• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 3,803 Views, 535 Comments

A Dream of Sunny Days - Roranicus

When Princess Celestia dies, a new ruler must take up the throne, but the princess is not easily replaced. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

  • ...

XXX Scootaloo

Life at the rock farm was just as boring as Pinkie had made it out to be in her stories. Scootaloo went to bed every night hoping for a visit from Luna, but the princess had yet to talk to her. Eight days had passed since she'd completed her task, and still no dream came.

Her life couldn't get any less exciting. Like everypony residing on the farm, Scootaloo was expected to work and earn her keep. She was woken up early every morning to help Marble Pie grind rocks into smaller pebbles. The meals served after were bland, and the quantities too small. Her complaints were always met with a warning that they had to ration food. Once, Marble's sister Limestone made her work an extra shift as punishment for her "ungratefulness." She complained to Tenderheart, but to no avail. Apparently, her reward for delivering a message that could save Rainbow's life was forced labor.

The farm was full of small caves and other hidden spots. Scootaloo would often sneak away to these places to take naps or play by herself. She had spent a good chunk of the afternoon building a snow fort in one such isolated corner of the farm. She made her way back to the house when it started to snow again, not wishing to be stuck in a snowstorm. She almost stayed in the cave so she could avoid another lecture from Limestone.

Commotion around the barn captured Scootaloo's attention as she returned. Maud and Limestone were locked in deep conversation with Windstream in front of the entrance while a large group of ponies hid inside the building. Scootaloo's curiosity got the better of her and she made her way to the barn. She was usually asked to stay away from it, although she seldom listened.

Chipper Skies, the annoying white-coated pegasus teenager, landed in front of her. "Sorry, you can't go in there," he said as he blocked her path.

"Get out of my way, Chipper," Scootaloo said. "I just want to see what's going on."

"No can do," Chipper said as he shook his head. "We don't need you throwing your Cloudsdale propaganda to the refugees."

"Just let me see," Scootaloo insisted as she tried to sidestep Chipper, who kept blocking her way.

"I'm bigger than you and my wings work, unlike yours. Just give it up." The teenager held her back as she tried to rush pass him.

Scootaloo had no time for this self-righteous idiot. She bit his leg as hard as she could and galloped toward the barn while he screamed in pain.

"What's the meaning of this?" Windstream snapped as he landed and blocked Scootaloo's path. "What did you do to my son?"

"He grabbed me first."

"She bit me," Chipper whimpered from behind Scootaloo. "She's insane, like all the other Luna followers."

Scootaloo ignored Chipper's whining as she stretched her neck to look inside. A pegasus stallion wore black armor with Luna's cutie mark painted on it. "Wait, why are Cloudsdale soldiers in there?"

"That's none of your concern," Windstream said. "Now apologize to Chipper Skies."

"Fine, I'm sorry you're such a mama's boy, Chipper Skies," Scootaloo said without turning to look at him. "Now, what's with the soldiers?"

"I told you not to get involved," Windstream continued. "And I expect better from you. Go back inside. The Pie sisters tell me you've been avoiding doing your chores again."

Scootaloo ignored him as she made another run for the barn. "Hey there! Are you a Cloudsdale soldier?" she yelled at the mysterious pony.

Tenderheart and Checkmate tried to block her path to the barn, but to no avail. The armored pegasus averted his eyes as a mare next to him mumbled something in his ear. Tenderheart stepped up. "There are no soldiers here," she told Scootaloo.

"Why is he wearing the armor then?" Scootaloo asked.

"To protect himself from the cold. His winter clothes were stolen," Tenderheart said. "Now get back in the house. You were warned before not to interfere with what we do here."

"Come on," Windstream said as he grabbed hold of her. "I'm sending you to bed early tonight. I also think it's high time we find your family and send you back to them. I was hoping we wouldn't have to risk the trip, but you leave us little choice."

Realization flashed in Scootaloo's head as Windstream pulled her away. "You didn't just find this armor. You're deserters! You're abandoning Princess Luna."

Concerned looks shared amongst the ponies in the barn told Scootaloo what she needed to know. "We're abandoning a pointless war," a purple unicorn mare said. "We were warned about you, how you still cling to some hope that Luna will save Equestria. I fought for her in enough raids, I can promise you that she's not the pony you think she is. I've seen enough ponies die in her name for a lifetime."

"Princess Luna knows what she's doing," Scootaloo said with a hard glare. "I still trust her. I'm not a traitor like you."

Someone slapped Scootaloo hard behind the head, making her recoil. "That's enough from you," Windstream spat. "I'm locking you up in the attic room until you come back to your senses."

The attic room had become a very familiar place to Scootaloo. She often found herself locked up in this room whenever she said or did something the ponies living on the farm disliked. Just like in Ponyville, any show of support for Princess Luna was met with punishment most of the time. Sometimes, she'd get lucky and only have to deal with stern scolding.

The sun had already set. Scootaloo dropped on her straw bed and scratched herself behind the ear. Apparently getting fleas was part of the adventurer's life. With nothing to keep her occupied, the constant itch was becoming more and more bothersome.

This would be her ninth night spent on the farm. Scootaloo started to wonder why the princess had yet to visit her dreams. She had done everything she was asked to do. Was Luna somehow unable to enter her dreams? Had she offended the princess?

Her thoughts wandered back to the day's events. It wasn't the first time she was told she would be escorted back to Ponyville. At first, she had pleaded to stay, knowing that she would probably never be allowed out of her room once her parents found out what she had done. Now, she wasn't so sure. Was being trapped on this farm really preferable to being trapped in her room back home?

She had to find Cloudsdale. If she managed to make her way to the city in the clouds, then Princess Luna would see how worthy she was. If only the princess could come into her dreams, Scootaloo could let her know how much she could still help.

Maybe this is a test, she thought. Rainbow Dash wouldn't just sit back and wait with deserters. She would get out and make things happen.

Scootaloo walked to the lone window in the room. She knew the door was probably locked, but nopony expected her to fly out the window. While her diminutive wings didn't allow her to fly, she could glide well enough to escape. She dragged a bench and climbed to the window.

The thick wooden frame had been twisted by the seasons and wouldn't budge when Scootaloo pushed on it. "Come on, you stupid window," she mumbled under her breath. She wanted to scream, but knew it would alert the Pie sisters to her actions.

She took a deep breath and pushed again. Her wings buzzed furiously as she tried to force the window open with all of her strength. She leaned back and threw her hooves toward the glass again, using her wings to hover in the air as she once more pushed as hard as she could. A loud popping sound accompanied the window slamming open. Scootaloo's momentum forced her outside. A powerful breeze pushed her against the roof's inclination, and she found herself slipping downward. Her wings flapped maddeningly, trying to stabilize her fall. She managed to glide toward a large pile of snow, falling head first into it.

A groan escaped her lips as she slowly pushed herself out of the snow. She opened her eyes and shook her head, getting some snow out of her mane. She cursed herself for not wearing winter clothes as a cold breeze pierced her fur and chilled her bones. Could she sneak inside and find her hat and coat? They were usually kept near the front door.

She took one step toward the door before hearing a voice coming from inside the house. "I'm telling you, Marble. It's just your imagination." Scootaloo would have recognized Limestone's voice anywhere.

A quick look around revealed nothing but snow. She jumped behind the closest pile, using her wings to hover and avoid leaving hoofprints.

"See? Nothing," Limetone said right after Scootaloo heard the door open. "It's just an animal or something."

Scootaloo held her breath as she shivered in the snow, curled up and hugging her tail. Even as the door closed, she dared not move a muscle. The freezing wind soon convinced her that she couldn't stay here. She rose back to her hooves. If she were to leave, she'd need warm clothes. Sneaking back inside the house wasn't an option; Limestone and Marble would hear her. If she waited for them to fall asleep, she'd freeze to death first.

That only left the barn as an option. Tenderheart kept a supply of warm clothes she'd give away to refugees. Scootaloo also knew that the ponies who slept in the barn did so on the second floor. With luck, she could sneak in unseen. It was risky, but at this point, even getting caught would be preferable to remaining outside without protection.

She carefully made her way to the barn. She took a peek under the large barn doors, but no light seemed to come out. She sighed in relief. Now all she had to do was find a way to sneak inside and steal some clothes.

Scootaloo turned around and bumped into something. She looked up and gasped as as dark blue face stared down at her. The deep scar across the stallion's muzzle made his frown look all the more intimidating. She finally recognized this pony as the same one who wore Cloudsdale armor earlier.

"You didn't really think we wouldn't keep a lookout, did you?" the soldier said with a scoff. "I've been watching you ever since you threw yourself out that window."

"So what? You're just going to lock me back up inside?" Scootaloo spat.

"I haven't decided yet," the stallion said. "We've been told to avoid you, that you'd report us to Princess Luna."

"I won't if you let me go," Scootaloo said, trying her hardest to make her voice menacing.

The stallion chuckled. "I'm still not sure if this dream magic exists. If it does, then I'd imagine you already told the princess everything you saw. Not that it matters. This war is lost."

Scootaloo stomped her hoof in the snow. "You might have given up on Princess Luna, but I haven't! You're a coward."

"I won't give up on my life just so she can have the throne," the stallion said with a sigh. "Neither should the ponies who came with me. Haven't you seen the burned down houses? The dead bodies? All the devastation?"

"That's the griffons," Scootaloo argued.

The soldier shook his head. "I've killed civilians and I've burned down farms, so did everypony in my unit. This isn't a game, kid. This is war, and your princess is losing it. You're just as bad as Lightning."

"I don't care!" Scootaloo spat. "I just want to get out of here and get to Cloudsdale. Maybe you did some bad things, but nothing as bad as what Blueblood and his soldiers are doing."

"Blueblood, Luna, they're both just as bad. I don't know why you cling to her so much, but you'll only be disappointed. At worst, you'll get yourself killed. Don't you have a family waiting for you back home?"

"No," Scootaloo lied. "Griffons killed my parents. Princess Luna promised me I could have a home in Cloudsdale when she visited me in my dreams." She averted her eyes, hoping the soldier wouldn't see through her deception.

"I didn't think she'd stoop as low as to use orphans," the soldier mumbled.

"She never forced me to do anything. I'm the one who wanted to help. Now please, can you let me go? I know there're winter clothes in the barn. I just need a warm coat so I can get on my way and find a soldier who'll take me to Princess Luna."

The soldier sighed again. "The only reason I'm doing this is so Lightning sees you. Maybe seeing an orphan of the war will get her to realize how pointless her raids are."

"So you'll help me?" Scootaloo said as her ears perked up.

"Wait here, I'll get you a coat," the stallion said. "Then I'll tell you which way to go." He flew up and over the barn.

Scootaloo waited just as she was told. She paced back and forth. Could this be a trap? Maybe he'd come back with other ponies and she would get locked up again? She shook her head. He could have easily overpowered her if he wanted to. He would be back. He only had to find suitable clothes for her.

A few minutes later, the soldier flew down carrying two bags. "Here, I got you a coat, a hat, a scarf, and some boots," he said as he threw Scootaloo the first bag. "This second bag has a blanket, and some dried fruit and nuts for the road."

"Thanks," Scootaloo said with a weak smile as she swiftly put on the warm clothes.

"You'll want to head west," the stallion continued as he pointed over a pile of snow. "Lightning Dust was hiding out with some injured soldiers too stubborn to follow us. I imagine she moved her camp since we left, but she couldn't have gone far, not with the wounded."

"And she'll take me to Cloudsdale?"

"Maybe," the soldier said with a sigh. "But I can't promise you anything. For all I know, she could use you as a hostage to force Checkmate and Tenderheart to give us up."

Scootaloo nodded. "Better than staying here. Why are you helping me though?"

The stallion sighed weakly. "Like I said, I'm hoping that seeing an orphan will help Lightning realize how fruitless this all is. Also, you obviously don't want to be here, and I'd rather you have a chance of making it out there. Without these clothes, you won't last the night."

"Thanks, and I think I'll be alright." She tried to smile, but her jaw felt stiff. "And don't worry. I won't rat you out to Princess Luna. Even if I did, I know she'd forgive you."

"I hope you're right," the stallion said as he flew up.

Scootaloo wasted no time in grabbing the saddlebags the soldier had left her and galloping away in the direction he had indicated. With any luck, she would find these Cloudsdale soldiers and they would take her to the princess.

Unlike the last time she ran away, the sky was clear. The clothes she had been given by the soldier were also warmer than what she had initially brought with her. The coat was made for an earth pony or unicorn, and her wings were trapped inside of it. At least they were kept warm, and it wasn't like she would have much use for them.

Paths had already been cleared, so Scootaloo could at least leave the farm without having to navigate thick snow. The road was slippery, and she fell a few times. Still, a few bruises were preferable to a slow pace that might end up getting her caught. She soon learned to take advantage of the ice patches and slide forward. It wasn't any different from some of the games she used to play in Ponyville.

Scootaloo couldn't help herself but to giggle as she kept running and sliding. After everything that happened, she would finally get her reward. Moving kept her warm, and she would finally meet ponies who fought for the right side. What the soldier had told her had to be a lie. There was no way Luna would tell her soldiers to harm innocents.

What seemed like hours passed, and Scootaloo found herself slowing down. The area surrounding the rock farm consisted of nothing but more rocks. Whenever she stopped and thought about making camp, the cold wind blowing across the open plain reminded her of the need for real shelter. She spied rocky formations in the distance that were probably large enough to house a small cave. Hopefully it would suffice, and she could search for the Cloudsdale soldiers after a few hours of sleep.

She tried to accelerate her pace toward the cave she hoped was waiting for her, but her legs were too tired to carry her. She dragged herself to the rock formation, slipping a few times on patches of ice she couldn't see.

The third time she fell, her eyes caught a flicker of light coming from the rocky formation. What's that? she asked herself. She rose and made her way toward the source. There was definite light coming from behind the rocks. She moved behind a boulder and slipped her head over it, making sure to stay hidden. She gasped as she saw a slope leading into a cave. Two ponies were sleeping near a fire, while a third one stood near the entrance wearing Cloudsdale armor. "Yes!" Scootaloo quietly cheered.

The pony at the entrance, a teal-coated pegasus mare with a long and rough golden mane, pointed a spear toward Scootaloo's hiding spot. "Get out slowly, and walk toward me. No sudden moves. If you try to run, I'll catch you and kill you."

Scootaloo took a few steps out from behind the boulder and down the slope. "I'm not armed. I'm alone," she said in a shaking voice. "I... I was hoping to find you."

"Why?" the soldier asked. "Whatever you think you'll accomplish, kid, you've made a mistake."

Scootaloo breathed in and out. "I want you to take me to Princess Luna. She came to me in my dreams and I've delivered a message for her. I just want to go to Cloudsdale and help her."

"Sorry, you're too young to join," the teal mare replied with a scoff. "I can't let you run off after you've seen our camp, though."

"I'm not running off," Scootaloo said. "I have food in my bags. It's yours if you want it. I just want to see Princess Luna."

The mare chuckled and motioned for Scootaloo to approach. "The Princess isn't here, you know. She's far away. Look around you. We're not in any shape to reach Cloudsdale."

Scootaloo stepped forward and approached the fire. She smiled as she felt its warmth. "Whatever happens, I'm sure I can be of help. Can I sleep by your fire for tonight?"

"Sure," the mare said. "If anything, you can help me take care of the wounded."

"I can do that. I'm Scootaloo by the way."

"Captain Lightning Dust," the soldier said. "You might have heard of me."

Scootaloo nodded. "Ponies have been saying horrible things about you, but I know they're lying. Nopony serving Princess Luna would hurt innocents."

Lightning snickered. "You keep telling yourself that, kid. Just get some rest. If you really want to help, then there won't be any shortage of chores tomorrow."

Scootaloo took out her blanket and rested comfortably next to the fire. She closed her eyes. If she could help these soldiers out, then surely they would take her to Cloudsdale. Even if Luna didn't visit her dreams, Scootaloo knew she would see the princess soon.

A few pokes to the ribs awoke Scootaloo after what felt like insufficient sleep. "Get up, kid," Lightning's gruff voice said as Scootaloo slowly opened her eyes. She saw a red-coated stallion with a bandaged wing and a large scar around his torso going through her saddlebags while a yellow earth pony mare added wood to the fire. Lightning was sitting next to her, fiddling with what looked like a broken spearhead the size of a pony's hoof.

"So what are you going to do with the kid, ma'am?" the yellow mare asked.

"I'm not sure yet," Lightning said as Scootaloo groggily got back on her hooves. "She said she wants to go to Cloudsdale."

The injured stallion's brow furrowed as he studied Scootaloo. "You're a bit young to volunteer, but they'd probably take you."

"I already work for Princess Luna," Scootaloo said. "I used to have bad dreams, but she took them away. I was spying for her in Ponyville, and then I delivered a message for her."

"What kind of message?" Lightning asked. She used her broken spearhead to dislodge a bit of food from between her teeth.

Scootaloo sighed. "About Rainbow Dash. She's still alive, and being held by the griffons with Princess Twilight."

Lightning dropped her spearhead and stared down Scootaloo. "That's my friend you're talking about, kid. Be very careful what you say."

"She's my friend too!" Scootaloo said. "Princess Luna took me inside Rainbow's dreams. She's in High Roost being tortured. I told Pinkie Pie about it, and she went to rescue her with Shining Armor."

"You mean these two actually believed that ridiculous story?" Lightning snickered. "Whatever kid, at least you got them off my flank. Rainbow Dash is dead, though. I dunno where that story comes from, but it's a load of manure."

The injured stallion coughed lightly. "You know ma'am, Princess Luna really does visit ponies' dreams. Maybe this filly is telling the truth?"

Lightning rolled her eyes as she pocketed her spearhead. "So, the princess finds out her commander who died a hero is apparently still alive and being held with Princess Twilight? Instead of sending in the army, she sends an exiled prince and the most annoying party planner in Equestria? I don't buy it. You're too naive, Snowsurfer."

"If anypony can rescue Rainbow and Twilight, Pinkie Pie can," Scootaloo said.

"Wasn't this Pinkie Pie part of Princess Twilight's entourage?" the yellow-coated mare said. "Maybe that's why the Princess wanted to send her? High Roost's probably too well protected for us to invade anyways."

"Just shut up, you two," Lightning snapped as she turned toward the cave's exit. "My concern right now is keeping us safe."

"We'll all be safe in Cloudsdale," Scootaloo said.

"Except we have an injured soldier," Lightning spat as she turned toward Scootaloo, who was too mortified to wipe the spittle off her face. "I'm not leaving Snowsurfer behind, especially not for some juvenile fantasy about Princess Luna. I've lost enough soldiers already."

"I'm sorry," Scootaloo said, staring down at her hooves. "You're right. Rainbow Dash always said never to leave anypony behind when we went camping."

Lightning sighed. "How do you know Rainbow anyway?"

"She took me under her wing. She was always kind of like my big sister back in Ponyville."

Lightning blinked a few times. "Wait, are you that cripple kid she was taking care of?"

"I'm not a cripple!" Scootaloo said as she tried to unfold her wings beneath her winter coat. "My wings are just taking longer to grow."

"You keep telling yourself that, kid."

"Let the kid have some hope," Snowsurfer said as he threw a few nuts from Scootaloo's bag into his mouth. "Either way, she makes a good point. If you and Lemondrop just wait with me here, we'll all be either killed or captured."

"We've had this argument before," Lightning said. "I'm not abandoning you."

"Then I'll just find Shining Armor's little group. We both know I won't be any good to anypony in this war. What does it matter if I pretend to be a deserter and hide out in the Empire? At least I won't be wasting any of Cloudsdale's medical supplies."

"That's ridiculous," Lightning said.

"Yeah, those deserters are cowards," Scootaloo added.

"Shut up, kid," Lightning snapped. "You mind your own business or you'll be spending the next night outside in the cold."

Scootaloo sat and looked down at the ground again. She started to voice an apology, but Lightning's angry glare convinced her to remain quiet.

"You know, ma'am," Lemondrop said. "Snowsurfer has a point. At least one of us needs to report back and let General Soarin know what's going on. You're one of the fastest flyers in the entire army; you should head to Cloudsdale. I'll take Snowsurfer to that rock farm, at least get him close enough. I can make my way to Vanhoover or Las Pegasus after."

"That's suicide," Lightning said. "You've seen how many griffon patrols are in the area. They already took out what few of us survived the Ponyville raid."

"By now, they probably heard about the mass desertion," Lemondrop continued. "I'd imagine there're not as many patrols around. Either way, I'll ditch my armor and travel as a civilian. You know as much as I do that it's the only choice."

Lightning paced back and forth. Scootaloo rose to say something, but Lemondrop forced her to sit still with a severe glare. Eventually, Lightning bucked the cave wall hard. "Ponyfeathers! Alright Lemondrop, you win. Just be careful out there."

The soldier nodded. "Will do, ma'am."

"You're doing the right thing Captain," Snowsurfer said.

"I hope so," Lightning said with a sigh. "Come on kid, hop on my back. Looks like you got your wish."

Flying on the back of a pegasus always felt different from flying in a dream. Lightning easily flew as fast as Rainbow. She stayed well above the clouds and Scootaloo found it difficult to breathe at first, until Lightning explained that she had to breathe slowly and deeply. Scootaloo was also grateful that she had been given a pair of goggles. Rainbow had once demonstrated their importance by taking Scootaloo out for a fly, both with and without eye protection.

They had been flying for the better part of the day, only stopping once on a thick cloud to eat a quick lunch. The moment they were done, Lightning had insisted they get going again. The high speed at which Lightning flew combined with the lack of air in high altitude made conversation impossible. Scootaloo eventually got bored looking down at the clouds and distant landscape.

She was starting to doze off when Lightning lowered in altitude and landed on a large cloud. "We'll spend the night here, kid. Have you ever built a cloud shelter before?"

"A what?"

"You went camping with Rainbow Dash and she never taught you that?" Lightning said as she raised an eyebrow. "Whatever, I'll do it. Just go get some food and water from my bag."

"We mostly camped with unicorns and earth ponies," Scootaloo said as she searched through the bag. "Are we going to reach Cloudsdale soon?"

"At least two more days," Lighting said as she dug into the cloud. "If the wind is on our side and I don't have to dodge griffon patrols."

"Can griffons find us here?"

"That's what the cloud shelter's for." Lightning sighed as she motioned for Scootaloo to come over. "See, I'm digging a hole in the cloud. I'll use the excess material to create a roof for the shelter, only leaving a small opening to crawl in and out. Nopony will see us, unless they get really close. This will also protect us against the cold, although we'll use a blanket, too."

"Gotcha," Scootaloo said as she started digging.

"That's good, but be careful not to dig too deep. You don't want to fall through; it's a long way down."

Lightning snickered as Scootaloo gulped. She dug slower, making sure that she didn't go through the cloud. She placed the extra bits of material in a pile, just like Lightning was doing.

"So why do you want to go to Cloudsdale so bad?" Lightning asked as she started working the pile of excess cloud into a more malleable form.

"To see Princess Luna, I told you. I want to help her."

"Seriously kid, what do you think you can do for her? I think you're just trying to escape this war, like most ponies. The only difference is that you've created this fantasy around Luna."

"I know you don't believe me, but she does visit my dreams."

"I'm sure she did once," Lightning said as she started building the roof of the shelter. "Keep digging, I'll need more material."

Scootaloo dug a bit more. "Is this deep enough?" When Lightning nodded, she took a deep breath. "I helped her get through to Rainbow Dash. We visited her dream together. The princess said I was well attuned to the dreamworld. Maybe I can help her fight off ponies' nightmares."

"The worst nightmare is the one we created," Lightning mumbled with a sigh. She reached inside her large pocket and picked her broken spearhead, staring down at it.

"What's that?" Scootaloo asked. "The spearhead, I mean. I've seen you holding it before."

Lightning grunted. "You wouldn't understand."

"Did it belong to somepony you killed?"

Lightning shook her head. "It's just a reminder. Don't worry about it." She pocketed it again. "War isn't pretty, kid."

"What do you mean?"

"Come on kid. Your wings are crippled, not your eyes. You saw the damage in Equestria. I killed more ponies than I can count, and got my troops slaughtered as a reward. You could call it karma, I guess. Either way, it's not like anything was gained."

"That's not true," Scootaloo argued. "Luna took Manehattan. Everypony was talking about it."

"Until Blueblood takes it, or goes after another city," Lightning said. "You know, Rainbow warned me about this. She knew war wasn't a joke from day one. It's not like it did her any good. Either you imagined your little story and she's dead, or you're right and she's gonna die soon in a griffon prison."

"I trust Pinkie," Scootaloo said. "And I trust Princess Luna."

"Just be careful who you put your trust in, kid. You might end up disappointed." Lightning scratched the back of her head as she observed the shelter. "Alright, get out of that hole. I need to finish up the roof so we can catch some sleep. I want to leave early tomorrow morning."

"Hey kid, wake up."

Scootaloo opened her eyes as she felt the wind blow through her mane. This was her third day traveling on Lightning's back, and she had quickly learned how to safely doze off while holding on to the older pegasus.

"We're here," Lightning said. "I figured you'd want a look at the city. It's not as pretty up close."

Scootaloo gasped at the spectacle displayed in front of her eyes. The complex network of clouds forming the city of Cloudsdale lay hidden between tall, snowy peaks. The setting sun gave every cloud a beautiful orange hue. Underneath the city was a desolate landscape of sharp rocks. "Are we still in the Crystal Mountains?".

"It's a good place to hide a floating city," Lightning said.

Scootaloo smiled. I made it. I finally made it. She could already make out the beautiful white columns typical of Cloudsdale architecture. "Wait, didn't Cloudsdale have rainbow falls? Where are the rainbows?"

"We stopped making rainbows months ago. It's a side effect of turning the city into a war machine."

Scootaloo silently nodded, even though she knew Lightning couldn't see her. As they got closer, she spotted soldiers patrolling the skies. A few saluted as Lightning passed them. Apart from military patrols and soldiers in training, Scootaloo couldn't see anypony. A group of unicorns were practicing throwing magical bolts at targets on a field while a group of earth ponies ran in loops.

Lightning took a turn toward a large building dominating one of the upper clouds. "We're going to meet my superiors. Be on your best behavior, and don't say anything unless spoken to first." Lightning's tone was severe and brook no arguments.

"After that, can I see Princess Luna?"

"If General Soarin allows it. You pestering him with questions will not give you any points. Stay quiet, and do as you're told."

"Okay, Lightning," Scootaloo quietly replied. If all it took was a bit more patience, then she could do that.

Lightning landed in front of the large building and dropped off Scootaloo. The guards at the entrance saluted as they saw her, and she replied with a nod. "Is General Soarin here?" She asked as she walked toward the entrance without breaking a stride. Scootaloo tried her best to keep up.

"He should be in his office, Captain," one of the guards said.

"Good," Lightning said as she stormed through the large double doors.

Ponies in military uniforms were busy walking back and forth inside the building's lobby. If the streets were quiet, this place was bustling with activity. A light blue unicorn mare walked toward Lightning. "Captain Lightning Dust? We heard your feather was wiped out. How did you make it out?"

"With a lot of luck," Lighting said. "I need to see General Soarin, then I need to see the princess. Apparently this filly here was working for her."

The blue unicorn whistled. "Whew, I knew Princess Luna had ponies who gave her information through dreams. Didn't expect any to be kids though."

Scootaloo was about to argue her value as a spy, but another glare from Lightning convinced her to stay quiet.

"Either way," the unicorn continued. "The general's in his office. He'll probably want to hear your report."

"Thanks," Lightning said. "Come on kid." She led Scootaloo to an office at the end of a hallway.

"Is this place always so busy?"

"This is the army's command center," Lightning explained. "Not what you expected?"

"I didn't expect anything," Scootaloo said. Truth be told, she knew Princess Luna as the warden of dreams. She never pictured her in the middle of so much activity. Then again, the princess was nowhere to be seen, although seeing her cutie mark on every uniform and every banner was a constant reminder that this was in fact her city.

Lightning knocked on the door at the end of the hall. She opened it without waiting for a response. The earth pony mare on the other side gasped as she walked in. Lightning rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, Jubileena, I'm still alive. Can you tell the general I'm here? I imagine he'll want to see me."

"I'll see if he's available," Jubileena said as she rose from her seat. "Who's this little filly with you?" She smiled awkwardly at Scootaloo.

"I'm Scootaloo."

"She claims to be one of the ponies spying for Luna through dreams," Lightning said. "I brought her along in case there's any truth to it."

"It's true," Scootaloo argued as Lightning groaned.

"Just take a seat," Jubileena said as she walked inside the office. Lightning did as instructed, but Scootaloo jumped up and down, her wings buzzing with excitement.

"Just sit down and stay quiet," Lightning said with a sigh. "You're about to meet the general of the Cloudsdale army, not get a new toy."

"I'm about to meet one of the Wonderbolts!" Scootaloo corrected with an excited smile.

Lightning rolled her eyes. "Trust me kid. There are no Wonderbolts anymore. The pony we're going to meet is the leader of the army, and he has no time for foolishness." She sighed and smiled weakly. "Just stay still. I'll try to convince him to let you see the princess."

"Thanks," Scootaloo said as she forced herself to sit down, although she kept rocking herself from side to side.

Scootaloo waited in silence as Lightning fiddled with her spearhead, testing its sharpness against her hoof. After a moment, Jubileena left the office. "General Soarin will see you now."

"Come on kid," Lightning said as she motioned for Scootaloo to follow her inside the office. She carefully pocketed the spearhead.

A large wooden desk covered in maps stood in the middle of the room. Soarin himself was sitting behind it, studying the two ponies who came in. Scootaloo was a bit disappointed; she expected him to be taller. His dark blue mane was also shorter than on his Wonderbolts pictures. The only thing Scootaloo could see in the room that could hint at this stallion's past were pictures of Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and Rainbow Dash on a shelf.

"You're still alive," Soarin flatly stated. "I take it the rest of your feather wasn't as lucky?"

"No, sir," Lightning replied as she stood at attention. "I failed in Ponyville, as you surely heard by now. What few soldiers survived the raid were either killed by griffon patrols or deserted like cowards."

"This isn't good," Soarin said with a frown. "With your troops out of commission, Canterlot has shifted its focus to Vanhoover. The city is currently under siege."

"I take it you want me back out there, General?" Lightning asked. Scootaloo thought she heard a gulp at the end.

"Possibly," Soarin said with a nod. "Not before you get some rest and a full debriefing. In the meantime, I take it you brought this filly here for a reason?"

Scootaloo stepped forward. "I'm here to see Princess Luna, sir."

Lightning sighed. "She claims that the princess talked to her through her dreams. Her entire story sounded a bit ridiculous to me, sir. Still, I brought her in case she really does work for the princess. Worse case, we can put her to work in one of the factories."

Soarin rose and walked to Scootaloo. He smiled at her. "So, what did you do for Princess Luna, little one?"

Scootaloo took a deep breath. "I was spying for her in Ponyville at first. Then, she asked me to deliver a message to Pinkie Pie about Rainbow Dash and Princess Twilight."

Soarin raised his hoof. "Say no more. I believe you." He sighed and shook his head. "Princess Luna was hoping you'd stay put and out of danger, Scootaloo."

Scootaloo beamed at Soarin using her name. A Wonderbolt actually knew about her! "See? I told you I was telling the truth," she told Lightning with a grin.

Soarin shook his head as Lightning gave Scootaloo another glare. "I suppose Princess Luna should decide what to do with you now that you're here. What you did was foolish though. You were supposed to stay safe."

"I'm sure I can help you some more," Scootaloo said.

Soarin ignored her as he returned his attention to Lightning. "Captain, go rest up. We'll have a full debriefing tomorrow at the earliest. I'll make sure Scootaloo here gets to see the princess."

Lightning saluted. "Sir, if you don't mind, I'd like to take her to see Princess Luna myself. I've taken her this far, and I'm sure the city can be scary to her."

Soarin smiled as he raised an eyebrow. "It seems like the captain has a soft spot for you, little one. Very well Captain. Get her cleaned up and presentable, then take her to see the princess."

"Thank you, sir," Lightning said.

As soon as they were done with Soarin, Scootaloo was taken to a different building where a warm bath was poured for her. A fat earth pony mare scrubbed her until her skin felt raw. It took three times the normal amount of shampoo to get rid of the dirt and sweat from her coat. According to the fat mare, getting rid of her fleas took quite a bit of effort, too.

She met with Lightning in the second building's lobby after her mane and tail had been thoroughly brushed. She suppressed a giggle as she saw the captain as clean and well-coiffed as her. Lightning was wearing an intricate uniform complete with a long cape, turning her into a far cry from the ragged soldier Scootaloo had met in the field.

"Alright, let's take you to see the princess," Lightning said.

Scootaloo beamed. "Thanks for everything you've done for me, Lightning."

"Just my duty."

They returned to the military headquarters and Lightning took Scootaloo through a new hallway. At the end was a door leading to the foot of a stairless tower. "Hop on," Lightning said.

"Oh, right," Scootaloo said as she climbed on Lightning's back. "No stairs in Cloudsdale."

Scootaloo was taken up the tower in front of a large, ornate door. A severe-looking pony glared at her with feline eyes. His polished night guard armor and his bat wings made Scootaloo gulp as she avoided looking directly at him. He studied Lightning as she landed in front of him and allowed Scootaloo to get off.

"I'm here to take this filly to the princess," Lightning said.

The guard nodded and opened the door. Scootaloo couldn't contain her excitement and galloped in, sidestepping the grim-looking bat pony. She found herself in a voluminous, circular room. A large bed dominated the center of the room, and one corner had been turned into a study area. Another seemed reserved for relaxation, occupied by two large couches. The back of Luna's mane flowed beyond opened balcony doors.

"Princess!" Scootaloo cheered as she ran toward the midnight-blue alicorn.

Luna turned around and smiled. Her bright cyan eyes shone with warmth and compassion. "I am glad to finally see you in person, Scootaloo," she began, before her expression turned to a frown. "You should not have come here, however. You were to remain safely hidden."

"The ponies at the rock farm said horrible things about you," Scootaloo said as she averted her eyes. "After everything that's happened, I wanted to come here. I'm sure I can help you."

Luna's smile returned to her face. "Well, now that you're here, I suppose you can stay awhile. I'm sure we can find you something to do."

"Thank you Princess."

"And what about you, Captain?" Luna said as she turned her attention to Lightning, who was standing in the entrance.

"I just wanted to make sure the kid was okay," Lightning said.

"General Soarin told me you took good care of her," Luna said.

"It was my duty."

Luna walked forward and placed a hoof on Lightning's shoulder. "After what happened to your unit, I can understand why you wouldn't let this little one suffer needlessly. You may wait here for now. Later, you will find Scootaloo adequate quarters."

"As you command, Your Highness," Lightning said with a bow. If she was in any way touched by Luna's words, her expression didn't show it.

"Come, Scootaloo," Luna said as she walked back toward the balcony. "Let us watch the night sky together."

Scootaloo took a few tentative steps onto Luna's cloud balcony. An aurora brightened the star-covered sky in hues of blue and green. "It's beautiful," she said. "Did you do this, Princess?"

Luna shook her head. "This is the northern sky's reaction to the night. Some say it's the effect of the Crystal Heart."

Scootaloo stared at the sky, admiring the spectacle. After a moment, she took a deep breath and turned her attention to Luna. "Princess, can I ask you a question?"

"Anything," Luna said with a smile.

"Why are you fighting this war? Everywhere I went, ponies were suffering. They all blamed you for it."

Luna sighed and extended a wing around Scootaloo. She spoke quietly. "Every night, I wish it didn't have to be this way. If I do nothing, the griffons will take over Equestria. Blueblood, Silvermane, Rarity, they're all being used. I don't know which of them are puppets, and which are traitors. Trust me, I don't want you or anypony else involved. Still, the happiness of tomorrow's ponies depends on the suffering of today's generation."

Scootaloo sighed. "If you say it's needed, then I believe you. Just let me help you."

"We can admire the stars together," Luna said with a wink. "It has been too long since I simply gazed at the night sky."

"Okay," Scootaloo said as she returned her attention to the spectacle in the sky. She closed her eyes and slowly breathed in the cold night air. "I love you, Princess."

Gurgling sounds were the only reply Scootaloo received. She opened her eyes and shrieked in horror as she found Luna's eyes opened wide. The princess's muzzle opened with a gasp, and then twisted into a grimace of pain and terror. She spat copious amounts of blood, and even more was running down her neck. Scootaloo backpedaled and slipped on the ground. Lightning's spearhead was lodged deeply in the back of Luna's neck, being forced deeper by Lightning's hoof.

Tears fell down Lightning's cheeks. "I'm sorry, kid. This war has to end, at any cost."