• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 3,803 Views, 535 Comments

A Dream of Sunny Days - Roranicus

When Princess Celestia dies, a new ruler must take up the throne, but the princess is not easily replaced. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

  • ...

X Shining Armor

The best way to get a good look at the complex support structure keeping Canterlot from toppling down the mountain it was built upon was to take the train. It passed right underneath the city, allowing a clear view of the thick steel beams that anchored the various platforms onto which it rested. While most ponies were impressed by Canterlot's towers, gardens, and expensive boutiques, Shining Armor always found that the city's greatest achievement to be down here, hidden from view.

"Whatcha looking at, Shiny?" Pinkie Pie, who sat next to him on the train, asked.

The former guard captain smiled at his companion. "You see those support beams right there?" he asked, pointing at a network of interconnected metallic supports.

Pinkie nodded and got up on her hooves, pushing her head closer to the window and the gigantic forest of colossal beams and cable. Each structure element was larger than a pony by far.

Shining shifted his body deeper in his seat, allowing her the chance to see for herself. "They're all placed at regular intervals and share the weight of the city. Should one fail, there's a secondary structure backing everything up. This network has stood for a thousand years. Teams of unicorn engineers regularly inspect it. The slightest crack is immediately fixed."

"Ooooh," Pinkie opened her eyes wide and placed her front hooves on the window frame. She pressed her face against the glass, eliciting a chuckle from Shining.

"I never understood why anypony would want to live in such a place." Shining Armor turned around as he heard Checkmate's voice. The light purple crystal pony was sitting behind him, next to Spike.

The baby dragon shrugged. "The city's been up here for hundreds of years. I don't see what's so dangerous about it."

"It's not that I'm worried about the supports — I'm sure they're safe," Checkmate said. "It's the idea of such an extravagant city up on a mountain. I don't even want to think about how they built the place."

"With a lot of ponies and magic involved," Shining replied with a smile. "Canterlot is a jewel of pride for the ponies of Equestria. It shows what we can accomplish when we work together, and it shows the rest of the world just how great of a nation we are."

Spike raised an eyebrow. "You know, Checkmate, it's weird to hear you complain about fancy stuff when you live in the Crystal Empire."

"The Crystal Empire isn't up on a mountain," the crystal pony replied. "Beside, we don't try to make the city look all that fancy. Crystals are the material we have available. There's also something about the Crystal Heart that makes everything shine. Don't ask me how it works."

All eyes turned toward Shining Armor. He looked from Pinkie, to Checkmate, to Spike and rolled his eyes. "I have no idea why the Heart does that. Cadance is the magic expert. I've always just been there to support her."

Pinkie smiled at Shining as she moved away from the window. "The why isn't important," the pink pony said. "It shines because the heart supports the city, the same way Canterlot is all pretty, up in the mountain, because these support beams keep it there."

Checkmate slowly nodded. "You're right, Pinkie. I've traveled all across Equestria, and great beauty never just happens. The entire world revolves around the hard work ponies do, from the clouds in the sky, to the grass, to all the animals who make Equestria their home. It's easy to forget how much everything in our world relies on ponykind."

Shining Armor gave the beams and supports one last look before the train entered a tunnel. He brought his hoof to his chin. "Isn't that what we're fighting for? Think about Equestria. The central pillar that held it together, that was Princess Celestia. How could we ever replace her? The task might be too much for one pony alone."

"Well, that's why we're going to Canterlot, aren't we? To help them out with this giant task," Spike said as he leaned back in his seat. "Anyway, we should be there shortly, and I wanna take a nap first." The baby dragon curled up in a ball, slowly closing his eyes.

"Let him sleep," Pinkie suggested as she settled back in her seat.

Shining silently nodded as he turned his head back toward the window. The train left the tunnel, and an impressive view of Northern Equestria's fertile farmlands revealed itself. The unicorn stallion shifted his body to make himself more comfortable as he took in the sights. I can't believe I'm here, he told himself as he remembered what he had to go through just to leave the Crystal Empire.

While Cadance had accepted his desire to return to Equestria, the Crystal Assembly had required a bit more convincing. A full ten days of arguing and denial culminated in Cadance being allowed to keep her existing influence in the Empire, with the understanding that Shining himself would give up any and all political power.

His wife had announced this to him in her private office, after a closed door meeting with the assembly. He had agreed to stay out of the debate as a gesture of goodwill toward the elected officials. "The assembly is willing to let you go, but you have to understand, from this point on you'll be nothing more than my husband in their eyes. Your throne will be removed and you will only be allowed to attend court as a regular citizen."

"A small sacrifice to make if it means I can save my sister," Shining replied, sitting in front of his wife's ornate crystalline desk.

Cadance rolled her eyes and gave her husband a wry, knowing grin. "I know what you're thinking, my love. You're happy to be free of those responsibilities you never asked for." She raised a hoof, keeping Shining from interrupting her. "Don't deny it, I know you better than that."

The stallion looked down, only meeting her gaze for a moment in the process. "Alright, I won't try to deny it. I know it seems selfish of me, leaving you with all those responsibilities, but answer me honestly, love. What have I accomplished as a prince here? The few times when you left me in charge, I did nothing but nod and smile at the assembly."

"I know, Shining. I wouldn't have proposed it otherwise." She stood and walked toward him, gently raising his head with one of her hooves. "Once you return, I hope to convince them to name you captain of the guards."

He slowly smiled at his wife. "Cadance, I don't know what I'd ever do without you."

"Just make sure it's worth it," she replied, letting go of his face. "It may not seem like it now, but you giving up your claim to power in the Empire might prove a very big sacrifice. Should a similar crisis befall the Empire, you might not be able to do anything to help. The throne would be denied to you. Regardless of what happens, it might take years for you to repair your reputation here."

"I'll cross that bridge once I get to it," he said. "For now, I'm mostly worried about what I'll do in Canterlot. Pinkie Pie and Spike will surely want to come along, and I want to take Checkmate with me too. He traveled all over Equestria and knows a lot of ponies — it could come in handy."

Cadance nodded. "Good idea. What about Flash? I assume you'll want your best friend along."

Shining shook his head. "No, Flash will stay here with you. He might not take it well at first, but I want somepony I can trust watching over you. I haven't forgotten Pinkie's warning that you might be a target, my love."

"I suppose it's better to be safe," Cadance admitted with a light chuckle. "But really, you shouldn't worry too much. My refusal to involve myself in Equestrian affairs should protect me. If not, it's a good thing few ponies know just how skilled I am with battle magic." She gave her husband a knowing wink.

Shining Armor got up and shook his head with a smile. "I suppose we'll both have to be careful." He walked toward Cadance and gave her a quick kiss. "I'll make sure Pinkie and the others get ready. It might be a long trip."

Preparations had taken one extra day. Since Shining expected a lot of travel would be involved between Canterlot, Cloudsdale, and other locations the investigation might take them to, he ordered everypony involved to travel light. Things had gone pretty smoothly; after all, they had been prepared to leave a week ago. It was the assembly that had been holding them back.

The most difficult thing for Shining to do had been at the barracks. He waited for a time when most of the troops were on duty before stepping inside. As expected, Flash Sentry was sitting by himself, polishing his lance. "Hey Flash, you have a moment?" Shining asked.

"Shining!" the pegasus exclaimed with a wide smile as he got up. "Pinkie told me the good news. Sounds like we're finally going to Equestria."

"Yes, this is what-" the unicorn stallion began before Flash cut him off.

"I knew the assembly couldn't keep stalling us forever," he continued, ignoring Shining. "I'm ready to leave when you give the order. Do you want me in full armor or not? I suppose bringing Crystal Empire uniforms with us might be one of the things the assembly won't allow."

"Flash," Shining said again, taking a step toward his enthusiastic friend.

"Oh, I'll be honest with you, Shining, I've missed doing this." the pegasus' wings flapped in excitement. "It feels like just yesterday that the two of us would go on missions all around Equestria. I know, it won't be exactly the same, and the stakes are high, but I know that the two of us together can free your sister and save Equestria."

"Flash!" the unicorn yelled, finally getting his friend's attention.

"Oh, yes Shining?"

"You're not going," Shining said, his ears drooping as Flash's mouth gaped open.

"Not going? Wha... What do you mean not going? You're joking right?"

The unicorn slowly shook his head. "I'm dead serious. Somepony has to stay and protect Cadance."

"But there's a lot of capable ponies in the Crystal Guard. Any of them could act as her bodyguard," Flash continued.

Shining took a step forward and placed a hoof on Flash's shoulder. "Nopony I can trust like you. Call me selfish, but I want Cadance protected by somepony I know for a fact to be trustworthy. A pony whom I'd trust with my life. This is you and nopony else, Flash."

The pegasus pushed Shining's hoof away and turned away. "I... I understand. I suppose I got a little bit too excited." He sighed. "The princess's safety should come first, of course."

"Look Flash, I'm sorry I can't bring you along. Trust me, I'd like nothing better," Shining said. "I remember how we both hated guard duty when we were rookies, always hoping we'd get out of the city. I really wish things could be different."

"No, you're right," the pegasus said as he turned to face his friend. "Duty always comes first, and keeping me here to protect Cadance makes sense. I'll keep her safe until you return." His smile seemed genuine, if a bit awkward.

"I'm glad you understand, and thank you," Shining said with a nod as he turned toward the exit.

The unicorn stallion sighed as he walked away from the barracks. After a few moments, he jumped as he heard the loud sound of a hoof hitting a metal locker. I suppose I would have reacted the same in his place, Shining thought with a sigh.

Two days of travel time later, Shining Armor still hoped he had made the right decision. They would be in Canterlot soon, and there would be no going back.

The first thing Shining Armor saw as he got off the train were the omnipresent guards. He frowned at the scene as soldiers observed the passengers disembarking. He thought about asking them what was going on, but he didn't recognize any of them. They seemed well-trained enough, carefully observing every passenger without getting in the way, although one of them jumped slightly as Pinkie Pie offered him a piece of candy.

"They certainly increased security since I was last here," Shining told his companions after giving the guards another suspicious look.

"Reminds me of your wedding," Pinkie said as she swallowed a hoof-full of candy and offered some to Spike.

"I wonder if there's a specific reason for the extra guards, or if it's just Silvermane making her mark," Shining mumbled, stroking his chin with his hoof. "She was always going on about the need for extra security."

"Why don't we just ask one of them?" Spike suggested. "I mean, didn't these guards all worked for you before?"

"Some, yes," Shining said, nodding slowly. "I see a lot of new faces though. They've obviously been recruiting."

"You know," Checkmate added as he scratched the back of his head, "when I arrive in a new city, the guards are usually the last ponies I talk to when looking for information."

"So what do you suggest?" Shining asked.

"I have a friend who might know what's going on," Checkmate continued with a grin as he took a few steps forward. "She owns a natural remedy store not too far from the castle. She also has a brother in the Lunar Guard, so she often hears stories. I suggest we pay her a visit first."

Shining turned his attention back to the soldiers and pondered the situation for a moment. No doubt anything he told the guards would be relayed to Silvermane, and he didn't want her to know the true reason for his visit just yet. "Alright Checkmate, it's your show. Take us to your friend."

"Right this way," Checkmate said with a smile as he started toward the center of the city, motioning for the rest of the group to follow him.

The three ponies trotted across Canterlot, taking the most direct route to the marketplace at the foot of the castle. A few guards eyed them suspiciously on the way, while others seemed completely lost, getting distracted by what seemed to be preparations for a celebration. The streets were being decorated with colorful banners and Equestria's flag hung outside most stores.

It took them about an hour to arrive at a small shop sporting a poorly maintained storefront. A wooden sign depicted a tulip within a crescent moon, and numerous dried herbs hung behind the window. "So this is the place?" Shining asked.

Checkmate nodded. "Aye, this is Astral Blitz's shop. She's one of the few ponies I'll completely trust to keep a secret in this city, so we can talk openly in front of her. A word of advice though. She's deeply loyal to Princess Luna, so try not to insinuate she might be guilty."

"Well duh," Pinkie said, rolling her eyes. "Everypony with half their marbles knows Luna loved her sister too much to hurt her." She opened the door and stepped inside.

Shining walked in, closely followed by Checkmate. A mix of potent floral and earthy smells assaulted the unicorn's nostrils as he stepped into the dimly lit store. Two ponies were already inside, both pegasus mares. The brown-coated one behind the counter waved at the group. "Welcome to Astral Remedies! I'll be with you in just..." Her eyes opened wide as she gasped in glee. "Checkmate! I didn't know you were coming to Canterlot."

The crystal pony stepped ahead of Shining and smiled at the shop owner. "I just arrived, actually. I thought I'd introduce you to my friends. These are Pinkie Pie, Spike, and-"

"Shining Armor," the gray-coated mare with a short, dark red mane standing in front of the wooden counter finished as her ears perked up excitedly. "Sorry... Your Highness." She blushed and avoided his eyes.

"Oh, it's quite alright," the unicorn said with a polite smile. "You're not the first pony to recognize me. Your face does seem familiar though. Did you work at the castle by any chance?"

"You got me," she said with a giggle. "I'm just a maid though. I'm surprised you even noticed me before."

"Well, I do try to remember ponies I work with. I don't think I ever caught your name though."

"Oh, how rude of me," the gray pegasus replied with another awkward smile as she brushed away her mane. "I'm Featherdust, a pleasure to meet you. If I may ask, what brings you back to Canterlot? Are you here on official business from the Crystal Empire?" Her hazel eyes brightened up as she winked at the stallion.

"Oh no, the Crystal Empire stays out of Equestrian affairs," Shining explained, ignoring the wink as he shook his head. "Although I do hope I can help Equestria in some way. The rumors we've been hearing in the Empire are a bit troubling, to say the least."

"Well, if you ever have any questions about the rumors in the castle, look me up," Featherdust offered with a flutter of her eyelids. "We maids hear a lot of things, and I would be happy to share them with a handsome stallion such as yourself."

"Oh yes, of course," Shining said, looking nervously around him.

Featherdust picked up a satchel of herbs from the counter and left two bits in its place. She waved at the group as she trotted toward the exit with a bounce. "I'll see you soon, Shining. Astral, see you in a week for the usual!" She brushed her tail against Shining's chin as she made for the exit.

As the shopkeeper waved at her customer, Shining saw every eye turn toward him. Checkmate suppressed a giggle as Spike and Pinkie Pie both burst out laughing. The earth pony mare placed her leg around the unicorn's neck. "Looks like Shining has an admirer," she teased, poking him with her other hoof.

"Somepony should tell her you're married," Checkmate added.

"Yeah, yeah," Shining said, rolling his eyes as he gently pushed Pinkie away. "Anyway, Checkmate, you were introducing us to your friend."

"Yes, of course," the crystal pony said as he trotted to the counter. "Everypony, this is Astral Blitz. I have yet to meet a pony who's as knowledgeable as she is in regard to herbs and potions. She traveled all the way to Zebrica to learn from zebra shamans."

"Oh, you know Zecora?" Pinkie asked, shoving her face in front of the shopkeeper's.

"I've heard the name. She's pretty well known in the field," Astral replied before turning her attention to Checkmate. "Either way, I take it by your company that you're not visiting Canterlot only for pleasure?"

Checkmate shook his head. "No. To be honest, we're worried about the current state of affairs in Equestria. Shining Armor is here to try and help reason with the nobility, maybe find out exactly what happened to Princess Luna. Oh, and what's going on with all the guards in the street and the banners?"

Astral raised an eyebrow. "You mean you haven't heard? Prince Blueblood is getting married to the Lady Rarity. It's what everypony's been talking about for days."

"What?" Spike snapped with a gasp. "She can't be doing this willingly. We have to rescue her!"

Pinkie grabbed the baby dragon in a hug. "This has to be a mistake. Rarity wouldn't do that."

"She seemed happy enough when she made the announcement alongside the prince," Astral replied. "If anything, she has a lot to gain here, given that she'll become royalty."

"This could be part of her plan," Shining suggested as he stroked his chin with his hoof. "Perhaps she's hoping to control him this way."

Spike grabbed Pinkie's head. "We have to stop her. You remember how miserable Blueblood made her at the first gala."

"We need some facts first," Shining said as he frowned at his two companions.

Pinkie turned to face him. "Just give Spike a moment." She led the shocked baby dragon aside, between two tables covered with dried herbs.

Checkmate and Shining shared as nod as the crystal pony turned back to his friend. "What about Princess Luna? Surely you must have heard something."

Astral nodded softly as Shining and Checkmate leaned forward to hear her. She took a deep breath before speaking. "Luna is in Cloudsdale. The council hasn't said anything official, but the word is already out on the street. She raised an army and is planning on taking Canterlot by force."

Shining and Checkmate stared incredulously at the shopkeeper.

"That can't be right," Checkmate said after shaking his head. "Princess Luna has been alive for centuries; she knows better than to risk a war over matters of succession. And the Cloudsdale ponies, are they really this naive?"

Shining took a deep breath and placed a hoof on Checkmate's shoulder. "I suppose something like this was inevitable."

"What do you mean 'inevitable'?" Astral asked with a frown.

"I mean that while Luna does want what's best for the ponies of Equestria, she also has a history of harsh decisions," Shining explained. "Nightmare Moon is the most well-known, but far from the only time she lost control."

"You sound just like Blueblood now," the shopkeeper replied with a scoff. Shining ignored the jab.

"And what about your brother? What's his part in all of this?" Checkmate asked Astral, his ears flattening in concern.

Astral frowned. "He disappeared the same night as Princess Luna, and hasn't contacted me. Not that it stopped the guards from harassing me."

"That's not very nice of them," Pinkie replied with a frown of her own as she got up and joined the discussion.

"Well, it's not as bad as it used to be," the shopkeeper told Pinkie with a smile that seemed forced to Shining. "I think the lady Rarity got them to at least be less invasive about it. The guards have been less aggressive in town after she stopped Captain Silvermane from arresting a group of Princess Luna sympathizers."

"I need to talk to Silvermane," Shining said after pondering the situation for a moment. "Perhaps I can get something out of her if I confront her."

"Right now, I don't care about Luna, or about soldiers," Spike finally said, shifting his attention from a shelf filled with colorful vials to Shining Armor. "I'm going to the castle to see Rarity."

"Whatever the reason why she agreed to this, she'll need a friend." Pinkie agreed with a nod. "So I'm coming with you."

"Good idea," Shining said with a nod of his own. "Go see her, get a better idea of what she's been up to." He glared at Spike "Just please, be careful. No outbursts."

Checkmate nodded. "I have a few friends in the city I can talk to. I can also get us a hotel room for the night. We'll have a place to talk, away from the prying ears in the castle."

"No need for that," Shining said with a smile and a wave of his hoof. "We can all meet at Thirty-Eight Clover Avenue once we're done."

"Ah, of course," Pinkie said as she smiled at Spike.

"Am I missing something?" Checkmate asked.

"It's where my parents live," Shining explained. "I'll stop by before heading to the castle, have them prepare the guest room. They should be more than happy to have us, and there are few ponies in the world I'd rather trust."

"Well, whatever it is you all try to accomplish, good luck with it." Astral said, before turning toward the crystal pony. "Any friend of Checkmate's is a friend of mine. If you can actually do something to stop this insanity, all of Canterlot would be in your debt."

Twilight Velvet leaned forward on her old couch and smiled at her son. "How is your tea? I hope it's not too hot."

"It's just perfect, Mom," Shining replied with a nod. "Thanks again for letting me and my friends stay for tonight. I'd really rather we avoid staying in the castle."

Velvet's smile quickly turned into a frown. "I'd rather you stay away from that place, too. Canterlot Castle took your sister from me. I don't want whatever political backstabbing is going on there to take you as well."

"Beside, this is your home as well. You're always welcome here," Night Light, Shining's father, said from a large chair in the corner.

"It's definitely appreciated, Dad," Shining said with a smile. He leaned forward. "As for the castle, I promise I'll be careful, but I have to try and calm things down. It's the only way I can find Twily."

"That replacement of yours, Captain Silvermane, she said the same thing," Velvet replied as she avoided her son's gaze. "Rarity came by a few times, too. They all promised they would do anything to find my daughter." She took a deep breath. "And what have they done? Absolutely nothing. If you ask me, answers will not come from inside this castle. Ever since Princess Celestia passed away, it turned into a nest of vipers."

"It probably has," Shining admitted as he shook his head lightly. "Nevertheless, I have to try."

"You and your sister, you always had to try and save the world," Velvet said with a long sigh. "Sometimes, I wonder why you two can't just be content with living simple, safe lives."

Shining forced a weak smile. "I supposed we were raised to care about our fellow pony. Sometimes, I wish Twilight would have stayed safe in Ponyville, and that she never earned her wings. We can't deny she did a lot of good, though. In the end, we have to accept the risks that come with our responsibilities." He took a long breath and stared at both his parents with determined eyes. "We'll find her, and things will turn right again. I promise."

"Just be careful, son," Velvet said as she slowly took a sip of tea. "Canterlot isn't what it once was when it was ruled by the princesses. That Prince Blueblood, he doesn't care about everypony the way Princess Celestia or Princess Luna did."

"You know, Mom," Shining said as he scratched the back of his neck. "You and Dad could always come to the Empire. Cadance would love to have you, and you'd be away from all the politics."

Velvet sighed deeply. "I thought about asking you, but no. Canterlot is my home. I spent my entire life in this house; no amount of political machinations will make me abandon it."

"The guards are also keeping us posted about the investigation into Twilight's disappearance," Night Light replied between sips of tea. "Whatever they find, I want to know about it."

"Fair enough," Shining said with a nod.

"And we really can't talk you out of getting involved?" Velvet asked as she stood up, exhausted concern evident on her face.

"I know that you want to keep me safe, Mom," Shining replied, meeting her gaze. "But just like Dad wants to stay here in case somepony hears something, I have to do what I can. I used to be the captain of the royal guards. That still means something here, and maybe it can lead me to Twily. Hopefully I can help bring some sense of sanity between Prince Blueblood and Princess Luna, too."

Velvet walked toward Shining. "Then I'll wish you good luck. You're free to stay here as long as you want. Your friends too." She smiled and embraced him in a tight hug.

"Now, better get to it, son," his father replied with a smile of his own. "Good luck figuring things out in the castle, and let us know if you hear about anything."

"Will do, dad," Shining replied with a smile and a nod.

He left the house he grew up in with renewed confidence. If his parents believed in him, then surely he had made the right decision in embarking on this mission. The first stop would be the old barracks, so he could have a little chat with his successor.

No matter how long he would be away, Canterlot Castle always felt like home to Shining Armor. Some of the best years of his life had been spent in its halls and courtyards, training with his fellow royal guards and advising Princess Celestia on matters of security. Of course, he never regretted his decision to leave behind his old life and live with his wife in the Crystal Empire. Still, nostalgia would settle in whenever he returned to this place. He smiled as he found the old bench where he and Flash used to gawk at the academy schoolfillies.

As he trotted toward the side entrance usually reserved for the guards, he noticed the castle gardens, still similar to what they looked like when he served as captain. The one noticeable change was a large statue of Princess Celestia erected right where her body had been buried. He took a deep breath as he walked in front of the impressive monument, observing a moment of silence as he contemplated Celestia's compassionate expression, now immortalized in stone. I wonder what you would think of your subjects now, he grimly thought as he continued on his way.

Shining Armor stopped in his tracks as he neared the entrance. Was that Sergeant Legerity guarding the door? Strange, she should have been promoted to lieutenant by now. The unicorn mare had always been a model officer, displaying loyalty, honesty, and a true desire to help anypony in need.

"Sergeant Legerity?" Shining asked as he trotted toward her.

The unicorn mare turned her head and immediately saluted with her gray hoof. "S... Sir, I didn't know you were coming to Canterlot."

"I kept it quiet," Shining said, looking around to make sure nopony could hear their conversation. "I was going to talk to Silvermane, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to hear it all from you first."

"Hear what, sir?"

"Hear what exactly is going on around here," the stallion asked. "I've heard stories about the Cloudsdale ponies rising in rebellion under Princess Luna while Prince Blueblood busies himself with a wedding. How does Canterlot plan to react? Has diplomacy been attempted?"

Legerity sighed and failed to hide a frustrated expression. "They never told us much, but I overheard a diplomat had been sent to Cloudsdale. I assume it went badly, as General Silvermane ordered heavy recruitment right after."

Shining held his hoof up as he swallowed a gasp. "Hold on just one moment. General Silvermane?"

"Yes, Blueblood himself gave her the new rank, alongside new authority to reorganize the royal guards as she sees fit." Her eyes desperately avoided Shining's stare.

Just what are these ponies playing at? Shining Armor asked himself as he frowned at the sergeant. "Please tell me Silvermane isn't planning on fighting a civil war with the Cloudsdale ponies."

"I... I really couldn't tell what the general is planning, sir," Legerity carefully answered. "One thing I can tell you, she's been meeting with griffon officers, and some of the weapons and armor we've been training with are of griffon origin."

"Mmm, I suppose Griffingard would have some weapons to spare," the unicorn stallion mumbled to himself. He turned back toward the sergeant, only to see the door she was guarding opening.

A large gray earth pony stallion wearing the orichalchum armor of a lieutenant walked out and frowned at Legerity. "What's going on here, Sergeant?" he asked in a gruff voice.

"His Highness, Prince Shining Armor had some questions, sir," the sergeant answered as she stood at attention.

"And she answered them admirably," Shining completed, not wanting Legerity to suffer her superior's ire on his account. "By the way, I don't believe you were in the guard while I was captain, Lieutenant..."

"Boulderhoof," the enormous pony grunted. "Now what can we do for you, Your Highness?" Shining did not fail to notice the lieutenant's cold, hostile gaze directed at him.

"I'm here to see General Silvermane," Shining replied.

"Mmph, if you'll follow me," Boulderhoof said as he motioned for Shining to accompany him.

"It's fine, Lieutenant. I think I know the way to my old office," Shining answered with a smirk.

The large pony shook his head. "Nopony goes in the barracks unescorted. General's order."

"Lead the way then," Shining said with a forced smile. He made sure to wait for Boulderhoof to turn around before rolling his eyes. I can't believe Silvermane promoted this brute before Legerity.

Shining followed Boulderhoof inside the castle's busy barracks. A few ponies tried to hide gasps as he passed them. Others saluted him with respect, earning glares from Boulderhoof. He responded with salutes of his own, smiling at a few familiar faces. Even more guards were strangers to him, no doubt new recruits.

Boulderhoof escorted Shining to the second floor, where the former captain's office used to be. The barrack had changed little since he had last been there, although it seemed to have been adjusted to accommodate more ponies. The beds were placed closer to one another.

They stopped in front of Shining's old office. "Thank you, Lieutenant," Shining said with a slight bow of his head as he knocked on the closed door twice, eliciting an annoyed grunt from Boulderhoof.

"What is it?" Silvermane's annoyed voice asked from behind the door.

A stern glare from Boulderhoof convinced Shining to hold back and let the lieutenant open the door. As expected, the office had been heavily reconfigured. The desk had been moved to the end of the room, and an impressive looking spear was displayed on the wall behind Silvermane herself. The newly-promoted general was studying a map on her desk, taking notes with a levitated quill at the same time.

"This better be important," she said without bothering to take her eyes away from her papers.

"Sorry to bother you, ma'am, but you have a visitor," Boulderhoof said, finally prompting the unicorn mare to raise her head and look at the two stallions.

Silvermane slowly raised her eyes from her documents. "Ah, Your Highness, I've been expecting you," she offered, the corners of her mouth hinting at a smirk.

"You're well informed; I only just arrived," the unicorn stallion replied, hiding his annoyance with a forced smile. "I am not here as the Crystal Prince though. I want to talk to you as the stallion who used to sit behind this desk." He tapped the desk as he walked to it.

Silvermane coughed once as her usual frown returned to her face. "The title is merely a formality," she coldly replied. She waited a moment before turning her eyes toward Boulderhoof. "Lieutenant, you may leave us."

"Ma'am," Boulderhoof said with a salute. He left and closed the door.

Shining took the time to walk slowly around the room, his eyes switching between the various maps on the wall and Silvermane fidgeting on her seat, one of her eyebrows twitching impatiently. Part of her still sees me as her superior and she's nervous. Good. "You seem to be doing well for yourself, General now, is it?"

Silvermane nodded "Yes, the new rank seemed more appropriate for the leader of an army."

The stallion sighed and stopped in his tracks, settling his gaze on the mare in front of him. "So this is what it comes down to? Canterlot builds an army, you receive a promotion, and Equestria falls into civil war? How are you even planning to defend Canterlot? Everypony with any knowledge of historical warfare knows this: the army with air superiority always has the advantage."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, that is being addressed," Silvermane calmly said after a deep breath.

"How?" Shining asked as he sat down in front of the desk, not taking his eyes off his former subordinate. "By mass recruiting pegasi and rushing through their training? It won't be enough, and you know it. Remember that I used to command the guards. Don't throw me the same rhetoric you give the nobility."

Silvermane brought her hoof to her chin and looked at one of the maps on the wall for a moment before turning back toward Shining. "What I'm about to tell you, I'm only relaying out of respect for everything you've taught me. We do plan on announcing it to the masses in a few days either way." She took another deep breath. "We have a griffon army on the way. They agreed to sell us weapons, armor, as well as loan us their sixth legion, under the command of Centurion Bouvier."

"What?" Shining asked incredulously, getting up in a sudden move. "This is your brilliant plan? Hire griffon mercenaries to slaughter our own citizens? Have you even attempted a diplomatic solution?"

"Of course we have. Princess Luna made it quite clear that she would only accept our complete surrender. Either way, I think we can both agree it's preferable to negotiate from a position of strength. We can't do that unless our military strength matches theirs."

"And of course, you want to give this position of strength to King Aurélien of Griffingard," Shining replied, rolling his eyes. "Honestly, General, what's so important about denying Princess Luna the throne? She has the strongest claim, and it's not like Blueblood is that great an alternative."

Silvermane sighed loudly. "If you'll sit down, Your Highness, I will attempt to explain." Shining nodded with a grunt and sat back in front of the desk. The general waited a moment before continuing. "This civil war that's about to break is the result of a fatal flaw in the way Equestria was managed; we never planned for the demise of Princess Celestia. At first, Princess Luna might seem like the natural heir, but her ascension would quickly mean the doom of the nation."

"I get it, you're not a fan," Shining said. "How does that give you — or Blueblood — the right to interfere this way?"

"It wasn't the original plan," Silvermane continued calmly. "Princess Luna was, if you'll remember, a suspect in the murder of her sister. I only did my duty as captain of the guard by insuring she was thoroughly investigated before she'd be allowed to claim the throne. Unfortunately, she opted to flee the capital rather than go on trial. Her next move had been to go to Cloudsdale and raise an army against us. Now, let me ask you, Your Highness; is this the expected behavior of a pony who might rule all of Equestria?" Her muzzle stiffened as one of her ears twitched.

Shining Armor's eyes narrowed while he gathered his thoughts. "Look, I will grant you that Princess Luna has a lot to learn, but with the proper advisors she can grow into a better leader. Once my sister is found, they can rule together. Is fighting to keep Blueblood on the throne really all that preferable?"

"With all due respect, Your Highness, yes it is," Silvermane replied, leaning on her desk. "Unlike Princess Luna, Prince Blueblood listens to his advisors. He also won't live forever. Blueblood might not be the ideal ruler, but I know for a fact that the mother of his children will properly groom them for the position, creating a powerful legacy."

Shining stared at Silvermane with his mouth agape, his eyes opened wide in shock. "So that's your plan? Sacrifice this entire generation of ponies in the vain hope that Rarity can raise a foal to be a better ruler for the future?"

"If it's any consolation, my first choice would have been to have your sister on the throne. I can't, however, afford the luxury of assuming she's still alive." The unicorn mare kept her tone flat and unflinching, only resulting in making Shining Armor's blood boil.

This was the last straw. Shining stood up and violently slammed both his front hooves on the desk, getting in Silvermane's face. "You don't get to talk about my sister that way! She is your princess, and your guards should be out looking for her, not starting a civil war. Send your griffons back to Griffingard, allow Luna to take the throne, and focus your efforts on finding Twilight. You'll have your peace right here, right now."

Silvermane calmly brushed Shining's spittle off her muzzle before answering in a flat tone. "With all due respect, Your Highness, I highly doubt we'll get even short term peace. Should Luna take the throne, the following will happen in short order. She will first arrest myself, Prince Blueblood, Lady Rarity, and anypony else she sees as conspiring against her. If I'm lucky, I'll spend the rest of my life in the dungeon. More than likely, I'll be executed — It wouldn't be beyond Luna to order it. Shortly after, she'll use her Cloudsdale army, as well as the Canterlot soldiers she deems loyal, to attack Griffingard as retribution for acting against what she'll call Equestria's laws of succession. If she's willing to start a civil war, she will not hesitate to attack another nation."

"Now you're just exaggerating," Shining continued.

The general ignored him as she continued. "Best case scenario, yourself or some other brave ponies manage to find and bring back Princess Twilight Sparkle. She finds a nation in chaos, with a ruler bent on securing her position against perceived conspirators. You know Princess Luna, how impatient and impulsive she can be. You've seen her snap at dignitaries. Do you really think your sister can control her? At best she'll manage to save Rarity's life."

Shining's heavy breathing calmed down, as he used every speck of self-control he had to get back on his hooves despite his racing heartbeat. "You're delusional, Silvermane. You're so convinced that you hold the truth that you're willing to set Equestria on fire for it. I'm starting to wonder what madness made me recommend you as my successor."

Silvermane took a deep breath. Despite her taciturn exterior, Shining noticed her ears flattening and her eyes avoiding his. "I'm truly sorry you feel this way, Your Highness. Regardless of your opinion of me, I do have the utmost respect for you. However, let me remind you of why you wanted me for this job. How did you put it? Ah yes: 'The changeling queen managed to control me because I got too sentimental'." Silvermane firmly planted her hoof on her desk. "This is what protecting the nation without sentimentality entails."

"This is what you're calling it?" Shining barked. "A royal guard's job is to protect and obey the throne, not dictate the laws of succession."

"I'm hardly acting alone," Silvermane replied, still calmly sitting in her chair. "Rest assured that everything that happened, happened with the council's blessing. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have the city's defense to plan." She took a deep breath and glared at the stallion. "If I may be so bold, Your Highness, I'm not certain what you're trying to accomplish here. The Royal Guard is under my command now, and regardless of the respect I hold for you, I can't have you second-guessing my decisions. Now, will there be anything else?"

"No, I think everything is clear enough," Shining flatly replied while grinding his teeth. He opened the door and, as expected, found Lieutenant Boulderhoof waiting for him on the other side.

"Lieutenant, please escort His Highness back to the castle grounds, and make sure he has everything he needs to make his stay in Canterlot a comfortable one." Silvermane returned her attention to the map on her desk.

Whatever allies Shining Armor hoped to find in Canterlot, he would not find them here.