• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 3,803 Views, 535 Comments

A Dream of Sunny Days - Roranicus

When Princess Celestia dies, a new ruler must take up the throne, but the princess is not easily replaced. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

  • ...

XIV Rainbow Dash

Soldiers placed large clouds across the skies spanning Ponyville and the Everfree Forest. While clouds were light and offered little in protection, they were perfect to hide the Cloudsdale troops. Ponies would be able to rest above this coverage should the griffons hide in the forest and try to force a stalemate.

Wing Commander Rainbow Dash did not, however, expect a stalemate. The scouts she'd dispatched had already returned to her with confirmation that the griffon army was flying northward, over the Everfree forest and toward both Fleetfoot's wing and her own.

Rainbow looked down from the command cloud. She could clearly make out Ponyville down at ground level. She turned toward General Spitfire, who stood next to her. "We're too close to Ponyville, General. Ponies could get hurt."

"We'll try to keep the battle as far away from Ponyville as possible, Commander," Spitfire replied with a furrowed brow. "But this is the best chance we've got. The griffons will not want to rest in the Everfree, and will be tired from their long flight."

"Aye, General," Rainbow grunted as her eyes once again found their way to the town. With luck, the bulk of Ponyville would be spared, but some of the surrounding farmlands, including Applejack's Sweet Apple Acres, would probably be ravaged by the tornadoes she and her fellow soldiers would soon create. I'm sorry, Applejack. I just hope everypony got to safety. Trees can be planted again. We just can't let the griffons establish themselves in Equestria.

Spitfire stepped away from the edge of the cloud. "Come on, Dash. We need to get this briefing under way."

Rainbow took one last glance at her adopted town before breathing in deeply and turning to follow her superior officer. Both pegasi made their way to the center of the cloud, where a makeshift cloud table had been fashioned. Wing Commander Fleetfoot stood behind it, studying a large map of the area. It looks like the one I used when planning Ponyville's weather, Rainbow thought with a sigh.

"You were right, General," Fleetfoot said with a grin as the other two officers approached. "This is the perfect spot to attack them. We'll catch them while their wings are tired and destroy them before they encroach themselves in Equestria, with everypony in this town as a witness."

Rainbow leveled a glare at her fellow commander. "Remember that innocent ponies could be hurt here, Fleetfoot. 'This town,' as you call it, is my home."

"Nopony in Ponyville will get hurt," Spitfire said as she leaned on the table. "Not if we stick to the plan."

Fleetfoot raised an eyebrow. "So I take it you've devised the final plan?"

Spitfire nodded at both her commanders. "As planned, Commander Fleetfoot will lead our main force. Her wing will first create tornadoes and hurl them at the enemy. The goal here is to first break their formation and create confusion in the ranks."

"Three of my captains will focus on this task," Fleetfoot said, smug satisfaction in her voice. "Their feathers got the best times for tornado creation."

"Excellent," Spitfire replied flatly with a nod. "The rest of your wing will be in charge of creating a hurricane."

"Wait, you're going with the hurricane plan?" Rainbow asked with a gasp. "Considering Ponyville, wouldn't the wind funnel be a safer option? We can just push them back into the Everfree."

"I think it's a good plan," Fleetfoot said. "The funnel's too predictable, and we have nothing if they do manage to reach us. After we create the hurricane, we just have to get the bulk of their forces trapped in it, and then the support forces can take care of the rest."

"Enough, both of you," Spitfire said with a hard glare directed at both commanders. "We've had these arguments all morning, and I made my choice." She took a long breath. Once it was clear neither Fleetfoot nor Rainbow had anything more to add, she continued. "Anyway, as you suggested this morning, Fleetfoot, we'll have your troops create a hurricane and go after the griffons. Try to trap as many as you can, but don't take unnecessary risks. The reserve forces will handle the stragglers."

"Which is where I come in," Rainbow completed.

The general nodded. "Use your best judgment as to when to go in. You'll be commanding our ground forces. Make sure to protect the town, and try to isolate griffon stragglers. Should it prove necessary, support Fleetfoot's hurricane force. Just be careful your troops don't get caught in the hurricane."

"And I imagine you'll want my earth pony chargers taking care of any griffons that fall to the ground." Rainbow added.

Spitfire nodded. "Yes, and if your unicorns could try and protect our flyers with their magic, it would help greatly."

"I'll ask Captain Tinkerboom what they can do," Rainbow answered. "She knows best what the ponies in her feather can accomplish."

Spitfire took a glimpse at the horizon and turned her attention back to Rainbow. "It's your command. Use your judgment."

Rainbow firmly nodded. "And I'll make sure Ponyville stays safe too."

"I'll expect you to. Just don't compromise our victory for it."

"And you'll command the second half of Rainbow's wing, ma'am?" Fleetfoot asked, her eyes still glued to the map.

"Aye," Spitfire said. "I'll reinforce from above the clouds, and also handle the rain and hail. Make sure your troops know to expect a torrential downpour." This last part had been Rainbow's idea. Griffingard was known for its dry climate. The average griffon soldier would not be as comfortable flying in the rain as a pegasus.

"What about lightning?" Fleetfoot asked.

"We have some bolts at the ready, but I'm not satisfied with the accuracy I've seen during training," Rainbow said with a frown. "We'd risk friendly fire."

"I'll keep that in mind, but I don't wanna risk holding back, either," Spitfire added with a severe frown of her own.

Rainbow averted her eyes. "Yeah, that makes sense." She couldn't hide the hesitation from her voice.

Spitfire groaned. "I need to know you're fully committed, Dash. I can't have you hesitate during the battle."

Rainbow took a deep breath. You knew this was coming, Rainbow. You can do this, you're awesome. She slammed her hoof on the cloud beneath her. "I won't let those griffons get through, ma'am. I know what the consequences are if they establish themselves in Equestria."

"Good," the general replied with a nod. "Then I take it there are no questions?"

"All clear to me, ma'am," Fleetfoot replied with her usual grin and a salute. Rainbow mirrored the sentiment with a sober nod.

"Alright, excellent. Both of you get in position and make sure your troops are ready." Spitfire took another glance at the horizon, over the Everfree. The griffon army was already visible, although as a distant black swarm. "They should be here within the hour."

"Then I'll see you both at the victory celebration," Rainbow said, surprising herself at how forced she sounded.

The command cloud was left behind as Rainbow Dash flew away. She stopped to tell the four captains who would remain in the clouds that they would serve under Spitfire, just as planned. Once that formality was over, she glided downward, directing herself toward the large hill where the four feathers under her command had set up camp.

A lone pegasus flew from the group to meet her. It didn't take long for Dash to get close enough to recognize her as Sergeant Flitter. "Report," Rainbow ordered.

"All four feathers are accounted for, and everypony is ready," Flitter said with a salute as she glided next to the commander. "A few Ponyville ponies came by to ask questions. We explained the situation as best we could, like you ordered."

"Good, hopefully they won't see us as the bad guys," Rainbow replied. "It's probably a good thing I had you and other Ponyville natives assigned to the ground force. I just wish we had more time to warn them."

"Well, that's the bad news," Flitter continued with a gulp. "We've heard reports of advance griffon agents hiding in town. Apparently they have support there as well."

"Darn it. Do we know where they're hiding?"

Flitter shook her head. "All I know is that one of them met with the mayor. A young filly told us about it."

Rainbow's eyes opened wide. "Oh no, don't tell me..."

"Yes, ma'am, it was Scootaloo," the sergeant confirmed. "In fact, she's been hanging around camp, looking for you."

"I'll take care of it," Rainbow replied with a sigh. "Go back to your unit, and thanks for the report."

"Just doing my job, ma'am," Flitter replied with a salute before adjusting her course toward the edge of the camp.

Rainbow quickly made her way to the large command tent erected at the top of a nearby hill. It was surrounded by masses of ponies adjusting their armor, polishing their spears, or talking to each other. A few card games were being played — no doubt the soldiers needed a distraction from the upcoming battle. Four of her captains stood in front of the tent, saluting as they noticed her. Rainbow looked next to them and frowned at the sight of a small, orange-coated pegasus filly.

"What are you doing out here, Scootaloo?" Dash asked as she landed. "It's not safe for you out here."

"Rainbow Dash!" The filly rushed to Dash's side.

"She came from Ponyville and informed us that the griffons had sent representatives into town," Captain Tinkerboom, the yellow earth pony in command of the ground feather, said.

Rainbow's expression softened as she nuzzled Scootaloo. "Thanks for helping us out, kid. I am glad to see you." Once the filly met her gaze, Dash's expression turned to a disapproving frown. "But you really have to get home. Get your family, and hide in your house's cellar. I don't want you around for what's coming."

"But I wanna see you kick some tail," Scootaloo argued, her undersized wings flapping furiously in excitement.

"The commander is right. This is no game," Tinkerboom said as she took a step forward and shook a strand of brown hair away from her face.

"Tell you what, squirt," Rainbow continued. "I have a mission for you. Where's Applejack?"

Scootaloo shook her head. "She left for Appleoosa with Braeburn. She wouldn't tell Applebloom why."

Dash's frown returned. "Alright. Go back to Ponyville, and tell the mayor that I will personally make sure Ponyville stays safe. Let her know the griffons are up to no good, and I'll do everything I can to stop them. For now though, I need everypony to hide in their basements, just in case."

"You got it, Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo said as she imitated a soldier's salute. "But promise you'll be careful too. I know Princess Luna is counting on you." The filly mounted her scooter and started on her way back to Ponyville. She winked knowingly at Rainbow as her tiny wings propelled her small vehicle away.

"Friend of yours?" Tinkerboom asked with a smirk.

"She's a good kid," Rainbow replied with a sigh. "I took her under my wing a while back. There's a problem with her wings, so she'll probably never fully fly. It's been hard for her, and she's been looking up to me for support."

"That's good of you, Commander."

"Anyway, enough of that, we have a battle to plan," Rainbow said severely as she took a few steps toward her other officers. "I take it everypony's ready for what's coming."

"Aye commander," Captain Buzzfly, a short pegasus mare with a green coat, answered. "We're awaiting your orders."

Rainbow gave one last look at Scootaloo making her way back to Ponyville and sighed. She took a deep breath and turned back toward her officers with renewed vigor. "Alright. Tinkerboom, I assume all your chargers are fully armored?"

"Spiked heavy armor, my own design," the earth pony said with a grin. "They'll be unstoppable."

"Good. Have your earth pony units stay together and take care of any griffons who get on the ground. I expect the rain and hail will destabilize a lot of them," Rainbow took a glimpse at the clouds before continuing. "And what about your unicorns? How many of them know offensive magic?"

"Only six of them, I'm afraid," Tinkerboom replied. "I've had them train in the same unit, but I don't think they'll be able to make a difference."

"You're right," Rainbow said, tapping her hoof to her chin. "Hmm, I know. Just have them join the other unicorns, creating shields and defending our wounded. Should worse come to worst, they can throw magical bolts at the enemy. I'd still rather keep this asset a secret for when we have more unicorns."

"Understood, commander," the earth pony captain replied with a salute.

"As for the rest of us," Rainbow continued, turning her head toward her other officers. "We have other jobs. The first one will be reinforcing Fleetfoot's wing as needed. Buzzfly, I want you to make that your priority. Create tornadoes, have your ponies create gusts of wind, whatever it takes to break the griffon lines and trap them in the hurricane. Make sure none of them can land."

"Gotcha, ma'am," the short pegasus captain answered.

"Captain Whirlwind," Rainbow said, prompting the tan pegasus captain to stand at attention. "Your feather will be our reserve forces. Anypony asks for more troops, you're the one who'll supply them. You have a good head for tactics, so I want you to stay back and coordinate the reinforcements."

"You got it, commander."

"Lastly, Captain Star Hunter," Rainbow continued, smiling at the azure-coated stallion.

"Yes ma'am?" Star Hunter asked.

"I'm putting you in charge of protecting Ponyville," Rainbow ordered, placing a hoof on his shoulder. "Any tornado that gets too close, you try to redirect or counter. You find civilians out on the streets, have one of your soldiers escort them to safety. Whatever happens, the town has to stay safe, and ponies have to know we're here to protect them."

"You can count on me, commander," Star Hunter replied, his face beaming with pride. "I'll position some of my units within the town itself."

"Good," Rainbow replied, nodding at each captain in turn. "The griffons should be here within the hour. Gather everypony; I want to address the troops before they head into battle."

The four officers acquiesced and flew away to gather their respective feather. Rainbow's gaze turned north-west, toward her home town, without her realizing. Would the ponies there see her as a hero trying to defend them, or a traitor bringing war to their doorstep? Scootaloo claimed griffons were seen talking to the mayor. What did they tell her? Darn it, I could really use Applejack's help right now. I can't worry about both the battle and Ponyville.

Rainbow shook her head and raised it toward the clouds, where Spitfire was preparing the thick storm clouds for the battle. A few droplets fell from the sky as the griffon swarm loomed closer. Soon, Rainbow thought with a gulp. No turning back now.

It took a few more minutes for the ponies in her wing to assemble and form ranks. The now familiar spectacle of troops standing at attention did not bring her the pride it used to. Where knees once shook and doubts were once whispered in low voices, strong determination could now be seen in the hardened expressions on each and every pony's face.

Rainbow flew up and hovered in front of her wing. She took a long breath and puffed up her chest as the rain drenched her mane and tail. "Alright, everypony. This is the moment we trained for. I know a lot of you hoped for a quick victory in Canterlot, but you also all knew we might have to fight for it." Rainbow paused for another breath and allowed her words to sink in with her troops. "Well, this is the day we fight! Blueblood and those cowards back in Canterlot? They're too scared to fight themselves, so they hide behind the griffons. Those birds don't scare us now, do they?"

"No, ma'am!" the soldiers yelled in unison. If Rainbow had her doubts before, they evaporated at the discipline and determination showed by her troops.

"That's right, this is our land. We have the advantage. Don't let those griffons scare you for a second. You're the best in Equestria, and you've been trained by the best." She took a moment to admire the resolve on every soldier's face. "Whatever happens, they can't beat us, we're awesome."

A sea of cheers greeted her speech as her soldiers screamed loudly and clopped their hooves on the ground. If the rain bothered any of them, it didn't show.

"Alright, everypony, follow your officers and get in position," Rainbow ordered. "I'll see you all at the victory party."

The soldiers quickly made their way to their respective units. Every captain was already gathering the sergeants under their command so they could pass on her orders. Rainbow fought the temptation to hide in solitude inside a tent or alone on a cloud; the ponies under her command would need to see her in the minutes preceding the battle if morale was to remain high.

She flew from one group to the next. First, she encouraged individual soldiers while their unit leaders were being briefed. Afterwards, she would assist her officers as needed, as well as send messengers to both Fleetfoot and Spitfire, informing them of the status of her troops. Through it all, she tried to keep her eyes from glancing at the familiar town. She had already struggled enough with doubts for a day as important as this one.

The rain redoubling in intensity prompted her to turn her attention to the Everfree Forest. The griffon army was now in plain sight, and Fleetfoot's ponies had already begun flying in circles, creating tornadoes. So far so good. Let's hope the plan works.

By the time the enemy reached the edge of the Everfree, Fleetfoot's ponies had already crafted three tornadoes and units of pegasi flapped their wings vigorously, directing the twisters at the invaders. Rainbow observed the spectacle from her vantage point, at the top of the hill. She nodded at Captain Buzzfly, who stood next to her. "Wait for my signal before going in, Captain."

Dash did not look for a reaction from her officer. She preferred to keep her eyes glued to the battle that was about to start. The griffon army promptly split in two. Each half took a different direction, avoiding the tornadoes entirely. Rainbow ground her teeth. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. They might have separated the griffon forces, but they were still charging at the ponies in organized ranks, with only a minuscule portion of their troops having been caught by the tornadoes.

Further back, the bulk of Fleetfoot's wing had been directing the winds in a vortex for a while. The hurricane started to look like the intimidating force it was meant to be, and the ponies powering it directed it toward the easternmost half of the griffon army. Good of you, Fleetfoot. Direct it to the griffons who are furthest away from Ponyville.

Another group of tornadoes was being created and hurled at the other half of the enemy forces. Rainbow cheered as one of them managed to grasp a group of griffons who were probably blinded by the heavy rain. The commander grinned satisfactorily as she saw Captain Tinkerboom order two units of earth pony chargers in their general direction. A second tornado came too close to Ponyville for Rainbow's liking, but three of Captain Star Hunter's units flew out of the city to take care of it.

"Fleetfoot's flyers won't hold out forever with this western group of griffons," Rainbow told Captain Buzzfly. "I'm sending your feather in. Try to create a wind funnel and hold them in place, the tornadoes will take care of the rest."

"Aye aye, commander," Buzzfly replied with a salute as she turned toward her troops, who had been waiting diligently behind their captain. "You heard the commander. Let's get out there!"

Rainbow had to hold her helmet as Buzzfly's entire feather flew over her head, toward the action. She quickly adjusted the strap, silently glad not to have found it loose in the midst of a fight. She watched her ponies head into battle for a moment before turning her attention to the eastern group, where Fleetfoot's hurricane was growing in size.

A spyglass proved necessary to make up what was going on within the hurricane. Most of the easternmost griffon group seemed to be within the storm, but something didn't feel right. The intensity of it all was increasing at an alarming pace, and while it was hard to tell exactly through the heavy rain, the griffons seemed to be willingly flying into it. "Oh no," Rainbow mumbled as she came to a realization — the enemy was actually using Fleetfoot's hurricane against the ponies. They flew in circles around it, using the strong winds to their advantage, and attempting to trap the pegasi in the middle. The weaker flyers would be thrown right into griffon spears.

Rainbow flew up, pacing back and forth in the air as she considered her options. While griffons weren't used to the powerful rain the pegasi used, they were also larger and better trained. Darn it. We should have expected that they'd use our own tactics against us. Spitfire was no doubt seeing the same thing, and would probably send her reserve forces in.

"Ponyfeathers," she snapped out loud as she turned toward Captain Whirlwind, who waited behind the hill. She flew straight toward him, not bothering to land as she addressed him. "Fleetfoot's ponies in the hurricane are getting massacred. We have to move in."

Whirlwind nodded as he flew up. "Go, go, go! You heard the commander," he ordered his troops, who eagerly accompanied him.

Rainbow took a glance at the western battle, where Buzzfly's feather started pushing the griffons back toward the Everfree. Good, they have them on the run. Another feather carrying lightning clouds flew down from the sky in pursuit. It seemed Spitfire had the same thought as Dash. She grabbed a passing soldier, a short pegasus stallion with a white coat. "Fly above the clouds, and tell General Spitfire that I'm going inside the hurricane."

The soldier nodded and flew upwards. "Here goes nothing," Rainbow mumbled as she flew with Whirlwind's feather toward the hurricane that was now growing into gargantuan proportions. The closer she got, the harder it was to fly through the rain. Torrents of water were thrown against her troops, and some of the weaker flyers in Captain Whirlwind's feather struggled to even stay in place.

"This isn't going to work," Rainbow yelled, hoping the captain would be able to hear her.

"We should head over the clouds," Whirlwind's voice suggested.

"Go, go!" Rainbow yelled, hoping enough ponies would be able to hear her.

She flapped her wings as hard as her muscles would allow. She quickly adjusted her flight goggles — an addition to her officer helmet she had insisted on — as she struggled in vain to gain altitude.

The winds augmented again in intensity. This could only mean one thing. Rainbow saw that the storm was getting closer. Some of the ponies under her command had already been swept by the now uncontrollable hurricane. Rainbow braced herself. Her only chance now would be to let the storm carry her. She would have to stabilize her flight before she was thrown into the distance or impaled by a griffon spear. "Don't fight it, everypony. You have to ride the storm," she yelled desperately.

What have we done? she managed to ask herself as she ground her teeth, preparing for the most difficult attempt at aerial recovery in her entire life. She couldn't prevent her thoughts from wandering toward Ponyville. If the storm kept growing at this pace, it would without a doubt reach the town.

A particularly powerful current took hold of Rainbow. She spread her wings and risked riding it. She winced in pain as her wings felt like they threatened to rip apart. All she could do was scream as she used her entire body's weight to straighten herself out. You can do this, Rainbow. You're awesome.

She was forced to adjust her breathing, as all the oxygen was sucked right out of her lungs. She quickly wiped the rainwater off her goggles and found herself riding the edge of the storm. She pushed with all of her strength against the wind, knowing full well she would now be fighting a constant battle against the centrifugal force.

A few ponies flew alongside Dash. She recognized a few faces, including Captain Whirlwind. She sighed in relief and pointed toward the center with her muzzle, prompting a series of nods from the ponies who had made it this far. A few soldiers had even managed to hold on to their spears. Their role would be crucial once they managed to get through to the griffon flyers.

It only took a few moments for Rainbow's group to notice a small group of griffons deeper within the storm. They were locked in melee combat with some of Fleetfoot's ponies, fighting around a storm cloud charged with lightning. Rainbow pushed her body further, ignoring the growing pain within her chest and the bile gathering up in the back of her throat.

She managed to reach one of the griffons, whose spear met a pegasus sergeant's. She nodded at the pony and flapped her wings with all her force toward the griffon, pushing the enemy soldier onto the pegasus's spear. The sergeant screamed a war cry as he impaled the griffon, blood flowing onto his gray coat. One of his shoulder plates was in shambles, and his flight goggles had been broken and were now useless.

Rainbow took a glance behind her, making sure her own ponies joined the battle. Captain Whirlwind seemed to have the situation under control, so she turned her attention to the sergeant, positioning herself next to him. "Report," she ordered as she ducked to avoid a stray lightning bolt.

"It's bad, commander," the sergeant yelled over the sounds of battle. He winced as dust got into his exposed eyes. "Commander Fleetfoot is down, and we lost a lot of ponies to griffon spears. They've been reinforcing the hurricane and isolating our units. Our weaker flyers never stood a chance. We've been trying to spread our forces while forcing them to do the same."

"They're using our own tactics against us," Rainbow said. "Who's in command here?"

"I don't know, ma'am. Captain Flamesong was killed, and you're the first officer I've seen since."

Darn it, darn it, darn it! It wasn't supposed to go down like this. Rainbow spat and groaned in frustration. "Alright, sergeant. Get your unit out of here. This battle is lost — no need to sacrifice any more lives for nothing." She took off her goggles and gave them to the sergeant. "Here, you'll need those more than me. I've flown without eye protection before."

The stallion nodded, obvious relief evident on his face. Dash's group had managed to pacify most of the griffons, although a few birds retreated further inside the storm. She flew next to Captain Whirlwind, keeping pace with him. "These ponies are exhausted, Commander," the captain said.

"I know," Rainbow said. "Fleetfoot is down. I'm taking command and signaling the retreat. No use wasting any more lives. We stick together and help our troops get out of here."

"You got it, commander," Whirlwind replied, motioning for his surviving ponies to follow.

Rainbow kept navigating the storm, desperately trying to reach whatever surviving ponies she could. The process was constantly repeated. Find a group of ponies, help them against the griffons they were battling, inform them about the retreat, and if possible, absorb them into her group. Sometimes, she would arrive too late and would only witness her fellow soldiers being butchered by the enemy. Sometimes, she would find ponies too weak to escape the storm on their own, forcing her to order one of her own to carry them.

Eventually, pieces of a broken fence, straw, and various wooden debris made their way inside the storm. This could only mean one thing; Rainbow's fears had come true and the hurricane had reached Ponyville. Rainbow had a passing thought for Captains Buzzfly and Star Hunter. Did they also retreat, or were they trapped in the hurricane? Hopefully they managed to help the Ponyville ponies evacuate.

"Nothing more we can do. We're getting out," Rainbow shouted as she dodged part of a wooden fence. She turned around and found a significant number of ponies following her. At least I managed to save some lives today.

She allowed the wind to carry her outward, making sure to balance her body and keep a certain level of control over her trajectory. More than once, she had to duck in order to avoid flying debris, or even the bodies of fallen soldiers. The heavy rain falling in her now exposed eyes made the effort even more difficult. She winced on a few occasions as her fellow ponies did not always prove as skillful as her.

We're gonna make it. I will save these ponies. Rainbow gave her wings a few flaps. The storm had now reached colossal proportions, and no end seemed in sight. A loose lightning bolt incinerated one of her soldiers. Rainbow's wings were getting tired, and she knew everypony under her command was flying on adrenaline alone.

Where she expected to find relief, she instead came face to face with a swarm of heavily armored griffons flying in formation. Could this be the bulk of their army? Rainbow swore under her breath as she realized that the enemy was blocking her access to the edge of the storm. The commander spun to her side, directing her body downward. Perhaps she could lead her troops under them.

While the maneuver seemed successful at first, it did not take long for the enemy to take notice of her significantly sized group. Rainbow was almost directly under the griffons when she realized she had to give the order. "Form ranks, everypony. Don't let them overpower you, and be mindful of their spears."

She ducked around an enemy trying to impale her and grabbed his spear with her mouth, pulling violently as she punched him with vigor. She managed to steal the weapon and strike the griffon with the butt end of his own spear.

Rainbow turned her head, searching for another opponent. She gasped in shock and almost allowed the storm to send her flying away as she found herself face to face with a white-feathered face sporting brilliant amber eyes, framed by lavender downy feathers. "Gilda," Dash whispered as she recognized her old junior flight camp friend.

Their eyes met for a moment. Dash could not think of anything to say. Should she prepare to fight her friend, or perhaps strike first? Could she even bring herself to do it? Gilda took the decision away from her as she shook her head, then turned her attention away. Rainbow nodded as she held on to her stolen spear strongly, charging a different griffon. At least she would not have to kill a friend today.

The battle almost became automatic. Rainbow would strike with the spear, then dodge an incoming attack. She would avoid flying debris, and sometimes order her forces to regroup in a better defensive position. One by one, her ponies were picked off. For every griffon they killed, two of their own fell. Once in a while, her eyes wandered in Gilda's direction. In these cases, she would quickly switch her attention to other griffons. They all started to look the same to Rainbow.

She blocked an enemy's claw and pushed him away with her hind legs, making him lose control of his flight. She was about to turn to yet another enemy when she felt something small and hard hit the side of her helmet. Oh no, she thought as more tiny ice shards flew into the wind. So the battle was desperate enough for Spitfire to unleash the hail inside the storm. "It's not the time; we're still in here," Rainbow yelled in desperation, knowing full well the general could not hear her.

She saw griffons and ponies alike getting swallowed by the piercing ice traveling at extreme velocity within the powerful storm winds. Her own Captain Whirlwind found his wing ravaged under the assault. To his credit, he managed to hold on to an enemy soldier and make sure he would take at least one griffon with him into the grave.

Rainbow charged at an enemy officer, having nothing to lose. He easily pushed her spear away with his small shield, forcing her to drop the weapon or lose her balance. She attempted to push him with her hind legs, but he responded by taking his claw to her face. Rainbow gasped in horror as his talon grasped her head and forcefully turned it around. She pushed back with all of her might, striking him multiple times with her hooves. A large volley of hail fragments flew in her direction. Rainbow closed her eyes, but could still feel the shards piercing the flesh on her eyelids, her wings, her hooves, and her lightly armored underbelly. She screamed in pain.

She attempted to open her eyes, but only the left one would respond. She turned her body around, managing to shield herself behind her enemy before the bulk of the hail volley reached them. The griffon shrieked in pain as thousands of glacial fragments pierced his armor and dug into his flesh. Rainbow tried to say something, but ended up spitting some of her own blood instead.

She let go of the now immobile form of her enemy. Her body began to fall, and she realized too late that no amount of flapping would stabilize her position. She saw her troops desperately fighting an already lost battle from her one functioning eye as she felt something hard collide with her. Everything became red, then everything became black.