• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 3,803 Views, 535 Comments

A Dream of Sunny Days - Roranicus

When Princess Celestia dies, a new ruler must take up the throne, but the princess is not easily replaced. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

  • ...

XVIII General Silvermane

A unicorn guard nodded at General Silvermane after unlocking the door to the Canterlot dungeon. While the damp, dark cells had remained mostly empty over the last few decades, their very existence proved that ponykind hadn't always been as peaceful as in recent memory. Of course, the battle of Ponyville changed all that as the Cloudsdale prisoners needed to be housed somewhere.

"Get me out of here! You have no right to keep us prisoner!" a stallion's voice screamed as Silvermane passed the cell he shared with other traitors.

"Princess Luna will turn your dreams into nightmares for this!" another one added from a different cell.

Silvermane rolled her eyes as she passed the rows of identical cells. Most in this corridor were already filled with captured enemy soldiers. Their rabble became common whenever she visited the dungeons.

She made her way to the larger cell at the end of the corridor. She nodded at the small unicorn stallion feeding the prisoners their daily slop as she passed him. Silvermane quietly sighed as she stopped in front of the cell. This pegasus used to be a symbol of Equestrian strength. How the mighty have fallen. The general unlocked the door and stepped inside.

The mare in the back of the cell was filthy. Her coat was covered in dirt, and had lost some of its bright yellow coloration. She sported numerous scars and bruises as well — obviously the result of beatings by the guards.

"Good morning, Spitfire," Silvermane began, her eyes locked on the prisoner.

The former Wonderbolt glared at the general, but remained silent. She shook her wings awkwardly.

"I can see your clipped wings still bother you. This is just one of the things you should have considered before rising in rebellion against Canterlot." Silvermane calmly closed the door behind her as she spoke.

"You can have your griffons mutilate me all you want, Silvermane. It won't change the fact that you are the traitor." The pegasus spat on the ground. "Everything I did was in service to the true heir to the throne."

"Semantics," Silvermane replied, her face impassive. "You've been here, in this dungeon for an entire month. While I must admit to a certain level of admiration for your spirit, you're only useful to us if you give us information. I'm here to give you one last chance."

"You can take your chance and stuff it!" Spitfire replied as she stood up. She attempted to step forward, but the chain locking one of her back hooves to the wall prevented her from doing so.

"A shame," Silvermane calmly replied. "Let me explain the consequences of your defiance. Your execution is scheduled for tonight. Your head will be chopped off as a warning to others who might rise in rebellion. You can still prevent this if you give us the list of the Luna followers hiding in the city, and if you publicly denounce Princess Luna as a traitor to ponykind."

Spitfire's eyes widened. "Equestria hasn't known the death penalty for centuries! You can't do this!"

Silvermane sighed and spoke flatly. "Equestria hasn't known civil war for centuries either. Twenty-three civilians died because of your actions in Ponyville. Three hundred and fifty-two griffons shared the same fate. We don't have an exact count of the casualties in your army, but it's well in the hundreds." The general pointed an accusatory hoof at her prisoner. "You, Spitfire, are one of the worst criminals in the history of Equestria. That you're even allowed the opportunity to confess to your crime and continue your life in captivity is more generosity than you deserve."

"You're right," Spitfire whispered, looking down. "I brought defeat to my troops. The real criminals, though, are the ponies who allowed griffons to come to Equestria." She took a deep breath and met Silvermane's gaze again. "Everything we did, we did to save Equestria from you. Princess Luna is still alive. Ponies haven't forgotten her, and in time they will rise up against you. If you think my death will inspire fear, you are wrong. It will inspire a wave of anger the likes of which you could never imagine!"

"You certainly think highly of yourself," Silvermane scoffed. "You die in ten hours. Should you wish to prevent it and confess, call for the guards."

She turned around and opened the door. She was about to step outside when she heard Spitfire speak. "Wait!" Silvermane turned her head around. "I will confess," the former Wonderbolt whispered. She lowered her eyes and sighed.

Silvermane turned around and grinned. "A wise decision. I'm listening."

"First of all," Spitfire said as she took a deep breath and glared at the general, "I need to know that anypony you capture will be treated fairly. No torture, no executions, no wing clipping, de-horning, or whatever else your sadistic mind can imagine."

"I don't enjoy this anymore than you do," Silvermane said as she ground her teeth. "Wing clipping is a necessity of war. De-horning isn't necessary. Rune wards are just as effective at blocking magic. As for anypony we capture, they will not be executed. Forced labor in Ponyville might help them realize the extent of the damage this little rebellion has done."

Silvermane's ears twitched as she spoke. She remembered the cell door was still opened behind her. Somepony's coming! Her instincts kicked in and she turned around. She leaned back on her hind legs as a blade rushed toward her face. She grimaced in pain as it slashed her cheek, drawing blood.

She barely had time to register her adversary, a stallion holding a mouth blade in his muzzle. She fired a quick magical bolt from her horn. It wasn't enough to harm her adversary or leave a mark, but it did throw him off-balance. He dropped his blade as the bolt collided with his muzzle.

"Guards!" Silvermane yelled as she rammed her assailant and pushed him against a wall with her armored body. She recognized the stallion who had been feeding the prisoners earlier.

The stallion spat in one of Silvermane's eyes. She recoiled back and forced her eye closed, remembering her training. She concentrated on her horn and recited a battle spell in her head. To tear my enemies asunder, bring forth the force of thunder. As soon as she mentally finished the rhyme, bright orange energy coalesced around her horn. A bolt of lightning flashed and impacted the stallion, who was picking up his discarded mouth blade with his magic. His body stiffened as every nerve in his body was overloaded by the electrical discharge.

Four guards rushed through the corridor to Silvermane's side. Two secured her assailant, while the others made sure Spitfire wasn't attempting an escape. "Are you okay, General?" one asked.

She nodded as she touched the small wound on her face. "Yes, it's only a scratch. I'm more concerned about who this stallion is."

The soldier looked down at him. "Cold Silver, I believe his name is. He was hired to feed the prisoners, clean up their chamber pots, that kind of stuff."

"Take him away," Silvermane ordered as she whipped her tail in annoyance. "I want him interrogated. I want a full investigation on how such a pony was allowed access to the dungeon, and how he managed to smuggle this weapon in."

"Yes, Ma'am," the stallion said with a nod. He and the other guard picked up the still dazed Cold Silver and dragged him away.

The stallion shook his head as he was taken outside of the corridor. "Others will succeed where I failed, Silvermane! Long reign to Princess Luna!"

Silvermane turned back toward Spitfire, who had received a solid kick from one of the guards. "Such pitiful distraction tactics are beneath you, Spitfire. To think you were once a symbol of Equestrian pride." The general spat on the ground. "You die tonight. Make your peace."

Centurion Ignacio Bouvier adjusted his small glasses after he was done inspecting Silvermane's now stitched wound. "I warned you about the security in your dungeon."

"It will be thoroughly investigated," Silvermane flatly replied as she made her way behind her desk. "I'm more concerned about Cloudsdale. Have your scouts found out anything?"

Bouvier shook his head as he took a seat on one of the two extra chairs Silvermane kept in her office. "No, but as I told you, such a search could take months. The Crystal Mountains are treacherous. Powerful winds often make it impossible for my scouts to navigate."

Silvermane frowned as she sat back on her chair. "Are we even sure this is where Cloudsdale is? They could have easily moved the city north to trick our scouts, and then turned it around toward the Haycific ocean."

"A distinct possibility," Bouvier replied with a nod. "In all honesty, our only chance of finding your cloud city would be interrogating prisoners."

"The Cloudsdale soldiers have been careful. They've been avoiding direct conflict since the battle, only attacking isolated settlements," Silvermane said. "Perhaps the execution will provoke them."

Bouvier grinned. "Ah, so you're going ahead with my recommendation."

"Spitfire didn't know anything. In fact, she was complicit in the assassination attempt," Silvermane continued as she ground her teeth. Go ahead, rub it in, she thought as she locked her gaze on the griffon.

"I did warn you," Bouvier said, meeting the general's gaze. "She has nothing to lose, and she knows it. Your leader's insistence on refusing to punish civilians who support Luna will only allow such events to continue."

"Princess Rarity's philosophy might be different from what you're used to in Griffingard, but ponies like her will be the ones restoring Equestria to its former glory," Silvermane adjusted herself on her seat.

"Nevertheless, General, you must act." Bouvier adjusted his glasses as he spoke. "I recommend you let me handle this assassin. I will have the name of his accomplices before the end of the day."

"Torture," Silvermane spoke under her breath. "We have laws in Equestria against this kind of thing, Centurion."

The griffon chuckled loudly. "For such a smart pony, you can be extremely naive, General. Let me spell it out for you. The Cloudsdale army was humiliated in the field. By all accounts, it's now under the command of Soarin, a pony known to be both careful and patient. Their strategies will change. The riots we're seeing in Vanhoover and Fillydelphia are only the beginning. We can expect a lot more dirty tactics."

"And you believe we should do the same," Silvermane completed flatly. "Use dirty tactics of our own."

"It's what a good tactician would do," Bouvier explained, his beak twisting into a subtle smirk. "You find your enemy's weakness and exploit it. Yours, for example, is your desire for control. It's why you made up a new rank for yourself once you found out I was coming. As for our enemy, their current weapon is secrecy. I imagine that the protest we're seeing, the assassination attempt on your person, even the innocent-looking Luna support meetings, they are all the product of isolated terrorist cells."

"Your flawed assessment of my motivations aside, I can agree with your analysis," Silvermane replied, forcing herself not to grind her teeth.

"Intelligence networks will only take you so far," Bouvier continued. "Anyone can crack under sufficient pressure. I've seen the officer you put in charge of recruit training. You're not averse to using violence as a form of persuasion."

"There's a difference between a soldier in training and a civilian prisoner."

Bouvier nodded calmly. "One is serving his nation, the other actively tries to destroy it."

Silvermane started grinding her teeth again. On the one hoof I have Rarity opposed to any sort of violence. On the other I have this griffon centurion trying to convince me that torture is the only solution.

"I can see you need time to reflect," Bouvier continued. "It is, of course, your decision, General." He took a short breath. "If I may offer one last piece of advice. War is ugly. This one is going to turn uglier, as we're already hearing stories of hit and fly attacks. The longer we resist making difficult choices, the longer we let the enemy have the advantage."

Silvermane rose and turned around as she sighed loudly. She gazed at her spear on the wall for a moment before returning her attention to the centurion. "Nopony hears about this. Not Prince Blueblood, not Princess Rarity, not even the prison guard. I will transfer the prisoner into your custody, and I'd better see results."

"I only aim to serve," Bouvier replied with a bow. He stood and took out a golden pocket watch. "And it seems your meeting with the buffalo ambassador is about to start." He smiled and turned around to take his leave.

Silvermane ground her teeth again. This griffon was used to having everything go his way. Everything he said made sense, and yet unless she found some way of managing him, he would wrest control of the Canterlot military from her bit by bit. Unless we become self-sufficient fast, he will solidify his position here in Canterlot. Perhaps if I can convince Blueblood that the griffons are not to be trusted...

She whipped her tail and shook her head. Little Strongheart would be here soon, and Silvermane knew exactly what it would be about; the buffaloes and the ponies of Appleoosa had waited long enough. It was time to send in the royal guards to take care of the changeling problem. Ponyville's new mayor would appreciate the gesture as well.

Silvermane looked at her spear once again. Whatever happened, she had a nation to defend. This meant that Appleoosa had to be liberated, regardless of whatever else was going on. The changelings were a known enemy, and if the rumors about Applejack holding their queen captive were true, then it would mean an easy victory — the perfect way to raise morale and make sure her soldiers didn't feel inferior when comparing themselves to the griffons.

The throne room always looked larger when empty. Silvermane took a deep breath as she stepped inside the imposing room. She turned her head to the left and smiled lightly at the room's newest addition — a stained glass representation of the wedding between Blueblood and Rarity. The royal couple themselves sat on their thrones, on top of a set of stairs. Large banners hung from the ceiling, sporting both ponies' cutie marks.

Prince Blueblood's voice resonated throughout the room. "We can't tolerate anymore delays, Professor. Every day Luna raises the Sun and Moon is another insult to our rule! I expect a suitable way for our unicorns to move the celestial bodies within the week!"

Silvermane frowned as she turned her attention to Professor Starflare, who bowed at the foot of the stairs leading up to the throne. "I have a working theory, Your Highnesses. If you insist, we can try it in a few days. I would recommend caution, given what happened with Princess Twilight."

"Enough with caution!" Blueblood replied with a dismissive gesture. "Get your unicorns ready for another attempt. The sooner my wife and I can begin raising the Sun and Moon, the better for everypony."

Starflare's head raised and turned toward Rarity. The newly-crowned princess winced slightly, but responded with a short nod.

"I'll get to it at once," Starflare said with a courteous bow before turning around. "General," he politely said as he passed Silvermane on his way out.

"Professor," Silvermane replied.

"Ah, General, I heard about what happened." Blueblood announced with a deep frown as Silvermane approached. "A shame about the scar on your face, but at least you're alright."

Silvermane nodded, ignoring the temptation to touch her stitches. "I've already doubled the guards inside the dungeon. I plan on reviewing our security procedures as well. I will also assign each of you a bodyguard. If Luna's followers made an attempt on my life, they might try the same with either of you."

"A wise precaution," Rarity replied.

"I'm more interested on how you will catch these traitors and clean my city of their kind," Blueblood added with a grunt.

"With a lot of careful planning and patience, I'm afraid," Silvermane explained. "I suspect they have multiple cells hidden both here in Canterlot and elsewhere in Equestria. As you are aware, pro-Luna riots have erupted in both Vanhoover and Fillydelphia."

"Do what you must to root them out," Blueblood ordered.

"But be mindful of innocents," Rarity completed with a glare. "We don't want ponies to see us as the tyrants."

"Of course," Silvermane replied.

Blueblood leaned forward. "What about Spitfire? Are we still proceeding with the execution?"

"We are," Silvermane replied with a nod. She did not fail to notice Rarity's frown. "As you suggested though, Princess, I have scheduled no other executions."

Rarity nodded once. "There's that, at least. You know how I feel about such barbarism. I do wish you would both reconsider."

"Not this again!" Blueblood snapped. "We already talked about it. Spitfire is a traitor, and will die as one. We must send a clear message that this type of rebellion will not be tolerated!"

Rarity sighed. "Of course. I just hope we don't all live to regret it. As for the other soldiers, with Cloudsdale gone, they should be able to work in our weather factory. I was told it should be operational soon."

"Good," Silvermane replied with a nod. "The dungeon wasn't made to accommodate this many prisoners. I'll have soldiers sent to inspect the weather factory. If the prisoners are going to be put to work there, security needs to be tight."

"And make sure everypony is treated fairly," Rarity warned with a stern glare. "I don't want to hear about beatings, ponies being overworked, or whatever other ideas the griffons placed inside your head."

Does she know? I've underestimated her before. Perhaps Rarity has spies of her own? I should make sure to keep her under closer watch. Silvermane managed to keep her composure as she met the princess's eyes. "Of course, Your Highness."

"Now, General, we need to talk about troop movements," Blueblood said. "I want those riots dealt with!"

"Of course, but we're talking about large cities. There is also Appleoosa to consider."

"Good point, General," Rarity said with a light smile. "It's already past time the changelings be dealt with."

"I'll be sending three squads to the Appleoosan desert under the command of Lieutenant Breezerunner. Ambassador Little Strongheart will accompany them. I've already made the necessary arrangements."

"Yes, yes, better to get it done with," Blueblood replied dismissively. "What about the riots? I won't have Equestria in chaos!"

Silvermane nodded. "If we consider Canterlot's defensive needs as well as recruit training, we have enough griffon soldiers to pacify one city. Sending troops to both Vanhoover and Fillydelphia would spread our forces too thin."

"What?" Blueblood yelled as he stood dramatically. "I gave you free reign to recruit, gave you a griffon army, and you can't even keep the peace?"

"Calm yourself, beloved," Rarity calmly asked as she turned to his direction. "Surely you do not want to lose both cities. General Silvermane understands what she's talking about."

Silvermane took a deep breath as she mentally thanked the princess. "As I was saying," she continued, "We have to choose which city to send troops to. Vanhoover is relatively isolated, and could become a strong base of operations for the Cloudsdale army. As for Fillydelphia, it's a major port, and would give them easy access to Manehattan and Baltimare."

"And only Baltimare declared its loyalty to the throne," Blueblood continued with a groan. He unceremoniously sat back on his throne. "Manehattan apparently declared itself neutral. So much for Fancy Pants serving the crown's interests there." Rarity's smirk gave Silvermane all the information she needed.

"My recommendation would be to take Fillydelphia," the general said. "Should the riots spread to the other nearby cities, the situation could easily grow out of control."

"I concur," Rarity replied with a nod. "Beloved?"

"Do what you feel is right, General," the prince said with a frustrated sigh.

Silvermane bowed. "I take it this is all? If you will permit me, I will return to my duties."

"Not quite yet," Blueblood interrupted as he raised his hoof. "There's still the matter of this new Ponyville mayor."

"Applejack?" Rarity asked. "What about her?"

"I've heard confirmation that she's holding the changeling queen captive," Blueblood said as he glared at his wife. "Such prisoners should be handled by the royal guards, not a small town mayor."

"I agree that it should be looked into," Silvermane replied with a nod. "Princess Rarity, perhaps you would have an idea of what your friend is up to?"

"I would imagine she's following the crown's order," Rarity said with an innocent smile.

"Don't you dare give such orders without consulting me!" Blueblood snapped as he again stood up.

"You really do need to work on your temper, beloved," the princess calmly continued as she admired her hooficure. "I believe you were the one who ordered Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and my other friends to look into Princess Twilight's disappearance. Queen Chrysalis would be a likely suspect, don't you think?"

"She would," Silvermane said with a nod. "I must ask, Your Highness. Do you truly believe that your friend is better equipped to get the truth out of her than my trained soldiers?"

"I do," Rarity firmly replied. "But if it makes you both feel better, I will investigate the matter myself."

"What do you mean?" Blueblood asked.

"I mean that it's high time I went to Ponyville for a few days," Rarity explained as she smiled at the prince. "They've been through a terrible ordeal, and are still rebuilding. A show of support from the crown can only be help improve our image. Certainly we can devote some resources to their rebuilding efforts as well. Of course, I can use the opportunity to look into this changeling situation."

Silvermane bowed her head. "I will assemble an escort for you, Your Highness."

"Thank you, General," Rarity replied with a smile before turning toward Blueblood. "In fact, beloved, you should accompany me. Let the ponies there see you and get to know you. Princess Luna visited Ponyville multiple times in the past."

Blueblood glared at his wife again. "Is this really necessary? My time would be better spent handling the affairs of the state."

"Councilors Kibitz and Floribunda are more than capable of handling things for a few days," Rarity continued. "If we expect to rule Equestria, we must be seen by its ponies. Just look at how many events Princess Celestia attended."

Well played, Rarity, Silvermane thought as a grin formed on her muzzle. "The princess makes a good point, Your Highness. Perhaps Ambassador Antoine should accompany you as well? I'm sure Ponyville's citizens would appreciate some further assurance that Griffingard is indeed our ally."

"Very well, if we absolutely must," Blueblood replied with a sigh. "Have an appropriate escort prepared, General. Of course, there is the execution to attend first."

Disgust was evident on Rarity's face at the mention of Spitfire's execution. In time, she will see the necessity of such unpleasantness. At least she knows how to pick her battles.

Block, deflect, strike. Silvermane practiced the familiar moves with her spear in the empty courtyard. An hour from now, Spitfire would be publicly executed for her crimes. No doubt the Luna followers would attempt a rescue attempt. She would have to remain alert.

She spun her spear in the air and went through the motions again. Block, deflect, strike. She followed with another few precise strikes on the training dummy. She nodded once through her heavy breathing as she admired her handiwork.

A clapping sound made itself heard from behind her. She ground her teeth as she turned around. "Centurion Bouvier," she said as she eyed the griffon officer.

"General," Bouvier began. "Very impressive. I haven't had many occasions to witness a unicorn fighting with a levitated weapon before."

"Pick up a spear and I'll teach you a few moves," Silvermane invited as she tipped her head toward a weapon rack.

"Some other time, perhaps," Bouvier replied as he adjusted his glasses. "I have some information regarding the matter you left in my care."

"Already?" Silvermane asked with a light frown.

"We griffons can be very persuasive," the centurion replied flatly, his voice bereft of emotion.

Silvermane motioned for him to follow as she headed for a water fountain. She eagerly drank before turning back toward the griffon. "Alright, what have you learned?"

He sat down on a bench and adjusted his glasses again. "As we both suspected, the Luna followers are planning a rescue attempt. They found out about the planned route between the dungeon and the execution site — another flaw in your security — and are planning an ambush."

"How did they find out?" Silvermane asked as her tail whipped back and forth in annoyance.

"Unknown," Bouvier replied. "I fear my interrogator got a bit over-eager and the prisoner did not survive."

Silvermane breathed heavily. "Sloppy. You had the prisoner for a mere few hours, and your incompetent torturer managed to muck it up. Did you at least learn anything more useful?"

"The location of the attack," Bouvier said, ignoring the reprimand. "They will hide on Haycarte street."

Silvermane tapped her hoof to her chin. "That makes sense. It's a narrow street, with a lot of small alleys where they can hide. Some of the ponies living there might be sympathetic to the cause and allow ambushers to hide in their homes."

"I imagine you will want to alter the planned route," Bouvier suggested. "I do have a few recommendations."

Silvermane paced back and forth. "Maybe not," she pondered to herself before facing the griffon again. "Do you know how many ponies will participate in this ambush?"

"The prisoner first mentioned ten, later corrected it to twenty," the centurion said, again adjusting his glasses.

"That's what happens when you use torture. Ponies will say anything to make it stop," Silvermane replied with a sigh. "No matter, we'll plan for thirty to be safe."

Bouvier raised an eyebrow. "You suspect they still have a mole, and will adjust to any changes we make."

Silvermane smirked. "It crossed my mind, but no. We're sticking to the original route. I have a plan that should help us take them out."

Bouvier finally smiled. "I'm listening."

"First, I'll need four of your soldiers."

Silvermane shared a glare with Spitfire through the iron bars of her dank cell. "It's time," the general said.

The pegasus spat on the ground of her cell. "You're a disgrace to everything Equestria stands for, Silvermane."

"I thought as much," Silvermane replied sarcastically as she rolled her eyes. "Guards, get her ready to move."

Right on cue, the two griffon guards accompanying her roughly pulled Spitfire up on her hooves. They carefully bound her already clipped wings with strong rope and clapped her hooves in manacles with chains long enough to walk, but not long enough for a gallop or canter.

"Here's what's going to happen, General Spitfire," Silvermane began with a smirk. "You will be paraded through the streets of Canterlot as an example to what happens to traitors. You will then be given one last chance to confess your crimes before your execution."

Spitfire kept glaring at Silvermane, but remained quiet. The guards unceremoniously tugged on her chains, nudging her to walk forward. To her credit, she did so with her head high and her eyes trained forward.

The prisoners in the cells on both sides of the corridor restlessly rattled the bars and screamed obscenities at the soldiers. A few cries of, "We salute you, Spitfire," or, "Long live Princess Luna," resonated amongst the cacophony.

A cart was waiting outside the dungeon, guarded by two more griffon soldiers. Two earth pony guards had volunteered to pull it all the way to the market square, where the guillotine awaited. "Get up there!" one of the griffons ordered as he pushed Spitfire toward the cart.

Silvermane took a moment to make sure her armor was properly adjusted, her leg guards properly fastened, and her body plates solidly attached. The strap on her helmet was a bit loose, so she carefully tightened it. To finish, she cast a quick protective spell. Invisible shield, protective force, guard me from threats of every source. It wouldn't make her invulnerable, but it would keep her in a protective bubble that might slow down attackers and block minor hostile magic. Finally, she made sure her spear was properly attached to the side of her armor, and that she could easily retrieve it with her magic as needed.

"Let's go," she ordered. The four griffons positioned themselves around the cart and moved alongside it. As for Silvermane, she stayed behind and kept her eyes locked on the prisoner. If everything went according to plan, she wouldn't be at risk of another assassination attempt for long.

They traveled down Harmony Avenue, where many ponies were already waiting for the procession. The two griffon soldiers leading the march gently pushed the crowd aside. They occasionally had to make threatening gestures with their spears at a few obstinate civilians who would not move.

"Death to the traitors!" one mare screamed as the cart passed her.

"Kill her like she killed my brother!" a pegasus stallion yelled from the sky.

"You betrayed Equestria!"

"All Wonderbolts are traitors!"

A rotten tomato was thrown from the crowd and landed on Spitfire's face. Cheers erupted as a result, and a few putrid cabbages were thrown on the former Wonderbolt. Very soon, the cart found itself advancing slowly amidst a sea of rancid eggs and overripe produce. Silvermane had to admit to a certain level of admiration for the prisoner; Spitfire managed to keep her composure and look forward, even as she found herself buried in refuse.

They continued this way for a few more meters before Haycarte street came into view. It should happen soon. I better keep my eyes open, she grimly thought as she glanced at her spear.

The griffons pushed the crowd aside and cleared a path toward the much narrower Haycarte street. Two rows of tall, two-stories houses bordered the stone path. More ponies waited on both sides, forcing the cart to move slowly, even as the griffons tried desperately to force a path. Pegasi flew over them, screaming insults at the former Wonderbolt. More civilians watched the procession through open windows. Aditionnal waves of rotten vegetables were thrown from such vantage points.

Silvermane saw something glimmer from the corner of her eye. Here it comes, she thought as she quickly retrieved her spear and used it to block a dagger strike coming from an enraged pegasus flying out of a window.

Ponies jumped out of windows, emerged from the crowd, even dove from the sky. A quick count revealed around fifteen armed ponies rushing in her direction.

"Now!" Silvermane ordered loudly as she spun her spear around and impaled her pegasus assailant in the shoulder.

Groups of pegasi flew upwards and flapped their wings, forcing the attackers to the ground. Ponies in the crowd panicked, but were quickly corralled by Silvermane's well-trained soldiers, who had been hiding among the civilians. Earth pony guards disguised as civilians quickly pushed the crowd away, forming a larger circle around the cart. Unicorns jumped in the middle and fired energy bolts at the attacking Luna followers. The four griffon soldiers retreated back toward the cart, where they could ensure nopony got close to Spitfire.

One unicorn mare wearing a dark hooded cloak attempted to rush toward Spitfire, but a griffon grabbed her and smashed her head against the side of the cart, painting it with her blood. A green-coated pegasus stallion spun around to face the flying guards, but was impaled from behind by one of Silvermane's unicorns.

The general herself jumped in the middle. She spun her spear around, blocking attacks and striking a charging earth pony. It only took a few seconds for her troops to get the enemies under control. The rebels who hadn't yet been slaughtered dropped their weapons and surrendered. A group of well-trained guards fighting with the element of surprise against a ragtag group of rebels. The Luna worshipers never stood a chance. She allowed herself a satisfied smirk.

The rebels were quickly searched for hidden weapons and herded together in a group. Silvermane walked toward them, but quickly gasped in shock. "Velvet!?" she blurted out as she found herself face to face with Twilight Sparkle's mother standing in the middle of the group.

The older mare glared at her. "Are you going to kill me too, Silvermane?"

Silvermane stood speechless. "Why?" she managed to ask.

Twilight Velvet spat on the ground as she remained close to her husband. "You know, I didn't trust you the moment my son recommended you as his successor. I tried to understand his choice. I even allowed you into my home. I tried to see what he saw in you." Her body trembled as she kept her watering eyes locked on Silvermane. "You're a monster. The kind who falsely accuses princesses of murder, invites Griffingard invaders to our doorstep, and corrupts impressionable young ponies into following in your folly."

Silvermane's mouth gaped open as Velvet's words resonated within her mind. This is Princess Twilight's mother. She used to bake cookies for the royal guard trainees. How could she, of all ponies, turn to violence and rebellion?

"I have but one thing to say to you," Nightlight, Velvet's husband, said as he hugged his wife. "Ever since our daughter was taken from us, we had nightmares. We were about to lose hope, when somepony took them away. Princess Luna, even after being accused of unspeakable crimes, still cares enough for the ponies of Equestria to take our nightmares away. You, General Silvermane, are trying to bring them to life."

Silvermane ground her teeth. "Take them away!" she ordered.

A large crowd had gathered in the market square to witness the execution. Pony guards of all three breeds surrounded the stage onto which the guillotine had been mounted. Silvermane mentally congratulated herself for ordering that no griffon soldiers be present for the execution, outside of the escort. The message had to be sent that Prince Blueblood, and not Griffingard, was in control.

The prince stood on the stage surrounded by two unicorn bodyguards. He overlooked the crowd with a severe expression. Princess Rarity was noticeably absent, but Silvermane expected as much; the princess had already expressed her desire to avoid the execution as a form of protest.

Silvermane stepped up next to Blueblood, right after Spitfire had been taken in front of the stage. The pegasus was filthy, covered in grime from the refuse thrown at her. She was bleeding from rocks and other projectiles that had impacted her. She somehow managed to keep her head up high as she glared over the crowd. I could almost respect a pony like her, Silvermane thought as she forced her face to remain stoic.

Blueblood stepped forward and grinned. "Spitfire of Cloudsdale," he began loudly, using a spell to amplify his voice. "You have been found guilty of betraying Equestria. You raised an army with the intent of attacking the ponies of Canterlot, brought ruin to the town of Ponyville, and threatened to tear our nation apart. You have one last chance to confess to your crimes. Declare Luna to be a traitor to Equestria, demand that your misguided followers abandon any act of rebellion, and we may yet spare your life."

The crowd screamed at Spitfire. More vegetables were thrown, and more insults came.

"Kill her already!"

"Peace to Equestria! Death to the traitor!"

"Down with Nightmare Moon!"

Spitfire took a deep breath. "I'm not going to beg!" she screamed loudly. "None of us wanted this war! Yes, I raised an army, and I would do so again to defend Equestria. I've lost a lot of good ponies I truly cared for. Fleetfoot, Rainbow Dash, Diamond Wind, Flipper Cloud. More names than I can remember. You all condemn me as a traitor while you invite a tyrant like Blueblood to rule you! We all know this is not what Princess Celestia would have wanted. Her sister, Princess Luna, is the true ruler of this nation. You want to kill me, Blueblood?" She spat in the prince's direction. "Do your worst!"

Blueblood and Silvermane shared a nod. "Off with her head!" the prince ordered.

Spitfire was dragged by two earth pony guards toward the guillotine. Silvermane saw tears welling up in her eyes as her breathing became erratic. The general frowned. Perhaps this was all the fight she had left in her.

The pegasus's legs gave up as she was dragged toward the wooden pillory at the base of the guillotine. Her head turned upward, no doubt toward the sharpened blade. "Get up!" one of the guards yelled as he kicked her in the ribs.

Spitfire whispered something Silvermane couldn't hear. The soldier kicked her again and forced her up, dragging her toward the pillory and locking her head in the wooden frame.

Silvermane walked forward. Regardless of what the former Wonderbolt had done, she at least deserved the chance to face her enemy general one last time.

Tears filled Spitfire's once vibrant orange eyes as she met the general's. "Please, Silvermane, I don't wanna die," she begged.

Silvermane frowned and quickly nodded at the large, hooded earth pony behind the device. The heavy blade fell amidst a sea of cheers.