• Published 11th Jan 2015
  • 13,601 Views, 548 Comments

Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods - The Zebra Hybrid

In a alternate universe where Lord Beerus actually destroyed Earth, Goku and Vegeta are sent in to another universe where they must adapt to their new home.

  • ...

Saga 3: Blue vs Golden; Goku Falls!?

The Frieza Games Saga

Universe 11; Canterlot High

"Of course you realized the situation has far more to it then a shimmering facade." said Frieza with a cocky grin as he stared at the glowing blue saiyan in front of him.

Goku chuckled as he stared back with a grin, Frieza had definitely grown in power thee last time they met and it got his blood pumping and his heart racing in excitement, "I noticed," the teenage saiyan replied, "To be honest you're more powerful than I was expecting as well Frieza and it's definitely gotten my heart beating a few ticks faster"

"This is going to be quiet the epic battle my old nemesis."

"Sure as hell won't be an easy one." Goku turned to Vegeta, "Hey Vegeta! Want to take that turn right now or what?"

Vegeta scoffed, "Don't put him on me now Kakarot!? He told us he wanted to fight you remember?"

Rainbow snickered at Vegeta's reaction, "Wow Vegeta, I didn't know that you were this scared of someone who looks like that."

Vegeta gave a light bush and glared at Rainbow, "I'm not scared! As if that freak could put any fear in me."

Goku chuckled at Vegeta's and Rainbow's banter, he would have to do his best. Not only for himself but for the girls too, if Frieza won this battle he'll destroy the whole planet and he doesn't know if Vegeta would be able to hold out with how strong the space emperor has gotten.

"Hehe, okay let's give this a shot." said Goku as he got in a fighting stance with his blue godly aura radiating around him. Frieza however didn't move a muscle as all was quite on the docks. Twilight clutched to Spike as she gulped at the intensity of the two beings in front of her. She did not expect all of this to be happening during the Friendship Games, the girls form Canterlot High and Crystal Prep flinched as lightning and thunder littered the sky as the two gods had their stare down.

Then with speeds the girls had trouble following Goku pressed his foot in the ground and shot of in a blur blur toward the tyrant who kept his serious expression. Once Goku was in front of him Frieza sparked his golden aura and caught Goku fist before it struck his face surprising the saiyan. The tyrant then sent a powerful strike to his stomach making Goku cough up in surprise before he was punched and sent back crashing into a nearby warehouse. Not done, Frieza raised his finger a multiple red death beams shot toward the warehouse in and impacted in a burst of bright red and smoke.

The girls looked in shocked as their breaths were caught in their throats. They all however let out a sigh in relief when Goku rose from the smoke unharmed and the same serious expression on his face with his godly ki still flowing through out his body. Freiza smiled as Goku charged forward with a scream but his smile was gone as the saiyan teleported behind him and brought both hands down in a powerful strike sending Frieza into the ocean below in a burst of water.

Frieza burst form the water with an angry yell and sent a kick toward Goku's head which he blocked with his forearm. He sent a punch toward Frieza's abdomen but instead got a kicked to the side sending him crashing back into the docks, shaking the earth and almost knocking the girls off balance. Goku shot form the docks with Frieza flying down to intercept them as the two clashed in a burst of blue and gold. The two interlocking hands with one powerful force trying to overcome the other. Frieza smirked as he used his strength to turn Goku and knee him in the chest as Goku retaliated by sending his own knee in to Frieza's cheek.

Frieza grit his teeth as he sent a punch forward which was blocked by the blue hairs saiyan with the two starting to trad elbow for blow shaking the oceans beneath them. Goku flew off further form the docks with Frieza hot on his tail. Goku stopped in mid air over the ocean and shot toward Frieza going for two strike on his head. Only for Frieza to move his head to the side dodging the punches and elbow Goku's cheek, who blocked a kick from Frieza.

The girls watched the shockwaves and couldn't belive what they were witnessing. Even the Sunset and the others who had seen Goku's and Vegeta's display of strength.

"This is unreal..." awed Sour Sweat.

"We're lucky they didn't participate in the games." commented Lemon Zest.

Sugar Belle looked to the girls from Canterlot High, "Do you guys experience this often?"

Sunset nodded, "yeah, but....this is the first time something of this magnitude happened."

"At least it couldn't get any worse than this!" exclaimed Pinkie with a excited grin. At that moment a sudden sounded appeared behind the girls as they all turned around. Their eyes widened to see a cat, but not just any cat but a bipedal purple cat with what seemed like Egyptian like clothing, and standing beside him was a tall blue man with a hlo around his neck and staff in his hand.

"Good afternoon!" said Whis cheerily as Vegeta instantly turned around with a shocked expression to see the God and the angel.

"L-Lord Beerus and Whis! Are you to here to help take out this trash?" asked Vegeta with a shaking expression.

"Of course not!" exclaimed Beerus, "I just wanted to see who was steering up all this power."

"And who do you think you are?" asked Rainbow as the God of Destruction raised his eyebrow.

"And who are you questioning a god in that one?" replied Beerus with a serious glare that sent shivers down the girls' and Vegeta's spine. The saiyan prince quickly clamped his hand over Rainbow's mouth and smiled nervously, "It won't happen again Lord Beerus! Please forgive her!" pleaded Vegeta.

Beerus chuckled as he turned to stare at the fight, "Very well, but only because I have more important things to observe."

Rarity whispered in Vegeta's ear, "Vegeta...is that really.."

Vegeta nodded, "Yes, that's the being who destroyed me and Kakarot's planet. Beerus the God of Destruction."

Applejack took a glance at the purple cat, "He doesn't look tough to me. What can he do with those little arms?"

Beerus' long ears twitched, "I can hear you, you know?" sternly said Beerus making Applejack tense up and quickly apologize to the god.

Back to the battle Frieza and Goku interlocked hands with both blue and golden auras sparking violently, shaking the blue ocean beneath them. Frieza gave a mighty yell and planted his foot into Goku's stomach launching him away before firing a barrage of red ki blasts at the blue saiyan. Goku acting quickly dodged the blasts as they impacted the water below him and deflecting any that got to close. Frieza glared at the saiyan, this was taking far too long the saiyan should be dead by now and groveling at his feet. It was then something caught his eye and hiss body tensed with fear. He suddenly stopped his ki blasts as he looked toward not Vegeta and the group of girls, but the bipedal cat and the universal angel.

"B-Beerus!" shouted Frieza in fear as felt his own blood run cold. The girls from Canterlot High and Crystal Prep couldn't believe how scared Frieza was. Who ever this Beerus the Destroyer was, he must be immensely powerful. The said Destroyer god smirked as he glanced up at Frieza.

"That's not polite Frieza you forgot to say 'Lord'." replied Beerus as he crossed his hands behind his back.

"Y-Yes, Lord Beerus. I-If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?"

"Well, if you must know I was having a good time with someone very important to me until I was rudely interrupted."

Frieza gulped as Beerus continued, "However I'm in a good mood and the destruction you're causing with the saiyan is music to my ears."

"S-So you're not here to interfere with my revenge?"

"Weren't you listening at all? I'm a destroyer god, I'm not here to take sides."

Twilight turned to the god of destruction with hurt eyes, "So you're not going to help us?"

Beerus looked toward Twilight as his eyes somewhat widened. He was about to tell the girl why she was here and not back in Equestria, until he remembered that this wasn't his daughter Twilight, but a parallel one. However that didn't stop his fatherly instincts from taking over as the purple cat let out a sigh in defeat. Whis, the only one noticing Lord Beerus' behavior, smiled and let out a small chuckle. The angel had to admit these ponies and saiyans were changing him day by day, even if Lord Beerus didn't want to admit it himself. Perhaps the destruction of Earth in Universe 7 was the best thing to ever happen to the god of destruction.

"Look," said Beerus to Twilight, "You remind me of someone so I can guarantee that your life be spared at least, as long as you stay close to me."

It was at that moment that everyone, including Vegeta scooted over next to the god of destruction as Beerus face palmed. Whis chuckled before looking back up at the battle that seemed to have resumed while they were having their conversation. Goku and Frieza were trading blow for blow with both of them not showing signs of slowing down even when their bodies are both battered and bruised.

Frieza wrapped his tail around the saiyan god's neck and drags him beneath the water as Goku struggled to catch his breath. Acting quickly the teenage saiyan struck Frieza's gut with an elbow making him let go off him but only foe his tail wrap around his ankle. Goku growled as he charged his ki once again and shooting out of the water with his opponent before delivering a powerful punch to his jaw and releasing his tail from his ankle. Frieza stumbled backward as Goku slowly levitated back on the docks with a stern expression.

"I must say monkey, this has been quite a battle." chuckled Frieza, "I haven't tried this hard since Namek."

Goku kept his stern expression, "Look Frieza, I'm going to give you one chance. Leave this planet alone, you just got a new life and I don't want you to waste it."

Vegeta instantly stepped forward with his arms crossed, "Kakarot! I'll take my turn now."

"AWWW WHAT!?" whined Goku in a child like manner, "That's not fair! The only reason why you want to fight him now is because you see his weakness too!"

"His weakness?" muttered Sunset.

"My weakness?" Frieza chucked before letting out a loud laugh, "Alright then saiyans, humor me! What is my indecent flaw that would turn the tide of this battle?"

Goku chuckled, "It's not happening to you yet, but it's about too."

Frieza raised an eyebrow as his smirk disappeared. Vegeta continued, "Let me take a wild guess. The moment you achieved this golden form you bolted straight here right?"

"And what if I did, what's your point?"

"That form is burning too much gas and energy," answered Goku, "You should'e waited and trained more to regulate that form before you started picking fights."

Frieza growled and charged his energy, "Fine then I'll just kill you before times runs out!"

Frieza charged Goku, who just stood their not attempting the dodge. He could hear the girls behind him to move out of the way and do something but he didn't listen. As Frieza struck Goku's cheek, making his head to turn to the side, a small shock wave erupted around them. Frieza smirked as his fist made contact and enjoyed the shocked faces that the girls were having. However those expressions weren't on him....but the saiyan.

Frieza then felt resistance going against his fist as Goku turned his head back in place, the punching seeming to have no affect on him. Frieza's eyes widened as he took a step back in fear. How!? This wasn't supposed to be like this! It was then Goku put two fingers to the emperor's chest, who was too shocked and confused to know why. Then faster then he could see an imprint of a fist appeared on his chest as the air left his lungs and he dropped to his knees.

"It's over Frieza."

The girls cheered in joy as the emperor went down, "Now that's how you do it!" shouted Lemon Zest.

"Now show that vermint off this here planet!"added Applejack.

"Well, look at that." said Beerus to Whis, "It seems the saiyans prediction came true and Goku seems to be the victor."

"You know if Goku and Vegeta weren't too prideful. They would've taken down Frieza a lot faster if they worked together."

"You mean too stupid."

Whis chuckled, "You said it not me."

Frieza grit his teeth in anger. As much as he wanted to admit it the saiyans were right he had been to fed up with his revenge that he was not fully prepared when he fought him. He should've known he was stronger than he intentionally thought after hearing he was the one who defeated Majin Buu. He watched the happy faces of the girls as they hugged each other and gave high fives. The blue one with the rainbow hair was clutching to Vegeta like he was her teddy bear. It made him sick to his stomach.

No, he would not lose here! There was always the contingency plan, he glanced to the right to see his second in command Sorbet hiding behind a nearby crate. He gulped and nodded knowing what to do as the ring on his finger glowed a bright red.

Meanwhile Goku smirked as he looked down a Frieza until a sudden pain pierced his chest. He looked down to see a red beam going through it as he looked over to Frieza in shock. The said emperor had a wicked grin on his face as the saiyan coughed a huge amount of blood before reverting back to his base form and falling flat on his stomach. The girls stopped their cheering as they watched the beam sailed pass them and Goku fall on the ground.


Author's Note:

Hey it's me Goku! Man, I'm in real trouble now! I'm going to have to leave everything to Vegeta. Wait Frieza! Don't do that!

Next time on Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods- Vegeta's Pride; Planet Destroyed


Comments ( 18 )

Ah, Goku should not have let his guard down!

KO awesome chapter, the battl was intense though Goku could’ve finish Frieza off sooner instead of letting his guard down. Hope Vegeta can do better them Goku to finish off an opponent. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2:

How vegeta should transform.

"vegeta just give goku a senzu bean because I want him to die at my hands" Freiza said with a impatient tone "ever since how he beat me on namek i have been enraged"

Vegeta growls before smiling and the girls weren't understanding what was happening expect one. Vegeta threw his hands down and begone to scream, the girls were used to this noise. Freiza started to chuckle.

"oh did I touch a nerve" freiza laughed.

"you pressed to goku button!!" A voice called as freiz A looked confused before feeling vegeta's energry rising super fast when he looked vegeta was in a ball of blue before emerging with his new form with a smirk.

Wow great, it was worth the wait, I hope you continue it soon, I'm from Latin America :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by sjjblue deleted Aug 18th, 2018

How's the new chapter coming along?

Comment posted by Emco_BlackStar deleted Sep 29th, 2018

When will you publish the neew chapter?

Please start another chapter, please. You left us at a cliff hanger.

Sube otro capítulo por favor😭

A few more days till a full year, I'm about to give up hope he will ever upload another chapter. :pinkiesad2:

When will you continue to write this story? We are waiting a very long time.(Rus-Eng)

When is the new chapter?(Rus-Eng)

When's the next chapter

Came back to finish reading this.

When is the next chapter

When will you continue this fic?

Still one of the few best fanfics I've ever read to this day :)

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