• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 3,803 Views, 535 Comments

A Dream of Sunny Days - Roranicus

When Princess Celestia dies, a new ruler must take up the throne, but the princess is not easily replaced. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

  • ...

XXXIV Rarity

Open curtains revealed the moon shining through Rarity's windows. She gently rubbed her swollen belly, contemplating her unborn foal's potential future. It had been three days since the sun last showed its rays. The rumor around Canterlot spoke of a final warning from Princess Luna. The war would only get bloodier, as her husband categorically refused to reopen negotiations after the Manehattan fiasco.

Rarity could hardly blame him. They had showed up with good intentions, wanting nothing more than to negotiate in good faith. Yet Fancy Pants, one of the few ponies she thought she could trust, betrayed her. His words still resonated in her head whenever she closed her eyes. If you knew what the griffons did to Rainbow Dash, you would do the same as I did.

Rainbow Dash was dead. Multiple sources claimed they saw her ripped apart by a hailstorm during the battle of Ponyville, only for her body to be swept off by debris afterward. Was that what Fancy had meant? That she died a brutal death in battle? That couldn't be it. Her demise was a well-known fact; it wouldn't make an intelligent pony like Fancy change his mind that easily.

What if Rainbow didn't die on the battlefield? The question kept coming back to Rarity. Rainbow's body was never recovered. Rarity had always shrugged it off as the damage being too extensive. Some soldiers died deep in the Everfree, or were buried under so much debris their bodies could never be recovered. There were even cadavers mutilated beyond recognition. A true account of casualties had proven impossible to tally.

But then, what if the griffons had captured Rainbow? Rarity already suspected them of having captured Twilight, and Fancy seemed to agree. Had Princess Luna somehow found proof of this? Perhaps she shared it with Fancy? If that was the case, why not share it with her as well? The answer forced itself to the back of her mind. He doesn't trust me anymore. Even in his eyes, I now belong to Blueblood.

In fact, why should anyone trust her? What had she accomplished in Canterlot? She sat the throne, but merely as a figurehead. Blueblood and Silvermane still called most of the shots, and Ambassador Antoine constantly whispered advice in her husband's ear. Yes, she managed to save a few prisoners from execution and negotiate some semblance of authority for Applejack. In the end, Ponyville was facing forced conscription, soldiers were still dying by the hundreds, and her efforts to negotiate peace only created more violence and distrust. It had even thrown Manehattan, the only neutral Equestrian city, straight into the war.

Rarity sighed as she rose to her hooves. The castle and the city below were eerily quiet. Ever since the sun had stopped rising, ponies were afraid to leave their homes. A few determined souls still kept their businesses open, but the rare customers they got only bought the bare necessities. The recruitment offices, in contrast, kept busy. Desire to see the sun return proved to be a strong motivator for ponies to volunteer for the army.

They all seemed to forget that only Princess Luna could control the sun and moon. Multiple messengers had been sent to the Crystal Empire, but Princess Cadance assured them that she was as powerless as Twilight had been. Blueblood kept yelling at Starflare to come up with an answer. So far the finest minds in Canterlot couldn't make heads or tails of the multiple failed attempts.

The war was lost. All it could bring was more death and suffering. Whatever the griffons' plan was, it was succeeding. Could they have found a way to raise the sun? Perhaps it was their plan all along: eliminate anyone else capable of it, so they could announce themselves to the world as its saviors.

Rarity considered going out for a stroll, but decided against it. She barely ever left her quarters anymore. She often used her pregnancy as an excuse to feign sickness and avoid social functions. She couldn't stomach smiling at well-dressed dignitaries and eat extravagant meals while the ponies she was supposed to protect suffered.

A knock on the door interrupted her grim introspection. "Enter," she said with a loud sigh.

The door opened, revealing Sapphire Blitz. "I'm sorry to disturb you, Milady," Sapphire tentatively said, "but there's a, well, a rather odd messenger from Baltimare who insists on seeing you."

Rarity's brow furrowed. As far as she knew, none of her acquaintances were currently in Baltimare. "Fine, send this messenger in." Her mane was in horrible condition, and she didn't even have her makeup on, but she didn't care.

Sapphire stepped inside, accompanied by a pink earth pony mare with a curly purple and white mane who excitedly looked all around the room. Rarity could not even attempt a guess as to what the ball and screw on her flank meant. "Ooh, fancy," the messenger said. "But is it tasty?"

"I... do not believe that it is?" Rarity said. She cleared her throat "You asked to speak with me?"

"Oh, yes," the messenger said as she jumped up and down. "You're Rarity, right? Pinkie Pie's friend?"

"Indeed I am," Rarity said with a hopeful smile. She hadn't heard from Pinkie in months. Could this finally be good news?

The mare took a letter out of her saddlebags. "Message for you."

"Thank you," Rarity said as she grabbed the sealed envelope with her magic. "Is this from Pinkie?"

"I think so," the messenger said, scratching her head. "Say, are you going to open it? I've been curious all the way about what's in it."

Rarity raised an eyebrow, but opted to open the envelope. It certainly wouldn't be all that surprising that Pinkie would hire such an odd pony. Hopefully the letter contained good news. She made sure the seal hadn't been tampered with before she cracked it open.

Hey Rarity,

I hope life isn't too bad for you. I have good news. I'm going to rescue Rainbow and Twilight with Shining Armor. I don't wanna say too much, in case some meanie pants reads this letter, even though it's not polite to read somepony else's mail. Either way, just hold on tight. We'll get the gang back together soon, I promise.

That's not why I wrote you this letter though. You know the tea Celestia enjoyed so much? She kept a box of it in her quarters. Well, it was a gift from Ambassador Antoine! He's been supplying it to her directly from High Roost! I talked to the ponies who shipped it to Equestria. There were entire crates of it, but specific boxes were reserved for the princess. I just know Antoine ha had it poisoned! He's the one who killed her!

Just, be careful around him. The griffons have done some really bad things, but not all of them are mean. Some are just trying to be nice. Antoine and his soldiers though, they're rotten. They captured Rainbow and are keeping her in High Roost. I don't know what they're doing to her, but I've heard it's pretty bad.

Your friend, Pinkie Pie.

P.S. Don't tell anypony about this letter. I'm on a top-secret mission that nopony must know about.

Rarity gasped and almost dropped the letter. She read it a second time to be certain. What Fancy Pants had said was true; Rainbow Dash was being held by the griffons, and something awful was being done to her. She forced a smile as she remembered her assistant was staring at her alongside the messenger. "Sapphire, please provide this messenger with a meal, a place to sleep, as well as suitable payment for her services."

"Wait, what does the letter say?" the messenger asked.

"Just some personal matters, nothing exciting," Rarity lied. "Sapphire, I will require your services again later, please make sure to be available."

"Of course, Milady," Sapphire said with a bow. "If you'll accompany me, Miss?"

"Screwball," the messenger said as she bounced after Sapphire outside the room.

Rarity let go of a breath the moment the door was closed. Antoine had Celestia assassinated. His nation also kidnapped Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. Chrysalis claiming the griffons were guilty was one thing, but when both Fancy Pants and Pinkie Pie swore that it was the truth, then it couldn't be ignored. While no definitive proof had been found, too many trails lead to the griffon ambassador for there to be a coincidence. Antoine, however, couldn't have acted alone. He had to have accomplices in Canterlot.

A frown formed up on Rarity's muzzle. The most obvious one would be the pony who invited the griffon army to Equestria to begin with. The pony who was known to be Ambassador Antoine's close friend: her husband, Prince Blueblood.

Rarity walked to her fireplace and threw Pinkie's letter into the fire alongside the envelope. She couldn't risk anypony learning its contents, at least not yet. She took a deep breath before returning to her chair in front of the window.

All she needed was proof. If she could find irrefutable evidence pointing to the various guilty parties in this conspiracy, none of them could attempt to deny Twilight the throne once she returned. In the worst case, should the unthinkable happen, Rarity could use the same information to at least keep the potential traitors away from the throne, including her own husband. She grimaced at the prospect, trying not to think of what it would mean for herself, being the wife of a traitor.

She kept observing the scenery outside. Thick clouds gathered over Canterlot. The weather pegasi had once explained that this was due to both Cloudsdale's absence, and the continued use of weaponized weather by troops from both sides. The same excuse had been given for the unwanted snow that now covered all of Equestria.

Rarity rose and walked to her sewing machine. She'd been working on a new dress whenever she needed time to think. Now was as good a time as any. She absentmindedly stitched pieces of fabric together as she considered her options. She would have to act fast, but also be thorough. Her attention to detail and experience as a business owner would serve her well here.

Sapphire returned after about an hour. Rarity immediately invited her in. "I take it everything went well with our guest?"

"I believe so?" Sapphire said as she scratched her head. "She proceeded to lick every piece of furniture in the guest room I assigned to her, but she otherwise seemed satisfied with it."

"I won't ask," Rarity said. "Either way, I have a task for you. One that requires a great deal of secrecy."

"I can be quiet," Sapphire said with a knowing smile.

"Good," Rarity continued with a nod. "I will need all the records of Ambassador Antoine's activities since he arrived in Canterlot. The events he attended, the servants working for him, any aides working under him, any friends he made. Kibitz always claimed that nothing ever got past Canterlot's bureaucracy. It's time to put his claim to the test."

"May I ask why?" Sapphire asked, one of her ears twitching.

Rarity shook her head. "Not now. Once I find what I'm looking for, then perhaps." She paused. "I might also ask you to look into the activities of other individuals in the coming days. Some of my requests may shock you, but you have to understand that Equestrian security may be at stake. I'm placing a lot of trust in you, Sapphire, but I know that I can count on you.

"I'll be sure to prove worthy of your trust, Milady," Sapphire said. "I'll be discreet." She started to leave, but Rarity raised a hoof.

"Oh, one more thing, I'm particularly interested in the activities Antoine shared with my husband, both before and after our marriage. Also, feel free to take what bits you need from my personal treasury should you need to convince the record keepers to keep this business quiet."

Sapphire bowed again with a smile. "Nopony will know. With your permission, I will also let your husband know that you are indisposed again, due to the pregnancy."

"Perfect," Rarity said. She allowed herself a satisfied grin.

It took the better part of three days, or at least a length of time that would be three days if the sun still rose, to go through all the documents Sapphire had brought Rarity, which detailed not only Antoine's activities, but his staff's as well as her husband's. Her meals were being taken to her quarters, and on two occasions she had to refuse visits from Doctor Shimmerheart. Blueblood himself had even asked to see her. He expressed his concern to Sapphire, who relayed the message. Whether it was all an act or he had really grown fond of her, she couldn't let herself be distracted from her task.

Between Kibitz's obsession with record keeping and Silvermane's obsession with information, Canterlot generated a lot of paperwork on the comings and goings of foreign ambassadors. Most of it was cleverly inserted into financial records. Such expenses gave a clear picture of the ambassador's activities, as well as who he spent his time with. Even the names of the servants employed at every function he attended were clearly documented.

As expected, Antoine spent a lot of time with Blueblood, from before Celestia's illness all the way to the present day. They mostly attended public events, such as galas or the opera. They both seemed fond of private balcony suites. While it could mean they'd want to conspire without being disturbed, it was also normal behavior for individuals of their stature.

Rarity groaned and slammed her head on her desk. The ambassador was too smart to leave a visible trail. There were records of him treating dozens of nobles to dinner, soliciting favors all over Canterlot. How many of these were conspirators was a mystery. The ambassador had even invited Rarity herself to the theater once. He had been nothing but polite, only asking the then newly-crowned princess to consider lifting a ban on leather imports to Equestria. She'd refused, of course, but he took her refusal with grace.

If Antoine did anything suspicious, it had to go through servants, the same way Rarity relied on Sapphire to fetch documents for her. Doing it herself would bring unwanted attention to her activities. She rose and looked through a different pile of documents. More precisely, the pay slips for everyone in Antoine's service. She grabbed the paperwork about Blueblood's staff as well, just to be on the safe side. While none of this would cover bribes, it could still shed some light on their activities.

She spent hours going through it all until the names and numbers all seemed to jumble together. She was falling asleep when a knock on the door preluded Sapphire entering the room. "Your soup, Milady."

Rarity groggily massaged her temples. "Oh, thank you Sapphire. Perhaps eating will help me concentrate through this."

Sapphire stood next to the desk and raised an eyebrow as she observed the mess of paperwork. "Well, here's somepony I haven't seen in a long time."

Rarity's head perked up. "Hmm? Who?"

"This name right here," Sapphire said as she pointed at one of the sheets. "Tidy Trim. He used to be Prince Blueblood's personal butler, followed him everywhere. A competent servant, I never understood why he got laid off."

"Laid off?" Rarity said. "Whatever do you mean? This form shows the servants who were payed last week."

Sapphire raised an eyebrow. "That's impossible. I firmly remember the Prince firing him shortly after Princess Celestia's death."

"And yet he's still on the payroll," Rarity pondered.

"Are you on to something, Milady?"

"I might just be," Rarity said as she stared at the form. "If Prince Blueblood fired this Tidy Trim, but still pays him, it could mean he knows something. My husband would never continue sending money to a butler who offended him." She stood up. "I believe it's time I finally got out of this room and visited the city."

"Are you certain that's wise? Going out in the cold in your condition might not be safe."

Rarity rolled her eyes. "I'm pregnant, not dying. Please have Sergeant Legerity report to my quarters. I will leave right after I finish this soup and have made myself presentable."

After extensive protest from Legerity, Rarity opted to head into the city on hoof. Using the royal carriage would only draw unwanted attention. While she could easily make up excuses as to why she locked herself in her quarters to review financial records, being seen visiting Tidy Trim would easily give away her true goals. She sneaked out through one of the castle's back doors, Legerity and herself wearing nondescript dark blue winter cloaks.

Legerity led Rarity all the way to the lower city, where Tidy Trim was reported to reside. She found a small house tightly sandwiched between two other residences. She walked toward the door, but Legerity blocked her path. "Allow me to make sure it's safe, Your Highness."

Rarity sighed. "If you must."

The door cracked open after a few knocks from Legerity. "Who are you? What do you want?" a nervous stallion's voice asked from the other side.

"Tidy Trim? We have some questions for you," Legerity said, a harsh severity to her tone.

"Whatever it is, I didn't do it." the shaking voice said.

Rarity took a deep breath and stepped forward. "Nopony knows we're here yet. If you tell us everything we want to know, we might just be able to keep things that way."

The door opened a bit further and a pair of golden eyes opened wide as Rarity smiled widely. "Y... Your Highness?" he said with a gulp.

"May we come in?" Rarity asked.

Tidy Trim sighed. "Of course." He nervously brushed his pink mane with a gray hoof as he opened the door with his magic.

Legerity entered the small house first and quickly looked over the room before nodding at Rarity, letting her know that it was safe to enter. The place was well-maintained, in better shape than most homes in the lower city. The room Rarity found herself in was a small study, complete with two couches, a small table, and two large bookcases. A voluminous tome was left open on the table. Rarity moved the cover so she could read the title. "Nightmare Moon: A Complete History. Interesting choice of topic," she casually observed.

Tidy shook as Rarity walked around the room. "May I... May I offer you some refreshments, Your Highness?"

Rarity raised her hoof and smiled. "That won't be necessary, I don't expect I'll bother you for long. Why don't we take a seat?" She spoke pleasantly as she motioned toward one of the sofas, herself sitting on the other.

A tip from Legerity's head made Tidy walk forward and sit, although he kept a straight posture and his eyes remained trained on Rarity, who levitated a small mirror from her purse and quickly rearranged her mane. Tidy kept shifting on his sofa.

"You were my husband's butler?" she asked casually.

"Y... yes Your Highness, I was."

"And yet he fired you. Were your services no longer satisfactory?"

"I accidentally spilled some wine on his carpet," Tidy mechanically replied.

"Ah, an unfortunate accident," Rarity said, keeping her voice as pleasant as she could despite Tidy's obviously rehearsed answer. "And yet, he seemed to have partly forgiven you, given how you are still receiving a salary."

"Oh," Tidy continued, nervously glancing toward Legerity. "I admit, it was a mistake, and I never reported it. I figured as long as nopony noticed, there was nothing wrong in collecting the pay, right? I'll... I'll pay it all back, I promise."

Rarity waved her hoof dismissively. "Nothing to worry about. I'm sure my husband had a good reason to allow you to continue receiving your salary. In fact, judging by the pristine state of this room, I'm surprised he let you go. I might well take you into my service."

"I... I would be honored, Your Highness," Tidy said with a weak smile.

"There is one matter that irks me though," Rarity continued as she casually adjusted her mane. She turned her attention back to Tidy and gazed severely into his eyes. "I insist that everypony working for me be completely honest. Any foal could see through the lies you just told me. Now, let us try this again. Why did my husband fire you, but kept paying you? It's not a detail he'd overlook, so he obviously wants you out of the way. I'm curious as to why that is, as you can surely understand."

Tidy gulped. "If I tell you, will you let me go?"

"I will keep you safe," Rarity said with a firm nod.

Tidy took a deep breath. He eyed Legerity one more time before gazing downward. "I suppose it's no use hiding anymore. I was Blueblood's personal servant for years. I overheard a lot of things, and was privy to multiple conflicts between His Highness and Princess Luna, especially during Princess Celestia's illness."

"It was never a secret that the two didn't get along," Rarity said.

"What isn't known is that the night Princess Celestia died, Prince Blueblood came to me and asked if I could be trusted to keep a secret."

Rarity nodded again. "So, he did confide in you."

Tidy shook his head. "He never told me why, but it was easy to figure out. He gave me a small satchel of herbs and told me to plant it in Princess Luna's quarters. I was told that I would be leaving his service afterwards, but would be well compensated. I would still receive my salary, as well as a considerable bonus once it was safe to pull that much money from the treasury without raising attention."

"Moontears," Rarity whispered to herself. She returned to her pleasant demeanor as she smiled at Tidy. "One last question. Did my husband meet with anyone in the weeks prior to Princess Celestia's demise? Any secret meetings you were not allowed into?"

Tidy nodded. "He regularly visited Princess Celestia as well as Doctor Shimmerheart. He was visibly worried for the princess. He also had multiple closed-door meetings with Captain Silvermane, and spent a lot of time with Ambassador Antoine. I believe the ambassador wanted to cheer him up. The two had always been close friends."

Blueblood, Antoine, and Silvermane. It keeps coming back to the same individuals. Rarity nodded and smiled as she rose. "This will do nicely. You have been tremendously helpful."

"So... I'm free to go?" he asked.

Legerity's brow furrowed, but Rarity raised a hoof. "After what you told me, it would be unwise for you to remain in Canterlot." Tidy shook at Rarity's words. "I did, however, promise you protection. I will write a letter to be given to Ponyville's mayor. Her name is Applejack, and I trust her. You will tell her everything you told me and request her protection. She will keep you safe until a time when you will be called to testify."

"And if I refuse to testify?"

Rarity smiled. "Then you may attempt to deal with my husband's wrath. He is, sadly, not as forgiving as I am."

Tidy sighed. "Very well. I'll gather my things."

"And I will draft the letter," Rarity said. "May I use your desk?"

Tidy Trim nodded and Rarity wrote a quick letter to Applejack, explaining that Tidy Trim needed to be protected. She purposefully left the details vague, asking her old friend to trust her judgment. She then carefully folded and sealed it.

Tidy returned with a set of saddlebags. "I always knew a day might come when I have to quickly flee the city," he said.

Rarity handed him the letter. "Take the next train to Ponyville. Do not talk to anypony you don't know, and head straight for the castle once you reach the city. Give this letter to Applejack and nopony else. Not her assistant, nor any of the soldiers protecting her town."

Tidy nodded. "Thank you, Your Highness. You are as generous as the stories say."

Legerity turned to the window and took a peek outside, making sure it was safe to leave. She mumbled something under her breath Rarity couldn't hear.

"Is something the matter, Sergeant?" Rarity asked.

Legerity bowed her head. "I'm sorry, Your Highness. I failed in my duty, and we were followed. There's a royal carriage waiting in front of the house."

Rarity frowned. "Anypony around it?"

"Just two earth pony guards hitched to it."

Rarity took a deep breath. "Well, it seems I shall return to the castle with a proper escort. Sergeant, if you would please escort this gentlecolt. Make sure he safely reaches the train station."

"But... Your Highness-" Legerity began before Rarity cut her off.

"None of the guards would dare hurt me, but Tidy Trim's life could be in danger. You heard his testimony, how important it is to Equestria's safety. Tell me honestly, Sergeant: Do you believe my husband should still rule after what you heard?"

Legerity sighed. "You're right. Too many times, I turned a blind eye to what was going on in Canterlot. Please, Your Highness, promise me you'll be safe until I return."

Rarity nodded. "Once you do, head straight for my quarters. Do not stop at the barracks. If one of your superiors orders you otherwise, let them know you are obeying a royal command."

Legerity smiled. "Of course, Your Highness." She turned to Tidy. "Let's wait a few minutes for the carriage to leave, then we'll sneak through the back door."

Tidy nodded as Rarity took a deep breath and headed out the front door. The moment she was outside, the door to the carriage opened and Silvermane herself stepped out. "If you'll step inside, Your Highness. I would be remiss in my duty to leave you out in the streets by yourself."

"How kind of you, General," Rarity said, trying to mask the sarcasm in her tone.

Silvermane helped Rarity inside the comfortable golden carriage. She followed Rarity in, sitting in front of her. The thick red curtains on the carriage's windows were closed, giving them privacy. An enchanted orb on the ceiling provided light.

The carriage got moving the moment they were inside. Rarity adjusted her mane, opting for patience. If Silvermane really was implicated, she'd have to be careful when attempting to prove her guilt.

"Have you found what you were looking for?" Silvermane asked flatly.

Rarity nodded. "I have."

Silvermane kept her expression straight. "And what do you plan to do with the information you learned?"

"That remains to be seen, General. The conversation we're about to have could influence my actions."

Silvermane nodded, but Rarity thought she noticed a twitch in her eyebrow. "And what have you learned?"

Rarity took a deep breath. Enough beating around the bush. She's guilty and we both know it. "I know that my husband conspired to remove Luna from the throne, and I know that Antoine was involved, both in Blueblood's coup and Celestia's death. I also know that the coup couldn't have been engineered without the guards' support, which brings me to you."

Silvermane, to her credit, remained impassive in her expression. "So, you have nothing but suspicions."

"It doesn't matter what I have," Rarity continued. "I took steps to ensure my primary witness will never be found, and once Blueblood's duplicity is revealed, I suspect neither of us will get out of it with our hide intact. We both openly supported his regime, and we both know politics can be brutal."

"So that's it. You would destroy everything you built here, destabilize Canterlot's power to the point where the war would be lost, all of it for what?"

"For peace," Rarity said. "I've told you before, General. I believe you to be a patriot. A misguided patriot for sure, but a patriot just the same. I think that you realize this war can only harm Equestria. The griffons have manipulated events from the start. They've manipulated you. Our only option is to put a stop to this insanity and unite Equestria once more. And I'm very sorry, General, but you are not the pony to do it."

Silvermane sighed. "Very well, cards on the table. I didn't play a part in Princess Celestia's murder. I merely made certain that Luna would not take the throne. As for Prince Blueblood, I can guarantee that I had him thoroughly investigated. For what it's worth, I don't believe him to be guilty of anything more than opportunism. Regardless of what you may think of me, everything I did, I did for Equestria."

"Spare me your platitudes, General," Rarity said, her tone rising in intensity. "You conspired against the throne, all of it at Griffingard's behest. You were manipulated from the start. The only question I have is the following: did you serve Griffingard willingly?"

Silvermane frowned. "I was not aware of Ambassador Antoine's involvement before you brought it to my attention."

Rarity glared at Silvermane, attempting to calm her growing rage. While she wanted nothing more than to give this mare a piece of her mind, she had to remain in control. "This has gone on long enough, General. It's time to put an end to all the lies."

"And what do you have in mind?"

"You will publicly reveal everything you know, everything you are guilty of," Rarity ordered as she straightened herself. "You and I will publicly order the griffons to leave Equestria. Your forces must be ready to reinforce that order should it prove necessary. It will not, however, as we will message Princess Luna and inform her that in light of this conspiracy, the throne is hers. After all of this is done, you will resign. I can promise you a fair trial, and a cell just as comfortable as the one I granted Twilight Sparkle's parents."

Silvermane scoffed. "There's one problem with this plan of yours, Your Highness."

"I fail to see any problems," Rarity said. "I have enough on you to destroy you."

"Princess Luna is dead," Silvermane said, her tone bereft of emotion. "She was killed by one of her own officers. It placed her army on the warpath; General Soarin ordered a final attack on Canterlot. They're calling for both of our heads, as well as Prince Blueblood's. They already executed Lady Floribunda. I'm afraid that the time for reason is over."

Rarity gasped. "Then the sun not rising..."

"Is an effect of nopony controlling it," Silvermane finished. "It was never a message from Princess Luna. That she died at night was a mere coincidence."

"And you plan on sacrificing more lives? We can prevent this. We surrender the throne and tell them that Princess Twilight is on her way back — yes, my friends have been as active as I've been."

"Twilight Sparkle may yet take the throne once the rebellion has been crushed, should she be able to do so after months under the care of griffon interrogators," Silvermane said. "I'm not beyond admitting that she would be the ideal option. As for Canterlot, Surrendering the city to Princess Luna would have been a bad idea. Surrendering it to rebels and anarchists who fight in the name of a dead monarch is pure madness. We will throw the griffons out of Equestria, but not before we take care of this attack. I already had our troops recalled in preparation for the siege."

Rarity sighed. "I can see I won't be able to talk you out of this, and I won't waste my time fighting you. I will not, however, sacrifice more lives than is necessary. If you want to fight for Canterlot, you will do so without putting its population at risk."

"And what do you mean by that?" Silvermane asked, her ears twitching in annoyance.

"I will evacuate the city. I will inform the population of what is coming, and anypony who wishes to leave will be free to do so. You can have your final stand. Equestria will prosper on its own after you and the other soldiers have killed each other. I'm done playing this game." Rarity opened the carriage's curtains and gazed outside at the falling snow.

Silvermane bowed her head. "As you command, Your Highness. Whatever you may think of me, I have no desire to see our population slaughtered. I only ask that you allow me to lead the defense. Let us keep this conversation between the two of us."

Rarity frowned. "We shall see, General."

"Perhaps I should offer an extra incentive," Silvermane said as she leaned back on her seat. "Are you at all familiar with a unicorn by the name of Lucky Zest?"

"The name doesn't ring a bell."

"I'm not surprised," Silvermane continued. "He was one of many unsuccessful students attending the magic academy. He was only accepted because of his mother's influence."

Rarity blinked a few times. "And where is this story going?"

"To Griffingard, I believe," Silvermane said, hints of a grin on her muzzle. "Lucky Zest disappeared shortly after Princess Twilight. It turns out that he was seen in Fillydelphia, embarking on a ship heading to Zebrica. I can only imagine he would have made his way to Griffingard from there."

Rarity's hoof slowly found its way to her muzzle. "Then you believe he is..."

"He was also seen in the castle during the chaos after Princess Luna fled. It took some convincing, but I did get one of the guards to admit he accepted a bribe to let Lucky Zest inside the royal quarters. This guard is now in locked up in the dungeon."

"A washed-out magical student agreed to draw teleport-enhancing runes in the royal quarters, no doubt after Antoine made him multiple promises," Rarity pondered as she stroked her chin.

Silvermane nodded. "You will never find him in Griffingard, at least not without my spies."

Rarity sighed. "Very well, General. We'll play it your way for now. Mark my words though, there will be a reckoning. You will be made to answer for your crimes."

Rarity angrily stormed through the castle hallways. While she did get a confession out of Silvermane, the general should not have known where she was going. Even if Silvermane had Rarity followed, she was too well prepared. This could only mean one thing. Rarity opened the door to her quarters and as expected, found her assistant, Sapphire Blitz, boiling some water in preparation for Rarity's tea.

"Milady, you're back. Have you found anything of value?"

"I have," Rarity said, keeping her tone flat. "I have one question for you: why did you do it?"

"I don't understand," Sapphire said. "Do what?"

"Silvermane ambushed me. She knew exactly where I was going, and what I was investigating. Only two ponies knew about this. One was Legerity, who was with me the entire time. That leaves you."

Sapphire sighed and averted her eyes. "I suppose you had to find out eventually."

"I ask again. Why?" Rarity stared down her assistant.

Sapphire sat down on a wooden chair. She moved her mane aside, revealing her broken stump. "After the failed ritual broke my horn, I didn't know where to go. Magic was everything to me; I was a respected researcher at the magic academy, and I have a family to provide for. That's when Silvermane came to me."

Rarity frowned. "So, it was money all along?"

"She said she'd pay me to keep her informed on what you did. She's the one who asked me to approach you, tell you about my situation. She knew you'd hire me out of pity."

Rarity took a deep breath and sat next to Sapphire. "But why did you keep doing it? If it was money, I could have given you more. Maybe I could even have talked to Professor Starflare, convince him to give you a teaching position at the academy."

"I wanted to," Sapphire pleaded, tears in her eyes. "So many times I wanted to tell you, but I knew you'd never trust me again if you learned the truth. Silvermane promised that everything my family needed would be provided for, should I stay loyal to her."

Rarity turned toward the window. "You are hereby dismissed from my service. You broke my trust and took advantage of my friendship." She glanced back at her former assistant. "Perhaps if you'd trusted me, we could have worked something out."

"I understand, Milady," Sapphire quietly said as she dragged her hooves toward the exit.

"And I forgive you," Rarity continued with a weak smile.

"Pardon me?" Sapphire blurted as she stopped in her tracks.

"Silvermane has been manipulating everypony in this city for as long as she's been commanding the guards. You're not the first one to fall into one of her traps." Rarity's hoof found its way toward her belly. "She manipulated me as well, made me believe that her goals were also mine. I can't hold it against you. We're both victims, and I can't blame you for that. Also, when I found you out, you told me the truth. You didn't attempt to hide."

Sapphire cried again. "Th... thank you Milady."

"Now go," Rarity said. "Canterlot will be attacked by the Cloudsdale army shortly, and I don't want your family in danger. Get them out of the city."

Sapphire's eyes grew wide. "I will. Thank you again." She left the room swiftly, just as the kettle whistled.

Organizing the evacuation went surprisingly well. Councilor Kibitz offered Rarity his support the moment he heard of her plan. She had criers sent all around the city, warning the citizens and letting them know that trains would be leaving for as long as it would be safe. Blueblood was conveniently busy drinking and plotting with Antoine, leaving Rarity free to make full use of her authority without risking either of them contradicting her.

Legerity returned shortly after the confrontation with Sapphire. Tidy Trim had safely been escorted to the train station, and managed to board a train to Ponyville at the last minute. At least there was one thing Rarity no longer had to worry about.

She only had a few more errands to run in the castle. It took some planning and a few bribes in preparation, and it would take her away from her duties at the train station. Still, she felt it was important to make her way to a particular guest room within the castle. As usual, two unicorn guards stood in front of the wooden door. They saluted Rarity as she approached.

"I'm here to see them," she said.

"Of course, Your Highness," one of the soldiers replied. "Spike is already with them."

"Good," Rarity said with a smile as the second guard opened the door for her. She stepped inside and found Twilight Velvet writing at a desk while Spike and Nightlight busied themselves with a game of checkers.

"Rarity!" Spike cheered as he rushed to her side. She turned forward so the enthusiastic baby dragon wouldn't accidentally bump into her belly.

Velvet rose and eyed Rarity up and down. "You look good. I hope the cramps and cravings haven't been too bad."

"It's been manageable," Rarity said.

Velvet nodded. "Well, whatever I may think of you and what you're doing here, congratulations. I know first hoof the joy that comes with bringing a child to the world."

"Thank you," Rarity said. "Any advice for a new mother?"

"Always protect your children, but also let them bloom. Allow your child to walk his or her own path."

Rarity nodded. "I will. Thank you."

Nightlight coughed lightly. "So, to what do we owe the honor of your visit?" There was definite sarcasm in his tone.

Rarity looked behind her to make sure the guards had closed the door, and took a deep breath. "Princess Luna is dead," she said, causing a chorus of shock. "And her army is coming here, seeking revenge. I'm evacuating the city. I don't want any innocents injured, this includes the two of you."

"So, we're going back to Ponyville?" Spike asked.

"Yes, Spikey. We are." Rarity nuzzled the baby dragon on the head.

Velvet raised an eyebrow. "I thought it took all of your influence to keep us out of the dungeon. How do you suggest having us freed?"

Rarity grinned as she walked to the window. "It's a bit of a drop, but the snow will protect your fall."

"What about the bars?" Nightlight asked incredulously.

Rarity smiled at Spike. "Did you know that a dragon's bite can break through a solid diamond? Steel bars shouldn't prove too much of a challenge."

Spike flexed his arms. "Piece of cake, although the taste is terrible."

Velvet frowned. "Alright, we get outside. We still need to get off the palace grounds."

"Again, all taken care of," Rarity continued as she walked around them. "In about fifteen minutes, the gardener's shed will accidentally catch fire. You should be able to sneak out during the confusion. I've had a bag hidden right under your window. It contains warm winter cloaks that will also help hide your identities, as well as enough bits for you to get by."

"And after that?" Velvet asked, her ears perking up.

"You head straight for the train station. I will be there shortly, coordinating the evacuation of the city. Anypony who wishes to leave will be able to do so. Councilor Kibitz is already there, letting the conductors know the plan. It should be easy for both of you to sneak aboard one of the trains."

Velvet shared a smile with her husband. "Thank you, Rarity. Why are you doing this for us?"

Rarity smiled back. "Twilight is still alive. Right now, Pinkie Pie and Shining Armor have gone to High Roost to rescue her. Your children will need their parents, and I would never dare take you away from them."

Tears welled up in Velvet's eyes as Nightlight stood with his mouth agape. "Are you certain?" the stallion asked.

"As certain as I can be," Rarity said. "Twilight will need you once she returns."

Nightlight and Velvet nodded, and shared in a hug. After a moment, Velvet walked to Rarity and embraced her warmly. "Thank you, Rarity. For everything. Remember what I said. A mother will always do whatever it takes to protect her children."

Rarity smiled. "I won't forget, I promise. I'm going to leave Spike here with you. Wait until I'm gone before breaking the bars. And Spike, make sure they get to the train station safely. If anything goes sour, take them to Sassy Saddles."

"You got it Rarity," Spike said with a determined nod.

Nightlight stepped forward and offered his hoof, which Rarity shook. "Thank you, Rarity. My daughter is lucky to have a friend like you."

Rarity smiled as she headed for the door. "Good luck to the three of you." She knocked on the door a few times, letting Legerity and the other guards know that she was ready to leave. One last stop and she could head for the train station.

The Canterlot dungeon was a dreary, damp place with insufficient light. Rarity carefully sidestepped a puddle of filthy water as she adjusted her hood. The only way Legerity even agreed to lead her to this place was if she hid her identity with a dark cloak. Her bodyguard turned back to make sure she was still following. "Are you certain you want to do this, Your Highness?"

Rarity gulped, but took a determined breath and nodded. "I am. Octavia could have valuable information. Furthermore, her influence might prove invaluable to Twilight upon her return."

"Very well," Legerity said with a severe frown. "I already ordered her taken to the interrogation room, like we discussed. I will, however, insist that I remain present while you question her."

Rarity sighed. "I suppose I owe you as much. You've proven yourself loyal, and I might need you should the plan work."

Legerity nodded with a grunt. She produced a key and unlocked a thick wooden door. She stepped inside, taking a quick look before signaling to Rarity that it was safe to follow her. Legerity positioned herself next to the door, staring severely at the prisoner within the room.

The mare sitting on a wooden chair at the back of the room was filthy. Her once pristine black mane was disheveled and covered in dust. Grime and sweat tarnished her gray coat. Her bright purple eyes remained defiant as they carefully followed Rarity, who sat down on a much more comfortable seat, on the opposite end of the large central table that divided the room in two.

Rarity lowered her hood. A hint of surprise formed on the prisoner's face. "I didn't expect you to be the one to torment me, Rarity."

"I didn't come here to torment you, Octavia," Rarity said. She took a deep breath and met the earth pony's gaze. "I need to know. Why did you do it? Why did you join the rebellion?"

"I supported the rightful ruler," Octavia said with a severe glare. "I can almost understand why the Canterlot nobility would snub Princess Luna, but you? You lived in Ponyville. You've seen the world. How can you ignore the threat Blueblood and the griffons pose?"

Rarity forced herself to remain calm. "My main concern is the threat the war poses. How many lives have been lost? How many generations will suffer in the shadow of this nightmare we created for ourselves? For what it's worth, in a perfect world, Luna would not have been denied the throne. What's done is done though. To be blunt, your princess is no more, and I have little time for philosophical debate at the moment."

Octavia sighed and turned her gaze to the stone wall. "So, it's true after all. I was hoping that it was only a lie told by the guards to torment me."

"Princess Luna is dead," Rarity said, surprising even herself with the harshness of her tone. "That is not, however, what this is about. General Soarin's response to her assassination was to gather his forces for one last attack on Canterlot."

Octavia grinned, a hint of madness in her eyes. "At least your griffons and your precious husband will share Princess Luna's fate."

"Do you truly believe the griffons will die for us?" Rarity snapped as she rose to her hooves. "They'll leave and let us fight it out. This is probably the perfect situation for Antoine and Bouvier. They'll watch us slaughter each other and laugh." She sighed as she walked toward Octavia, ignoring Legerity's groan. "The griffons murdered Princess Celestia, and Blueblood had Princess Luna falsely accused. I have proof, but it won't do us any good if we all kill each other."

Silence fell within the room. Octavia started to rise, but Legerity taking a step forward prevented her from doing so. After a few moments, she turned to face Rarity again. "We need a stable ruler. One who will bring this conspiracy to light and unite Equestria against the griffons.”

Rarity smiled. "I couldn't agree more. Twilight Sparkle is alive, and some of my friends are on a mission to rescue her from griffon captivity. In the meantime though, we need to unite Equestria." Rarity took a deep breath and shared a nod with Legerity before returning her attention to Octavia. Legerity took the cue to throw a folded cloak onto the table. "Come with me to Ponyville. We might not be able to prevent the coming battle, but we can try to end the war. If you add your voice to my own, it might help pave the way toward peace."

A tip from Legerity's head preceded Octavia rising from her seat. "Even if what you say is true, there's no way you can get me out of here."

Rarity smiled again. "I wouldn't be so sure. Canterlot Castle was built shortly after the fall of Unicornia. The ancient Unicorns were no stranger to secret plots, and had a tendency to build secret passages within their castles. There is such a secret door in this very room."

Octavia's ears perked up. "And then we head for Ponyville?"

Rarity nodded and pointed at the cloak on the table. "Put on this cloak. You are then to head for the train station, where Councilor Kibitz and myself will supervise the city evacuation. It should be easy for you to sneak aboard one of the trains. Once you're in Ponyville, head for the Palace of Harmony and let Applejack know that I sent you. I will join you there once my business in Canterlot is complete."

Octavia grabbed the wrapped cloak from the table and nodded. "Thank you, Rarity, and good luck."

Rarity allowed herself a smile. "Good luck to you as well."

The train station was overflowing with ponies desperate to escape the upcoming battle. Volunteers herded scared civilians into cars as Rarity stood on a makeshift stage, desperately pleading for everypony to remain calm. "Please, there will be more trains coming. Regardless of what happens, we are still Equestrians! We should not act like terrified animals."

One panicked mare tried to climb on stage, but Legerity pushed her off. "Please, Your Highness! My husband is working at the castle. I haven't seen him!"

"There's not enough room! How will you find enough wagons for all of us?"

"Oh my gosh, we're all going to die!"

Rarity took a deep breath. "Please, everypony, remain calm! Is this how you all face danger? The Cloudsdale army isn't here yet. We have time, and there will be more trains. They have all been commandeered for the evacuation effort. We can get you out, but you must remain calm."

While there were still cries of discontent from the crowd, enough civilians had gotten the message and were attempting to calm their panicked compatriots. Rarity nodded before turning around toward Kibitz, who sat inside the cabin behind the stage.

"Energizing speech, Your Highness, but they're right. We probably won't be able to evacuate them all."

Rarity sighed. "I know, but it'll be even worse if we have a panic on our hooves." She winced as she held her belly. Exhaustion was getting the better of her, and her muscles ached from standing out in the freezing wind.

"You should lie down," Kibitz suggested as he adjusted his monocle. "It's not healthy for a pregnant mare such as yourself to stand outside in the cold this long."

"My subjects are counting on me. Seeing me will give them strength."

"At least take a few moments," Kibitz said as he pointed to a straw cot in a corner. "I apologize for the frugality of the arrangement. I could have the royal car prepared for you."

Rarity stared down Kibitz with a frown. "As I already ordered, I want the royal car used to evacuate civilians, the same as any other."

"If you are certain," Kibitz hesitantly replied.

"Once I must leave, I will take a carriage. I'm sure two pegasus guards with strong enough wings for the trip can be spared."

"Very well," Kibitz said with a bow. "I will make the arrangements."

Rarity let go of a breath as she dropped her body on the cot at the back of the cabin. She motioned for a servant to bring her a bowl of honeyed oats. Two hours standing in the cold and trying her best to give encouraging speeches built up her appetite. Given that she ate for two, she was famished.

She devoured her oats with gusto, knowing that she couldn't wait in the cabin for too long. It was only a matter of time before panic broke out again, and she would be needed to defuse the situation. She heard the familiar bell signifying that the train was full and getting ready to depart. If everything went according to schedule, it would only take about ten minutes for another one to arrive. She had ordered as many trains as she could back to Canterlot, but pegasus messengers could only travel so far.

Featherdust, one of the castle maids who had volunteered to help with the evacuation, walked to Rarity. "You have a visitor, Your Highness. Your baby dragon companion. Spike, I believe?"

Rarity smiled. "Send him in." This would be one less thing to worry about. No doubt Spike would report Twilight's parents leaving on the train.

Spike trailed his feet as he approached her. Rarity could tell from his downtrodden expression that the news wasn't good. She waited for the maid to leave before speaking. "Spike, what's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry Rarity," he mumbled, struggling not to cry. "Twilight's parents, they lost me in an alley. They both said they were sorry, and they galloped away. I tried to follow them, but you know I can never run as fast as ponies."

Rarity swore under her breath. What are they thinking? Their daughter is alive! It's not the time to run around and play revolutionary. She sighed and motioned for Spike to get closer. "I'm sorry, Spike. I know you did what you could. Thank you for your help."

"So, you forgive me?"

"Of course I do," Rarity warmly said. "Can you stay here and help me?"

Spike dried his tears with the back of his claw. "I can do that. What do you want me to do?"

"Go find Councilor Kibitz. He's coordinating the efforts. He'll find you some work. Once it's time to leave, you'll come with me on the royal carriage."

Spike nodded as a smile returned to his face. As he ran away to fulfill his duty, Rarity started to rise, but her head fell back into the hay. Maybe I can wait a little bit longer. As much as it pained her, Twilight's parents had made their decision. She could only hope they would somehow escape the city on their own and not do anything foolish.

It took an hour before Rarity felt ready to stand again. Doctor Shimmerheart was sent, at the insistence of both Spike and Kibitz. She confirmed what Rarity already knew; she over-strained herself these last few days, and badly needed rest. She was tempted to ignore them, but she had her foal to worry about.

She managed to get back on her hooves and poke her head outside, and frowned as she saw her husband's ornate carriage parked next to the train station. Two dozen soldiers surrounded it. I suppose it was only a matter of time before he showed up. I might as well face him now.

"Legerity," Rarity called, prompting her bodyguard to enter the cabin and salute. "Please take me to see my husband."

"Yes, Your Highness," Legerity said.

Legerity and four other guards created a path from the cabin to the royal carriage. A few ponies stretched out their hooves and begged favors from Rarity, but the soldiers kept them out of the way. Rarity was tempted to stop and hear them out. She decided against it, wanting to deal with Blueblood as fast as possible. My own husband plotted behind all of our backs all this time. He conspired to steal the throne from Princess Luna, and was possibly part of the plot to assassinate Princess Celestia. What should I do with him?

They arrived at the carriage, and Legerity nodded at the pegasus sergeant standing next to the door. He opened it and bowed as Rarity approached. She politely nodded and allowed the soldier to help her in. As expected, Blueblood was sitting in the back, sipping on a glass of wine. Of course, he would be drinking on a day like today.

"My Prince," she said as she sat in front of him.

"Quite the enterprise you started," Blueblood said with a severe glare.

"I'm merely protecting our citizens," Rarity said with a smile. "We both saw what happened in Ponyville. I want to prevent our citizens from facing the same in Canterlot. In hindsight, I should probably have consulted you, but you were busy with the ambassador."

Blueblood nodded. "Yes, preparing the city's defenses. I take it you have no faith in our brave soldiers' capacity to defeat the rebels?"

Rarity frowned. "It's not a question of faith. This will be a battle. Ponies will die. Like it or not, the Cloudsdale army wants you, not our citizens. Have they not suffered enough?" She eyed his smug look, his well-coiffed mane, and his delicate hooficure. She might have made him into a more compassionate pony, but at heart, Blueblood still was the monster who conspired to steal the throne and start a war. "Think about it. After you've won the battle, you will be remembered as the Prince who refused to risk the lives of his citizens."

A smile formed around Blueblood's muzzle. "You may be right, my love."

Rarity had to use all of her self-control not to recoil. Blueblood had never called her that in private before. While he'd warmed up significantly since their wedding, this was new. "I only mean to serve our nation, you know that," she said a bit forcefully.

"Will you be leaving with them?" He asked.

Rarity's heartbeat raced as she answered. "How I wish I could remain here with you, My Prince. However, I dare not risk the life of our foal. While I have faith that you will be victorious, I must not take any chances. I must protect our future." She brought her hoof to her belly as an added gesture.

"Then perhaps I should accompany you," Blueblood suggested as he grabbed hold of her hoof.

Rarity gasped. "Oh no! Our brave troops must see you. Being led by the amazing prince they're fighting for will give them courage! Let everypony in Canterlot see you for the brave stallion you are." She took a deep breath. "I have grown to love you as well, my Prince. I trust that you can do this."

He smiled warmly, right before they kissed. For the first time in months, his touch felt bitter, just as it had on her wedding night.