• Published 11th Jan 2015
  • 13,581 Views, 547 Comments

Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods - The Zebra Hybrid

In a alternate universe where Lord Beerus actually destroyed Earth, Goku and Vegeta are sent in to another universe where they must adapt to their new home.

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Saga 1: The Arrival of the Princess of Friendship

Battle of Gods Saga

Outside of Canterlot High

Goku, Rainbow, and Vegeta walked out of Canterlot High and was greeted by the sound of sirens going off in the air and the chatter of the whole school. Goku felt a little guilty about what happen, he was so clouded in his battle with Vegeta he forgot he was even inside a building, let alone a building with people in it. He put his head down in shame as he watched the firefighters put out the fires from the gym and rushing in the school to see if anyone else was still inside. The police were talking to Principle Celestia and Luna about what happened at the school.

The three walked through the crowd trying to find the rest of the group, until they heard a familiar high pitched voice scream out their names. "GOKU! VEGETA! RAINBOW! OVER HERE!!!!" screamed Pinkie Pie waving her hands in the air. The three walked over to the group with relieved expressions that they made it out safe.

"Hey guys I'm glad you made it out al-SMACK-OW!!" yelled Goku who was now holding his cheek that Rarity slapped, "What was that for!"

"For almost bringing the school down on our heads!" yelled Rarity glaring daggers at Goku and Vegeta.

"Hey I'm sorry we got carried away it won't happen again."

"It better not."

The girls laughed at the scene in front of them as Goku nodded in fear, making him think of Bulma when she got angry. Their laughter was then cut short as Principal Celestia nodded at the police guard who simply tipped his hat and got back in his car and drove off. "Students due to the...events that has happened. School will be let out until tomorrow morning, but the gym will be closed for reconstruction. Have a nice day."

The crowd of students slowly dissipated with mutters of what could have happened, like if it was a bomb or just a regular earthquake but that is extremely unlikely where they are. Goku and Vegeta was about to walk off until they noticed that the girls weren't following them. "You coming or what?" asked Vegeta impatiently.

"In just a sec, right now we're waiting for someone." replied Applejack

"And who would be so important that they had to waste my time."

"Oh...um...that would be Twilight." stepped in Fluttershy.

"You mean the one who's in a different dimension? How'd you guys be able to talk to her?" asked Goku tilting his head in confusion.

"Sunset had a book that allows her to write in and the message is sent to her."

"So how do we know if she got it or not and why are we calling her now?"

"You remember those girls we ran into this morning?" asked Sunset as Goku and Vegeta nodded, "Well, let's just say they aren't normal girls and for us to stop them from taking over the school we'll need Twilight to stop them. Also you two as well, so now we wait by the statute until she comes through the portal." explained Sunset.

"Alright I guess that makes sense." said Goku, "you coming Vegeta?"

"Yeah, but only because they are so desperate for out help." said Vegeta as Rainbow took offense of the comment.

"Desperate! Who are you calling desperate we don't even need you!" snarled Rainbow Dash stomping over to Vegeta.

"Well, if your not so desperate what use are we to you?"

"Urhm......we don't.....well I don't think we do?" stuttered Rainbow as her cheeks burned with embarrassment, Vegeta chuckled and shook his head, walking past her and leaning against the statue closing his eyes and drifting to a blissful sleep. Applejack then started laughing making Rainbow even more red with not just embarrassment but with anger. "What are you laughing at , AJ?!" asked Rainbow crossing her arms.

"Just admiring the way ya' treat your crush." scoffed Applejack winking at Rainbow.

"Who said I had a crush on him! I just said that I was worried about him!"

"Hehe, I never said you were worried about him sugarcube." Rainbow's eyes went wide as she just realized what she just said. Did she like him? No, he was a stubborn, hot-headed jerk, who always cares about winning....... wait a second. Rainbow's thoughts were then interrupted with Pinkie's chanting and hopping around the statue.

"DASHIE AND VEGGIE SITTING IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!" sang Pinkie as Rainbow put a hand over her mouth not wanting Vegeta to wake from his nap and pitch in on what they were talking about.

"I don't know why you're so embarrassed dear, everyone has a little crush now and then." said Rarity as Rainbow huffed and sat on top of the statue and crossed her arms.

"This conversation is over." said Rainbow making the girls giggle and Goku just to look in confusion, Yep, still don't understand girls, he thought as he leaned over to Sunset.

"Are they always like this?" whispered Goku.

"Yeah, but you get used to it. Why do you ask are we too weird for you." replied Sunset with a little grief.

"No, no, not at all. Its just that," Goku sighed as memories began flowing back in his head. Memories of his family, his two sons, his wife, his best friends, which some of them somehow got here in a way he doesn't know, "You guys remind me so much of my friends, sons, and wife back home before it...you know."

Sunset put a hand on his shoulder and they both locked in each other gazes, "Goku, I'm so sorry for what happened, but if you want we could be your fiends and I'm sure you'll find some one else."

"Thanks, for the help Sunset but who would-" Goku was then cut off by a bright light from the statue, the girls (and Vegeta who was awoken by the bright light emitting from the statue) covered their eyes and and looked in agape at the swirling vortex coming from the statue. Without warning a two purple blurs flew out the statue crashing in to both Sunset and Goku. Sunset grunted in pain to see a purple and green dog on her stomach. "Hey Spike." she greeted the dragon turned dog.

"H-hey." Spike said nervously slowly getting off of Sunset, who spotted Goku next to her with a purple skinned girl with dark purple hair and a pink highlight, and a blue shirt with a purple skirt with a six pointed star on it. Goku grunted in pain as he saw the purple girl laying on his chest.

"Um excuse me." weezed out Goku. The girl slowly opened her eyes and they then went wide noticing the situation she was in right now.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to fly into you like that. I was just-" The girls eyes widened in shock quickly getting off of Goku as they both stood up, "Wait, did you just see where I came from." she asked nervously.


"And you're not freaked out?"

"Well, surprised yes, but I've seen weirder."

"Oh well, in that case my name is Twilight Sparkle."

"My names Goku, so you're the Twilight Sparkle, Sunset and her friends told me and Vegeta about."

"Sunset? You mean Sunset Shimmer?" asked Twilight who Goku simply pointed towards nervous Sunset waving, another boy she hasn't seen before with spiky, black hair and her five friends who simply ran over and gave her a group hug. The hug was broken by Vegeta coughing in his throat while standing next to Goku.

"Oh! Twilight meet our new friends! This here is Goku, he is the nicest most funnest guys you'll ever meet! And this here is Vegeta, but I call him Veggie, he might seem like a big old meanie pants but under is a warm soft teddy bear!" squealed Pinkie.

"As much as ah' like the whole reunion and all ah' think we got bigger problems to talk about." said Applejack.

"Right of course, where do you want to talk?" answered Twilight.

"How about at Sugarcube Corner?" asked Fluttershy.

"Great lets go." The seven girls nodded and walked leaving the two saiyans behind lost in their thoughts. Vegeta gritted his teeth and looked towards Goku who had the same look on his face,

"Kakarot." said Vegeta in a stern voice.

"You feel it too." answered Goku.

"Yeah, but there's no way she could have that kind of power."

"Yeah, it's like energy but at the same time it isn't."

"I don't trust her, I say we stay on our toes."

"Well, she doesn't seem that bad but her energy does feel like-"

"Hey what are you two gentlemen still doing back here come on." said Rarity as she pulled them both by the arms and dragged them both to catch up with the rest of the group at Sugarcube corner.

Inside Sugarcube corner the group sat at the table talking about their experiences while they were apart, and it turned out this Twilight was a Princess of Friendship and had her own castle that made Rarity jump out of her seat in excitement. Goku and Vegeta stayed silent the whole time thinking about this Twilight character and why she had this type of energy inside her. She didn't look that powerful but at the same time looks can be deceiving like Majin Buu's first form.

"Hey are you guys ok?"asked Sunset snapping them from their thoughts.

"Yeah, you guys just blanked out." said Rainbow.

"Don't worry, we're fine." said Vegeta.

"Ok then? So like I was saying we need to go and do that friendship power and blast them away!"

"That could work, we could do it like we did when Sunset turned in to that big red monster! Oh, no offense" said Twilight sinking in her chair.

"None taken." said Sunset with a growl.

"Hey, Goku and Vegeta." said Twilight gaining the two saiyans attention, "Since my friends told you about me already, I want to know more about you two other than just your names." Goku was about to start until he felt a hand on his shoulder and he saw Vegeta nod which he simply nodded back.

"Well as you know," Vegeta started, "My name is Vegeta, and this here is Kakarot or Goku. We are part of an elite warrior race called saiyans, I respect others with royalty, for I am the Prince of this once powerful race."

"Wait, you said once powerful race, what happened."

"Frieza is what happened, once our ally he turned on us out of the fear of the saiyans growing more powerful than him, so he wiped almost all of us out by blowing up our planet. Kakarot here crashed landed on Earth where he was raised by humans and became one of them and soon went to Namek and defeated Frieza." Vegeta then went on about their other adventures, from the fight with the androids and the destruction of their Earth caused by Lord Beerus. Twilight was shocked and had her eyes watering for a little bit. "Wow, um" she started wiping her eyes, "I'm sorry that happened to you guys."

"I don't need your sympathy." said Vegeta as their was an awkward silence.

"Don't worry about Vegeta he's always like this," said Goku, "Thanks for listening too."

"No problem, what are friends for." The two smiled at each other as they all let out a yawn.

"Well, I'm feeling a little tired I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow?" asked Fluttershy standing up who said her goodbyes. The rest of the group retired for the night too leaving Twilight, Spike, Goku, Vegeta, and Rainbow.

"So do you guys want to come to my place for the night I've got plenty of space." asked Rainbow.

"Sure we have nowhere else to go." said Goku.

"I guess that could fine with us too." agreed Twilight. The five then left Sugarcube Corner Vegeta, Spike, and Rainbow were walking in front while Twilight and Goku was in the back.

"Hey Goku?" said Twilight.

"Yeah." he replied.

"Do you hate me?"

"Why would you say that?"

"Well, when I was talking to the girls they said before I came you would happy and cheery almost like Pinkie, but when you saw me you became rather quiet and distant and every time I looked at you, you would give me this look like I did something to you."

"When did they say that?"

"When you and Vegeta were glancing of in space a Sugarcube Corner."

"Oh well sorry, I've just been...thinking."

"About what?" Goku then glanced at Twilight and noticed something sparkle in her eyes that he knew too well, but it couldn't be, but those eyes couldn't be faked. He quickly looked away with tears threatening to rise to the surface,

"It's ok, you can tell me." he didn't want to look but he did and he saw that sparkle in her eyes and that's when the memories hit him and who she reminded him of and Goku did something he hasn’t done in a while he fell to his knees and began to cry.


Author's Note:

Hey guys sorry for the wait hope it was worth it also tell me what you guys think of the shippings! Next chapter is when the Dazzlings make their move on the two sayians, will they be able to control them? Stay tuned and find out.

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