• Published 11th Jan 2015
  • 13,601 Views, 548 Comments

Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods - The Zebra Hybrid

In a alternate universe where Lord Beerus actually destroyed Earth, Goku and Vegeta are sent in to another universe where they must adapt to their new home.

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Saga 1: The Power of a God!

Battle of Gods Saga

Equestria; Twilight's Castle

Inside the castle of Princess Twilight and her dragon assistant, Spike, five certain multi-colored mares sat patiently waiting for their purple alicorn friend to return. It has been three days since Twilight left and Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy were getting anxious for their friend."What do you think is taking them so long?" asked Rainbow impatiently.

"Ah' don't know, maybe we should go in after her." suggested Applejack.

"But, didn't Twilight say to stay here?" commented Rarity.

"Yeah, but if she is in any kind of trouble then we have ta' do somethin'."

"But, what if our...other selves sees us?" added Fluttershy.

The mares continued their debate on whether to g through the mirror to see if Twilight was okay or to just wait a little while longer, not noticing Pinkie Pie vibrating violently."GIIIIIRRRRRLLLLSSSSS!!!!!" yelled Pinkie gaining the four mares attention. Rainbow rubbing her ears in pain sent a glare at Pinkie.

"Hey, Pinkie mind keeping it down that was right in my ear." grumbled Rainbow Dash.

"Oops! Sorry Dashie! But I just wanted to say that a real doozy is coming.!"

"Doozy!? Is it Twilight?" asked Applejack.

"Hmmmm," thought Pinkie as she put a hoof to her chin and started to shake again and her eye starting to twitch, "Nope, this doozy going to happen right abooooooooooooout-" a bright white light then filled the room causing the five mares to shield their eyes. When the light dimmed down the mares (minus Pinkie) had shocked expressions pasted on their faces. There laying in front of them were five ponies and one pink blo thing. The first pony was a dark purple unicorn stallion with a short black mane with a small bang and a strange symbol (Piccolo's emblem) as a cutie mark, laying next to him was a dark blue pegasus mare with a black mane that reached past her ears and a gold star as a cutie mark. Then there was the two colts lying on one another, one had a wild, spiky, and black mane with a orange coat, but no cutie mark, the other colt had a light purple coat with a light grey mane, and had no cutie mark. Then there was the big green earth pony stallion, who seemed a little strange to the girls, his ears weren't like pony ears but like an elf's and he ad two antennas on his forehead, a white cape that had two shoulder guards and no tail with the same cutie mark as the dark purple stallion. Lastly was the pink blob thing that wasn't even a pony at all but looked like a pink, fat, walking piece of bubble gum with a small antenna on top of his head.

"-now." simply said Pinkie. The other four mares looked in awe at the unexpected arrival, Applejack snapping out of her trance decided that this was not the time to be amazed, and should help the random ponies to see if they were hurt.

Gohan grunted in pain as he tried to slowly get to his feet only for himself to wobble and land flat on his stomach. 'Why can't I stand up?' thought Gohan, his attention was then focused to a strong female accent. "Excuse me partner, are ya'll alright?" asked the voice.

"Y-yeah, who are-" Gohan's eyes instantly went wide at what he saw. There standing in front of him was a small orange...horse and four other multi-colored ones behind her. "U-uh, are you talking to me?" asked Gohan.

"Of ah' am." answered Applejack as Gohan's suspicions were deemed correct. He looked around and noticed four other ponies starting to come to and his eyes became even bigger when he noticed who they were. Looking down at his body his suspicions were confirmed once again that he was indeed....a horse, a purple one to be exact.

"Videl!" suddenly said Gohan as, somehow, he got to his hooves and rushed over to his wife trying to stand up with her newly acquired form.

"Gohan? Ugh, what happened?" ased Videl, "And why are you a horse!? Why am I a horse!?"

"You're not the only one." said the voice of Piccolo as he came over with Goten and Trunks.

"I don't know about you guys but I think this is pretty awesome." said Trunks.

"Yeah!" added Goten.

"Why is Buu not horse?" asked Majin Buu as the group looked at him with a confused expression. Why wasn't he a hore? Sure if they were all ones he had to be too. The group then turned their heads to a stray cough and focused their attention to the other group of multicolored mares.

"Who the hay are you guys!?" blurted out Rainbow only to get a glare from Rarity.

"Rainbow Dash, it is quite rude to shout like that." said Rarity, "I'm sorry for our friends rudeness but my name is Rarity and these are Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. If you don't mind me asking how in Equestria did you all appear here?"

"It's nice to meet you as well , Ms. Rarity, my names Gohan and this is Piccolo, my brother Goten, his friend Trunks, my wife Videl, and our big pink friend Buu. To answer your question we came here using seven magical orbs called dragon balls."

"What are dragon balls?" asked Fluttershy. Gohan then started explaining to them from the beginning on how his father Goku came to Earth to the when they fought the evil tyrant known as Frieza to where Lord Beerus destroyed Earth. The five mares felt saddened and little pity for them when they heard about their home being destroyed clearly this Lord Beerus, is not a good guy. Gohan then told them how GOku and Vegeta are still alive and are now in a different universe.

"Really!?" blurted out Pinkie, "Our friend Twilight is in another world too!"

Piccolo's eyes widened at this, "The world, this Twilight is in, it wouldn't happen to have multi-colored humans would it?"

"Of course silly."

"That's exactly where Goku and Vegeta are!" shouted Videl.

"What a coincidence! Now we can wait together!" shouted Pinkie obviously in a good mood. The group of Z-warriors agreed as they sat and waited with the elements of harmony for Twilight, and the two saiyans. In the meantime the two groups got to know one another, Gohan and Videl were chatting with Rarity, while Applejack was explaining to Piccolo how she lived outside of Ponyville to run her farm with her family, Fluttershy was playing with Goten and Trunks, and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were being astounded as Buu was turning objects into candy and other sweets.

"Wait! Where's Dende?!" suddenly said Piccolo, "Wasn't he supposed to be here with us?"

"Maybe we got separated?" suggested Gohan.

"We need to find him, now."

"Why? I'm sure this Dende will be alright on his own." said Rainbow.

"You don't get it, if anything happens to Dende the dragon balls will cease to exist!" the five mares gasped at this and nodded, Piccolo was about to fly out the nearby window when he froze and started to shake in fear. The group had a look of worry on their faces.

"Mr. Piccolo what's wrong?" asked Goten as walked up beside the green namekian only to freeze with him when he saw what he was looking at. The two slowly backed up as a familiar purple, bipedal, cat glided inside the room with the group.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." said Lord Beerus.

"L-Lord Beerus." stuttered Piccolo. The elements of Harmony then backed away in fear now knowing that this was the same Lord Beerus that destroyed Earth.

"Yes, it is me indeed. To tell you the truth I didn't expect the you all to be here."

"What do you want?"

"I've came to see someone very important."

"Well, your going to have to wait Goku and Vegeta are busy at the moment."

"Oh, yes the Super Saiyan God and the Prince of Saiyans, but I'm afraid I'm here for someone else." corrected Beerus as he put his attention to the five mares he walked up to the five who backed away slowly,, Rainbow and Applejack stepped in front with glares on their faces, causing Lord Beerus to chuckle. "You five has Twilight Sparkle and her little friend returned yet?"


"Well?" asked Lord Beerus again growing impatient.

"N-no." squeaked out Fluttershy.

"Well, then it seems that I'll just stay here for the moment."

"Y-your not going to destroy this planet are you, L-Lord Beerus." stuttered Videl.

"Oh no, but I will level the town if I'm provoked." explained Lord Beerus as he sat cross legged in front of the the mass group, "But in the meantime tell me, how did you manage to escape my blast?"

'Battle of the Bands'

Vegeta chuckled form the air as he watched the Dazzlings give their performance and were now controlling the crowd, he had been feeling their energy slow rise from this and it made him excited. Once the Dazzlings were at full strength he'll blast them away without a second thought to show who really is the superior one at this cat and mouse game.

He already obliterated that Trixie girl and her two followers, now all he had to do was.....his sense went into overdrive as he looked behind him and saw Twilight and the others with their instruments in front of what seemed like a car with giant speakers attached to it. He could easily kill them right now and save himself the trouble, he was still in his Super Saiyan 3 transformation, so they shouldn't be a problem. But decided against to see what they were up to.

He descended down and landed in front of them causing them to jump back in fear. "What are you brats doing here?" spat out Vegeta with a smirk.

"V-Vegeta, h-how's it going, l-love the new hair." stuttered Twilight trying to be polite as possible.

"You do?" commented Rarity only to be elbowed in the side by Applejack changing her attitude quickly, "I mean you do! And I totally agree with you darling."

Vegeta chuckled at the girl's reaction to his new form not that he could blame them, he expected people to tremble and be scared of his new found power. He immediately went serious when he saw Rainbow Dash walk up with a sad expression, he swore that he saw tears start to form in her eyes.

"Vegeta." softly said Rainbow as Vegeta scoffed and crossed his arms.

"You come to yell at me some more." answered Vegeta causing Rainbow to be taken back by the sudden comment.

"I-I'm sorry."

"Oh, now you see the error of your ways. What happened to you saying that you didn't want to see me again?"

"I was wrong I was being a selfish jerk at the time, and I see that now thanks to my friends, but I can't live it down until I know that you're my friend too."

Vegeta stayed silent and then started to laugh, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You really think I want to be friends with trash like you!" Rainbow now had tears running down her cheeks and clenched them shut, Applejack put a hand on Rainbow's shoulder and sent a glare towards Vegeta, "Which reminds me is that idiot Kakarot still alive?"

"You bet your furry saiyan tail!" shouted Pinkie, "And when he gets here he's going to whoop your butt!"

"Vegeta, you know this isn't you the Dazzlings is using the negative emotions and turning them against you!" exclaimed Twilight.

"I don't care for your lectures I already have a plan for killing those bastards once they finish up whatever they are doing here!" snapped Vegeta.

"You can't! We already have a plan to stop them without killing!"added Sunset.

"You can shut your trap bacon head!" shouted Vegeta releasing a small burst of energy knocking Sunset on her back, "and you Twilight don't think I don't know what's going on between you and Kakarot!" Twilight looked confused at this as he pointed an accusing finger at her, "You have developed feelings for that clown and he has developed the same as well....which is a problem, because not only is he now unfocused he has gotten weaker as well."

Twilight couldn't help but blush as all eyes were set on her, but at the same time felt a little guilty at what he said. Was she the reason why Goku lost to Vegeta? Was she just an obstacle in Goku's way? She pondered this for second before looking to Vegeta, who was smirking, with a confident expression.

"Say what you want Vegeta," Vegeta's smirk turned to a frown, "It doesn't matter what happens between me and Goku as long that he is still my friend that's all that matters."

Vegeta clenched his fist in anger, "FIne! Then I guess he won't mind if you're splattered across the ground!" shouted Vegeta as he shot up in the air and raised his palm at the girls, who were all huddled together in fear.

Goku's eye shot open, he quickly sat up in his bed to find that he was fully healed, "They must've asked the dragon to heal me instead of giving me senzu beans like I asked." said Goku to himself as he climbed out of bed and spotted fresh new cloths which were an orange shirt and blue jeans. He quickly changed into the clothes laid out to him and sensed for the girls his eyes widened when he felt Vegeta near them and his energy rising.

Just on cue Nurse Redheart walked in and immediately dropped the tray of food when she saw the teenage saiyan standing on his own, without a scratch on im like he was never hurt in the first place. Goku smiled at Nurse Redheart whose face was in pure shock and her eyes bulging out of her skull. "What are you doing!?" screamed Redheart as she ran up to the boy trying to put him back on the bed.

"Sorry, but I have to go thanks for taking care of me!" thanked Goku before Redheart could answer, the teeneage saiyan put two fingers to his forehead and vanished from her sight. And then she fainted.

Vegeta had an evil grin on his face as the ball of ki in his hands grew and the girls below him cowered in fear. He had wasted enough time now and had to hurry up and observe the Dazzlings. Twilight had tears running down her face as she held on to her friends as tight as she could, she could hear Spike whimpering behind her legs. Vegeta laughed as he released the ball of ki toward the group as they shut their eyes awaiting for the impact.

But it never came.

The group opened their eyes and gaped in shock to see Goku in front of them holding the ball of ki in both of his hands. Goku with all his might pushed the ki blast in the air causing it to explode lighting up the sky. Goku turned to the girls but was then tackled in a bone crushing hug. "Uh..guys can't breathe." said Goku as the girls, minus Twilight, let go.

"Hey Twilight you can let go now." said Goku again who was now blushing.

Twilight finally snapped out of her trance of giving the saiyan a hug and let go with a small blush, "S-sorry."

"Kakarot." simply said Vegeta.

"Vegeta." said Goku turning to his rival.

"To tell you the truth it doesn't surprise me that you are fully healed."

"Good, because I didn't feel like explaining it to you."

Vegeta flashed a grin and landed in front of Goku with his yellow aura surrounding his body, "I'm guessing you're here to stop me?"

"Your not hurting them Vegeta, no one needs to be harm. Can't you see that you're being controlled? Come on the real Vegeta's in there somewhere."

"The Vegeta you know is no more I am reborn!" getting in a fighting stance as Goku did the same.

"Twilight you and the girls stop the Dazzlings I'll handle Vegeta." commanded Goku.

"B-but last time you didn't stand a chance! What makes you think that this time will be different?" protested Twilight.

"As long as you're safe I'll be fine just stop the Dazzlings." softly said Goku as Twilight nodded and the girls went off with their instruments to confront the Dazzlings leaving the two saiyans. Once Goku thought they were a safe distance he put his hands to his sides and screamed in the air turning Super Saiyan and then ascending to the second form of Super Saiyan and with a last and mighty scream, causing the ground to form a small crater underneath him, he ascended to Super Saiyan 3.

"Alright Vegeta, if you don't listen to reason I'm going to have to beat the sense out of you." said Goku in a menacing but cocky voice.

Vegeta smirked and charged his energy as Goku did the same and with speeds that the naked eye couldn't follow the two Super Saiyans 3 sped towards each other. Goku was the first to strike landing a blow to Vegeta's stomach making him gag, not finishing there Goku got into a handstand position and kicked Vegeta's bottom jaw sending him flying n the sky. Goku then teleported above Vegeta to deliver a blow to the ground but the possessed Super Saiyan 3 recovered and after image out of sight and appearing beside Goku landing a right hook to his jaw and sending him back.

Vegeta gave chase and threw a punch put it was blocked by Goku who countered it with his own, the two saiyans were now trading bows in the air oblivious to the Rainbooms and the Dazzlings playing back and forth with blasts of music. Vegeta kicked Goku in the stomach sending him back and sending ki blasts his way, reacting quickly Goku put his arms in front of his face and blocked them all. When the smoke cleared he barely had enough time to dodge Vegeta's fist coming straight at him.

Goku then grabbed Vegeta's arm and let out a mighty sram and used his trademark dragon throw to spin him around like a helicopter and threw him having the speed of a missile before plummeting into the ground causing a cloud of dust to explode. Luckily they were fighting in a field away from the concert so no one was caught in crossfire.

Goku with his aura around him landed in front of the crater as he heard Vegeta scream of anger and bust out the crater and land in front of him with his clothes torn and battered. "I have to say Kakarot I haven't had this fun since the last time we fought." complemented Vegeta as he spat a blood from his mouth as Goku wiped some off of his mouth.

"I agree, but I think it's time to end this warm up." said Goku as Vegeta nodded and rushed Goku, before he could react he slammed a fist onto Goku's head causing him to slam face first in the dirt. Vegeta then grabbed his hair and proceeded to slam him into the dirt with it, Goku finally recovered stopped his ride and elbowed Vegeta's nose causing him to take a step back. Goku turned around and kneed Vegeta's face and kicked him in the back of the head making him fall over.

Goku shot up in the air and sent a blue energy wave hurtling for Vegeta who simply reflected it and flew towards Goku and blasted a purple ball of ki in his chest burning parts of his shirt. Vegeta then held out his palm as a green blast began to form, Goku recovering quickly cupped his hands to his sides.



The two waves of collided in an ultimate beam struggle as one saiyan tried to dominate the other. Vegeta charged up his energy as Goku did the same causing no change but bigger waves of energy to collide with one another. Vegeta with a might screamed managed to push Goku back a bit causing him to lose his stamina. "Take this Kakarot!" yelled Vegeta as the green wave engulfed the blue one and pushed Goku to the ground in a massive green explosion that shook the earth.

Vegeta landed and was panting heavily, his Super Saiyan 3 form still crackling with golden aura, he watched Goku crawl out of the crater back in his base form with his jeans torn and his shirt half gone. Goku slowly stood to his feet and looked at Vegeta with pleasing eyes.

"V-Vegeta, please." he stuttered out trying to ignore the pain.

"Like I said before Kakarot,you are not going to stop me and to make sure of that I am going to pay that purple girlfriend a visit." said Vegeta turning around about to fly off back towards the concert.

"N-NO! You won't!"

Vegeta stopped when he suddenly felt Goku's ki rise until it completely disappeared, he knew what this meant and he didn't like it he turned around to see Goku with a reddish-orange aura surrounding his body as he screamed in the air. A bright red light filled the sky and slowly dimmed Vegeta's eyes went wide when he saw the teenage saiyan with his hair and eyes a blood red with reddish-orange aura around him.

Goku had just transformed into his Super Saiyan God form.

"You won't lay a finger on her!" yelled Goku as he disappeared from Vegeta's fight and landed a blow to his stomach making him cough up blood. Vegeta clutched his stomach in pain as Goku slowly began to walk toward him, Vegeta started to panick and sent a barrage of ki blasts at Goku. But each had little to no effect as the Super Saiyan God walked through them as if they were nothing. Vegeta charging up his ki flew toward the saiyan and threw a punch only for it to be caught in Goku's palm, Vegeta threw the other fist but was met with the same result.

Goku, now figured it was his turn screamed as his reddish-orange aura surrounded him like fire and blew Vegeta back. Goku rushed him and sent a barrage of kicks and punches to his face and abdomen. He sent one final kick in to Vegeta's stomach causing him to gasp as he was sent tumbling across the ground like a rag doll.

"I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED!!!!!" screamed Vegeta as he put his hands out like a 'T' and put them in front of him as yellow aura began to crackle around him aiming towards the the Super Saiyan God.

"FINAL FLASH!!!!!" yelled Vegeta as the yellow beam erupted from his palms and towards Goku, who just looked at the beam with a serious expression. Goku then charged up his godly ki and flew straight into the blast, Vegeta eyes widen as he saw Goku's form literal coming toward him through his most powerful attack unfazed.

The Super Saiyan God then jumped out of the yellow beam and charged up his fist landing a powerful fight hook into Vegeta's jaw causing him to cancel the attack, revert back to his base form, and land on the ground with a thus. Goku just stared at him with a serious expression, his god-like power still flowing through him. He watched as Vegeta slowly got to his feet with his clothes torn in all places, bloody, and bruised, but this isn't what brought a smile to Goku's face. It was the fact that Vegeta's hair had reverted back to it's regular black and the D on his forehead was now gone.

"Ka-Kakarot," stuttered Vegeta as he tried to keep his balance, "Th-thank you." with that said Vegeta face planted into the dirt.

Goku put a hand on his back feeling his ki and let out a breathe of relief knowing that Vegeta was going to be okay. He put Vegeta over his shoulder and flew off back toward the concert, where the girls were still battling the Dazzlings. It was almost over and they were so close.

But why did Goku feel like it wasn't? He shook off the feeling and kept on flying.

"It's probably nothing."

Author's Note:

Hey guys sorry for the late update I had a huge case of writer's block and plus I had school work to do.

I can't believe this story is almost done though! And before anyone asks yes there will be a sequel but that is going to be different than Equestria Girls and the third story will be with Friendship Games and Resurrection of 'F'(When I see them both)

Comment on what you think!

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