• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 3,802 Views, 535 Comments

A Dream of Sunny Days - Roranicus

When Princess Celestia dies, a new ruler must take up the throne, but the princess is not easily replaced. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

  • ...

XXVI General Silvermane

Two hundred and fifty-six soldiers stood aligned in the middle of the camp overlooking the city of Manehattan. They performed the morning drills under the watchful eyes of Captain Wind Rider, a former Wonderbolt whom General Silvermane recruited after she had learned he held a grudge against his old team. They better be ready, she thought as she listened to the pegasus officer yell orders. If the negotiations fail, we could have a battle on our hooves.

Silvermane turned her attention to a group of unicorn soldiers escorting a mix of civilians and officers wearing Cloudsdale uniforms. Each side had exchanged about a dozen hostages to the other, hoping to prevent treachery. The real question was how expendable those ponies were considered by their respective sides.

Seeing the pony at the head of the Cloudsdale group prompted Silvermane to raise an eyebrow. Octavia Melody had been known as a successful musician before the war. For unknown reasons, she had chosen to flee Canterlot and join Princess Luna, whom she served as a propaganda officer. No doubt she had been the one behind the riots in Vanhoover and Fillydelphia.

The hostages were escorted to a large tent. As ordered by the royal couple, they would be comfortable and well treated, although under constant surveillance. Octavia turned toward Silvermane and frowned before being herded inside the tent with the rest of her group.

Interesting choice for a hostage, Silvermane thought as she observed the proceedings. Sending Octavia could mean multiple things. Perhaps Luna and Soarin valued their military officers over their head of propaganda? That wouldn't be consistent with their tactics so far. After all, the riots and acts of rebellion had proven to be their most successful weapon. Perhaps they were hoping that Octavia could sow doubt in the heads of some of the Canterlot soldiers? Again, such a move would be foolish. A less prominent hostage would be a better choice, and they had to know the hostages would be isolated. One other option remained: loyalty. Of the top officers, she had to be the only one Luna trusted not to divulge information.

Silvermane would have to discover for herself. She'd have to pay the former musician a visit once the hostages got settled in.

Silence fell in the hostages' tent when Silvermane walked in, escorted by two earth pony soldiers. The group were all sitting at a long table in the center of the room, each of them maintaining a stern expression and rigid posture as they turned toward Silvermane.

"Octavia," Silvermane calmly began from the entrance.

"General," the former musician said as she stood up.

"I hope your accommodations are acceptable?"

"It will do," Octavia said. "I'm surprised you lasted as long as two hours before the desire to interrogate us got the better of you."

"Actually, I was going to offer you a tour of the camp."

Octavia smirked. "Aren't you afraid I'll learn your precious military secrets?"

Silvermane allowed herself a subtle smile. "You won't learn anything you don't already know from your aerial scouts."

Octavia stepped forward. "Very well, General."

The soldiers escorted Silvermane and her prisoner outside. Silvermane set a leisurely pace, focusing on Octavia more than their direction. Octavia, meanwhile, kept a flat expression as her gaze remained trained in front of her.

Silvermane spoke up after a few minutes of silence. "I was told you're a talented musician. I've never had much of an ear for music myself, but I know many in the Canterlot nobility were saddened to lose your talent."

"I would be more than happy to return to the stage should the throne be restored to its rightful owner," Octavia said.

"Who this rightful owner is could be decided in the coming days."

"Come now," Octavia said. "We both know only a temporary cease-fire may come out of this."

Silvermane raised an eyebrow. "I see you're as optimistic as I am about this whole situation."

Octavia sighed as they passed a group of soldiers playing dice. "Would you answer a question for me, General?"

"It depends."

"Why are you so eager to fight this war?" Octavia stopped in her tracks and eyed Silvermane severely. "You seemed to have gone on to great lengths to keep Princess Luna away from the throne."

"I could ask you the same," Silvermane said. "Why would a successful musician abandon her life to serve as a glorified propaganda writer in a rebellion?"

Octavia rolled her eyes. "A desire to help Equestria; an understanding of the pivotal role Princess Luna plays; sour memories of Prince Blueblood's attitude at the various events where I played. Take your pick."

Silvermane started walking again. "Sentimentality then."

"It's better than paranoia," Octavia said as she kept pace with Silvermane. "I'm not sure which is worse, that you'd actually believe Princess Luna capable of murdering her sister, or that you'd fake the accusation to get her off the throne."

"She was a suspect," Silvermane said. "She could have stood trial and attempted to prove her innocence. Instead, she ran away and started a war. I wonder what kind of ruler such a pony would make?"

"A ruler who knows when her own court is plotting against her," Octavia said as they neared the edge of the camp. "You want to know why I joined Princess Luna? It's because Canterlot is a cancer, filled with selfish nobles who care only for their own interest. Most of them are happy to ignore everypony who doesn't live on their accursed mountain." She stopped directed a scornful stare at Silvermane. "This is the Equestria you're defending, General. A corrupt nation based on lies and deceit. Princess Luna represents what you all fear."

"Please enlighten me," Silvermane said as she rolled her eyes.

"You fear the truth. You know Princess Luna can enter your dreams and learn all your secrets. You know she wouldn't give the nobility the privileges they insist on, but would rather put them back in their place. Princess Luna would bring renewal, and this is not something you can stomach. The only thing I'm not certain about is whether you're as corrupt as the rest of them or simply afraid of change."

"You know, you're right," Silvermane said with a short nod. "I am afraid of Princess Luna. Only a fool wouldn't be. She's brash, impulsive, and would sooner tear down an institution she disapproves of rather than try to work with it. The nobility you and your ilk so despise plays a role in Equestria. They promote stability — the kind of stability your ruler destroyed when she decided throwing the nation into civil war was preferable to facing a legitimate Equestrian court."

Octavia sighed as she shook her head. "And this is your problem, Silvermane. You believe that a corrupt court system is acceptable. You fight in the name of lies and falsehoods. This is why we both know this war will not end. Your side won't rest as long as Princess Luna lives."

"I suppose we'll have to see. I do hope you find your stay enjoyable. If you feel so inclined, Princess Rarity and Prince Blueblood would appreciate a private performance."

"I gave up playing for ponies I despise," Octavia replied with a scoff.

"A shame. I was told you were extremely talented."

The entire Canterlot negotiation party sat on luxurious couches in the lobby of the Mane Fair Hotel, the establishment where the talks were to take place. While Prince Blueblood and Princess Rarity were to lead the talks, Ambassador Antoine was also present in order to protect griffon interests. Silvermane had insisted on her own participation as well as the presence of Professor Starflare, whose opinion could prove indispensable should magical matters such as the sun and moon were to be discussed. They were surrounded by twelve armed soldiers — the amount each side was allowed for personal protection within the city.

Silvermane ground her teeth as Prince Blueblood ordered yet another glass of wine from a servant. The delegation had arrived from their camp outside Manehattan to the hotel before the Cloudsdale group. As such, they had to wait in the lobby for the negotiations to begin. Blueblood had started sampling the hotel's wine selection. He was seldom seen without a glass of wine these days. The servant turned to Princess Rarity, but she shook her head. Her glass was still full.

The Princess took her husband's hoof. "Perhaps we should wait until after the negotiations for more wine, My Prince." She shared a concerned look with Silvermane as she spoke.

"We shouldn't have arrived this early," he said. "Luna is insulting us by making us wait."

"Nevertheless, it's safer this way," Silvermane said. "I'd rather avoid having both parties out on the streets at the same time."

A voice came from behind Silvermane. "It was my intention as well." Silvermane turned around and found Fancy Pants standing behind her couch. He was followed by a light brown, overweight earth pony stallion.

"Fancy Pants," Rarity welcomed with a warm smile. "Thank you again for facilitating these talks."

"Thank you for agreeing to participate," Fancy said with a bow. "May I introduce Stufferson Crustini, the mayor of Manehattan." He moved aside and presented the fat pony.

Stufferson bowed his head, "An honor to meet you both, Your Highnesses."

"As agreed, Mayor Stufferson will observe the talks," Fancy said. "I imagine this will not be a problem?"

"Not at all," Rarity said. "It is, after all, thanks to his willingness to offer his city as neutral territory that we finally have a chance to end this terrible war."

Blueblood got up and frowned at his wife. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, my dear. We have yet to hear what Luna has to say for herself."

"Nevertheless, My Prince," she said with a smile. "I'm sure our Manehattan friends more than appreciate our willingness to give peace a chance."

"We most certainly do," Stufferson said as he raised his thick, gray eyebrows. "And I take great pride in the role Manehattan is to play in this historical event. May future generations remember Manehattan as the city that stood for peace."

At least we know what his motivations are, Silvermane thought to herself. Should things turn sour, his desire for fame and recognition could be used to our advantage. She politely nodded at Fancy Pants, not wanting to share her thoughts on the matter.

"Well, here's to making history," Blueblood said as he raised his glass of wine. Everypony else nodded and smiled, those with glasses joining in the toast.

They spent nearly half an hour in small talk, the only incident being Prince Blueblood offering Fancy Pants his own monument in Canterlot. Luckily, Fancy brushed off the obvious bribery attempt with a laugh. If somepony was to be bribed, it would probably have to be the mayor of Manehattan, and then only after a few days of negotiations. Better to see what Luna's position was for now.

The Cloudsdale party showed up in the lobby nearly an hour after the Canterlot group. They were accompanied by their own escort of armed guards. Silvermane's troops tightened their grips on their weapons as the enemy stepped in. Fancy Pants and Stufferson greeted them at the entrance, no doubt inviting them to leave their luggage inside their quarters. Each group was housed on a different wing of the hotel, on different floors, and with no common hallways. Manehattan troops guarded every entrance, giving at least the illusion of security. Silvermane had already bribed two different servants and one local guard in order to keep tabs on what Luna's party would do during their stay.

Silvermane turned to her guards as soon as Luna and Soarin had left the lobby. "You four, head up to our wing and guard the sensible areas." She turned toward a different group. "You four will wait in the lobby for the negotiations to be over and escort us to our quarters once we're done. The rest, you'll accompany us inside." The guards saluted and nodded.

Blueblood whispered something in Rarity's ear, no doubt some warning that he didn't want her giving up any sort of concession to the enemy. Ambassador Antoine raised an eyebrow at their interaction, but said nothing. He was probably just as interested as Silvermane in how the royal couple would approach this. Blueblood and Antoine might well be capable of sabotaging these talks without Luna's help. As for Starflare, he shared a nod with Silvermane. His presence could prove essential. Only time would tell.

It took a few more minutes for the Cloudsdale party to return to the lobby. Fancy Pants positioned himself at the end of the room and coughed a few times, gathering everyone's attention. "Thank you all again for coming. Behind me is the room where the negotiations are to take place. As agreed, it has remained undisturbed, and will only now be unlocked with both parties present."

Silvermane nodded as Fancy Pants produced a key from a pocket inside his black jacket. The general could already feel angry glares being exchanged between Blueblood and Luna as Fancy unlocked the door.

Fancy continued, "You're each allowed four guards for personal protection. I'll moderate the negotiations myself, and Mayor Stufferson will observe the proceedings. Our own volunteer militia will also be present to ensure your safety. Are these terms still acceptable to both parties?"

"They are," Luna said, both her voice and expression flat and unreadable.

"More than adequate," Rarity said with a smile.

Fancy opened the door. Twelve Manehattan earth pony guards stepped forward and entered, positioning themselves around the small room. A long wooden table stood in the middle with five seats on each side and another chair at each end. The room itself remained bare, save for a portrait of Princess Celestia at the end of the room. Not too subtle, Silvermane thought.

Luna's party entered the room first, followed by Blueblood's. One of the four guards Silvermane had selected to accompany them placed a flat, red cushion on each of the five seats that would be occupied by a member of the Canterlot delegation. Soarin raised an eyebrow, but didn't comment.

The moment every member of the Canterlot delegation sat down, Mayor Stufferson took his seat at the end of the table closest to the exit while Fancy took his own at the end of the room, under Celestia's portrait. Luna and Soarin remained standing.

"These negotiations are about Equestria's future, not Griffingard's," Luna said. "We will not negotiate with bloodthirsty mercenaries."

"You don't get to dictate who I bring as part of my delegation," Blueblood said as he glared at Luna. "Griffingard has every right to defend their interests."

"You mean their interest in eating pony flesh?" Soarin spat. "We remember our troops' first encounter with your brutes very well."

Antoine glared at Soarin. "In war, soldiers sometimes become undisciplined. Should I bring up the civilian casualties brought on by your raids, General?"

"My sister would never have tolerated this from Griffingard soldiers, and neither will I." Luna's voice resonated across the room.

"Please, please," Rarity said as she moved her well-coiffed violet mane away from her face. "If we hope to reach an agreement, we have to start somewhere. Horrors have been committed by both sides, and we'll all have to face the music." She turned and faced the griffon. "Ambassador Antoine, would you agree to participate only as an observer? You know very well that my husband and I have nothing but admiration for your great nation and its contributions. You can ensure that we defend your interests."

The griffon ambassador shared what looked like a worried glance with Blueblood. They look nervous. Could Rarity's accusation about the griffons be true? If so, could Blueblood be part of this conspiracy? She made sure to keep her expression as flat as possible as she observed the exchange.

"Very well," Antoine said with a quiet sigh. "In the interest of peace."

"Princess Luna?" Fancy Pants asked.

"It will have to do."

"Good," Fancy Pants said with a nod. "Let us begin."

Luna and Soarin shared a look, and both ponies sat down. I'll have to look into this accusation, Silvermane thought as she carefully studied Luna's every move. If anything, griffon soldiers eating pony meat could be used as a way to limit Bouvier's influence.

Fancy Pants spoke as soon as everypony was in place. "In the past few months, Equestria has seen horrors that would have been unimaginable during Princess Celestia's reign. I would like to thank all of you for finally taking steps toward putting an end to this war."

"I will not mince words," Blueblood said. "I expect formal recognition of my right to the throne. I also expect the Cloudsdale army to be disbanded, and the city returned to its true purpose: producing the weather."

"Your so-called right to the throne is based on lies and treachery," Luna snapped. "I have not forgotten how you accused me of the most heinous of crimes."

"And yet, you refused to provide any evidence as proof of your innocence," Blueblood replied with a scoff.

Luna took a deep breath. "It goes without saying that I will not stand down unless you refute these accusations. Furthermore, any and all attempts at raising the sun and moon are to stop immediately, and my mastery over the astral bodies is to be formerly recognized."

"We will not allow you to keep this power to yourself." Blueblood spat. "We reserve the right to engage in whatever magical research we want."

"And how much progress have you made?" Luna asked as she turned her attention to Starflare. "Do you truly believe you have any chance of moving the astral bodies without alicorn magic?"

"I have a working theory," the professor said. His weak and timid voice betrayed his obvious lack of confidence.

"You have nothing," Luna said, her tone rising in intensity. "You are foals, playing with magic none of you understand."

"Please, please," Fancy Pants interrupted as he stood and glared at both sides. "These arguments are pointless. We can only reach peace if both sides are willing to compromise."

"What if we were to allow Princess Luna to control the sun and moon unopposed?" Rarity suggested. "In exchange, she agrees to teach the unicorns at the academy how to do it, as insurance."

"So you do admit to ignorance in these matters," Luna stated.

"We admit that such matters are your expertise," Rarity said. "The same way the finer points of ruling a nation seem to be ours."

Luna frowned. "You disappoint me, Rarity. I would have thought you better than this. I have ruled over Equestria longer than all of your lifespans combined. I understand these so-called finer points better than you realize."

"And yet you started this war," Silvermane said, carefully observing Luna for any sign of hesitation.

"Princess Luna," Rarity continued with a smile. "It might be worth considering that you've been absent from Equestria for a thousand years. Perhaps waiting some time before assuming the throne would be the wiser course? I would be honored to accept you as a personal advisor should you disband your army."

Blueblood gasped at his wife. "You can't be serious."

"I am," Rarity firmly replied. "Princess Luna has centuries of experience and a greater understanding of magical matters than all of us combined. I would merely allow her to resume her former position, under our rule of course."

Silvermane turned her eyes to Soarin and Luna. It was clear from both of their expressions that they wouldn't take the deal. A shame. Rarity's idea has some merit to it.

Luna took a deep breath. "I appreciate what you're trying to do, Rarity, I really do. However, if you believe I will honor your princess game by bowing before you, then you're gravely mistaken. I'm willing to entertain a cease-fire in exchange for every griffon leaving Equestria. It's as far as I'll go."

"So your army can threaten Griffingard," Antoine replied gravely. "Our alliance with Equestria is necessary for mutual protection."

"You mean to further Griffingard's plots," Luna spat. Soarin directed an accusatory glare at Antoine as she spoke.

"Our only plan is the protection of our allies," Antoine said as he nodded at Blueblood.

Fancy Pants glared at the griffon ambassador. "May I remind you that you're here only as an observer, Ambassador. You agreed not to have a voice in these talks."

Antoine took a deep breath. "Of course. I apologize for my breach in protocol."

Luna and Soarin shared a knowing look. Silvermane found herself grinding her teeth. Don't do it. Don't accuse them. It'll only tip them off.

"None of it matters. I happen to know what you're up to," Luna said as she stared down the griffon. "I know you're holding Princess Twilight Sparkle."

Soarin's mouth morphed into a grin as everypony around the table gasped in shock. Even Rarity managed to feign surprise. Silvermane tried her best to remain calm, even as her blood boiled.

"Preposterous," Antoine replied as he swiftly stood. He turned to Fancy Pants. "I cannot be expected to remain silent while my nation is being slandered."

"Very well," Soarin said. "You may speak, Ambassador. Let's hear what lies you can conjure up."

"What motive could we possibly have?" Antoine argued. "Capturing Princess Twilight would bring us nothing. It would only cause chaos in Equestria. Why would we want to destabilize one of our most important trading partners?"

"Simple, so you can place your own puppet ruler on the throne," Luna said as she pointed at Blueblood.

"I am nopony's puppet!" Blueblood snapped. "The griffons are here at my invitation, not the other way around." Silvermane ground her teeth. Between Antoine, Rarity, and herself, the prince probably hadn't made a single significant decision since he assumed the throne. On top of it all, Blueblood was already spending too much time with Antoine for Silvermane's liking.

Antoine smiled at Blueblood. "Princess Luna is obviously trying to sow discord within our ranks. I assure you, Griffingard had nothing to do with Princess Twilight's disappearance. As far as we know, she fled Canterlot in grief after failing to raise the Moon."

Fancy Pants frowned at Luna. "I assume you have proof, Your Highness."

"I will supply it in time," Luna said.

"Ha!" Antoine replied with a laugh. "Empty words."

"Enough!" Blueblood snapped. "I will not stand here and have Equestria's greatest allies insulted this way. The griffon military are here to protect us against your brutality." He glared angrily at Luna.

Rarity and Silvermane shared a worried look. The princess spoke up. "This is obviously a very passionate subject for all of us. How about we recess for the day and continue tomorrow?"

"An excellent idea, Princess Rarity," Fancy said with a bow. "We'll reconvene tomorrow and attempt to come to an understanding then." He turned to Antoine. "And I will not tolerate any more outbursts, Ambassador. You're here as an observer, nothing more."

Antoine bowed his head. "Of course."

Silvermane met eyes with Soarin as everyone stood up. There was no doubt in her mind that the talks would fail, and she at least wanted to stare her opponent in the eyes once. I'll see you on the battlefield sooner rather than later, General.

Silvermane carefully placed her hot cup of coffee on the desk before standing up to answer the knock on her door. She'd been lost in her own thoughts for the past hour, and had to admit that she'd welcome company. She took a deep breath as she walked to the door and opened it.

"Princess Rarity," she said with a bow as she saw the princess.

"May I come in?" Rarity asked.

"Of course, Your Highness," Silvermane replied, stepping aside and letting the princess in. The general quickly made sure nopony was outside in the hallway. "You came alone."

"I waited for Sergeant Legerity to get off-duty."

Silvermane closed the door. "I can imagine what the reason for your visit is."

"Princess Luna's accusation. It's what we suspected might happen."

"Her accusing the griffons this blatantly is an obvious divisive tactic," Silvermane said as she sat back at her desk. "The question is, does Luna know that we received the same information she did?"

"She might suspect it," Rarity pondered as she stroked her chin. "Perhaps she gambled that we might feel safer siding with her against the griffons."

Silvermane allowed herself a smirk. "Luckily, it's just you and me who know. I would imagine that Prince Blueblood still doesn't believe a word of it?"

"He and Ambassador Antoine fumed over it for an hour. As usual, the ambassador has him eating right out of his claw."

"So the only change is that finding proof will be that much harder." Silvermane frowned as she took a sip of coffee. "If anything, your husband would probably hamper any investigation into his griffon friends."

"We could ask for Princess Luna's help," Rarity said as she raised an eyebrow.

Silvermane blinked a few times. "Your sense of humor leaves much to be desired, Your Highness."

"I'm not joking," Rarity continued as she leaned on the desk. "What if I can convince Luna to assist us in proving the griffon's guilt? Even she must know that Twilight is the perfect pony for the throne."

"Unless the griffons really are innocent," Silvermane said, her jaw stiffening. "As much as I know you want your friend to still be alive, what you're suggesting is treason."

"What I'm suggesting is a way to finally have peace in Equestria. Yes, it would mean trusting our enemy. This is what these negotiations are about — finding common ground."

"Secretly plotting against our ally with our current enemy," Silvermane pondered as she ground her teeth. She shook her head. "No. This is exactly what Luna wants. With all due respect, Your Highness, I won't let you play her game."

"And what if she were to present proof?"

Silvermane sighed. "If she does, then we might consider something. For now, I'll ask that you stay out of this. Do not attempt to contact Luna or her staff."

Rarity glared at Silvermane. "You do not get to order me. Need I remind you that you're the one who placed me on the throne?"

"Prince Blueblood did," Silvermane corrected. "And I can easily inform him of this conversation should you attempt to do something foolish."

The princess's heavy breathing and stiffened joints told Silvermane everything she needed to know. Rarity would be angry, but she wouldn't sacrifice her position. "Please think about what I said," Rarity said with a forced smile. "Remember that your first duty is to the peace and safety of Equestria."

"Of course," Silvermane said as she got up from behind her desk and bowed her head. "Will you be requiring me for anything else, Your Highness?"

"I have what I need," Rarity said as she adjusted her mane and turned back toward the door. "Have a pleasant night."

Silvermane sighed and returned to her coffee. For all her natural skill at navigating Equestrian politics, Rarity was still an idealist at heart. Trusting Luna was an easy answer, but not a smart one. Should the theory proved correct and Twilight Sparkle was held captive by the griffons, how could they know if she was even fit to rule? Griffon interrogators were known to be ruthless. If the princess had been tortured, she might not be the same pony anymore. Even if she were, would Luna allow her to take the throne? She was willing to go to war to secure it for herself. If she wouldn't give it up now, there was no reason she would for a young, unproven princess.

Still, a truce would probably be the best option. It would allow Silvermane to use fear of Cloudsdale to bolster her ranks and better train her ponies. In time, their military machine would become efficient enough to do away with the griffons. She could also send spies to Griffingard — ponies who'd try to find out the truth about these accusations. For all the talk of trade and common values, Equestria lacked a presence in Griffingard. The embassy in High Roost was understaffed and the ambassador was an incompetent fool who managed to butter up the right nobles to obtain the position. Perhaps Lady Floribunda would make a better choice? She would have to be rewarded for her bravery in volunteering herself as a hostage, after all. Silvermane made a mental note to recommend she be appointed to the position.

A knock on the door interrupted her thought process. Silvermane grunted and walked to the door, finding a lone earth pony mare in a maid's dress standing in the entrance. "I'm here about the bottle of Sabot Noir you ordered, General."

Silvermane grunted. "Come in."

The maid entered and placed the bottle of wine she was carrying on a table. She gave Silvermane an inquisitive look.

"The next time you need to come in the middle of the night, I recommend you bring in some tea. Not a lot of generals would order a bottle of wine between two days of negotiations."

"S... sorry General," the servant said in a shaking voice.

Silvermane sighed. "Either way, it's safe to talk here. What have you learned?"

"Both Princess Luna and General Soarin met with Fancy Pants and Mayor Stufferson in secret," the maid said.

Silvermane ground her teeth. "What did they talk about?"

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear." The maid looked down at her hooves. "It's only by chance that I saw the princess and her general leave their quarters. I followed them, but the meeting was held behind closed doors."

Silvermane frowned. "Have you told anypony else about this?"

The maid shook her head. "No. As promised, I talked to you and only you."

"Good," Silvermane said as she produced a bag of bits. "This should pay for your daughter's medicine. Have you learned anything else?"

"Princess Luna and General Soarin share the same quarters. I'm not sure if this is relevant."

Silvermane tapped her hoof to her chin. "So Luna has taken a consort, has she? Thank you for the information."

The maid quickly counted the bits in the bag Silvermane had given her. "If I learn anything else, I'll make sure to let you know. Thank you very much, General."

Silvermane nodded, which the maid took as a cue to leave. Luna getting intimate with her general could be useful later. For now, this secret meeting was what had Silvermane worried. Luckily, she had already planned for such an eventuality.

Silvermane had to use all of her self control not to shift on her chair. Professor Starflare seemed to have more difficulty; he constantly adjusted himself on his red cushion.

"I take it everypony had a pleasant night?" Fancy Pants said with a smile as he took his seat at the end of the table. He waited for everyone present to nod. "Then let us continue with the negotiations."

Princess Luna rose and spoke. "We're prepared to return the city of Cloudsdale to its former location and stop all hostilities."

"This is excellent," Rarity said, clear surprise in her voice. She blinked a few times.

"What would you ask in return?" Blueblood asked as his brow furrowed.

"First, we demand that the griffon army leave Equestria immediately," she began as she stared at Rarity. "We also demand a full investigation into the Twilight Sparkle issue. A team of investigators, chosen by myself and General Soarin, will head to High Roost and get to the bottom of this. Should they find nothing, then I swear not to take any aggressive action toward Griffingard as long as their army stays out of Equestria."

Ambassador Antoine and Blueblood shared a nod. "You cannot expect us to betray our griffon allies," Blueblood said. "The only reason you're even offering this is that you're afraid. We have you on the run, and the moment your city is found, your rebellion will be crushed."

Fancy Pants frowned. "Princess Luna's offer seems reasonable to me."

"Perhaps Cloudsdale should also agree to disband its army as well?" Rarity suggested.

"And leave ourselves defenseless?" Soarin replied as he shook his head. "Not as long as Canterlot has an army of its own."

Silvermane's eyes traveled around the room. While Luna, Soarin, Blueblood, and Rarity exchanged glares, Fancy Pants and Stufferson shared a nod. Silvermane quickly eyed Starflare, who was sweating profusely.

Fancy Pants sighed and looked down. "Rarity, I'm sorry." He closed his eyes and stiffened his jaw.

Soldiers screamed behind the group. Silvermane turned her head around and found all four of her guards with spears jutting out of their chests. The weapons were held not by Luna's soldiers, but Manehattan guards. One of Silvermane's soldiers moaned as he directed a pleading gaze at his superior. The Cloudsdale soldiers, led by Luna's Lieutenant Moonshadow, pointed their weapons at the Canterlot group. Silvermane rose and readied a defensive spell.

"Traitor!" Blueblood yelled at Fancy Pants.

"Why?" Rarity asked with a gasp, her voice shaking. "What about peace?"

Fancy took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Rarity, but this has to end. I allowed Princess Luna to enter my dream, and she showed me all I needed to see. If you knew what the griffons did to Rainbow Dash, you'd do the same."

"Rainbow Dash is dead," Rarity said with tears in her eyes.

Sounds of battle were heard coming from outside the door. Any moment now, more soldiers would rush in. Silvermane stared at Starflare.

"You will be taken into custody and questioned," Fancy Pants continued. His voice was dry, and he didn't look any of them in the eyes. "You'll be treated fairly. We will, however, put an end to this charade once and for all."

"Professor, now!" Silvermane ordered, not wanting to wait any longer.

Starflare took a deep breath as his horn illuminated. "Stop him!" Luna yelled as the entire Canterlot party was enveloped in white light.

They all materialized inside the command tent in the middle of their camp, outside the city. "What happened? Explain yourself!" Blueblood snapped.

"We were teleported out," Silvermane said. "I had teleport enhancing runes drawn inside those cushions I knew you'd insist on using, Your Highness. I wanted us to have an exit strategy available."

"Good thinking," Blueblood said after a moment's hesitation. "Although I should have been warned." He took a deep breath. "We'll discuss it later. For now, get the army ready. We're going to take this city."

Silvermane shook her head. "We need to get you and the princess to safety. We don't have enough troops to fight both the Cloudsdale camp and the Manehattan militia."

"We can't let them have Manehattan!" the prince snapped. He slammed his hoof on a table, almost breaking it.

Rarity was panting in the back. "We must protect our child." Her voice was barely a whisper. She looked down as she held her belly.

Blueblood's eyes traveled between Rarity and Silvermane. "Fine, but execute the hostages. I want Luna to see the severed heads of her officers when she arrives."

"You can't!" Rarity said, snapping out of her torpor. "What about Floribunda?"

"She knew the risk," Silvermane said as she ground her teeth. "Let's keep Octavia alive; I'll want to interrogate her." She walked out of the tent, followed by the rest of the party. Captain Wind Rider saluted as she left the tent.

"I take it things went poorly, ma'am?" the former Wonderbolt asked.

Silvermane nodded. "Get our forces ready. I want half your soldiers as an escort that'll take us back to Canterlot. The rest will stay behind and cover our escape.

"You're sacrificing half of our troops?" Wind Rider asked with a gasp.

"Better half than all," Silvermane said flatly as she stared at the city in the distance. "Now follow my orders."

Antoine stepped forward. "Perhaps I can be of assistance," he said with a subtle smile.

Silvermane raised an eyebrow. "I'm listening."

"You're not the only one who planned for things to go sour," the griffon said. "Centurion Bouvier has dispatched a thousand flyers. They're currently hiding on clouds over the Oatlantic. All I need is one pegasus soldier to deliver a message, and they can assist your troops. Perhaps it might even be enough to take the city."

Blueblood slammed his hoof on the ground. "Excellent! You once again proved yourself to be our loyal ally, Ambassador."

"I only aim to serve," Antoine replied with a bow.

Silvermane nodded. "Very well, Ambassador. Do it." She turned to Wind Rider. "Captain, please provide the ambassador with a messenger."

As the captain left with Antoine to follow her orders, Silvermane turned back toward the party. Starflare still seemed shaken, and Blueblood was fuming. Rarity, meanwhile, was holding her belly as tears welled up in her eyes. "This was our last chance for peace," she whispered softly.

"They're the ones who betrayed us, Your Highness," Silvermane said.

Rarity turned around and dragged her hooves toward the royal carriage. "Just take us back to Canterlot." She looked at Silvermane with a piercing glare. "I wouldn't want to distract you from your precious war for too long."