"If only somepony else could understand the math involved," Twilight said with a groan. "That's the problem with complex magical problems. It's hard to find anypony who I can even discuss it with."

"It'll come to you," Rarity said. "It's just like when you first became an alicorn. The solution to Starswirl's riddle only came to you after you spent some quality time with us. Maybe I can talk Applejack into trying to make dresses again? It could spark some ideas." Rarity giggled at the memory.

"Starswirl's spell was so simple, too," Twilight said, shaking her head. "All I had to do was..." She fell silent, gazing vacantly at a display at the end of the room. Rarity stretched her neck, noticing it contained a familiar diary alongside the six keys they used to conjure the very castle they now occupied.

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Twilight, darling, are you alright?"

A quick, subdued laugh escaped Twilight's muzzle. "Oh Rarity, I can't believe I'm such an idiot."

Rarity scratched her head. "Whatever do you mean?"

Twilight shook her head. "My ascension, Discord, Tirek, it's always the same answer, Rarity. Every single time, it's the same lesson I have to learn over and over. I'm such an idiot for not realizing it sooner."

"Oh, you don't mean..."

Twilight stood and sighed softly. "Come on, let's get our friends and raise the sun."