• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 3,803 Views, 535 Comments

A Dream of Sunny Days - Roranicus

When Princess Celestia dies, a new ruler must take up the throne, but the princess is not easily replaced. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

  • ...

XVI Fluttershy

Bright lights assaulted Fluttershy's eyes as she slowly woke from her slumber. A cacophony of sounds surrounded her, but she couldn't make anything out. She tried to speak, but found her throat too dry.

"Drink this, slowly," an unknown female voice said softly. A glass of water was brought to Fluttershy's muzzle. She took it to her mouth greedily. "Slowly," the voice insisted.

The blur in her vision soon defined itself as a female griffon's green eyes surrounded by brown feathers and a short beak. Fluttershy yelped and tried to get out of the bed she was lying on, but a claw held her down.

"Easy now," the griffon gently said.

"Where am I?" Fluttershy managed to ask after a few deep breaths.

"You were found in the desert, severely dehydrated. We found a deep gash on your flank as well. You're lucky to be alive."

Fluttershy slowly nodded as she took another sip of water. Her joints ached as she tried to move, and she winced as the water went down her throat. The air was noticeably hot and dry. Was she still in the desert? Perhaps she was in the badlands.

"Don't drink too fast," the griffon repeated. "It might be a few days before you can get out of bed. For now, just rest. We'll take care of you."

Many questions trotted through Fluttershy's mind as she settled back into bed. Why was a griffon nursing her? She looked at her surroundings. She seemed to be inside a large tent. Was this some sort of camp? None of it made any sense, but Fluttershy was too exhausted to ask her benefactor. She gently fell back into restful slumber.

She slipped in and out of consciousness. Sometimes, the same nurse was looking over her. Other times, she saw different griffons. On one occasion, one of them wore what looked like thick leather armor adorned with unknown insignias. Fluttershy shivered at the thought of the innocent creatures who must have been brutally skinned to create this intimidating garment.

She was definitely in an infirmary. Right in front of her was a table covered with various medical instruments, and another with bottles — she assumed they were filled with medicine. Two more beds stood next to hers, but they were both empty.

On a few occasions, she heard muffled voices coming from outside the tent. Wherever she was, it sounded like a busy place. It reminded her strangely of the flight camps she had to attend as a foal. Sounds of wings flapping, rough laughter, even sounds of fighting. This last one worried her. Could she be in some sort of military camp? The armored griffon she saw would uphold such a theory. Why would griffon soldiers set up camp near Equestria's borders?

She awoke again in the morning. The nurse walked in and nodded as Fluttershy met eyes with her. "You look stronger today," the griffon said as she took some notes on a pad of paper.

"Yes, thank you very much," Fluttershy replied. "I think I'm ready to walk, and, um, if it's okay, can you tell me where I am?"

The nurse glanced up from her notes. "I suppose you'll find out soon enough anyway. You're with the sixth Griffingard legion, currently in the Badlands, south of Equestria."

The Badlands; then I made it. Fluttershy failed to hide her smile as she contemplated her luck. "How did you find me in the desert?"

"Some of our soldiers were out on patrol. One of them recognized you and decided you were worth rescuing," the nurse explained. "In fact, I should get her. I imagine she'll want to speak to you."

Fluttershy frowned as the nurse left the tent. She hesitantly slid out of the bed, slowly getting back on her hooves. After what seemed like days being stuck in bed, being able to move around felt like complete liberation. She attempted a few wobbly steps, carefully getting used to walking again.

"You shouldn't be up on your own," the nurse's voice sternly admonished from the entrance. Fluttershy turned around and gasped as she saw a familiar face standing next to the nurse.

"So you're finally awake," Gilda said, sizing Fluttershy with her light amber eyes. Rainbow Dash's old friend was the last individual the pegasus expected to see.

"Wha.. What's going on? Gilda, what are you doing here?" Fluttershy mumbled in a stuttering voice.

"Long story short, I was out on patrol with my squad and we found you dying in the desert. I saved your life, you know."

"Oh, thank you," Fluttershy replied, forcing her eyes to remained trained on her apparent savior.

"Can you walk?" Gilda asked, taking a step toward the pegasus. "Centurion Bouvier has questions for you." The nurse looked like she was about to protest, but a glare from Gilda quieted her.

"Oh, I think I can," Fluttershy said. "Who is Centurion Bouvier? What does he want with me?"

"He's the leader of this legion," Gilda explained, motioning for Fluttershy to accompany her. "Don't worry, we're not invading Equestria. We're the good guys here. I'll explain everything on the way."

Fluttershy hesitantly took a few steps toward the exit. Gilda rolled her eyes and pushed her lightly with a large brown wing. The pegasus stopped and closed her eyes as the bright light of the sun assaulted them. Once she had adjusted to the brightness, she slowly contemplated the surrounding spectacle. She was indeed in the Badlands. The plateau the griffon camp was located on was surrounded by reddish jagged rock formations. Her hooves stood on dry, cracked soil covered in red dust. As for the camp itself, it consisted of long rows of tents. A deep ditch separated the camp from the surrounding wilderness, with tall wooden towers at the edges. "Oh my," Fluttershy whispered.

"Impressive, eh?" Gilda said with a chuckle. "This is the griffon military in action."

The pegasus hid under her mane. A group of armored and severe-looking griffons walked in front of her, almost knocking her to the ground. "I... I'm sorry," she whispered. This can't be real. What do they want with Equestria?

"I get that you wanna admire, but you shouldn't stand in the way like that," Gilda scolded with a smirk. "Come on, I'll show you around." She turned and faced a soldier standing guard. "Go tell the centurion that she's awake, and that I'll bring her shortly."

"Yes Decurion," the soldier replied with a salute before flying away.

"Decurion?" Fluttershy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It means I'm the leader of my unit," Gilda explained. "I have you to thank for that, by the way. Rescuing you scored me points with the brass."

Fluttershy gulped. "Uhm, Gilda? Why am I so important to your superiors? I'm really happy you rescued me, but I don't understand."

The griffon rolled her eyes. "Have you taken a look at Equestria lately? If you haven't noticed, your leader's dead, the first heir to the throne ran away after being accused of the murder, and the second disappeared after botching some magic ritual. You happen to be very close to this last heir."

"Oh, well, I really don't know where Twilight is. I was actually hoping to find some help in locating her."

"Well that's too bad," Gilda replied with a disappointed sigh. "Still, I'm sure you'll be more helpful than you think. If anything, you can let us know what's really going on down in Equestria. It would sure help our mission."

"Why do you want to know about Equestria?" Fluttershy risked asking.

"If civil war breaks out or something, the rest of the world needs to make sure the sun still rises tomorrow morning. I'd say this justifies our army staying close just in case."

Does this have to do with this secret army Rainbow joined? Fluttershy gulped as she once again avoided Gilda's gaze. "I'm sure everything will turn out fine."

"Well pardon me for not sharing your enthusiasm," Gilda said, annoyance evident in her voice. "What a typical pony attitude. You're all so certain that everything will turn out for the best, and that the rest of the world should just trust you with controlling the sun and moon, as well as a good chunk of our weather."

"Oh, I suppose I never thought about it that way," Fluttershy admitted meekly.

"Anyway, you can all manage Equestria any way you want. I'm just here to get my military service done so I can finally move out of Griffinstone and set up shop in High Roost"

"Military service?" Fluttershy asked hesitantly.

Gilda sighed. "Griffons have to serve at least a year in the army if they want to become full citizens and own property."

"Oh, that's terrible!"

"It's just how we do things," Gilda replied as she rolled her eyes. "Come on. I'll show you around." She motioned for the pegasus to follow as she set a brisk pace toward a larger tent.

A few griffons turned in their direction as they navigated the camp. Fluttershy stayed close to Gilda, trying as much as possible to hide behind the larger griffon. As a pony, she was no doubt a curiosity to them. A one-eyed blacksmith glared at her piercingly with his beady brown eye as he beat on a piece of metal with his hammer.

Desperate mouse cries made Fluttershy's ears twitch as they neared an open pavilion. She turned her head and gasped in shock at the sight of multiple small cages stacked on top of each other. Each contained a group of small, terrified rodents. "What are you doing? You monsters!" Fluttershy flew as fast as she could toward the animals.

Gilda stepped in front of her and blocked her path with a loud sigh. "News flash. We eat meat. If I can offer some advice, don't antagonize the army who saved you and nursed you back to health." She sternly glared at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy whimpered. She drooped her ears and averted her eyes, trying to ignore the cries for help. I'm sorry, little friends. I don't think anyone other than me can even understand you. Perhaps she could find a way to sneak out and save them later.

"Don't worry, we have plenty of other things you can eat," Gilda said as she continued on her way. Fluttershy trailed behind, unable to ignore the cries coming from the cages. I'll find some way to save you all later.

Gilda kept talking, but Fluttershy couldn't make out the words. She was mesmerized by the surreal action around her. As a foal, she learned in school about basic griffon history. How they had one of the most impressive military machines on the planet, and how they almost started a catastrophic war with Zebrica a hundred years ago. Their obsession with soldiery was always seen as an oddity in Equestria — something most ponies shrugged off as a cultural difference. To see it in person, it felt more serious. If these griffons wanted to invade Equestria, could anypony stop them?

Fluttershy flattened her ears, trying to drown out the sound of weapons being sharpened, soldiers loudly joking, and griffons training in the distance. She even thought she heard a familiar voice scream. Wait, that sounds familiar. It couldn't be... She stopped in her tracks and turned her head toward the noise that caught her attention.

"Hey, are you coming?" Gilda's voice asked. Fluttershy barely heard it as she took a few hesitant steps between two tents.

"You can't keep us in here! You can't contain the great one!" the panicked voice yelled.

"Screwball!" Fluttershy uttered under her breath. Without bothering to look at her guide, she galloped in the direction of the voice, sidestepping crates, tent pickets, and other obstacles.

"Wait, you can't go over there!" Gilda's voice yelled.

Fluttershy ran toward a large, open area right behind a row of identical red tents. A deep hole had been dug and covered with a series of thin tree trunks tied together in a grid. The area was surrounded by guards, who all pointed their spears at Fluttershy. "What's that pony doing here?" an officer barked.

Fluttershy gasped and slowed to a crawl. "S...Sorry," she pleaded. "I just heard a noise, and I thought I recognized the voice, and..."

She never finished her sentence as Gilda landed next to her. "What were you thinking? This is a military camp, doofus. You can't just go running around wherever you want."

"Keep your pet under control, Gilda," the officer warned with a stern glare. "Or else I'll just throw her in the pit with the others."

"Whatever, Theo," Gilda replied, placing herself between Fluttershy and the officer. "You know the Centurion wants Fluttershy treated well."

Theo grunted as whispers came from inside the pit.

"Did I hear Fluttershy?" Screwball's unmistakable voice asked. "Fluttershy, I'm in here! They're keeping us from the master!"

Fluttershy took a deep breath. "You're keeping ponies prisoner in there?" she asked with renewed vigor. She glared into Gilda's eyes. "I thought you said you were here to help. Is this what you had in store for me?"

"What? No, not at all," Gilda replied, shaking her head. "These are just the madponies. They're a danger to themselves, you know. They all came here rambling about their spirit of chaos. Discord, you call him?"

"You know where Discord is?" Fluttershy asked as he ears perked up.

"That's why we set up camp here, so we can keep him from roaming wild," Gilda replied. "The last thing we need is that creature taking over the world, now that Celestia isn't here to keep him in check."

Fluttershy took a few short breaths. Was this why Discord couldn't reply to her letters? Did the griffons somehow find a way to trap him inside his Labyrinth? "I'm going to talk to Screwball."

Two griffon guards blocked her way as she trotted toward the pit, but a nod from Gilda prompted them to let her pass. The revolting smell of feces assaulted her nostrils as she approached close enough to the pit to see inside. Four ponies, including Screwball, lay inside. Two earth ponies sat in a corner, whispering to each other, while a pegasus stallion drew circles in the sand. Screwball stared up at Fluttershy with watering eyes. Her pink coat was covered in filth.

"Please, you have to get us out of here," the madpony pleaded with tears in her eyes. "The master, he's silent. He left us to rot in this hole."

"I... I'll do what I can," Fluttershy managed to whisper as her stomach threatened to expel the bland, tasteless hay she had been fed in the infirmary.

"That's enough. These prisoners are dangerous," Theo's gruff voice ordered as Fluttershy felt a strong grip pull her back.

Fluttershy wanted to promise that she'd be back. She wanted to comfort Screwball, to apologize for her harsh words in the desert. The words would not come. It was too much to hope the griffons would actually be helpful. Careless Fluttershy. You're way too trusting.

She did not protest as she was herded back toward Gilda, who frowned at her severely. "We're going to see the centurion — no more wandering off. He'll decide what to do with you."

"Okay," Fluttershy meekly said, looking down submissively. Maybe if I bide my time, I can find a way out of this mess. Discord is so close. Maybe I can find some way to let him out.

She was led back to the rows of tents and toward a large purple pavilion. Gilda nodded to a guard at the entrance, who eyed Fluttershy a moment before stepping aside. The pegasus followed her guide inside. She heard a dignified-sounding voice, "And make sure you send a scouting party to Saddlefree. It should help us understand what's going on in Cloudsdale without attracting too much attention."

Fluttershy stopped when she arrived inside the tent. An unmarked map of Equestria was spread on a large table. Two griffons wearing ornate armor studied it from her side of the table, while a dark brown officer wearing a golden chestplate over his plump belly and small round glasses eyed her up and down. From the corner of the room, a female griffon with white feathers, white fur, and red eyes observed the situation silently. Why is there a map of Equestria? What are they up to? Fluttershy asked herself with a gulp.

"Ah, Decurion Gilda," the griffon with the glasses began in a strangely honeyed voice. "I see the pony you rescued is awake." He turned his gaze to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, is it? Please, have a seat. Make yourself comfortable. We're finished here anyway."

The two griffon officers bowed respectfully and left the room. "You too, Decurion," the griffon in charge continued. "You can wait outside."

Fluttershy did not turn to look at Gilda, but she heard a frustrated groan coming from her rescuer. The pegasus stood in place, uncertain what to do. The albino in the corner was the only one who didn't leave. She silently studied Fluttershy, prompting the pegasus to hide behind her mane.

"Do not be shy," the griffon continued. "My name is Centurion Ignacio Bouvier. I lead the sixth Griffingard legion. I understand that the situation might be strange for you, and will be more than happy to answer your questions. In fact, I have a few things I'd like to ask of you as well."

"Oh, I don't think I know much," Fluttershy timidly replied as she made her way to a comfortable-looking chair in front of the table.

"Nonsense," the centurion said with a smile as he placed a bowl of assorted nuts on the table and pushed it toward the pegasus. "For starters, I happen to know you have knowledge regarding Discord."

"Discord is not your enemy, you know," Fluttershy replied, closing her eyes as memories of Dodge Junction flooded her head.

"I can accept that you believe as such," Bouvier acquiesced with a tip of his head. "Still, given the current uncertainty surrounding the succession of your nation's throne, I believe it prudent to keep this 'Discord' under close scrutiny. Need I remind you that he caused a lot of damages in the multiple events when he attempted to take over?"

Fluttershy took a long breath. She gulped as she met eyes with the albino griffon, who still silently stared at her from the corner. She turned her attention back to Bouvier, opting to ignore the unsettling albino. "Centurion, I understand that Discord can be scary. He listens to me though. Gilda said you were worried about Equestria; well so am I. This is why I'm here. To find Discord and get him to help."

"Perhaps in time," Bouvier suggested while adjusting his glasses. He picked up a nut and swallowed it. "For now, I would like you to think of yourself as our guest." Fluttershy did not like the centurion's patronizing smile. "You were lucky to survive your trip to the Badlands, and I couldn't live with myself should you head out there alone again."

"You mean a guest like the madponies?" Fluttershy snapped, forcing her eyes to remain locked on the centurion.

"Ah, you saw our prisoners," Bouvier said with a frown. "While it saddens me to keep ponies as prisoners, this is a military camp and they proved themselves to be unpredictable at best. I suppose it's natural that a creature such as Discord would attract unfortunate souls such as these."

"So you keep them trapped in a filth-infested hole?" Fluttershy continued, standing up as her tail whipped the air. "Nopony should have to live in such disgusting conditions."

A loud cough directed both Fluttershy and Bouvier's attention to the corner, where the albino made a series of strange gestures with her claws. She stared at the pegasus with her piercing red eyes. The strange griffon grunted flatly as she nodded once at the centurion.

"Ah yes, of course. Thank you, Crystobel," Bouvier said before returning his attention to Fluttershy. "As my arcanist reminded me, these ponies have all attempted to enter the area controlled by Discord. The Labyrinth, I believed they called it. As far as we know, it could be fatal. Perhaps it may even allow Discord to escape."

"I've been to the Labyrinth before," Fluttershy said, taking a breath in an attempt to calm herself. "It's not fatal, and I can promise you that nothing bad will happen should you let those ponies go."

"I'll consider it," Bouvier flatly said, adjusting his glasses again. "However, let us be clear. I have no reason to believe Discord should be left unguarded. In fact, your insistence that he can be trusted worries me. As one of the heroes who once defeated him, I'm certain you can appreciate my position."

Fluttershy sighed. Nopony ever believed me that Discord has changed. Why should I expect things to be any different with a griffon? "Uhm, Centurion, can I ask you one thing?"


"What do you want with Equestria? We're far away from Griffingard. Why are you getting involved?"

"A fair question," Bouvier replied. "Your nation is far more important than you think. I don't know how much griffon history you were taught, but Princess Celestia has been instrumental in keeping the peace between Griffingard and Zebrica. There is, of course, the movement of the sun and moon to consider." He took a pause and ate another nut. "The rest of the world is very much concerned by how the Equestrian succession is managed. I certainly hope my presence is not needed, but I believe the expression is, 'better safe than sorry'."

Fluttershy gulped. If the griffons felt the need to send in their army, would the zebras do the same? Would the centaurs or the minotaurs? Her head spun just thinking about the implications. She heard the albino griffon cough again, but she ignored her.

"You seem a bit pale. I fear the day might have been a bit taxing for a pony in your condition," Bouvier offered. "I will have Decurion Gilda escort you to the tent we prepared just for you. A meal will be brought shortly, and the nurse will check up on you regularly. You may walk around the camp if you wish, but I'm afraid I cannot allow you to do so unescorted. This is a military operation after all."

Fluttershy gulped and nodded. So close, and I end up a prisoner. Careless Fluttershy. How will you get out of this one?

"I may pay you a few visits," Bouvier continued. "So little information from Equestria makes its way here, into the Badlands. I'm sure your presence will prove invaluable." He nodded and returned his attention to a report on his desk.

"Here, I managed to put together a decent salad for you," Gilda said as she dropped a bowl on the small central table.

While Fluttershy's tent was a far cry from the accommodations she had enjoyed with Cherry Jubilee, she found herself lucky not to be trapped in a pit like Discord's followers. She had been given a small table upon which she ate her meals, as well as a few cushions, and a surprisingly comfortable straw cot.

"Oh, thank you," Fluttershy said as she picked up the bowl. It contained a mix of lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, and small tomatoes.

"I figured you'd be tired of eating the same hay for every meal," the griffon continued in her usual dismissive gruff tone. After two days in the tent, the hay did indeed start tasting bland.

Fluttershy looked down into her bowl and carefully nibbled on a tomato. The one up side to being imprisoned was that she could eat alone. She still shivered when she thought of the innocent little rodents being eaten by the griffon soldiers.

"Still giving me the silent treatment, are you?" Gilda sardonically said. "You have to give it up at this point. No one here will let you see Discord. Actually, none of us have seen him. There's just this giant sand vortex that we've been keeping contained. I'm not going to start listing the weird stuff that came out of it."

Fluttershy suppressed a giggle. Even through all of this, Discord was still being Discord.

"Look, I get how this all looks to you," Gilda said with a sigh. "We won't keep you here forever. I'll do what I can to convince the centurion to have you escorted back to Ponyville. Whatever you may think, I owe Rainbow a lot, and you're her friend."

A true friend wouldn't keep me trapped in here. Fluttershy wanted to argue, but the words refused to come out. Every attempt at reasoning with her captors only prompted the same rhetoric. She turned around, refusing to meet Gilda's eyes.

"Fine, whatever," the griffon continued. "Just let the guard know if you want to get out of this tent. You can still walk around the camp as much as you want."

And I might do it more without some soldier escorting me. Fluttershy scoffed, waiting for Gilda to leave before tasting the salad. Truth be told, her stomach grumbled, and she found the prospect of eating something other than hay very appealing. The vegetables weren't as fresh as what she was used to in Ponyville, but in her current predicament, she would take what she could get. It was doubtful that Screwball and the others were given such a courtesy.

The moment her meal was finished, Fluttershy dragged herself to her cot. She considered going out for a walk, but one peek outside revealed the camp and its stoic soldiers, convincing her otherwise. At best, it would be depressing. At worst, her stomach would turn again at the sight of a griffon eating a poor, innocent animal. While she had seen wild predators eat meat before, what these griffons did, keeping them trapped and waiting to be eaten, reached a level of cruelty that Fluttershy couldn't accept.

She slammed her hoof on the cot in frustration. Innocent ponies being kept in a dirty hole, innocent mice being eaten alive, Discord seemingly trapped, and I can't even leave this tent. Think, Fluttershy, think. What would Twilight, Rarity, or Applejack do in this situation? Rarity would probably somehow charm her way out of it all. So would Pinkie Pie, she would have some unexpected trick up her sleeve. Applejack or Rainbow Dash would jump into action, taking out the guard and sneaking out during the night. As for Twilight, she would use her magic and probably cook up some scheme.

These thoughts had been racing through her brain ever since her first conversation with Centurion Bouvier. The older officer already visited her on two occasions, pestering her with questions about Equestria under a veil of false courtesy. He would ask about everything from cloud production, to food storage, to Canterlot's military readiness. When she'd refuse to answer, he would repeat the same arguments about how they were here to help.

Fluttershy's ear twitched as a squeaking noise brought her back to the present. She followed it to the base of her cot, where a gray rat sniffed the hay. "Hello there, little friend," she said with the first genuine smile she sported since waking up in the infirmary.

The rat perked up its head and stared at Fluttershy with its small black orbs. It took a few hesitant steps in her direction; she allowed it to approach her at its own pace. "Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you," the pegasus said with a light giggle.

She slowly walked to the table and picked up her salad bowl. A bit of lettuce had been left uneaten, so she dropped it on the ground. The rat sniffed it a few times before taking a small bite. It squeaked appreciatively as it greedily bit into the treat.

Fluttershy watched the critter eat. Once it was done, it looked at her apprehensively. "It's all I have for now, but I'll keep more for you tomorrow," she whispered. She scratched her head a moment, when an idea came to her. "Tell me, little friend. Did you escape from those dreadful cages?"

The rat squeaked a few times as it stood on its back legs.

"I thought so," Fluttershy replied with a frown. "I think I can get your friends out, but I'll need your help."

The squeaking stopped as the critter shook one of its ears while remaining immobile.

The pegasus sighed. "I don't know how the griffons are keeping Discord trapped. They won't let me leave the camp, so I can't go and see for myself."

She tapped her hoof to her chin as a thought crossed her mind. The rat squeaked again, scratching its ear. It could be risky, but I have no other choice.

Fluttershy took a deep, determined breath. "I'm going to need you to leave the camp and enter Discord's Chaos Labyrinth. I will write him a letter, and I need you to carry it to him." She picked up the rat and gently pet it on the head. "I would never ask you to take such a risk if things weren't so dire. I... I don't know what you'll find in there. Please, stay away from anything that looks too dangerous."

A pen and some paper were amongst the few luxuries the griffons had left her. She carefully ripped off a small piece just long enough to write a line. She dipped the pen in ink and carefully wrote her message: I am trapped in the griffon camp. How can I free you? -F

She went back to her cot and lay there a moment, allowing the rat to climb on her as the ink dried. Fluttershy then carefully wrapped the message around one of the rat's front legs. She winced slightly as she pulled one of her long pink hairs, using it to tie the message in place. She took a moment to make sure it was properly secured before gently lowering the critter to the ground.

"Go, little friend. Take my message to Discord," she whispered in its ear. The rat squeaked once more before running underneath one of the tent's flaps. I may not be brave or strong, but I have little friends I can rely on, Fluttershy thought with satisfaction.

Days passed without Fluttershy hearing any kind of reply from her secret messenger. Gilda kept bringing her meals, and often asked more questions about Equestria, Discord, or even how her friends were doing. Bouvier stopped visiting. Fluttershy figured she must have made it clear she wouldn't help him in whatever plans he had.

On one occasion, Crystobel, Bouvier's albino arcanist, came to see Fluttershy. She made her way inside the tent early in the morning, just as the pegasus was waking up. The griffon eerily stared at Fluttershy with her piercing red eyes, only blinking a few times as she eventually grinned, causing Fluttershy's blood to chill in her veins.

"Wha... what do you want?" the pegasus had nervously asked.

Crystobel coughed and produced a large syringe from her bag, prompting Fluttershy to gasp and back away, almost stumbling in the process

"Wha... what are you going to do with that?" Fluttershy asked as she curled up in a corner.

Crystobel grunted and two guards came in. They roughly restrained the shaken pegasus and held one of her legs in front of Crystobel. The albino griffon stabbed Fluttershy's leg with the needle, drawing a full syringe of blood. The pegasus nearly fainted.

After the deed was done, Crystobel had ordered the guards to let go with a nod, studied the blood sample with a satisfied grin, and left the tent.

Fluttershy no longer received any visitors after this meeting. Soldiers would come and deliver her meals, and she was still allowed to take escorted walks, but there was no sign of Gilda. When she questioned the guard, she was told the decurion had left on a scouting mission.

A loud ruckus outside of her tent awoke Fluttershy another two days after Crystobel's visit. The pegasus poked her head out, but was immediately met by a guard's hardened glare. "Stay inside," he ordered.

Fluttershy hid behind her mane and backpedaled inside. The activity she had seen when looking outside was unmistakable. Some of the tents were being packed, and crates were being loaded onto carts. The griffon army was on the move. And who knows where they'll take me? Be brave Fluttershy. You have to get out of this prison and hide. This is your only chance at finding Discord.

Could she sneak out from underneath the tent? She could probably dig behind the cot and crawl underneath the fabric. From there, she would have to find a place to hide. Where though? With the griffons moving, the entire layout of the camp could be changed. What if they found her? What would they do to her? Even if she managed to escape, could she even make her way to the Labyrinth on her own?

Enough! She slapped herself in the face. Now is not the time to doubt myself. Nopony is here, nopony but me. I'm just so close. What else can they do to me? If they wanted to hurt me, they would have done it already. Fluttershy made her way behind the cot and started digging. The soft sand gave way easily. She knew she would have normally been noticed, but with all the racket being made outside, now was the perfect chance.

It only took her about a minute of digging to be able to poke her head from underneath the tent. A second row of identical tents was just behind. Luckily, no griffons seemed to be around, most of them busy in other parts of the camp. It's now or never. You can do it Fluttershy. She carefully crawled out, breathing heavily as she nervously looked around her. So far, none of the griffons seemed to have noticed her standing in the tight space behind her prison.

The next step was leaving the camp. Fluttershy was stuck between two identical rows of tents. It wouldn't take long for the griffons to find her in such an open place. Perhaps she could hide inside another tent and wait things out? No, it won't work; a soldier might walk in and see me.

She took a deep breath. The longer I stay here, the longer I risk being seen. Think, Fluttershy, think! She brought her ear to the tent in front of her, but heard nothing. She perked her head to the side. A group of three griffons took flight a few meters from her location. Fluttershy swiftly retreated back to her hiding spot, her heartbeat racing as sweat drenched her coat. One, two, three, four, five... she counted in her head, closing her eyes.

Did the griffons see her? Surely they would have come for her by now. She slowly opened her eyes and peeked out from behind the tent again. The way seemed clear, at least directly in front of her. She tentatively took one step, then another. She looked left, the path was clear. She looked right, suppressing a gasp as she saw two griffons with their backs turned.

They haven't seen me. Go, go! She forced her muzzle close, ground her teeth, and quietly slid out of her hiding spot and inside the very tent she'd used as cover. She looked around and only found four straw cots. She thought about hiding behind one, but they were too small.

One way or another she would have to break for it. Maybe try to hide in the trench that surrounded the camp? Could she wait for nightfall? The day was still young, and the odds of her saying hidden all afternoon weren't in her favor. She sat down and took a few breaths. Soon, the griffons would start packing up their equipment in this part of the camp. She would have to run across the path to the next row of tents. If she could make her way from one row to the next, she would reach the camp's edge in no time.

She gulped as she took one step toward the exit. She peeked to the right, the path was clear. She peeked to the left and gasped as she came face to face with a sharpened beak and piercing brown eyes surrounded by gray feathers.

"Well, well, decided to go for a walk, did you, pony?" Decurion Theo scoffed. "I warned the centurion it wasn't wise to give you your own tent. You're coming with me."

The stench was even worse than Fluttershy remembered, and the warm sun blinded her eyes through the wooden grating that was preventing her escape. As for the madponies, they had been keeping their distance from her ever since Theo had thrown her into the pit.

The pegasus felt a shadow looming over her. She slowly raised her head and found the silhouette of a griffon. It took Fluttershy's eyes a few seconds to make out who it was, due to the brightness of the sun. Crystobel's white fur and feathers were unmistakable. Fluttershy curled up in a corner. Would her blood be taken again?

"That's the one! The witch who's keeping us from the master," Screwball said, pointing an accusatory hoof at the albino griffon.

Crystobel grunted, smirked at Fluttershy, and flew away. The pegasus heard Theo's gruff laughter in the distance.

"Screwball," Fluttershy said in a hushed tone as she turned toward her former guide. "What's really going on here? What happened to you?"

"They came for me after I left you," the madpony explained in an apologetic voice. "I should never have left. Surely this is why the master is punishing me."

Fluttershy frowned. "Discord did not punish you. He's probably trapped and can't escape the Labyrinth."

Screwball scoffed as a blue pegasus stallion stepped forward. "You do not see. You do not see, but I do! This is a test of our faith," he said. The wide opened eye on his flank made Fluttershy raise an eyebrow.

"However you see him, I think Discord might come soon," Fluttershy whispered as she motioned for the two ponies to get closer. "I sent him a message. I hope it got to him, but with the griffons leaving the camp, it might be easier for him to find us."

"Yes, yes, I heard they were going away," Screwball giddily added. "They're going to Equestria, something about Cloudsdale."

Fluttershy gasped. "They're going to attack Cloudsdale?" Didn't Bouvier say he sent scouts to Cloudsdale? That's where Rainbow went.

"Attack, defend, or go there for pancakes. At least they're going away," Screwball said with a shrug.

"For now, let's just focus on getting out of here," Fluttershy suggested with a sigh. Arguing with Screwball would only prove a waste of energy.

"Let's dig out. Eat the dirt and escape!" Screwball said.

"Let's throw the new pony against the barrier," the pegasus stallion suggested, prompting Fluttershy to shake her head and take a step backward.

A loud, "Quiet down there," silenced the prisoners.

Fluttershy found a corner of the ditch where she could quietly lay down and think. After her failed attempt, this pit would surely be guarded at all times. For reasons unknown, Crystobel also seemed to show interest in her. Fluttershy shivered at the thought of the albino arcanist. What could she want with me? What about the others? Are they so afraid of Discord that they'll imprison anypony who shows him any sort of loyalty? Oh Fluttershy, what did you get involved in?

She quietly listened as the griffon camp bustled with activity. Would they come and take her? Bouvier had said that they'd escort her back to Equestria. If that was the case, why throw her in this cell like a common criminal? For that matter, why did Crystobel take her blood?

The prisoners bickered while Fluttershy looked away in an attempt to shut them out. I can't believe they had to live in this hole all this time while I had my comfortable tent. I should have tried harder to rescue them. What could she have done, though? There was only one thing to do: hope that Discord received her message and could somehow help them escape.

One of the madponies, a short, green earth pony mare, took a few steps in Fluttershy's direction. Screwball immediately blocked her path and growled at her like a dog. The short mare whimpered away as Screwball grinned at Fluttershy.

"Thanks," Fluttershy whispered to the madpony. "I really need some time to think."

"You think too much," Screwball said dismissively. "The master will get us out, and then we'll have pudding."

"I hope so," Fluttershy said weakly. "Because I shudder to think what the griffons will do to us."

Screwball eyed the sand and placed a few grains on her tongue. Fluttershy rested her head on her legs, sighing at her own predicament. The griffons probably think I'm as mad as the rest of them, she thought as she tried to find a comfortable position.

Time passed, maybe hours. The light of the sun still illuminated the pit, although the camp was leagues quieter. "Most of the army must have moved out," Fluttershy quietly said.

"Does that mean we can escape?" the short green mare asked, her ears perking up.

"I don't know," Fluttershy whispered, slowly standing up. "Stay quiet, they might be listening."

"Hey, when's the food coming? I'm going to eat the yellow one!" Screwball yelled, ignoring Fluttershy.

"Oh fine, I shouldn't let you lot starve," a familiar voice announced. The logs blocking the exit to the pit magically transformed into oats that rained on the now freed prisoners.

"Discord!" Fluttershy gasped, her mouth gaped wide as the madponies cheered and climbed out. It took her a moment to flap her wings and get out of the pit. As expected, the spirit of chaos grinned at her, surrounded by a group of panicked griffons pointing spears.

He flicked his tail, causing the soldier's weapons to hiss and slither away like snakes. Ignoring their panicked reaction, he opened his arms wide. "Fluttershy! How good to see you. I do apologize for missing our Tuesday tea."

Fluttershy glared at Discord for a moment. She ground her teeth before she could no longer hold it in. "How long have you been watching us?"

"Oh, I don't know, a few moments," he said as he floated in the wind and stroked his white goatee. "You know, for a pony who talks about friendship so much, you weren't too eager to get to know my friends."

"We'll talk about the difference between making friends and tricking madponies into starting a chaos cult later," she said with a sigh. "For now, can we get out of here?"

"Oh fine," Discord said as he picked up Screwball with his paw. She hugged him affectionately. "Don't worry now, my dear. We'll all be safe in the labyrinth," he told the earth pony as he tickled her belly with his claw.

Fluttershy took a moment to look around. A few tents remained, although most had been packed. About a dozen griffons stood around the area, shaking as they stared at Discord. Fluttershy could see more soldiers flying in, led by Theo and Crystobel.

"Ah, here comes our little, what do you call yourself, arcanist?" Discord said as he dropped Screwball, landed, and smirked at the albino griffon.

"Grab him!" Theo ordered.

Discord yawned and snapped his claw. Heavy-looking iron shoes materialized around each soldier's back paws, forcing them back to the ground. Only Crystobel was left in the air, staring dumbfounded at the spirit of chaos. "Grab me? Really?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Fluttershy flew up. "Don't hurt them, Discord."

"Oh, don't worry. I have no problem with them," he said with a warm smile. "I have a problem with her." His expression morphed into a vicious grin as he held out his caw and teleported Crystobel into his grip. "So, you really thought your little toys could hold me, did you?"

The albino struggled against the grip as she protested with guttural sounds.

"Discord, we talked about this," Fluttershy pleaded. "You can't just do whatever you like to her, or anyone else you feel has wronged you."

The spirit of chaos ignored the pegasus as he kept his eyes on Crystobel. "You hurt my friends, you know that? Granted, I did enjoy your hilarious attempt at containing me. Magic-blocking runes, really? Well, I will give you a point for keeping the mail from coming in. Good thing Fluttershy here managed to send a message."

Fluttershy couldn't help herself but to beam with pride while Crystobel gave her a puzzled and incredulous look.

Discord stroked his chin with his paw again. "Crystobel, Crystobel, Crystobel, what should I do with you?"

Crystobel stopped struggling and glared directly into Discord's eyes with clear defiance.

"Well, Fluttershy wants me to be nice, so I suppose it's your lucky day. I'll just have to deal with you later." He smirked and the albino disappeared in a flash of white light, causing Fluttershy as well as most griffon soldiers to gasp in shock.

"Don't worry, she's safe. Mostly," he said with a dismissive gesture. "As for the rest of you," he continued, turning toward the soldiers. "You're boring me. Shoo, get out of here!"

The moment he snapped his finger and freed the soldiers from their iron shoes, they all flew away, most not looking back.

"I'm so glad you're back, Master!" Screwball cheered.

"I suppose you've all more than earned some playtime in the Labyrinth," Discord said as he scratched his chin.

Fluttershy frowned. "We're not done talking about this cult thing, you know."

"Oh come now," Discord continued as he floated back up. "They're just having a bit of fun. Either way, weren't you the one who said we should get out of here? It's quite lovely right now in the Labyrinth, especially now that I got rid of Crystobel's annoying little magic-repelling runestones."

"In a moment," Fluttershy said as her eyes found one of the pavilions the griffon army had left behind. "I have a promise to keep first."

She swiftly flew to the dining area. While a lot of animals were gone, she still found quite a few rats, gerbils, and other rodents squeaking in their cages. "I'll free you now, little friends."

The kitchen table was an exact replica of the one in Fluttershy's cottage. It was surrounded by similar chairs, as well as a dresser and an oven, both exactly like the ones the pegasus owned. The one thing missing were the walls. An endless ocean of lemonade surrounded the floating replica of the pegasus's dining room. She had spent two days inside the Labyrinth, living on this raft. Every time she went to sleep, she would awake only to find her familiar floor and furniture in different surroundings. First it had been in the middle of the desert, then on a cloud in an endless pink sky, and finally in this lemonade sea.

"More tea, my dear?" Discord asked as a white porcelain teapot walked across the table on what looked like four monkey hands.

"Yes, thank you," Fluttershy replied, attempting not to spill what was already in her cup. The room's rocking made the entire process a challenge. "This doesn't change that we have a lot to talk about, Discord." She leaned forward on her chair, placing the cup on the table. "I've been patient for two days, but we need to get back to our issues." Her expression changed to a heavy frown.

"Well what kind of friend would I be if I didn't give you the time to recover?" he said as he blinked a few times and shrugged innocently. "But judging by your frown, you disapprove of my little friends."

"I'm happy you have friends," Fluttershy clarified. "But I don't approve of you treating them like pets and having them worship you as their master."

"Oh please. Have you seen how you and your merry band act around Twilight?" Discord allowed the walking teapot to fill his cup. "There's also the way all your critters act around you."

"That's not the same," Fluttershy argued as she raised her voice.

"Is it? Ponies naturally look for someone to follow. Just look at how confused everypony in Equestria is without Celestia around. They're all fighting over who they should bow to," Discord giggled through his smirk, eliciting a deep frown from Fluttershy.

"I can't believe you're so casual about it," the pegasus continued as she raised her tone. "Twilight could be in danger, and the entire nation could fall apart. You saw the griffons."

Discord took a sip of tea. "I will admit they were a bit of an annoyance. The white one's runestones actually managed to block most magic from entering the Labyrinth."

"Which is why you didn't get my letters," Fluttershy finished.

Discord nodded and scratched his chin. "Either way, about Screwball and her merry band, they're free to come and go as they please. I won't keep them from leaving if they want to."

Fluttershy sighed. "Alright, Discord. I may not like it, but I suppose there's more important things to worry about."

"You want me to solve your problems. Find Twilight and all."

"That's why I traveled all this way," the pegasus said as she flew up and faced the spirit of chaos. "We really don't know what to do, Discord. If you could help us find Twilight, then she can sit on the throne and we can all be together again."

Discord threw his teacup behind him, into the lemonade sea. "I could give you another Twilight? I say we give Screwball a haircut. Nopony will notice."

Fluttershy sighed loudly. "Be serious, Discord."

"Alright, fine. I should at least give you this one bit," he said as a winged pig came and gave him another teacup. "Twilight is still alive. Even behind Crystobel's doodads, I would have felt the magical backlash caused by the death of an alicorn. The air smelled like muffins for days after Celestia died."

"Do you know where she is?" Fluttershy asked, her eyes opening wide and her ears perking up.

"Not right now, no," the spirit of chaos replied, shaking his head. He tapped on his head and tea poured out of his ear, filling the cup. "I suppose I should look into it. Is that supposed to be something friends do?"

"Yes Discord. Friends look out for each other," she explained as patiently as she could while landing back on her seat. Sometimes, she wondered if Discord faked ignorance just to get a rise out of her.

The spirit of chaos stroked his goatee. "I suppose I could take a look into it, although with the griffons coming to Equestria, we might have something more pressing to take care of."

"Oh?" Fluttershy asked.

"You see, as much as I enjoy the chaos of a good war, I'd imagine you and the pony gang would like to limit the damage, so to speak. Now, I figure, what good is it being a near-immortal spirit of chaos learning about friendship if I can't use the lessons you so gracefully taught me and do my share to defend Equestria?"

"So you'll stop the griffons?" Fluttershy asked, her ears perking up again.

"Not quite. What kind of friend would I be if I fought all of your battles for you? No, you ponies will manage just fine. I will just level the playing field a bit." Discord snapped his claw and a large wave made the kitchen-raft rock violently, almost throwing Fluttershy into the lemonade sea.

"What was that?" The pegasus gasped, flapping her wings and hovering over her mock dining room.

"Oh, I just moved the Labyrinth," Discord explained as he opened an invisible crack high above his head. It revealed a stone staircase leading upwards. "Coming?"

Fluttershy shook her head and allowed herself an amused smile as she followed her friend through the opening. No matter how many times she visited Discord, she could never get used to the strangeness.

The stairs led inside a large cavern filled with luminescent mushrooms. Fluttershy noticed she was coming out of a giant mushroom's base. Similar gargantuan fungi covered the cavern floor, many of them sporting entrances to various parts of the Chaos Labyrinth. Screwball and the other madponies trotted out of another and looked around. One of them rushed to a pond in the middle of the cave.

"Where are we?" Fluttershy asked, admiring the strange, but peaceful area.

"Ever heard of the Mirror Pool?" Discord asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm sure you'll agree it's the last thing you want any army to have access to."

Fluttershy shuddered. "Soldiers copying themselves over and over? I have to agree with you on this one, Discord." She couldn't keep herself from eyeing the madponies suspiciously.

"Oh, don't worry about them," Discord said. "I'll make sure to get their clones back in the pool whenever they're done playing."

"And what about Twilight? Can you help find her?" Fluttershy asked again, pleading with her eyes.

"Oh, I'll see what I can do," Discord replied. "One thing I can tell you, the night Twilight disappeared, there was a pretty big magical disturbance. Like a pie to the face, really."

"Right, the failed ritual," Fluttershy said with a nod.

"No, no, not that," Discord said dismissively. "The battle that came after, that was it. Alicorn magic is so distinctive, tastes like strawberries. The small, really sweet ones."

"So Twilight fought an alicorn? I can't believe Luna would do this."

"No, no, no, not Luna," Discord continued with a frown. "That first part was our little Twi-Twi. She fought something that tastes like biting into a lime. Very changelingy taste."

Fluttershy gasped. "Chrysalis. She's the one who captured Twilight?"

"Could be," Discord said, summoning an apple and taking a bite out of it. "Maybe another changeling queen. I suppose you'll have to capture our queenie and ask her."

"I'll let everypony know," Fluttershy said with renewed vigor.

"For now, I think you should head back to Ponyville," Discord suggested with a grin. "Speaking of our old pal Chrysalis, she's being naughty again. I believe Applejack could use your help with her."

"Changelings in Ponyville? Oh no," Fluttershy gasped as she flew up, ready to head out.

"Oh, one last detail before you go," Discord said, teleporting in front of the pegasus and raising his claw. "You might be in a bit of a shock when you see Ponyville. Let's just say our friends have been keeping busy."

Fluttershy frowned, her ears drooped in concern. "What happened to Ponyville? Are my friends safe?"

"You'll find out soon enough, my dear," Discord replied with a smile. "For now, you better get going. You have a bug to catch, and apparently I have an alicorn princess to find."

Fluttershy did not get a chance to reply as Discord snapped his claw again. She found herself in the Everfree Forest, right next to the large boulder that blocked the path to the Mirror Pool. She wasted no time in heading for Ponyville in a brisk canter.

Ruins, ruins, and more ruins. This was the scenery Fluttershy had found herself in after leaving the Everfree Forest. Luckily, her animals were still alright, and her cottage only sustained superficial damage; her mailbox was the biggest lost.

She carefully checked on her little friends. The birds all seemed to be safe, Angel Bunny happily jumped on her back, and the baby raccoons slept peacefully. "I'm so glad none of you got hurt," she told the animals gathered before her. "I don't know what happened to Ponyville. I really should be finding out. I don't suppose any of you can tell me?" She allowed herself a light giggle. Regardless of the horrors she lived through, and would no doubt be faced with in the future, she finally found herself amongst friends, at least for now.

Angel jumped up and down on her back and pointed toward the door. Fluttershy perked up her ears and soon heard what the bunny was referring to: the faint sound of hoofsteps was making its way toward her cottage.

Fluttershy quickly made her way outside. She opened the door and gasped as she saw a familiar tan coat and raspberry mane. "Roseluck! You're okay."

The earth pony mare raised an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't I be? You just asked me to get some bird seed." She dropped the bag she was carrying.

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked. "How could I ask you to get bird seed when I only just got back?"

"Did you hit your head?" Roseluck rushed to the pegasus's side. "You said you had to talk to Applejack, at Twilight's castle. We spoke barely an hour ago."

Discord's warning flashed back into Fluttershy's head. He talked about Chrysalis, and Roseluck said she saw me. This can only mean... "Oh no." She gasped as she brought her hoof to her muzzle.

"What's going on?" Roseluck asked again, holding on to Fluttershy.

"You haven't been talking to me," Fluttershy said between breaths. "You've been talking to a changeling."

The earth pony gasped. "You mean there're changelings in Ponyville again?"

"Wait, again?"

"Applejack managed to stop them about two weeks ago," Roseluck explained.

"I really did miss a lot," Fluttershy said pensively. "No matter. I have to stop this changeling before things go too far. Roseluck, can you come in and tell me everything that happened while I was gone?"

The earth pony mare nodded as Fluttershy accompanied her in. They sat together on the couch, Fluttershy fiddling with her mane as she dreaded what Roseluck was about to say.

"I'll start with the good news," the earth pony began. "Most ponies are alive, and every animal made it. While about half of the town is destroyed, we have ponies rebuilding it, and the griffons have been helping out, for all its worth."

"Wait, the griffons are here?" Fluttershy asked in a mild panic.

Roseluck slowly nodded. "Yes, but they're leaving us alone for now. I guess I should start from the beginning. I'm not sure who started it, but a griffon army was headed this way, and the Cloudsdale ponies ambushed them near the Everfree Forest. The two armies clashed over Ponyville."

"Oh, my," Fluttershy gasped again. "Wait, you said Cloudsdale. Was Rainbow Dash there?"

"I heard that she was, but I couldn't tell you what happened. I'm sorry. Perhaps Applejack will be able to tell you more."

Fluttershy sighed. "I really hope Rainbow made it out okay." The pegasus took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and pictured her friend's lifeless body. "Why does all of this have to happen?"

"I'm really sorry," Roseluck said, placing a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. "For what it's worth, I'd bet on Rainbow managing to fly away safely."

Fluttershy took a long, deep breath. "So the battle spread to Ponyville?"

"It would be more accurate to say the storm the pegasi created spread to Ponyville," Roseluck said with a gulp.

"And the griffons won?" Fluttershy asked with a wince.

Roseluck nodded. "Yes, they have a few pegasi prisoners, whom they're keeping in a camp outside of town. They've been keeping their distance."

Fluttershy frowned. "We can't trust the griffons. I've been a prisoner at one of their camps in the Badlands. Whatever they said is a lie."

"You'll have to convince Applejack. She's serving as our temporary mayor."

"I will," Fluttershy replied. She began to nod, when realization flashed in her head. "Wait, does that mean that Mayor Mare..."

Roseluck's expression fell. "I'm sorry. Town hall was devastated. Nopony there survived."

Ponyville in ruins, Rainbow Dash possibly hurt, Mayor Mare dead, it was all too much for Fluttershy to take. Roseluck gasped as the pegasus stood and screamed as loudly as she could. "I've heard enough! The griffons, the Cloudsdale ponies, they hurt my friends! Now this changeling is trying to take advantage of their situation. I won't have it! You can tell me the rest later."

"If you say so," Roseluck hesitantly said, standing and taking a step backward.

The pegasus breathed heavily. She looked around the room for something she could use, her eyes finding their way to a piece of gray fabric. She unfolded it to reveal a large cloak. "Perfect. With this, I can hide who I am until I confront the changeling and make sure I don't tip them off."

"I'll stay here and watch over the animals," Roseluck quietly suggested. Fluttershy nodded firmly as she put on the cloak and got on her way.

She trotted toward the Palace of Harmony as fast as she could without drawing too much attention. While the damage was pretty bad in the southern half of town, it wasn't as extensive further north. What few ponies she came across were too busy clearing out rubble to pay her mind. She soon saw the castle's peak and redoubled her pace.

A large group of ponies had gathered in front of the Palace of Harmony. Fluttershy quickly made her way toward them. Applejack stood on the castle porch, giving a speech announcing her intent to become the new mayor. She was accompanied by Bonbon and the fake Fluttershy. Seeing her double made Fluttershy's blood boil. Behind them, Granny Smith rocked herself calmly on her chair. Applejack was taking a breath when the pegasus got close enough to hear, and a voice from the crowd interrupted her.

"I got a question," a voice that sounded like Caramel said. "Who put you in charge? Didn't you run away to Appleoosa while you were supposed to protect the town?"

"You're right," Applejack replied with a sigh. "And it'll be up to y'all to decide if you want me in charge or not. All I want is all of us working together and rebuilding the town. The faster we fix up Ponyville, the faster we can move on and have a real election."

The fake Fluttershy stepped forward. "Well, I'll definitely vote for you. You rescued me from those awful changelings, and you're the pony who kept us together all day." Fluttershy winced. It really did sound like her. "So I really suggest you listen to her, mister."

Cheers and applause met the imposter's claim. Fluttershy's blood boiled again as she found the strength to speak out. "How dare you?"

Heads turned in her direction as she stepped forward. She gently pushed ponies out of her way and many faces gasped as they recognized her. She lowered her hood and glared directly at the changeling impersonating her.

"What the hay?" Applejack gasped, her head turning between Fluttershy and the impostor.

Fluttershy took a deep breath. "I appreciate the sentiment," she said with a confidence that surprised even her, "but not you taking my face. Applejack is my friend, and I will not let you take advantage of her."

The impostor bared her fangs at Fluttershy as she was surrounded in a green hue. Her limbs stretched and her entire body turned black. Soon enough, Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, was staring her down. "And it was all going so well. I suppose I'll have to do things the hard way now."

A few ponies from the crowd turned into changelings and attacked whoever was closest to them, causing a cacophony of panicked screams. Applejack turned to buck the queen, but was shot directly in the chest by a green beam from the changeling's horn. Fluttershy flew up and gasped at the spectacle with horror.

"You don't get to hurt my friend!" she screamed without thinking as she charged at Chrysalis. The queen's eyes were wide open with surprise as Fluttershy hit her horn as hard as she could.

Bonbon, who had been standing next to Applejack struck Chrysalis with a buck of her own. "Fight back everypony!" she yelled.

Fluttershy charged forward and locked her head against the changeling queen's. Their eyes met, and the pegasus recognized the same expression she often saw in animals facing a predator; for all her bravado, the queen was small and afraid. She never expected to be called out, and was not ready to fight.

"Do you really think you stand a chance, pony?" the queen taunted. "I'm as powerful as any alicorn."

Chrysalis' entire face twisted as a loud cracking sound was heard. Her body fell down, revealing Applejack who had just hit her with a now broken rocking chair. "Don't take this the wrong way, Fluttershy, but I like you when you get angry," the apple farmer said with a grin.

"Oh... I just reacted," Fluttershy said, only now realizing she had been facing the changeling queen head on.

Applejack spat on the ground and looked at the crowd. "Sounds like we got them all under control."

"There were only five of them," Caramel said as he finished hogtying a growling changeling.

"We'll start doing random tests, try to root out any bugs still hiding amongst the townfolks," Applejack continued. "Bonbon, do you know if the old unicorn cell in the Ponyville jail house still works?"

"I believe so. I don't know if it'll block changeling magic, though."

"We'll have to risk it," Applejack said. She raised the volume of her voice as she faced the crowd. "I'll need volunteers to take the changelings to the jail house and stand guard for the night. Applebloom, go find Big Macintosh, and tell him to get Zecora. We'll need her magic expertise."

"But I can go myself," the filly argued from underneath the porch.

Applejack interrupted her with a stern glare. "No arguing. I don't want you in the Everfree all alone."

"Fine," Applebloom said as she galloped away with Scootaloo in tow.

Fluttershy looked from one pony to the next, impressed at how naturally Applejack had taken charge of the situation. She heard wings flapping in the distance and winced as she saw some griffons coming closer.

"Applejack, don't let them take Chrysalis away," she whispered in her friend's ear. "Discord said she knows where Twilight is."

"Good work," Applejack said with a tired smile. "I'll make up something to get rid of them."

A group of eight griffons arrived on the scene. At the head was none other than Centurion Bouvier himself. He glared at Fluttershy, shock apparent in his hazel eyes. "Lady Applejack," he said flatly with a polite bow. "We heard some commotion. Is everything alright?"

"Just a little town disagreement," Applejack lied. Fluttershy looked nervously from her friend to the griffon centurion. "Not everypony is happy with your presence in town. I hate to be blunt, but you coming here just now might make my job harder."

"I understand," the centurion said, adjusting his glasses. "We'll return to camp. Please send for us should you need anything."

Fluttershy forced herself to meet the centurion's eyes as he turned toward her one last time. The normally timid pegasus allowed herself a smirk.