• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 3,803 Views, 535 Comments

A Dream of Sunny Days - Roranicus

When Princess Celestia dies, a new ruler must take up the throne, but the princess is not easily replaced. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

  • ...

XXXVIII Fluttershy

Life at the weather factory prison was boring and repetitive. Fluttershy's routine involved pumping water inside a machine for twelve hours a day. When she wasn't working or eating, she was in her cell, which she shared with four other mares. While the situation had been terrifying for the first few days, she'd quickly realized two important rules. First, she kept to herself and didn't get into trouble. That part was easy. She spent her time daydreaming about her animal friends back in Ponyville. She had to trust that Applejack, Rarity, and the others would somehow rescue Twilight, and then she could get out of this prison.

The second rule had been made obvious when she was first introduced to her cell mates. Every single pegasus imprisoned in the factory was a Luna supporter. As much as it pained her to do so, Fluttershy couldn't show any hint of loyalty to Rarity. Her friend was the constant target of slurs by disgruntled Cloudsdale soldiers. Remember what happened when you tried to defend Discord in Dodge, Fluttershy kept telling herself. The only thing she could do was to get in line, obey the guards, and bide her time.

Rumors had been circulating around the prison for a few days. Apparently, the bulk of Blueblood's army was returning to Canterlot. Some said that they feared an attack by Cloudsdale. Others believed that they were regrouping to prepare for a strike on Manehattan, or even the city in the clouds itself. Fluttershy only hoped this wouldn't end with the prison being attacked. As much as she hoped to regain her freedom, she shivered at the thought of being stuck in the middle of a battle. On top of it all, her wings had been clipped, just like every other prisoner's. What hope could she have in a battle without flight?

Fluttershy shook her head and returned her attention to her work. She had to keep pumping water by pulling a lever over and over. She'd quickly learned that slacking would at best get her yelled at. At worst, it would get her entire sleeping block punished. The last time it happened, a mare who fell from exhaustion was beaten in the night by her cellmates after everypony from her team had been forced to clean the guards' quarters at the end of a twelve-hour shift.

She redoubled her pace as a uniformed guard walked behind her. Remember, Fluttershy. Do what you're told, and you won't get in trouble. The most difficult part of her routine was the monotony. She could easily get lost in her thoughts, slow down her pace, and risk punishment.

"Heads up, an officer's coming," Sassaflash whispered. The teal-coated pegasus mare had been a Ponyville resident, and was now one of Fluttershy's cellmates. They also worked next to one another, and often relied on each other to survive prison life.

Fluttershy quietly nodded as she kept pumping water into the boiler so that it could be refined into clouds.

A loud alarm echoed through the factory, causing Fluttershy to slip and almost get her mane caught in the apparatus. Sassaflash helped her up and made sure she was okay as the officer, a serious-looking pegasus stallion, flew up and above the machinery.

"Listen up, prisoners. You are all to return to your cells in orderly fashion," he loudly ordered. "You are not to speak or do anything without a guard's permission." Fluttershy thought she saw him gulp. What could possibly be going on that would halt production this way?

Fluttershy, Sassaflash, and the other workers lined up in front of their workstations. Soldiers walked through the alleys between large gray containers, glaring at the prisoners. Fluttershy made sure not to move a muscle. Even after a month and a half in this place, she still shook and sometimes struggled not to cry when soldiers called for inspections. Sometimes, they would pick a prisoner at random and beat them as an example. Luckily, she hadn't been chosen yet. Still, seeing anypony mistreated in such a brutal way was too much for Fluttershy to bear.

The prisoners were escorted out of the factory one line at a time. Two workers near Fluttershy whispered back and forth, but a guard came and snapped at them to shut up. One of them, a green-coated pegasus mare, was kicked in the stomach for good measure, which made Fluttershy wince and hide behind her mane.

No more incidents interrupted the factory evacuation. An officer was about to order Fluttershy's line out when a pink-coated earth pony sergeant wearing armor one size too big stopped in front of her. "Are you Fluttershy?"

"Y... yes Ma'am," Fluttershy answered. What could this one want with her?

"Follow me," the sergeant ordered.

Fluttershy gulped and nodded. She shared a concerned look with Sassaflash before following the soldier with her head down. This officer seemed strangely familiar to Fluttershy, but she couldn't place her. She wasn't one of the regular guards. Maybe they had met before the war? It was easy to forget that these ponies hadn't always been hardened brutes.

She was taken to the back of the factory. The sergeant kept a rapid pace, making it hard for Fluttershy to follow. Although her stamina had improved, she still often found herself exhausted after hours of physical labor. They quickly arrived at one of the back doors. As far as Fluttershy knew, it was always locked and seldom used. A lone guard was standing in front of the exit. He glared at Fluttershy and her escort as they approached.

"This area's off-limits," he barked.

"Stand down, Soldier," the sergeant said. "I have orders to interrogate this prisoner."

The guard raised an eyebrow. "The interrogation rooms aren't this way."

"This is all off the record. My orders come directly from General Silvermane. Now, get out of the way and never let me catch you addressing a superior officer like this again."

The guard awkwardly saluted. "Yes Ma'am. Sorry Ma'am." He promptly unlocked the door and moved aside.

Fluttershy gulped as her entire body shook. Off the record interrogation in a deserted part of the complex? I need to get out.

"Hurry up," the sergeant snapped at her. "You're only making things worse for yourself."

"I... I'm sorry," Fluttershy said as she followed the officer.

She was taken out the back and toward a large cloudsteel building Fluttershy had never been into. She twitched her wings. The loss of her primary feathers was particularly uncomfortable against the cold wind. Heavy snow fell from the sky, on top of the wind freezing her bones.

The sergeant looked around as they neared a small, nondescript door on the side of a warehouse. She produced a key from one of her pockets and unlocked the door. "Quick, get in," she ordered in a more gentle voice. "We don't have much time."

Fluttershy made her way inside, hesitantly placing one hoof in front of the other. She found herself in a large, mostly empty room. A few tables and random crates littered the warehouse. "Please don't hurt me," she whispered once she was inside. "I'll tell you what you want to know, I promise."

The sergeant closed the door and removed her helmet, revealing a long blue mane. Fluttershy also noticed a small stub on her forehead. She gasped as she realized what it was: a broken horn. "I'll cut to the chase," the mare said. "I'm not here to interrogate you. I'm here to bust you out of here."

Fluttershy's ears perked up. "Wait, aren't you Rarity's assistant? Did she send you?"

The mare nodded. "Yes, I'm Sapphire Blitz, but I'm no longer Her Highness's assistant. I'm acting on my own here. I suspect she'll need you, as well as your other friends."

Fluttershy stepped forward. "Why? What's going on?"

"Canterlot is under attack. Long story short, Princess Luna is dead, murdered by one of her own officers. The Cloudsdale army is making one final attack β€” revenge is probably the only thing on their mind. The griffons have retreated. Princess Rarity is hiding out in Ponyville. Go to her."

Fluttershy remained speechless. Luna dead? Canterlot under attack? Rarity in hiding? Oh Fluttershy, what happened while you were trapped in here? She leaned against a large wooden crate as she struggled to gather her thoughts.

Sapphire took a deep breath. "Look, I know this is a lot to take in, but we don't have much time. I managed to call in a few favors to gain entry to the prison and get this uniform, but I'll be found out eventually. When that happens, you need to be long gone."

"Wait, how?" Fluttershy said as she unfolded her wings. "I can't fly. Even if I could, I would never make it. Not in this storm. And what about you? I can't leave you here."

Sapphire sighed. "Trust me, I deserve it. I betrayed the princess. She may never trust me again, but at least I can do right by her and get you out of here. Either way, I have a few ideas on how I can get out of here. Right now though, you're the one I'm worried about. The Cloudsdale army is on its way; their scouts have found the prison. I don't think you want them using you as leverage against your friends."

Fluttershy took a deep breath. You can do this, Fluttershy. Your friends need you. "Alright, so what's the plan?"

"Follow me," Sapphire said as she made her way to the back of the warehouse, toward what looked like a large trapdoor. "They use this to bring in supplies. This building was supposed to be a snow factory. They put the project on hold, for obvious reasons."

If the situation wasn't so dire, Fluttershy might have giggled at the irony. "So this trap leads outside?"

Sapphire nodded. She produced a pair of flight goggles and handed them to Fluttershy. "It does. You'll have to jump down and glide to the ground."

Fluttershy gasped and stepped away from the trapdoor in panic. "I can't! They clipped my wings. I can't fly."

"You can still glide," Sapphire said. "I made sure it was possible before coming here. Your wings were clipped to prevent flight, but in a way that still allows you to glide. This was done at Princess Rarity's request, specifically out of concern for everypony's safety."

"But there's a snowstorm outside. I'll be swept away."

"Even better," Sapphire continued with an encouraging smile. "You can let the wind carry you. Keep your wings spread, and only adjust your course to gently glide downward. You should be able to reach Ponyville."

"And what about the Cloudsdale soldiers?" Sweat drenched Fluttershy's fur as she imagined herself barely surviving the storm, only to get impaled on a spear or break her neck as she collided with the ground.

Sapphire stepped forward and placed a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. "They're not here yet. If you leave now, they won't see you. I know this is scary and probably crazy. Trust me, it'll be worth it. You know better than anypony how much Rarity needs you. Enough that I risked everything to infiltrate this facility and get you back at her side."

Fluttershy gulped and eyed the trapdoor. "There's really no other way?"

"None that I could find," Sapphire said as she shook her head. "Princess Rarity often spoke about you. She said you were stronger than you looked. You survived this place. I know you can do this."

Fluttershy took a deep breath. "Alright, I'll do it." She tried to sound determined, but could hear her voice shake. Oh Fluttershy, what are you getting yourself into? She accepted the goggles and put them around her neck.

Sapphire unlocked the trap door and opened it. Cold wind assaulted Fluttershy the moment the passage was opened. She took a glimpse, and saw nothing but an endless sea of moving snow. She turned her gaze toward Sapphire, who gave her an encouraging nod.

"What will you do after I'm gone?" Fluttershy asked.

"Don't worry about me. I'll figure out something. Just get yourself safely back to Ponyville, and don't let soldiers from either side catch you."

Fluttershy nodded as firmly as she could. "I will. Thanks for everything, Sapphire. I'll tell Rarity what you did for me."

Sapphire smiled. "That's all I could ever ask."

A strong breeze coming from the trapdoor blew Fluttershy's long mane in her face. She moved it aside and turned her attention toward the hole. She remembered what Rainbow Dash used to tell her. Don't think about it. Just jump and let your wings take over. When you think about it, that's when you get afraid. Fluttershy took a deep, determined breath, put on her flight goggles, extended her wings, closed her eyes, and allowed her body to drop down the hole.

The moment she was outside, Fluttershy almost lost her balance. The wind shoved her in a random direction, and her head collided with the bottom of the cloud. She managed to shake off the shock, thankful that clouds tended to be soft. She further extended her wings and rode the air current.

Even directly under the factory, waves of snow were blown almost horizontally. Fluttershy managed to make out Canterlot Mountain, and remembered that the city was on the other side. She spied groups of armored pegasi flying toward the factory in the distance β€” she couldn't make out which faction they served. Hopefully the darkness combined with the storm would hide her from these soldiers.

Fluttershy shivered in the cold as she struggled to ride the wind. She yelped as a strong breeze pushed her upwards. She flapped her wings in panic. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't control of her trajectory. I never should have jumped down that hole. I can barely fly in normal circumstances. What chance do I have now?

She opened her eyes and tried to force her body to return to its proper gliding position. You can do this, Fluttershy. Just like Rainbow taught you. Glide, and let the wind carry you. She extended her wings, taking a deep breath as the wind carried her back up. Shortly after, she was gently being led away from the prison. Fluttershy giggled at the feeling. After spending so much time in a cage, soaring in the air felt invigorating. Is this how the sky feels to Rainbow?

The wind carried Fluttershy, slowly taking her down toward the ground. She tried her best to direct her body toward Ponyville's lights, but even the best flyers couldn't navigate a storm like this. The important part was reaching the ground safely. From there, she could hopefully sneak back to Ponyville, then find Rarity and Applejack.

Fluttershy's joints ached as the cold overcame her adrenaline. She flexed her legs as much as she could without destabilizing her flight, and often had to shake the snow out of her mane. She'd lost track of how long she's been gliding. It felt like an hour. She had to wipe her goggles every few minutes to keep the snow from blinding her.

Everything was a blur, and Fluttershy could barely feel her extremities. She couldn't tell how long she'd been gliding down, although she'd gotten away from the bulk of the storm. While she still had the cold to contend with and the snow still fell, she could more easily direct her fall toward Ponyville's lights.

The ground was getting closer. She wiped the snow off her flight goggles one more time so she could better see where she was heading; the last thing she wanted was to get caught by soldiers after going through so much trouble to escape. A lone cloud floated by itself, probably left there by the Ponyville weather team. At least I can rest my wings while I decide what to do next.

Her exhausted body collapsed onto the fluffy material. She buried her head in the cloud, struggling to keep her eyes open and stay awake. She'd nursed enough animals who had gotten lost in the cold before and was very familiar with the dangers of hypothermia.

Fluttershy raised her head, finding the town within sight. Everything was covered in snow, and the only signs of activity came from inside a few homes. There were lights coming from the other side of Ponyville, but it proved impossible to tell what was going on through the still raging snowstorm. Still, there was definite activity. At least no soldiers were in sight.

With the cover of darkness and the snow falling, Fluttershy could afford to glide down to the ground and sneak her way to the Palace of Harmony with little risk of being seen. She took a deep breath before her extended wings gently carried her down to the ground, behind an abandoned-looking house. Luckily, she knew Ponyville well enough that she could make her way to the castle while avoiding the major arteries. She wasted no time in getting on her way. The sooner she was back inside with a warm drink, the better.

The trek to the castle didn't take long. On two occasions, Fluttershy almost ran into guards. The first time, it was a patrol in the middle of a street, and she had to wait behind an outhouse. The second time, a pegasus patrol had flown above her. She didn't see them in time, but they ignored her presence.

Fluttershy's heartbeat raced once the castle came into view. She'd taken the blame for Applejack, but would Applejack forgive her for it? She gulped as she made her way to the castle's large purple doors.

She stopped and took a deep breath. These are your friends, Fluttershy. Like Sapphire said, they need you. She pushed the door open and walked inside. She gasped as she was met with two unicorn soldiers pointing spears at her.

"Halt, who goes there?" a gray-coated mare in a Canterlot sergeant's uniform barked.

Her partner, a white stallion, eyed Fluttershy suspiciously. "Wait, Sergeant. I recognize her. She's the traitor who freed the changeling queen."

Fluttershy backtracked and silently cursed herself. So close! Stupid Fluttershy, you should have known there would be guards inside the palace. "Please, can I just speak to Rarity?" she mumbled.

"Princess Rarity is not here," the sergeant said. "She left for Baltimare."

Fluttershy breathed in and out as the stallion approached her, no doubt with the intent of binding her hooves in manacles. Could she run away? She leaned back in a defensive posture when she heard somepony speak from the throne room, beyond the lobby. "What in tarnation is all this commotion about?"

"Applejack?" Fluttershy asked as her ears perked up. β€œIt's Fluttershy!”

Sure enough, Applejack was standing in a doorway, smiling widely. "Stand down, Legerity. She's a friend."

The sergeant raised an eyebrow. "She's also a known traitor, Madam Mayor."

"Feel free to complain to Rarity," Applejack said with a dismissive gesture as she walked to Fluttershy. "How did you even get back here, Fluttershy? Wait, don't tell me just yet. Rarity will want to know, too."

The sergeant sighed heavily. "You do remember the princess's presence in this town is supposed to remain a secret, Madam Mayor."

Applejack grunted. "I told you, Fluttershy's a friend." She smiled back at Fluttershy. "Come on, she's upstairs."

"At least allow me to make sure she's not a changeling," the sergeant said.

"Fine, go ahead," Applejack said.

The sergeant enveloped Fluttershy in an amber magical glow. "She's good."

Applejack nodded at the sergeant before escorting Fluttershy inside and up the stairs. "I'm so glad you managed to get back, Fluttershy," she said as she started climbing. "We were getting mighty worried about you. Rarity was thinking about ordering her guards to get you out."

"I'm glad you're alright, too," Fluttershy said with a weak smile of her own. "And I'm sorry I lied to you and freed Chrysalis behind your back."

Applejack stopped in her tracks and stared back at Fluttershy. "At first, I was mad at you. When Applebloom and Scootaloo ran away on some supposed mission Luna gave them, I thought I could never trust you again."

"Oh no," Fluttershy gasped, interrupting Applejack. "Are they alright?"

"Applebloom's back. That's not your fault though. That's all on Luna. You did what you thought was right to save Twilight, and you took the fall for me. I could never hate you for that, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy stepped forward and embraced her friend as tears welled up in her eyes. "Oh Applejack! I'm so glad you can forgive me."

The two spent a moment hugging in the middle of the staircase before Applejack broke the embrace. "Come on. Rarity will be just as happy to see you."

They walked the rest of the way up the stairs and toward the private living room on the castle's second floor. Fluttershy couldn't hold her happiness in as she heard Granny Smith's voice from the other side of the door.

Applejack opened the door and entered first. "I finally have some good news, everypony."

Cheers welcomed Fluttershy as she walked inside the room. Spike and Applebloom both rushed to hug her as Rarity gasped in shock from a large cushion in the back, her eyes watering. Big Macintosh sighed in relief as Granny Smith smiled from her rocking chair. "I told you youngins that Fluttershy would find a way, didn't I?"

"Yes you did, Granny," Applejack said.

"I never doubted it," Spike added, smiling at Fluttershy.

"I'm just happy you got out alive, Fluttershy," Rarity said, her voice overflowing with emotions. Her belly had noticeably swollen since last time Fluttershy had seen her; there was no hiding her pregnancy now. "How did you even manage to get out? I was trying to figure out a way to give the order to liberate you without Silvermane intercepting it."

Fluttershy nuzzled Spike's spines as she answered. "It was your assistant, Sapphire Blitz." Rarity gasped at the revelation. "She disguised herself as a guard and managed to escort me to a trapdoor."

"Sapphire did this?" Rarity said. "She must have felt worse than I thought." She looked down and massaged her belly.

"She said that you'd need me," Fluttershy continued. "She's the one who talked me into gliding down all the way to Ponyville."

"You poor thing, you must be exhausted," Granny said. "Applebloom, get off Fluttershy and let her sit down. Poor dear must be famished, too. Spike, get her something to eat."

Spike let go of Fluttershy. "Sure thing, Granny. I still have some carrot soup left from earlier."

"Can I have a cup of cocoa too? If it's not a bother that is." Fluttershy asked as she made her way to a comfortable-looking couch.

"I'll get it for you, Fluttershy," Applebloom said.

Fluttershy sat down and accepted a warm blanket from Big Macintosh, nuzzling herself in its warmth. Her entire body ached, both from gliding down in the storm and from the long days of forced labor.

"I can't believe you flew down on clipped wings," Rarity said. "I did all I could to prevent that ridiculous wing clipping policy, but the council would have none of it."

"It's fine," Fluttershy said with an uneasy, forced smile. "My feathers will grow back. The guards had to make sure the prisoners wouldn't escape, after all. Some of the Cloudsdale soldiers weren't very nice."

"At least you made it back," Applejack said as she sat next to Fluttershy.

Rarity's brow furrowed. "I'm worried about Sapphire, though. Why did she help you escape? I released her from my service after I found out she was spying for Silvermane."

Fluttershy accepted a warm cup of cocoa from Applebloom. She took a generous sip before replying. "She said she wanted to make it up for betraying you, but that's all she told me. I'm sorry Rarity. I was too afraid to ask."

"And what happened to her after?" Rarity asked.

"I... I don't know," Fluttershy said, looking down. "She said she'd find her own way out after I left, but I saw Cloudsdale soldiers heading for the prison. Oh Rarity, I'm so sorry. I really hope she managed to get out. I was so scared that I didn't even think about her."

Rarity sighed. "Sapphire is resourceful. I have to believe that she had a plan to escape. Either way, there was nothing you could have done."

"Thank you," Fluttershy said. "If she found her way in, I'm sure she can make her way out, too." She took a deep breath. "I have a few questions for all of you."

Applejack nodded. "I imagine you want to know what happened while you were away."

"I would" Fluttershy said. "The guards told me you were going to Baltimare, Rarity."

Rarity nodded. "That's what everypony thinks. If the griffons and Cloudsdale forces think I'm on the road, they won't attack Ponyville. In fact, the carriage is transporting Coco Pommel wearing a wig and one of my dresses. Octavia's idea, actually."

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow, prompting Rarity to continue. "Octavia was serving as General Soarin's head of propaganda. Long story short, she's on our side now. She's actually interrogating the servant who placed phony evidence in Princess Luna's quarters as we speak."

"So the griffons really are to blame?" Fluttershy asked as she fiddled with her cup.

Applejack nodded. "That's what we're trying to get to the bottom of."

"And what's going on across town?" Fluttershy asked. "I could only make out a few lights in the storm. Is it more soldiers?"

"That's the Canterlot refugees," Applejack said. "Rarity organized an evacuation. She gave everypony who wanted to escape the battle a free train ride to Ponyville. Councilor Kibitz and Professor Starflare are in charge of the camp."

"I hope they don't freeze, staying in tents," Fluttershy said, remembering the wind's freezing bite.

Applejack shook her head. "I was worried about that, too, but apparently between their tents and unicorn magic, they'll be fine, at least in the short term."

"I hope they can return to their homes soon," Fluttershy said. "Too many ponies have lost too much. I can let a family stay with me if they don't mind pets."

Rarity smiled. "Thank you, Fluttershy. I'm sure your generosity will be appreciated. I'll have one of the guards inform the refugees. Some of the younger children could use a roof over their heads."

"Anything else you'd like to know?" Applejack asked.

Fluttershy took a deep breath. "Well, maybe one thing."

"Yes?" Applejack pressed on when Fluttershy remained quiet.

"Was it worth it?" Fluttershy asked. "What happened after I freed Chrysalis? Did you manage to do anything with the information I gave you?"

Rarity rose and stepped toward Fluttershy. "You helped us more than you realized. I received a letter from Pinkie. Last I heard, she and Shining Armor were making their way to High Roost to free Twilight and Rainbow."

Fluttershy's head perked up. "Rainbow's alive?" Her eyes watered with joy at the thought.

"Princess Luna told me and Scootaloo in a dream," Applebloom said. "Rainbow was a prisoner of the griffons. That's why she had us go find Pinkie Pie and give her the message."

"Which you're still grounded for," Applejack admonished. "The next time something like this happens, you come to me. Don't go running off into the woods by yourself."

Applebloom rolled her eyes. "I know, I know. I'm sorry, Applejack."

Fluttershy smiled. "At least you got back safely. Where's Scootaloo?"

Applebloom averted her eyes and drooped her ears as Applejack sighed. "Applebloom returned here with Cranky Doodle, but Scootaloo didn't. Last we heard, she was staying at the rock farm with Pinkie's sisters, but there are rumors she ran away from that place, too."

"Oh no," Fluttershy said. "She has to be alright, doesn't she? Princess Luna wouldn't let anything bad happen to an innocent filly?"

"Princess Luna hurt a lot of innocent fillies with her army," Applejack spat. "Honestly, after what she did, I'm not sure I mind that she's dead."

"Applejack! I cannot believe I'm hearing such horrible things coming from you," Rarity said with a gasp. "We all made mistakes. Princess Luna made some pretty bad ones, I will admit, but she didn't deserve to die."

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry," Applejack said with an exasperated sigh.

"At least we're back together," Fluttershy said. "We can go find Scootaloo after the battle is over."

Spike returned with a large bowl of soup. Its aroma made Fluttershy salivate greedily. She dug in as Rarity turned her attention to the window, where the glowing shield protecting Canterlot illuminated the cloudy night sky. This is her city that's under attack, Fluttershy realized.

"Hmm, Rarity?" she said, prompting her friend to look at her. "I'm sure Canterlot will be okay. The city thrived for a thousand years."

"But in the past, it had Princess Celestia to defend it," Rarity said, her tone grim, as she returned her attention to the shield surrounding Canterlot.

Fluttershy managed to sneak in an hour of sleep after finishing her meal. Her worry about the battle, however, kept her from finding any meaningful rest. From outside the window, all she could see was a bright purple orb surrounding Canterlot. The distant snowstorm blurred the entire scene. The bulk of the storm would probably reach them soon. If the pegasus soldiers were still using weather as a weapon, who knew what disasters the battle would create in the long run?

Rarity wouldn't move away from the window. Spike tried to distract her a few times, but eventually gave up and started a game of cards with Applejack. As scared and worried as they all were, there was nothing that could be done, except for hiding and waiting out the danger, hoping that the battle wouldn't reach Ponyville.

Big Macintosh had taken Granny Smith to bed while Fluttershy was asleep. As for Applebloom, she locked herself in her room. This couldn't be easy for the filly. Both of her best friends were gone, and her entire family was disappointed in her for running away. Fluttershy had apologized profusely to Applejack for her role in the entire situation, but her earth pony friend wouldn't hear a word of it, insisting that it wasn't Fluttershy's fault.

Four quick knocks on the door interrupted Fluttershy's reverie. Applejack and Rarity shared a nod before Applejack spoke. "Come in."

The door opened, revealing Bonbon rushing in. "You have to see this, quickly," she said between pants. "An army is marching toward Ponyville."

"Consarn it!" Applejack snapped as she threw her hat on the floor.

"Oh no," Fluttershy said. "Is it the griffons?"

Bonbon shook her head. "No, you don't understand. It's a pony army. They're wearing the Cloudsdale uniform, but carrying banners with Princess Twilight's cutie mark."

Rarity turned her head as her ears perked up. "Are you certain? Have any of the officers leading it been identified?"

"Blossomforth claims she saw Twilight, but in the dark she could have been mistaken," Bonbon continued, still breathing erratically. "Captain Boulderhoof sent out a detachment to meet them."

Applejack picked up her hat. "Alright, I'm not risking it. I'm going out to meet them. If Twilight really is at the head of this army, I want her to hear the truth from me, not the propaganda Boulderhoof is gonna throw at her. If it's not her, I wanna know who the hay is waving my friend's cutie mark around."

Rarity nodded. "Good thinking Applejack. I'd come with you butβ€”"

"But you're pregnant, and I'd rather everypony thinks you're on your way to Baltimare," Applejack completed, cutting her off.

Fluttershy rose and nodded at Applejack. "I'd like to come with you."

"Are you sure, Fluttershy?" Applejack asked, sounding surprised.

"I want to see Twilight," Fluttershy said. "And I can't hide in here forever."

Applejack smiled. "Good enough for me. If the soldiers give you trouble, I'll tell them they have other things to worry about."

Fluttershy offered a nervous smile of her own. "Alright, let's go."

The army was coming in from the north-east. Fluttershy had brought a pair of binoculars and took a few glimpses as she and Applejack walked toward the town border. Sure enough, large banners with Twilight's cutie mark were being waved. Ponyville's Canterlot regiment was also waiting at the edge of town. Fluttershy spied Captain Boulderhoof in front of his troops, glaring at the coming army. She gulped as she saw his hardened expression.

"Oh no," she mumbled as she placed the binoculars back in her bag. "Boulderhoof is here."

"We expected him to be," Applejack said, not breaking stride. "Don't worry about him. I'll vouch for you, and he has bigger trees to buck at the moment."

"Oh Applejack, I really hope I'm not making a mistake," Fluttershy said as she rattled her feathers.

"It'll be fine," Applejack said with a comforting smile. "Best case scenario, Twilight will be here, and she'll put an end to this circus."

Fluttershy nodded as they made their way to the edge of town in silence. The army was getting closer, and an ornate carriage separated itself from the bulk of the forces. Two dozen soldiers, all dressed in the Cloudsdale armor, accompanied it.

Applejack and Fluttershy soon arrived next to Boulderhoof and his forces. The captain raised an eyebrow, then smirked viciously at Fluttershy. "One of my soldiers told me you were in town, traitor. I didn't think you'd be foolish enough to actually deliver yourself to me."

"Oh shut up, Boulderhoof," Applejack said before Fluttershy could think of a reply. "You have other things to worry about, and I've cooperated with you enough that you owe me this. Fluttershy's staying, and that's the end of it."

Boulderhoof returned his attention to the coming carriage. "You're right, I don't have time to worry about this for now. I sent a messenger to the prison. They will send somepony to pick up the prisoner. I really hope for your sake you don't defy them, Madam Mayor."

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She turned to Fluttershy and smiled lightly. Whatever her plan was, Applejack seemed confident in it.

The carriage stopped about a hundred meters in front of Boulderhoof's forces. Applejack shared a nod with the captain as they both walked forward. Fluttershy joined them, as well as a dozen Canterlot soldiers.

The door to the carriage slammed open and a pink blur jumped out. "Fluttershy! Applejack!" Pinkie Pie excitedly shouted as she threw streamers in the air and rushed toward her friends.

"Pinkie!" Applejack exclaimed. "I'm so glad to see you."

"And Twilight's here too!" Fluttershy cheered, her wings flapping in excitement as Twilight stepped out of the carriage, accompanied by Shining Armor. She was wearing a long purple dress, as well as a golden crown. A fourth pony left the vehicle behind them. She had a blue coat, looked extremely thin, wore a patch over her right eye, and her mane was short and patchy. It took Fluttershy a moment to recognize Rainbow Dash. "Oh my gosh," she whispered under her breath.

Twilight stepped forward. "Applejack, Fluttershy, I'm so glad you're both alright," she said. "Although I wish the circumstances weren't so dire."

Applejack nodded. "With you here, maybe we can finally put a stop to all of this nonsense."

"I hope so," Twilight said. She took a deep breath, then turned to Boulderhoof. "Will I have to go through you to take my throne back?"

Boulderhoof's gaze turned to Twilight's army. He grunted once before replying. "I won't fight you as long as your soldiers here don't support the Cloudsdale army that's attacking the capital."

Rainbow shook her head. "We're here to stop the war, not make it worse. If you'll stand down, we'll try to convince Soarin to do the same."

Boulderhoof nodded. "Good enough for me." Shining gave him a severe glare, prompting him to bow to Twilight. "Your Highness."

Applejack and Fluttershy shared a nod and mirrored the gesture, the soldiers doing the same. Twilight's doing it. I can't believe that she'll finally put an end to these horrors, Fluttershy couldn't keep the joy out of her expression.

"You may rise," Twilight said. "Please have your troops assist mine. I want them inside the town for now while I talk to my friends in private. Whatever happens, I want to end this without any more bloodshed."

"As you command," Boulderhoof said, although there was something in his tone Fluttershy disliked. His eyes avoided Twilight's.

Twilight turned her attention back to Fluttershy and Applejack. "Let's head to the castle. I imagine we all have a lot to catch up on, then we'll finally end this madness."

The past hour had been spent sharing grim stories. Fluttershy reassured her friends that nothing too bad happened to her in prison, although the conditions were less than ideal. Her friends all reacted with compassion, with Rarity apologizing that she couldn't do more to help. Fluttershy also talked about everything that happened between her and the changeling queen.

Pinkie Pie and Shining Armor told an incredible tale about refugees they helped smuggle to the Crystal Empire, as well as their trip to High Roost and a chance meeting with Discord. Fluttershy suspected part of the events described might have been orchestrated by the spirit of chaos himself.

Rarity went into details about her life at court, the various factions at play, and her distrust for General Silvermane. She also mentioned Tidy Trim, the stallion who agreed to serve as a witness, proving Blueblood and Silvermane conspired to have Princess Luna accused of murdering her sister. Everypony in the room reacted with shock, with Pinkie offering Rarity a comforting hug, Rainbow grunting to herself, and Twilight taking a deep breath while holding her hoof to her chest. As for Fluttershy, she remained quiet. She couldn't even contemplate what it meant for Rarity, to discover the pony she'd been forced to marry was the cause of so much pain.

Rarity then talked in details about Ambassador Antoine and Centurion Bouvier, with Pinkie and Twilight describing their own experiences with the griffons in High Roost. Fluttershy took the cue to tell her friends about her imprisonment in the griffon camp in the badlands, glancing at Rainbow as she talked about their cruelty.

When it came to Prince Blueblood, however, Rarity was uncharacteristically silent. She only mentioned that he was guilty, and would need to be dealt with. All throughout her story, she kept reassuring Twilight that she was only keeping the throne warm for her. Twilight replied every time by thanking Rarity for her sacrifice.

Rainbow Dash didn't say much. She took every occasion she could to express her hatred for the griffons, but refused to reveal what had happened during her captivity. Fluttershy sat next to her and tried to put a wing around her friend's body, but Rainbow pushed her away. When questioned about her time in the Cloudsdale army, Rainbow said that she was wrong, reckless, and more than paid the price. Through it all, Fluttershy had to concentrate not to cry. Seeing one of her best friends with broken teeth, a missing eye, a crippled leg, and her ear in tatters was more than she could stomach.

Applejack talked about Ponyville. She described the way ponies who were once friends started fighting over matters of succession, how the army encroached itself into their lives, and how they now faced a potential famine. She warned Twilight not to trust Boulderhoof, and voiced her agreement with Rarity in regard to Silvermane.

Twilight listened to everything, asking for clarifications when needed. Fluttershy couldn't even begin to understand what went through her friend's mind, returning home and finding out what happened while she was away. Spike even expressed as much, regularly voicing his concern for all of them. He apologized profusely to Twilight about her parents, who were still in Canterlot.

Twilight described her fight with Chrysalis. She explained how she was freed, her meeting in Manehattan, and more importantly, she mentioned how she had Centurion Bouvier's wife in custody. Fluttershy gasped at the news, but when Shining Armor explained how having a hostage could prevent more deaths, she managed to calm herself down.

After they had all spoken their piece, Twilight rose from her seat. "Alright, it seems like we have a lot of work to do, but I know we can get it done if we work together."

"That's easier said than done," Applejack said. "I've been trying, believe me I have."

Rarity's brow furrowed. "No offense, Applejack, but you're not Twilight. We all tried to do our best in our own way, but none of us managed anything more than limiting the damage."

Twilight shook her head. "You're selling yourself short, Rarity. You all did what you could, but the ugly truth is that none of you have the titles, or these," she unfolded her large alicorn wings and frowned as she looked at them. "I don't like it, I never have, but being a princess does give me a certain status. I think it's high time I embraced it."

Fluttershy nodded. "I think you're right, Twilight. We'll be here with you all the way."

"Thank you Fluttershy," Twilight said with a smile. "Now, we need a plan. We need to stop this battle, and we need to rebuild Equestria, starting with Ponyville."

Shining Armor, who had been observing the battle in the distance through the window, frowned. "It's hard to make out anything in this storm, but I think the shield is still holding. I can tell it's getting weaker though. It's not as bright as it was when we first arrived."

Rainbow moved next to Shining. "I need to talk to Soarin."

Fluttershy gasped. "You want to fly into the battle?"

Rainbow nodded. "I have to. Soarin has to be told that Twilight is back. With Princess Luna gone, he has to understand that the throne is hers."

"I agree with Rainbow," Rarity said, prompting everypony to turn toward her. "However, I believe General Soarin will only agree to cease his attack if he has certain assurances coming from both sides. That's why I'm coming too, and I'm bringing Octavia along. It's why I freed her, after all."

"Rarity, this is insane," Applejack blurted out. "After all the trouble we went through to have them believe you left for Baltimare, you want to run straight into the Cloudsdale camp? They'll kill you on the spot."

"I won't let them," Rainbow said. "I don't know what's going through Soarin's head right now, but he was always the reasonable one back when it all started. I don't think he's a bad pony. He has to know that the griffons are the real enemy."

Twilight sighed, and eventually nodded. "Alright, if you two think you can do this, I trust you. Just remember that I'd rather avoid a battle with the griffons if I can. I still hope that this can be resolved peacefully."

"It might not be possible, Twilight," Rainbow quietly said. "They're monsters, and they deserve to be treated as such."

Twilight placed a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. "I know that they did horrible things. Still, haven't we all seen enough battles and death? I'm hoping that if we can unite both the Canterlot and Cloudsdale factions, they'll back down."

"I hope so too," Fluttershy said.

"Now, we need to do something about Ponyville," Twilight continued. "We need to unite the town, let them know that they don't have to be afraid anymore."

"We should have a party," Pinkie said with a beaming smile, prompting a round of exasperated sighs.

"This might not be the time for a party, Pinkie," Applejack said, rolling her eyes.

"On the contrary," Twilight said with a satisfied grin. "I agree with Pinkie. We need to unite the town and finally see some smiles. I want all of you to get out in the streets, knock on every door, and get everypony out in the town square. Rarity, Rainbow, I want you to get both General Soarin and Prince Blueblood to Ponyville. I want to look them both in the eyes, and I want them to see a united Ponyville. I want them to see the ponies who have had enough of this madness."

"Come on out!" Pinkie Pie giddily told Berry Punch, who had just opened her front door. "Twilight is back, and we're welcoming her home. It's not the time to hide and be scared. We're having a party!"

Berry raised an eyebrow. "In case you haven't noticed, there's a battle going on. I'm not coming out."

Fluttershy tentatively smiled at Berry. "Pinkie's right. We can put a stop to this if we refuse to be afraid. If we show both sides that we want nothing to do with their war, they'll have to put a stop to it."

Berry stretched her neck and looked behind the two mares. "Huh, looks like a lot of ponies are out."

"Of course, silly," Pinkie said. "Twilight's going to put a stop to this stupid war. Nopony wants to miss it."

Berry sighed. "Alright, I'll see what it's about. Will there be any drinks?"

"Eh, I'll see what I can do," Pinkie said with a shrug. "So you'll be there?"

"Sure, why not," Berry said with a hesitant smile.

"Well, that went pretty well," Fluttershy said after the door closed. "Only two dozen doors left."

"You know it," Pinkie cheerfully replied. It was as if she didn't even see the shield bubble around Canterlot, or the violent storm surrounding it. While the wind wasn't too bad, it had intensified in the last hour. Snow still fell over Ponyville.

Just like Twilight asked, they'd all spent the last hour going door to door, telling ponies to come out and meet in the town square. Rarity and Rainbow Dash had left on a nondescript carriage with Octavia, making sure nopony saw them. At Rainbow's insistence, the carriage was pulled by two of the Cloudsdale pegasi that had accompanied Twilight from Manehattan.

Twilight herself was in the town square, answering questions and reassuring the population. Shining Armor protested when she first voiced her intention to meet her subjects face to face, but Twilight had remained adamant. Fluttershy agreed with her friend; If Twilight was to ask everypony to leave their home and ignore their fear, she had to be willing to do the same.

"So, Fluttershy," Pinkie asked. "Seeing everypony isn't so bad, is it? Everypony we talked to was happy to see you."

Fluttershy sighed. She had told her friends she didn't want to face the town after what she'd done, and Pinkie offered to accompany her as they went door to door. "I guess not, but I still don't like the way everypony looks at me. For many of them, I'm that crazy mare who freed the changeling queen."

"They'll understand eventually," Pinkie said. "We all had to make difficult choices."

Fluttershy shook her head. "Look at me, worrying about how ponies will think of me while a battle is going on. Come on, we have more doors to knock on."

Pinkie looked over Fluttershy's shoulder. "Looks like Spike and Applejack have some of them covered." She waved them over. Sure enough, they were both coming from behind Fluttershy.

"Howdy," Applejack said as she neared the duo. "Things looking good on your end?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Everypony we talked to said they'd at least come out and see for themselves."

"Great," Applejack said. "Me and Spike just returned from the town square. Twilight was talking to some of the Canterlot refugees. You should probably go see her. I think she wanted the two of you to go knock on some doors in the west part of town. We can finish up this street."

Pinkie nodded. "We can do that."

"Good luck, and thanks," Spike said.

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie made their way back to town square, where townsfolk were gathering. Quite a crowd was building up, although Boulderhoof's soldiers were noticeably absent. Twilight was in the middle of it all, deep in conversation with a tan-coated unicorn, small in frame with a balding, light brown mane. Pinkie waved at them.

"Oh, Pinkie Pie," Twilight said as she waved them over. "Good timing. Councilor Kibitz here just informed me of his intention to support me. Apparently, a lot of the Canterlot refugees have had enough of this war."

Fluttershy smiled at the councilor. "Thank you for believing in Twilight."

Kibitz adjusted his monocle. "Well, Her Highness is the logical choice, as well as Princess Celestia's chosen heir. Hopefully every faction can agree that she is the acceptable compromise."

"Keeping her away from the throne must have been the griffon's plan all along," Professor Starflare said as he walked toward the group.

"Well, it's all out in the open now," Pinkie said. "With Twilight back, things can finally get back to normal."

"Hopefully," Starflare said. "We still need to convince Princess Luna's army to back down, and Prince Blueblood might contest Princess Twilight's ascension."

"I think I'll be able to work things out," Twilight said. "I still have a few more cards to play."

"You know I believe in you," Fluttershy said with a smile. "Applejack said you needed us for something?"

"Ah, yes. There are a few stubborn families in the west part of town. They didn't believe Applejack. I was hoping that you could get them out, Pinkie."

Pinkie nodded. "Can do. Who are we talking about?"

Twilight levitated a checklist. "Let's see here... Ah yes, Caramel is being stubborn, and Cherry Berry is terrified to let her family out of the house."

"We can try to talk to them," Fluttershy said. "Is there anything else?"

Twilight shook her head. "Once this is over, I could use your help in setting everything up around here. Oh, and Fluttershy, Applebloom went and checked in on your animals, like you asked. She says that the little raccoons are a bit shaken, but otherwise doing great."

"That's good to hear. Please thank her for me."

"Will do," Twilight said with a smile before returning her attention to Kibitz. "Now, we do need to talk about the new royal council. I have a few ideas that you might find interesting."

Pinkie and Fluttershy left while Twilight was busy talking to the councilor. The two homes they had to visit were located in a dimly-lit part of Ponyville. It had been a week since the sun last showed its rays, and ponies were now getting used to living in darkness. Luckily, the snowfall had calmed down a notch, making it easier to see where they were going.

"I suppose we should start with Caramel," Fluttershy suggested. "His house is closer."

"Sure," Pinkie said as she led the way through the streets, happily hopping as she waved at everypony they passed.

As they got closer to their destination, they met fewer ponies. A lot of the townsfolk who lived near Caramel had volunteered to join the army, and their children either lived with relatives or participated in the war effort themselves, something that still made Fluttershy shudder.

Pinkie stopped in her tracks as they passed an ill-maintained house. "Shh," she whispered, pointing to a street corner.

Fluttershy perked up her ears. Sure enough, she heard whispers coming from the alley. She turned to Pinkie and raised an eyebrow.

"I don't like it," Pinkie said, keeping her voice quiet. "I want to check it out."

Pinkie was already sneaking her way toward the alley before Fluttershy could protest. She sighed and followed her friend. Pinkie's features hardened as they got closer and managed to make out what was being said.

"...message to the griffons. They have to know that Twilight is back and act now," an eerily familiar voice said. Fluttershy couldn't quite make out who it was just yet, but she shared a concerned look with Pinkie.

"Yes, Captain," a second voice answered. "With both armies occupied in Canterlot, now is the perfect time for them to strike."

"That's what I said, you idiot," the first voice angrily replied. "Now go, and don't let anypony see you." Fluttershy recognized the voice; there was no mistaking Boulderhoof's gruff tone. How long has he been working for the griffons? Why would he betray Equestria?

Fluttershy turned to Pinkie. Both of them nodded and slowly backtracked. Fluttershy was about to speak, but she heard something big collide with the ground behind them. Both friends turned around to find a light brown pegasus in full Canterlot armor glaring at them with burnt orange eyes. "Well, well, look what we have here."

Pinkie rushed the pegasus and pinned him to the ground before he could act. "Run, Fluttershy!" she yelled. "Warn Twilight, quick!"

Fluttershy stared dumbfounded at the situation, shaking in her hooves. She barely heard the pegasus calling out. "Captain, we have spies!"

"Go!" Pinkie yelled again. "Before more of them come."

Fluttershy shook her head and galloped away as fast as her legs would allow. "I'll come back for you, Pinkie. I promise!"

She took a glimpse behind her. More soldiers came out of the alley. At least three were running after her, while more were assisting the pegasus in fighting off Pinkie. Fluttershy wanted to turn back and help her friend, but knew that Twilight had to be warned. I sacrificed myself to help Applejack, just like Pinkie now sacrificed herself to help me. Run Fluttershy, run!

Her eyes filled with tears as she brought her body to its limit. If only she could reach the crowd, the soldiers would have no choice but to back away. She redoubled her pace, not daring to take another look at her pursuers, who were cursing at her. She turned on Haybrooke Street. One more corner and she'd come onto Sugarcube Avenue. She could already hear the activity coming from it.

"Somepony help!" she screamed as she kept galloping. If only her wings worked, she could gain more speed by getting airborne.

She saw silhouettes come from Sugarcube Avenue. "Come here, quick!" she heard a voice call. She redoubled her pace as she could almost feel the soldiers breathing down her neck.

Fluttershy almost collided with Bonbon as she reached the end of the street. "It's okay, it's okay," Bonbon said. "They're not pursuing you anymore."

"I'm... I'm safe?" Fluttershy asked, her breathing still erratic.

"Look for yourself," Bonbon said as she pointed to the three retreating soldiers. Fluttershy looked around and realized she was surrounded by friendly faces. She recognized the Cakes, Roseluck, Carrot Top, other faces to which she couldn't associate a name.

"Th... thank you," Fluttershy said as she got back on her hooves. "I need to see Twilight, right away. Boulderhoof betrayed us. He sent a messenger to the griffons, telling them to attack Ponyville. They captured Pinkie, and I barely managed to get away."

The townsfolk wasted no time in escorting Fluttershy to Twilight, who carefully listened to every word her friend had to say. Concerned-looking ponies already began panicking the moment they heard about the possibility of a griffon attack. Twilight had to fly up and gather their attention with a bright flash of magical light. Even Fluttershy was blinded by it.

"Listen up everypony," Twilight began. Fluttershy recognized the spell she used to amplify her voice. All of Ponyville would be able to hear her. "I know we're scared, but we knew this might happen. Remember why we're all gathered here. We have to show the griffons that we're not afraid of them. The soldiers who came with me from Manehattan will defend us, and I have this message to give to the Ponyville garrison: Your leader has betrayed Equestria. Come join us in town square, and help us make a stand for our nation!"

Fluttershy clapped and cheered for her friend. Councilor Kibitz nodded at her and mirrored the gesture. "You are perfectly right, Your Highness," he added.

With the crowd calming down and ponies giving each other encouraging words, Twilight landed next to Fluttershy. "Thanks for coming back, Fluttershy. I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't warned me."

Fluttershy sighed and looked down at her hooves. "I'm still worried about Pinkie. I shouldn't have left her behind."

Twilight placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Pinkie knew what she was doing. We'll get her back, I promise." Twilight smiled tentatively, but Fluttershy could see the doubt in her friend's features.

"So what now?" Fluttershy asked.

"Now, I talk to Shining Armor and Commander Tinkerboom," Twilight said. "We'll figure out a way to protect the town. Worse comes to worst, I have a backup plan."

Fluttershy nodded. Her eyes wandered to the Canterlot shield. It was getting paler, obviously weakening. "I hope Rarity and Rainbow manage to do something about this," she whispered to Twilight.

Twilight nodded, just as Fluttershy kept staring, trying to imagine what horrors the poor ponies who chose to remain in Canterlot had to go through. Her heartbeat raced as she noticed the shield flicker. Then, all of a sudden, its glow disappeared. "Oh no!" Fluttershy said with a gasp.

"The shield is gone, what does it mean?" a panicked mare yelled.

The loudest crashing sound Fluttershy had ever heard resonated throughout the entire area. Even through the darkness and the snowstorm, Fluttershy clearly saw Canterlot's towers crumbling down. The large steel cup holding Equestria's capital up the mountain plummeted down to its doom, releasing a gargantuan cloud of snow and dust.