• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 3,801 Views, 535 Comments

A Dream of Sunny Days - Roranicus

When Princess Celestia dies, a new ruler must take up the throne, but the princess is not easily replaced. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

  • ...

XVII Shining Armor

"There goes another group," Shining Armor said with a frown as he watched a faraway group of pegasus soldiers flying northward.

"I don't like it one bit!" Pinkie Pie replied as her brow furrowed. "They all went south as a group yesterday morning. Now we see them fly back one little group at a time. It can't be a good sign for Dashie..."

Shining sighed and returned his attention to the fire he was building. They had been traveling all day from Saddlefree to Cloudsdale, and decided to set up camp for the night. "I'm not sure what else we could have done, Pinkie. Rainbow Dash seemed pretty dedicated to her cause."

"We should have tried harder!" Pinkie argued, standing up. "I know Rainbow. She's not a bad pony, and she's not a killer."

Shining groaned as he lit the fire with a quick spell. "I know she's not. None of those ponies are. I only hope we can find a way to talk to Luna and convince her to stop this madness. A group of weather ponies do not stand a chance against trained Griffingard soldiers."

"I just hope that Dashie made it out," Pinkie stated with an atypical gravity to her voice. "And I'm sure Princess Luna will realize her mistake. She doesn't want to hurt anypony."

"I wish I could share your optimism," Shining admitted with a sigh.

"Times like these, it's all we have," Pinkie said with a weak smile as she grabbed her saddlebag. "Carrot?" she offered, taking some vegetables out of the bag.

Shining Armor nodded as he levitated a carrot toward his mouth. He nibbled at it as he observed the pegasi flying north. It was the third group they had seen so far. As with the others, they seemed to be in a hurry and terribly disorganized. There was no doubt whatever battle they fought went sourly for them. But where did they fight? What exactly happened?

"This could change everything," Shining said after a few minutes of eating in silence.

"What could?" Pinkie asked, her mouth full.

"This!" he replied, pointing at the pegasi flying in the distance. "We don't know exactly what went on, but we know there was a battle somewhere." He sighed heavily. "It means Equestria got its first taste of war. Some ponies will no doubt cry for revenge, and things will turn for the worse."

"We can't let that happen, Shining," Pinkie replied with a gulp.

Shining Armor averted his eyes as his ears drooped. "It's probably too late. Unless we can convince Luna to back down, the only thing left to do will be limiting the damage."

"You know what I always say?" Pinkie asked, prompting Shining to pull his head back up and meet her gaze again. "Whatever happens, we have to stay positive. We'll always find a way. We just have to keep at it. I managed to convince you to come to Equestria, didn't I?"

A light chuckle escaped Shining's lips. "I really get why my sister likes to have you around so much, Pinkie."

Pinkie grinned and took another bite of her carrot, smiling as she chewed. Suddenly, she perked her head forward and slightly shook her tail. "Somepony's coming."

"Where?" Shining asked as he turned around. The sun was slowly setting and it was getting harder to make out anything. After a moment, he saw a silhouette trotting on the road. "It looks like a single pony."

The stranger accelerated toward them as Pinkie waved him over. His large size was the first thing Shining noticed, as well as his orange coat and short green mane. He stopped a few meters from them, frowning and staring at them with beady hazel eyes. "Which side are you on?" he asked loudly.

"The fun side?" Pinkie suggested.

"We weren't involved in the battle," Shining said. "If you can leave the fighting out and don't want any trouble, you're free to share in our fire."

The stranger waited a moment before slowly nodding and stepping forward. "Fair enough." He made his way to their modest fire, dropping his saddlebags on the ground and sitting comfortably.

A moment of silence passed as Pinkie and Shining shared a knowing look. "Where are you from?" Shining eventually asked.

"Dodge," the earth pony stallion replied.

"Oh, I've been there before!" Pinkie said. "Do you know Cherry Jubilee?"

The stallion grunted and nodded. "She's well-known in Dodge. I own a pumpkin farm not far from her cherry orchard." He tipped his head toward the three pumpkins on his flank.

"You're far away from home," Shining replied with a light frown. "I can't imagine you have to travel all the way here to sell your produce."

"No, I have other reasons," the earth pony stallion replied as he shook his head. One of his eyebrows slowly raised as he studied Shining. "Say, you look familiar. Haven't I seen you before?"

"Maybe in Ponyville? I've lived there my entire life," Shining lied. After a moment, he got up and offered his hoof. "Emerald Shield, pleasure to meet you."

"I'm Pumpkin," the stallion answered, shaking the offered hoof.

"And I'm Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie added.

"If you're from Ponyville, I imagine you must be fleeing the battle," Pumpkin suggested after a moment.

Pinkie and Shining shared another look, this one revealing deep concern. "Actually, we just saw the soldiers fleeing," the unicorn stallion explained. "If you could tell us what happened, it would be greatly helpful."

"Well, I wasn't there myself, but I heard plenty from the survivors. From what I gathered, the Cloudsdale army prepared an ambush outside of the Everfree Forest, knowing the griffon army was on its way. The griffons used the storm the pegasi created and turned it against Ponyville." Pumpkin looked down and took a breath. "I'm deeply sorry. I wish I had better news. The griffons will pay, I'm certain of it."

Shining turned to face Pinkie and found tears welling up in her eyes as she gulped silently. "Where there any survivors?" he asked severely.

"From what I've been told, it wasn't the entire town that was affected," the large stallion replied. "But I really couldn't tell. Only thing I can promise is that I'll do whatever it takes to avenge Ponyville."

Pinkie swiftly stood and rushed in front of Pumpkin, speaking through sobs. "Revenge is never the answer! It'll just create more disaster!"

"Griffons in Equestria is what'll create disasters," Pumpkin replied. "Did you know one of their scouting parties actually ate ponies in the woods near Saddlefree? I don't care what anypony thinks. I'm going to join Princess Luna's army and do my part to bring sanity back to Equestria!"

So the word is already out, Shining thought. No doubt this tragedy will only fuel more anti-griffon sentiments. This is bad. The unicorn stallion frowned disapprovingly at the stranger. "Either way, as I said earlier, we leave the fighting aside when sitting at this fire."

"Fair enough," Pumpkin grunted. "Either way, we should get some rest soon. I'd like to reach Gale early tomorrow."

"We're going the same direction," Pinkie completed as she dried her tears.

"Then we can share the road," Pumpkin added with a nod. "As long as you don't fight for Blueblood you're good ponies in my book."

Shining Armor frowned but did not reply. More ponies such as this one would no doubt be picking sides in the coming weeks. It was too late to stop the tide. The only thing left to do was try and control the damage.

General panic would have been the best way to describe the small village of Gale, as Shining Armor, Pinkie Pie, and Pumpkin arrived during the early afternoon. Families were busy packing valuables onto carts while various ponies yelled at each other in the middle of the village.

"We were all fools to rise up against Canterlot! Peaceful surrender is the only option!" one unicorn stallion yelled.

"Coward!" a pegasus mare from the crowd angrily replied. "I will not live under griffon tyranny!"

"I have a family to protect!" the stallion added. "I can't afford the luxury of blind devotion. If Princess Luna truly wishes to protect us, she'll admit defeat and leave us alone!"

A rock thrown from the crowd impacted with the speaker's face. "Down with Blueblood! Down with the traitors!" another stallion's voice from the crowd yelled.

"Death to the griffons!" an earth pony mare spat.

Shining Armor and his group avoided the crowd. The unicorn stallion frowned as tones became more and more aggressive. This could either lead to an angry mob, or guards descending from the city of Cloudsdale and breaking up the group. Either way, it spelled bad news.

"I don't like this one bit," Pinkie said with a frown, mirroring Shining's sentiment.

"I just need to find a recruitment officer," Pumpkin barked. "I want nothing to do with these cowards," he snuffed at the growing crowd.

Shining frowned. While Pumpkin had been an agreeable, if quiet, traveling companion, he was still there to join the war. "It's been a pleasure sharing the road with you," Shining said with a forced smile. "I would ask you to reconsider your decision to join this army, but I know your mind is set."

The large stallion harrumphed. "I'm loyal to Princess Luna. I will do whatever it takes to help her secure the throne."

Pinkie Pie silently walked toward Pumpkin and gave him a long hug. Shining might have chuckled at the orange stallion's surprised look if the situation wasn't so dire.

"What was that about?" Pumpkin asked as Pinkie broke the embrace.

"I don't agree with what you're doing, but nopony should go into a difficult situation without a hug," the pink pony answered with an earnest smile.

Pumpkin nodded and offered a smile of his own before making his way around the crowd.

"We shouldn't stay out here," Shining Armor finally said with a frown.

"I agree," Pinkie mumbled weakly as her body shivered.

As they moved away from the growing mob, Shining Armor's gaze made its way to the skies. Cloudsdale loomed over the small village of Gale. The small settlement found itself partially engulfed in the cloud city's shadow. Small dots, presumably pegasi, were flying around the city. Would the soldiers even bother coming down? If the battle had been lost as badly as Shining suspected, the ponies up there might be in complete panic.

Pinkie nudged Shining and pointed toward a modest inn. They quickly made their way to the door, and the unicorn stallion attempted to open it, finding it locked. "I'm starting to wonder if coming here was a bad idea," he mumbled.

"Go away, we're closed!" a voice yelled from behind the wooden door.

"Please, we need to get away from this mob!" Pinkie pleaded as she banged her hooves on the door.

"I'm not falling for that!" the mare behind the door replied. "The inn is closed! Find somewhere else to hide."

"Come on," Shining said as he moved away from the door. "Let's find a quiet spot. Hopefully an officer comes down from Cloudsdale soon, and we can demand to see the princess."

The loud noise of a glass bottle breaking was accompanied by screams. Pinkie and Shining shared a concerned nod before sneaking behind the inn, away from the crowd. The unicorn stallion breathed heavily as they hid out of sight. He heard his traveling companion doing the same.

Both ponies barely got time to rest as they heard a loud cry coming from further away. Shining's old reflexes kicked in and he jumped into action, galloping toward the mysterious sound.

"Wait up!" Pinkie yelled from behind him.

The stallion tracked the cries to a nearby barn. Two earth ponies were pushing a griffon female with auburn feathers and dark brown fur back and forth. As Shining got closer, he noticed one of the griffon's wings was bent backwards. That explains why she doesn't just fly away.

"Hey, what are you doing to that griffon?" Pinkie snapped loudly from behind Shining.

"What's it to you?" one of the bullies, a yellow-coated stallion, gruffly spat.

"Stupid birds like this one killed my sister," his companion, another earth pony with a light blue coat, added.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave her alone," Shining ordered as he fired up his horn for added effect.

"And what are you going to do?" the first stallion teased. "Zap us with your fancy horn?"

"Yes, actually, that is exactly what I'll do," Shining replied with a grin. He discharged a magical bolt near the front hooves of the first bully, making him jump backward.

Pinkie Pie had already positioned herself between the injured griffon and the second thug. She growled as she assumed a defensive stance. Glares were shared between everyone present as Shining readied another bolt, hoping he would not have to use it. The griffon female hid behind Pinkie as she nervously gazed from one thug to the other.

"Consarn it!" the second bully said. "Come on, Hopsy, let's get out of here."

The two earth ponies backed down as they glared at their intended victim and her rescuers. "This isn't over, Gabrielle," Hopsy added before he and his companion galloped away.

As soon as the thugs had left, Shining returned his attention to the griffon. Pinkie was already offering her water and comforting her. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" the pink pony asked.

"I should be okay. The wing will heal," the griffon replied between short breaths. "Thank you for helping me."

"We couldn't let those meanies hurt you," Pinkie replied.

"Still, you didn't have to," the griffon continued as her breathing calmed. She smiled at her benefactors. "I'm Gabrielle by the way."

"I'm Pinkie Pie, and this is Sh... Emerald Shield," Pinkie said as she pointed at Shining.

"We should get out of here," Shining suggested. "Is this your barn?"

Gabrielle slowly shook her head. "No, I was only fixing it up for the owner. I'm a carpenter, not a soldier."

"Good. Do you know where we can hide?" Shining asked.

"Maybe in my home?" Gabrielle suggested before she jumped up and gasped. "Oh no! My husband Carter is home. Those thugs mentioned they were going after him!"

Will this madness ever stop? Shining thought as he clenched his jaw in frustration. "Alright, where is your house? Can you run?"

Gabrielle nodded firmly. "Follow me!"

She led both Shining and Pinkie around the village, carefully avoiding the still noisy central square. From what they glimpsed from between houses, the crowd had grown even larger. They were getting rowdier; Shining's ears were assaulted by sounds of fights breaking out. Even more worrisome were the loud, "death to all griffons!" chants. Shining shared a worried look with his companions as they redoubled in pace.

The smell of burning wood reached their nostrils as Gabrielle gasped in shock. The anti-griffon chants were getting louder, and more insistent. Is this really all it takes to turn ponies to fear and hatred?

"No, no, no, no, no!" Gabrielle cried as she came to a stop between two houses and held her head with both claws. "That's my house, right there!" She pointed at a humble wooden home surrounded by the angry mob. A unicorn was already taking a torch to it. "Carter!" Gabrielle yelled desperately.

The flames were quickly spreading. A window at the back of the house opened and a gray-furred griffon attempted to sneak out amidst a chorus of "Burn the spy! Burn the spy!"

Shining Armor held on to Gabrielle tightly. "There's nothing you can do. If you go in there, they'll kill you too." He found it difficult to hold his own tears back as the spectacle unfolded before his eyes.

"We have to do something!" Pinkie pleaded as she pulled on Shining's leg.

"What can we do?" he whispered. "We'll only get torn apart by the mob."

The angry herd had already seen Carter trying to get out, and were surrounding him with torches, pitchforks, hoes, and whatever other makeshift weapons they got their hooves on. A few ponies in the crowd even carried military spears.

"Don't look," Shining whispered to Gabrielle as gently as he could, while still holding the griffon and retreating backwards.

"Don't touch me!" she screamed as she pushed him away.

Screams of pain were heard over the mob's rabble. Some ponies had the audacity to cheer as Gabrielle and Carter's modest home burned down. The griffon's body could not be seen amongst the sea of angry rioters.

"Hurry, this way," Pinkie snapped, pulling Shining behind another house. The unicorn stallion took hold of Gabrielle, who had fallen to her knees, her eyes red with tears.

Pinkie led them to an underground cellar door hidden behind a shed and an unkempt bush and knocked on it a few times. "Open up, it's Pinkie Pie!" she pleaded when it didn't open.

"What are you doing, Pinkie?" Shining asked as he nervously glanced behind him.

"Come on, Tenderheart! I know you're scared, but when has it ever kept you from helping ponies in need?" Pinkie continued, ignoring Shining's question.

Just as Shining was about to grab Pinkie and leave, the trap door opened. "Quickly, get in!" a soft female voice ordered. Shining did not wait for further invitation. He helped Gabrielle through the passage and into the mysterious cellar.

Shining Armor's eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness. The first thing he saw was a blue-coated earth pony mare with a green mane and piercing pink eyes glaring at him. "Don't make a sound," she ordered.

Pinkie carefully closed the trap door and made her way toward their host. Both ponies smiled and quickly hugged. After they broke the embrace, the blue mare motioned for Shining and Gabrielle to follow, as she carefully walked to the next room. They all found themselves in what seemed like a storage basement, with barrels stacked on top of each other.

"It should be safe to talk, as long as we keep our voices down," the mare quietly said.

"Thank you," Shining said as he bowed his head. "You saved our lives."

The mare offered a weak smile. "From what I heard, the town is going crazy. I'm Tenderheart by the way."

"Emerald Shield," Shining answered.

"I already know who you are, Prince Shining Armor," Tenderheart replied, rolling her eyes. "I'm more worried about what happened to you," she added as she pushed Shining away and walked to Gabrielle. "What happened to your wing?"

When Gabrielle looked away and attempted to hide her tears, Tenderheart turned toward Shining and Pinkie with a frown.

"The angry mob went after her husband," Shining started, looking down and shaking his head.

"Oh no, Carter!" Tenderheart finished with a gasp. "Gabrielle, I'm so sorry!"

"We wanted to avoid this," the griffon weakly said. "We came to Equestria to escape war."

Tenderheart slowly nodded. "I'll go get my medical kit to take care of this wing. The three of you will have to remain hidden down here for now, at least until things calm down." She paused a moment before mournfully turning her attention back toward Shining and Pinkie. "Thanks for helping Gabrielle. There is no excuse for what those ponies I once considered friends have done." She climbed a wooden staircase.

The griffon quietly sat in a corner. Pinkie approached her, but she whispered something, prompting the pink pony to turn around and sit next to Shining.

"She wants to be alone," Pinkie explained.

Shining dropped his saddlebags and lay down in the dirt. "How did you know it was safe to come here?"

"Oh, easy," Pinkie replied with a weak smile. "I already knew Tenderheart lived here. She used to be a nurse in Ponyville. When we passed her house, I saw her looking out her window. I remembered Tenderheart, and knew she would never hurt a fly. Both she and her husband are caring ponies."

"Lucky you know so many ponies," Shining said with a sigh of relief. "How did you meet Tenderheart anyway?"

"She has a husband, Windstream, and a son, Chipper Skies. That's a lot of birthday parties," Pinkie answered, her teary eyes still trained on Gabrielle.

The pegasus officer stood on a makeshift stage, surrounded by guards. A large group of ponies had gathered in front of him. "By now you've all heard the rumors. The battle of Ponyville was lost, and the griffons established themselves in Canterlot. This is by no means the end of our fight! While General Spitfire has yet to return, Princess Luna is still the rightful ruler of Equestria! Under the leadership of Commander Soarin, we will push back the griffons and save Equestria from tyranny!"

Shining Armor winced as ponies in the crowd cheered the stallion on the stage. He shared a concerned look with Tenderheart, who stood next to him at the back of the crowd. They both wore gray linen cloaks complete with hoods. Luckily, it was a chill day, so such protection from the cold would not appear out of place.

"For our victory to be ensured, however, we must have order and discipline," the officer continued as he gazed severely at the crowd. "I understand and share your anger at both the Canterlot traitors and griffon invaders. I am not asking you to put that anger aside, but to channel it properly. The Cloudsdale army needs to bolster its numbers! We need volunteers who will not hesitate to risk their lives so Equestria's future can be solidified. Any of you willing to do what it takes, you are free to accompany us in the skies, where you will receive training and equipment as part of Princess Luna's army!"

Another wave of cheers met the invitation, alongside another sickening, "Death to the griffons!" chant.

"Be warned, however, that we will no longer accept half-measures. Canterlot spies will attempt to infiltrate us, and some amongst you may be too cowardly to fight for your nation. Therefore, any family wishing to benefit from Cloudsdale's protection must supply at least one able-bodied pony to the Cloudsdale military. Ponies of every breed are welcome. We have unicorns capable of allowing you all to walk on clouds. You have until tomorrow morning to comply."

"You heard the captain! Here's our chance to get revenge!" a mare from the crowd exclaimed.

"No more hiding!" another stallion added.

Amongst the crowd of cheering ponies, a few frowns could be found. One mare cried as she held her daughter tightly. A group of stallions glanced at each others nervously.

"This madness must stop," Shining whispered to Tenderheart. "I'll go talk to one of their officers to try and get an audience with Princess Luna."

"Do you want me to get Pinkie Pie?" Tenderheart asked just as quietly.

Shining Armor adjusted the hood on his gray cloak. "Not just yet. Tell ponies who do not want to join this army to meet at your house. I know it's risky, but I can at least offer you all asylum in the Crystal Empire."

"Please be safe," Tenderheart replied.

Shining Armor nodded before making his way around the crowd. He eyed a few of the recruiting officers. Should I reveal who I am? Perhaps I would be better off posing as a normal pony wanting to join up. I could then look for one of the higher-ups once I get inside the city. He turned around, only to find himself face to face with a turquoise face grinning smugly at him.

"I thought it was you, Prince Shining Armor," the uniformed pegasus mare in front of him began. "We were told you were in the village."

So much for subtlety, Shining thought with a frown. "Indeed I am."

"My name is Sergeant Lightning Dust," the mare answered. "We've all been told you might be around. What I'd like to know is what you're doing here."

"My business is with Princess Luna," Shining replied flatly.

"I'm sure you would love to see her," Lightning said, her tone almost mocking. "Unfortunately for you, I have my orders. You're not going to Cloudsdale. Nopony here wants to antagonize the Crystal Empire though, so you're free to leave."

"So a sergeant gets to decide if I get to see the Princess or not?" Shining scoffed.

Lightning grinned again. "You were seen in Canterlot. We also know for a fact you attended Blueblood's wedding. Before that, you had a private meeting with Captain Silvermane. Whatever you're up to, Princess Luna will not see you."

"It seems I underestimated your spies," Shining replied. "If anything, I can promise you that I'm not here to harm Her Highness. I only come as an ambassador for peace. We can try to put a stop to this madness. Equestria does not need to head into a civil war!"

Lightning Dust spat on the ground. "I got your peace right here! Those featherbrains destroyed Ponyville, killed some of our greatest soldiers, and now they're trying to blame it on us. If the Crystal Empire wants to stay neutral, it's your choice. Don't try to talk us out of protecting our own nation. The Cloudsdale ponies aren't cowards!"

"I don't suppose your superior would be more willing to consider my request," Shining asked, grinding his teeth in an attempt to keep his composure.

"Ha!" Lighting said with a chuckle. "He's the one who gave me my orders. As I said, nopony will harm you, but you will not step inside Cloudsdale."

"Very well," Shining said, trying to keep his voice straight. "Have a good day, Sergeant."

Paranoia. They're ruled by fear and paranoia, Shining thought as he walked away from the crowd. He circled the village in an attempt to lose any observers. No need to bring additional scrutiny to Tenderheart's home.

"I can't believe they wouldn't even let you see Luna!" Pinkie said with shock while sitting on a barrel.

Shining shook his head. "They lost a battle. Now they're paranoid and desperate."

"So what do we do now?" Pinkie asked. "We need to get up there."

"I can't see how. The soldiers are controlling who gets in or out of the city. I suppose we could find a way to smuggle ourselves in. Even then, Luna will be tightly guarded."

"Alright, then we deal with the immediate problem!" Pinkie replied, getting up on her hooves. "We get these ponies out of here. I talked to Windstream, Tenderheart's husband, while you were out. The soldiers want to force their son to join their army!"

"He's still a teenager, and they want him to die for nothing," a stallion's voice softly replied from the staircase in the corner.

Shining Armor turned his head and faced a dark blue pegasus stallion with a short purple mane. "Windstream, I take it? I'm Shining Armor."

The stallion nodded. "It's an honor, Your Highness. I'm Tenderheart's husband. I was out in the farmlands, supplying rainclouds with my son, when I heard about the riot. Now my wife tells me about the two of you."

"I'm sorry, we didn't want to put your family at risk, but we had nowhere else to turn," Shining replied as his ears drooped.

"We're probably safer with you around," Windstream firmly replied. "Just on the way back, one of the Cloudsdale soldiers had the nerve to tell me my son would be expected to serve in the army, and they wanted my wife to join as a medic. We left Ponyville for this smaller village hoping things would be calmer. We need to get away before this thing breaks into an all-out war!"

"Always the way it goes, isn't it?" A new voice added from a corner. Every head turned to face Gabrielle, who slowly walked out of the shadows. Her now bandaged wing twitched. "I left Griffingard because neither Carter nor I wanted to join the army. You need to go through military service if you want any sort of rights over there."

"I heard as much," Shining said with a nod. "I know a few griffons moved to Equestria to escape it."

"If you can stomach the vegetarian diet, it's the best option," Gabrielle replied with a weak chuckle. "One thing I can tell you — this Equestrian civil war, it's everything Griffingard wants."

"Why?" Pinkie asked. "The griffons never seemed to have any problems with us."

"It's some of the nobility in High Roost. They'll look for any excuse to prove to the world that they have the greatest army. There's this one duchess in particular. Alicia Bouvier, that's her name. She's always advising King Aurélien to recruit more soldiers, and get involved in every small conflict imaginable. Usually with territorial concessions in exchange."

"Wait, did you say Bouvier?" Shining asked, raising an eyebrow. "Silvermane mentioned the griffons here in Equestria were under the command of a Centurion Bouvier. This can't be a coincidence."

Gabrielle's eyes perked up as she stared at Shining. "Of course, her husband! I remember hearing he was an officer in the army. I imagine Equestria would be too important for her to trust anyone else."

"So the griffons in Equestria are led by the husband of King Aurélien's most warlike councilor," Pinkie pondered with a scowl. "I don't like it one bit!"

"Neither do I, Pinkie," Shining added. "There's more at play here. Something we're not seeing."

"Well, none of it will mean anything if we don't leave this village," Windstream interrupted. "There's already been one riot. Once the word gets out that my family will not join this war, retaliation can be expected. I don't think the soldiers will do anything to stop it."

"You're right," Shining said. "Tenderheart should be back soon with the families who want out. We should go through these barrels, get supplies ready for the road."

Windstream nodded. "I have plenty of dried fruits, they should last us a long time. I also have an old cart in the back, but getting it out without being noticed would be tricky. As for medical supplies, my wife is a nurse; she should have everything we need and more."

"Good," Shining nodded firmly. "I want a full inventory. We take only what we can carry. Every able pony should have full saddlebags."

"And we come back, try to sneak into Cloudsdale once these ponies are safe?" Pinkie suggested.

"Yes, that's a plan," Shining replied.

"I'll go upstairs and get my son, Chipper Skies," Windstream added. "He'll help us pack."

The group packed the necessary supplies swiftly enough under Shining's supervision. It was quickly decided that they would only pack the essentials. Windstream had wanted to take his cart, but Shining quickly convinced him that it would only slow them down and make them more noticeable.

"What's taking my wife so long?" Windstream mumbled to himself as he counted the filled saddlebags.

Shining's ears perked up as he heard the pegasus stallion. "She's probably waiting for dark. For all we know, the house is under surveillance and she doesn't want soldiers finding an excuse to come inside."

"Well, it should be dark soon," Windstream continued. "I'll go upstairs and see if I can spot anything through the window."

Shining Armor nodded as the pegasus walked up the stairs. He turned his attention to Pinkie and Chipper Skies, both in the middle of a card game.

"Any news on mom?" the white-coated pegasus teenager asked.

Shining shook his head as he sat next to the two. "Sorry, nothing so far. Your father went upstairs to see what he can find out."

Chipper Skies grunted as he looked away. Shining gave Pinkie a worried look.

"Don't worry, Chipper, I'm sure your parents will be fine," the pink pony replied with a smile.

"It's not fair!" the teenager finally said, slamming his hoof in the dirt. "My parents shouldn't have to take all the risk! I should just join that stupid army, so they'll be left alone!"

"Don't even talk like that!" Pinkie replied, grabbing his head and staring into his vibrant green eyes. "Your parents will get you out of this, Chipper. You just have to trust them!"

"You'll be safe in the Crystal Empire," Shining added after a moment. "I get that you want to do something right now. We all do. What's important is saving as many ponies as we can. Once this is done, we'll plan our next move."

"I guess," Chipper Skies said with a heavy sigh. He dropped his cards on the ground. "I'm tired of this game, Pinkie. I just wanna be alone for a while."

Shining sat on the ground after the teenager had left to brood in another corner. "You know, Pinkie, he's right to be worried," he whispered so only she could hear him. "Something could have happened to Tenderheart. We might have to consider other options soon."

Pinkie Pie frowned and her ears flattened. "Let's see what Windstream thinks when he gets back."

The two waited in silence for a while. Shining turned his gaze toward Gabrielle, who was filling some water canteens in a corner. They shared a nod, but nothing else. There's nothing worse than the waiting game. I wonder if this is what happened to the Cloudsdale army in Ponyville? Maybe their officers proved too impatient.

Shining's quiet contemplation of the situation was interrupted by Windstream almost tumbling down the stairs. "Bad news! There are guards in front of the house!" he announced in a panicked voice. "Tenderheart was talking to them outside. I saw other ponies around."

"Darn it!" Shining spat as he swiftly stood up.

"Let them take me! I'll join them if they leave you alone!" Chipper Skies immediately offered, stepping in front of his father.

"This is no time to talk nonsense, Chipper Skies!" Windstream harshly scolded. He turned to Shining. "What do you think we should do?"

Shining started pacing back and forth. "They definitely suspect you're hiding something. With the little show of support the population gave them, they probably want to make an example out of you."

"I say we fight!" Gabrielle announced as she stepped forward and stared at her claw. "I won't let them take us like they took my husband!"

"I'll fight too!" Chipper Skies said with a determined nod.

"Enough of that!" Shining ordered as he glared at both the griffon and the teenager. "We need to get out of here."

"We need to find out what they want," Pinkie calmly suggested, still sitting in a corner. She slowly got up. "These ponies are scared, just like us. They're not hurting anypony right now, just talking. I say we go outside and talk to them."

"Are you insane?" Gabrielle snapped. "These are the same ponies who killed my husband!"

Shining shook his head. "They are not. We're talking soldiers here, not an angry mob. Pinkie's right, there might be a way to talk ourselves out of this one. I'll go outside with her. I was recognized by a soldier, and was told they wouldn't do anything to me. They don't want to risk angering my wife. I can use that to my advantage."

"We'll sneak through the back while you attempt to negotiate," Windstream added. "We'll wait for you near the burned down barn. Tenderheart will know where it is."

Shining nodded. "Be careful."

"You too," Windstream replied with a nod of his own.

"Come on, let's see what the soldiers want," Shining said as he gestured for Pinkie to follow him.

They made their way upstairs and left the house through the front door. The darkness of a moonless night engulfed the village. As expected, a small group of ponies were surrounded by pegasus soldiers armed with spears. Two more faced the house and pointed spears at Shining and Pinkie. At their head was Lightning Dust, sporting a proud smirk and holding a torch.

"For a former royal guard, you're really not that subtle," the turquoise sergeant teased.

"I never expected the ponies of Cloudsdale to be this paranoid," Shining replied, taking a deep breath.

"Pinkie Pie," Lightning continued, slightly tipping her head in the pink pony's direction. "It's been a while. I didn't expect to see you here."

"I didn't expect you to be bullying innocent ponies," Pinkie replied. "But I get that you're scared, and you don't know what to do."

"I'm doing my job," Lightning replied. "These ponies are refusing military service. We suspect more are hiding in this house."

"You have no right to force anypony into service," Shining replied. "They're all coming with me."

The two soldiers standing behind Lighting stepped forward and pointed their spears at Pinkie and Shining again. "You're not in a situation to make demands," the sergeant scoffed.

"You won't hurt Shining," Pinkie said as she stepped toward the soldiers. "You have plenty of volunteers for your army. You can't just take anypony you want. You'll meet ponies who want nothing to do with your war, even ponies who support Blueblood. It's bad enough that you're willing to kill other soldiers over a silly chair in Canterlot. Now you want to hurt innocents too?" Pinkie smiled lightly as she slowly shook her head. "You're not a bad pony, Lightning Dust. You're proud and you want to prove yourself. But you won't harm us."

Shining saw Lightning's frown loosening as her tail shook. Pinkie's getting to her. She just needs a bit more push. "You have two choices," Shining stated. "First, you can fight us, right here, right now. You'll probably end up with another riot, and you'll have to explain to your superiors why the Crystal Prince was attacked under your watch. I can guarantee my wife will love whatever explanation you come up with." He took a breath, scanning Lightning's face for more signs of doubt. "Your other choice is to let us go. I will grant these ponies asylum in the Crystal Empire, and you will never see any of them again."

Lightning glared silently at both Shining and Pinkie for a moment. The soldiers hardened their stances, no doubt ready to strike. "Fine, you can go," Lightning finally ordered. "But if I see any of you interfere with our affairs again, I will not show the same restraint."

Shining let go of a breath he had not realized he had been holding. "You made the right decision. One last thing, if I may. Should you see Princess Luna, I would like you to tell her about what happened here today. Tell her about the riots, about the scared ponies, about the way you almost attacked us in the streets. Ask her if the throne is really worth it."

Lightning scoffed, but said nothing. She nodded at the soldiers surrounding Tenderheart and the other civilians. The spears were lowered, and about a dozen ponies rushed behind Shining and Pinkie.

"Let's go," Shining told his companions. They all turned around and left into the night.

"Oh, Pinkie Pie," Lightning's voice called, prompting both Shining and Pinkie to turn around.

"Yes?" Pinkie asked.

"Rainbow Dash is dead," the sergeant flatly said. "She was killed by a hailstorm during the battle of Ponyville."

Shining turned toward Pinkie, who stared blankly in front of her. He turned his glare toward Lightning, then back toward Pinkie.

"Take care of yourself, Lightning Dust," Pinkie said as she mechanically turned around and set the pace.

They walked in silence for a while. The eleven ponies Tenderheart had gathered up huddled together. One of them was supported by his wife as he nursed a broken leg. Shining found a moment to mention the meeting spot to Tenderheart before he moved back to walk next to Pinkie. He glanced at her a few times as she kept a determined pace. She held a strong face, but could not completely hide the tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," he eventually offered.

Pinkie turned to him and nodded slowly. She returned her attention to the road in front of her. The group walked in silence for what seemed like an eternity. Shining kept glancing at Pinkie. From everything Twilight ever told me, Pinkie Pie was always the one to cheer her friends up when they were down. Ever since I started traveling with her, she was always the brave one. Nopony can stay strong through the death of a friend, though.

Shining took a deep breath. He stared at Pinkie again. These weren't the tears of someone under shock. These were tears of resignation. "How long have you known?" he asked softly.

"Ever since we heard about the battle," she replied, her voice having lost its usual bounciness. "Well, I suspected. Rainbow... she never gave up, ever. She wouldn't fly away and let her soldiers die alone. She would fight to the end. That's who she was." Pinkie sighed. "We should never have let her go to Cloudsdale."

Shining looked down at the dirt road. "If there's anything you need, just ask."

Her tears finally revealed themselves. "I don't know what I need, Shining. One of my best friends just died. Another is lost, nopony knows where. There's the one who got married to a stallion she hates, the one we sent to the end of Equestria all by herself, and then the one who burdened herself with trying to lead our silly little group. I just wanted to make my friends happy, Shining. I never wanted Twilight to become Equestria's only princess, Rainbow to join some army, or me to save ponies from a bunch of crazy soldiers." She sighed and finished in a meek whimper. "I never wanted my best friend to die in a war."

Shining stopped and placed a hoof on Pinkie's shoulder, prompting her to do the same. He slowly embraced her. She held on tightly to his body, sobbing openly into his white coat. Tenderheart turned toward him from the front of the procession. They shared a nod, as she called for a break.

The burned down barn was aptly named. It was exactly that — a barn that had once been ravaged by flames. Shining Armor's group slowly made their way toward the ruined building. The place was as silent as a grave. The tall, unkempt weeds surrounding it added to the eerie atmosphere that greeted them.

"This is the place?" Shining asked.

Tenderheart nodded. "This is where Chipper Skies used to run away to hang out with his friends."

Shining frowned. "Looks like we're the first ones here."

"No we're not," Pinkie said from behind him. "Hi Windstream!" she cheerfully waved, already back to her normal peppy demeanor.

Three shadows emerged from the ruined building. Gabrielle, Windstream, and Chipper Skies were quickly recognizable. Tenderheart immediately galloped in their direction, embracing both her husband and son warmly. They're the lucky ones. So many families will end up broken because of this war, Shining thought grimly.

Gabrielle slowly made her way in their direction. "I'm glad you made it out," she told Shining and Pinkie.

"Same," Shining said. "I was worried for a moment, but I think they didn't want a potential incident with the Crystal Empire."

"Speaking of," Pinkie added as she raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you give up all claims of power in the Empire when you came here with me?"

"Those soldiers didn't know that," Shining replied with a wink. "I won't be able to play this card again though. I suspect Luna will send a representative to the Empire in the coming days."

"The important thing is that you all got out alive," Gabrielle said as she stretched her neck and looked at the eleven escapees. "It looks like you brought quite a few ponies with you, too."

Shining nodded. "They all want to escape this madness. Some have families in Canterlot. Others just do not want to risk their lives over the throne." He sighed. "I suspect the number of refugees will only grow, unless either Luna or Blueblood abandons this madness."

"I don't think that is likely to happen soon," Windstream said as he walked in their direction, accompanied by his family. "As you said earlier, our best hope is to escape to the Crystal Empire. Are you certain they'll take us in?"

"I'll write to Cadance and explain the situation," Shining explained with as comforting a smile as he could manage. "The assembly might ask you a few uncomfortable questions, but they won't refuse your request if you're fleeing the war."

"And why should we flee?" Chipper Skies argued as he stepped forward, whipping the air with his tail. "There's so much more we can do!"

"Chipper Skies, not this again!" Windstream scolded with a glare.

"I'm serious, Dad!" the teenager continued. "More ponies will want to escape the war. We're both strong flyers, you can't deny it. Mom's a nurse, too. We could do some good. We could help ponies escape. Shining Armor said it. More and more families will need a way out."

"Chipper makes a good point," Tenderheart admitted as she turned to her husband.

Windstream gasped. "Honey, not you too?"

"I won't let him take any risks, and if you want to take him with you to the Crystal Empire, then he comes with you. I am a nurse though, and if we're doing this, setting up a network to help refugees escape the war, I'll be needed. I can't turn my back on ponies in need."

Windstream frowned as his eyes traveled from his wife to his son. "You know I couldn't let you do this alone, honey," he said with a resigned sigh. "One thing I want to make clear though. Chipper Skies, you will do what we tell you. No risks, no going out by yourself. Your main duties will be helping your mother within the safety of whatever camp we setup. This is not up for argument."

The teenager turned to his mother for support, but lowered his head after she eyed him severely. "Alright, fine," he said. "No risks, no going out on my own."

"I'm in too," Pinkie added. "If we're going to find Twilight, we have to talk to as many ponies as possible. Maybe somepony will get an idea. Regardless, if I can't make ponies happy, I can at least make sure they have a chance to stop being unhappy."

Gabrielle stepped forward. "My husband is dead, and I have nowhere to go. I'm an experienced carpenter, and the last thing I wanna see is war. I'm in."

"I suppose this is what's left to do," Shining admitted with a sigh. "I still won't give up on reaching out to Princess Luna, but like you, Nurse Tenderheart, I must obey my calling." He looked at the shield on his flank. "Besides, you'll need me to coordinate between the refugees and the Crystal Empire."

Tenderheart nodded at each of them in turn. "It's settled then. We're setting up a network. We'll help refugees escape to the Crystal Empire, or any other neutral nation that will have them."

"Good," Shining replied with a smile. "Now, as tired as we all are, I believe we should travel through the night. We convinced Lightning Dust to let us go, but one of her superiors might have a different idea."

"I'll let everypony know," Tenderheart replied as she pointed her muzzle toward the refugees who all whispered to one another further back. "We can find refuge in one of the caves near the Galloping Gorge."

Shining took a few long breaths as he looked back toward Gale and the city of Cloudsdale. The city lights brightened the horizon, creating an impressive spectacle in the sky. How long would it take for this same sight to be associated with horror? Shining shook his head, chasing out his grim thoughts. While he had failed in his initial mission, this group they created would offer ponies a glimmer of hope.

"Something doesn't feel right," Pinkie mumbled, breaking his reverie.

"Soldiers coming?" Shining asked. "I'll tell the others to move it."

Pinkie shook her head. "No, it's the city. Look!" She pointed at Cloudsdale. It was hard to see at first, but the city started moving.

"What's going on? Why are they moving the city?" Chipper Skies asked.

"They're hiding it," Shining grimly explained. "They're taking it north, toward the Crystal Mountains. While the griffons can't find them, they'll have time to recruit across Equestria and coordinate hit and run attacks. The mountains cover all of Equestria's northern borders. This is bad news."

They all stared at the cloud city in silence. Cloudsdale quickly gained in momentum as it headed north. By morning, it would be impossible to find.