• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 3,803 Views, 535 Comments

A Dream of Sunny Days - Roranicus

When Princess Celestia dies, a new ruler must take up the throne, but the princess is not easily replaced. Five ponies are sent to the different corners of Equestria in an attempt to save their broken nation.

  • ...

XIII Applejack

"It doesn't look like a changeling town," Applejack muttered with a frown as she spied the ponies of Appleoosa from a distance while hiding behind a large boulder. A cool breeze untypical of regular Appleoosan weather displaced some sand.

"Trust me, they're changelings," Braeburn said with a doubtless, serious nod.

Applejack turned toward her cousin. "So? They wouldn't change their appearance and act like ponies unless they were trying to trick somepony."

"Consarn it. Do you think they know we're watching?" the yellow stallion asked. "I mean, we've been searching the area for two days."

The earth pony mare tapped her hoof to her chin. "Mmm, I don't think so. Them critters feed on love, remember? I bet they're keeping part of the town in the dark. For all we know, ponies aren't as tasty to them when trapped in pods. Plus, if the entire town had been converted and they were onto us, they wouldn't bother with hiding at all."

"I hope you're sure about that," Braeburn mumbled as he adjusted his hat, the breeze almost blowing it off his head.

"I'm not sure about anything," Applejack said. "But we ain't gonna find squat without talking to somepony. I say we risk it."

Braeburn sighed. "There must be more places we haven't checked."

"We've been out here for two days, Braeburn. We've searched caves, barns, even snuck around the buffalo camp. Maybe if we keep turning over rocks we'll get lucky, but while we do that, our friends and family are still being held captives by bugs. We have to face the facts; the hive is probably in town."

The stallion took a nervous peek over the boulder. "Alright, we can give it a shot, but first sign of trouble, we bolt. Agreed?"

"Agreed," Applejack said with a nod as she slightly lowered her hat.

Braeburn took off one of his bags and hid it under the rock. "If we need to flee, we can come back here and get this bag. There's water and a tent in it. Trust me, I've made the trek to Ponyville without supplies once. I'm in no hurry to do it again."

Applejack nodded. "Good thinking Braeburn." She walked away from her hiding place and motioned for the stallion to follow her. "Just don't act too nervous or anything. As far as anypony's concerned, you were just feeling stressed and went to Ponyville for a quick vacation."

"If you say so, AJ," Braeburn replied with a gulp.

"Don't worry, Braeburn," Applejack added with a smile. "It'll take more than a few changelings to stop us."

The stallion smiled nervously as they casually trotted through the sand toward the settlement. A young couple happily waved at them as they came into view. Applejack smiled and nodded at them. Two older stallions played a game of cards in front of the general store while the owner swept the front of his business and smiled at Braeburn through the broom in his mouth. Applejack suppressed a frown at the normalcy of it all. How many of these ponies were changelings in disguise?

"Let's take a look in the orchard," Applejack whispered to her companion. "There's probably plenty of hiding spots, just like in Ponyville."

Braeburn nodded as he led her to the large expanse of apple trees at the end of the town.

Two mugs of the local apple bitter were dropped on the dirty table Braeburn and Applejack shared at the dimly lit Salt Block. The earth pony mare produced two bits from her bag and gave them to the smiling waitress. She walked away as two stallions shouted rowdy comments at her. If Appleoosa was under invasion, the mood at the local watering hole did not reflect it. Ponies were happily drinking both on the main floor and the upper balcony while accompanied by mediocre music coming from a piano in a corner.

Braeburn eyed his mug suspiciously as Applejack took a smell of hers. "I know what you're thinking," she whispered, "but we can't sit here without drinking something."

"Well, if today taught us anything, it's that most ponies are who they say they are," Applejack's cousin replied, frowning as he took a small sip. "Or are really good at pretending to be."

"Between you and me, you're the only pony here who I trust to be who he claims to be," she added before taking a sip of her own.

They had spent a good part of the day going around town, talking to ponies and hiding subtle traps within small talk. Mentions of old anecdotes and the like were used in an attempt to trap changelings into revealing their lack of knowledge about the pony they impersonated. They also searched as many nooks and crannies as they could without attracting too much attention. The whole experience only made Applejack regret she hadn't managed to convince Sparkler to accompany them and put her changeling detection spell to good use. Who knew who or what they could trust in Appleoosa? Changelings were masters of disguise and deception, after all.

There was no doubt in Applejack's mind that a good portion of the ponies in this room were really changelings. Perhaps the stallion sitting at the bar and drunkenly trying to woo some poor mare was a bug trying to feed. A mare was butchering the song she tried to play on the piano. Was this a sign that she was a changeling in disguise? Sheriff Silverstar sat with two of his deputies in a corner. This one was definitely not who he seemed — Braeburn had confirmed it.

And I can't let him get too suspicious about us, Applejack thought as she waved at the sheriff. Braeburn winced nervously and was about to raise his hoof, but Applejack gave him a comforting nod. He surely knows we're not changelings. I just have to make sure he doesn't suspect that we know.

Silverstar slowly walked toward their table with a wide grin. Sweat ran down Applejack's neck as she spied Braeburn gulping. She swallowed her anxiety and forced a smile. It's just a social thing. He doesn't know that we know. Even if he does, he won't reveal himself in the middle of the tavern. "Hey there, sheriff."

"Applejack, now that's a great surprise." Silverstar beamed as he approached an empty chair onto which he sat after a nod from the Ponyville mare. "Is that what you were up to, Braeburn? You were visiting Applejack? We were all getting mighty worried here."

"Y... yes sheriff. That's exactly where I was," Braeburn replied sheepishly. "I spent some time with the buffaloes, and then decided to pay Applejack a visit with Little Strongheart. I guess it was foolish of me not to tell anypony."

"Well, no harm done," the sheriff said as he called for the waitress to bring him a mug of beer. "So how's life in Ponyville?"

"Same old, same old," Applejack lied. "We're all mighty concerned with Princess Luna's Cloudsdale army and all, but I'm sure it'll all be fine."

Truth be told, Applejack almost canceled her trip to Appleoosa when she heard Luna wanted to take the throne by force. It only took her a few hours, however, to strengthen her resolve; the changelings would only use the chaos as an advantage, and both Rarity and Rainbow Dash could be trusted to keep the situation under control.

"And what about Little Strongheart?" Silverstar continued as he accepted a mug from the waitress and tipped her generously. "I hope our buffalo friends are doing well."

"They sure are. You know our buffaloes," Braeburn replied with a wide smile and a nervous twitch in one of his ears.

"Actually, Little Strongheart came with him to Ponyville to visit," Applejack completed, taking a sip of beer to calm her nerves. Is that him letting us know he's onto us? He must be aware of her mission to infiltrate Ponyville. I should have thought of this. "She stayed there; a few farmers wanted to learn about how buffaloes grow their food." She smiled at him, hoping the lie would be effective. Let him think the fake Strongheart had us fooled, somehow.

"Well, I'm sure she'll have plenty to teach them," Silverstar replied with a grin. Applejack hoped her sweating wasn't too apparent. "I can tell you she taught the ponies around these parts a thing or two." He took a generous gulp of his own beer before leaning on the table. "So, how long are you planning to stay in Appleoosa? Anything you wanna do in particular?"

"Just gonna spend some time around town, see how everypony's doing," Applejack said as pleasantly as she could. "I might help Braeburn out with his orchard." What's your game, you filthy bug?

"We can always use the extra hooves," her cousin added.

"Well, it's always a pleasure to have another friendly face here in Appleoosa," the sheriff said before raising his mug. Both Braeburn and Applejack mirrored the gesture.

"Always a pleasure to spend some time away from all the Ponyville craziness," Applejack replied, prompting a round of laughter from around the table.

"Well, I'll let y'all get back to your evening," Silverstar said as he rose and picked up his mug. "I gotta return to my deputies, but I wanted to welcome you to Appleoosa."

"Thank you kindly, sheriff," Applejack replied with a tip of her hat.

As soon as he was out of earshot, Applejack turned toward her companion. She found him wincing, although if it was due to their conversation or the mare playing the piano, she could not say. "If he didn't know we're really ourselves before, he knows now," Braeburn finally whispered.

"You're right," Applejack said. "I'm starting to think coming here was a mistake. I don't know what he was trying to accomplish. Maybe try and trick us into a false sense of security?"

Both ponies sipped their drinks in silence for a while. Applejack stared at the door, wondering if they should make an exit. No doubt it would lead to them being followed and attacked out on the streets. She groaned as she scanned the room with her eyes.

The pianist finished her song and walked to the bar. Even through the sound of reveling, the wooden floor could be heard creaking as ponies stomped on it heavily. Some rowdy-looking ranchers sat at the bar, one of them laughing loudly. Two mares were deep in conversation on the balcony overlooking the tavern, in front of one of the rooms available for rent. Would they all transform and jump Applejack and Braeburn the moment their leader gave the signal?

The piano player, a green-coated earth pony with a yellow mane, sat by herself on the table right next to Applejack's. The bags underneath her eyes immediately caught the farm pony's attention. This pony seemed like she hadn't slept in days — it certainly explained her poor performance. She sipped what looked like fizzy, non-alcoholic cider.

It was Braeburn who turned to face her. "Hey there, Melody. You look a bit tired. Everything alright?"

"Oh, I just haven't slept well," the mare replied evasively. "It is good to see you though."

The stallion smiled. "Everything alright with you and the sheriff?"

"Oh, most definitely," Melody replied. "He's actually been spending more time here at the Salt Block than usual lately."

Applejack smiled politely before turning toward Braeburn. "Friend of yours?"

"Oh, sorry, I should have introduced you," a blushing Braeburn replied. "Applejack, this is Country Melody, our resident musician. Melody, this is my cousin Applejack, from Ponyville."

"Ah, yes, I remember seeing you at rodeos," the green-coated mare replied with a tired smile.

"Well, I certainly hope you enjoyed the show," Applejack said with a grin. "Anyway, what's with you and the sheriff?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Let's just say that Melody is Silverstar's 'confidante'," Braeburn replied with a light smirk.

"Sheesh, Braeburn, why don't you let everypony know while you're at it?"

"Everypony already knows," the stallion replied, rolling his eyes.

Silverstar's lover looks exhausted. It seems like the bug's been leeching off her love alright, Applejack thought as she took yet another sip. Braeburn must have noticed it too, and knowing her connection to Silverstar, figured she would still be herself, as the changeling would feed on her. Braeburn, you are brilliant. "So, you were saying the sheriff's been spending more time here recently?" she asked. "He wasn't a regular before?"

Melody shook her head with a giggle. "Oh, he'd come around once in a while, but not nearly as often. He's here all the time now, and he's been spending some time behind the Salt Block, too. I asked, and he said it was something about stolen cider barrels. I imagine it's part of why we've been seeing more of him lately. I mean, besides yours truly, of course."

Applejack met Braeburn's eyes. Her muzzle slowly morphed into a grin. Whatever the changelings were up to, the Salt Block had something to do with it. Braeburn quickly pointed at Melody with his eyes, prompting Applejack's expression to quickly shift back to the natural concern that would be expected of her.

"Well, I sure hope the thief is caught soon," she told the musician.

"With Sheriff Silverstar on it, I don't have any doubt it'll all be a thing of the past soon," Braeburn completed.

"No doubt," Melody replied with a smile. "So, Applejack, any new tricks we can look forward to at the next rodeo?"

"Well, as a matter of fact, I just might have a few surprises," she replied with a satisfied smirk.

The following hour was spent in small talk, socializing with the local ponies and most importantly, killing off any suspicion anypony might have. Applejack did make sure not to drink too much though; later during the night they would have to sneak back through the back and find out just what the changelings were hiding in this seemingly innocent-looking watering hole. Hopefully they wouldn't be walking into a trap.

Even after her eyes had some time to adjust, it was hard for Applejack to make out anything in the pitch blackness enveloping the moonless night. She was standing in the shadows, between the Salt Block and a purple two-stories neighboring house. The sound of the night breeze displacing grains of sand was all Applejack could hear. She turned around and nodded at Braeburn, who dutifully stayed behind her.

Both ponies made their way behind the bar on the tips of their hooves. Faint muttering could be heard from inside the building. A speck of light from underneath the back door confirmed somepony was inside. Applejack frowned and turned her head toward the wooden ladder that lead up to an entrance to the attic. She pointed at it with her hoof and allowed Braeburn to climb first as she stood guard and locked her eyes on the door. If there's a ladder outside, it might mean the changelings want a way to get up there without going through the tavern. Perhaps while carrying captive ponies?

Her ears twitched as she tried to make out what was being said inside the establishment. The only clear sound she could identify was the creaking of the old wooden ladder as it tried to support Braeburn's weight. Applejack turned her head and frowned at her cousin. She saw him wince as he climbed another step. His eyes closed as he put his weight on the aging wood. The creaking noise made way to a loud crack.

Applejack jumped and turned toward the still closed door. The definite sound of hoofsteps could be heard coming from inside the building. She nervously looked around her. Braeburn was still trying to get off the ladder without making too much noise. Without thinking, she hid in the shadows next to the door. With any luck, she would be able to ambush whoever came out.

The door opened slowly at first. Applejack saw the shock on Braeburn's face as the light coming from inside reflected on his face. A silhouette rushed out of the Salt Block toward Applejack's cousin. Not wanting to lose the element of surprise, Applejack jumped in the direction of the mysterious pony.

Her front hooves connected with a gray ribcage, violently pushing her enemy on the ground. Applejack finally had a chance to glance at his surprised blue eyes, short black mane, and thick black mustache. This is the owner of the Salt Block, definitely a changeling, she reassured herself as she spun around and knocked him out with a solid hind leg kick to the face before he had a chance to call for help.

Applejack became aware of her erratic, heavy breathing as she stared at the unconscious form of the tavern owner. Surely he would revert back to his changeling form any moment now. She took a peak inside the building. Not a sound could be heard, and no movement perceived. Had this creature been alone in there, or was there another one hiding? More importantly, had anypony heard them?

"AJ, we need to go," Braeburn pleaded, interrupting her thought process by tapping her shoulder.

Applejack shook her head. "I ain't running away. Not while we're so close. You stand guard here. I'm going up there."

"Are you crazy? Somepony must have heard you knocking out this poor fella." He pointed to the unconscious form of the gray pony. It was slowly transforming back into its natural black, insectoid form.

"I'm gonna have a peek, see what they're hiding up there." Applejack placed her hooves on the ladder. "You can hide if you see somepony. Throw a pebble or something if you need to grab my attention."

She started making her way up before Braeburn had a chance to reply. She made sure to skip the cracked step, but there was no way around the creaking, aging wood. I really hope nopony else heard us, she told herself as she slipped inside the dark opening leading to the attic.

Without any source of illumination, the room Applejack found herself in was even darker than the outside. She took a few blind steps, probing whatever was in front of her with her hoof so she wouldn't bump into a wall or crate. It took her a few moments to make her way into the room, until her hoof made contact with a gooey substance. The strange, squishy texture felt eerily familiar; it was the same material that made up the changeling pods she had found in Ponyville. I got you now, you varmints.

Of course, she would have to figure out a way to actually see who was inside the pod, as well as count how many of them there were. There must be a lamp around here somewhere. By this point, her eyes had adjusted slightly to the deep darkness. She could make out a rough shape dangling from the ceiling. Bingo!

As expected, the object in question was an oil lamp. Applejack quickly lit it up, allowing its glow to illuminate the room. As expected, changeling pods hung from the ceiling. She quickly counted eight of them. The tavern owner was in one, as well as an old mare who used to bake apples pies whenever Applejack would visit. A few more ponies she didn't recognize were also trapped. Silverstar was nowhere to be seen.

Her eyes turned to the last pod. Applejack gasped in shock at its content, rushing closer to make sure her eyes did not trick her. Yellow coat, long pink mane, there was no mistaking it; it was Fluttershy trapped inside.

A few good hits from Applejack's hooves were sufficient to break the pod's thin membrane. Green ichor flooded out as Fluttershy's unconscious body fell into her friend's hooves. "Fluttershy? How did you get here? Wake up." Applejack gently shook the pegasus.

Fluttershy slowly opened her turquoise eyes. "Where... where am I?" she groggily asked as she shook her head. "Applejack?"

"Easy now, you're safe," Applejack replied with a smile. "What happened to you?"

Fluttershy slowly got up. "I don't know. I was in the desert. I was out of water, and..." The pegasus shrieked. "Are we in a changeling hive? Did they capture us?"

"Shh, stay quiet, they might hear us," Applejack pleaded, grabbing her friend's face. "Stay with me, Fluttershy."

The pegasus took a deep breath. "Sorry, I don't even know how I got here. The last thing I remember, I was in the desert. I had lost all of my traveling gear and I thought I was gonna die."

"They must have nabbed you there," Applejack said, letting go of Fluttershy and tapping her chin with her hoof. "Did you manage to contact Discord?"

"Discord? No, sorry, I never made it," Fluttershy replied weakly with her ears flattened.

"It's fine. I never should have let you go by yourself in the first place," Applejack secretly cursed at herself. "Anyway, you're in Appleoosa. Changelings have started replacing the townsfolk."

"Oh no, that's terrible." Fluttershy gasped.

"Anyway, we need to-"

Applejack never finished her sentence, as she heard Braeburn scream from outside. "Applejack, they found us!"

"Consarn it!" the farm pony barked as she met Fluttershy's panicked eyes. Applejack took a deep breath before whispering her plan. "Alright, I'll go take a peek. Are you in any shape to fight them off?"

Fluttershy hiding behind her mane and hugging her tail was all the answer Applejack needed. She turned around and ground her teeth as she ducked low and silently made her way toward the edge of the attic, where the ladder ended. She carefully raised her head, and immediately saw Braeburn surrounded by four changelings, as well as Sheriff Silverstar.

"How about you surrender without a fuss, and your friend here won't get hurt," the obviously fake sheriff suggested smugly.

"How about I free all your captives?" Applejack retorted.

'Silverstar' grinned. "Wrong answer. Attack!"

Three of the changelings flew up directly in Applejack's direction. She retreated back inside the attic, rushing to Fluttershy's side. "We need to free these ponies, now!"

"We don't have time!" Fluttershy yelled, retreating in a defensive posture as the three changelings landed and slowly crept in their direction baring sharpened fangs.

Applejack quickly looked around. Fluttershy was in no condition to fight, and there was no way she could take on all three creatures by herself. Her eyes found a cider barrel right next to the now empty cocoon where Fluttershy had been trapped. She spun around and bucked it with all of her strength.

A loud crashing sound could be heard from behind Applejack, although the only thing she could see was Fluttershy wincing behind one of her legs. She turned her head around and saw one changeling hovering in the air while its companion was still ducked on the side of the room. The third bug lay on its side, covered in cider and surrounded by the remains of the broken barrel. One down, two to go.

The flying bug charged Applejack from the air. She jumped to her left, barely avoiding its sharp horn. From the corner of her eye, she saw the other changeling get back on its hooves. "Snap out of it, Fluttershy," Applejack yelled. "I can't do this by myself."

The earth pony mare made a split second decision to trust in her friend as she jumped forward and pounced the second changeling, who was now back on its hooves and ready to strike. Her hooves met with the creature's, and they started pushing against each other's weight, both of them trying to force the other to the ground.

Applejack attempted to headbutt her opponent, but he braced for the impact. They growled at each other as their foreheads met. The earth pony internally sighed in relief as she heard battle sounds coming from Fluttershy's direction. "Good job, girl! We might just make it out in one piece."

Both the changeling and Applejack slowly spun around, both trying to outmaneuver the other. She spied Fluttershy wresting the second creature in the air from the corner of her eye. After a moment, the earth pony decided she'd had enough of this dance and kicked one of the changeling's rear hooves with her own. As she hoped, the creature fell to its side and spun its entire body madly in an attempt to regain a more stable footing. Applejack took the opportunity to lean down and kick him under the chin, throwing him upwards. She realized a moment too late that she had flung her opponent in the worst possible direction — right into the oil lamp she had lit earlier. "No!" she screamed in panic, throwing her hoof in the changeling's direction. It was, however, all for naught, as the lamp fell right between the dry wooden floor and a barrel of liquor.

Applejack swiftly turned toward Fluttershy, who had her own changeling pinned down from the back with a ferocity the earth pony never imagined her friend possessed. She then saw the other pods, still occupied by unconscious ponies oblivious to the rapidly spreading flames. She cursed under her breath as she grabbed a nearby blanket and attempted to smother the flames. The oil had already leaked all over the dry, wooden floor. She ignored the two changelings who broke a window and swiftly flew away from the danger.

The fire was all that that Applejack could see as it reached one of the pods. Would the pony inside at least be allowed a peaceful death, or would he suffer as he awakened to the horror Applejack had inflicted upon him? She rushed toward one of the pods, but felt a force grab onto her and push her back. Her eyes lowered and she became aware of an ooze-covered yellow leg holding onto her body. "No, we have to get back! We have to save them!" she screamed maddeningly at her rescuer.

"No, we have to leave," Fluttershy replied loudly. "We won't make it!"

Applejack was dragged outside the large opening leading outside. She felt herself glide gently toward the ground as she kept staring at the flaming attic. The screams of the burning ponies could now be heard through the sound of burning wood. She coughed heavily and was dropped unceremoniously on the ground, her hooves failing to support her body.

She raised her head and saw Braeburn locked in a losing fight with two changelings. She shook her head and got back on her hooves. "Braeburn, we need to leave, now!" she barked between coughs.

"Go! I'll be right behind you," the stallion yelled, his eyes jumping from one opponent to the next.

"I ain't leaving you behind," Applejack argued as her cousin dodged a changeling's horn. She saw more of the bugs heading toward them.

Braeburn turned and bucked one of the changelings in the face. His head turned toward Applejack at the worst possible moment as the other creature used the unwitting distraction to strike Braeburn's neck with its horn, impaling the earth pony. Braeburn's eyes opened wide as blood oozed out of his mouth. Applejack lay unmoving as the changeling withdrew its horn, now crimson with blood.

Something shook Applejack, but she couldn't move. Screams of pain came from the burning building as the cocooned ponies met their end. The earth pony mare stared blankly at the scene as the changeling made its way in her direction, grinning and displaying its fangs as its horn still dripped with Braeburn's blood. Applejack's mouth gaped wide as her eyes started to water. "No, what have I done?" she whispered in a barely audible whimper.

Pain in her cheek shook her out of her stupor, as she found herself facing Fluttershy. Her friend's yellow hoof connected to her other cheek. "Snap out of it, Applejack! Please. We need to leave."

Applejack released a breath and nodded once, following her friend's lead. She turned to face the changelings again, who all grinned maniacally as they watched her go. Her mind blanked out as she galloped into the dark desert night.

The desert landscape had already made way to the wild vegetation that subsisted on the untamed weather generated by the mysterious Everfree forest. After most of the previous night and a full day of travel, Appleoosa was well behind Applejack and Fluttershy. The entrance to the Everfree lay ahead.

The two mares had traveled in silence for most of that time, limiting their interactions to requests for rest, water, or food. The same scenario repeated itself over and over. Applejack would gallop herself to exhaustion, only to have her pegasus friend ask that they take a break. She would look back, make sure they weren't followed, and they would both eat or drink in silence. On the few occasions when their eyes accidentally met, Applejack would immediately glance away and find something else in the distance to stare at.

Applejack stopped in her tracks and gazed upward. "We'll make camp here. It's gonna be dark soon." She didn't even bother to look at Fluttershy.

"It's probably going to rain soon, too," Fluttershy said. "These are untamed clouds from the Everfree Forest. We should hurry up and pitch the tent."

The earth pony nodded as she dropped the bag Braeburn had hidden outside of Appleoosa and took out the tent. She mentally thanked him for this one last gift as she got to work by herself, planting the pickets and installing the light fabric that would protect them for the night. Fluttershy, meanwhile, picked berries off a nearby bush a few meters behind.

The yellow pegasus made her way back. "I found some wild berries we can eat." Her voice sounded flat and tired. "We'll need our strength back for the trip around the Everfree."

Applejack nodded once before stepping inside the tent. The dark clouds from the forest started creeping over their heads, and it would no doubt start pouring soon. Fluttershy followed closely behind, closing the two flaps of fabric that served as the temporary shelter's entrance.

Both ponies ate in silence. While the berries Fluttershy had found were quite tasty, they made for a poor meal, and Applejack's stomach kept growling for more. "It's not your fault, you know," Fluttershy eventually said in a timid, hesitant voice.

Applejack harrumphed, refusing to meet her friend's eyes.

"I can't even begin to imagine how you feel, Applejack," Fluttershy continued. "This was the most horrible thing I have ever seen. Just know that I'm here for you. You know, when you want to talk."

A loud sigh escaped Applejack's muzzle. She took off her hat and fiddled with it, shaking it off to get rid of the grains of sand blown onto it by the wind.

"It's fine. You don't have to talk if you don't want to, but I think I need to. You were so brave out there, Applejack. You rescued me, even though I went into the desert by myself and foolishly got captured. I understand that you're probably mad at me, and that you might not want to ever see me again when we get back to Ponyville."

"It's not you I'm mad at," Applejack weakly uttered, slowly turning her head toward her friend. "I'm the one to blame. I was so eager to jump into that situation. I killed all those ponies, including my own cousin, just because I had to rush into that thing without thinking it through. I should have listened to Granny. I probably should have waited for an answer from Canterlot. At least I should have contacted the real Little Strongheart."

"I suppose we were both a bit foolish," Fluttershy replied, fiddling with her long pink tail.

"Consarn it!" Applejack slammed her hoof on the ground as tears welled up in her eyes. "I've just made mistake after mistake! First I allowed everypony to split up. Now Rainbow's part of some army in Cloudsdale, and I don't have any idea what she's been up to. You could have easily died, and I got my own friends and family killed. I can't do it Fluttershy."

"Um, do what?" the pegasus asked, her eyes slowly meeting Applejack's. "Whatever it is, I know you did your best. And for what it's worth, thank you for rescuing me." She smiled encouragingly.

"My best just ain't good enough," the earth pony continued, now hugging her own tail. "I thought I could set everypony on the right path, but I'm not Twilight. I can't be Twilight, no matter how much everypony expects me to be."

Fluttershy placed a comforting hoof on Applejack's shoulder. The earth pony mare looked up and met her friend's comforting smile, accepting the embrace. "We'll find a way to help the ponies of Appleoosa, I'm sure of it," the pegasus gently said. "And I'm sorry again for pushing you outside that building. We probably should have tried to save those ponies."

"You did the right thing," Applejack softly admitted. "We would have died otherwise. You saved my life, Fluttershy."

Applejack lost herself in her friend's warmth, allowing her tears to flow. Braeburn's smile made its way into her mind. As much as she kept telling herself that he was gone, she kept expecting that she would return to Appleoosa, and he would still be there, happily welcoming her to his town with his usual pride and enthusiasm.

The embrace was eventually broken by both ponies. "Thanks, Fluttershy," Applejack mumbled. "I needed that."

"I needed it too," Fluttershy replied warmly.

Applejack sighed again. Droplets of rain could be heard falling on top of the tent. "I really hope this doesn't last all night," she said.

Fluttershy nodded slowly. "It's always hard to predict the Everfree's weather. Rainbow Dash always said the clouds there don't follow the same rules as normal clouds."

"Anyway, a bit of rain never hurt anypony," the earth pony said as she unrolled her blanket. "We better get some rest. Tomorrow we'll have to decide if we want to walk around the Everfree and take the safer path, or risk the shortcut through."

"Oh no," Fluttershy said with a gasp. "Please don't make me go through the Everfree."

Applejack let go of a breath and slowly shook her head. "You're right. No more stupid risks."

Both ponies made themselves comfortable. The cold rain redoubled in intensity, and both friends cuddled together for warmth. The sound of the droplets hitting the fabric eased Applejack into slumber, although every time she closed her eyes, she saw the Salt Block burning again and immediately awoke. She could still hear the screams of the dying ponies, and could still see Braeburn's lifeless body hanging from the changeling's sharpened horn.

She turned around, causing Fluttershy to groan in annoyance. As exhausted as she was, Applejack could not find rest. She closed her eyes and again focused her attention on the sound of the rain. She found herself grinding her teeth at what seemed to be random forest noises. It sounded almost like wings flapping.

Applejack's eyes opened wide as her ears twitched. That isn't just wild animals, she realized as she slowly got back on her hooves. Fluttershy shifted around, no doubt being awakened by Applejack's movements.

Quickly opening the tent's flaps, the earth pony poked her head outside. The rain immediately drenched her mane as she gasped in shock. She stepped outside to better see the spectacle — hundreds upon hundreds of shapes flew in formation toward the north. At first, she thought they were changelings, but they were too big. She then realized what she was looking at: griffons. A griffon army was flying almost directly above their tent, and they were heading straight for Ponyville.

She prodded inside the tent with one of her hind legs, trying to nudge her friend. "Fluttershy... You gotta come out and see this," she whispered in a shaking voice.

Her friend left the tent and stared blankly at the scene. "Are those... griffons? What do they want? What should we do?"

"I don't know, Fluttershy. Whatever it means, it can't be good for Ponyville," Applejack's eyes remained glued on the aerial spectacle above their heads. "I'm sorry, but we'll have to risk traveling through the Everfree forest. Whatever's happening, I ain't leaving Ponyville hanging."

Fluttershy did not reply, but slowly nodded.